^ ... / ÿ (y y jfrrtc .-"7 . à // • cZ*!fLtV cc*jf \ò f rCfjJt ± T he P olk C ounty P ost VOLUME 1. (TWICE A WEEK.) CITY SCHOOLS WILL OPEN SOON INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, CROP TO BE PICKED Despite the very jioor and dis­ couraging outlook of the future for hops, nearly every grower in the Independence section will pick all his crop but it w ill be the grand finale for nearly all of them. The Independence schools w ill he gin within a lew days—the training school on Wednesday, Sept. 18, and the high school on the follow­ ing Monday, Sept. 23. Every indi­ cation points to a very successful HOW AN AIRLIE BOY BROUGHT UP A PIG school year under capable and well well qualified instructors. (By Edgar Miller, Airlie, B. 1.) The corps of teachers at the train­ I wanted to learn how to raise ing school consists of the Misses pigs is the reason I am a pig club Katheryn Arbuthnot, Kate Houx, member. A neighbor gave my pig Emily Devore and Mary Williams '■ to me. I named him Dan because The first three were in charge last year and made a very creditable my mother had one named Dan record. Miss Mary Williams suc­ when she was a girl. I had no i choice of breed. ceeds Miss Grace Williams. Pasture aud green stuff are good The high school w ill be directed by Prof. W. Eugene Smith of Pase- | for them. It makes them healthy dena, California, who comes well and grow. He did not drink much recommended and members of the | water at first. I weighed him in a little salt suck school board consider themselves lucky in securing his services. His j once a week the first month. I fed assistants will be Miss Lottie Grang­ him in a little pan at first and then er of Des Moines, Iowa, Miss Mabel in a trough. 1 fed him every four A. Boughy of Salem and Mrs. Edith ; bom’s at first, then three times a day. I fed him milk, then milk and McLaren of Salem. ! shorts three times a day. I spent my time playing with and MONMOUTH GETS BACK caring for him. He became a great ON THE WORLD MAP pet with me and my little rat terrier dog. My mother told me how to (From the Monmouth Herald.) After a week of uncertainty, Mon­ care for and raise my pig. I have never been to a pig show mouth has adjusted itself to new transportation conditions. J. G. Jen­ or a prize contest. Wellbred hogs kins, traveling passenger agent of are better than scrubs. It takes no the S. I’, was in Monmouth Saturday more to feed them and they are bet­ looking up conditions and on Tues­ ter hogs. I have bought me a regis­ day Jenkins returned in company tered Poland China sow pig for my with John M. Scott, G. P. A. of the club next. I have learned how to raise and S. P. and they held a consultation care for hogs. A smart industrious with the special committee of the Commercial Club and with others boy will make a good club member. My poor little pig was sick when interested in Monmouth. As a result of the visit, railroad 1 got him. I doctored him and he. agents are instructed to sell tickets i had a sore foot I doctored and cur­ to Monmouth either by way of Inde- j ed. He was the runt of a litter of 13. pendence or by way of Dallas at the j I give him a hath once a week. same price as heretofore. Passim- j He likes his bath fine. I have his gers by way of Independence will in­ and my picture taken. W ill get clude transportation hy Graham's them in a few days. When my pig was little I would auto-bus to Monmouth. make him a good bed in a box and put a warm iron in it of nights to keep him warm and bring him in the house when it was cool last * JUDGE SWOPE IN ERROR spring. Judge Swope was caught cutting wood one day this * WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE KAISER? week. It is surprising that so . well informed a man as the Did you know that the Kaiser has judge should fall into error. It a poison-filled abscess in his ear, is indeed surprising that he and that if it burst he would be a should not know that in this a raving maniac? crisis, that while women are Did you know that the Kaiser's supposed to do men's work, no left arm is six inches shorter than man is supposed .to do wom­ his right, and that the hand is puny en's work. (Continued on Page 3.) A Millinery Message For Autumn Days I H A V E A C O M PLE TE L IN E OF Fall and Winter Hats S M A R TE S T A N D MOST F E T C H IN G MODELS. A BECOM ING S T Y L E A N D COLOR FOR E V E R Y T Y P E E V E R Y O N E IS C O R D IA L L Y I N ­ V IT E D TO V IS IT OUR STORE VND IN S P E C T OUR GOODS. YO U A R E SU RE TO F IN D TH E P R IC E S AS R E A S O N A B LE AS A N Y W H ERE IN THE STATE ALPHA BASCUE ' ' M A IN S T R E E T M IL L IN E R FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1918. Roy Whiteaker Goes Over the Top NUMBER 40. THE POLK COUNTY FAIR The Polk County Fair taken place at Dallas on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, and from all indica­ tions will he a good one and no doubt well attended. The Post lias heard with much pride how an ludepeml ALL POLK COUNTY DOCTORS enee boy, Roy Whiteaker, went “ over the top” ; how lie ENLIST FOR WAR SERVICE stood in a trench full of water all night, expecting that Each and every one of the doctors each minute would be his last. A ll this we have received of Polk county—ten men and one made application to from a reliable informant, re-inforeed by R oy’s own ac­ woman—has the Volunteer Medical Service. They count of his tirst experience in actual warfare. As a result of his thrilling adventure he was gassed and had to be carried away to a hospital next morning. are subject to call at any moment and it is likely that a number of them will soon be at the front. As far as can he learned, Polk is the tirst county in the state in which every member of the medical pro­ fession has enlisted for war work. A meeting was held in Independ­ ence last Friday at which time, all were^jiresent and the applications were filled out and mailed to the authoritites. “ A t four o ’clock,” says Roy, “ we were ordered to move to the front and as far as 1 could see there was a mass of soldiers, teams and wagons bound the same way. A start had hardly been made when the big shells of the Germans began to fall among us and a number of the boys did not GROUND GLASS IS FOUND get any farther. “ A fter advancing a few miles we were obliged to get into a ditch to rest a moment before making an assault. It was not very pleasant to get into this ditch for it was full of water to the top. " In the early morning I was gassed and was loaded into a wagon and taken to an American hospital many miles back. There I am now (Aug. 20.) hoping to soon be well enough to get back to the front.” SERGEANT GUY A. NEWTON PLEASE SAVE YOUR PEACH, CHERRY AND PRUNE PITS JOINS RANKS OF THE WED Save your peach, cherry and A very happy wedding occurred at prune pits and all kinds of nut Albany Monday where the county shells for the government in making judge united in marriage Sergeant carbon for gas masks, wash and dry Guy A. Newton and Miss Ethel Viola them, and leave at the following Beauchamp. The bride’s parents places: Moore & Walker and J. G. McIntosh, Independence; the stores live in Lincoln county. The bride is an estimable young at Sliver, Buena Vista and Pedee; lady of charming manners and the C. V. Johnson's store at Airlie; Nor groom is to lie congratulated upon i mal Book Store and Walker's con­ winning her. Sergeant Newton is j fectionery, Monmouth. one of Uncle Sam’s popular and best . fighting men and not only a good i WAR CROSSES FOR YANKS soldier, but is well fitted in other { ways to make his way in the world. ; Sergeant Routed Six German« In The young couple are spending a , “ Quiet Day” Skirmish. Lieut. Sidney Ellevald, Grand Rap­ portion of their honeymoon in Inde­ pendence witli relatives and they ids, Mich., has received the French are tlie recipients of many congrat­ Wnr Cross for carrying a wounded man back from the first line trenches ulations and well wishes. while under fire. Sergeant Charles H. Cunningham of INDEPENDENCE MAID Grand Itaplds, Mich., has won the MARRIES YOUNG SOLDIER French Wnr Cross for routing six Ger­ Miss Aimu Elzira Newton was married in Dallas today, Friday, Sept. 13, to Sergeant Gustav Fisher. Tliis wedding coming so closely after that of her brother, Sergeant Guy A. Newton, was totally unex­ pected and came as a complete sur­ prise. The bride is well known in Inde­ pendence for some time and she is one of our most |x>pulur young girls. Of a happy and congenial dis­ position, she has the well wishes of a the entire community for a very, very happy life in the future. Sergeant Fisher is a stranger here hut appears to a gentlemanly young man of sterling qualities. mans who tried to capture him In one of the little actions characteristic of quiet days In quiet sectors. The sergeant was lending a patrol of ten men to reconnolter the enemy's trenches when his detachment was am- ! bushed hy a party of Germans. Cun- j ninghnm was hit In the breast and arm before the Americans could fire and I the Germuns then used grenades In an effort to cut off the sergeant nnd three of his men from the rest of the party. Sergeant Cunniiighum climbed the par­ apet of a trench, emptied his pistol and then fell exhausted Into the trench. The Germans meantime had been driven off. Likes United States Customs. “The only thing I hate about army life Is the mud,” writes Private Ed­ ward Wren of Company I. One Hun­ dred and Sixty-sixth Infantry, France. TRUCK DRIVER TAKES GOODS FOR LONG JOY RIDE “I saw a cow walk from the barnyard through a house and right out the front dr, and decided then that I James Conroy, a truck driver from like the cuatoms*of the United Stutes Lelmnon started for Tillamook from army better than the ones over here.” Stiver with a load of household goods. Wednesday morning. That VERY MUCH PLEASED WITH | night he was found in a stupified SUCCESS SEED GRADER condition near Dallas. The sheriff after investigation Hugh I. Dailey, a very successful learned that Conroy had driven all fanner living near Pa louse, Wash., over Polk county with the load of writes: ''Ijist January I sowed as goods that day. A fine of S i"» was fine a quality of seed using the Suc­ assessed. cess Seed Grader as I think it is Itossihle for any fanner to sow. It A good show at the Isis Sunday does good work and I am well pleas­ ed with it.” night. Nearly fourteen million men regis­ tered for possible military service Thursday. This exceeded the num­ ber expected by the government. Oregon furnished more than looked for. It is proposed to tirst call into the service those in the recent registra­ tion betjveen the ages of 31 and 30 aud lb and 21, both inclusive. Some of those registered Thursday will ho included in the October call. Questiouuires will he mailed to­ morrow or Monday. The prompt tilling out of the same in the short­ est possible time is compulsory. All registrants should take care in till­ ing out this document, being very particular as to state the exact truth. Falsifying a questioimire is a serious offense. “JACK” BOYCE PASSES AWAY IN CALIFORNIA TOWN IN PEANUT BUTTER “ Jack" Boyce, an Independence A quanity of ground glass was man, died in Duusmir, Cal., last found in a tin of peanut butter re­ Sunday. This was the information cently purchased by Thomas B. received by Postmaster Wood by Smith at Airlie. The case in under I telegram. The authorities at Dups- mir are seeking relatives of the de­ investigation hy the authorities. Tiie f . S. chemist recently issued ceased and allege that he had letters a statement, in which it was declared in his pockets from a wife in Inde­ that ground glass was not particu­ pendence. When Boyce was in this larly injurious to the digestive or­ city no wife was with him. "Behind a barage of machine guns we went over’the top. Men were killed all around us, but we went on. The whole Hun army couldn’t have stopped us. Making it to gans. a river we forced the Germans back and captured their AGED MAN IS KILLED machine guns. IN A RUNAWAY ACCIDENT At the river we stuck until twelve o ’clock that night continually under a terrible gun tire. Once 1 was covered with about three feet of dirt from a shell and another knocked a tree across the dugout in which I lay. Hund­ reds of sharpshooters were hid acroso the wav to pick a fellow off. FOURTEEN MILLION NEWLY REGISTERED FRIDAY, THE 13TH. Friday, the 13th. is a visitor in our city today. Michael M. Todlmnter, aged 7<>, 4 was killed near Bay City last Frida.\ when a team he was driving ran The great American drive has be­ away. • gun and the boys are going towards A daughter, Mrs. J. C. Eoff, lives in Independence. Berlin. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! SMASH THE Kaiser! "THE BEAST OF BERLIN ” The Most Terrible Indictment o f the Man Who Made This War that Has Ever Been Presented “ Powerful message for every true American.” “ Stirring, sensational, stimulating. Polite play­ goers become a howling mob.” “ It manhandles the German Emperor in a fash­ ion that satisfies the mightest hater of the HOhenzollern monster.” W HEN HE SMASHES THE KAISER IN THE JAW, AUDIENCES RISE AND CHEER LIKE MAD. ISIS THEATRE Friday, SEPT. 20 SATURDAY N IG H T’S “ B LU E BIR D ” R U TH C L IF F O R D A N D K E N E T H H A R L A N in “ M ID N IG H T M AD N ESS.”