* '«■H 1 C L A R K JE W E L OIL STOVES ARE THE E A SIE ST STOVES TO SELL— THE BEST STOVES TO B U Y ■ | I | LET A GRAFAN OLA ADD TO YOUR PLE A S- URES. YOU CAN DANjCE TO THE M USIC; YOU CAN LAU GH A T TH E M USIC; A T A L L TIMES YOU W IL L ENJOY TH E MUSIC. C LAR K JE W E L OIL STOVES SAVE TIM E— SAV E OIL “ The Home o f the Grafanola” PERFECT SERVICE PURE DRUGS | Clark Jewel Oil Stoves are strong and du ra bly .. made. The burners are short and close to the top. The blue flame strikes the bottom o f the vessel direct and gives quick results with little oil. m M M u m jja u iM iin iJ iv iiB J jn iia iiim iB u iB iiiM iw iw iu iiiiM iin iin iin iin iw ia iin i CITY AND COUNTRY Everybody is going to see “ M ickey.” Mrs. Frank Dickson has been visiting Portland rela­ tives. • ‘' High speed oil saving burners. Porcelain enam­ eled hoods. A wick stop prevents turning burn­ er too high. Burners seldom need cleaning, but are simple to get at. Williams9 D rug Co . j I linaiiiaiiiBMii SOLD ON E A S Y TERM S TO RESPON SIBLE P A R T IE S An Important Scene From “ M ickey.” CRAVEN & H U FF HDW . CO. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cooper were here from Portland this week. Portland Journal: “ I f Independence celebrates and it no doubt will, it will be a neighborly, ‘just us and y o u ’ns,’ ■W U lB U U B JIB inaiB IIIB IIIB tllB IIB IIIB IIIB IIIB IhB IIIB IIIB IIlB m B IIIB IIIB IIIB IH fllllB IIIB IIIB IIlB Mr. and Mrs. Oliver*Smith have been visiting friends keep-the-money-at-home affair that verybody will enjoy,” Monmouth Herald: There’s many NOTICE THAT CERTAIN STREET is the pledge given by The Post in behalf o f the town. a slip ’twixt seeding and harvest, but IMPROVEMENT RONDS WILL BE in Portland. agricultural prospects in this part Aubrey Bascue left Thursday for Mare Island after a of the Willamette valley never Germany may refuse to sign the peace treaty and Trip]) ten. days furlough spent with Ins mother. He enlisted for looked better than they do at sells real estate. four years service and has beeif assigned to a Destroyer present. Mrs. F. G. Burdick o f Portland' is visiting her mother, and expects to be transferred to the Eastern coast in a few days. Mrs. Clara Taylor. . ------------- \ Dean Baughman has secured a very profitable position Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Sr., returned Sunday from a two at Oregon City and is now on the job. Mrs. Baughman weeks visit at Aurora. will join him about May 15. This means that “ the little lady at the telephone office ” who has been so accomodat­ Mrs. Bertha King visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ing and kind to all patrons will no longer be there after S. Bohannon, here Sunday. next week much to the regret o f all. Special train from Hoskins Tuesday nighl to see ‘ ‘ Mick­ ey.” “ M ickey” is a great picture. Dr. H. C. Dunsmore will leave for Harrison Hot Springs British Columbia May 30 where he will spend his annual M ajor Rose was transacting business and giving the vacation. He is looking forward to the event with great anticipation as his three sisters whom he has not seen for glad hand to Portland friends last week. some time will meet him there. The doctor did not ex­ pect to go so early, and was compelled to cancel his speak­ Miss Hazel Porterfield returned to Portland Wednes­ ing dates on Decoration Day. day after a brief visit with the home folks. The student teachers of the training school are domi­ ciled at the Sam Hanna house on Fifth street. The Boy Scouts have formed an organization in Inde­ pendence with Rev. C. T. Cook as Scout Master. Services were conducted at the Christian church here hist Sunday by the pastor of the Monmouth church. Mrs. Nellie Barnett is kept busy supplying the Inde­ pendence and Monmouth markets with vegetable and flor­ al plants. Sergant Verd Schrunk, having recived his discharge, has returned home. He spent nineteen months in the avi- atien service in France. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Macy have moved from Toledo back to Salem. Mr. Macy has resumed his former posifion with the Spaulding Lumber Co. Ira Mix, H. Hirschberg, H. B. Wolfe, Mrs. A. D. David­ son :ind Mrs. J. G. McIntosh motored to Portland Sunday. The ladies remained over until Tuesday. Several days ago one of W. H. P ark’s eyes became in­ fected from some unknown cause and he has had consid­ erable trouble with it. At this time it is somewhat better. y>00<>0000000»0«0 »<>♦<»• 00»0»«K>00«0000000» « « oooooooooooo VISION Is the faculty of seeing. Think for a moment— do you see things as clearly as you ought to? If you don’t, have us to examine your eyes— ex­ amination free— we can fit you so you will see both near and far with perfect comfort. All work is guaranteed— TH IN K —ACT— SAV E YO U R EYES. HARTMAN BROS. Co. J e w e le r s a n d O p tic ia n s . NW. Corner State and Liberty Sts. Salem, |f00000«0»8»n>00 Oregon s M IC K E Y As a character study “ M ickey” , which will be shown at the Isis on Monday and Tuesday nights, May 19 and 20 is a real work o f art. You will never forget this ador­ able little waif. The story of “ M ickey” is vivid with ac­ tion, much of which is laid in that wonderful twilight zone of comedy where half the#laughs are wet with tears. Mickey is a sweet, wholesome, mischievous little girl, raised by her foster father, an old miner, and her foster mother, a wise old Indian ¡Squaw, in the mountain country far away from the glamour and chill of the city. Later she is sent to the city “ to make a lady of her” at the home o f her aunt, a scheming, jealous hypocrite— and she doesn’t find her path exactly strewn with roses. But thruout, the old cheerful, high spirits of little Mickey pre­ vail, and With her sheer happy perseverance she conquers w hflt seem unbearable burdens and difficulties for the lit­ tle waif. There are wistful and pathetic touches in “ M ickey” , as well as humor laid in with delicacy and a sure touch. M iss Normand is always a charming comedienne, but she is at her very best ih tlus part— in this vivid and ap­ pealing comedy drama with real living characters— told without squash pies, battles or.the seduction o f the inno­ cent heroine. M E M O R IA L SERVICES AND DECORATION D A Y Union services will bo hold at the Methodist church on May 25 at 11 o ’clock.. The memorial sermon will be deliv­ ered by the Methodist minister, Rev. Cook. The members o f the G. A. R. and W. R. C. will meet at their hall at 10:30 sharp and will go in a body to the church. Decoration Day will be observed in Independence on May 30. The school children will form in line at the school house and march to the G. A. k hall where the G. A. R.. W. R. 0., soldiers o f the W orld War, Sons of Veterans and other organizations will join them and go direct to the public school building for the program at 10 o ’clock. A f­ terwards they will go to the river where the Water Service for the sailorft and marines will be conducted by the W. R. C. The soldiers of the W o rid W ar and their'families will be the guests at the G. A. R. hall for lunch and a social afternoon by special invitation o f the Post. % , Press Correspondent W. R. C. Rheumatism came awful near putting The Post out of business this week. The Guard “ smoker” Friday night was well attended and much enjoyed. DOCTOR M. P. EYE SPE C IA LIST A fter ten years successful prac­ tice in Salem is • now located at PAID. Notice is hereby given that there are sufficient funds in the Street Im­ provement Fund of the City of Inde­ pendence^ Oregon, to take up for payment and cancellation Bonds Nos. 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 bearing date December 1, 1911. xThat on June 1st 1919 o- '• of said bonds will be taken* up ,■ -lie 1 and paid in full, principal and in terest to said date and thereafter said bonds will cense to hear inter­ est. Dated and first published May 2, 1919. C. W. TRVTNF. Cl*- •" • ■ "V „- About to get r ..v real happy by h; Post Wedding Announcements. PORTLAND 414-415 Failing Bldg. Third and Washington Max Cold Deals L HIDES PELTS *WOOL. FURS MOHAIR CASCARA BARK VEAL PORK BEEF POULTRY BUTTER v EOOS FARM PRODUCE WOOD WOOD OROCERIES SHOES FURNISHINBS s DRY QOOD8 Where he will be pleased to meet his friends and former patients. Practice limited to cor­ recting errors o f refrac­ tion and furnishing glasses. ’ , VALLEY A SILETZ TIME TABLE Effective April 1, trains will run as follows: No. 2 arrives from Hoskins 0:15 A. M. daily No. 4 arrives from Camps 4:00 P. M. daily except Sunday. No. 1 departs for Camps 10:50 A. M. daily except Sunday No. 3 departs for Hoskins 4:15 P. M. daily Freight service 2:30 P. M. on Tuesdays and Saturdays CASH OR TRADE SW OPE & SW OPE LAW YERS I. O. O. F. Building Independence, The Independence National Bank Established .1889 IN TE R E ST P A ID ON TIME D EPO SITS Officers and Directors • H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. ¡Sears, v . r . # Ira D. M ix, Cashier , W. H. W alker I. A. Allen O. D. Butler A Successful Business Career Twenty-Five Years i Oregor