The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, July 09, 1918, Image 2

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Freedom as a privilege is not fun-
“ On to Richmond," was the favor­
j damental. The duty or obligation to
ite cry during the Civil war, and it
A Sem i-W eekly Newspaper.
be free is the essential thing. I take
was kept up until Richmond was
it that the community is so related to
the rallying cry
Published Twice a W eek at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on
| the college and the college so related
should be “ On to Berlin !” und It should
to the professor that the coAununlty
Tuesday and Friday
i be kept up until that citadel of
makes a demand upon the college,
Prusslunlam tumbles, says Ohio State
writes Alexander Meikeljohn in Atlan­
Entered as second-class matter March 26, 1918, ut the postoifice at In­ | Journal. The force o f public sentl-
tic Monthly, It says: “ I demand o f
j inent upon this matter would soon
dependence, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
you that for the sake o f my welfare
1 penetrate military duty and give It pur-
you may see to it that the study of
I pose and strength.
It really looks
Subscription Rates: $1.50 a Tear Strictly in Advance; Six Months j us If we won't have peace until we my scholars and the learning o f my
children be free.”
And the duty, the
$1.00; Three months 50 cents. A ll subscriptions stopped at expiration.
I reach Berlin.
That Is the heudqunr-
obligation o f the professor Is to the
| ters of Hunntsm. When we get there
college Just as the obligation o f the
{ the terms of peace will be easy. The
C LYD E T. ECKER, Editor.
j United States does not want any por- college Is to the community. In order
to do its service, he must be fre e ; he
tiou of Germany, but there would be
is a trickster and a fraud if he Is
Y ou will note by looking at the casualty list that officers
not free.
When he speaks o f free­
France, Belgium, Italy, Serbia, Poland,
are being killed and wounded. They are sticking with Roumania and those nations which dom he Is not playing with his own.
perquisites and possessions; he Is fac­
10c a pouch
have suffered the most. I f Germany
their men in good American style.
ing his master und the commands of
keeps up the war until the bitter end,
his duty nre upon him.
that Is liable to be the' result.
President Wilson says our Ideals of
The profiteers seem to misunderstand the meaning of
justice, humanity und liberty shall in
o f her own medicine. The world could
P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company
“ give till it hurts." They are acting «is tho they thought better get along with Germany off the the end prevail. The moral forces
Danville, Virginia
were never so strong In the world
that the word “ give” meant “ take.”
us they are today, and the old Ideal
o f brute force cun nevermore rule
Thomas A. Edison was not partlcu-
the world. The truth emphasizes the
The Willamette valley will have good crops part of the larly good as a train “ butcher.” In president’s declaration. It Is morally
fact, ' Is said that when, as a hoy,
time and fair crops the rest of the time, but when irrigated
impossible that Germany should win
he sold papers, candy and such stuff
in the right manner it will have bumper crops all the time. on a railroad In the middle West, he this war.
(Portland Oregonian.)
was pretty near to being no account.
The war has taught men who had
accident by which Mrs. McNary, wife
As a telegraph operator he had abil­
A bet of $o0,000 was made in New York City one day ity, hut was negligible. When It came begun to think of thentselves as “ get­ of the Oregon ¡Senator, lost her life shows again the nar­
ting on” that they need not he side­
last week that the war would be over by January 1, liilii. to Inventing the phonograph, the quad­ tracked. It Is up to them. Men who row margin on {¿abiic highways between safety and dan­
ruple! and a hundred other things Edi­
It will be a big job for the Allies to finish it up within six son was without a peer. We cannot have made good are being called to po­ ger for all automobiles and automobilists. Often— in most
sitions o f influence and Importance,
months, especially when the kaiser and his junkers must all he Edisons, but there is a lesson and years have nothing to do with cases; perhaps— an accident to a motor car and its occu­
for all In Edison’s career. The right
be so thoroly trounced that never again will they even man and the right job came together their service or their value to the pants is due to carelessness or inexperience or panic; but
there are no signs that any of these common causes was
threaten to fight anybody, but the bet is not such a bad when Edison took to tile study o f country in the places to which they
have been
Charles M. present in t lie M cN ary tragedy.
The driver, Air. Poise,
electricity, sti.vs Boston Globe. Many
one. It’s a fifty-fifty shot anyway.
Schwab, who is to superintend the is of known carefulness and dependableness, familar with
men never find the job for which they
building o f United States shipping, Is
nre best fitted. Many men could find
the usual risks and vicissitudes of highway travel. He
fifty-six ; General Maude, whose dying
. A ll Oregon mourns with its distinguished junior sena­
injunction to his men wns to “ carry would take no needless chances anywhere or at any time,
tor, Mr. M cNarv, in this sad hour. The good woman,
on,” not lose the goal they had won, and none at all in any circumstances not forced on him by
was fifty-five. Sir Douglas H aig Is an emergency.
Yet an automobile in his charge is upset
so suddenly taken away, was an inspiration, a comfort
The stage is doing Its bit nobly for
fifty-Feven. Each has passed more
the country. Actors have sacrificed
a relative, is killed. Perhaps
and an aid to the senator. H er life was full of love and
than two-third* of the scriptural al­
handsome profits to en list; they have
the road; or perhaps he made
kindness. No words or acts can in any way lessen the come promptly to the aid o f every pa­
thousands o f others who in various ca­ a slight miscalculation as to the space he must give to a
grief of Senator M cNarv; he can only be assured that the triotic and war-aid enterprise; hnve pacities, in army, puvy, business or
passing car; or perhaps the wheel slipped momentarily
given unsparingly o f their time, tal­
people of the entire state, whom he has so faithfully serv­ ents and money, and have considered civil life, are demonstrating that from the hands; or perhaps the ground gave way unex­
though this is the young man’s age,
It a privilege to put aside their own
ed, feel for him to the depths of the heart.
A n y of these mishaps may
the middle-aged and even the elderly, pectedly under the wheels.
interests to supply the much-needed
ure not on the shelf as has-beens.
of them may happen to
element o f amusement for the soldiers
The publication of the names of those who for various nt home and abroad. Their patriotism,
In proposing exchange o f prisoners
self-sacrifice and valuable service de­
himself as immune
reasons failed to contribute to the Red Cross or buy bonds
with the Russians, Germany wants the
serve grateful recognition from the na­
Alany things may happen which are be­
able-bodied and offers Russia the use­ from accident.
or war stamps does more harm than good and'does not add tion at large.
less ones. Ih proposing rates o f pay yond his control. A railrod crossing has its unsuspecting
a dollar to the sum total. It brings about discord in com­
for prisoners Germany wants the victims; and it is a wonder that a hundred collisions do
In the first three months o f this year
munities, causes the brand of disloyalty to be misplaced, 114 American railroads received an op­ United Stutes to pay German prisoners not happen every day at street crossings. One may know
equal rates with American soldiers,
•and unjust insinuations to be made. In very few of the erating Income o f only $54,000,000, while American prisoners are to re­ that a car is safe in Ins hands, but he never knows it about
compared with $144,000,000, or nearly
places where the names of the delinquents were publish­ three times that amount, for the corre­ ceive the smaller pay o f German sol­ the other fellow. N or is every highway as secure as it
ed will the mistake be repeated. No committee of citi­ sponding period In 1917. A year ago, diers, says the Baltimore American. appears to be.
The Teuton seems Incapable o f the
Alore and more it will be necessary to safeguard dan­
zens is qualified to correctly estimate the financial con­ It Is true, they were under private least idea o f fair play, and never offers
direction, while this year they were
places on roads and at crossings. The grade-cross­
dition of any one. A man may be seemingly well to do, operated by the government. How­ a bargain In which he does not seek
to overreach his neighbor.
on any well-traveled highway is a death-
yet be badly ensnarled in debt; a man may have to meet ever, unusual weather was one o f sev­
welcomer; and highway fills and curves should always be
eral causes contributing to this year’s
One observer says the great battle
obligations on a certain date; either one of these condi­ dolorous result.
fenced or bulkheaded. The time w ill come when the pub­
has settled down to
grim race in
tions may make it impossible for him to help to the
killing men.
A bloody and terrible lic will demand of roadbuilders that they not only make
The total estimated value o f all
amount of one cent at a particular time, yet probably he is farm products. Including animals and price Is being paid fo r peace, but It roads sound and passable, but safe in all questionable
must from this very fact become a
more patriotic than some one who responded with a thous­ animal products, for 1917 Is given a« peace which will prevent for all time places.
$19,443,840,381, as against $13,406.364,-
and dollars. Creditors insist upon payment regardless 011 for 1916, and $9,388,765,799 for th< such an uttempt hy tyrannical and sin­
of how much debtors may aid or wish to aid patriotic five-year average (1910-1914). Thes« ister forces to reduce the best part
o f the civilized world to the slavery
causes. Instead of publishing the names of those who valuations are based upon prices re which it was thought had forever been
(Benton County Courier.)
celved by producers, which are applied
don’t, publish the names of those who do. Show the acts to the total output regardless of wheth­ abolished.
The loss of crops in the Willamette valley in the past
of patriotism rather than ones— real and alleged— that are er the products are consumed on the
Some day, when peace is at hand, two summers would have paid for a great irrigation sys­
farms or sold.
let us have a monument to the women tem.
not. Promote optimism rather than pessimism. It is far
o f America who are giving so much o f j
Old timers tqll us this is the second crop failure in the
W e want the ladles to have good luck
better that twenty slackers escape tlm searchlight of pub­
service and self-sacrifice through knit­
with their first political efforts, says
for 40 years, hut this should serve as a warning
licity than unjust and untruthful charges be made against Houston Post. This is why we advise ting, making surgicnl dressings and
than a vindication. TUes same old-timers tell us
the thousand nnd one ways o f personal
one loyal, patriotic citizen.
the ladies’ executive committee to he
seasons are changing.
contribution toward winping the war.
sure and not send an old maid or a
Wherever the need is, there is a noble
Oregon used to be dubbed the “ W ebfoot” state, be­
married woman without immediate
American wom an!
descendants to electioneer with the
cause of the excessive rains, hut the rainfall statistics for
mother o f four singles and two sets
Get the size o f the job In ycynr head: the past three years show this state has had less moisture
o f twins.
(H y Lee Shipley.)
T o lick the Germans we must get Into than N ew York state, hut the moisture in New York bus
Don’t slop u mail from kidding him-1 Many n player lias wished to quit
action about two men to their one and : been much more evenly distributed.
The anomic-looking fashionable girl
j When the umpire saw things
about $6 to their one.
It requires j
A s the state settles up and the timber is cut off rainfall
who seems about to drop from exhaus­
If it puis in his heart a song
that much more weight and money to
tion after walking seven steps can
going to become Less. W e might as well look it in the
For mighty fow folks could do their I Kept playing and strengthened all
overcome their superior efficiency,
dance from 3 p. m. until 5:40 a. m.
the team
the time is coming when we must irrigate to get
practice and preparedness.
without more than a minute's Intermis­
Hy kidding himself along.
Without kidding themselves along.
crops, and we should realize and grab the
sion and roar because the festivities
“ Not one centenarian in a thousand means before we are beaten to it by eastern capitalists
can’t go on fo r the balance o f tin
Many a tighter hard pressed and And many a man with excuse to j
can hear easily.” says a writer In a
grabbing tho water.
medical publication. That’s not strange.
lias lived to outstrip the throng
This great valley has abundant water supplies in the
Has lasted until the gong,
A fter a man grows up, marries and
When the war-risk Insurance rate on
And won out a round or two later And win the respect of nil the
lives to be a hundred, the chances are mountains on either side to irrigate its millions of acres,
American steamers passing “through
he has listened so much that his ears and even in favorable years greatly add to crop pro­
the war zone to British and French
By kidding himself along.
are entirely worn out.
ports Is reduced from three to two. pqj
cent It serves as a fair Index to th f
To be sure it would lie a great undertaking, this har­
Captain Perslus, German naval ex­
effectiveness o W h e campaign against
and storing of the waste waters of the rivers and
pert, is beginning to see the truth when
the kaiser’s U-boats.
he explains to his countrymen that no
(Continued on Page 3.)
amount o f victory enn force the rest o f
(Kansas City Star.)
The bolshevlkl have decided to al­
The familiar wash tie seems to have derived its name low the ex-czar’s family 300 rubles the world to like Germans after the
(about $150) per month for food. war or to deal with those It does not
from the fact that it always needs washing.
Somebody ought to send Nick one of
those American programs on living on
The Bn den chamber 6t commerce
The W a ll Street «Journal takes occasion to speak of 11 cents per day, and doing your own now wants to make a deal that there
“ Henry E. F o rd ” of Michigan'. The E. evidently stands washing.
are to be no hostile air raids outside
zone o f military operations, thus
for Elizabeth, hence the Lizzie.
The central powers will discover that
A Successful Business Career of
It is a most difficult task to win out
whole lot o f difference whose ox is
Twenty-Five Years
In case the yellow paint supply runs out. most husbands with a hatting rally when nil the best gored.
hitters have quit the team and their
The man who knows the com­
fort of a good-tasting chew
sticks to R eal Gravely Chewing
Plug every time. Lasts longer
than ordinary tobacco, too..
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
—and worth it
Cravelylaet to m uch longer it cotte
no more to chew than ordinary plug
More Safeguards Needed
Must Come To It
The Independence National Bank
Established .1889
will offer no objections to the substitution of mayonnaise,
the supply of which never runs out.
All’s. Freda Kupple, the short grass widow, recalls that
the alternative of work or tight was put up to her several
years ago and she decided to work.
Austria probably would like to have the world believe
she is good and sick of Germany, but is in the same house
“ merelv for the sake of the children.”
places hnve been filled In with recrulta
from the minors.
England will Include men np to
fifty-five years old In her new draft.
It mny be a young men's war, put It Is
One o f the difficulties o f keeping
knocking the props from under that
In touch with current opinion In Japan
old Osier theory.
is that the Japanese papers are so
hard to read.
T o quote London, a good man’s war­
time boot ns now standardized Sells fo r
As a household hint we suggest that
$5.25. But what will a boot for an
all good wheat savers should :oaaU>ar
ordinary man sell fo rt
the "meHu of"open-faced pia
> Officers and Directors
H. Hirschberg. Pres.
D. W . Sears, V. P.
W . S. Kurre, Cashier
W . H. W alker
I. A. Allen
O. D. Butler