*-c T he P olk C ounty P ost VOLUME L (TWICE A WEEK.) INDEPENDENCE BOY « U E O 11 FU M E A GOLD STAR There is to be a gold star up­ on the Independence service flag in memory of Jason Arrell. Perhaps there will be others for it will tako at least six weeks more to comply the casualty list, but, thank God, no more enemy bullets and shells are falling among the men of America. INDEPENDENCE, OREOON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1918. World Independence Day Gaily Celebrated NUMBER U . A GOOD SUGGESTION (Monmouth Herald.) With peace at hand the atten­ tion of Oregon is bound to be diverted once more to highwuy work. While on this topic, why could not the abandoned road bed of the I. &. M. be paved and constitute a through route be­ tween Monmouth and Inde­ pendence. IKE till IS LIFTED FLU DUS FLOWN An Independence boy has made The “lid” was raised in Independ­ the supreme sacrifice, and one of ence yesterday and once more the our homes is now in sorrow and city is back to normal. The schools mourning, consoled only by the ‘World Independence Day came into existence on Mon­ will open Monday, the churches Sun­ knowledge that the son and brother day, Nov. 11, 1918, and it will hereafter be the Day of all day, the Isis theater Saturday night died for his country, died in the and clubs and social bodies will re­ cause of humanity. days as long as Man dwells on earth. On November 1 sume their meetings on their regu­ Mr. and Frank R. Arrell were noti­ 11918, ended the greatest war of all times and most prob HORST CO. EVAPORATOR lar dates. fied by the War Department by tele­ “ e n o u g h w ir e to t r e l l is While there are a few cases of the a l l O r e g o n h o p y a r d s “ | ably the last one. Germany autocracy beaten to its knees gram Tuesday nighk that their son, TO RESUME WORK SOON epidemic remaining, danger from Jason A., had died on Sept. 24 from ™e* 7 sn<1 a ch" itabIe wori«l Sranted the re shock and'Collapse following ampu­ P rivate G eorg, e . b „ w „ of i „ d , . | beKBed The Horst Co. evaporator plant infection is very slight. It can be ac­ tation. He had evidently been pendence w rites of life in France as quest. With the Hun autocrats crushed by the vast will resume work sometime during curately estimated that fully fifty wounded in battle. he sees it. He is u m em ber of the armies of the Allies, the German people have won their the coming week, presumably on percent of our people had the disease Jason A. Arrell, who was 28 years Monday. As it employs u large in some form. This includes all freedom and are losing no time m driving every despot number of people, the news that It those who had the “grip” which may old at the time of his death, went to to his sisters, he w rites: or may not of been the influenza. In “i took part in the Septem ber at- from power and authority. Camp Lewis from Coos county June is to start again is very welcome. proportion to the number sick, it is 25, 1918, and was quickly transferr­ To the hundreds of relati™ of the over there, it WEST SIDE HIGHWAY MAP remarkable that the death rate was ed to Camp Kearney, California, and S d r t w t u L lo n g X i u E then to Camp Mills, New York, from sound like when they come otir way meant so much, this news that there was to be no more LEAVES ^DALLAS OUT not higher. This no doubt was due to the skill, caro and precaution of where he was sent overseas. He and light neur us. The United war. No wonder thev were happy — their boys will be . , „ * ; landed in France on August 26, noti­ States and French m ade good prog- In a map issued by the State High­ Dr. O. D. Butler, local health officer. fying hig mother of his safe arrival, ress and sent back a lot of H uns coining home’ now. b or a tew there will be no home com way Commission, the West Sido Likewise the Williams Drug Co. did and was assigned to Co. G. 157th past our company. ing. Their loved ones paid the great price, but the woric highway is shown running from Mc­ its part well in the crisis. The only Infantry. It was evident that Jason Minnville thru Ilickreall and Mon­ two who died here of the disease o’clock in file wiU n e v e r f o r S e t t h i s S r e a t sacrifice. People of all future mouth to Independence. Dallas is (directly or indirectly) were Fred was considered one of the best Amer­ around us about Oberson and Alfred Spratley. ican fighters for he was sent to the morning and night was turned into ages will honor. Could there be a better way, a more hon­ left high und dry. Everybody co-operated heartily front line trenches at once, meeting day by their red flashes. United orable way, a more Godly way in passing from this earth­ Now it is presumed that we will his death but thirty two days after States machine-gun men were out have a ’season of-controversy again. in keeping the epidemic from spreading as much as possible. The arriving in France. He has one near the trenches that night after a ly sphere? NO! entire state “got" it about the same ONCE THEY DEPARTED brother, Oscar L., with the Ameri­ truck that was loaded with telephon The news broke in Independence Monday morning anc cans in France, a member of the wire and our way back we were just NOW THEY ARE RETURNING time and “recovered ” in the same bfleide the first gun to fire and start in a few moments the glad news was being heralded by way. 20th Engineers. When the bell rings Monday He was born August 22, 1890 in the big drive. A u d it w as sure ra in - 1 whistles, bells and horns. A large body of girls from the A few weeks people were leaving. St. Paul, Minnesota, and came with Now the flow has commenced the morning, school will be resumed his parents t Oregon in 1904, and mgWo were living in the dugouts Normal soon made tlieir appearance. They marched up other way. Independence has add­ after a month’s vacation. While a was a member of the W. O. W. camp the G erm ans had evacuated and and down the streets and thru the business houses singing ed fifty to its population within the number of the small boys enjoyed it immensely, it was detrimental to of Independence. there were a lot of them for miles such SOngs as would best give emphasis to their feelings past week. v A ° the interests of the school inasmuch Jason was a hard working, indus­ and miles w ith electric lights but I Welcome “home.” as the course of study has been re­ trious young man of good habits o u r heavy guns laid m ost of the w ire Comrades Bingman and Bascue were soon out with their tarded and it will acquire extra and had a large number of friends. down. There is enough sm all w ire drums and pounding them like they did in ’65. Shouting THE WIND BLEW SOME j i • • .,i . • , , For quite a long time he worked for around here to trellis all the hop AND CLOUDS ROARED work to “catch up" in order to com­ plete the course in the current year. Abe Nelson as a farm hand an<|. Mr. yards in Oregon and enough barb an (1 making a noise with such instruments as were avail- w ire to fence the Northwest. There able, the great peace promenade proceeded. After dinner Nelson speaks very highly of him. A rather bad storm visited this The "vacation" cost the district ap­ To mourn his death and loss, there are miles umi m iles of trenches and a iarge number went to the Normal where patriotic ad- section last night. The wind blew a proximately $700 as teachers' sal­ * is besides, his father and mother, tu n n els under the ground and ce- gale and there was some lightning aries and some other expenses have to be paid just the same. , five brothers and two sisters, all of m ent houses all th ru the woods with dresses were made by members of the faculty. About und thunder. whom have the sympathy of the little narrow -gauge railroad tracks I three o ’clock, Buena Vista put in an appearance. The community. stream of flag covered autoipobiles was led by Major Rose in the full uniform of a British officer. As the Buena Vis­ MR. AND MRS. HI BUFFUM THE ISIS AGAIN OPEN RE UNITED IN MARRIAGE ta procession passed down the streets, it was cheered to The Isis will be open tomor-. the echo. Hi Buffum and Mrs. Malissa Buf­ row (Saturday) night and show fimi were re united in marriage at Buena Vista brought with them “ Kaiser Wilhelm” who a good picture. the Buffum residence in Independ­ was apprehended somewhere on the Wigrich ranch. To Now that the ban has been re­ ence on Tuesday night, Dr. H. C. moved, the Isis will resume and Dunsmore pronouncing the import­ protect the prisoner from mob violence, the local state already a number of first class ant words. guards were called out. The world’s most miserable attractions have been booked. The same pictures that appear MONMOUTH YOUNG MAN wretch was taken to the public square and given a fair in Portland will be shown here. KILLED IN ACTION trial and his fate was left in the hands of a jury of Ameri “Crashing Through to Berlin” j I can citizens. No evidence was given or could be offered in coming soon. John Dalrymple of Monmouth is reported killed in France. the prisoner’s behalf and the jury, after a moment’s con­ sultation, brought in the following verdict: “ We, the jury in the case of Bill Hohenzollen, beast .of Berlin, find him guilty of every crime known to husband met his fate on Feb. 12,1554 (By Mildred Fryer CampbelL) mankind and decree that the thing be burned this day Brighton, England, Sept. 23, 1918. On the prison walls are many en­ just as quickly as possible.” My Dear Father: You have no gravings, crests and names cut in The populace cried, “ Aye! A ye!” in thunderous unison doubt received my numerous post the walls by the prisoners kept there cards, an occasional letter and the The name “Jane” being very clearly and the sentence was promptly carried out. cut and thought to have been meant THE TOWER OE LONDON AND EDINBURGH heather sent to you while we were spending our leave in Scotland, but perhaps you would like to hear more of the details of our trip which we so thoroughly enjoyed. To begin with we started our sight seeing in London by visiting the Tower of London. This building was first erected by William the Conqueror about 1000. It covers an area of 18 acres and in turn has serv­ ed as a fortress, a palace and a pris- cn. A high stone wall surrounds it, flanked by inner walls and it has thirteen towers. Perhaps the most interesting one to us was the Bloody Tower where the two little princes were murdered so that Rich­ ard II. could occupy the throne. Their bed room was a tiny little room about 10x12 where the deed was committed. Their bodies were found in a small room under the stairway some three weeks later. We were in both of these rooms and the cold grey stone walls and floors with-their centuries of time seemed to speak of tragedy. The old execu­ tion block is still there and among the many prominent personages of history who were beheaded there were Lord Hastings in 1483, Queen Anne Boleyn in 1536, Queen Kathe­ rine, Lady Jane Grey, Vicountess Rockford, all were beheaded except Queen Anne whose head was cut off with a sword by a special execution­ er brougljf from St, Omar for that purpose. From Lady Jane Grey’s prison she saw thru the windows not more than 30 feet away, her husband tnken to the execution block, his headless body brought back to the chapel, and also witnessed the erec­ tion of her own scaffold where she was executed the same day that her for Lady Jape Grey and carved by her husband who was interned there FORMER INDEPENDENCE LADY There is a beautiful old chapel in DIES IN SAN DIEGO, CAL. the grounds and one also in the White Tower, off of which is the Mrs. Margaret A. Richardson, prison room where Sir Walter Ral­ widow of the late Wm. Claiborne eigh was confined until his death. Richardson, formerly of this city, There are also many interesting his­ died at the home of her daughter in toric hits relative to (he Great Tower, San Diego, California, on October 31, Tower Hill, Lion Tower, The Trait­ 1918, at the age of 79 years and eight or’s Gate and other points, but my months. She was buried at San letter would be a budget, so I must Diego on November 2, Rev. T. T. wait to tell you more of it. However, Handsaker officiating. one interesting item to us is that She is survived by her daughters, Lotz, the German spy, who posed as Mrs. Lyman L. Reeves of Newport, an American, was shot here since Mrs. Maye Farley of Portland and the beginning of the war, which of Mrs. Joseph R. Campbell of San Die­ course served him right. go, Cal., and one son, Frank J. Rich On Fridny we left London for F.din ardson of Florence, Arizona. J. W. burgh. It is a distance, of about 430 Richardson of Independence is a miles. The entire disancc was like a beautiful panorama, in fact it re­ nephew. sembled more than anything a crazy quilt pattern with its small ir­ OFFICIAL VOTE OF POLK regular fields each because of its COUNTY ON NOV. 5, 1918 particulaivproduction being a differ­ ent color, while the hedges and U. S. Senator—McNary 2214, West stone fences seemed like a fancy 1531. stitch connecting each small plot, . Justice Supreme Court to fill va- and altogether it was a charmntg cancy_Bennett 435, Coke 270, Olson rural scene. In Edinburgh there is 12o6> Campbell much to see as it is one of the most Governor-Withycombc 1990, Pierce beautiful cities of the world. The 1757. charm of the old world connected by County Judge—Robinson 1918, the beauty of the present day in gar Kirkpatrick 1810. dening and beautifying make it a Sheriff—Orr 2556, Grnnt 1186. veritable fairyland. One can see Clerk—Moore 2291, Staats 1417. visions of the past as well as hopes Surveyor—Sammons 1904, Silver 0 / the future in every way you turn. 1602. The old Castle which stands like a Commissioner—Graves 2093, Simp­ sentinel, high against the sky line, son 1503. overlooking with an air of protection Except the one to abolish the pub­ the city below, is very impressive lication of the delinquent tax list, and proves how well fortified, even Polk county voted in the negative (Continued on Page 2.) on every measure on the ballot. DURRELL DAVIS IS KILLED ACCIDENTAL GUN DISCHARGE Durrell C. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Davis of Independence, was killed near Princville Tuesday night in a very peculiar manner. Accompanied by E. E* Evans,princi­ pal of the Crook county high school, he was in a row Imat hunting ducks and fell into the water. The gun he was carrying was discharged under water, the charge striking him in the breast. Durrell was well known in Inde­ pendence, being a frequent visitor at the home of his parents. At the time of his death he was musical instructor in the Crook county high school. Besides his parents of whom he was the only child, he leaves a wife nnd baby. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have the sym­ pathy of all In their great bereav- ment. ASA B.’s GOOD LUCK Asa B. Robinson received 1918 votes in 1918. WAR DR NO WAR, PEOPLE WILL MARRY Independence friends have receiv­ ed the news that L. E. Chnse nnd Mrs. Ella Shinn were recently mnr- ried in Vancouver. Victor Davis and Miss Ella Le- fever were wed at Dallas Tuesday and arc now happy. IDF MISER WRITES CROWN PRINCE (This is the kaiser’s reply to the crown prince’s letter published in The Post on October 25.) Bear Viliie—B o t’s right run, dot’s what your poor old ladder lias done. All iss over for your ladder und you. V e are no longer kaisers und and crown princes. Ve is nothings but jack­ asses, und pray, Viliie, pray. All peoples even the Germans vant to hang your poor old fadder umi he never done nothings. 1 can prove it by Hindenburg.’ He done it. The “ Me und Gott” beezness is played out, too, Viliie. It vorked for so long nud peoples what mine brave ¡soldiers vas pointing a gun at. Ven dem Alleys took the guns avay from mine brave soldiers, it fiz- iled out. Even mine "brave soldiers being lick­ ed good could not be fooled no longer mid it. I hear dat cry “ To hell mid the kaiser,” too, so 1 vent to Holland. 1 don’t vant to go to hell, but, Viliie, pray, maybe 1 go anyhow. Bern dunder blitsen Alleys say 1 started dis war, 1 know 1 did, but tell everybody what you see dat it aint so, den pray. Ben, Viliie, look out goodt yourselves. They accuse you of being mine son. . Say you aint, say anydings but that, but come to tiuk dat nose of yours. If you vas put in iuid a den of monkeys everybodys could pick you out. 1 fear for you, mine son. I am living in Holland mid the Butch und the climate is goodt but it iss getting warmer for me all the times. Yesterday 1 meets up mid one of dem tarn Americans. He says to your ladder, “ Bill, I vill give you dirty dollars a veek to go to America; • de boys vant to throw eggs at you.” The Butch have disterned your poor old ladder. I can’t go avay. Who vants to go avay ? Mine health is not goodt lately. 1 see an ad in a Butch paper about Lydia Pinkham’s Compound. Maybe dat will cure me. Since going avay from Germany so quickly 1 feel yellow from mine head to mine toes. Sav, V iliie, 1 tink mine army vat I used to have could lick these Butch vimmens worse den they did the Belgian vimmens. The Dutch vim­ mens iss too fat to run any. Uer Fatherland iss no longer Ber Fatherland. The Germans peo­ ples is talking like dem tarn Americans about democracy und electing a president. 1 said, ‘Mine good peoples, 1 vill be your president” und one swine spit on mine shoes und the others cried, “ Beat it!” Take your fadder’s advice und do the same. FADDER. P. S. Now Bill Hohenzollern, Holland. t