Music in the Home £ P l '» a . 'J f l l l BxBLB.i B I B I B;l B I B I B I B I B I B.I B l B. B i B l f H B lB I B I . B I B . il am MI m Edna Coraell, domestic science teacher, and Juanita Parker, teacher of Spanish In the Grants Pass schools I during the past year, have been in­ I stalled at a lookout at the Sanger I Point lookout station near Taktlma, and will spend the next month In the A W O N D E R F U L D I S P L A Y O F P IA N O S wilds of Josephine county, in the for­ IN S T A L L E D FO R Y O U R A P R O V A L A T estry department service. Special reports for the state tax com­ A N D P IA N O P L A Y E R S H A V E JU ST B E E N mission, upon which w ill be based the amount of extra tax levy to be asked Silverton will have a new municipal of the people at the election in Novem­ hoEpital. ber, are beginning to arrive at the Hop picking in the vicinity of Eu­ offices of the commission. In a num­ ber of cases no increases are estimated, gene will begin about August 15. P E R F E C T T O N E IN S T R U M E N T S Felix Dodele, resident o f Oregon for while some of the activities are seek­ almost half a century, died at his ing substantial additions. W e Can Satisfy Your Taste in Choice of a That the annual dipping of sheep In home tn Albany, aged 70 years. Caoinet and Price. Visit Our Store and R e­ The assessed valuation for the city Oregon, which is ordered by law, un­ ceive a Demonstration of These Splendid New of Portland has decreased from $285,- less suspended by the state livestock Pianos. Service Awaits You. 128,755 in 1917 to $284.808,805 In 1918. sanitary board, probably will be held The Compton sawmill, near Grizzly in 1919 for the first time since 1907, mountain, eight miles from Prineville, was the opinion of the members of was burned Sunday. About 200,000 the board, who convened at Klamath Falls In a regular session. Prevalence feet of lumber was destroyed. The run of salmon at the mouth of of ticks on the sheep is believed to 9 the Columbia continues light and the necessitate this action. Latest W a r Songs Also F ive fatal accidents and 577 non- pack thus far is approximately 30 per fatal ones were reported to the state cent short o f that of a year ago. I P E R F E C T S E R V IC E PURE DRUGS » Coos Bay will entertain the Oregon industrial accident commission during Editorial association in a fittin g man­ the past week. The victims of the 1:1 B' I I III B l B I b : i aim IIIIBII.BIIIB!I:B!I!I I I B l B.l B I B l B I B I B I BTB I B^ fatal accidents were: W illiam Thomas ner when it convenes there from Au­ gust 9 to 11 for a three days' session. Beagle, Medford, fireman; M. Naka- yama, Dee, lumbering; Dick Baker, C IT Y A N D C O U N T R Y A reduction of $11,310 in the warrant P O L K C O U N T Y POST indebtedness of the city of Albany has North Portland, shipbuilding; J. F. Twice A W eek been effected since April 1," according Smith, Seaside, lumbering; C. B. And­ Billie Burke at. the ISIS Sunday erson, Portland, shipbuilding. to reports submitted by city officials. night. Portland and the Columbia river dis­ Phone M. 621 The Astoria Marine Iron Works has — s — Additional short news items on N ew s Item s o f public interest are established an innovation. Women are trict will have delivered a fleet of 45 to be employed there in the future as completed wooden steamers, worth Page .‘5. g la d ly received and much appreci­ well as men. F ifty jobs are ready for $30,000,090, to the government by the end of 1918 and w ill have 105 addition­ Piano and Furniture for sale. ated. B rin g them, send them, phone the first that apply. The Southern Pacific company has al wooden hulls, worth $50,000,000, them or m ail them . W e thank you. Phone Main been Instructed by R. H. Aishton, re­ launched and undergoing equipment. — x— gional director of railroads, to proceed The $80,000,000 expenditure will have I)r. R. E. Duganne, Dentist, Inde­ France. with the construction of an overhead added an ocean tonnage of 540,000 to pendence National Bank Building —x— the capacity of the offshore carriers crossing at Divide, in Lane county. — x— ' After an extended visit with her o f the United States. A. P. Howe, Jr., who was discharged Miss Gladys Irvine writes from mother, Mrs. Stillwell, and her sis­ Construction work has started on the Astoria that she is delighted with ter, Mrs. F. E. Dickson,Mrs. Robert from the British army on account of wounds sustained in the battle on the Ochoco canyon road under the super­ the town and also her work. Clark went to Portland where she Arras-Lens road In France, has re­ vision of Forest Supervisor V. V. Harp- — x— will make her home. turned to his home in Brownsville and ham and T. M. Davis, government rep­ Mrs. J. J. Fenton and children re — x— resentative of good roads. The road is recuperating. returned Sunday from a visit in Cal­ The .1. S. Bohannons and Mrs. F. Since the expiration on July 15 of is a division of the McKenzie Pass. ifornia. A. Spun spent last week end with the ban prohibiting the selling of dried Eugene and Mitchell highway, and is —x— relatives in Portland. Sunday in Mrs. B. .1. Hunt of Hoskins and company with Mrs. Bertha King and fruits, practically the entire prune located in the Blue mountains, 20 miles east of Prineville. It is 9.7 miles Mrs. M. F. Ford were visiting other friends they made a trip over crop of the northwest has been sold in length, and the cost of its construc­ according to W. K. Newell, assistant friends in Salem this week. the Columbia Highway. tion is estimated at $52,500. state food administrator. — x— — x— The shifting of the population to the After a siege of stX months in a hos- Dean Craven went to Portland Mrs. P II. D rexler I km I the mis i Pital at Washington, D. C.. Earl Withy shipbuilding and lumbering centers is this week to visit and also to bring fortune to break one of her limits 1 combe, son of Governor Withycombe, reflected in the annua) school census s OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAMNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor* mation of Our Readers. W illiams ’ Drug Co, Auu I WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SHEET MUSIC, BOTH POPULAR AND CLASSIC. LATEST W AR SONGS AND CLASSIC. i Chi ld R i g h t Y o u may k n ow from your ow n expe­ rience the injurious effects o f poorly fitted shoes — h o w they ruin the feet and menace the gen­ eral health and efficiency. T h en let your boy or girl profit b y the lesson— Always Huy Shoes That Fit V« Our children’s shoes are designed to give little feet ample room to develop naturally. A n d w e k n o w just h o w to fit them, having studied the question thoroughly. W e also fit grow n folks perfectly and carry for them the latest styles at prices that are sure to satisfy. Conkey & Walker POST bark a new automobile for the ga­ just above the ankle Wednesday has arrived in Salem on a turiougu Is fully equipped to do your printing at the very lowest rage. morning. Mrs. Drexler had started from m ilitary duty until he is Buffici- superintendents which have just been — x— W e have the very down the hack steps at her home compiled by J. A. Churchill, superin- prices consistent with good work. G. ( ’.. Akin has returned to his when she slipped and fell on the ce­ ently recovered to leave for France. tendent of public instruction. These j latest type faces and other materials. Call and look our Governor Withycombe appointed home in Ileppner after a visit with ment walk causing the accident. John H. Burgard, of Portland, to rep­ reports show a material gain in school , „ m | jle s o v e r > W c , a r e s u r e y Q U w i U b e f l i g h t e d W ith with his daughter. Mrs. C. A. Loch- —x— " Clatsop, state oi at a a i-unicitubc conference iw for i r populatlon j resent icouui the uic oiatc 1 ................................... in ................ Multnomah, • - * ’ ridge. Mr> am I Mrs. \\ ill Campbell are ; the consideration of a proposal to con- Coos and Wasco counties, while other them. I f you are in need of— — x— here from Salem occupying tin counties show a decided loss. Mis. I. Govro went to Salem to apartments on Main street. Mr. solldate the health departments of Organization of what probably w ill LETTER H E A D S , Multnomah county, the state and the I the bridge opening and found it so Campbell is spending most of his be known as the Fifth Oregon regl- city, in Portland. pleasant she couldn't return until time on the ranch with the thresh­ v w v p , i .0 P E S R. R. Bartlett, manager of the Port ; ment of the Oregon national guard y ill evening. ers. Mrs. Campbell will go to Eu­ of Astoria, has sent a request to the start at once, Adjutant-General W ill f i x CEMENTS —x— gene to visit Mr. and Mrs. Crosby | public service commission for the plac­ lams announced following a conference S. II. MeKhntirry presented Mrs. Dalton and baby Dalton for a few j ing of a chief deputy grain inspector, with Governor Withycombe. BUSINESS C A R D S The Post with a peek of tine peach plums days. three samplers and three or four Fifth regiment will include 12 com­ C A L L IN G CAR D S this week which were very thank­ -x - weighers at that point during the com­ panies with a minimum strength of 100 fully received. MORTGAGE B L A N K S men each, as well as a machine gun Mrs. Alpha Baseoe and Mrs. F. K ing grain season. —X— Dickson went to Portland Tuesday By a small m ajority the Presbyterian company, a supply company, head­ NOTE B LA N K S All the late music is being played where they will remain about ten synod of Oregon at its closing session quarters company and a full comple­ on those new instruments at W il­ days in Hie wholesale houses study­ at Eugene tabled a resolution recom­ ment of regimental officers and sani­ R E C E IP T S liams' Drug Co. You will find just ing Fall styles in millinery. With mending to the general assembly of tary troops. S H IP P IN G TA G S Through the operation of the blue what you want. their splendid taste and original the Presbyterian church that women sky law Oregon has been able to pro­ ideas they can lx* depended upon to be permitted to serve as ministers in — x— C IR C U L A R S tect Its citizens against the inroads of The ladies of the Methodist Aid furnish the latest creations in head the church as a war measure. fake stock and bond salesmen who PAM PHLETS The Prineville municipal railroad put in the afternoon Wednesday gear. throwing in wood for Mrs. Heath, thereby earning two dollars. — x— Miss Ora Fenton icturned last Sunday from Portland. She had ex­ pected to spend her vacation in Cal­ ifornia but decided to stay iu Port­ land. —x— Jesse B. Foil! writes that he is now located at Fort McArthur, C where he is in training. Henry Ford is supposed to he on his way to Ü» : It B1 1 IBIIlBI I IBI UBI I IBi I IBi III 9 g 9 ■ I ■ i I 9 I I I 9 g — x— Wee w insome Billie Burke person ities independent Young America in Belgium at the outbreak of the pres­ ent great war in her latest Para­ mount picture, “Arms and the Girl" which is to appear at the ISIS Sun­ day night. Aug. L Her experiences in this thrilling photoplay are typi­ cal of that of thousands of American girls stranded at the outset of the war in Europe, many of whom miss­ ed thn pleasant adventures that hap­ pened to Miss Burke. IIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBI 11 B I B I Bil B I I Best Groceries W H E N you sit down to a meal you like to know that your food came from a store where repu tation counts— a store where best quality goods are really best quality. ■ ~ | ■ I I I I This store gives you that advantage. W e buy our stock more carefully han our most partic­ ular customer. M B ■ I I I S T A P L E A N D F A N C Y GOODS A T L O W P R IC E S i It pays to buy quality goods, particularly when you can get them at prices as low as ours. A fair trial here means a steady customer every time. I I I i § § ? HONEST V A L U E S M AK E US GROW t ■ JOHMSOJS ¿i COLLiyS ? I L I I« I I IS 1 ■ I B <« ■ I ■ IS B'ltBII B I B II I I S II I i'i'i'V ia i ■ ■ has now reached Prineville and upon completion of The ballasting of the track and other small details the road will be ready for use. A rousing cele­ bration is being planned, which will inaugurate the new service in Prine­ ville and the surrounding country. Charles Ziegler, bonlface, plunger and cafe proprietor, well known throughout the southwest In Albuquer­ que and El Paso, committed suicide at Marshfield by weighting himself with a heavy automobile part, filling his pockets with scrap iron and then jumping into the waters of Coos bay. W ith a view to diverting every pos­ sible pound o f traffic from rail to wa­ ter lines between Portland and A soria. Colonel George A. Zinn, of the govern- I ment engineers pt Portland, has asked ! the public service commission for all the data available as to rail and wilbsr transportation between these two points. The public service commission has authority to disregard the terms in the contract granted by the city of Hillsboro to the North Coast Power company providing that the company shall furnish water free for municipal purposes, according to an opinion giv­ en by Attornay General Brown to the commission. A drive on flour hoarders was con- Jueted by federal and county officials Saturday around Oregon City and ad- loining communities, with the result that Anton Wenizt 1, of Canemah, Guy Gross and his father, Gottlieb Gross, j f Willamette and E. Nabnitl, of Ore­ gon City, must face charges in the federal court. State Insurance Commissioner Har­ vey Wells has received a report from !he Oregon Insurance rating bureau showing that fire insurance rates on virtually all buildings in the first 50 blocks, reaurveyed by the bureau In Portland, will be reduced. As rapidly as the resurveys proceed the new ra­ tings will be published In 50-block groups, according to James N McCnne, manager of the bureau. have been giving the government seri­ ous concern since the inauguration of the Liberty loan. Dispensers of fake oil and coal stgck have operated widely throughout the country and victimized many people with the argument that fuel needs of the government in the mergency demand the development of new oil wells. The first unit of the proposed ship­ ping facilities in the Astoria harbor has been completed and is now ready to handle whatever of the great wheat ?rop of the northwest or of general freight may be dispatched that way in its Journey to the marts of the world The improvement cost $393,000. On Saturday, August 17, the Port of As- orla will hold the formal opening of its new bulk grain elevator and bins, which have a storage capacity o f 1,- ¿00.000 bushels. During August and September com­ munity fairs for the benefit of the boys’ and girls' Industrial club work will be held at all central points in Douglas county, Including Elkton. Smith River, Drain, Anlauf, Scotts t’ alley, Yoncalla, Umpqua. Sutherlln. Wilbur, Roseburg. Glide, Ten Mile, Myrtle Creek, Riddle, Canyonville and Glendale. The one big purpose behind hese fairs is patriotism in encourag- ng the industrial club workers to pro­ mote the conservation of food and in- -rease food production. 8tate Engineer Lewis has approved he applications of F. A. Philltpps and >thers for the construction of the T ra­ verse Lake reservoir and "the Echo Lake reservoir in Baker county for he storage of water at the head of Weat Eagle creek, and the application 'or the appropriation of the stored water, together with the waters of 3oose creek and West Eagle cresk for he Irrigation o f 2321 acres of land near Keating. This project Involves he construction o f two small reser­ voirs at an estimated cost of $70^0 and he distribution system Is estimated to mat $45.000, the total length of the main canals being about 20 miles. POSTERS Or any other printing give us a trial and regret it. W e can r%ve you money. you will net T HE Japanese do many thi things well, but in a way that is distinctively their own, and this is true of baking as of other things. But the Japa­ nese women could not produce Pies and Cakes that would suit the taste of the people of this community as ours do. They are considered essential features of appetizing lunches or din­ ners in the majority of the homes of this town. Quality and cleanliness are the twin mottoes o f this bakery at all times. ê C. A. Locb^idge Butter W raps p|J|