DOINGS OF THE V A N LOONS M A , I P THK-V W«vu> .... \ H A V fc A C C E P T ■ E e D o ME (l VVOKUO HAVE. B N - / d a v T 6^ fr c - ^ E STeR I Perhaps Mother Kno w » Father's best qualities IN T H E “ TH6 B u . t e r 5 t> 1 ? . <^ 11,V0W ' N ^ ' T A M Ä / n f MUCH A S ONE OP NAVY. MO 1 W H V D O VOV /“ T H IN K . I P H & I-E I». T f^ AHNV fel/T I T H IN K frfT £ Tho (bnfcssi # a German IJeserfer Written by a Prussian O fficer Z ¿5^» RTio Participated in the R avag^^Z s big and Pillaging o f Belgium, Copyigk to DrtroU Pm A mt , (Continued from Tuesday) ... corpses, uusneicerea unaer a dazing A company o f Hessian reserves, sun, were encamped wretched fugi every one a veteran, passed with tlves, because they were forbidden the bowed heads and tlred~feetTThey must ( "!® .°f l heA ° ad/ hare had a very long march. Their of- ed them, which was practically all the I deers tried to make them move more time. In tbe evening, a fter a long march, lively. They ordered that a song be we reached tbs town o f Sulppes. Here sung but the Hessians were not In the our captain told us w e would tlnd nu­ mood. merous frank-tlreurs. W e were or­ “ W ill you sing, you pigs?" cried an dered to bivouac, Instead o f being as­ officer and the pltlful-looklng “ pigs” signed quarters, and all going Into the tried to obey this order. Faintly sound­ village were obliged to take guns and ed from the ranks o f the overtired 1 cartridges with them. A fter a brief m en: “ Deutschland, Deutschland rest we entered the village In search of Ueber Alles, Ueber Alles In Der Welt.” food. Dead civilians lay In the middle Despite their broken strength, their o f the streets. They were citizens of tired feet, disgusted and resentful, the village. W e could not learn the these men sang their symphony o f su­ reason for their having been shot. The only answer to our questions was a per-Germanism. Several comrades who like myself I shrug o f tbe shoulder. The village Itself had not suffered bad watched this troop pass came to j to any noticeable degree as far as destruction o f buildings was concerned, but never In the course of the war hud I seen a more complete job of plunder- , ing than bad been done In Sulppes. That we had to live and eat Is true, ! and as the Inhabitants and merchant* had flown there was no opportunity to pay fo r our necessities. Therefore we simply entered a store, put on stock­ ings, laundry, and left the old things, then went to another place, took what­ ever food looked good to ns, and then proceeded to a wine cellar, there to seize as much as our hearts desired. Tbe men o f the ammunition column, located In the village as well as the sanitary soldiers and cavalry by tbe hundreds, searched *he houses and took whatever they liked best The finest ind largest business places In Sulppes served a very large rural district sur­ rounding and therefore were stocked up on almost everythin!. Within a hurt t!-oc ihej.e plare- b.ifl been clc-itied out. Toe munition drivers unil train columns curried awi.y old pieces of silk, ladies' dresses, linens, shoes, dr- ss goods and every other ar­ ticle Imaginable. ami .-Hired them away in their ammunition cases They took children’s am! women's -hoes, aud everything else they could lay their hands upon, although inaev of these articles Imd to be thrown oway short­ Sitting, Bitterly Crying, by the Debris ly afterward l.ater. wbm tin; fief'l of Her Late Home. peat was«,developed and gave tegular i me and said. “ Let us go to the camp service, trnnv-of »bece things were sent and try to sleep so that we might for­ hou*e. A large chocolate factory was -obhed get all this.” completely, and chocolate and candy We were hungry and on the way home caught several chickens. We In heaps were trampled In the ground. Empty houses were broken into and ate them half-raw and then laid down wrecked, wine cellars cleaned out and in the open and slept until four o’clock in the morning when we had to be windows smashed, the latter being a special pastlm.e of the cavalrymen. As ready to march. Our destination on this day was we had to pass the night In the open, Sulppes. Before the march started the we tried to, find some quilts and en­ tered a grocery store and a market following army order was read: t place. The store was partly demol­ "Soldiers, his majesty the emperor, our supreme war lord, thanks the sol­ ished. hut the apartment upstairs was diers of the Fourth army and sends to as yet Intact with all the rooms locked, it was evident that a woman’s hand them his full appreciation. You have saved our beloved Germany from the had worked In this house, for every­ thing was neat and cozy. But all this Invasion o f hostile hordes. We will not rest until the last enemy lies on the order was still surpassed h.v the ar­ rangement In a large room, which ap­ ground and before the leaves fall from the trees we shall return home vic­ parently had been Inhabited by a torious. The enemy Is In full retreat young woman. We were almost To and the Almighty will bless our arms f ashamed to enter the sanctuary further.” ! our astonishment we saw hnnglng on After this talk we gave three cheers, the wall opposite the door a picture something which had become routine burned In wood and under It a German for us. And then we resumed our j verse: "H on of the women, they weave march. We now had plenty of time : a hrald o f heavenly roses I d their and opportunity to discuss the gratl- earthly life.” (Schiller). The owner tilde expressed by the supreme war apparently was a young bride, for In lord. We could not make out Just what | the wardrobe was a trousseau, tied fatherland we had to defend so fa r In i with neat blue ribbons, carefully put France. One of the soldiers expressed nw«y. All the wardrobe drawer# lay the opinion thst the Lord had blessed open. Nothing was touched here. our arms, to which another replied: When we visited the same place the “ A religious man repeating such silly next morning, impelled by some Im­ sentiments Is guilty o f sacrilege. If he pulse. we found everything In that speaks seriously.” house destroyed. Barbarians had gona Everywhere, on tbs march to Snip- through this home, and with bitter pea, In the Held» and In the ditches, ruthlessnesa had devastated every­ lay dead soldiers, moat o f them with thing, with every evidence of having hideous-looking opaa wounds. Thou­ utterly cast off tho ethics and stand­ sands o f huge flies swarmad on tho ard* o f civilized racaa. corpses, partly deewmposed. and giv­ The entire trnuaaeau hud been torn in g o f f s fsaxful sfeoch. A # o a g these from the drawers and throws partly r on tne uoor. Pictures, pnotogrupns, mirrors, everything was In pieces. The three o f us wbo had entered the room cleuched our fists with Impotent wroth. We received orders to remain In Sulppes until further notice and tho next day witnessed the return o f many fugitives. They came In great throngs from the direction o f Chalons-sur- Marne. They found Instead of the peaceful homes they had left a wretch­ ed and deserted ruin. A furniture denier returned to hls store, as we stood In front of hls house. He broke down when he viewed the remains of hls enterprise. Everything had been | taken away. Wo approached the man. He was a Jew and spoke German. When be calmed down a little ha told us that bis store bad contained mer­ chandise worth more than 8,000 franca, “ Had the soldiers only taken what j they needed for themselves,” ho said, “ I would he satisfied, fo r I did not ex- ' pect anything else. But I never would have believed o f the Germans that they would have destroyed everything." Not even a cup and saucer were left In this man’s bouse. He had a wife and five children, but had no Idea o f what had become o f them. And there were many more Uke him. The following night, remaining In Sulppes, we were again obliged to camp in the open “ because It swarmed with frank-tlreurs." Such w ere our lnstruc- Devastated Everything. tlons. In reality nothing was seen ef frank-tlreurs, but by this method the enmity toward the people living In tbe towns along our line o f march was maintained. The Germans practiced the theory that the solnMers fight bet­ ter aud are more amenable to dis­ cipline when filled with hatred o f their enemies. The next day we were obliged to march to Chalons-sur-Marne. Thla was one o f the hardest days we ever had. From the very beginning, as w# began our Journey, the sun blazed down upon us. It Is about 35 kilome­ ters from Sulppes to Chalons-sur- Marne. This distance would not have been so bad. despite the heat: we had already made longer marches; hut tho beautiful road from Sulppes to Chal­ ons goes with unending monotony with­ out so much as a curve or a bend to the right or left. As far as we could see It stretched before us like a long white snake. Many soldiers fainted or ware strick­ en with sunstroke. They were picked up by the Infirmary columns which fol­ lowed. That the troops who had trav­ ersed this road before ns hnd fared worse was evident from the many dead Germans who lay along the road. The commander feared that he could not get the machine I d motion again If It was halted, and permitted to stretch Its weary limbs on the ground for a brief rest And so It crept along like a snail. Only, Instead o f having a snail's shell on Its back, there was t leaden burden. H ie monotony of the march was broken when we reached the enor­ mous camp at Chalons. This Is one o f the largest of the French army camps. We saw Chalons from the dis­ tance. As we halted about an hour lite r outside the city In an orchard, without a single exception every man fell to the ground exhausted. The field kitchens were soon brought up, but the men were too tired to eat. We did eat later and then wanted to go to town to purchase some articles, particularly tobacco, which we missed moat. No­ body waa allowed to leave camp. We were told that entering the city was strictly forbidden. Chalons had paid a war contribution and therefore ao one was permitted In the city. tne battery men. We heard the dull sounds of the “ Is It Impossible to bring ummunl cannon In the distance and suspected •Ion through this barrage?’’ ! that our rest would be brief. The i - “ No,” replied the artilleryman, "but rolling o f gunfire continued to grow there Is no more ammunition. That Is stronger. We did not know then that why we cannot get any. At Neufchn- 1 a fight had begun which was destined teau we started like wild men after the i to become fatal to the Germans. enemy. Man and beast died from the The first day’s battle of the Marne heat, railroads and other mediums ot I had begun I transportation were left In their dam­ aged condition In the wild excitement C H A PTE R VI. o f victory, as we dashed Into the heart of France. We raced on, blindly and At 12 o’clock, midnight, we were | thoughtlessly, thereby Interrupting alarmed and half an hour later were communication with our bases, ran ] on the march. The cool night air felt directly Into the trap set for us by the good, and despite our weariness, we French. Before the first ammunition made rapid progress. Toward four and other relief supplies reach us we o’clock In the morning we arrived at will all be killed.” Cheppy. It had been completely plun- Dp to this time we hnd trusted i dered. We halted here for a brief blindly In the Invincible strategy of our rest and watched preparations being great general staff. Now It was brought made for the execution o f two fra o home to us on all sides that the dreurs. They were two little farmers French were fighting at home, close who bad supposedly concealed a to their greatest source o f supply, and French machine gun with its crew hnd excellent railroad connections at from the Germans. The sentence was ■ their disposal. Further than that the executed In such a way that the peo­ French maintained a terrible artillery ple were ahown who their real rulers ; fire from guns o f far greater caliber now were. than we believed they owned. This led The little town o f Pogny, located ! us to the conclusion that they were oc­ midway between Chalona-iur-Marne cupying positions which bad been pre- and Vltry-le-Francota, fared no bet­ j pared for a long time. Yet we believed ter than Cheppy, a fact which we dis­ that the picture painted by the artil­ covered when we entered there at nine leryman had been too black. We were •'clock. ( soon to know better. We were now considerably nearer As we approached the enemy’s the spot where the guns were roar­ trenches, we were met with a heavy ing, and retiring o f wounded and the machine gun fire, and In double-quick munition columns showed us that west atep hurried to the temporary protec­ o f Vltry-le-Francols. a terrible battle raged. At four o’clock In the after­ tion o f hastily thrown up dugouts. A bard rain had set In. Th »-field around noon, we arrived at Vltry-le-Francols after a forced march. The city was ns was covered with dead and wound­ tiled with wounded, but the town It- ed. Even our trench was filled with eelf was not damaged. The battle must wounded, which made its occupation hare been going badly for the Germans by the defenders difficult Many o f because we were ordered Into action the wounded men were paralysed from without being given any rest W e were lying on the slimy ground. All were within three kilometers o f the battle without bandages. They begged for line, when we came within reach o f bread and water, but we had none for hostile Are. a terrific hall o f shells tore ourselves. They pleaded piteously, Just up every foot o f ground. Thousands for a scrap o f bread. Many o f then • f corpses o f German soldiers Indi­ bad lain In this Inferno for two days, cated at what enormous cost the Ger­ without having eaten anything what­ mans hnd brought up all available re­ ever. We were scarcely established when serves. The French did everything they could to prevent the Germans the French attacked en masse. Tbe oc­ from getting the reserves Into action cupants o f these trenches, whom we ' and Increased the artillery fire to un­ had re-enforced bad already repulsed heard-of violence. It seemed lmpos- several o f these attacks. They urged ! slble for us to be able to break through us to shoot and fired wildly themselves ' this barrage. We saw hundreds of Into the ranks o f the advancing masses. shells exploding every minute. We W e responded to the exhortations of were ordered to run the gauntlet of the Infantry officers: "Fire, fire hard­ er, harder I" this hell In single file. We fired until the barrels o f our Lying prone upon the ground, we saw how the first o f our men at- guns became red-hot. The enemy i tempted to pass. They ran, unmindful turned. The victims o f our fire al­ | o f th> -hells bursting around them, like ready lying In heaps In No Man's Land madmen; others were burled under between our lines and the enemy’s : ground thrown up by the hlgh-power were Increased by hundreds. The at­ explosives, or torn by shrapnel or gren­ tack was repulsed. It is dark, aud It rains and rains. All ades. Tw o men had scarcely reached i the line when a well-directed shot from shout ns In the darkness are heard a gun o f a large caliber burst directly the wounded weeping, monnlug. Im­ at their feeL When the smoke cieured. ploring. Their cries are augmented by other wounded closer by. All called j there was no trace o f the men. You can Imagine the feelings of for bandages, hut we had none left. We those who lay on the ground not 100 tore strips from our muddy shirts and feet away witnessing this spectacle, with them covered the gaping wounds. Men are dying constantly. There are and waiting their turn. An officer cried: “ N extI” It was no doctors, no bandages, nothing. The my turn. As If aroused from a night­ wounded must be assisted, but first the mare, I sprang up, my gun In my right French must be repulsed. The rain falls harder constantly and hand, sldearm In my left, and ran ahead. I dodged two shells Just as we are all wet to the skin. We shoot they burst and ran close to several blindly into the night The fluctuating others, bursting the same Instant. A fire of musketry becomes strong, then number o f times I sprang back, then weaker, then strong again. We pioneers are scattered among the Hhead again, running to and fro like a madman, seeking a loophole. But every­ infantry. My neighbor touches me. "Say," he calls. where there was Iron and fire. I run “ What do you want?” 1 ask. “ Who like a hunted animal seeking a way to pass to save myself, with a hell In \ are you?” “ Come here,” he hissed. front of me, and an officer's revolver ; It Is eerie, alone In this devil's night always ready behind. “ Why are you here? Will you mur­ Throwing caution to the winds, prepared to meet death and the devil der me like those over there. Soon himself, I at last ran blindly ahend; they will return from over there and ran. ran, ran. until someone seized my the fun will he on again. Do you hear the others weep?" coat tall and shouted In my ear: And he laughed. "H ere we are. Are you wounded? Suddenly he started again: " I .al­ You had better look. Perhaps you are ways shoot at them until they stop wounded and don’t know It.’’ weeping. That la fun.” I was among those of my comrades And again he laughed, maniacally, who had gotten through. Trembling aud louder than before. all over, I stopped and looked around. I realized finally that this man had “ Sit down and you will feel better,” lost hls reason. A man passed bring­ said one of the men. “ We also have ing ammunition and I asked him to trembled.” fetch the commander at once. The of­ Presently some wounded were ficer arrived, accompanied by an infan­ brought up. Tbers were about 48 men try lieutenant I met them and report­ and a sergeant took command. Noth­ ed that my neighbor had been firing on ing more was seen o f our officers. the wounded, talking nonsense, and W e continued to advance and passed undoubtedly was Insane. The lieuten­ several German batteries. Many had ant stepped between us. suffered heavily In dead and wounded, “ Can you see anything?” he asked. which lay around theli guns destroyed “ Seel No. But I hear them moan- by enemy fire. Other batteries still ng and weeping. As soon as I hit oue manned were useless because no more he Is quiet for he sleeps I” ammunition could be gotten through. The lieutenant nodded to me. He W e paused to rest Several artil­ tried to take the gun from the man, lerymen approached us, and a noncom­ it the latter seized It .quickly and missioned officer asked them why they rang back to cover. From there be did not fire. fired while standing among the wound­ “ Because we have used op all oar ! ed, until a moment lafbr, be himself am aunlOja/’jrta ^ h s ^ n a w s r erf one af 3 -*U ten. rum let i o.v uim q u u iics. The drama had only a few specta­ tors. It tvns hardly over before It tva» forgotten. Anything but sentiment. The blind tlriDg coutluued. T b e cries of the wounded became constant­ ly louder. Why? These wounded lying be­ tween the two fighting lines ure ex­ posed to the firing of both parties. No one can help them for It would be In­ sanity to venture Into No Man’s Land. Ever louder and with more heart­ rending pleadings, the wounded called for the stretchers, for help, for water. At the most a curse or an oath is the only response. Onr trench was filled with several Inches o f water and underneath thaL mud. In this morass lay dead and wounded, thrown together. It became necessary to make room and so the dead were thrown over the ramparts. At one o’clock In the night men came with stretchers and took away some o f the wounded, hut for those wretches lying In No Man's Land there was no help. C H A PTE R VII. To complete our misery, we received orders during the night to attack the French at 4:15 In the morning. W e made our preparations under a pour­ ing rain. Promptly at 4:19 we wont over the top. Jumping over corpses sod wounded inen. We were forced to ro- tlre before a hall of machine gun A t e and sustaining a large number o f un­ necessary casualties. Hardly had we regained our trenches when the French attacked us. They came within three meters o f our trench, and here their attack broke down un­ der our fire. They too had to retire with fearful losses. Three times In two hours the French attacked, always with heavy I oases and no results. We were at our w it's end. Unless help came soon It would be Impossible for us to hold the posi­ tion. W e were tortured by hunger and thirst as well as being wet to the skin and were so exhausted that we could hardly stand. (Continued Tuesday.) WIGRICH ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. W aller Plant and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porterfield and two children motored to Albany Saturday even- ii'K- < Misses Lena Tobey and Mildred and Rea trie Morse of Albany are visiting Miss Evelyn Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. F. I,. Chown and son, Ernest, spent Sunday at Mc­ Minnville. Mr. and. George DeForest motor­ ed lo Albany and Corvallis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chown and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porterfield were callers at tbe E. M. Lichty homo at Buena Vista on Monday evening. W ill Roberts of Highland and Mr. McComas of Wigrich combined business with pleasure in Salem on Wednesday. Mrs. Ralph Bartholomew and Ray Hentoti of Perrydale and Mrs. Rho- da Green and son, Jav, of Dallas, spent Wednesday evening and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stratton. KINGS VALLEY Mrs. I>. E. Moore of Albany, who lias been visiting Mrs. Della Miller went to Corvallis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Christenson and Mrs. A. B. Si nger motored to Corvallis Saturday to visit relatives. Andy Ayers and A. R. Xenger were Corvallis visitors Saturday. Bruce Miller has liouglit a car. Mrs. D. E. Moore and Mrs. Della Miler and children visited Tuesday witli Mrs. Win. Smitii. , We understand Independence will celebrate the Fourth of July with Kings Valley this year. Mrs. Wm. Moser is on the sick list. Christensons have bought an auto truck to haul lumber. SWOPE * SWOPE LAWYERS * I. 0. O. r. Building Independence, » Oregov-