The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 28, 1918, Image 4

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Come in and hear the
Williams’ Drug Co.
Perilous Work of British
American Destroyers.
i SHOWN BY __________
passed rafts, lifeboats and life buoys
were pitched overboard. This maneu­
ver was carried out th ree times.
By now all the destroyer’s boats had
been lowered to pick up the men In the
water, while all her available loose
life-saving gear had been throw n over­
board. However, th ere still remained
nine men in the peak of the oiler. The
and concluding p art of th e operation may
be explained In th e w ords of th e de­
stroyer’s captain.
| "I therefore decided It was neces-
Landsman May Get Some Idea of the
Grim Game From Details of Few En­
counters Officially Reported—Thrill-
ing Story of Rescue of Crew From
Burning Oil Ship by British De-
and take oft the rem ainder of the crew.
A speed of eight knots being main­
tained, this was done. We remained
alongside locked to th e steam er’s wind­
ward bow for a period sufficient for all
1 nine men to lower themselves on board
! this ship, which sustained slight su­
perficial damage to guard rails and
upper deck fittings. Ten m inutes a f­
te r w* cleared the steam er she was
burnt to the w ater line.”
T he destruction of a German sub-
5 m arine is never announced by the Brit-
tight and pinch the foot in order to look neat
™ Ish adm iralty except upon the strong-
S est possible evidence, which is often
and dressy. But comfort need not give way
■ provideil by the destroyers th a t are en-
= gaged in a long game of hide and seek
= w ith the elusive U-boats under condi-
B tions of varying excitement.
■ landsman may obtain some idea of this Shows Bravery in Unpleasant
g grim game from the details of official
Tasks and Without Roman­
^ records of a few encounters as to the
tic Stimulus.
lli;W i:B i!.W i:W ia n a ilil
HU result of which there Is no room for
= doubt
One of the unsung heroes of th e w ar
A convoy of m erchant vessels w as
being escorted by B ritish and Ameri­ Is the m ilitary surgeon. No man has
E. L. T ow nsend d esires to a n ­ can destroyers. A subm arine attem p t­ been harder worked In the trem endous
n o u n ce th a t b eg in n in g M onday, ed to attack the convoy, but although fighting of the last few weeks, and his
can be just as comfortable as shoes you buy for
J u ly 1, th e p rice of sh a v e s w ill be 25 ¡t maneuvered from one position to un- woik has been In m ost cases fa r from
P o st p h o n e M ain 621.
service. And w e do not sacrifice either style
c e n ts a n d h a ir c u ts w ill be 40 c e n ts .! other the destroyers were too quick
There Is not th e sam e rom antic
____________________________________ for It, and every tim e it attem pted and
or neatness in fitting you.
B uy W a r S av in g S tam ps.
came to the surface its presence was stimulus for the medical man th at
T h e la te st reco rd s a t th e W illia m s detected.
there Is for the Infantry or artillery
officer. It Is one thing to dash about
E lsie F erg u so n u t th e IS IS S u n ­ D ru g Co. Go a n d h e a r them .
Finally an American destroyer sight­
under fire Intent on killing or being
ed the periscope in a favorable position
d a y n ig h t.
sorts of dress shoes offer you a wide field for
]•. C. B o d e n h am er w as o v er from nnd headed for it, w ith the intention killed; It Is another thing to dasli
choice. Our styles and prices will please you.
F a y D unsniore is now em ployed S ale m M onday a n d looked a s tho of ramming. A depth churge was drop- risks while calmly attending to these
se llin g b rea d in th e c a p ita l tow n ped directly over the U-boat, which
a t B lack Rock.
with wounds from which all other men
was still visible under w ater from the
w a s m a k in g h im fat.
— t -
American ship. The resu lt w as an up- as *hf p a s s " ve? tjielr h ead .. “Thank
T he Solie fam ily a re ta k in g an
hfeaval of black-colored water, two
I am not a doctor,” said an officer
O. A. W o lv erto n h as been elected
o u tin g a t C ascadia.
broken pieces of a sp ar and some smull who had been detailed to Inspect a
pieces of wreckage. N othing more of I number of Improvised casualty clear­
ing stations along th e fro n t dur*ng a
Fred a n d G erald H ow ard a re now j co u n cil to fill th e v ac an c y cau sed the enemy w as seen.
recent attack.
| by Hie resig n a tio n of If. C. O stein.
w o rk in g at H oskins.
E arly one w inter’s day a destroyer
The regim ental surgeon In tho B rit­
sighted an enemy subm arine on the
M rs. B ru iik w a s th ro w n front an surface and steered for it at full speed, ish arm y has In his charge the well­
Mr. an d Mrs. P ercy D ickinso n
au to m o b ile w h ile cro ssin g tlie r a il­ i So sw iftly was the m aneuver carried being of more than 1.000 men. When
w ere P o rtla n d visito rs la st w eek.
road tra c k on M o n m o u th stre e t out th a t the G erman had no tim e to J there Is no fighting on, he has plenty
to do. H e has to strik e a happy me­
Mr. a n d Mrs. .1. 1!. hoy visited in T h u rs d a y , b u t w as n o t se rio u sly j submerge. W ithin th irty seconds of dium In discouraging th e faint-heart­
P o rtla n d several d ay s last w eek.
ed, who -come up to him as a means
, enemy, tearing a g reat ren t In the hull
— x—
j of obtaining a fo rtnight’s rest, and In
Mrs. M. M erw in is in th e city p a c k ­ of the U-boat. At the same tim e a bolding out a helping hand to those
M rs. Clyde Hill an d c h ild re n have
ing h e r househ o ld goods a n d w ill bomb, “which,” said th e commanding j who are in real distress. If he Is too Is fully equipped to do your printing at the very lowest*
re tu rn e d from a v isit in S pokane.
officer, “exploded satisfactorily,” was
lenient, th e comanding officer begins
b ik e th e m to P o rtlan d . Mr. an d
A fter th is the destroyer
We have the very
Dr. R. E. D u g an n e, D en tist, h id e Mrs. M erw in both h av e good posi­ wheeled back over th e spot and drop- to ask w hether he Intends to deplete prices consistent with good work.
the whole reg im en t; if he is too harsh
pendence N atio n al B ank B u ild in g tio n s in P o rtlan d .
ped another bomb. L arge quantities
j the Junior officers and men lose pa­ latest type faces and other materials. Call and look our
of oil rose to th e surface, b u t no other
F ra n k W e l l s eeen n ip n n ied b y his sign of the enemy's presence could be
Tlii! E astern S ta r c h a p te r h a s ad
The doctor doesn't rfde, btrt “foot- samples over. We are sure you will be delighted with
jo u rn e d its m eetin g s for tw o m o n th s. fam ily , a rriv e d from C a lifo rn ia o ver detected, and when th e position was j «logs • it witn m s regim ent uirough
la n d one d ay last w eek to visit sw ept la te r the subm arine w as located, the sam e mud, tike sam e wind and them. If you are in need of—
u n til as a rela tiv e s a n d frie n d s in th e B uena still lying on th e spot w here she had 1 rain, and the sam e perils. H is duties
Miss Hazel S eeley wi
iiness col- Vi.-la n eighborhood.
s tu d e n t at th e S alem
are not confined to caring for the ill
Subm arine Cut In Two.
A m erchantm an which had fullen be- sanitation of camps and billets, Insure
Mrs. B e rth a K ing is hom e on a
—x —
, ,,
hind the main body of the convoy to the pu rity of drinking water, keep a
Ed Io n ian of V ancouver, Wi sh., is Vis|t Wl,h
lM" ‘ll,s- Ml‘- « '“ • Mrs which she belonged w as escorted back
h ere v isitin g his re la tiv e s for a few I. S. B o hannon, D u rin g h e r vaca to her position by a destroyer. Ju st i lookout for outbreaks and epidemics,
tiou site h a s bet li v isitin g severa then another of the m erchantm en was I m aintain a continuous campaign of In­
oculations and vaccinations, and fill
places in E a ste rn Oregon. Site will [torpedoed. Im m ediately the destroyer j
out a long series of records and arm y
swung around and headed full tilt for forms. H e has to do his utm ost In
At Buena V ista, Ed P ra th f • w as re tu rn to P o rtla n d M onday.
1 th e enemy’s position. As she passed the light of his special knowledge to
elected school d irec to r an d J. K.
over the spot a severe shock was felt : m aintain the health of his unit, and
N eal clerk.
Fori S ill, O kla., S u n d a y a n d w ill throughout the destroyer, and ju st a f­ any rem issness on his p a rt may lead j
terw ard the G erm an’s periscope was to a serious diminution In Its strength.
Mr. an d Mrs. G rover M attison a re w ill m a k e an ex ten d ed v isit w ith
sighted by the destroyer’s sister ship,
In billets he has the added duty of
e r p a re n ts, Mr. am i M rs. J . S. which hastened to drop a bomb on the
v isitin g w ith rela tiv e s anjl frie n d s
Cooper. M ajo r P a rk e r h as c h a rg e U-boat. A heavy explosion resulted, playing the role of medical attendant
in th is city.
of ttie school of m u sk e try at F ort and the subm arine came up right to the villagers, as all th e French doc­
tors in th e country d istricts have gone.
P re tty little E lsie F erg u so n in Sill.
! astern of her pursuers. Helm was p ut j
“ B a rb a ry S heep" a t th e ISIS next
hard over and fire opened by both |
S u n d a y night.
.1. S. Hooper, w h o h a s lieen p h y si­ British ships, th ree h its being regls- HUNS GAS BRITISH
cally d isa b le d for som e few days, j s j tered In quick succession. Escort No.
Mr. an d Mis. Olen W h ite n k e r a re feeling like h im se lf a g a in a n d has 2 had now come round, and, being near-
Or any other printing give us a trial and you will net
m o v in g from M onm outh to In d e ­ joined th e e x p e d itio n a ry forces and est (he enemy, w ent straig h t for him
and succeeded In cutting the suhnin- i
pen d en ce today.
in v ad ed th e h om es of rela tiv e s an d rlne clean in half. Both hnlves ap- !
regret it. We can r»ve you money.
frien d s a t M cM innville, • C orvallis, peared on the surface for a few sec- !
Mrs. A. S. N ew ton a n d fam ily of S alem a n d A u ro ra recently.
onds before plunging finally from view.
O regon City visited h er d a u g h te r,
A destroyer hunting for subm arines j
M rs. (’.. O. Sloper, S u n d ay .
Ira Mix is h elp in g out a t. th e In observed two periscopes about eight j
d ep e n d en c e N atio n al B an k th is feet ap a rt on her starboard bow. The
W . E. C raven h as d eclined to a c ­ w eek, hut is obliged to leav e S u tu r destroyer managed to get within 50 j
cept a place on th e school hoard to lay as he m u st join o .Coper li/Z p yards before the U-boat submerged ; i
w h ich he w as rec en tly elected.
lay as h e lias jo in e d th e a rm y an d then a depth charge was dropped over
the subm arine’s course. A fter the ex­
—* --
m ist rep o rt a t V an co u v er S u n d ay ,
plosion of the charge a second and j
Miss Vale H iltib ra n d is c h a p e ro n ­ ra w ill m a k e a good soldier.
much louder explosion was heard and
in g a crow d of C am p F ire g irls on
felt by everyone on board the destroy- !
a ca m p in g expedition (his w eek.
Mr a n d Mrs. \V. 11. W a lk e r, Mrs. er, and a column of black-colored wa­
~ i—
M>e N elson, Mrs. H a ttie H enkle ter was thrown to a height of about
M aster G len M attison is sp e n d in g
ic ste r H en k le, M isses E m m a llen - 30 feet. A film of light oil then spread
h is vacation a t th e ra n c h of his kle a n d G lad y s Irv in e a tte n d e d the over the water, and In the next two
g ra n d p a re n ts , Mr. a n d Mrs. I.ocke. H en k le re u n io n in B enton co u n ty hours had I m n h N to m — id derm bis
HE Turks are not noted
y esterd ay . M iss Irv in e w en t as an extant.
Sighting the wake of a submarine, a
particularly for cleanliness,
Mrs. C harley R ichardson of P ort
ite rta in e r, she a n d Mr. W a lk e r
la n d , is visiting Mrs. M a rth a R ich­ fu rn is h in g se v e ra l a p p ro p ria te vo- destroyer dropped a depth charge and
their bakery products
oil rose to the surface. L ater a peri­
a rd so n and c a n n in g fru it th is w eek. al selections.
scope appeared. Another depth charge
would not lie considered ap»
— X—
was dropped, and more oil wns seen.
In this, as in many
C linton H uun is in th e service in
A ubrey Bascuo, w ho belongs to th e When darkness fell a large and con­
th e Fast a n d sta tio n e d al C am p, n avy a n d is sta tio n e d a t S u n P ed ro , spicuous patch fd «U wns r t t u m i t . aatf
other things, we are different.
V irg in ia, hut h is h e a rt is in O regon. cam e in last n ig h t to v isit h is p a r ­ was still very clearly marked next
en ts a n d o th e r re la tiv e s here. A u­ morning. Another depth charge wns
O. F. P a rk e r an d son, R aym ond, brey is lo oking fine a n d en jo y s th a t dropped In the middle of the patch,
o f A shland w ere gu ests of th e ir old b ran c h of th e w ork. He h a s a 20- whereupon more oil and bubbles rose
frie n d s, th e R aldw in sisters, th is d ay s fu rlo u g h a n d w ill get all th e and continued rising for the next two
hours. Sweeping operations were then
are prepared in a clean, modem, sanitary bakery—
w eek.
p le a su re he can nut of it. He w ill undertaken, and nn obstruction wns lo­
report for d u ty on J u ly 20.
a fact that is known to every resident of this com­
cated on the bottom. More oil rose
M isses E sth e r am i G race Ross of
a London hospital recovering from the
to the surface.
munity An ever-increasing demand is an indispu­
F a lls City a re here v isitin g th e ir
effects of being gassed by the Ger-
C onceded to he on e of th e m ost
Rescued From Burning Ship.
evidence that we prdouce “good things toeat *’
g ra n d fa th e r, Mr. M illidge, a n d o th e r b ea u tifu l w o m en on th e A m erican
_ _
, I mans. They had gas masks, as this
A lieutenant in command of a de-
, . .
. ,
relativ es.
rn v .r a.,™
,-.,,.*, . th h at
- a .. British oiler Brit,sh offlolal Photograph shows, but
sta g e to d ay , E lsie F erg u so n loses •troyer
Quality and cleanliness a n the twin mottoes
I had not tim e to don them when a gas
none of h e r c h a rm o n th e sc re en in had been torpedoed and set on fire.
o f this bakery at all times.
J. \V. R ichardson leaves th e e m ­ h e r first A rtc ra ft p ic tu re , "B o rb n ry She was burning furiously and was
Known as the "Women of Parvyse,”
ploy of th e pnstotftce Ju n e 30 an d S h eep ,” co m in g to th e Isis th e a tr e out of control, although her engines
| these two am bulance drivers lived at
A continuous
w e u n d e rsta n d h as secured w ork in n ex t S u n d a y ev en in g . Miss F e rg u ­ were «till running.
Psrvyse but 500 yards from the G er­
P o rtla n d .
s o n , it is exp ected , w ill becom e stream of oil fed the flames, which man lines until they were sent to
"Blighty” a fte r being gassed.
k n o w n a s th e m ost b e a u tifu l w o m an
P . M. K irk la n d received a tele­ on th e screen sh o rtly a lte r h e r a p ­ gine room. H er penk was not yet alight,
and crouched up there were thirty
g r a m th is m o rn in g in fo rm in g him p e a ra n c e in h e r in itia l p h o to p lay .
Whisky In Coffin.
Chinamen, the rem ainder of the crew.
o f th e d e a th of h is b ro th er, W illiam
A coffin supposed to contain a
To extinguish the Are was beyond
L., a t A lbany.
— X—
the power of the destroyer's craw, but corpse was selxed at Huron, 8. D„ re­
her captain determined to make an at­ cently, and when opened was found
Any one Interested in a new hat tempt to rescue the survivors in the to contain 20 gallons of whisky. The
A u n t J a n e C ooper's m a n y frien d s
a r e g riev e d to know th a t sh e is very at a low price should call at Alpha peak, although It w as obviously • <fff- bootlegger had ordered s grave dog
In Huron cemetery. The coffin had
Bruit undertaking. He ran his
p o o rly a n d is confined to h er bed Rescue’s Millinery Parlors on Main
been shipped to Huron from the
closer past the oiler's stem, and as
m o s t of th e tim e.
15 to 35 cents
Local Briefs
Many people think th at shoes m ust be
Right Fitting Is
the Keynote
Dress shoes th at we fit to your feet
Our pumps, dancing slippers and all
Conkey & Walker
Our Bakery Products
C. A. Lochridge
Butter Wraps