The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, December 06, 1918, Image 2

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    r I
The gas-defense division of the
ehemical war service has informed O
▲ S cali-W eekly Newspaper.
D. Canter, director of college extension
at the Oregon Agricultural college,
i that the collection of nut shells for gas
Published T w ice a W eek at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on
! masks should be discontinued at once.
Tuesday and Friday
, Shipments of less than 10 tons at
Principal Events of the Wook shipping points should uot be forward
Entered as second-class m atter March 26, 1918, at the postotfire at In
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
dependence, Oregon, under the A ct o f M arch 3, 1879.
In a telegram pointing out that the
mation of Our Readers.
action of the Emergency Fleet corpor
atlon in suddenly cancelling a large
Snbacription R ates: $1.50 a Year Strictly in A dvance; Six Months
More than $12,000 was realized from number of shipbuilding contracts has
$1.00; Three m onths 50 cents. A ll subscriptions stopped at expiration.
the tag sale held in Portland in the created a decidedly serious situation
Interests of the Waverly baby home.
in Oregon, Governor Withycombe has
Petitions are being circulated ask­ appealed to President Wilson, asking
ing that Glen R. Metsker, district at­ that he Intervene and that the con­
torney for Columbia county, be re­ tracts be reinstated.
While the rain is pouring down this winter is the time called.
Reedsport, the city of Bawmllia,
to have recslved the first com­
to work out a satisfactory irrigation system for next sum
gon State Horticultural aociety will mercial lumber order following the
be held in Roseburg December 5, 6 closing of government work in spruce,
white cedar and fir lines. The order
and 7.
Work of demobilizing membera of come to the C. McC. Johnson mill. The
Nat Goodwin may lose an eye, but he’ll never lose that section B, of the S. A. T. C. at the mill is asked by a Seattle lumber com­
privilege o f his profession to marry one woman after Oregon Agricultural college, began pany to hurry out an order of 2,000,-
000 feet of fir, to be shipped by rail.
One million reports received from
The Oregon Baptist state convention,
which was scheduled to meet in Port­ army camp surgeons by Surgeon Gen­
land last month, has been postponed eral Rupert Blue show that Oregon,
The Kerr salary grab stands today as the boldest
as represented by its men who were
October, 1919.
effort at treasury raiding and the rankest confidence
Demobilization of the Students’ sent to army camps, had a cleaner bill
game ever worked on the people o f any state.— Salem
Army Training corps unit in the Uni­ of health than any other state in the
Capital Journal.
versity of Oregon began Wednesday, union. Only .59 of 1 per cent of the
The Journal’s vim in continually pricking at it is com and the university will return to its men going into the army from this
state were afflioted with social dis­
pre-war status.
mendablc. Pulling off the scab occasionally does not per­ A second wave of the Spanish in­ ease.
District No. 11, as the Oregon dis­
fluenza, which surpasses the first, is
mit the sore to heal.
sweeping over Klamath Falls, in spite trict of the wosden ship division of
of the fact that the restrictions had the Emergency Fleet corporation is
William Hollenzollern says lie hopes he hasn’t lost his not been removed.
officially designated, is to remain in­
The Soissons, last of a fleet of 20 dependent of the North Pacific div­
friends in America. D on’t bet on it. Several years ago
auxiliary powered vessels built at ision, or Washington district, accord­
Theodore Roosevelt said Bill was a good fellow and with Portland for the French government ing to official word received to that
ttie army he had could lick the world, but in recent months by the Foundation company, was effect. The district is to continue un­
disturbed until the termination of
Mr. Roosevelt is not repeating his former words, so Mr. launched
J. D. Farrell, president of the O.-W. wooden ship construction for the gov­
Hdllehizollern’s chances o f having any friends left in R. & N. railroad, has been appointed ernment.
Soldiers are advised to retain their
America are decidedly slim. In fact, Bill seems to be by Governor Withycombe as a member government
insurance policies and not
of the state fair board to succeed Mrs.
mighty shy on friends everywhere.
allow them to lapse, in a statement is­
Edith Tozier Weathered.
Nineteen horses were burned to sued by Insurance Commissioner Har­
death when fire destroyed a barn at vey Wells. “ My advice,” said Mr.
J E L L Y , J U IC E S A N D J A M
the Chemawa Indian school. Several Wells, “ is that government insurance
set of harness and 1000 bushels of be continued for the reason that many
grain and 50 tons of hay added to the of the boys will come back more or
less physically impaired and will find
Ah Oregon girl, who has been convincd that it pays to loss.
In one check for $80,837.33, benefi­ it impossible to obtain insurance in
advertise publicly asserted that she had never been kissed
ciaries under the estate of the late regular companies.”
by a young man. She was asked to repeat her statement Theodore B. Wilcox, of Portland, paid • The cargo lumber shipments from
a few night afterwards and replied that she couldn’t con­ the inheritance tax for that estate. the Columbia river in October were
The total valuation of the estate was exceptionally light. According to sta­
scientiously do so.
tistics compiled, 16 vessels loaded 13,-
— x—
Total bank deposits in the state ag­ 464,171 feet of lumber at the lower
TH E S W IF T GOING IN TH IS F A ST OLD W O RLD gregated $226,381,703.44 November 1, river mills during the month. In the
(Joplin, Mo., Globe.)
according to a statement issued by same period 11 vessels loaded 7,692,355
This is a fast world. You hardly quit looking to see how Superintendent of Banks Bennett. feet of lumber at the up-river mills,
hot it is until you are looking to see how cold it is; some­ This is an increase from August 31, making a grand total of 21,156,526 feet
of lumber that left the Columbia river
of $29,455,285.24.
thing like the victim of the crazy chauffeur who, when 1918,
The death of John Olson, contractor, in cargoes during the month of Oc­
asked why he didn’t jump, said before he could pick out of Portland, was the only fatality re­ tober.
With more than $6,000,000 available
ported to the industrial accident com­
any good place to land he had gone by ’em.
next year for highway construc­
— x—
for the week ending November 28, in­ tion the state highway commission
has called upon the various counties
# (Memphis Commercial Appeal.)
The woman’s dormitory at the Eu­ for their grading budgets, and as soon
De bath tub’s tine for old folks or
gene Bible university was destroyed as they are received the commission
by fire and the matron and 13 girls will hold a meeting and formulate its
For childun {in’ for wimmin,
Under the
escaped in their night clothes by cut­ hard-surfacing program.
6ut. de good Lord made de holes and ponds
ting the screens on the sleeping porch law the counties must do the grading,
For boys to do their swimmin’.
and it will be the general policy of
and passing through them to safety.
Life insurance companies will be the commission during the year to
called upon to pay out something like hardsurface as ataxy of the projects
the counties are prepared to grade.
A Kansas woman writes the government insurance o f­ $200,000,000 in extraordinary losses as The
application of the Astoria water
because of the influenza epidemic, ac­
fice: “ I have five children, and counting my husband, cording to a statement issued by In­ commission for the appropriation of
Who is the biggest baby o f all. T have six.”
16 second feet of water from Big creek
surance Commissioner Harvey Wells.
The newly completed $48.000 con­ for a municipal supply has been ap­
crete bridge, just erected across Hood proved by State Engineer Percy A.
river by the slate highway commis­ Cupper. It is not intended to use
sion, has been thrown open to traffic. this supply until additional water for
The bridge is approximately 500 feet the City is needed, but the source of
Ion,' It replaces an old steel bridge. supply will be protected. When the
Following the usual custom, the supply is to be used, it is proposed to
Hood ’River Apple Growers’ associa­ construct a 30-inch pipe line 16V4
tion sent to Chicago a refrigerator car miles, at an estimated cost of $500,000,
taded with gift boxes of fruit sent which will deliver the water to the
by Hood River residents to frieads present reservoir.
Harbor improvements to cost ap­
and relatives in that city and points
proximately $1,500.600 were authorized
af the Mississippi valley.
At his own request Warden Murphy, by the Port of Astoria commission at
The Judge came right
“ There’s the real tobac­
of the state penitentiary, retired Sat­ a recent meeting. The projects In­
back at Mike with a friend­
co satisfaction,” says the
urday and was released from his bond. clude construction of a drydock of
ly chew—just a couple of
Judge: “ and it costs noth­
In the interim before Rotfert L. Stev- 15.000 tons capacity and the creation
little squares off his plug of
ing extra to chew this class
ns, the prospective appointee, takes of a third pier at the port dock, with
Real Gravely.
of plug.”
harge. Deputy Warden Burns will a warehouse equipped with modern
cargo handling machinery. The pro­
Mike found that the chew
have control at the institution.
stayed with him for a long
After a conference between Chair­ posed new piar will be large enough
U f r n further—that's why you
man Miller, of the public service com­ to berth at ene time six liners of
while, and the more he
cam get the good taste o f this class
mission. and officials of the Spokane, 15.000 tons each and the drydock will
chewed the better it tasted.
o f tobacco without extra cost .
Seattle Railroad company, be able to handle the largest carriers
the road has decided to suspend its afloat. The commission also plans to
order for a reduction in the passenger build additional bulk grain storage
service schedules between Astoria and bins with a capacity of 1,000,000
Postmaster-General Burleson advis­
Much uncertainty prevails at Marsh­
P B GRAVELY T O B A C C O C O , .D A N V I L L E , V A '
field regarding the lumbering business ed the public service commission by
and the closing down of several indus­ telegraph that he has made effective
tries indicates that operators are going aa of November 15 an increase of
carefully until new bearings are estab wages for telephone-operating em­
These retrenchments have ployes of the Pacific Telephone
thrown between 300 and 400 men out graph company and asks the commis­
sion to make its ’ forthcoming order
o f employment.
Established . 1889
Oregon dealers buy fish, delivered, increasing the telephone rate* retro­
at an average price of 11.7 cents a active so that the rate* will also apply
pound, retail It at 17.8 cents a pound as of that date to cover the increase
A Successful Business Career of
and make an average profit of S4.2 in wages. It wa* pointed out that
Twenty-Five Years
per cent, according to a survey of ftsh under the statute the commission has
market conditions of all states, re­ no power to make rates retroactive
cently compiled by the United States under the public utilities law and that
part sf the postmaster-general’s re-,
food administration.
quest apparently cannot be granted.
the O.-W. R. * N. liaea. through action It wso also pointed out that the post­
of their general committee convened master-general apparently Is laboring
in Portland, rejected the wage and under the assumption that the commis­
Officers and Directors
working award announced November sion’s hearing on the Increases will
16 by Director-General McAdoo and be purely perfunctory in character,
H. Hirschberg, Pres.
D. W. Sears, V. P.
the calling of a nation­ held only for the purpose of legalizing
Ira D. Mix, Cashier
wide strike vote, if necessary, to ob­ the rates under the state statutes and
W. H. Walker
I. A. Allen
O. D. Butler
tain their demands. In general, the that the commission will take nothing
demands are for wags lacrosses.
P O S T .
M ike laughed
at th e Judge
for chewing Gravely.\
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed in a pouch.
The Independence National Hank
Europe Needs Nearly Double Increase in All Respiratory Dis­
Last Year’s Supplies From
eases After the Influenza
Epidemic Probable.
World 8urvoy Shows Sufficient Wheat,
But Shortage of Fats— Govern­
ment's Stimulative Pro­
gram Justified.
Influenza Expected to Lurk fer Mon the.
How to Guard Againet Pneumonia.
Common Colde Highly Catching— Im­
portance of Suitable Clothing— Could
Save 100,000 Live*.
Washington, D. C.— With the subsid­
ence of the epidemic o f influenza the
attention of health officers Is directed
to pneumonia, bronchitis and other
diseases o f the respiratory system
which regularly cause a large number
if deaths, especially during the winter
'( 'season.
According to Rupert Blue,
Surgeon General of the United States
Public Health Service, these diseases
will be especially prevalent this win­
ter unless the people are particularly
careful to obey health Instructions.
"The present epidemic,” said Sur­
geon General Blue, “ has taught by bit­
ter experience how readily a condition
beginning apparently as a slight cold
may go on to pneumonia and death.
Although the worst of the epidemic is
over, there will continue to be a large
number of scattered cases, many of
them mild and unrecognized, which
will be danger spots to be guarded
against.” The Surgeon General likened
the present situation to that after a
great fire, Raying, "No fire chief who
understands his business stops playing
the hose on the charred debris as soon
as the flames and visible fire have dis­
appeared. On the contrary, he con­
tinues the water for hours and even
days, for he knows that there is dan­
ger of the fire rekindling from smol­
dering embers."
“Then you fear another outbreak of
influenza?” he was asked. "Not neces­
sarily another large Epidemic," said
the Surgeon General, “ but unless the
people learn to teallze the seriousness
of the danger they will be compelled to
pay a heavy death toll from pneumo­
nia and other respiratory diseases.
With the return of peace America U
confronted by a food problem even
harder o f solution than that with
which we coped In time o f war. We
have an entirely new world situation
in food. It will mean essential changes
in our domestic program. But more
important than this, it must of neces­
sity require increased export.
Last year we shipped 11,820,000 tons
o f foodstuffs to the European Allies.
Had the war continued we would have
Increased this enormous figure to 17,-
550,000 tons in the present year. Now,
with the responsibility o f feeding mil-
ions of people liberated from the Ger­
man yoke, our exports must be brought
up to at least 20,000,000 tons—prac­
tically the limit of loading capacity at
our ports.
World Food Demand Increased.
The end o f the war will create an
enormously increased demand for food.
Humanity demands that the starving
millions freed from Prussian oppres­
sion shall have sufficient supplies to
assure their return to health and pros­
perity. If these liberated nations are
faced with starvation they cannot es­
tablish orderly governments. Hunger
breeds anarchy In a people. The war
to free the world for’ democracy will
be lost after it has been won. Amer­
ica must continue its work to libera­
tion and by sharing its food make de­
mocracy safe in the world.
In order to meet tills new situation
the Food Administration has made a
«irefu l survey of the food resources of
the whole world in relation to the to­
Common Colds Highly Catching.
tal demands. Computing supplies on
"It Is encouraging to observe that
the basis of the avoidance o f waste people are beginning to learn that or­
and war consumption, it is found that dinary coughs und colds are highly
wheat and rye may be obtained in suf­ catching and are spread from person
ficient quantities to meet economical
to person by means of droplets of
world consumption? high protein feed
germ laden mucus. Such droplets are
for dairy animals will show n shortage
sprayed into the air when careless or
o f about 3,000,000 tons, while there
ignorant people cough or sneeze with­
will be sufficient supplies of other
out covering their mouth and nose. It
feeds to allow eoonomlcal consump­
is also good to know that people have
tion ; beans, peas and rice will also be
learned something about the value of
found in sufficient quantities to mnin-
fresh air. In summer, when people
talu economy in consumption; there
are largely out of doors, the respira­
are sufficient supplies of beef to keep
tory diseases (coughs, colds, pneumo­
pace with the capacity of refrigerating
nia, etc.) are Infrequent; in the fall,
as people begin to remain indoors, the
Great Fat Shortage.
respiratory diseases Increase; in the
The most distinct reversal of policy winter, when people are prone to stay
will come with pork and dairy prod­ In badly ventilated, overheated rooms,
ucts, vegetable oils, sugar and coffee. the respiratory diseases become very
Utmost economy will be required in prevalent
the use o f fats and oils, in which there
Suitable Clothing Important.
is a world shortage of about 3,000,000,-
000 pounds. In ere are sufficient sup­
“ Still another factor In the produo-
plies for us to return to our normal tion of colds, pneumonia and other re­
sugar consumption if other nations spiratory diseases Is carelessness or Ig­
continue their present short rutlons, norance of the people regarding suit­
or even if their rations are slightly in­ able clothing during the seasons when
creased. If the European countries, the weather suddenly changes, sitting
however, are to resume their normul In warm rooms too heavily dressed or,
sugar consumption it will be through what ia even more common, especially
our continued conservation in order among women, dressing so lightly that
to share with them. There Is a sur­ windows are kept closed in order to be
plus of coffee.
comfortably warm. This la a very In­
Of the world total required to pro­ jurious practice.
duce these results North America will
Could Save 100,000 Live«.
furnish more than 60 per cent. The
United States, Including the West In­
“I believe we could easily save one
dies, will he in a position to furnish hundred thousand lives annually In
• total of about 20.000,000 tons— the United States If ail the people
against our pre-wax exports o f about would adopt the system of fresh air
6,000,000 tons.
living followed, for example, in tuber­
The bread grains situation allows culosis sanatoria. There la nothing
the world to abandon-the use of sub­ mysterious about It—no specific medi­
stitutes In wheat bread. Large sup­ cine, no Tacclne. The Important thing
plies have accumulated in the Argen­ la right living, good food and plenty o f
tine, Australia and other hitherto in­ fresh air.
accessible markets. A continued high
milling percentage, economy of con­ Droplet Infection Explained In Pictures.
sumption and elimination o f waste
“The Bureau of Public Health,
make it possible for the world to re­ Treasury Department, has Just Issued
turn to a white wheat loaf.
a striking poster drawn by Berryman,
Of all our export possibilities in the well-known Washington cartoonist.
fats, the largest and most important The poster exemplifies the modern
item is pork. While we cannot supply method of health education, A few
the world deficiency, we will be able years ago, under similar circumstances,
to help it enormously because ef the the health authorities would hare is­
past policies of stimulating production sued an official dry but scientifically
and restraining consumption.
The accurate bulletin teaching the role o f
government’s policy with regard to droplet Infection in the spread of re­
stimulating the production of wheat spiratory diseases. The only ones who
and o f pork, the readiest source of would have understood the bulletin
fats, is thus amply justified by the sit­ would have been those who already
uation upon the return of peace.
knew all about the subject The man
In the street, the plain citizen and the
Famine Specter Still Stalks.
The people of the United States many millions who toil for their living
must* continue care and wise economy | would have bad no time and no desire
In the use o f food In order to complete to wade through the tecliuical phrase­
the work o f liberating the world. But
even with the utmost conservation and
production in this country there will
be In Europe for the next year or mere
starvation beyond ail human power to
allay. In North Russia there are 40,-
000,000 people to whom food cannot
be made accessible this winter. Their
transportation is demoralized in com­
plete anarchy. And even if internal
transport can be assured their ports of
entry would soon be frozen. Millions
more who have felt keenly the oppres­
sion o f war will be beyond reach of as­
We must realize that upon our
shoulders rests a greater responsibili­
ty than we have ever before been
asked to assume. We must realize that
millions of lives depend absolutely
upon the continued service and sacri­
fice of the American people.
Copies of this poster can be i
We must realize that the specter of
talaed free of charge by writing to (
famine abroad now haunts the abun»
Ju-geon General, u. 8. Pahllc How
dance of our table at
•»rico, Washington, fit Q