The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, November 01, 1918, Image 1

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T he P olk C oumt P ost
Of Vital Military Value 99
Says the Commander-in Chief
All business houses in Inde­
pendence now close at five in
the afternoon, except on Satur­
days which is at nine. This ac­
tion is taken at the request of
the Council of National Defense.
The crest of the epidemic in this
section lias been reached and is now
receding. While a few new cases
have developed this week, there are
no where as many as there were CITY ELECTION TUESDAY
last week.
Again warning is given all those
who have colds, “grippe” or recover­ The city election will be held Tues­
ing from influenza to l>e careful. day at the same time as the general
There is no danger in any of them if ! election and tho there will be the
handled properly and precaution is usual four polling places for the gen­
used in preventing a relapse which eral election, there will only one
place to vote in the city election and
may result seriously.
It is thought that it will he possi­ that will be at the city hall. A may­
ble to "open" the town within a few or, six councilman and a recorder
days as the epidemic has spent its will be elected.
Much rivalry has developed be­
Dr. O. D. Butler, local health offi­ tween the contending forces and
cer, is to be commended for his campaign “literature" is being dis­
handling of the situation. In propor­ tributed. Perhaps by Tuesday, the
tion to other sections, the death rate “issue" will become real warm if
not red hot.
is very low.
i3 September, 1918.
My dear Mr. Fosdick;
May 1 convey through you as Chairman of the Commission
on Training Camp Activities, a very warm expression of tho Gov­
ernment’s appreciation of the splendid services rendered by the
seven officially recognized volunteer organizations which are min­
istering to the troops at home and overseas? The agencies to
winch I refer are
Young Men’s Christian .Association
Young Woman’s Christian Association
National Catholic War Council
Jewish Welfare Board
American Library Association
War Camp Community Service
Salvation Army
Our soldiers overseas are fighting the battle for democracy with a
spirit and a morale unexcelled in any other army. That spirit and
that morale will win the war. Through the work which these
seven prgunizations ure jointly conducting America is expressing
her wholehearted support of our troops in camp and in the lines,
and her anxious desire that the tine edgo of their trainiiig as
fighting men should be maintained. The activities of these organ­
izations, therefore, in mobilizing the home, and the church behind
the army is of vital miltary vulue and will be of the most essential
vutue in effecting the result.
The united war work campaign of these societies is merely
another .indication of thnt unity of spirit as a nation that is mak­
ing it possible for us to win the war. That spirit and the place
which the work of these agencies has made for itself in the heurts
of all of us gives me confidence to believe that the united cam­
paign will be crowned with abundant success.
Cordially and sincerely yours,
If there is *o much rivalry
for city offices that pay no sal­
ary, what would it be like if
councilman received five dol­
lars per year?
D. M. Duvall has received a mes-
j sage from the War Department say­
ing that his son, Guy, had been sor-
| iously wounded in France.
However, a letter has been receiv­
ed from the young man since the
date he was reported wounded in
which he stated that he had been
ELI FRANKLIN TICE slightly wounded in the leg but was
was all right.
This is a case similar to that of
Eli Franklin Tice was born in Roy Whiteaker reported wounded
Marion county, Oregon, April 18, by the War Department.
1857. Died at his home in Independ­
ence, Oregon, on October 25, 1918, DEAN WALKER TO ENTER
aged 01 years, five months and
seven days.
He was married on March 28,1888,
Dean Walker will leave tomorrow
to Cassella Combs, who with four for Fort Taylor, Kentucky, where he
children survive him. The children will enter the artillery officers' train­
(Continued on Page 3.)
ing school.
from our boys in the trenches and
from the women in canteen and other
war work, ail bring to us the same mes­
World news is all right, but OUR BOYS
want NEWS OF THIS TOWN. They want
the home newspaper. Publishers are prevented
from sending their papers free to anyone, even
boys in the service. Consequently a national
movement has been started by Cjpl. William
Boyce Thompson of New York, who is acting
as President of the Home Paper Service of
America to give the boys what they are calling
for. Every community is joining the movement
Let ua Me th a t our boys are not forgotten.
Send to the publisher of this newspaper
whatever amount of money you can—5
cents or $50.00. We will publish a list
each week of those contributing, and the
amounts contributed.
Every cent received will be used to send
this paper to our boys a t th e f r o n t If at
th e end of th e w ar, th ere is any surplus, it
will be turned over to th e local Red Cross
There is no profit in this to the publisher—
even in normal times, subscriptions are not sold
at a profit. With war prices prevailing, and the
high rate of postage on papers sent to France,
our cost will scarcely be covered by our full
subscription price.
Remember that over in France, some brave
soldier or sailor from this town—perhaps even
some splendid woman working within sound of
the guns—is depending on you to “KEEP THE
They are calling to YOU from “ Over T'
The President has expressed what is in every American
heart. As a nation we are united in the winning of this
war. As a nation we staud behind our lighters eager arid
prepared to do for them whatever will hasten victory and
makes the fighter’s task a little lighter.
. As individuals there is little we eau do. As a nation we
can work wonders through the seven organizations auth­
orized and recognized by the Government.
They come to you not as Catholics, nor as Jews nor as
Prostestants, not as the representatives of any creed or
enterprise, but as Americans to ask that you join in this
great undertaking for God, and country and our fighters.
The President has voiced his belief that this spirit of
unity will be “ crowned with abundant success.”
He believes it because he knows this campaign is “ of
vital military value” and he knows that you will leave
nothing undone to win this war.
It rests with you. Think of this campaign as your sole
responsibility. What you give will mean its sficcess. You
cannot leave this undertaking to others. It is your cam­
paign. In Prance, Americans are fighting this war as if
the result depended on the way each individual fights. At
home, this campaign rests with you. What will you give
—decide tonight—and make your share the biggest thing
you ever did!
and could have had a good visit witli
THRILLING EXPERIENCES him as they were camped only
On Active Service with the Ameri­
can Expeditionary Force, Sept. 19,
1918—I was sent out on another de­
tail and it was to- the very front. I
followed the front tip in the last big
drive. Sorry I can’t tell you just
where I was but never the less I
have been having the exf>ericncc of
my life.
I have met the Boche and had a
very interesting encounter with two
in n dugout. I walked in thinking
of course all had gone when, lo and
i>ehold, there was two still hiding.
Will tell you the details later. This
was on the 15th. I have a little keep­
sake of the occasion and will bring
it home if I can. I am afraid to send
it for fear it would never get there.
I scratched my hand on a nail
yesterday and it was all swollen
and infection had started this morn­
ing when I awoke. I showed it to
the Lieutenant and he sent me to
town to a hospital to have it dress­
ed. Think it will be all right soon.
' I saw lots of funny things while
gone this last time. One was the find­
ing of a German beer garden. I did­
n't get there in time to get anything
but a smell, however. I think the
company is going to move up a vil­
lage or so soon. The Bochos are re­
treating so rapidly it keeps us on the
Sept. 21—I saw in one of the paper
clippings you sent me that Cyril
Richardson was in the 101st. reg. of
the 2f>*h Division. Well, that is
where I was until I was sent in with
a sore hand yesterday morning. I
was around the 101st. to every com­
pany including the company he wna
with (A. Co,) twice a day with a
truck load of drinking water and to
think that I was there a dozen or
more times where lie was camp<“d
about one-fourth of a mile from us
for two days, resting after the drive.
I think the next detail will be my
trade again. Yes, I get all I want
to eat and as to clothes—whenever
we get a bole in anything we turn
it in and get new ones. We are
dressed plenty warm even to heavy
socks. When we are on detail near
the front we often go hungry and
have to carry everything on our
backs including blunkets, tents, etc.
On these little trips things are often
not ns they should be hut no one
complains; instead we try to make
the best of everything, even to sleep­
ing in the flouring rain in the mid­
dle of a mud or shell hole soaked to
the skin. These times don’t Inst for­
ever, a week is the longest I have
been out at any time.
We have lots of sport with one
fellow, ------- , you will remember
him ns one of the hoys from Oregon
City. We had nn air raid the other
night and he jumped up half dress­
ed and frightened nearly to death.
He started up the street for the dug-
out and just got out in the street and
Jerry, who was just missing the
housetops, rut loose down the street
with his machine gun. I guess lead
was all around him, anyway all you
could see was a white streak coming
back and under the bunk it dove
head first. When we pulled him out
he was so excited that all he could
do wns to shake and stutter. The
rest of ns never got up. You sliould
have seen him at the front, when the
"whiz hangs" (thnt is the Austrian
88 ren. gun) begin to land nromifl
and throw gravel. Of course, it is
true that it is enough to mnke any­
one nervous hut the funny part is
to get him to try to tell about it. He
gets excited and all mixed up and
(Continued on Page 3.)
As soon as Germany accepts
the terms of surrender as
drawn by tho Allied Council
now in session in Paris, the
great war will be over.
Austria and Turkey have quit.
Alfred Splatley, resident mana­
ger of tho independence Telephone
Co„ died at his home in this city this
(Saturday) morning. The end came
FINDS MESSAGE IN “DUD" ^ very suddenly and unexpectedly.
He had been ill for about a week
Salem—How a British Tommy is with the prevailing epidemic, but
helping to win the war, although a was so much improved Friday that
prisoner of the Huns, was revealed it was thought he would be able to
in u dramatic manner to Roy Wil­ resume ids office work Monday.
liams of Independence, who is fight­ Mr. Splatley came to Indopend
ing on the Western front, and is once olxnit two years ago when the
described by a Salem man writing local telephone system was purchas­
from France to his parents. The ed by Portland capitalists. Ho is
Tommy, it appears, is compelled to survived by a wife.
work in a German munitions fac­
A German “dud" which is the
war term for shells that fail lo ex­
John M. Grunt makes the state­
plode, hurtled into the American
lines and landed near u squad, one ment that the duties of the sheriff
of whom was Williams. When the are not as strenuous as once they
Yanks had made sum that the hig were and if he is elected he will run
shell was not dangerous they pro­ the office with but one deputy, ex­
ceeded'to take it apart. Inside this cept in tax collecting time, and save,
to the taxpayers the salary of one
note was found:
“I am a British Tommy doing my deputy, there being two at the pres­
hit. What the hell are you doing?” ent time.
Next Tuesday is state and rounty
election day.
Voters have been very indifferent
concerning tho outcome until a few
days ago when.the battle between
MeNary and West for U. S. senator
and Pierce and Witiiyeonibe for
governor aroused some interest.
In Polk county there are contests
for the. offices of clerk, sheriff, judge,
surveyor and commissioner. This
year the political prophets are "up
in the air", so to speak, and ace pick­
ing no winners. From general re­
ports, everybody has a 50-50 chance.
(Salem Journal.)
October of 1918 goes into record as
just an average monthl with» the ex­
ception. of tiic low stage of the river.
The average maximum temperature
was 03 and tl)e average minimum
46. The ruin fall was 2.83 inches.
There was rain on 15 days in the
month and the prevailing winds
were from the south. The heaviest
rainfall for a*y 24 heurs .was .80 of
an inch on the 16Un For the first
four days of tho month-the river was
(Continued on Page &)f
(By the Rhyming Sumiuarist.)
If your bones do ache, your muscles quulee,
With a head that ice will hot it,
Better put your kimoua ou,
I t ’s ten ty one you’ve got it;
I t ’s a full sister to the ‘grip” ,
The cough, nose run and the sneezing,
When bones do ache
And muscles quake,
I t ’s the tiu you’re whooping.
A little germ called kacocici
With-tusks and big long whiskers,
Takes a taxi down the alimentary canal,
A \\ of the tribe are riskere;
It locates in a fertile spot,
And there begins its germing,
Then bones do aelie
And .muscles quake,
When the flu is squirming.
If the germs move in on Monday,
By Wednesday there’s a million, *
If you’re not well by Friday noon,
They number several billion;
You begin to feed on wheatless pills
And drink much kiekless liquor,
When bones do ache
And muscles quake,
The flu’s a champion “ sicker.”
Once the “ grip” you used to whip
With quinine and a bottle,
But you dare not do it any more,
Science is at the throttle;
Now yon have to put a face mask on
And wash your hands at dinner,
When bones do ache
And muscles quake
With the tin—the sinner!
Perhaps some day w e’ll conquor all
And prohibit all diseases,
The does will chase out all the hugs,
And stop our coughs and sneezes;
W e’ll live as long as Adam then—what!
“ A message from a lady!”
“ My hones do ache
And muscles quake”—
The tin’s tlew in on Sadie!