f BE READY US ISI f I ¡ Ï i i i i R I H i i i I I I Il I I II I ■ liBiM'ISI u w n i I ■ i FOR SCHOOL MUST USE LESS SUGAR; foc «, « « mu . k fiiuci . m i ce », rt isiik ALUED NEEDS GROW I WHEN THE BELL RINGS Americans Asked to Use No M ore Than I Williams’ Drug Co. I HAS a c o m p l e t e l i n e o k p e n c i l s , e r a s e r s , p e n s , b o o k STRAPS, KOI STAIN PENS, PENCIL ASSORTMENTS, COMPOSI­ TION PADS, SLATES AND PENCILS FOR LITTLE ONES, PEN- Cll! ROXES, SPONGES, COMPOSITION BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, PAINTS AND DRAWING SUPPLIES, DIVIDERS, RULERS, ETC., ETC., AT PRICES LOW CONSIDERING MARKET CONDITIONS. Tw o Pounds Per Person Per Month. Shortage May Last Until Beginning o f 1919, When New Sugar Crop Arrives. After making a careful survey o f the Tha sugar supplies throughout tha world sugar situation the U. S. Food country, in homes, stores, factories and Administration hns asked the Ameri­ bakerlsa, are at low ebb; the produc­ can public to USE NO MORE THAN tion from the American beet and TWO POUNDS OF SUGAR PER PER­ Louisiana cane crops have been disap­ SON A MONTH until January 1, 1919. pointing; tha yield In Porto Rico has Increased sugar demands from the likewise been smaller than anticipat­ Allied nations— where the present sug­ ed, and the Inability of the United E V E R Y T H IN G TO COMPLETE THE OUTFIT ar ration Is already reduced to the 8tatea and the Ailiea to secure sugar I i lowest possible level— and the need of from Java and other distant sources f keeping our army and navy supplied on account of the Imperative call for I i P E RFE C T SERVICE PURE DRUGS I are two o f the leading causes of the ships for the movement of troops and curtailment o f America’s sugar ration. their auppllea has materially reduced ■ “At the hour when the enemy counted upon Imposing a German peac» m u munii i ■ i ■ i in i a ni ■iriii ■iriii ■!!!■ Americans are requested to make the supply from such quarters. Added upon us, General Foch and his admirable troops vanquished him.’’ n lll■lli■lll■lll■lll■!M two pounds of sugar per person (half to this already difficult situation, the These were the words with which Premier Clemenceau, the “ Tiger o f a pound a week) serve for all sugar quantity needed by the Army and France,” accompanied the bestowal upon General Foch of the ancient and PO LK COUNTY POST uses In the household— Including cook­ Navy greatly exceeds earlier estl- honorable title of Marshal of France in recognition of the halting of the sj I T Y AND COUNTRY ing and all sugar served at the table. mates; we must tend a large amount Public eating places, aa well as to France and Italy *o take the place German drive by the allied chief commander. Twice A W eek Tell The Post. All the world knows of the gallant conduct of American troops, distributed housewives, will be required to limit of the great volume lost through the —x— their use o f sugar to two pounds for German and Austrian Invasions, dur­ along the firing line under the orders of Genera] Pershing, in the great battles Phone M. 621 Additional short news items on every ninety meals served. In the ing which much beet land was over­ which ended the Hun advance. News Items of public interest are U. S. Food Administration's cafeteria run and many factories destroyed; we Page 3. The next German drive will be toward the Rhine. YOU can have a share —x— gladly received and much appreci at Washington, where employees of the have to supply certain quantities to in it by buying Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. E. F-. Hiltibrand's sale Monday, ated. Bring them, send them, phone Food Administration take their noon neutral nations under agreements; and meal, one pound o f sugar Is used for Anally over fifty million pounds were Sept. lti. them or mail them. We thank you. every 120 meals served. lost recently through submarine sink­ » —x— The U. S. Food Administration Is ings off our Atlantic coast. Frank Miller is working at O. A. confident that the American public will The Food Administration Is confi­ Miss Esther Henkle was here from heartily agree to reduce houaehold use K reamer’s. dent that the American people, with visiting relatives last Philomath —x— o f sugar here to a level more nearly the record of wheat savings behind it, equal to the present restrictions having by voluntary savings sent 140,- K. C Eldridge made a business ¡ week end. among the Allied nations. -x — trip to Medford Monday. 000,000 bushels o f wheat to the Allies The situation which the United after practically every bushel had been Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas moved — x— J. L. and Mark Hanna were here to their new home on Third street States faces In Its efforts to maintain exhausted from our normal surplus, a fair distribution o f sugar to the Al­ will with the same spirit save the this week. from Portland Wednesday. lied world Is as follow s: sugar situation o f the world. —x— I R i f J Lunch Baskets —x— Mrs. J. W. Richardson was an over Sunday visitor in Corvallis. —x— M. VV. McGowan and family spent last week in Glendale, Wash. —x— The Independence public schools will begin on Monday, Sept. 16. —x— Dorothy Dalton in “Love Letters" «1 the ISIS Wednesday night. —x— A son was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barber at Hopville. Mrs. W. M. Huff and son, Boyd, are spending the week with Port­ land friends. —x— Entirely new and smart hats can I»; found at Alpha Bascue’s Milli­ nery Parlors. Chester Douglas of Canity visited with his relatives the O. A. Kream- er’s this week. —x— Murl Frantz and Miss Ruth Ly- day of Hoskins were married in Corvallis Sunday. Dr. R. E. Duganpe, Dentist, Inde­ —x— Miss Winnafred Garlow came pendence National Bank Building. up from Portland Tuesday to visit —x— Bert Ililke has moved to the farm Miss Emma Henkle. be recently bought of Wm. Addison —x— Miss Laura Baker will attend Sac­ -x - Misses Vale iiiltibrand ami Irene red Heart Academy this year. She Eddy were in Corvallis Thursday, j will specialize in music. —x— —x— Mrs. Clara Graves is assisting this ( Mrs. Gluts. Yates of Astoria is a week at Johnson & Collins’ busy guest tit the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Butler. store. —x— —x— Miss Gertrude Heffley has gone! Mis. Verd Hill and daughter, Ver- to PrineVille to begin a term of da, returned last Tuesday from a vis­ it with relatives in Albany. school. —x— —x— John E. Oleman and Miss Ida M. Mrs. Nannie Markum of Eugene is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Tice were married by Judge Kirk Patrick at Dallas Wednesday. Dorns if e. —x— —x— School children will find a com­ Mr. and Mrs. Alba Byers of Albany plete' line of supplies at W illiams’ were guests of her. grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. Neely, one day last Drug Co. —x— week. Grov er Mattison has returned -X - from Mabel where he has spent the i nlMj Mrs. E. N. Johnson anti Hummer. son, Roland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. —x— Collins motored to Grants Pass last Drain Dickinson was here from Thursday, returning Saturday even- Portland visiting the home folks Jasi mg. The party reports a most exeel- week end. i lent trip. Rebekahs Buy W ar Stamps: Mrs. Clara Graves, secre­ tary of the Rebekali lodge, reports a very active thrift stamp society among the members as $55 worth of stamps have already been bought by them. May Still Be Up in the Tree: W in Huff and H. H. Brandt, who are in Douglas county hunting, were billed to get back today but didn’t which makes some of their ’friends afraid they are still in tiie tree they climbed when they saw a bear. r t th e 1 Child „Right You may know from your own expe­ I t ’s Only Au Revoir tor the I. & M.: T ie 1. M. railroad rience the injurious effects of poorly fitted shoes will come back, it has not gone to stay, it will have nice — h ow they ruin the feet and menace the gen­ electric cars for Mr. Hirschberg says it may; when peace eral health and efficiency. T h en let your boy once more reigns on earth in the not far distant day, the 1. or girl profit by the lesson— & M. will be born again, rinktum, riddletum, ti o nay! Again Solved: Another solution of the mystic “ C ” has been worked out by an Independence lady. She says the C stands fo r Cash and those marked should consider themselves able to buy liberty bonds and subscribe for The P olk County Post. A lw ays Buy Shoes That Fit Our children's shoes are designed to May Lose a Good Man: The news that E. E. Hilti- give little feet ample room to develop naturally. brand is to quit farming will be heard with regret for fear And w e kn ow just h ow to fit them, having he will decide to leave this section. Mr. Hiltibrand has studied the question thoroughly. been a booster in South Polk county affairs and promi­ nently identified with every movement that stood for W e also fit grown folks perfectly and progress and development. carry for them the latest styles at prices that are sure to satisfy. W ord Butler Leaves the United States: Mr. and Mrs. W ord Butler and daughter, Grace, returned last Sunday from a w eek’s visit in V ictoria, British Columbia. W ord was one o f the four Oregonians fortunate enough to be en­ tertained by the Hundred Thousand Club at Victoria. Only one man in the Northwestern division has written more insurance than Mr. Butler which is quite a distinc­ tion. They visited Camp Lewis and other interesting places while away. Conkey & Walker lim ii|'IIB Iin illlllB IIIB im iH liB im ilH ilW IIB IIB IIIH IIB IIH IIM II" ^ llllH IIB IIB IH IIM m IIM niii ^ Sugar Cane in the Willamette Valley: W ednesday’s Salem Journal says: Sugar cane is generally supposed to suggest Louisiana and Mississippi but now comes O. M. m Reeves o f Morningside, rural route 5, with a sample of sugar cane eight feet high, grown on a small patch this f year just as an experiment to learn what really could be I' IE Japanese do many raised in this section. According to those who are some­ W HEN you sit down to a meal you like to know It what, familiar with sugar cane, the sample seems to have things well, but in a I that your food came from a store where repu­ the necessary sugar in it to make cane a commercial possi­ way that is distinctively i tation counts— a store where best quality goods bility in the valley. It is understood that a man living at their own, and this is are really best quality. Independence is willing to put in some machinery for the 1 true of baking as of other things. But the Japa­ crushing o f sugar cane if lie. is guaranteed the planting of ■ nese women could not produce This store gives you that advantage. W e buy g 20 acres. I » ____________________________ our stock more carefully than our most partic­ I fi Grand Millinery Opening: The ladies were all o u t ! ! ular customer. * g Wednesday to see the beautiful hats displayed at Mi’s. g Bascue’s millinery opening. Indeed, there were so many I STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS that would suit the taste of the people of this a ¡ bewitching chappeaux that milady needed a wishing ringi i AT LOW PRICES community as ours do. They are considered i ■ to choose the prettiest. Hats this year seem more beauti- essential features of appetizing lunches or din­ i 1 ful than ever and Mrs. Bascue in her splendid selection It pays to buy quality goods, particularly when ners in the majority of the homes of this town. i S has omitted no style or color. Every line of the new hats you can get them at prices as low as ours. A * S seemS stylish and becoming ami this is the true test ofb on - Quality and cleanliness are the. twin mottoes fair trial here means a steady customer every § nets. The colors, too. are simply fascinating, beautiful i of this bakery at all times. time. ^8 " new browns, blues, tnii|>c. reindeer and the ever becoming ■ * black, all moderately priced. For the occasion the windows HONEST VALU ES M AKE US GROW I ^ were artistically arranged with bowls of Autumn naster- t II j tiums and golden l i n e d marigolds with a distinctive Fall I JOHNSON iV COLLI VS model ti» complete the effect. Many satisfied customers ± went away glad tint they had selected their hats while the __________ m _____ v THE POST FOR E X T R A GOOD PRIN TIN G 'v ia m iin « !« i*’ ! stock was at its newest and fullest. u s il> l I ! ■ ■ ,« /.’« m i l ' ! « : " * : ■ - ■ i l l : * i i ! Best Groceries I I ! Pies and Cakes C. A. Eocbridge