The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, June 04, 1918, Image 4

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    " n ,=
Opportunity for Wool and Mutton
Found on Idle Areas.
Local Briefs
Post phone Main 622.
— x—
Ernest Tice wus here from Port­
land Sunday.
— T—
U n ite d S ta te * S h o u ld P o s s e * * T h re e or
F o u r T im e * P re se n t N u m b e r o f
A n im a l— M u c h A a s iita n c e in
W in n in g W a r.
D. M. Duvall is doing carpenter
Palm Sunday Brings Out Throngs to Cemeteries and “ Bilis” Is
work at Wells.
Freely Scattered Over Resting Places of General Pershing’s
Heroes—Crowds Bare Heads in Silent Honor
Wallace Heid at the ISIS Wed-
nsday night, June 5.
to Comrades in Arms.
— x—
(Prepared by United State* Department
of Agriculture.)
Good Hosiery Values
The finest silk hosiery and tKe latest
novelty combinations in all the pop­
ular new shades are now offered
here at unusually attractive prices.
O f course w e carry the standard guararv
teed cotton hosiery as w ell as the service^
able Iisles in a variety o f weights, colors
and sizes. Hosiery for men and chil­
dren, too.
The 1. & M. has changed time to
there, but on the crosses above
them there was the name and organl- connect with the Eepee. ,
Immediate opportunity for Increas­
*ntiou o f each o f them and that was
— x—
ing the sheep population of this cotta
try Is fount! on the rougher and idle
Dr. R. E. Duganne, Dentist, Inde­
Somehow I seemed to have been a o
lands of the Appalachian region, the
pendence ’ National Bank Building.
quainted with them fo r a long time
cut-over timber lands ' of Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Michigan, nnd to some
Kernes of Eugene
hud looked when they landed over
extent those of the South Atlantic and
here. So I read the names o f them visited her brother, I. Cluggett, this
Gulf States. The acreage o f these
and placed my little piece o f buis week.
areas that Is suitable for sheep Is
— x—
upon the gruve o f one Arthur R. Peter-
alone capable of supporting, as many
6011 o f t h e ----- Ambulance company.
Miss Vale Hiltibrand is home for
breeding ewes as are now kept else­
Tribute to American*,
the summer, the Airlie schools hav­
where In the country.
Mile. Therese decorated eueh o f the ing closed last week.
Unimproved land In farms also of­
others in the same silent way that I
fers opportunity for Increasing our
had done. * F or a few móments no one
sheep population. Such land amounts
Mrs. Clyde Ecker returned Satur­
seemed to have anything to say, and a
d,,ep silence prevailed until mudemoi- day evening from an extended visit
selle had decorated the last, saying as in Texas and Colorado.
— x—
slle did 8<*:
“ Les puuvres gurcons, ils sont venus
Craven & Huff have received a
si loins pour mourir.” (T h e poor boys; shipment of front and rear Mazda
they have come so fa r to die).
lamps for automobiles.
“ Mais ils ont finis de souflfrler seux
la, cest a leur puuvres meres que je
Miss Lucile Craven returned from
pense, mol,*’ said Mine. Iteveillon.
Hood River Friday where she has
(Th eir suffering is over; It is o f their
teaching the past year.
poor mothers that I am thinking).
When I could trust myself to speak
' 3fc;
s'.ic■ :
Calvin J. Holem of Hoskins and
I tried to smile my appreciation o f
Miss Inez Brewer of Aurora were
their gci)ero.sity, and said:
P a aturea A re E s se n t ia l to Sh e e p P ro ­
“ But there are hundreds o f yonr licensed to wed at Oregon City Sat­
Poilus here.”
“ Ah, oui,” said monsieur, “ but we
to nearly half of the total area In
are very fortunate in having them
farms. To some extent these lands
Mrs. W. W. Ireland and children
here near us, while these parents back
are now In use as live stock pastures,
of Corvallis were visiting with Mrs.
in America have not hud the oppor­
but much o f tjie area that Is wholly
Ireland's mother, Mrs. Clara Tay­
Idle would furnish fair summer graz­
Their sorrow, their respect und their lor, Sunday.
ing for sheep. Some readjustment
— x—
sympathy were profound and sincere.
with regnrd to cropping and the keep­
the film \yorld, W al­
ing o f other stock would be required,
further. Here were mothers mourning lace Reid, appears at the ISIS to­
to furnish winter feed, but under ex­
the loss o f other mothers whom they morrow night in “The Hostage,” a
isting conditions o f farm labor and the
had never seen, did not know, nor strong drama with tt military sett­
present grain prices this chnnge would
would they ever know. It was not so ing.
have a favorable effect upon the net
much for the sons that lay buried
farm income.
— x—
there hut those that were left behind
For the greater production of wool
J. F. Currie, who has been con-
and mutton, however, future depen­
mourned the loss of some kin since nected w ith T h e Post since its es-
dence must he placed ohletiv upon the
1914 and their sympathy was genuine. tablislnnent, left M onday night -for
more general rearing of sheep upon
A ll P a u s e in Silence.
the high lan ds o f C aliforn ia in hope
Improved lands. The keeping of one
There were other persons in the that a high er altitu d e w ill benefit
ewe to each three acres o f all land In
cemetery who had come to honor their
farms on one-fourth of the 00 per '■eut
his health. H e w ill return Sept. 1.
dead In the same way and as I looked
of farms now having no sheep would
'— x—
they all stooped and read “ A nos
double the number now In the country.
The fo llo w in g A irlie hoys have
Sheep on farms seem to he assured a
and in silence gazed at the crosses and recently entered the service: Ches­
larger place, ns successful participants
V tlflfU « n H
n lo o o n k v o n d i o f ♦
I ’
ter Cooper, C lifford Hunan, Em qry
passed or
with other stock In the economical am*
This was Palm Sunday, but I had W h ittak er, Kenneth W illia m s , Hay-
profitable utilization o f the products bills on the graves o f their relatives.
of the soil, as well ns producers of It Is the custom o f my country. Mon­ forgotten that and I found myself be- m ond W illia m s , Frank Story, W il-
valuable elothlng material for which sieur told me, to decorate the graves lleving It Memorial day back home. lard W ilson and Frank W illia m ­
W e left the field and continued on to son.
there Is no complete substitute. I!e- with buis every Palm Sunday.
the garden on the outskirts o f the
A ll G ra v e s D ecorated .
fore many decades have passed the
As we passed through the ancient town. Here some two hours later as
United States should possess three or
Mr. and Mrs E lm er Nash and Mr.
four times the present ntfmher of gate we entered a narrow aisle lined we sat in front o f the maisonnette
Mrs. Jesse Tann w ere at the
sheep. A doubling of tin* present num­ with tall pines whose boughs inter­ at one end o f the garden, mademoiselle,
ber within four venrs is quite possible, locked over our heads. H a lf way the struggling through a sentence in Eng­ Jake Nash hom e at Ruena Vista
Mr. and Mrs. E lm er
and it would be of most valuable assis­ aisle widened and In Its center rose a lish, was suddenly interrupted by a last week.
Nash w ill soon leave for N ew M ex-
tance to our war Interests If such a re­ tall stone crucifix, so tall the figure volley o f rifle fire.
“ Ecoutez!” (listen) she said. “ Qu’est ico to live and the Taints w ill m ov
sult could be produced in a shorter o f Christ was lost among the green
time. Doubling our wool product brunches. There was no grass excel)! que e’est?” ^vhat is that?) Another p, W ashington,
No one
would not render us independent o f that which lined the aisle beneath the 1 volley and then another.
— X—
wool Imports, but It would furnish all trees. The little plots were covered stirred. A bugle note struck the air.
Mrs. H attie H en kle returned from
that Is needed for military purposes with tiny pebbles, level and neatly “ Le dairon,” said mademoiselle, and
C orva llis Saturday w here she has
ngaln complete silence.
and a large part of that needed for kept.
From far anxiy It came, hut in the i resided lor ti\c months, and is now
civilian uses.
As we came to the grave o f one i
well-known o f the party, it was re- Intense silence it was easily'dlstin- com fortab ly located in I h t home Oil
ruembored and a little tw fg placed gulshuble, und when the last note hud | T h ird street. T h e M ansfields, w h o
upon it. W e went from one plot to died away mademoiselle turned to me occupied the house w h ile Mrs. H oll­
another, stopping only at those o f the and said: “ Qu’est que c’est?”
kle w as gone, have m oved into a
Immediate relatives o f the party or I
A fter a second I found my voice and , (.si,|ence on Seventh street,
(Prepared by the United States De­
very close friends, until w e had made was just about to explain when—
partment of Agriculture.)
“ Ecoutez !”
the round o f the cemetery.
Do you want to make extra
Another volley, followed by two Notice of Certain Street Improve-
From here we went to the Soldiers’
money during your spare time
ment Bonds W ill Be Taken Up.
cemetery. H ere we entered under an more. Again the clairon. And again
this summer at home?
arch, hearing in big silvered letters 1 mademoiselle said? “ Qu’est que c’est?’ ( N otice is hereby given that th ere /
If you consider money saved
“ Mort pour la Patrie.” I paused in !
... u r i Final s * d R,tet-
a re sulHcient funds in the street
Is money made, you can do It.
_ ,
the gate to east u glance over the 1 Well I knew what it was, and before
Put In a lmlf-acre garden.
P " v ,n K f,m ' 1
( -,,v o f IiHlepend-
; field. There were hundreds o f French
If well planned nnd cared for
graves marked by the French cocarde plninly see the open grave exposing o tc e , Oregon, to take up for pay-
properly. It will produce far
Bonds No.
| — throe rings, red, white and blue, in fo r the moment its contents; the fir- incut and cancellation
more vegetable* than the aver­
ing squad with rifles pointed over the 8, 9, 10 and 11 hearing date July 1st,
a circle o f about six inches.
age family can consume.
opening; the corporal giving the words 191J.
A r a b ia n s B u rie d Th ere.
That means a supply of a vari­
Th at on Julv 1st, 1918, each o f
A t the rigid were several Arabian o f command. The final note o f “ taps”
ety of fresh vegetables for the
tukeil up nnd
graves facing to Mecca, and in the fur added the last touch o f sadness to the s.,i(| lx)11)|8 w i|)
table— a reduction In the cost of
fn n, p rin cipal
I could the meaning o f it all. She ;
. . .
, .
whose markings I could not distin­ host
i -v
, « ' .
v . „i
and interest to said date m id there-
. . . . . . .
guish from the distance. W e had not has been working in n hospital since,
gone in very fa r when Mademoiselle the beginning o f the war, so she un- ;,n p r si,ul 1,<,ll,ls w l " coase ,n
i interest.
WATCH FOR PLANT DISEASES Therese took a' little branch o f buis derstood very readily. _
Monsieur was at the other end o f
Dated and first published June 31,
I and placed it upon a French grave. It
\V. S. K U R R E ,
F o o d -P ro d u c ts In sp e c to rs A re R e p ort* wus t,mt o f a private in the French the garden nnd had only stopped his [ 1918.
C ity Treasurer,
m g D is o r d e r s F o u n d in S h ip m e n ts
army, who had been killed at the be- work Jest long enough to look up at I
the firing, and, not understanding, 1
i ginning o f the*war.
or --------------
ve g e ia o ie s.
“ I knew him well before the war,” went back to his work. Now’ he came ,
(Prepnred by the United States Depart­ said Mile. Therese as she placed the up, declaring he was tired und did not
ment of Agriculture.)
little holy leuf in the ground over the feel like doing any more work that
afternoon. Mme. Toìlot insisted we
To detect local outbreaks of disease* body.
o f vegetables and fruits which when
"W hat ure you going to do with the visit her garden before we go home,
uncontrolled cause bear* lemma M tk * N M at *ia* bins?" 1 asked mademoi­ so we put up the chairs and left.
fieiu or in transit, me rono-proaucu selle. “ lnose are for your comrades,”
Inspectors of the United States depart­ she informed me.
ment o f agriculture are reporting dis­
“ My comrades?" I asked in surprise. i
eases found In shipments of produc*
“ Voila,” she said as we neared the A b a n d o n s W o r k In th e F ie ld a n d R e ­
at twenty-three o f the leading market 'graves that I hud heretofore been un­
p o rts f o r E n listm e n t.
centers o f the country. Some of thes* able to make out. Over the first one
Inspectors are expert plant pathoto- ! was a beautiful piece o f floral work
Sioux City has her Israel Putnam in
gists nnd others are market inspector* bearing the information, "A nos cama­ the person o f W . Warren Mulhall, son
who have been trained to detect sign* rades les Américains.” (T o our com­ j i John Mulhall o f 211.1 Douglas street
o f important diseases and rors.
rades, the Americans).
and n member o f Sioux City's younger
T w e n t y - F o u r A m e r ic a n Dead.
Whenever a shipment shows a seri­
Here in this little corner o f the
ous disease or rot. the department at
Mulhall was in the list certified by
once notifies Its county agent and other field were 24 American graves. No, the West side board fo r entrainment
representatives in the ulTecti <1 locality not killed in action, nor not buried April 2fi In the first call o f the second
and distributes explicit Instructions for with the croix de guerre, but neverthe- draft.
tutore less “ Mort pour la Patrie.” I inspect­
Word o f his induction into the army
losses. The notification to the point ed the names and the organization reached him when he was plowing on
o f shipment also prevents shipper* and found they were nearly ail front his farm in Minnesota. Stopping in
from continuing to ship material cer­ my division. Mademoiselle knew this, the middle o f a ffcrrow, as did his Rev-
tain to s | mi II in transit and tints wast* too, and she gave me a little piece o f ointloniiry counterpart, he hastened
buis nnd snld:
car space.
back to Sioux City to prepare fo r de­
“ C’est pour votre cnntnrade, s’ll est parture.
This detection of disease however.
Despite having been engaged In
Is largely a by-pro (tact o f the market Id ." (Th is Is fo r your comrade If he
Inspection made at thes*- markets by
I thanked her as best 1 could in a w.-.s not gm nfui a deferred cl. ss-
•he department to certify '<• shipper*
the emuliti" n ns to * *c
rillt», low voice, bemuse somehow I could Ifleatton because members o f bis local
vt uctcWes : -id . ¡!.,r . J ....... a t«, a* Dot trust no-sclf to speak loud or long. board felt eirctin -funces did not 'ta r
a n th n H xe d t v the
' i d........ act, I did not know any o f the boys sleep- rant such act! *3
approved August lu l i n i
Courtesy Is Our Watchword
and Quality Our Standard
Conkey & Walker
IS fully equipped to do your printing at the very lowest
prices consistent with good work. % We have the very
latest type faces and other materials. Call and look our
samples over. We are sure you will be delighted with
them. If you are in need of—
i’wvp, LOPES
Or any other printing give us a trial and you will not
regret it. We can r vve you money.
'HE Turks are not noted
particularly for cleanliness,
and their bakery products
would not be considered ap­
petizing in this country. In this, as in many
other things, we are different.
Everywhere the Americans have re-
marked the tenderness o f spirit o f the
Freuch— the thoughtfulness they show
to those Americans who are at rest in
the French cemeteries. The graves o f
the Americans wherever I have been
are cared for as carefully and tender-
ly as are those o f the Poilus who have
given their lives fo r France, writes
Don Martín in the New York Herald.
Private Albert ----- o f the American
army has had opportunities to see the
people o f this wonderful country in
their homes. He Is a native o f N’ew
England, but o f French ancestry, and
through his ability to speak French
gets perhaps in more intimate touch
with,the French than does the average
A university student when the war
came to his own country, he enlisted
nnd has been here ever since. In the
few spare moments he has hud he
wrote a little article about the French
and their thoughtfulness of the Amer­
ican soldiers. It is as follow s:
All the morning I had seen people
going past the office on their way to
church currying small branches of
“ buis,” a plant which looks very much
like our box elder. This was Palin
Sunday, and the French— old men and
women, hoys and girls— were bringing
theli buis to church to be blessed.
Visit to Cemetery.
In the afternoon I did not work, so
I met Xlr. Dupliand, u well-to-do lawyer
o f the town, and accepted his invita­
tion to uccompuny him In u wulk to
his garden.
It was u treat to walk with such
pleasaut company on such a bright
summer day after a solid week in the
office from eight in the morning to nine
or ten and sometimes even until eleven
o’clock at night.
So at two in the afternoon a little
party was formed in front o f Monsieur
Duphand’s house and we sturted. In
the party were Monsieur and Madame
Dupliand, with their two daughters j
Mesdemolselles Therese und .Madeleine
Madame Iteveillon and Madame Tol
lot. All the ladies carried u bunch of
buis. And as we started out Madame
Dupliand said we would lirst go to the
cemetery, where we would visit the
Max Goldman
Deals in
Our Bakeiy Products
are prepared in n clean, modem, sanitary bakery—
a fact that is known to every resident of this com­
munity An ever-increasing demand is an mdispu-
tableevidence that weprdouce“good things toeat.-’
Quality and cleanliness are the twin mottoes
o f this bakery at all times.
C. A. Locbridge
Butter Wraps ?!|