VOLUME 1. T he P olk C ounty P ost f CALL TAKES 49 POLK COUNTYITES A num ber of Polk county young m en will be called to the colors this m onth. The eight chosen for technical tra in in g are Roy H am ilton, Hick- reall; H oward M orlan, M onmouth; Duane Gibson Salem ; Joseph Bow­ m an, M onm outh; David Oleinan, M onm outh; W esley S. Osborn, Mon- m outhL ester George, M onm outh; Or­ lando N. B urbank, Airlie. Among the U to report about June 25 and go to Cam p Lewis a re Glen Keeney an d W alter B aker, Hoskins; R alph J. C raber, Jefferson; Robert B utts, A irlie; Richard W. Osborn, M onm outh; Laxity A. P arrish , Hos­ kins; W illiam C. K earns, Independ­ ence; John C.wald, Independence; P erry B. A rran t, M onm outh; George R. McCoskey, A irlie; Jam es ('.. Cham berlain, Independence. George T. H aas of Independence is an a lte r­ nate. (TWICE A WEEK.) 1918 GRADUATES Helen G ertrude B utler Ernest Lester Chown Ethel C arm ack l'Ila K. Dickinson Leona H anna Vera Jzola Johnson Dorothy Jane Paddock Elm er E. Paddock, Jr. Lillian F rances Tow nsend POOR STANFIELD! HE MIGHT HAVE GONE TO JAIL INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JU N E % 1918. In the Shadow O f the Eclipse (TWICE A WEEK.) “No Quarter, Slaughter Everybody 99 Such were the orders of NUMHER T EXERCISES M IG H T The Commencement exercises of tin* Independence High School w ill : lake place this evening at the opera ! house at w hieh tim e seven girls an d two boss will receive diplom as. Vein I lAlinson will deliver the valedictory. The address of the evening will ho ! delivered, by Dr. H. 1). Sheldon, dean i of the School of Education of the j University of Oregon The 1 J) 1S class motto is “H onor Before Honors.'' The colors are red and w hite and Bed C arnation tho 1 flower. 1 * the German officers on the Get your smoked glass ready for the big eclipse tomor­ march of the Prussian troops row. Failure on your part to properly prepare yourself through Belgium. One who witnessed the horrible deeds will make you wait ninety nine years for another chance. describes them in The big attraction commences about 4 o ’clock in the aft­ ernoon and will be with less than umpty minutes. Members of the Independence city council are wonder­ ing if it would be fair for the Oregon Power Co. to charge for the juice that may be used during the life of the eclipse A remarkable story b y To avoid a like question coming up again, they1 will see a young Prussian officer that .in ordinance is passed putting electricity on the free W INNIE BRADEN TAKES HER whose conscience revolted BOYS OVER THE TOP list during occasions of this kind. At the next meeting at the atrocities and who made his escape to this of the council, the recorder will be given ninety eight Dallas, Ju n e 6—(Special) Big country after the battle of Moses and little fishes bow W inuio years to draw up such an ordinance. Mons. Don’t miss the in­ Braden goes over the top. Just last stallments in Commenting on Vhe statement made in Tuesday’s Post week she called in the boys who dis­ that chickens will go to roost during the eclipse, a well tribute the precious w hite Hour am ong the natives and persuaded known married man of this city wonders if it applies to ' them to sell one hundred per cent old hens as well. If it does, he may get an evening meal on substitutes witJi every order for ; w heat Hour u n til A ugust 1, and a time. j num ber of patriots had no chance to S. H. PETRE DIES AT HOME The Post has received a letter which says that the end NEAR AIRLIE, AGED 40 "lay in" enough to last them , it w as of the world is at hand and the “ chosen are praying.” S. 11. Pet re died at his hom e near 1 all so sudden. Then W im ii" and Airlie on Tuesday, Ju n e t, at the aire her boys resoluted besides. They That’s another thing eclipses are good for. It makes of forty years. He had been si ck for declared it was naughty to uso some people pray. I t ’s too bad there are not more nearly two years. He is survived wheat to m ake booze. Big Moses and little fislieq, th ere's skedaddles hy a widow and six children. eclipses. Mr. Pet re w as born in Tennessee, of th irsty right in Polk county today If it happens to be cloudy tomorrow, nobody here will bad resided in Polk county for four w ho would trad e a bushel of w heat for a bottle of cold brew if they had be permitted to see the eclipse. However, if its cloudy, it teen years and served as county the w heat and could get the brew. ¿‘om m issioner from 1911 to 1915. will be darker than a stack of black cats. These fellows m ay get m ad at W in­ nie's Isiys and buy th e ir spearhead P. S. The eclipse is caused by the Moon getting in INDEPENDENCE OFFICERS ARE NOW “OVER THERE” in Salem. All right, we'll stand by between the Sun and Earth. If it would happen to get Two form er Independence men, I W innie and her hoys till tin' row s stuck there, there’d be no use of anybody doing their now officers, are in France. Letters come home and follow (In' tip of from “over th ere'' have been receiv the su ltry "dry” who says to eat all Christmas shopping early. ed from C aptain H arry Ord and the barley so there w on’t he any Confessions of a GermanDeserter (Mr. Stantiehl tiled liis report last night. He certified to a person- expense of $500.) , , Portland-—Robert N. Stanfield, re­ cent candidate for nom ination as United States senator, according to section ;)490 of Lord's Oregon Laws, has been becoming indebted to the state at the rate of $25 a day since Ju n e 1. In addition, u n d er the pro visions of section .‘15:15 of the law, were th e verdict of thecourt directed ag ain st him , he w ould be liable to im prisonm ent in the county jail for not m ore th a n one year, or fine of not m ore th an $5000, or both such CITY OF DALLAS WRESTLES fine and im prisonm ent. WITH ASSESSM ENT QUESTION Mr. S tanfield has not yet filed his D allas—Carl Sw enson and V. E. statem ent of cam paign expenses Gasso, residents of th is city, tiled a w ith the secretary of state, as re­ su it th is week ag ain st the city of quired by the corupt practices act. It is doubtful if any previous cam ­ D allas to quiet title to property ow n­ paign, for public office since the ed by them selves in East Dallas. enactm ent of the direct prim ary law The suit is the outgrow th of an a t­ tem pt on the partof the city of D al­ an d the election of United States las to collect overdue assessm ents senators by direct vote of th e people h as w itnessed such a lavish expend­ for street im provem ent w ork per­ iture of mony as th a t of Mr. S tan ­ form ed on Uglow avenue a few field for thesenatorial nom ination. years ago an d the property in ques­ tion lias been advertised by the city It m ay have been in the old days m arsh al on a foreclosure proceeding w hen the legislatures joeketed with tin" senatorial elections for 10-day in stitu ted by the city council. The periods, du rin g w hich Hie sack w as atto rn ey s for Gosso and Swenson, open, th at m ore money w as spent instead of following the usual pro­ on account of tin1 senatorship than cedure in such cases preferred to bring suit to quiet till«« to the prop­ w as expended in the recent S tan ­ field cam paign. erty an d th u s m akes it incum bent I left for the booze m akers to stew. L ieutenant J. S. Cooper, Jr. The Stanfield for Senator league NO WONDER HE DON’T FINGER CHOPPER IS NOW upon the city to show its right, title tiled its account recently giving W RITE HOME VERY OFTEN ON WAY TO RERLIN or interest to the property in ques­ tion. O ther property ow ners on the $6,841 as the am ount of m oney ex­ P ortland O. C. Griffith, an em ­ „Oregon C ity—After having served above nam ed street are also said to pended by it d u rin g the cam paign. be aw aitin g the outcom e of the ac­ This, however, does not include the ploye of the Supplc-Rnllin S hip­ a !N)-day sentence for attem p tin g to personal statem ent of Mr. Stanfield, building corporation, is a native of avoid conscription by chopping off tion before settlin g up th eir assess­ 1 which the law require«» him to m ake W ales having been born in the city fils’fffiger; Merle Tones will b‘r YnTTen m ents w ith the city, and w hich should have been tiled of Llnufairpw llgivyiigyllgogerchw y- to (’am p Lewis under guard and j w ith the secretary of state on or be­ (Irobwirlicheliilantysiliogogocli. The turned over to the m ilitary au th o r­ VALLEY AND SILETZ RY. IS SHORT ON CARS fore June 1, or, as the law puts it B ritish postoffice calls it “Llanfair-' ities. Jones had liis wife cut off the _____ “w ithin 15 days a fte r the election p. g. In order th a t his letters m ay trigger finger of liis right hand so Salem —More th an 2,500,000 feet of a t ' vl,ich Me WHS n candidate." If he reach the_homefolks, he fu rth er a d ­ th a t tie m ight not have to go to war. lum ber needed by the governm ent *!"'"* »» ni,,l" ,.V personally, he is dresses the envelope th u s: "The for ship building and for a irp la n e s ,! »tiH required to m ake Ins statem ent Church of St M ary, in the Valley of FOOD ADMINISTRATOR TELLS W hite Hazel, near the W hirlpool of OF W HEAT FLOUR CRISIS are being held up a t the S paulding j ’° th a t effect. Not only is it m ade tl te duty of St. Tysills by the Red Cave. logging cam p on the Valley A Siletz P o rtland—In reply to inquiries railro ad , in Folk county, on account | Mr. S tanfield to tile the statem ent th at are com ing to the food ad m in ­ of the railroad not furnishing cars w ith in the k5 days, or suffer the OREGON POWER CO. SH IFTS for the shipm ent of logs from th e j Peiial,iM prescribed by the law, but MEN IN VALLEY TOWNS istration office regarding w heatless Spaulding c-amp, according to a high tho law requires the secretary of i days, W. B. Ayer, federal food ad auth o rity of the Spaulding Logging s,a ,e to 110,ify the district attorney Eugene—F our changes in resident j m inis!ratin' for Oregon, gave out the of th e failure of th ecandidate to file m anagers for the Oregon Pow er Co. following statem ent : Co. “There seems to he some m isun­ At the cam p on the Valley & Siletz liis statem ent. It is m ade the duty in W illam ette valley cities w ere a n ­ road the com pany has been delayed of th e district attorney to prosecute nounced By E lm er Dover of Tacom a, derstanding in regard to the w heat tw o w eeks in th eshipm ent of logs the can d idate w ithin 10 days after president of the M ountain States situation. Mr. Hoover’s statem ents for tiie governm ent specially a d a p t­ receiving the notice for violating the Pow er Co., w hich ow ns the Oregon are absolutely clear and definite Pow er Co. • and no attention w hatever should ed for a ir plane stock an d the long co rru p t practices act. J L. W hite, who has been m a n a ­ be given to statem en ts em anating tim b er used in ship construction. T he delay h as become so serious Over the High P laces W ith a Ford ger a t Albany, lias resigned his po­ from any o th er source or to idle W illard Craven and wife of Inde* sition and will engage in business rumor. th a t the S paulding com pany lias re­ "W hen we realize th a t we a re at ferred the m a tte r to th e P ublic Ser­ pendence of the Craven and Huff for him self in Seattle. He will be H ardw are Co. passed over the succeded by C. IT. Steelquist, who the end of the supplies of one h a r­ vice Commission for relief. Broadway’s Greatest Star Outshining His H eights toward Falls City S aturday has been m anager a t Dallas. H. A. vest and th a t the retu rn s from this Brilliant Stage Career In a Photo-Adaptation m orning.—M onmouth H erald. Joslin, m an ag er at Eugene, will be years harvest are still some distance Tell The Post. of His Best and Funniest Play tran sferred to Dallas. away, we m ust confine ourselves to the q u an tities absolutely known to Tin a I.H I K I H I h l ■ T H T H I M I I H I H I B i l l ■ I ■ I ■ ! ■ I H I M I ■ I M i M l I IM I M ill HIRSCHBERG IS RE-ELECTED he on hand front last year's crop. As STATE GRANGE TREASURER far as the food ad m inistration at rem ained 56,000,000 bushels of w heat H. H ischberg w as re-elected tre a s­ on June 1. S hipm ents to our arm y I u rer of the S tate G range at its nil- and to the allied people will require § A typical American play endorsed by the Amer­ ■ - t nun convention held in Salem this a m inim um of .'H),000,000 bushels, ■ ican public and personified by America’s great­ ¿ (w e e k . Mr. H irschberg is solid w ith leaving only 26,000,000 bushels for {I j the G rangers and w hile som etim es Am erican consum ption, which is est stage interpreter, the inimitable George M. BI there is a candidate ag ain st him , lie less than one third the norm al re­ Cohan. An Artcraft Picture Achievement ■ ; gets most of the votes, quirem ents p A ltho bitterly opposed hy fhe Port- “Mr Hoover in his appeal th ru the land O regonian and Telegram , C. E. churches and fraternal organiza­ Spence w as re-elected M aster hy a tions on May 26, asked the Am erican is approaching and the far-sighted housewife two to one vote. people to abstain from the use of will this year above all others buy her require­ w heat flour in any form until tiie I ‘THE CONFESSIONS OF A ments early. next harvest. Following this appeal, I GERMAN DESERTER” GOOD the county ad m in istrato rs in session ■ We advise that you do not delay in buying all resolved to do th eir utm ost to have ■ g Considerable in terest is being the people of the state respond to of the jars that you need as a traveling sales­ 3 taken in "Tiie Confessions of a Ger- Mr. H oover's request, and have, man told us that only about ten per cent of the 1 1 m an D eserter,” tije first installm ent therefore, been holding conferences I B | of w hieh appeared in T uesday's w ith th e retail m erchants of th eir glass factories in the United States are run­ B Post. The second in stallm en t ap- respective counties C These m er­ ning. We have quite a generous supply on ■ I pears today. chants have most loyally agreed to We have a few extra copies of the support the- needs of the country hand and are selling Mason’s for— Tuesday issue w hich w ill be given and ab stain from the sale of w heat Pints ........ 85c dozen to anyone who m issed the first in ­ flour until tiie next h arv est, or until stallm ent. such tim e as the food ad m inistration Q u a r ts.......... .................... $1.0 dozen § advises them th at there is no longer G allon s...................... $1.25 dozen EIGHTY SIX YOUNG MEN I I any necessity of doing so. The peo- REGISTER IN POLK COUNTY ' pie of the state should give every Zinc C a p s.......................... 30c dozen K6 young men, who have attain ed I aid and encouragem ent to this I Yours Truly, H ip age o f 21 since Ju n e 5, 1917, reg m ovem ent and while the action of istered in Polk county W ednesday. the m erch an ts has been purely vol H They will lie placed at the bottom of untary, th e ir custom ers should lx* the list available for m ilitary ser­ no less patriotic, th an they have I been.” . i n H i ii H i i « ii m * i« vice. . RIIBIIHUHIIHUI This Newspaper been Waiting for! George M COHAN I "Broadway Jones” Canning Season ISIS THEATRE f y2 « i JOHNSON & COLLINS 20. Sunday, June 9 ■