The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, May 16, 1919, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most important
Daily News Items.
A fire in the rear of the M essner
grocery store In Dallas W ednesday
night, shortly afte r 6 o’clock, damag
ed goods in the «tore room of the es
tablishm ept to the am ount of several
hundred d o llar« .#
Armies on Rhine Ready for Removing of Barrier Announced
Any Emergency.
by President Wilson.
A total of 15,000 sheep will be shear
ed in C entral Oregon th is year, ac
cording to the estim ate of R. A. Ward,
agricultural expert for the Bend F irst
N ational bank. The local sheepm en
had a very successful w inter and
Peace P act Is Declared to Be ‘Mon­ All C ontracts Will Be Awarded P ri­
Event« of Noted People, Government« spring in this district.
and Pacific N orthw est and O ther
stro u s D ocum ent.’ U. S. Army
vately U nder Supervision of
Ja p B. Hills, Eugene h u n ter and
Things W orth Knowing.
Sounds Teutons.
guide of Oakridge, la st week brought
S hipping Board.
to the office of the county clerk in
Eugene the pelts of six gray wolves
Two Am erican m ilitary policemen He killed three of the anim als while
London, via M ontreal. — R eu ter’s
W ashington, D. C.—O rders for
at Nice, France, w ere attacked by a on a h unt with George H. K elly of Lim ited learn s th a t in the event of possibly 3,000,000 gross tons of ships
gang Sunday night and one of the Portland and Clyde H untley of O re­ G erm any not signing the peace treaty,
to be built for foreign account In
policemen, H erbert L arsen, was fa­ gon City during the past two weeks.
which is regarded as unlikely, all mili­ American shipyards may be placed as
tally wounded.
Paving is now in progress on the
tary arran g em en ts have been made the resu lt of an order by P resident
LocomotlvS cranes, railroad cars Salem-Aurora stretch of the Pacific
for th e allied arm ies to advance in Wilson perm itting the building of such
and other equipm ent to th e value of highway near Brooks, t h e 'f ir s t th at
th e sam e way as they would ships provided it eould be done w ith­
$18,000,000 have been turned over by has been done on th a t project. The
had Germany n ot accepted out interfering w ith the construction
the w ar departm ent to the railroad ad stretch is about 18 m iles and the cost
m inistration for sale to the railroads of approxim ately $400,000 will be di the arm istice term s.
of the A merican m erchant m arine.
vided betw een the sta te and the gov
a t m arket prices.
The p resid en t’s action was announ­
ernm ent. The highway is a post road
Berlin.—Big dem onstrations against
ced in a statem en t issued T uesday a t
T entative arrangem ents are being
It is thought th a t cougars during the signing of the peace tre a ty by Ger­ fhe W hite House.
made to begin w ithdraw al of Ameri
can troops from north Russia early in the p ast w inter have killed a herd of many w ere held Sunday in Berlin,
Officials of die shipping board would
June, but no definite orders have as Angora goats th at ran wild three years Breslau, Danzig, K oenigsberg, Cassel,
venture more th an a guess as to
yet been received by the A m erican ago in th e upper Hood riv er valley
The anim als, straying aw ay from the stratio n s w ere organized by the n a­ the tonnage A m erican shipbuilders
com m ander at Archangel.
Uncle Sam: Some neighbor, by heck I
hom estead places of P. J. Mohr and tional people's party.
m ight co n tract as the resu lt of the
The stipulation in the peace term s Charles Rawson, fled to the tim bered
—“What is this marvellous Canada, our next-door neighbor and good
"If this tre a ty comes to pass, I will president’s order, which, it was said
that Germany m ust su rren d er thou highlands of Mount Hood.
friend, that it can come into our markets, war times or peace times, and
bring up my children in h atre d .” said
at the W hite House, had been issued
buy from us as no other nation, population unit for unit, begins to do.”
sands of dom estic anim als to replace
Deputy T raub, speaking in Berlin.
— New York Sun.
If grow ers of the Hood River valley
those lost by the allies through the
'Germ any has seized and unfurled at the suggestion of Chairm an H urley
war, has created violent protest who m et a t the courthouse recently a new banner, on which a re inscribed of the shipping board.
among rich and poor alike.
decide to plant a sufficient acreage to P resid en t W ilson’s lt^ p o in ts , which
Good substantial orders, it was said
What Historians Say About
justify the expense, A. G. Jennings the presid en t apparently has d esert­
by officials, m ay be expected for the
W illiam Howard H am ilton of Eagle
the Jury System as to the
P aradise farm resident, sta te s th a t he ed,” said F riederich E bert, th e German
station, Ky., born during the Civil W ar
Facts Concerning-Origin
will purchase power grinding m achin­ president, in a statem en t to the Asso­
after his fath er had gone Into service
Norway is expected to place large
ery and an evaporator to cook the ciated P ress.
met his parent for the first tim e T ues­
Many w riters of authority, accord­
juice of sorghum cane.
P resident E b ert called th e peace orders, possibly 1,000^)00 tons, and
day when he found Jerem iah H am ilton,
ing to Canon Stubs, have m aintained
trea ty a “m onstrous docum ent.” He France and Italy probably will let
aged 86, a t W est Mansfield, Ohio.
th at the jury system is indigenous to
A num ber of sheep sales have been
Home Demonstration Agents
declared th a t history holds no prece­ contracts for considerable tonnage, it
England, some deriving it from Celtic
Five bridges on the branch of the
d en t for such determ ination to anni­
tradition, based on the principles of
was explained.
N ational Railways of Mexico betw een
hilate com pletely vanquished peoples.
All clothes should be taken care of Roman law, nnd ndopted by Anglo-
F rance already has placed orders for
Torreon and Chihuahua City have been factory. Mixed coarse yearlings have
P resident E b ert declares th a t the
systematically, ns their period of en­ Saxons and Normans from the peo­
destroyed by V illista forces, accord brought $8.50; fine wool w ethers $6.50, w orld’s youngest republic in the hour 500,900 tons in England for delivery in durance depends entirely on how they ples they had conquered. Others hnve
ing to advices from Mexico City, quot 6-year-old ewes, $8, and March lambs of gravest peril had weighed its over­ three years and officials believe may are treated. Simple garm ents require regarded it ns a product of the legal
ing a “high official" of the Mexican $6. T hese prices are only about 20 seas big b ro th er and found him w ant­ ;ive A m erican yards a good share of less care thnn elaborate ones. Woolen genius of the Anglo-Saxon, of w hich
per cent less than the record prices ing.
clothes, suits, coats, dresses and skirts Alfred is the mythical Impersonation,
governm ent.
the 1,000,000 additional tons which th at should be brushed regularly. Proper or as derived by th at nation from th e
paid for sim ilar stock a t th is tim e last
In a statem en t intended prim arily
hangers should be obtained for all out­ customs of primitive Germany, or from
The 9000 striking employes of the year.
for the A m erican people, w hich he country is expected to require.
side garm ents so th a t they will re­ their intercourse with the Danes. Nor,
A m erican Railway Express company,
Italy, it was said, probably will be
A rticles of incorporation of the San designated “a m oral declaration of
tain th eir shape, and they should be even when it is adm itted th a t the sys­
New York, have voted unanim ously to
war upon all th a t rem ains of the old n th e m ark et for approxim ately 500,- hung away from dust when not in use. tem of recognition was Introduced
retu rn to work tomorrow and leave born Dock company, which has a capi
system of in tern atio n al politics,” the 100 tons, p art of which may be built
Moths have a special liking for wool, from Normandy, have legnl w riters
the adjustm ent of their grievances to talization of $25,000, have been filed
first presid en t of the G erman rep u b lic
woolen clothes should be carefully ngreed as to the source from which the
n the U nited S tates, b ut England Is
th eir com m ittee and officials of the in the county clerk's office a t A storia
discussed w ith outspoken frankness
guarded during the spring and sum­ Normans themselves derived it. One
The incorporators are F. H. Guy, O.
railroad adm inistration.
the peace situation, th e s ta te of the not expected to place any orders in mer. E ternal vigilance Is really the scholar m aintains th a t it was brought
and George W. Sanborn. The com
only successful method of protecting by the Norsemen from S candinavia;
Inauguration of air mail service be­ pany, which is authorized to operate G erm an people and the prospect of the A merican yards.
another th a t it was derived from tile
tween Chicago and Cleveland T h u rs­ docks, has purchased frontage near im m ediate future.
At the shipping board it was ex­ woolen garm ents from moths. If the process of the canon la w ; another th a t
Although the independent socialists plained th at few orders could be placed garm ents are used from time to time It was developed on Gallic soil from
day advanced ca rrie r delivery of mail the cen tral section of the city. The
and m ust hang in a closet or wardrobe,
had adopted th e standpoint th a t peace
Roman principles; another th a t it
bearing air mail stam ps a t Cleveland purchase price was $150,000.
imm ediately, as the capacity of the they will be kept In good condition If came from Asia through the crusades.
m ust be signed a t all costs, th e tre ­
and Boston by 16 hours and at Albany,
The first Hood R iver county fair, mendous pressu re of public expression yards for foreign account w as yet Miss Leila Gaddis of Purdue univer­ The tru e answ er seems to be that th e
N. Y., and New York City and Spring;/
field. Mass, by six hours, A ssistant made possible by a recen t appropria­ has led them to reconsider th eir view, limited. Only five or possibly six sity, sta te lender of home dem onstra­ forms of trial resembling the ju ry
system are to be found in the prim itive
Postm aster-G eneral P raeger announ­ tion of $500 by the county court, will many of them joining the m ultitude yards are now in a position to take on tion agents, nre carried o u t:
institutions of all nations.—Brooklya
1. Keep th e closet or w ardrobe
be held on Septem ber 19-20. On the th a t is p rotesting ag ain st the signing. foreign orders, but this situation will
last day of the fair, th e children of
gradually be relieved, It was said.
T he enemy Rlien property custodian
the county schools will vie in displays
In respect to the prices to be quoted
at New York Tuesday claimed the $4,-
of cookery, garden products and live­
by A m erican shipbuilders to foreign
253,337 estate left by H erm an Sielcken.
3. Brush clothes thoroughly a t regu­ $ “TO TH E MEN OF AMERICA” &
stock a t the annual industrial school
in terests, it was recalled th a t the last la r Intervals.
form er head of the coffee firm of
fair. The choicest of the exhibits will
price made for ships built in Am erican
4. T urn pockets wrong side out and
Gosman & Sielcken, who died an en­
be sent to the Salem sta te fair.
yards was $170 a ton.
You ta lk of y o u r b reed o f c a ttle
emy alien in Baden Baden, Germany,
A n d p la n fo r a h ig h e r s tr a in ,
5. T urn cuffs down and brush.
Portland.—M ilitary airplanes in the
All co n tracts for foreign ships will
in 1917. The bulk of the estate was
The annual sta te encam pm ent of the
You Rouble th e food o f th e p a s tu re ,
You h e a p u p th e m e a s u re of g r a in ;
bequeathed to his wife, who lives in United Spanish W ar V eterans of O re­ first aerial m eet ever held in the be placed privately, shipping board
top of hem.
You d ra w on th e c re d it of th e n a tio n ,
Baden Baden.
gon will be held July 3 and 4 instead N orthw est, w arships in the g reat fresh officials said, but under the general
T o b e tte r th e b a rn a n d th e pen,
Every one knows how much dust
B u t w h a t a r e you doing, m y b ro th e rs ,
of during June, according to an an­ w ater harbor, a m onster stre e t carni­ supervision of the board.
T o b e tte r th e b re e d of m en ?
“A com plete and com prehensive se t­
P resid en t W ilson shortly afte r his
nouncem ent made by H arvey Wells,
val, huge floral and m ilitary pageants first arriv al in P aris is understood to dust Is not allowed to remain, moths You b o a s t of y o u r M o rg an s a n d H erefo rd » ,
tlem ent" of all claim s betw een the
state com mander. The date w as chang­
will not have a satisfactory lodging
United S tates and G reat B ritain grow­
O f th e w o rth o f a c a lf o r a colt,
ed in order th at the veterans might and a m ost m agnificent floral display have told a high F rench official th a t place.
A nd scoff a t th e sc ru b an d th e nsongrel
ing out of the m ilitary operations has
A s w o rth y a fool o r a d o lt;
be in Salem during the gigantic three-
been reached by the American liquida­
You m e n tio n th e p o in ts o f y o u r r o a d s te r .
day homecoming and F ourth of July tory Rose F estiv al to be held here be unable to accept co n tracts to build Immense Arctic Icebergs Are
W ith m a n y a “ w h e re fo re ” a n d “ w h e n .”
tion commission. S ecretary Baker an ­
ships for French account, as the
B u t, a h ! a re you con n in g , m y b ro th e r» .
celebration which is expected *o draw Ju n e 11, 12 and 13.
nounced Tuesday th a t under the set­
T h e w o rth o f th e c h ild re n o f m en ?
A m erican yards w ere to be reserved
visitors from ail p arts of the state.
To round out the program the annu­ for such naval construction as might
tlem ent the B ritish governm ent would
ta lk o f y o u r ro a n -c o lo re d filly,
Many of the Icebergs .th at float
pay the United S tates $35,500,000 as a
More than 100 men w ere provided al trade m ark parade of the Pacific become necessary dependent upon the
Y o u r h e ife r, so sh a p e ly a n d sleek,
c e sh a ll be filled In y o u r stan ch io n s^
net und final adjustm ent.
with em ployment at The Dalles last Coast A d v ertising.C lubs’ 16th annual negotiations a t Paris.
By sto c k t h a t is u n w o rth y o r w eak ;
five to six hundred feet above the su r­
month, according to the rep o rt of the convention. Ju n e 8, 9, 10 and 11, will
W ith the en try of the U nited States face of the watpr. Yet even this tow­ B u t w h a t o f th e sto c k In y o u r h o u se h o ld ?
Ruth G arrison, Seattle 18-yearold
H av e th e y w a n d e re d b ey o n d y o u r k e n ? '
soldiers’ and sailors' em ploym ent bu­ be merged w ith the famous industrial into th e w ar ail steel ships building ering bulk Is but a fraction, of the en­
girl, who confessed to the poisoning
w h a t is rev ealed in th e ro u n d -u p
reau. Of these men 89 w ere secured parade of th e festival Ju n e 11. T his for foreign account w ere requisitioned tire mass of the Iceberg, as the volume Oh.
h a t b ra n d s th e d a u g h te r s o f m en ?
of Mrs. Grace G. S torrs, her rival for
there and 31 in Fortland. Only 11 will be the g rea test industrial exhibit by th e governm ent and the yards were beneath the surface Is said to be no
the love of D. M. Storrs. on March 18
A nd w h a t o f y o u r b o y ? H a v e you m e a s ­
were soldiers and sailors, while ten Portland has ever offered.
prohibited from accepting any foreign less thnn iev en tim es thn4 above the
u re d
last, Friday was found not guilty be­
had been engaged in w ar work. Very
H is n eed s fo r a g ro w in g y e a r?
The festival is a tim e honored event contracts. Sevew l nations a re in the level of the w aves; nnd It Is In this
cause of m ental Irresponsibility at the
g reater hidden mass th a t destruction D oes y o u r m a rk a s h is sire, In h is f e a ­
few of the returning soldiers and sail­ In P ortland and it has become famous m ark et for ships.
tu re s,
tim e of the crime.
begins to work the end of the moun­
ors have been willing to accept the throughout th e U n ite d -S ta tes as the
M ean less th a n y o u r b ra n d on a s te e r? '
It Is expected th a t the president's tainous volume of Tee. The warm wa­
u g h b re d —th a t Is y o u r w atch w 'o rd
The plant of the VVillys-Overland jobs offered, most of them being on epic of the rose. This yea* the event order will enable m ost of the yards to ters of the Gulf Stream bathe the T h F o o ro
r s ta b le a n d p a s tu r e a n d pen ;
will be a dual one as a royal welcome retain th eir p rese n t Increased forces, sides of the Iceberg, and as they con­ B u t w h a t Is y o u r w o rd fo r th e h o m e ­
com pany at Toledo, O., was closed ranches.
s te a d ?
late Friday afternoon by Clarence A.
home to the men In service wtll be the a reduction in w hich w as threatened tinually w aste It, gradually w ear away
A n sw er, you b re e d e rs o f m e n ..
Rene Cropp, a re n te r on the J. F.
special feature.
More than 11,000 by reasons of the cancellations of con­ Its bulk. So well do the waves do
Karl, vice-president of the company,
—R o se T ru m b ell, S c o ttsd a le , A riz.
Forbis ranch near F orest Grove, was
their work, th a t even before the Ice­
following a clash betw een strik e rs and
m edals for Oregon boys who have seen tra c ts by the’ shipping board.
killed Monday afternoon when a tra c ­
berg has had tim e to float fa r enough
police in which bricks, stones and
service will be presented by Mayor
to r th a t he was driving turned over
south for the* rays of the sun to melt
clubs were used as weapons.
George L. B aker a t Festival C enter as
backw ard, crushing him beneath the
from above, the Insidious attack of |
one of th e featu res of the second day
P aris.— (French w ireless.) — Since the warm w aters of the great ocenn
Baseballs sold for $1,000,000 apiece machine. Mr. Cropp was about 30 of the festival.
A child of a year old sucks
the occupation of Vilna by Polish j current have completely destroyed it.
in Wall stree t Saturday. Campaign­ years of age and Is survived by a
milk from the heel. (By run- :§
T he aerial m eet follows a flight of troops and the issuance of a proclama- i
ing for the victory loan, “Christy" widow and three small children. • The
g ning round in the open air.)— g
Mathewson, A rthur F letcher and trac to r was pulling a disc up a steep Government planes from M ather Field, tlon by G eneral Pilsudskl. head of the T p n n p ^ P P B ov M ali PS finnH
g Spanish Proverb,
^Sacram ento, over the Stskiyous to Polish state, the relations betw een Jhe Tennessee B0Y Makes GOOd
Larry Doyle of the New York G iauts I incline in the orchard when the ma-
F ear nothing; thou carriest g
Portland and it will be entered not poles and the L ithuanians are reported
Profit in Pig Raising G<MT16 g
invaded “the stree t" and auctioned off I chine becam e over balanced and fell
C aesar and his fortune.—C aesar :•>
only by the m ilitary planes but by '■ ],ere to have taken a more friendly
g encouraging the pilot in a storm, g
a «core of horsehldes bearing their j backward,
T here is profit in boys' pig clubs. A g
am ateur av iato rs who are constructing : tu rn . The L ithuanian governm ent,
A fine cage won’t feed tlfe g
An operator from the d ep artm en t of th eir cra ft for th e event.
which has its seat a t Kovno, w ith M.
7 .
„ ,
ment agricultural report, took out a S
Patrol of national forest« by army 1 justice is said to be on Coos Bay for
The Instinct of the first Cain g
j Slezevlcius as its head, has sent to membership In r pig club. He pur-
Fifteen Million Bond Buyers.
1 W arsaw a m ission headed by Dr. j chased a pig for ¿50. She farrow ed g ever lurks somewhere in human £:
airplane« to give early w arning of for the Purpose of investigating certain
g hearts.
W ashington. D. C.—Fifteen million Saulis.
e st fires will begin June 1 with the I reporls °* disloyalty, or, a s everything
| seven pigs, p art of which the boy sold g
liberty |
inauguration of two patrol routes from j * com plaining nature Is now class- A m ericans bought victory
------------- ----
j fox $133. With this money he pur­ g thnn you should tu rn It.
M arch Field, near Riverside, Cal.
bolshevism. If the o p erato r re- notes in the cam paign Just closed, ac j
chased a boar of excellent breeding,
Drafted W ifi Get Bonus
Calamity Is man’s true touch-
| m ains In Marshfield long enough, says cording to estim ates received by the
San Francisco.—Men who were ac- which he exhibited at the E ast Ten­ S: stone.—Beaumont and Fletcher. -S
Bering sea w inter Ice, which ha* the dispatch, he will discover wide- treasu ry from federal reserve banks. ' cepted by th eir d raft boards for ssrv- nessee Division fair, winning the grand
blocked the seas around Nome since | spread objection to th e adm inistra- T his com pares with about 21.000.000 J ice in the arm y and then w ere r e ­ championship of the breed over all ex­
la st O ctober, will clear away early i tion's lack of protection of consum ers purchasers in th e fourth loan. 17,000.-{jected afte r they had arrived a t train h ib it^ H e jr o n S.87 In prizes, $45 of
.. . . . . . - _____ _
It In C M p ftttlra with experienced
Punch and Judy.
th is year, according to present indica against the persisten t rising price« . ,
000 in the third. 9.400.000 in the second ing cam ps to which they were a ssig n ed farmers.
His anim als a re now vnl-
tions. T he first steam ers from the j since th e signing of th e arm istice, and 4.000.000 in the first.
are entitled to the
bonus of $60 paid nod at $525. This, with the money
Punch and Judy shows originated
o utside world probably will, find a I while wages in a m inority of Instances
The trea su ry announced th at the j to men discharged from service, ac- from sales nnd prize winnings, am ounts In Italy during the seventeenth cen­
c le a r passage w hen they arrive in have rem ained stationary, but in the official total probably would not be {cording to W ashington advices re to ^ 4 5 . front vdvieb be deducts $157.ft5 tury. and were probably introduced
Ju n e .
[ m ajority are being reduced.
aiul care, leaving a p ro fit of into England In
known before May 26.
the reign o f
celved here by local arm y stations.
¡ loST.35.
Charles IL
To Keep the
Moths Away