ly. *• everything which might strength- •m this hope. The bicycles lying In the road Indi­ 1 left them. In contrast to the fugitives, the night to participate tn the work o f the Mege fighttng We lost 1ST ntcfl f * whom we had met before, these were destruction The soldiers suddenly (lead and wounded. cated that the bicycle division was in -“itrem ely frightened, appearing to be beard above their wends the tvhirliug the tight at this point. How strong This night we slept In an open Odd. In mortal terror',»! their enemy. When­ o f propellers and the noise o f the mo­ the enemy was we did not know an we At five o'clock the next morning wo ever they looked upon one of us Ger­ tors. The Zeppelins came nearer. raced toward the firing line. Every­ marobed again until four o’clock in They were nut discovered by the ene­ man soldiers they cringed in terror. body crouched down as low as possi­ the afternoon, wiieu we were given n my until they were close to the forts, How different these were from the ble while Jumping to the right and rest. Inhabitants o f the village where we which immediately played all the 1 left. Before and behind us the bullets It was about ten o'clock In the eve­ were flying continuously, yet we i had first stopped, who had met us la ning when we received orders to ad­ a friendly, even [stllte manner. We reached the firing line without losses. vance. We were all ready to proceed ' tried to learn the cause o f this fright We were greeted joyously by our hard- when another order came for us to re­ ami discovered that the fugitives bad pressed comrades. The bicycle regi- main at our bivouac overnight. Dur­ nent had not suffered any losses ex- . witnessed in their village bitter street ing the night we heard thunaertng o f ept fo r a few slightly wounded men j fighting. They had become acquainted ~ lr - » — cannon which became more violent. who were still able to take part in the j with war— hud seen ttieir houses The battle o f Neuve Chatauu. which I burning, hail seen Vielr little property tight. had continued from August 22 to Au­ i destroyed and cofild not forget the W e were lying flat on the grouud gust 24, 1914. had begun. | sight of their streets filled with corpses rod firing In the direction ordered for At four o’clock on the morning o f and wound,il. til we were worth, even though we August 22 we resumed our march. At It dawned upon us that not merely nad not seen our enemies. That was I ?»'euvo Chateau the French army had fear gave these people the appearance | apparently not Interesting enough to 1 encountered the Fourth German army. of hunted animals; there was also ! some o f our soldiers. They wanted Copyright bt Drtroti Fra Prat First there was, as always, minor out­ hatred toward the Invaders who had ' to know how the people were looking post and patrol tightlug. By afd by C H A PTE R I. short. At 1 u. in. we were again fallen upon them and driven them whom they had to shoot at. They got larger masses of troops partlcifmtccL 1 roused and honored by a speech from from their homes by nigbt. up to a kneeling position. T w o men o f and as we took our part In the battle ' I am a German soldier. Naturally our captain. He said we were at. war ray company hud to pay fo r tlietr curi­ In the evening we departed and i 011 the evening o f August 22, the tight at the time when the war started we with Belgium. He told us to show osity with their lives almost instantly. tried to reach our own regiment. The J hud developed Into oue of the most did not know that there would be such 1 ourselves brave, deserve the Iron cross The first victim o f our party went Belgians hud concentrated somewhere . stmgtiltmfy o f the world war. a war as 13 being waged today. and bring honor to Germany. Then he down without a sound. The second , to the rear under cover of darkness. ‘ Wheu we arrived the French, occu­ Dally w e soldiers were told that continued: threw his arms high in the air aud fell W e were quite near the neighborhood pied almost three-quarters of the town. France and Russiu wanted to attack "W e only make war against the on his back. Both w ere dead in­ of the fortified city o f Liege. Many The artillery had set the main pfert o f us and that the kaiser was doing ev­ 1 armed force, the Belgian army. L ife stantly. settlements through which we passed Neuve Chateau on fire and on(y the erything possible for our protection. ; and property o f civilians are protected stood in flames; the inhabitants d riven 1 It is impossible for me to describe beautiful resideuce section in the'west­ Already on July 20 we were ariyed to ! under international law. Yet you sol­ the feeling that overcame me in the 1 out. passed us in droves. Women, ern part o f the c(ty escaped at that the teeth and prepared to march away. diers must ’not forget to keep your first real volley as we advanced and I children and old men were buffeted time. All night long the house-to- During these preparations, which lives fo r the fatherland or sell them as came directly within the range o f the about aud seemed to be everywhere in house lighting continued, but wtyeu at showed us all that war had to come, fire. I no longer felt any fright, only the way. Without alms or [duns, wtth- noon of August 23 the city was in Ger- 18 men o f my company deserted. an impulse to get into action as quick­ out a place on which to lay their heads tuaa hands tiie enormous cost to tho The government published, during ly as possible. Y et at the sight o f the these poor people dragged themselves Germans could finally be determined. this time, bulletins almost hourly to by. first corpse a terrible fear seized me. Residences, rellnrs, streets and side» prepare the people fo r the war, a F or minutes I was completely stunned, Again w e reached a village, which walks were heaped with dead and subterfuge that succeeded perfectly. lost all self-control and was absolute­ to all appearances had been inhabited wounded. The houses were in ruin»—> Played tha Searchlight on Them. Consequently two days before war was ly unable to think or do anything. by contented people. Now Indeed empty shells, In which hardly anything declared, the people were overwhelm­ nothing but ruins could be seen. searchlights at their disposal on them, remained undamaged that was of any I pressed my face and hands close ingly for war, but they were certain Wrecked bouses and farms, dead sol­ hunting the firmament for the flying real value. Thousands became beg­ to the ground. I wanted to clutch my that It was only to be between Ger­ diers, German and Belgian, and among foe. The whirling of the propellers gars in one terrible night. Women and gun and shoot blindly. Presently I many and France. calmed down. I suddenly became con­ them many civilians, who had been of the airships stopped suddenly. In­ children, soldiers Htid citizens were ly­ O f the Intervention o f Belgium. shot by military order. tented with myself and conditions stead, high in the ¿lr a brilliant light ing where the pitiless shells and bul­ Russia. England and Italy, the coun­ about me and when soon afterward Toward midnight we reached the appeared, the searchlight of the Zep­ lets had hurled them from life into try had as little thought as it did of the command was sounded along the German lines. The Germans had pelin, which, for a moment, illuminat­ death's dark void. True Impartiality any participation of the United States. tried to take a village which lay with­ ed the entire landscape. whole line, “ Spring out 1” “ Forward reigned in the killing. There was a A ll thought only o f the promenade to in the fortified belt o f Liege and was march!” I charged, as did everyone Suddenly all became dark again. A Belgian woman lying next to a Belgian Paris, which, to the disappointment o f defended tenaciously by the Belgians. few moments later powerful detona­ baby which she had borne from house else like one possessed. The order to the people, and also, surely to the Here all forces had to be used In or­ tions revealed the fact that the Zep­ to street. Close by lay a man of un­ halt followed. Like wet bags we disappointment o f the autocracy, has plumped to the ground. Firing had be­ der to drive the enemy out, house by pelin had thrown off "ballast." That certain years before an empty house. been longer drawn out than had been house and street by street. It was not went on a long while. Explosion fol­ Both his legs were burued to the gun anew1. N wished for. very dark yet, so that we had to w it­ lowed explosion. Tnese were followed Our firing now became more lively knees. His wife lay on his breast and In these days o f uncertainty the sobbed so pitifully that her grief could momentarily and Increased to a fear­ ness with all o f our senses the terrible by clouds of fire. In the air, exploding soldiers, contrary to the cruel treat­ fights which developed here. It was a shrapnel which the Belgian artillery not be endured. Most of the dead ful loudness. I f we had occasion to ment which they had experienced be­ man-to-nian fight. With the butts o f fired at the airships could be observed. were entirely or partly burned. The say anything to our comrades we had fore, were treated liberally with great our guns, knives, fists, teeth we went The whirling o f the propellers started cries o f agony of the animals fighting to shout so loudly in their ears that It quantities o f supplies,. delicacies and up again, directly above our heads. It against the enemy. incineration were mixed with tho hurt our throats. beer, so that most of the soldiers were groans and sobbing of the wounded. One o f m.v best friends fought with became quieter and quieter, until the Under the effect o f our fire the ene- so drunk continuously that they were But no one had time to bother with my grew restless, the fire weakened a giant Belgian. The guns of both had powerful ships of the air disappeared unable to realize the seriousness of from our vicinity. fhera. The French were making an­ and his line wavered. As only 500 fallen to the ground. They hammered the situation. Thus the forts were leveled. Thou­ other stand outside the city in an open meters separated us from them w e one another with fists. I had Just And yet the m ajority o f the sol­ field. As the enemy vacated the town could observe exactly what happened closed an account with a twenty-two- sands of Belgians lay behind the walls diers could not be enthused over the the Germans made an error which coot year-old Belgian and was going to t as­ and under the fortifications, dead und there. We saw about half the enemy war. They cheered and were enthu­ A general storming attack them hundreds of lives. They had oc­ sist my friend because his antagonist burled. retire in the follow ing manner: Every siastic because they knew it was the cupied the entire town so quickly that other man quit the line, leaving his al­ I was o f superior strength. My friend followed. Liege was in the hands of orders. On July 31, 1914, one day be­ the German artillery which shelled • succeeded suddenly in biting the Bel­ the Germans, who hud paid, in dead ternate in bis place. Tbose remaining fo re the declaration of war, we left, Honored by a Speech From Our Cap­ part of the city did not know o f tho gian on the chin so deeply that he tore alone In this battle. 28,000 men. held on until the retiring party halted. a fter being brought to war strength, tain. change in the situation and threw W e used this moment to Inflict the | x piece o f flesh out with his teeth. The fb r our garrison at Mainz-am-Rheine. shells Into the ranks of the Infantry. 1 Belgian’s pain must have been terri­ most severe losses on the retreating C H A PTE R II. Where the enemy toward which we dearly as possible. Unnecessary shed­ enemy. As far as w e could scan the Finally our soldiers were compelled to ble. He released my comrade and ran w ere to point our bayonets was we ding o f blood we will prohibit to the horizon to the right and le ft we saw away with an insane cry of pain. I went to Alx-la-Chappelle to a hos­ give up some of their gains by tho civilian population. Yet I ask you to had not the slightest idea. A ll we did pressure of our own as well as tho the Germans advancing In several sec­ Everything developed by seconds. pital. I met muny more wounded men know was that w e had to be trans­ consider that too much consideration tors. Also fo r our detachments the 1 The blood o f the Belgian ran out o f French flro, but regained this ground who had fought In Belgium. All were ported somewhere to protect the bor­ i borders on cowardice and that w ill be order came to advance as the enemy my friend's mouth; a terrible nausea afterwards. Strangely enough, the o f the opinion that the Belgian dead punished very severely." der. retreated. numbered as many civilians as sol­ residence section previously mentioned and Indescribable loathing seized him. A fte r this speech o f our captain we bad not auffered seriously. All tho There were stirring times as w e The task o f clinging to the heels The taste o f warm human blood diers. Even If the German soldiers houses flew the Red Cross and woro started out. Tens o f thousands of : were loaded on our autos and at 4 a. o f the retiring enemy so tenaciously brought him almost to the verge o f In­ who fought tn Belgium do not admit used as temporary hospitals. - -■»-’V- people threw flowers at us and all m. crossed the border Into Belgium. that no time would be allowed to make sanity. In the course o f this night the cruelties committed against the wanted to shake hands. A ll— even In order to make this a historical oc­ a new stand fell to us. W e followed battle I came in contact for the first Here it was reported that Belgian* Belgians, It cannot be denied that at soldiers— cried ! Many embraced their casion we were ordered to give three the Belgians, scarcely stopping to time with the butt o f a Belgian gun. least 80 per cent of the cruelties mutilated German soldiers. Whether On the speedy autos we wives or young brides. The bands cheers. known to the world to have been com­ tuis were true, or only a rumor, similar breathe on the way, In order to pre­ During a hand-to-hand fight with a played farewell songs and people reached our goal at 10 a. m. It was a vent their fortifyin g themselves in a Belgian, a second enemy soldier to others being constantly started by mitted in Belgium were only too true. laughed and cried all at the same 1 beautiful little rural village. Inhabi­ village situated Just ahead. W e knew struck me on the back o f the head German soldiers, I cannot say, but I A young soldier who lay next to me tants o f the villages we had passed time. Strangers embraced and kissed that a bloody house-to-house fight lay with the butt o f his gun so hard that In the hospital told me that bis com­ do know that on August 24, after the each other. “ A veritable witch’s holi­ looked at us in astonishment, so that before us, yet the Belgians never at­ my helmet was forced down over my pany, during a street fight In Liege, French had retired, It was made d ay" o f emotion was loosened and en­ we all got the Impression that these tempted to establish themselves, but pars. The pain was fearful and I known through an urmy order that was given orders to kill everybody gulfed the populace like a storm. No country people never knew why we managed to escape with astonishing falgted. without discrimination. Systematical­ German soldiers had been murdered there, and that the German army could one, not even the strongest, could re­ came to Belgium. They were fright­ cleverness. ly. one house after another wns set on When I revived, I was lying In a sist its powers. Yet even this was ened out o f their sleep and looked out not leave the scene o f these outrage* In_ the meantime w e received re-en­ barn, with my head bandaged, among fire. The Inhabitants either fell In the without first avenging the victims. surpassed by the leave-taking at the at us from their windows. forcements. Our company was now other wounded men. My wound was flumes or became the victims In the As we halted and left our autos, the pretty well scattered and fought with depot, where last farewells had to be It was ordered by the commander streets to the gun burrels of the Ger­ not severe. I only had a feeling as if said. This scene will never leave me! farmers came out find offered us cof­ whatever unit was nearby. The body my head was twice Its normal size, of the army to level the remainder o f man kultur-bearers. How desperately muny women clung fee. bread, meat. etc. We were still I Joined had to remain In the villnge l’he other wounded soldiers and the the city and to show no mercy. As we At the time I doubted the words of to their m en! Many had to be forcibly without .1 Held kitchen, so that we en­ to search systematically fo r scattered ambulance men said the Belgians had my neighbor, even though I had seen took a short rest from our pursuit o f joy ,'d the enemy’s offerings ni tre so removed. the enemy and looked backward clouds soldiers. From this village w e saw been forced hack within the forts and what German warfure meant. After of smoke to the eastward showed that But this was at last done and then since those o f the better class o f vil­ that the Germans had gained on all that hard fighting was still in prog­ a few days I wns released from the the order had been executed. A re­ w e were placed in cuttle cars. Night la ers r fused any pay: They told us sides. Field artillery, machine gun ress. hospital and again restored to my de­ maining battery o f artillery had re­ came and we had no lights. The train the Belgian s.Vdiors hud departed to detachments and other equipment ar­ Wounded men were brought In con­ tachment. Partly by auto, partly by duced the city to ashes. went slowly toward the Rhine. It some unknown destination. rived and we were all astonished at tinuously and they told us that the foot, I reached my detachment by ten A fter a short rest tve marched on. their coming so quickly. went smoothly enough. Our company, The French had made a stand out­ Germans had already stormed several o’clock In the evening. Our transport which had hud days o f great excite­ The ntilos returned. Hardly had we But there was no time to be spent forts aud had taken a number o f main moved this time over T rier to Luxem­ side the city and resisted to the ut­ ment, welcomed the rest that the jour­ marched an hour when we wer • over­ In speculation. IVIth fixed bayonets most, but they were outnumbered. It ind auxiliary defenses, but could not burg. The little grand duchy of Lux­ ney afforded. Most o f the soldiers taken by cavalry, dragoons ai d hus­ we went from house to house, door to bold them because they had not been emburg was overrun entirely by Ger­ wns simply Impossible to resist the slept with their knapsacks us pillows. sars. who reported that the Gormans door, and while the results were negli­ sufficiently supported hy artillery. T fi* man soldiers. The Germans who had pressure of the German war machine. Others looked dreamily into the fu ­ were marrhlng all over the neighbor­ gible because we found no soldiers we When the Germau columns, with fixed lefenses inside the forts and their ga^ made their homes In Luxemburg had bayonets, attacked to the accompani­ ture. Still otherstsecretly pulled pic­ hood on all roads. Right behind came did not come out quite empty-handed. risons were still intact. The situation everything taken uwuy from them, es­ ment o f their blood-curdling yells tures from their breastpockets and only the bicycle corps. We made the inhabitants deliver all was not ripe fo r a storming attack, so pecially the farmers, all food, without which, Ifke their steel, penetrated to a very few killed time by discussion This was comforting. We no longer guns and munitions and so forth in ’ tlle Germans had to retire with enor- thought of payment, so that In Luxem­ the bone, they resembled In every re­ and comment on their possible desti­ felt alone, isolated in a strnnge coun­ thelr possession. The mayor, accom­ mous losses. The reports we received burg at this time there was a shortage spect American Indians going Into ac­ nation. try. Another bicycle division over­ panying the soldiers, explained to were contradictory. It was Impossible o f food. The people here as well as tion, flinging themselves with blood­ “ Where are we going?” Yes, took us and passed on. Angry words every citizen that all found with arms to get a clear picture. In the mean­ in Belgium were very friendly, yet they curdling yells upon their enemies. where? No one knew. Then after were now uttered by members o f our after the search would be punished time the artillery bombardment had harbored a terrible bitterness against A fter a three-hour fight many French­ endless hours, the train stopped. W e company. The others could ride hut according to the rules o f war and become so Intense that It horrified the German government, which had men gave themselves up as prisoners. were in Duren. What were we there we had to walk. W hat we had always German rules of war In Belgium ! even the German soldiers. The heavi­ loosed Its troops like a band o f robbers With uplifted hands they sought for? W e did not know. The officers taken fo r granted suddenly hecame meant execution. est artillery was brought Into action and murderers over their peaceful mercy. country. only shrugged their shoulders at our great injustice. I f it did no good our ugainst the steel and concrete de­ An hour might have passed when ’ At last, on the night o f August 23 grumbling at least was a diversion questions. Belgium and Luxemburg, the two we were again aroused by the sound fenses. and 24, the enemy’s ranks were thrown A fter a brief pause we went ahead. from the weight o f our packs. N o soldier so far knew anything of first unhappy victims of the damnable of artillery and gunfire. A new battle Into confusion and they retired slowly. On the evening o f August 1 we reached The heat was oppressive. The sweat had begun. Whether the artillery was the existence o f the 42-centimeter tnor» German politics and its drunkenness I was in the first detuchment which a farmyard near Duren. Our company came from all pores. The new and busy on both sides could not be Judged tars. Long after Liege was In Ger­ with power I That the Luxemburg citizens detest­ pursued them. T o the right and left was billeted in a barn. No one knew stiff leather trappings rubbed us sore, from our village. The bombardment man hands these soldiers could not of the road, tn the field and ditches, what we had to do. Ignorant o f the especially upon our hips. It was a re­ was tremendous. The ground shook understand how It was possible that ed Germany an incident showed me were dead and wounded. which happened In the village o f Mar- purpose o f our being sent so near the lie f at 2 p. m. to halt at an abandoned the defenses, which consisted of dou­ from the growling and moaning that The red pantaloons of the French Belgian border we laid down on otlr farm and rest on the grass. W e rolled backward and forward, always ble six-meter walls o f steel nn1 con­ moth. We were In a friendly conver­ showed brightly on the ground. The beds o f straw. Something had to might have lain down about ten min­ seeming to become stronger. crete, were reduced after only a few sation with a Luxemburg farmer. Two officers approached and listened. One field gray of the Germans could hardly happen soon to rescue us from this un­ utes when suddenly we heard tiring. hours’ bombardment. The ambulance columns now officer, a captain, asked the Luxem­ be discerned. certainty. W e Jumped up like lightning and hur­ I myself could not take part In these brought in the first wounded. Cour­ burger, “ What do you think o f the (Continued F rid a y.) How few suspected that would be ried to our guns. The firing which iers sped by us. W ar had set In in operations, being wounded, but my war, and of the quickness o f Germany? the last night fo r many o f us on Ger­ was about three kilometers away grew comrades told me later how the cap­ all Its phases. There U only oue Germany, isn't man ground. An alarm took us from more lively. A t once we were on the \ H U G H M IL L E R SEES P L A C E S Darkness came over us before we ture o f the several forts came about. there?” our beds at 3 a. m. The company | march again. Artillery o f all caliber was trained on H IS T O R IC A L L Y F A M O U S had finished our house-to-house search. "Y es," replied the farmer. “Thank gathered and the captain demonstrat­ From the expressions on the faces We dragged all the mattresses, straw the forts, but It was the 21-centlmeter ths Lord.” ed the war situation. As to the direc­ o f the Soldiers we could read the minds j sacks and feather bed» that we could mortars and the 42s which performed (C ontinued from 1’age l.>. For those four words the fanner tion o f the march ho himself was Ig­ o f the men. Something took posses­ lay our nands on, to the community the real work. was arrested at once and transported 1 “ sparks” I over have worn. I ex­ norant. sion of them which they had never ex­ From a distance the 42-ceptlmeter school and church to care fo r the- Scarcely half an hour later 50 big perienced before. As for myself I wounded. They were made as com­ projectiles were heard to arrive, to the to Germany as a court prisoner. I pect to w ea r m any m ore before I could never learn what became of finish. T e ll G race she m a y keep trucks drove up and stopped on the became very restless. Fright and curi­ fortable as possible. From other sur­ accompaniment o f a fearful hissing him. them. road before our quarters. The driv­ osity lashed my brain. Everything rounding villages now came the first that sounded like a long drawn-out The same evening w » w*re trans­ e r » also were Ignorant and waited fo r whirled around In my head and my I w ould like to w a lk in on you fugitives. They may have been march­ screech which filled the whole at­ ported In automobiles and on the eve­ orders. Discussion o f our destination heart was beating wildly. But I strove nbout chicken fly in g time. H ere it mosphere. W herever it fell, every­ ing. for they looked tired and utterly ning of August 20. 1914, we reached started afresh. The orderlies who to conceal my fright from my com­ thing was destroyed within a radius our detachment, which wns about 35 f is one hig rush from w eek to Week. exhausted. had been keeping their ears open said j rades. I am sure that I tried energeti­ H UGH M ll.L K Ii Women, old men and children were o f several hundred meters. The air miles from the Relgtun city o f Neuve w e would enter Belgium that day. cally. I don’t know that I succeeded huddled together in one mass. They pressure which the bursting o f the pro­ Chateau. The regiment to which I be­ Others contradicted them, no one better than my companions. had saved nothiug except their bare jectile produced was so terrible that It longed did not take part in any opera­ T W IC E A W E E K knew for certainty. Although I knew we Would be In lives. In baby buggies or on wheel­ made breathing difficult for those o f tions after the fall o f Liege, but was But the order to march did not come the fight In an hour, I tried to per­ barrows these unfortunates carried us who were holding the advanced po­ transported to this part o f Belgium. and In the evening we went back to suade myself that our Interference whatever the rude force o f war had sitions. Now I learn for the first time how our straw. But the rest waa would not be necessary. I clung tight­ T o make this witch#** holiday coo* heavy was the toes la my company la j plot*, the ZeppeUns appeared during a ■ssn Deserter Written by a Prussian Officer* Who Participated in the R a v a g mg and Pillaging o f Belgium è,-- _ P OStr-$l#50 ONLY ONE IN COUNTY / 'P