P CLUB WORK WILL START BOY ON ROAD TO SUCCESS IN PRODUCTION OF BEST POULTRY O R T L A N D B U S I N E S S Government and Municipal Bonds W e have a large list of clients want­ H E M S T I T C H I NO ing to rent farms. They w ill purchase ^IfT ^lllephan, hemstitching, scalloping, accordion side pleat, buttons stock and implements and crops. I 9 braiding, 9 vcrad m,ail O rders. 219 Pittock block W rite us if you want quick action-, w e h i d e s a n d J u n k specialize in this line. . irShirnTdrc^lir^fS^Bt Pay mu 201 3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc._________________________ A. G. BENDER, O PTO M E T R IST A N D O P T IC IA N R IT T E R , LO W E & CO., AC CORD|ON P L E A T I N G ~ Kim^ stitching, 10c per yd. Buttons covered. Eastern N ovflty M fg . Co., 85H Fifth at, A G A T E C U T T E R S A M F G. J E W E L E R S Jewelry and watch repairing, M lllera, 355 Wash. Bt., M ajestic Theater Bldg. A R T I F I C I A L UJMBS Oregon Artificial Lim b Co., Inc. W rite for Catalog. 425 W ash 8t., Portland, A U C T I O N E E R S - 2d H A N D F U R N I T U R E '^ 'o n T ~ ~ A u c t i ^ ^ A A i c t i o n e e n T ^ W e sell everything. 191 Second St., Portland. A U T O A C C E S S O R IE S >ngs, wheels, axles, lotors, geari and trailers.- W e reek-all makes of e a r» and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., N. Broadway a nd Flanders. Motor Parts M fg Co., 325 Burnside 8t. Parts for all cars at half prise. ^ . . t L O N G & S IL V A — 462 Hawthorne Ave. Auto Wreckers. W e wreck cars and sell good parts H list price. See us for E n gines. Magnetos, Carburetors, etc.________ Ë If Mixed with Sulphur Darkens so Naturally In the city of London a juror must Nobody can TelL be a householder or occupier of prem­ PO R TLAND M ARBLE W ORKS 264-266 Fourth St.— N eu Bros. P H Y S IC A L TH E R A P E U TIC S Di\ R A/ Philllps7 905 Broadway B ldg. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure anoor Co., 212 Firgt S t , Portland._________ DR UG S B Y M A I L Anything In Drugs, Rubber goods. Toilet Articles etc. W e pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed. Joe M. Rlcen, 265 1st S t , P o rtla n d ._____________________ Send to us for anything in Drugs, R ub­ ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Postage prepaid. Plummer D rug Co., ISO ad St., Port land. FARMS W A N T E D 'nff~TfoiTTiave'hTTaim~for”haie write us, giving detailed description. W e are spe­ cializing In the sale of farm lands. G. S. Smith Go., Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., Portland._____________________________ FARM LOANS On improved farms In Oregon— Long time if desired, and at lowest current rates. W m -M acM aster, 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg., Portland. ______________ _____ FOR D S T A R T E R ' The new f o r t f Starter has arrived Guaranteed to start any Ford at zero weather from driver’s seat Instantly. Demonstration 500 Burnside St.. Portland. Distributors wanted. P rice Installed $35.00. h i d e s T w o o l ,” t a l l o w F e rtiliz e rs Close a t Hand. ises, and must possess property to the value of five hundred dollars. u Fluff Rugs Prom Old Carpets MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St. PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-FI ye Years Peruvian farmers enjoy rare oppor­ tunities to fertilize their lands. O ff the coast of Peru is a group of islands containing guano deposits that form a valuable fertilizer for the soil on which sugar cane Is grown. Patronage solicited on bash of capable service and reason able charges. Thousands of sat tailed patrons. A trial will convince. Chas W . Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison. r o r tlarid, Oregon, HID E S, W O O L S A C A S C A R A B A R K plumbing supplies at wholesale prices W e will gladly estimate cost of any Job W rite for prices. S T A R K -D A V IS CO., __________ 212 Third St., P ortland Classy Bug Bodies P E R S O N A L M A ^ R y ^ K jL O N E L T ^ f o t ^ r e s u lt s , try Price» $85 and up. me; best and most successful “Home w B u rn e tt & M artin Maker” ; hundreds rjch wish marriage 15th & Alder b U., Portland soon; strictly confidential» most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free C A R PE TJW E AV IN G ^ D ^ E A N I N Q “The Successful Club,” Box 556, Oakland, B a g Bugs, all sizes. M all orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs, Steam or D ry Cleaned, $1.50. W E S T E R N F L U F F R U G CO., 54-58 Union Ave. N. East 6516, B-1475 BU ILD ING M A T E R IA L ^ S H O P E B R IC K CO., face and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1836; Resi­ dence, E ast 4797. 'J 361'/4 E. Morrisun St., Portland, OreT We will gladly make estimates._______________ Send for booklet on Farm Buildings of Denison Interlocking Tile; It Is free. P. L. Cherry Co., 271 H awthorns Ave., Portland, Oregon. C IT Y A N D F A R M P R O P E R T I E S vy so ^vw w v\^^y^^w w vw w w v W e protect your Interest» Farms, tim­ ber, acreage, city, exchanges. Gilson Real- ty Co., 431 Ch. of Commerce, Main 4117. The Premier Municipal Bond House O I R E C T O R Y Pleu t Mrnlion TMt P i » « When A u o trin c T h #e Advertí**» -------- ■ - 'Tskfi-tsTaeatetT'anS^ MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. In planting cowjieas with com they are used mostly fo r pasture, especial­ finches, linnets and a number of hedge ly for hogs. It Is a question If any­ thing Is equal to them for fattening, row birds have been up and about or more economical. When properly cured for hay thePe is nothing better N o t t h * Road to W e a lth . than cow-peas fo r dairy cows, and they “ Tim e is money," said Uncle Eben; also make excellent feed for horses. “ but Jet’ de same de man dat finds They are fine for silo, mixed with corn, himself w lf a lot o ’ time on his hands but for this the running kinds, having has made a pore investment." the most foliage, are preferred. The old-time mixture o f Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand­ mother’s recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youth­ ful appearance is of the greatest ad­ vantage. Nowadays, though, we don’t have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product, improved by the addition o f othfer ingredients, called “ W yeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.’’ It is very popular because nobody can dis­ cover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis­ appears, but what delights the ladles with W yeth ’s Sage and Sulphur Com­ pound, is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few ap­ plications, it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. This ready- to-use preparation is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. N o humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen T igh t up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and Is a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezone, which w ill cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one’s feet of every corn or callous. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous will loosen and can be lifted o ff with the fingers. This drug freezone doesn’t eat out the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even irritating the sur­ rounding skin. Just think! No pain at ail; no sore­ ness or smarting when applying it or afterwards. If your druggist don’t Washington apple growers lost $4,- have freezone have him order it for 000,000 last year because of wormy you.— Adv. apples, due to codling moth, and the entire damage was preventable, Pro­ Speak Up, T h en . fessor A. L. Melander of Washington Said the facetious feller, “ You’ve State college told the agricultural bu­ all heard that old wheeze about hear­ reau of the Spokane chamber of com­ ing Pike Speak; but did any o f you merce at the weekly luncheon. He ever hear Jack and the Beans Talk ?” said 1918 was the wormiest year In the history of the fruit industry In the G et T h is , G irls. state. He declared his department had For ironing laces and dainty fabrics Instituted a vigorous campaign against an iron has been brought out in Eng­ the codling moth this year and had a land in the form o f a polished steel corps of assistants at work in the fruit roller fitted with electric heating districts. units. A L ad y o f D is tin c tio n . F ab rics F ro m Peat. Is recognized by the delicntp fascinat­ ing influence o f the perfume she uses. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum Powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin.— Adv. Experiments with peat have been considered successful in producing the following articles: Fibers which can be used fo r carpets, draperies and clothing; artificial wood for paving, (Prepared by the United States Depart­ railr&ad ties, etc.; stuffing for mat­ ment of Agriculture.) One D e fin itio n o f E nvy. The importance o f selecting a crop tresses, pillows and cushions. “ Envy,” said Uncle Eben, “ Is one o i variety that is suited to the section in Next to the pest who is always de unpleasant symptoms 'Bpertenced which it is grown is indicated In a num­ ber o f varietal experiments conducted wanting a loan is the chap who is al­ by folks dat has been tryin’ to git at various field stations last year. In ways offering to lend you money somethin' foh nothin’. co-operative experiments at the Dick­ when you don’t want it. inson substation, North Dakota, n num­ T h e W h ite E le p h a n t. ber o f varieties of common wheat H ad H is “ Doots.” A good many persons have, no grown under similar conditions pro­ duced yields which varied from 19.4 Sailor (as he gazes at his portion doubt, got a wrong impression o f the bushels an acre to 11.3 bushels. The of corned b e e f)— I wonder if this meat Siamese white elephant He is not variations In yields of varieties of used to moo or whinny.— Boston Tran­ pure white, as is generally supposed, durum wheat were from 20.2 bushels but is a sort of Albino among his race. an acre to 13.2 bushels. A wide vari­ script. He is a very light gray, but never a ation was obtained in similar experi­ pure white color. Outside of this, he ments with oats, the range being from is little different from the rest of his 49.5 bushels an acre to 19.8 bushel*. race. Barley showed a variation which ranged from 23.6 bushels an acre to The desire of more riches is want, 9.7 bushels. and want is poverty. A t thfe Cheyenne field station In Wyoming varietal experiments with _r winter wheat gave yields which ranged F ern s in V e rm o n t. from an average o f 35.5 bushels an acre It Is believed that, o f all the states to 28.4 bushels; with spring wheat, in the Union, Vermont has the largest 41.2 bushels to 15.5 bushels; with oats, number of rare and beautiful ferns. 79.6 bushels to 37.8 bushels; with bar­ ley, 73.1 bushels to 41.4 bushels. When your kidneys hurt and your A t the Ncphl substation, in Utah, back feels sore, don’t get scared and co-operative results with varieties of proceed to load your stomach with a winter wheat showed a variation rang­ lot of drugs that excite the kidneys ing from 23.3 bushels an acre to 2.2 and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep bushels, and with spring wheat from your bowels clean, by flushing them 15.7 bushels to 6.3 bushels. with a mild, harmless salts which re­ Similar experiments conducted In moves the body’s urinous waste and California with wheijt showed a vari­ stimulates them to their normal ac­ ation In yield ranging from 50 bushels tivity. The function of the kidneys Is an acre to 12.5 bushels. In a series of to filter the blood. In 24 hours they years the average yields o f varieties strain from it 500 grains of acid and Winona, Minn. — “ I suffered for more usually do not vary so widely as these waste, so we can readily understand tban a year from nervousness, and was the vital importance o f keeping the so bad I could not yields o f a single year, but it Is gen­ kidneys active. r e st at n i g ht — erally found thut certain varieties give Drink lots of water— you can’t drink would lie awake and better average yields than others and too much; also get from any pharma­ get so nervous I are therefore more profitable. cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; would have to get take a tablespoonful in a glass of up and walk around water before breakfast each morning and in the morning for a few days and your kidneys will would be ail tired act fine. This famous salts is made out. I read about Lydia EL Pinkham’s Rubbish, Fence Cor-i'-rs, Hedge Rows from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia. and has V e g e t a b l e Com- and Accum ulation« of Vegetation been used for generations to clean mnd and thought 8hould Be Cleaned Up. and stimulate clogged kidneys; also would try it. My nervousness s o o n to neutralize the acids in urine so it (Prepared by the United State« Depart­ no longer is a source of irritation, thus left me. I sleep ment of Agriculture.) well and feel fine in the morning ana ending bladder weakness. During spring much may he accom­ Jad Saits is inexpensive; cannot in-! able to do iny work. I gladly recom­ plished In the control o f certnln In­ jure, "makes a delightful effervescent] mend LyJin E. Pinkham 's Vegetable sects affecting cereal and forage crops. llthia water drink which everyone] Compound to make weak nerves Many o f these Insects spend the win­ should take now and then to keep their strong.” — Mrs. A l b e r t S u l t z e , 60S Olmstead St., Winona, Minn. ter In rubbish. In fence corners, along kidneys clean and active. T ry this, also keep up the water drinking, and ] How often do we hear the expression hedge rows, and In accumulations of no doubt you w ill wonder what became I among women, ‘ ‘I am so nervous, I citn- dried vegetation. For this reason, of your kidney trouble and backache. not sleep,” or “ it seems as though I these should be thoroughly cleaned up should tly. ” Such women should profit by Mrs. ¡Sultze’» experience and give and burned In order to kill the In­ Increasing Love of Hom e. tnii famous root and herb remedy, sects hiding therein. I presume the proper means of in-1 Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ Tn the upper Mississippi Itasln west pound, a trial. of the river grasshopper eggs are fre­ creasing the love w e bear our native For forty years it has been overcom­ quently laid In large numbers along country is to reside some tim e'tn a ing such serious conditions a* displace­ dlt^h banks, In check tows, and In foreign one.— Shenstone. ment*. inflammation, ulceration, irreg­ ularities, periodic pains, backache, diz­ other limited uncultivated arras where ziness, and nervous prostration o f they may he destroyed by disking O p tim is tic T ho ug ht. women, and is now considered the stan­ thoroughly during the winter months. A handful o ff common sense Is dard remedy for such ailments._______ _ This method should be follow ed-for vorth a bushel of learning. No. 20, 1919 destroying the eggs. P. N. U. V a ria tio n o f Y ield s Found a t D ifferen t W estern Stations W'ith W h eat, Oats and B arley— Results of Experim ents. GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you, drink lots of water. WOMAN’S NERVES MADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound. MAKE WAR ON INSECT PESTS r