h T he P olk C ounty P ost VOLUME 1. CITY'S FUST ELECIION UNDER NED CHANTEN (TWICE A WEEK.) I------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DOING MORE THAN A “BIT” Despite a large falling off in patronage, M anagers Nelson and H enkle of the Isis have kept the th eater open, show ing the best pictures in the world of films. They have not only done th is and gave Independence its only, place of am usem ent, but have turned the building over for every' public m eeting, p a tri­ otic or otherwise, w ithout fee or price. By keeping the house open they have brought ad d it­ ional patronage to every busi­ ness house in Independence and adding to this th eir free service for patriotic and public m eetings, they certainly de­ serve some token of rew ard and appreciation, and The Post be­ lieves th at such a token should be an increase of patronage for th e ir shows. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918. NUMBER Proclamation MAKES A DATE “See you in Independence be- tjveen this date and 'J u ly 4. Sure, no doubt al>out it,” w rites one of the boys now in France. 15. ENEMY I U I E 0 10 PANtEY INO DELAY | | | I, the undersigned A. C. Moore, Mayor of the City of In­ Independence will have its first | dependence, in Polk County, State of Oregon, do hereby Germ any is inclined to parley, de­ election und er its new c h arter on certify and proclaim that a certain ordinance of said City MISS JEWELL’S BROTHER lay and argue over the term s of Tuesday, Nov. 5. An entire set of | peace in answ er to President W il­ No. 295, proposed and submitted by the City Council of DIED AT EUGENE TODAY city officials consisting of m ayor, re­ i son’s dem and for an “unconditional said City, filed with the City Recorder on the 13tli. day of corder and six councilm en will he surrender." W hether peace will G. Jewell, age 42, n brother elected. August, 19J8, passed by the City Council on the 12tli. day of Frank come at once»or at some tim e in the Miss G ertrude Jewell of Independ­ U nder the provisions of the new \ future prim arily upon of August, 1918, and approved by the Mayor on the same ence, died today of pneum onia at his w hether depends charter, w hich w as adopted T h u rs­ or not the German people home in Eugene. day by the people by a vote of 111 to day, to the people thereof, and entitled “ A Rill for an ordi can shake off the m ilitary autocrats Upon his death bed, he w as m ar­ 03, nom inations m ay be m ade by th at have them by the throat. nance to propose and submit to the legal voters of the City ried to Mrs. Lillian M. Machnm of caucus and petition. If by petition, M eanwhile the Allied troops are of Independence, in Polk County, State of Oregon, An Act Eugene. an acceptance of the nom ination driving forward as the Germ ans re­ m ust be filed w ith th e petition. treat and if the present pace is m ain­ to incorporate the City of Independence aforesaid, and to “TED” COOPER IS NOW None of the p resent officers will tained for a few more days, the Ger­ repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in confiiet herewith, and A FIRST LIEUTENANT m ans will be out of France and most seek the places again, but The Post believes th a t all of them should be to order a special election to be held in said City for the of Belgium. J. S. Cooper Jr., who is in France, re-elected. The present finance com ­ purpose of voting on said Act of Incorporation and to pro­ has been prom oted from a second to m ittee of the council, consisting of MORE STUDENT NURSES vide for the time, place and manner of holding such elec­ a first lieutenant. Such is the good W. E. Craven, J. S. B ohannon and ARE CALLED FOR news received by cable by relatives M. W. Mix, have saved the city tion and the form of the ballots to be used therein” was here a few days ago. hundreds of dollars th ru th eir dili­ GAS ENGINE CATCHES HAND; More student nurses are wanted. gence and attention, and other m em ­ HELD FOR 45 MINUTES submitted to the legal voters off said City for their ap­ The services of young women of bers of the council have accepted proval or rejection at a special election held on the 16th. RED CROSS WILL RECEIVE gasJd health between the ages of 19 and endorsed .th eir m ethod of “hew ­ W. A. Scott got his hand in a gaso $300 FROM CARNIVAL DAY an d 35, and having at least a high ing to the m ark, let the chips fall line a t F ran k T u rn er’s W ednesday day of October, 1918, and that at said election there were school education, m ay enroll. The w here they may." an d it was forty five m inutes before cast for said ordinance 111 votes and 63 votes against it, Officers of the Civic Club say th at following com m unity chairm en have The present officials have m ade the hand could be released. The en­ will be netted U r the Bed Cross application blanks and can give in­ there being 2 votes cast blank, and that the same was duly $300 m istakes ju st like those who have gine had to be taken apart. Mr. as the result of the Liberty Day formation concerning the work: Dr. served before them and like those Scott says he will rem em ber those approved by a majority of all the votes cast thereon at Carnival. L aura C. Price, M onmouth; Mrs. J. who will follow them , but th e ir m an ­ forty five m inutes as long as he said election. J. T hurston, Suver; Mrs. C. V. John­ agem ent of the finances of the city lives. In the language of his dis CARL WILLIAMS QUITS RY. \ son, Airlie; Mrs. V. J. Love, Pedee; I therefore proclaim the said ordinance and Act to be in has been so com m endable and so tinguished ancestor, S ir W nlter TO ENTER SPRUCE ARMY Mrs. George E. W ells, Buena Vista; well done th a t it w ould be a great Scott, “it h u rt some.” The hand was full force and effect on this date, as the Charter and ordi­ Mrs. Clyde Ecker, Independence. m istuke on the p art of the taxpayers badly m utilated. Carl W illiam s, su p erintendent of nances of the said City. of Independence not to keep them the Valley & Siletz railroad, has re ASSESSED VALUATION FALLS; on the job. Witness my hand thjs 18th. day of October, 1918. PRESENT PRINCIPAL OF HIGH signed for the purpose of entering LEVY OF l7Vi MILLS MADE SIGNS PERMANENT CONTRACT Attest: the sp ru re division of the national A. C. MOORE, HISTORY OF THE WAR TOLD arm y. The assessed value of property in B. F. Swope, Mayor. IN GREAT MOVING PICTURE Prof. J. H. Collins of Portland is Polk C o u n ty — personal nnd real—as now th e principal of the Independ Recorder. TWO GIRLS ARE BRUISED returned last week by H. Dnvis, Esq. Jack Cohn, editor for the U niver­ once High School, taking the .place WHEN AUTO TURNS OVER County Assessor, is $1,234,29. Num ­ sal Film M anufacturing Co., in a s ­ of Prof. Sm ith, who was forced to W hile driving an nuto on the Air- ber of polls, 920. This assessm ent KINGS VALLEY BUTCHER sem bling the g reat w ar review abandon the position because of ill J. S. COOPER CATCHES A lie-Suver road one day last week, fulls short some $200,000 of the a s­ WHALE—OF A FISH S U P S AWAY FROM SHERIFF Miss Vcrda T u rn er of Airlie and a sessm ent of Inst year. The County “C rashing Through to Berlin," has ness. Prof. Collins has been at the accom plished one of the m ost pre­ head of the schools since the com­ Portland friend sustained a num ber Court has fixed the levy for the cu r­ J. S. Cooper has been m aking (Post Special.) tentious projects in the world of mo­ m encem ent of the term , but it was of m inor injuries w hen the m achine rent year at, 17Vfc m ills on the dollar. tion photography. This m arvellous not until a few days ago th a t a m onthly pilgrim ages to Elk City Portland, Oct. 16—Paul Pappas, turned over. —P ortland Oregonian, Oct. 17, 1868. where salm on and trout eat out of (Continued on Page 3.) erstw hile butcher of Kings Valley, perm ancpt contract wus signed. his hand, and he regularly returns gave Sheriff G alatly of Benton coun­ home wih a well filled basket, ap p ar­ ty the slip here today and escaped. ently well satisfied w ith life in gen­ Pappas was given permission to go eral, regardless of the price of hops. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA' to liis room and evidently w ent out We supposed this w as glory enough of the building the back way. for .1. S. but it appears that it is not. Pappas w as at liberty on a $300 Upon his retu rn last week from his cash bond, furfiished by himself, for favorite retreat, he w alked m o|p his appearance in the circuit court proudly and there w as a greater of Benton county to answ er to a glisten in his eyes. W hen he pro­ statutory offense involving a m ar­ claim ed th at he had clim bed higher ried woman of Kings Valley. Police the pinnacle of fame by hooking a at Crescent City, Cal., the first of 25-pound salm on, who could ques­ the week notified Sheriff Galatly tion it, tho he had no fish of such th a t they w anted Pappas for a t­ si;:e and dim ensions w ith him, tho tem pted m u rd er and the sheriff could prove it by brother, Bud, cam e to P ortland to take him into w 10 was present when the deed was custody. dene? Brother Bud took the salm on w ith him to have it canned, but ac­ cording to .1. S., there is on agree­ WAR BOARD U S T OF NON- m ent between the two m en th at the ESSENTIAL OCCUPATIÔNS spoils will be equally divided which leads J. S. to believe that eventually Auto industry accessories; drivers he will have some direct evidence to of pleasure cars, cleaning, repairing corroborate his story, but even if and delivery of sam e; sight-seeing Brother Bud fails to come thru, we cars, auto tru ck s now engaged in ETTERS from our boys in the trenches and are going to believe th at J. S. caught work other th an fuel or Government from the women in canteen and other such a fish anyhow. work; abstractors; artists; advertis­ war work, all bring to us the same mes­ ing agencies; bath and barber shop sage— SEND US NEWS FROM HOME. atten d an ts; bowling alleys; billiard and pool rooms; bottlers and bottle World news is all right, but OUR BOYS BABIES M U S T H A V E M IL K supplies; bill posters; blueprintersj want NEWS OF THIS TOWN. They want brokers, candy m anufacturers; cig- “You get more calories t