To the Voters of Polk County D U R IN G M Y FORM ER TERM S AS S H E R IF F OF P O L K COUNTY, I CONDUCTED TH E A F F A IR S OF T H A T OFFICE W IT H TH E A SSIST ANCE OF O N LY ONE D E P U T Y , E X C E P T A T 'T A X COLLECTION TIM E, W H E N FOR A F E W W E E K S EACH Y E A R IT W A S N EC ESSAR Y TO E M P L O Y A D D IT IO N A L H E LP . I CAN SEE NO REASON W H Y A G R E A T E R N U M BER SHOULD BE ON TH E C O U N TY P A Y R O L L A T TH E P R E S ­ E N T TIM E. THE W O R K OF TH E S H E R IF F ’S OFFICE IS NO G R E A TE R NOW T H A N I T W A S FOUR Y E A R S AGO, IN FACT, TH E R E IS PR O B ­ A B L Y LESS FOR T H A T O FFIC E R TO DO. A F E W Y E A R S AGO, THE C O U N TY J A IL OC- n iB H in im n iiin iin iw iin iM iiin ii Il I !■! I !■! I!■!Ill IIIIHIIIHIIIHIll mihiiihiiihiiihiii ■ For Councilmen 1 C U PIE D MUCH OF TH E S H E R IF F ’S T IM E AN D A T T E N T IO N .. A S E V E R Y V O TER KNO^fS, TH E C R IM IN A L E L E M E N T I N PO LK , AS IN O THER CO UNTIES IN OREGON, H AS P R A C T IC A L L Y D IS A P P E A R E D A N D OUR CO U N TY J A IL STAND S E M P T Y FOR M ONTHS A T A TIM E. T H IS R E LE A SE S TH E S H E R IF F ’S OFFICE FROM MUCH E X T R A W O R K AND A TTE N TIO N . TH E W A R H A S NOT ADDED G R E A T L Y TO TH E D U TIE S OF A N Y C O U N TY.O FFIC E R , AS TH E C A P A B L E Y O U N G W O M AN IN THE OF FICE OF TH E L O C A L CO UNCIL OF DEFENSE A T T E N D S TO P R A C T IC A L L Y A L L OF THE CORRESPONDENCE, I N A D D IT IO N TO L E N D ­ While Craven and H uff are on the ballot they would rather sell a Welcome Heater than be elected I I i ■ i I VOTE ALL DAY FOR THE WELCOME ■ I I I W hy shiver around on these cold mornings and evenings and in­ vite the germs of colds, “ grip” and influenza to attack you or mem­ bers of your family? Keep warm, keep dry, keep clean and breathe pure air and you’ll soon save the price of the stove in doctors’s bills and medicine. i W H E N I T COMES TO C H O O S I N G THE K IN D OF A STOVE, T H E R E ’S B U T ONE R IG H T CHOSE AN D I T ’S A W E L C O M E ri€ ~ Killed JOE CLARK ROY JOHNSON Died in the Service JOHN O. NASH Severely Wounded HARRY H. STALNAKER ARMIN D. YOUNG Prisoner of W ar LIEUT. RALF A. FLOYD WEATHER STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER HARDWARE COMPANY AT M IC H A E L S ’ And save the advance price which is coming in ED HAD THE RIGHT HUNCH material, also a shortage which may confront us. It didn’t take Ed Mekkers of Rickreall long to hud the owner of two cows that came to his place. Ed writes that the own­ er “ ‘read it in your paper." I f- you want people to know it, put it in The Post. C H R ISTM A S G IV IN G % \ “ O VER H E R E ” AND “ O VER T H E R E ” W e can satisfy the most fastidious customer. M ICHAELS’ STUDIO WOMEN! CONSERVE Y O U R E N E R G IE S FOR W A R W O R K ! DO N’T fatigue yourself over the wash tub every week, so that you are no good for de­ mands made on you for Red Cross work and other things. TH E i I STUDIO Have your Photo ready for— IN D E PE N D E N C E STE A M LAUNDRY W ill do the work for you at reasonable prices. NO D AM AG E TO Y O U R CLOTHES L A T E S T IM P R O V E M E N T S P R O M P T SE RVIC E D E L IV E R Y «A T S I TO MYSELT SAY8 I THE POST IS THE PAPER TO BUT. | Local representative of Western | Conservatory of Music, Chicago | Diplomas granted. Residence Phone 4821. TEACHER OF VIOLIN (Continued from Page 1.) two feet below zero, the lowest known for the past twenty years. Phone Farm 3013 The average stage of the river was l----- !----------------------------------- 1.3 feet below zero. The overage temperature for October of one year ago was lift and the average mini­ few minutes the last few days. They haven’t done much damage mum was 43. yet but the shrapnel has made the roofs around here look like sieves. S PEACE PROSPECTS SEND HOPS TO TWENTY CENTS It sure is a weird sound to listen to the shrapnel whistling through the With an early pence almost assur­ air and then clatter on the slut and ed, the price of hops has jumped to tile roofs. Mos of the fellows are sleeping 20c. Too late for’loenl bepeflt. where they can get to a dugout in a few jumps and some are even sleep­ IN MEMORY OF ELI FRANKLIN TICE ing in them. DEAN S. BAUGHMAN. !CRAVEN & H U FFj ! 1 Voice and Piano INSTRUCTION GIVEN AT PUPILS’ HOME. (Continued from Page 1.) are Mrs. Graca Yeater and Katherine I Tice of Independence and Mrs. Clara Jordan and Ernest Tice of Portland. Also four brothers and two sisiers: i A L W A Y S SOLD B Y L. W. Tice of Sandy, Ore., A. J. Tice of Burton, Wash., Charles Tice of Aberdeen, Wash., W. H. Tice of In­ dependence and Mrs. Lizzie Burbank of Airlie, Ore., and Mrs. Emma Childers of Enterprise, Ore. He was converted in July 1918 at the Apostolic Faith camp meeting at m « i i w i i w i « i i M i « i i ! n i M i i i n i » i i w i m i i » i » i i « i i i n i ! W ||w ||w |||i m « |n >,i||,||||!i |w i!t f f / Kenton and Lombard streets, Port­ land. He has been an invalid for months, but found that the grace of God and the patience of Jesus Christ was a comfort to himself and a tes­ timony of the grace and love of God DO N’T W A IT to those who cared for him in the H A V E Y O U R P IC T U R E M AD E NOW last hours of his life. § LO TTIE h e d g e s M c I n t o s h Teacher of MRS. A L L E N CHASE S T E IG E R ft K E R R ’S WELCOME SOUTH P O L K C O U N TY R O L L OJFHONOR Tracy Staats, candidate for county clerk, is a man of family and a tax­ payer. He is competent and will make good. (Paid ad.) Notice On account of the high price of feed wo are compelled to raise the price of milk, beginning November 1, as follows: Pints—$1.50 to $2.25. Quarts—$3.00 to $3.50. By the gallon—30c. to 40c. CLOVF.RLEAF DAIRY. Otto Hi Ike. B U E N A V IS T A F.d Harmon is on the sick list. R. E. Prather and family Sunday- ed at the N. C. Anderson home. Marvin Wells left Fridny for Ben­ son Polyechnic School in Portland. The Misses Thelma nnd Alice Moe were shopping in Albany Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Collfns of Dallas was a week end visitor with friends nnd relatives here. IN G O TH ER A ID . TH E W A R W O R K OF TH E S H E R IF F IS L A R G E L Y E X E C U TIV E , R A T H E R T H A N C LE R IC A L. I C AN SEE NO REASON FOR E M P L O Y IN G MORE T H A N ONE D E P U T Y IN THE S H E R IF F ’S OFFICE, E X C E P T A T T A X COLECTING TIM E, AN D I F ELECTED N E X T TU ESD AY, I PR O M ­ ISE TO CONDUCT THE OFFICE UNDER TH E SAME CO ND ITIO NS W H IC H NOW E X IS T , W IT H ONE A S S IS T A N T, THUS SA V IN G TO TH E T A X P A Y E R S OF P O L K CO UNTY THE S A L A R Y OF ONE D E P U T Y . JOHN M. GRANT. C A N D ID A T E FOR S H E R IF F (Paid advertisement.) had appendicitis, returned home Thursday with him much improved. She also reports that the family of John E. Wells just getting over the flu. J. C. Huston has sold his town property to Bert Snyder and is mov­ ing to Salem tins week. This will make an ideal place for Bert and is handy to the ferry which he runs for the county. Mr. Huston it is un­ derstood will go back to his old the state institution. Their many friends wish for the family the best there is in their new loca­ tion. Republican Candidate for County Commissioner General Election Nov. 5. The remains of .1. O. Nash, son of Jake and Susan Nash, who died at (Paid advertisement hy T. J. Graves) the naval hospital in Portsmouth, Va., arrived last Wednesday and funeral services were held Thurs­ day with short services at the house and open air services at the grave at 2 o’clock. A full military service was given which was very impres­ sive, eight sailor Iwys and a captain coming from Portland. Dr. Duns more officiated in a few well spoken words. Johnie was hut 20 years old when he died and has been in the service nearly two years and his untimely death is mourned hy the whole com­ munity. He leaves two sisters and three brothers, besides his parents who wish to thank nil who were so kind to them during the sickness nnd death of their son and brother. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. A wreath was sent from the battleship, Pueblo, where he was well liked and a valuable sailor. Stop colds— Save Those in attendance from a dis­ tor’s Bills— Enjoy solid tance were Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Prath­ comfort. No more cold er and family, Bobby Prather, Mrs. rooms to dress in. You Kignr, Gladys Reynolds and Gilbert can heat your home warm nnd Alfred Loy of Corvallis, W. It. and cozy every morning Bevens of Portland, Mrs. Sarah Col­ with lins, Mrs. Amos Holman and Misses Leonilln, Lillian and Edna Smith of Dallas. Thus the first gold star goes on A IR -T IG H T our Community Service Flag. .Johnnie graduated from the Bue­ na Vista high school in June 1916 and joined the colors in February From zero to seventy 1917. All the young men from that degrees in five minute* class are now in the service; Art and an evenly heated Black, seaman sailor oil the battle­ home all day long is guar­ ship, Fredrick, Verd Shrunk, work­ anteed with this remark­ ing in nn aviator's shop somewhere able heater. Come in now in France, Gilbert and Alfred Loy — W e have a size and in the S. A. T. C. at Corvallis rind style to your liking. Ernest Chown waiting his call fun mentnrily and Clifford Wells in the tank service in eastern camps. J. D. Don’t Shiver With Cold Cole’s Original Wood Heater W IG R IC H Tracy Staats has held many posi­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner are tions of trust in Polk county. En­ Miss Sissie Plant returned to her moving to Salem. quire if he has made good. home here after a week’s stay with (Paid ad.) relatives in Salem. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse Tann moved DEAN S. BAUGHMAN RELATES Ralph Lucas, who spent several the last of the week to Carlton. THRILLING EXPERIENCES days at the home of his parents, re­ Misses Plant nnd Rose were call­ turned to Portland Monday. * ing in this vicinity Wednesday even­ Continued from Page 1) • • has given us many hearty laughs. Jim Nash and family returned to ing. Sept. 26—There isn't much to write their home in Salem Monday after Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner were about that I can tell you. I, by some a week’s stay at the J. R. Nash calling nt Ralph Porterfield’s Wed­ lucky chance, don’t happen to he on home. nesday evening. any detail now and have not worked any for a few days. My hand is all Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chown nnd O. K. again. motored to Wood hum Sunday and W e are in a French city that was and atended the funernl of Grandma son, Ernest, have been nursing had colds, hut nothing serious. a short time ago in the hands of the Darral, an old friend. Germans. I should judge it has a The school closed on Monday for population of 10,000 and is now all Gale Prather and Ilarve Nash shot to pieces. We are in the edge were called before the examination two weeks on account of had colds of the town in a house which by board, successfully passed and ex­ and influenza. There are no cases in this vicinity yet. luck is hardly damaged. It has been pect to be in uniform before long. a very pretty place and would he Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porjerflehl now with a little work. Have been Jesse Tann, after spending several and family spent Sunday with Mrs. out nearly all morning having a tar­ days with his wife at the home of get practise with both our rifles and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Nash, Porterfield’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. German rifles, which were found left for Salem Monday where he has Hartman near Independence. everywhere. work at a dairy. Walter Plant motored to Salem Wish I could send you some sou­ venirs for I have all kinds of Ger­ Lester Murphy was called to As­ Sunday evening nnd got his sister, man relics st/ch „s helmets, pistols, toria hy the illness of his father-in- who has been taking care of her sis rifles, etc. W e hove everything in law, Mr. Wilson, with Spanish in­ ter-in-law who has been quite sick. the company from rifles up to Ger­ man machine guns nnd even have two German three-ton trucks that we have salvaged nnd are running every day. Sept. 29— Hove been busy lately dodging shells. The Roches have been shelling the town here every T. J. G RAVE S fluenza. His two little daughters Trncy Staats comes from one of have been at the Wilson home for some time nnd much Anxiety is felt the prominent pioneer families of Polk county and if elected county for them.. clerk, he will conduct the office in Mrs. Simmons, who was cnlled to a business like way nnd everyone Portland several days ago, by the w ill be trented with courtesy. (Paid ml.) serious illness of her son. W ill, who H IBB S & CO. Max Goldman Deals in HIDES PELTS WOOL FURS MOHAIR CASCARA BARK VEAL PORK BEEF POULTRY BUTTEfl EGGS FARM PRODUCE WOOD WOOD • GROCERIES SHOES FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS CASH OR TRADE SW O PE & SWOPE LAW YERS I. 0. 0. F. Building Independence, Oregon