The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 14, 1918, Image 1

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    fLîfajut+i b t a t ï f
Í C t P*t,
T he P olk C ounty P ost
JUNE 14, 1918.
Hits Valley Towns
The funeral of T hom as Fennell
w ho com m itted suicide by drow n­
The city of Portland has increased its population 75,000
ing W ednesday m orning, w hich was
held this m orning, w as uttended by
within the past year and it has been at the expense of the
a large num b er of friends and ac­
small towns of the state. An attractive wage scale and a
The services wor“
decided tendency on the part of the American people to
held at the Catholic church of whirl! NO MORE BOOZE CAN BE
the deceased was a m em ber, and in
POURED INTO WILLAMETTE Hock to the larger centers of population are the two prin­
term en t took place in the church
cem etery a t Salem .
Fort land—Intoxicating liquor is ciple factors that have caused Portland’s “ boom.” Of
Broken down in health , Mr. Fen­ persona non g rata everyw here in course, war industries had to have men to do the work,
nell brooded over his m isfortune Oregon and in every m anner, shape
and it is only natural and to be expected that the sur­
and becom ing som ew hat unbalanced and form.
m entally, ended it all by jum ping
It can't be brought into the state, rounding country must supply at least part of the labor
into the W illam ette riv er w hich he it can ’t be tak en out of the state, and required; hut there are other cities which are enjoying a
had crossed h u n d red s of tim es in once here, it can't lie kept even ¡is a
going between Independence and his | relic or a souvenir of the days that “ war boom” as is Portland, and their extra demand for
ran ch home.
I were!
Nor is it M.pnosed to be labor did not draw so heavily from their immediate vi­
At the tim e of his death, he w a s ! d ru n k , sold o r given a way—in Ore-
cinities as did Portland’s. Their added population ap­
a few m onths over 04 years of age. gon.
He w as form erly a blacksm ith h ere.j T hat w as the sta tu s of lii u c until pears to liavg gained from a larger territory. Then why
an d served as city m arshal. A t-; yesterday. Now, the bibulous bev-
was Portland’s “ boom” at the expense of the Willamette
tracted by the chances in the hop erage h as received the worst and
valley ! We do not know.
in dustry , he purchased an d owned m ost stu n n in g blow of all—it can
at the tim e of his d eath, one of the o r shouldn't be poured into the pun
A large number of Independence people have gone to
best ranches in M arion county.
j an d billowy w aters of the beautiful
and more will likely follow, but Independence
| W illam ette.
State and federal law s have been is no worse off than other Willamette towns. All lost pop­
IN BILL HART’S COMPANY dug out of th e ir graves th a t d istinct­
ly stip u late th a t no w aterw ay shall ulation and will continue to lose population as long as the
One of th e th in g s w hich m ake be polluted by any delectrious sub1 war lasts. It is a condition that there is no help for and
W estern photodram as sta rrin g W il­ stance, chem ical or liquod. The last one which must be made the most of. Some day the coun­
liam S. H art so realistic an d con­ j classification includes w hisky, gin,
vincing is his use of none but dyed-1 brandy, beer, w ine an d all other try will “ hack” ; the people will come back to the
never-been-curried-be-1 beverages w hich the prohibition law country. It will not be a matter of choice with them.
low-the-knee cow punchers.
T hus of the state of Oregon designates as
procuring genuine ch aracters in bis 1 intoxicants.
supporting cast, H art not only m ust ( W ednesday the W illam ette and its INDEPENDENCE GIRL UTES
plan and act his own role, but also \ fishes w ent on th eir last d runken
p ainstak in g ly rehearse the p a r t s ! orgy w hen 300 gallons of w hisky,
Miss M ndaline Kroam er w as w ith
Tuesday night a rousing patriotic
given to these big-hearted fellows, gin and b randy confiscated from
who, although proficient in th e “3 Ju liu s W ilbur were poured into its a pariy of out of town friends who m eeting w as held at tho Isis th eatre
R's" of the range, often are woefully lim pid depths.
w itnessed the “total solar eclipse" w ith several out of town speakers
lackin g in screen ability. If it w ere | Now D istrict A ttorney E vans is last S aturday. The party drove to present. D allas' prom inent a tto r­
not th a t H art, who is a W estern m an seeking some m agician w ho will
Joble, a spot in the line of the ney, O scar H ayter, gave an in stru c­
an d a big favorite w ith th e punchers say, "P resto, digitato, av au n to , liq­
near A storia and observed tive talk about the Defense Council.
know s how to overcome th e ir n a tu ­ uor!" and aw ake to find th a t all the
spectacle of th e sky Miss Edna Mills of Forest Grove
ral bashfulness before teaching them
the ru d im en ts of acting, m any of by the county and state have been from the hills near by. The w eath­ spoke on Food Conservation. Dr. A.
h is pictures would be m uch less true destroyed w ithout violation of any er w as very favorable and they B. S tarbuck of D allas m ade un en ­
to the real W est in its palm y pio­ of the state's prohibition m easures could plainly see' the fam ous corona th u siastic
talk about the T hrift
neer days. H u rt’s first offering u n ­ or other statu es intended to safe­ o r halo of light about the moon. S tam p cam paign. Several m em bers
d er the A rtcraft trad e-m ark is guard the public’s weal and sa n ita ­ W hile eclipses have careers and of the S tate C onstabulary were pres­
“The N arrow T ra il,” w hich will be tion.
play re tu rn engagem ents, and ttiis ent, including M ajor Hall and Cap­
seen at the ISIS on S unday evening,
sam e circle will he seen across tain Byrd who explained the duties
Ju n e 16. It w as directed by Lain- INDEPENDENCE TO LOSE
S outhern Russia and Asia in eight­ and plan of organizing a branch of
bert H illyer u n d er the supervision
POPULAR POSTAL CLERK een years, Miss K ream er feels very the state guards. W hen asked how
of the well know n producer, Thom as
fortu n ate to have observed the m any would be interested in an or­
H. Dice.
Everybody likes Gladys Irvine and event, as conditions m ay not be so ganization in Independence, every
m an in the house rose quickly and a
sh e’s going aw ay. For six years she favorable to see the next.
has dispensed m ail and cheery
She diseribes the eclipse as “com­ hurst of applause followed. P a tri­
HAS GONE TO FRANE sm iles not a few and to every one ing instantaneously as some one otic m usic closed thé m eeeting.
alike at the general delivery window tu rn in g off an electric light. Every­
Professor H. C. Ostein of the Ore­ here. Now she is going to Astoria th in g had the appearance of a m el­ MRS. HANNA IS GIVEN
gon S tate N orm al d eparted W ednes­ w here she will be postal savings and low m oonlight night and then the
day for F ran ce w here he engages money order clerk in a first class switcli w as tu rn ed again as it were
in Y. M. C. A. work.
office. The advance in position is a in two or throe m inutes and all w as
The P y thian Sisters gave a su r­
M onmouth is shy a m ayor now as recognition of her efficiency. Post­ light again." She is delighted with prise farewell p arty a t th e ir club
Prof. Ostein held th a t honor.
m aster Wood of Independence and the splendid opportunity to see the rooms hist T hursday evening for
the A storia postm aster recom m end­ phenom ena and feels like a m odern one of th e ir m em bers, Mrs. Jam es
ed her to the senate w hich passes astronom er.
H anna, who leaves tom orrow for
Portland her future home. A short
ESTABLISHED AT CORVALLIS on the application and retu rn s the
hut excellent program w as rendered
appointm ent.
Miss Irvine is prom inent and pop­
BY THE YOUNGER SET and an address, containing a few
A cam p for the technical train in g
words of welcome to the new m em ­
of 500 C alifornia hoys h as been es­ u lar in m usical circles here and she
will be greatly m issed, tho h er m any
A delightful event of interest bers and highly com m ending the
tablished a t Corvallis.
A Polk county officer. C aptain friends are pleased w ith the promo­ am ong the younger set w as tlie m er­ going aw ay sister w as given. Fol­
W alter L. Tooze, Jr. w ill be in com ­ tion and hope she m ay still clim b ry dancing p arty given a t the Jim lowing the program , a light lunch­
m and w hich is quite a promotion' and not falter on the ladder of Collins home last W ednesday even­ eon in w hich m any friends of tho
ing. A bevy of charm ing girls in ­ honoree participated, w as served..
for the captain.
cluding Misses Gladys Irvine, Lucile
C raven, Hazel Porterfield, M arita
Shinn and Ora F enton w ere host­
Yank Tells of Soldier’s Life
as a going aw ay party for Miss Le­
in the Trenches.
Page 2.
ona H anna who leaves for P ortland
“Coming For the Ride" from
S atu rd ay to m ake her home. The
the S tars and Stripes, publish­
hostesses had m ade the entire home
ed by A m erican soldiers in
a bower of blossoms and fragrance
Page 2.
for the fete. N um erous bowls of
Confessions of a German
gorgeous roses were used w ith
Page 3.
charm ing effect. The Colonial porch
w as m ade into a cozy corner and
trysting place by using N avajo rugs
■ and blankets, the whole presenting 18 MILES JUST NORTH OF
is approaching and the far-sighted housewife
| an unique appearance. Victrola
will this year above all others buy her require-
■ and piano furnished m usic for the
Salem —A nnouncem ent lias been
dance in which eighteen jolly revel­
ments early.
I ers participated. At the wee sm all m ade by S tate Highway Engineer
■ hours of the night, a delicious lunch­ Nunn th ta t the stute highw ay com­
We advise that you do not delay in buying all
B eon w as served at beautifully ap ­ mission will im m ediately begin ad ­
of the jars that you need as a traveling sales-
■ pointed tables w hich were centered vertising for bids for the paving of
18 miles of the Pacific highw ay just
man told us that only about ten per cent of the
■ w ith choice roses.
north of Salem .
glass factories in the United States are run-
E stim ate cost of the im provem ent
FIRST BRIDGE TRAVELER is $34*,000, of w hich the state will
ning. We have quite a generous supply on
puy half and the governm ent half.
hand and are selling Mason’s for—
Salem —To replenish the treasu re This is a post road and the state's
of W illam ette ch ap ter of the Red share of the cost will come from the
Pints .................................
85c doien
■ Cross
a unique scheme has been hit funds obtained by the sale of bonds
Q u a rts...............................
$1.0 dozen
^ upon by the executive com m ittee I under the B ean-B arrett hill.
G allon s......................
$1.25 dozen
„ having in charge arran g em en ts for
a relehration of the new Marion- ANNUAL 8TH. GRADE PICNIC
Zinc C a p s..........................
30c dozen
Polk county bridge some tim e next
m onth. The plan is to sell at auc­
Yours Truly,
“ tion the privilege of being the first The an n u a l school picnic for the
to cross the new bridgp. The first ighth grade g raduates of Polk
to send in a hid is Henry W. Meyers, county will lie held at Bickreall on
a Salem m erchant, whose bid was Friday,' Ju n e 28. T here will be the
usual program , gam es and contests.
$ 100 .
Portland’s "Boom ”
The sale of su g ar h as again
been restricted ow ing to a pos­
sible shortage. H ereafter until
fu rth e r notice but three pounds
will be sold to town residents
an d five to country people at
each purchase.
The pureiiase of su g ar for
can n in g purposes w ill be per­
m itted under certain rules.
141st. Birthday
“The Polk county court will ab an ­
The Polk County G uards are to
practically all projects for new
have uniform s—the regulation k h a­
ki pants, blouse and hat. Included im provem ents planned for this sea­
son,” says today's Polk County Ob-
will he the m em bers of the hand.
At a m eeting held at the court j server, “thus com plying strictly w ith
house at Dallas T uesday afternoon, ia request m ade by the governm ent
those present requested the county that cu rtailm en t be practiced w her­
court to expend $25<X) for 200 outfits. ever possible. A third request to
T hre are 100 m em bers at Dallas, effect w as received by Judge K irk­
65 at B uena V ista and a com pany patrick on W ednesday, th ru u com­
is being organized at Independence. m unication from John P errin, cliuir-
j m an of the board of Capital Issues
and Federal Reserve agent, and af­
AIDED BY W. O. MORROW ter w eighing the m atter the court
i arrived at the conclusion that its
The Oak Point and Rick- full patriotic duty would not he dis­
charged should it continue to prose­
reall Red Cross auxiliaries
cute the work contem plated and ex­
have been given a big lift by W pend
the considerable sum s of
Morrow, w ho raffled off two of his money necessary, to say nothing
best calves and donated the pro­ of the labor and m aterials th a t
ceeds to the auxiliaries. Oak Point would necessarily lie required. Of
received $231 and Bickreall $100. course, there are certain betterm ents
John 1). Woods also donated a calf u n der w ay at this tim e that m u st
to Oak Point w hich sold ¡it public he carried th ru to completion, hut
auction for $20. At the Morrow sale these are considered essential to tho
W ednesday, the ladies of Oak Point | well being of the com m unity a t
conducted a stand and realized an large and will he completed as
additional $35 for the Bed Cross.
econom ically as possible w ithout
slighting them in any w ay.”
"The specialists who gave out that
hot w eather would kill the aphids
have an o th er guess coming," says
the Benton County Courier, "for in
this county at least they seem to
wax fat and m ultiply by the m illions
under sum m er heat. Between these
pests and the extrem e dry w eather
crops generally are being ruined
and unless favorable changes come
soon all crops, except possibly corn,
will he failures. The farm ers are
alarm ed and m any of them are
disposing of th eir stock."
The Post on this page today car­
ries two news items that do not
harmonize. The Polk county court
proposes to curtail improvements it
is alleged at the request of a govern­
ment official, yet on this same page
we read that eighteen miles of pav­
ing w ill be done in Marion county
and the government pays hall the
expensel Putting on the brakes in
Polk county, but riding on high in
Marion county.
Tell The Post.
The Famous Producer,
Thos. H. Ince
The Narrow Trail
(From the story by Win. S. Hart.)
In the supporting cast are some of the best
known of the Ince players including the cow­
boys find l ough riders, who are familiar to all.
It introduces Sylvia Bremer, the beautiful
Australian actress, who has recently made such
pronounced successes in Ince pictures as H art’s
leading woman.
It is a typical Hart picture of wild out-of-
door life, filled with wondrous pictures of the
great West, and throbbing with tense incidents
and thrilling adventures.
June 16