The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 18, 1918, Image 1

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T he P olk C ounty P ost
W. E. Craven a n d E. E. Paddock
w ere elected m em bers of th e Inde­
pendence school board at the an n u al
election Monday night,
place of Mrs. Ruth Conkcy resigned,
Mr. Craven w as elected to take the
and has one year to serve which
gives him the office of chairm an.
Mr. Craven is saying now th a t he is
undecided w hether he will accept
the place or not. He is already a
m em ber of the city council and
thinks he is being som ew hat im pos­
ed upon hut Mr. Craven m u st re­
m em ber th a t his efficient and ec­
onomical record as a councilm an
prom pted the tax p ay ers of th is city
to give him a place w here m en like
him self are needed.
E. E. Paddock elected to th e long
term has served on the school board
for a num ber of years an d is right
a t home. He u n d erstan d s school
conditions an d affairs exceeedingly
well. Mr. Paddock h a s gone th ru
m any storm y periods d u rin g his
tenure of office and h as alw ays stood
like a stone wall for w hat he believ­
ed to be rig h t, let the chips fall
w here they may.
John S. B ohannon is the holdover
m em ber w hich m akes the m em ber­
ship a trio of good ones.
The Polk county court has
annnounced th at it will curtail
im provem ents anil economize
on every h a n d d u rin g the per­
iod of the war.
In conform ity w ith such a
policy, the court should refuse
to appropriate but a sm all sum
th is y ear for county fair pur­
poses. The appropriation for
state and county fair purposes
is $2000, a sum far in excess of
that appropriated by most Ore­
gon counties for a like purpose.
Even in tim es of peace such a
large appropriation is a m is­
take. W hat about it in w ar
tim es?
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1918.
The 1918 Army
Of the Republic
(By Provost Marshal General Crowder.)
One year ago occurred the first registration for military
purposes of the young manhood of the Nation. Ten mil­
lion men responded in a single d<iy. This accomplishment
was nothing short of marvelous. The task of utilizing
this enormous force seemed unachievable. Hut the work of
classification of this great mass of man power in such a
way as to permit of its organization and molding into an
<m effective army was intrusted to
local boards and
lof) district boards, constituting a force of nearly 15,000
of the leading citizens of every community, who, assisted
in their work by more than 100,000 equally patriotic vol-
untees, have performed a work that challenges the atten­
tion and excites the admiration of all our people.
Well may we pause today, while another million of our
vouths enter the lists, and survey the results of the year’s
work. Each registrant has been examined and his avail­
ability for military service has been classified in such a
manner that the Nation may now call for them to come
forward into the Army. No call can be so large that it
will not be filled immediately, whether the number be
such as may be filled by those who have been found to
stand in the first rank of avaifables or so great that men
standing in the second, third, or fourth ranks of availa­
bility must go forward. In other words, all these millions
of men who one year ago were an inert mass have become
a mobile army. Each has found his place and each in his
proper turn has marched or awaits the order to march.
These results could not have been accomplished except
thru the devoted and unselfish labors of patriots. The
local and district boards have scored an unprecedented
triumph and have earned the undying gratitude of the
Nation. Their achievement is one of the great successes
of the war. They have already*sent into camp, including
those under orders for June mobilization, an army of more
than a million and a half men. They have already pro­
duced as soldiers one man out of every six registrants,
and the world stands in profound astonishment as it views
this accomplishment.
P o rtlan d —V eterinarians of the
N orthw est yesterday successfully re­
moved the bray from the mule.
The devocalized an im al tried re­
peatedly, several hours after Hie
clinic, to engage in his vocal pa:
tim e, but w ithout success, and tine
only will tell how perm anent the
operation was.
The rem oval of the bray w as a
feature of the convention of veteri
nary surgeons of Idaho, W ashington
and Oregon held in P ortland. Dr.
W. II. Lytle, Oregon S tate V eterinar­
ian, perform ed the operation w ith
the aid of other v eterinarians, before
WHEN ELECTRIC HITS AUTO a large gallery at the stables of Dr
G. II. H uthm an, 415 E ast Seventh
McMinnville—G rant Sm ith of this Street.
In term s of the laym en, this is
city, aged 49, w as in stan tly killed,
his wife, aged 48, w as fatally in ju r­ w hat happened: A cartilaginous
ed and died two hours later, and partitio n in the nose of a m ule,
th e ir daughter, Dorothy, aged 17, w hich serves to form a sep arate a ir
w as bruised about the face an d on pocket an d a w all ag ain st w hich the
one leg, in an accident w hen th eir a ir is vibrated w hen the m ule essays
au to w as stru ck by a tra in on the to bray, w as removed after the uni
Southern Pacific electric line in this mal had been thoroughly anuesthe
city S unday night.
The operation is a sm all one, and
Mr. Sm ith, who is em ployed in
one of the ship y ard s in Portland, should it not prove perm anent, other
had sp en t S u n d ay at hom e nod was operations will la* attem pted. One
being tak en back to bis work when of these is to sever the m uscles
the accident occurred. He became w hich lift the tail, as it has been dis
aw are of th e approach of the train covered th a t no m ule can bray w ith
w hen nearin g the crossing on Fifth out lifting the caudal appendage.
street in th is city, but th e w heels Still an o th er possible operation is to
slippped and the auto was struck a lte r th e vocal cords, but the opera­
by the sw iftly m oving tra in and w as tion perform ed on the nose, it is
carried 100 feet before the train thought, will be m ost effective and
in no w ay now know n im pairs the UNDER AUTO FOR SIX HOURS
could be stopped.
Mr. Sm ith w as seen to fall or a t­ functions of the m ule.
The operation has long been ta lk ­
tem pt to leap from th e auto an d was
Polk county will furnish three
D allas—Ole A urland of Falls City
in stan tly killed, his head strik in g ed of an d recently used w ith m odi­
the rail w ith g reat violence. Mrs. fied success on the battle front in is in the hospital in th is city in a m en for the spruce division. Those
Sm ith w as tak en from the au to in France, w here the m ule's b ray often critical condition, the result of in­ picked for the places are George H ar
an unconscious condition and w hen is a m enace to the safety of the juries received when his autom obile moil of Independence and A ustin L.
overturned w hile he w as driving j T itus and Theodore Nillson of Dal­
she p artially regained conscious­ arm y.
The tail operation is a heritage alone over a lonely road in the Siletz las. They will report at V ancouver
ness, she com plained of violent
pains in the back. She w as found from C aesar's tim e as th a t doughty basin. A urland w as pinned u n der Ju n e 30.
to have several bones broken. She leader discovered th a t by ty ing a his car for six hours before an o th er
w as tak en to th e surgical hospital w eight to the tail, sufficient to keep car cam e along and he w as rescued. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS COMES
w here she died two hours after the him from raisin g it, the m ule could Gasoline from the tan k com pletely
accident. The d au g h te r w as not not b rin g him self to a braying a tti­ satu rated his clothes b u t did not
In accordance w ith th eir policy
catch fire. The fluid, however, blis­ of presenting “the biggest and best"
seriously h u rt aside from abrasions. tude.
tered h is entire body. W hile in a in motion pictures, the m anagers of
Mr. and Mrs. Sm ith have four chil­
condition, it is believed he the Isis theatre, announce the en­
Two New Bankers
tv ill recover.
ì %»
gagem ent of the second Douglas
Thrift Stamp Week
F airbanks pictures released by Art-
Dr. H. C. D unsm ore and H. B.
craft, “W ild and W oolly.”
Wolfe com m enced work a t the In- BERRY AND FRUIT PICKERS
The week com m m encing Monday, pendence N ational B ank th is week
The story has to do w ith a city
youth whose wild fancies of the
as bookkeepers. Two N um ber Ones.
Ju n e 28, is T h rift S tam p W eek.
Salem —The labor situ atio n in great W est eventually get the better
W illam ette valley berry fields and of him. Clad in a n im m aculate cow-
orchards has reached a very c riti­ l>oy attire such ns one m ight w ear at
u iK ii»ia iiM iiiiiiin i»iii»ii»ii»ii»ii»iiiii'B iiiiin i'i'ii»iin iiK ii»iiB iiiiii!n iu iim
cal stage and fa n n e rs who m et at a m asque ball, he trav els to the land
the Commercial club M onday after­ of his dream s only to find th at his
noon declared th a t unless citizens outfit is as unique as it appeared to
come to th e ir rescue a largo per­ be to the in h ab itan ts of New York's
centage of th e ir crops will spoil on Fifth Avenue on t h e ‘m orning that
the vines and trees. A fter days he set out on his journey. M any in ­
of cam paigning for w orkers the cidents of typical F airbanks vuriety
shortage is still about 80 per cent.
occur w ith th rillin g situations.
| Canning
| Season
is approaching and the far-sighted housewife
will this year above all others buy her require-
ments early.
We advise that you do not delay in buying all
of the jars that you need as a traveling sales-
man told us that only about ten per cent of the
glass factories in the United States are run-
ning. We have quite a generous supply on
hand and are selling Mason’s for—
Pints ...............................
85c dozen
Q u a rts .............................
$1.0 dozen
y2 G allons.....................
$1.25 dozen
Zinc C a p s.........................
30c dozen
Yours Truly,
The Royal Aims are ripe and
ready for ta rty tastes. The
Royal Ann habit is not only
popular, but its healthy. There
seem s to be a good sized yield
of th is p a rtic u la r kind of
Independence, about-every lxuly-
in-town strong, will celebrate the
glorious Fourth of July and m ake
the eagle scream at Kings Valley.
The Vail >y and Siletz railroad will
tu rn over its entire m illing stock if
need be to carry the hundreds to the
A tall tulip tree grow ing in tin*
fam ous little valley, nestling am ong
parking at the hom e of Mrs. H attie
the hills, a garden spot Allied to
Henkle is a ttractin g m uch attention
overflowing w ith congenial and
from passers-by. T hetree is covered whole souled people.
with beautiful lilliaceous blossoms
C. W. Irvine and W. M. Huff, rep­
and would be a w onderful atraction
resenting Independence, visited the
in an y park or the m ost exclu­
valley and m ade tentative arran g e­
sive gardens. Mrs. H enkle decorat­
m ents for the celebration. Mr. Huff
ed the a lta r of the P resbyterian said yesterday th at they w ere
church w ith some of the tu lip flow­ charm ed w ith the visit, th a t the
ers la st S unday and they proved a handshake of the King Valley peo­
rarity to the entire congregation.
ple w as hearty an d w arm and th a t
in looking over the section and be­
holding the beautiful hom es and
GIRLS ON 125 MILE HIKE well im proved farm s, he felt th a t a
m ore happy an d contented people
F.ngene—Dressed in khaki hiking did not live anyw here.
suits and w earing big tan w alking
A com m m ittee consisting of E. N.
boots, nine m em bers of the Gam m a j Johnson, F ra n k Dickson, George
l’lii Beta sorority of the university ! C arbray, B. (). S m ith and C. O.
will leave today to hike the 123 Sloper will go to Kings Valley to­
m iles to P ortland. The girls plan morrow and com plete the arran g e­
to do tw enty m iles a day, s to p p in g ' m ents and confer regarding pro­
at hotels each night on the w ay and gram and en tertain m en t, etc. The
cooking most of th eir ow n m eals.’ j celebration will he a safe and sane
They are com ing on the W est side affair a picnic in which all m ay
and a re scheduled to reach Inde­ “ease up" and banish for the day
pendence on Thursday.
all the cares and w orris of business.
In searching for a place which n a t­
ure had best created for just such a
IN SALEM SCHOOL ELECTION purpose an d where the people were
kind an d accom odating, Kings Val­
Salem —In the most hotly contest­ ley w as thought of and im m ediately
ed school election held in Salem in chosen. The celebration will la1 un­
m any years, the candidates who fa­ der the auspices of the Independ­
vored the elim ination of dom estic ence Business Men’s League.
science, music and m anual train in g
The Rial Cross ladies id Kings
a n d such “new tangled" ideas from Valley will have charge of the re-
the schoools, w ere defeated.
freshm ents for the day.
Let’er Buck!
_ _ _
America’s Greatest Exponent of the Smile
He Hits the B ull’s Eye of America’s Popularity
"wild and woolly”
Branded as the Greatest Mirth Provoker
A Rouldup of Laughter
Som ew here in the U. S. A .
nnTEAi Ibi I
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June 16
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