The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, November 08, 1918, Image 2

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P O S T .
A Semi-Weekly Newspaper.
Published Twice a Week at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on
Tuesday and Friday
Official Statement of Seven
Great Welfare Organizations.
Entered as second-class matter March 26, 1918, at the postoffice at In­
dependence, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rales: $1.50 a Year Strictly in Advance; Six Months
$1.00; Three months 50 cents. All subscriptions stopped at expiration.
_________ _______________________________________________ Z 3
Had Charles L. McNary been a “ big interests” repre­
sentative* he would have been decisively defeated by Os­
wald West, but a majority o f the people of Oregon are
firmly convinced that Mr. McNary is a one hundred per­
cent progressive and that he will work at it all the time
Now that the Senate is to pass to Republican control they
will watch expectantly to see Mr. McNary exercise his
“ progressiveness” and independence and resist all efforts
o f the reactionarists to control the body o f which he is i
member. A great many more Oregonians than voted for
him Tuesday will back him up if he unites with other Pro
gressive Republican senators and maintains a “ balance
o f pow er” from the opening session to final adjournment
W h en the Engine Stalls on
The defeat of the state tax levy is a notice to Governor
Withycombe that the taxpayers o f Oregon do not wan
their money spent for state police. I f assurances had been
given that no state money would be spent for that pur-,
pose, the proposed levy would have received an affirmative
B oy
H o w d y/
man can chew this class
of tobacco without extra
It goes further— that’s
why you can get the good
taste o f this class o f tobac­
co without extra cost.
lO v a poucn-znd worth it
In many recipe« the num ber of eggs m ay be reduced
with excellent results by using an additional quantity
o f Royal Baking Pow der, about a teaspoon, for each egg
omitted. The following recipe is a practical example:
Chocolate Sponge Roll
t teblaapoona malt ad abort an lax
M cup hot w atar
t taaapooo vanilla
S teaspoon* R oyal B aking
P ow dar
callad far 4 ana aad no baMae a aarda»
DIRECTIONS— Sift flour, baking powdar and salt together thraa
times. Beat wbola eggs. Add slowly augar, than boiling watar
slowly; add naxt vanilla, malted chocolate and maltad ahortaning,
without baating.
Sift in dry ingredients, and fold in aa lightly as
poaaibla. Pour into larga baking pan iinad with oilad paper, and
bake in alow ovan twenty minutes. When dona, turn out on a
damp, hot cloth, spread with white icing and roll.
Booklet o i recipe# w h ich econ om ite ht r u g . a
• *p*n*lve Ingredient*
ingredient* I m ailed nee.
r o y a l barin o
Its W illia m M.. N *w York
The Imle/tendence National Bank'
“ Well, you made it rfgain I see!” says
a smiling face under a tin hat—a face
that used to look out over a congrega­
tion in Rochester.
They glance far up ahead and there,,
suspended in the evening light, they see
a Hun balloon.
"Y e p !” says the driver glancing at
his watch. “ And w e came up Dead •
Man’s Curve in less than three minutes
— including one stall 1”
"And don’t forget,” replies the Phila­
delphia broker, "that he can see us just
as plain.”
Later that night tw o American boys,
fresh from the trenches bordering that
shattered town, stumble up the stairs
o f the chateau, into a sandbagged room
where the Rochester minister has his
The packing cases creak and groan,
the truck plods on— straight toward that
hanging menace.
"G et any supplies tonight?” they ask.
"Y ou bet I did 1” is the answer, "W h a t
will you have?”
Then up they go, through the strange
silence broken only when a great pro­
jectile inscribes its arc o f sound far
t **«*re* malted choral at a
The road sweeps round a village and
on a tree is nailed a sign: “ Attention!
L ’Ennemi Vous Voitl
The Enemy
Sees Y ou!”
They reach another village— where
heaps o f stone stand under crumpled
Fewer Eggs are
required with
Straight down a village street in
which the buildings are only skeletons
o f buildings. H e wheels into the court­
yard o f a great shell-tom chateau.
“ Say, w e can see him plain tonight I"
murmurs the accountant from Chicago.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
' l teaapooe
u ----- Hit
N ow shells are falling, further back
along the road. And the driver feels
the summit as his wheels begin to pick
up speed
The man at the wheel used to be a
broker in Philadelphia. Beside him sits
an accountant from Chicago. A news­
paper man from the Pacific Coast is
the third. N ow they all wear the uni­
form o f one o f these organizations.
" W h -r-r-oom !” That one was close
behind. The fragments o f the shell are
rattling on the truck.
H E Y climb aboard their loaded
truck at sundown, fifteen miles
behind the lines. They rumble
through the winding streets, out on the
white road that leads to Germany I
Now do your Christmas shopping early.
If you only knew to­
bacco you’d get a pouch
of Real Gravely today.
Then you’d have a sat­
isfying chew, a good
tasting chew. It lasts so
much longer that any
Dead M an’s Curve!
Established .1889
A Successful Business Career o f
Twenty-Five Years
" W h a t’s those? Canned peaches?
Gimme some. Package o f American
cigarettes— let’s see— an’ a cake o f
chocolate— an’ some o f them cookies I”
They reach a turn. They take it.
T hey face a heavy incline. For half
a mile it stretches and they know the
Germans have the range o f every inch
o f it. The mountain over there is where
the big Boches’ guns are fired. This
incline is their target.
“ Gosh!” says the other youngster
when his wants are filled “ W h a t would
we do without y ou ?”
You hear that up and down the front,
a dozen times a night— " W h a t would
w e do without them?”
The three men on the truck bring up
their gas masks to the alert, settle their
steel helmets closer on their heads.
Men and women in these organiza­
tions are risking their lives tonight to
carry up supplies to the soldiers. Trucks
and camionettes are creeping up as close
as any transportation is permitted
At first the camion holds its speed.
Then it slackens off. The driver grabs
his gear-shift, kicks out his clutch. The
engine heaves— and heaves— and stallsl
From there these people are carrying
up to the gun-nests, through woods,
across open fields, into the trenches.
The boys are being served wherever
they go. Things to eat, things to read
things to smoke, are being carried up
everywhere along the line.
“ Quick! Spin it!” calls the driver.
The California journalist has jumped.
H e tugs at the big crank.
“ W h-r-r-r-r-r-rTroom I ”
The shell breaks fifty yards behind
Another digs a hole beside the road
just on ahead
W ith new troops pouring into France,
new supplies must be sent, more men
and women by the hundreds must be
enlisted. They are ready to give every­
thing. W ill you give your dollars to
help them help our men?
And then the engine comes to life.
It cru n ch e s, g ro a n s -and a n sw ers.
Slowly, with maddening lack o f haste.
It rumbles on.
— —
V u i* *
. . 1L
• ui r
( '
Officers and Directors
H. H irschberg, Pres.
D. W. Sears, V. P.
Ira P . M ix, Cashier
W . H. W alker
I. A. Allen
O. D. Butler
Citizens of Oregon. In the week of
November 11-18, will respond to the
call of the United War Work Campaign
for funds to make happy and effective
the fighting men of the Nation. That
the citizens will uphold the common­
wealth's notable record In doing Its
share to win the war is taken for
granted, once the needs are under­
Oregon's quota in the joint drive of
the «even great organizations doing
war service work is 1770,000. Presi­
dent Wilson authorized this united
drive and named the participating
bodies. The purposes for which the
funds are needed and to which they
are dedicated are vital to the war’s
The Y. M. C. A. has more than 2000
huts In the great battle zone and Is
ministering to the boys overseas. In
trench and camp, leaving undone noth­
ing It can do to help them. In America
the "Y ” Is In every camp and canton­
ment. It Is with the boys “ crossing
over” and, at request of the War De­
partment, has recently Joined In the
task of instructing aelectlvea even be­
fore they are called.
War work of the Y. W. C. A. is thus
outlined by MrB. William MacMaster,
state chairman:
"Already we hare lh thlB country
2,000,000 women doing actual war
work, while another 2,000,000 have re­
leased men for service by undertaking
their work. To the Y. W. C. A., ‘the
beet big Bister In the world,' has been
committed by the government and mili­
tary authorities the serious respon­
sibility of directing the thought, creat­
ing the environment and furnishing
the material needs of this army of
girls. Already 105 hostess houses have
been opened, War Service Clubs organ­
ized, the Patriotic* League created,
nurses sent where needed and now we
are asked to furnish emergency hous­
ing for thousands of girl war workers."
John W. Kelley, associate drive di­
rector, says of the Knights of
‘Knights of Columbus halls are in
operation In all cantonments, training
camps and naval stations in the United
States and the halls are also establish­
ed with the American Expeditionary
Forces In France, Italy, Russia and
England. The motto Is ‘Everybody
Welcome’, service being given irrespec­
tive of race, creed, or rank. Millions
of cigarettes, pipes, bouillon cubes, gum
packages and tons of chocolate have
been given free to the soldiers over­
seas. One of the specialties is the pro­
motion of athletics and a considerable
Item In the budget Is for baseball equip­
ment, boxing gloves, etc. In the war
zone the troops aro followed with
motor trucks which are virtually
traveling huts, fully stocked with ath­
letic goods, stationery, cigarettes, and
the like.”
Needs and activities ofl the Jewish
Welfare Board, explained by Ben Sell­
ing, are:
In one year the number of cur field
representatives has grswn from 10 ta
213. Now we are faced with the de­
mand for 400 additional workers la
this country and 100 overseas. #Tho
money going Into our fund pays nec­
essary expenses and salaries, furnishes
Bibles and prayerboeks by the thou­
sands and letterheads and envelopes by
the million, and provides camp, edu­
cational and recreational activities for
the fighters, both here and abroad.”
War Camp Community Service,”
explains Emery Olmstead, state chair­
man, "developed from tbe commission
created by the War aad Navy Depart­
ments, first known aa tks Fosdlck Com­
mission. The community Is Its partic­
ular field and thousands of workers
are assisting the towns in caring far
visiting soldiers and sailors, providing
wholesome amusement aad clean rec­
reation aad surrounding the caaspo
with hospitality.” ,
Functions of the American Library
Association, says W illiam L. Brewster,
state chairman, are “ to provide books
and reading matter to the soldiers and
sailors through ce-eperattng agencies
and directly.” Thirty library build-
Inga have been provided at caatoa-
ments; 3,750,994 donated books dis­
tributed; 1,949,940 books and tons of
magazines sent abroad, and 609,099
needed military technical books bought
and given the men.
These are some things the Salvation
Army does, according to O. C. Bertz
meyer, state Chairman:
“On lines of communication our huts
are open day and n igh t Then, follow­
ing their methods, our men and women
go right to the trenches and distribute
chooelate, coffee, doughnut- and pise.
Sixty per cent of the 1490 workers are
women. *We have now 743 huts aad
(0 ambulances in service. In the past
few months aid has been given the
Red Cress in sending nbroad 109,999
Here’s your chance— give to the Y.
M , Y. W , K. of C., Salvation Army,
Jewish Welfare Board, Library Asso­
ciation nod the War Community Serv-
loe aad you help make n soldier, sailor
or marl me happier and better.
Do yon want to get n good book to
a soldier, seller or marine? QIVB to
the American Library Association.
G IVE to the wnr welfare agenclee
aad keep up the sserale ef our flgkt-
tag tOrceo.
I liis space is paid for by patriotic citizens who wish to impress upon their fellow
Americans (he great importance o f raising this money for “ our” boys “ over there.”
i doughant to the frost lias
bg stola« to the ■ « to s iti« Army.