i i i i i f l ! i b i ■ i ■ im i ■ i mi m im i ■ i ■ imi mimn mimiiimn im i ■ i b i b i » i THE PASSING OF A COMRADE CONSOLIDATION Owing to a scarcity of drug clerks, Hewitt's Pharmacy Has Been Consolidated With the § B § B P Williams' Drug Co. I I An Act o f Conservation 4 In Keeping With the Times i I M a n y p e o p le t h in k t h a t sh o e s m u s t b e tight and pinch the foot in order to look neat and dressy. But comfort need not give w ay to style. i All accounts against Hewitt’s Pharmacy and all bills jj due the same are payable to the Williams Drug Co. H iw m im m in m im ii iiim iim iiiu m iim m im iim iim im m im im iM Local Briefs Post phone Main 622. —x— mi W hen you w an t to cook w ithout heating up your wood range, let Cra­ ven ht»r Springs Sunday. the ISIS S unday night. —x— Notice of Certain Street Improve­ ment Bonds W ill Be Taken Up. Notlfce is hereby given th a t there a re sufficient funds in the street paving fund of the City of Independ­ ence, Oregon, to take up for p ay ­ m ent and cancellation Bonds No 8,1), 10 and 11 hearing date July 1st, 1914. T h at on July 1st, 1918, each of said bonds will be tak en up and cancelled and paid in full, principal an d in terest to said date and there­ a fter said bonds w ill cease to bear interest. D ated an d first published May 31, 1918. W. S. KURRE, City Treasurer. Max Goldman Deals in HIDES PELTS WOOL TURS MOHAIR CASCARA BARK VEAL PORK BEEF POULTRY BUTTER EGOS FARM PRODUCE WOOD WOOD GROCERIES SHOES FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS CASH OR TRADE Right Fitting Is the Keynote w riting In the Dally Telegraph on sensation throughout the empire, be­ the new situation In the North sea re­ ing sentenced to six years’ Imprison­ sulting from the Zeebrugge and Os- ment for filching millions from th e The court In sentencing tend raids, the extension of British credulous. mine fields and the generally Increas­ the woman said her punishm ent would ing naval pressure against Germany. have been made more severe If It had “When the w ar Is over,” he says, not been for the fact th a t her dupes “the nation will form some conception were also crim inals, expecting to profit of th e extent of the debt which we by violations of the law. The woman now serving her tim e owe the American navy for the man­ ner In which It has co-operated, not is the wife of an humble clerk em­ only In connection with the convoy ployed In a municipal departm ent. His system, but In fighting the subm a­ name Is Gohla. The women Is forty- eight years old, but still handsome rines. “If the naval position la lmprov- and of striking figure. She was for Ing today, as It Is, It Is due to th e years a regular first nlghter. She fuct th a t th e B ritish and American would appear bedecked with diamonds When her fleets are w orking In closest accord, worth a million marks. supported by an Immense body of daughter w as m arried recently she skilled w orkers on both sides of the paid 100,000 m arks for her trousseau Atlantic, who are turning o ut de­ stroyers and other cra ft for dealing branched out as a contractor. At least with th e subm arines, as well as mines she claimed she had w ar contracts ob­ tained for her by Influential friends. and bombs. “The Germ ans can have a b attle On the strength of these w ar contracts whenever they w ant It. The strength she borrowed money by the millions. of the grand fleet has been well main­ H er “business” grew In leaps and tained. Some of the finest battleships ! bounds. She finally w ent to Berlin, of the U nited States navy are now as­ where she found admission Into the sociated with us. They are not only highest circles. H ere the number of splendid fighting ships, but they are her dupes Increased rapidly. At last some of her creditors be­ well officered and mnnned. “If Admiral B eatty were asked his came suspicious and notified the po­ opinion there Is no doubt of w hat he lice. H er home was raided and a lot would say of the value of the aid which of Incriminating evidence was found. the United States hus given in this re­ It was proved th a t the woman i had spect. T he conditions under which the not only taken money from dupes, but Germans would engage us, therefore, also had bribed a number of officials are less favorable than two years ago.” to aw ard contracts to her which en­ abled her to find more dupes. Mrs. Gohla was found guilty of ATE TOO MUCH WHEAT fraud in 11 cases, of bribing officials In five cases, and also of violation of 8« a Pigeon Fancier Sold the Whole the lottery law. Flock. » ewer Lfi* kemer Night Work on Farm«. W artim e farm ing method* u*ed in England to bolster up fin'd production are to be employed in Lake County. Ind., anil the stiffness of the Kankakee valley will noon be broken by the noise of tractor* and the glare of headlight*. John A. Brown, a Gary and Crown Point banker, today announced he would employ day and night force* on hi* AOOO-acre ranch below Lowell. Fully one-half of thl* will he reserved for corn, w ith rye "h e a t The ranch also hou»- * C00 bead of cat­ tle. Conkey & Walker THE POST Is fully equipped to do your printing at the very lowest prices consistent with good work. We have the very latest type faces and other materials. Call and look our samples over. We are sure you will be delighted with them. If you are in need of— LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS * CALLING CARDS O MORTGAGE BLANKS NOTE BLANKS RECEIPTS * SHIPPING TAGS CIRCULARS . PAMPHLETS POSTERS I GUARDS CHRISTS BIRTHPLACE Or any other printing give us a trial ed d you will not British Soldier Writes of His Service regret it. We can rave you money. Because of the war, E. D. Zellner of Junction City, Kan., Is giving up one of the m ost unique and profitable busl- nessea In the city. Mr. Zellner for in Bethlehem. years has owned one of the biggest pigeon farm s in th e state, raising From Bethlehem a youthful B rit­ squabs fo r the Chicago and New York m arkets, w here they commanded $1 ish soldier w rites to a friend In Lon­ each. However, the pigeons would don : “I am on guard at present, and It Is thrive on nothing but wheat, and Mr. a great honor, I can tell you. th a t I am Zellner’s grain bill ran from $30 to $150 : guarding the birthplace and mangef of per month. R ather than feed wheat our Lord. It Is a wonderful place, and to pigeons, when It Is needed so badly , I never thought when I used to read for the allies. Mr. Zellner Is closing ' about It th a t one day I should stand out his business and has shipped one and guard It. lot of 1.000 homers to Boston by ex­ “The birthplace Is m arked by a 14 press. T he cost of transportation was pointed silver star, presented by the 3 cents per pigeon. French government. The stable Is hung w ith lam ps from all different countriee. and they look b ea u tifu l; and. FARM BOY A GIRL I I might add, they are always alight. Looked Strong and Wae Hired to T he manger Itself is cut In natural rock, hut m arble has been put in to Work. L ast sum m er a Garden City, Kan., keep It In a good sta te of preserva­ fan n e r met Linn Overbrook, a strong tion.” looking elghteen-year-old lad. who w anted a Job threshing. ^ ADer A fter that j NEW WAY FOR WANDERERS by th e farm er and his wife that they offered him an all-winter Job at $10 a week. H e accepted. All w ent well until a few days ago, when Sheriff Off Brown came to the farm and told L in n : “I know all about yon.” I.tnn confessed. "She" had rnn