The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, May 24, 1918, Image 4

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F YOU want exceptional clothe«
satisfaction, you'll find it to your
advantage to leave your measure
now for your new Spring su it
tailored to your individual order by
Merchant Tailor»
Chicago, U. S. A.
Just compare the quality of our
tailored-to-order clothes—point for
point in finish, fit and fabric and
you'll make your selection here at
W » will deliver you
high-grade custom-tailoring /
at a price that you never I
thought possible to secure. | Nw;
Conkey & Walker
Local Brief
Mrs. Clyde Brker will he home Mary Pickford at the Isis Sunday
next week.
Ross Nelson was beholding the Mary Pickford in "Rebecca of
Big dance Saturday instead of sights
in the big cityi of Portland Sunnybrook Farm.” Never has a
Ihis week.
star appeared in a more desirable
as well ns suitable characterization.
Mrs. L. Saunders was here from
Miss Marietta Shinn has accept­ Mary is just the person to portray
Portland this week
ed a (sisitiou at the Independence the national type of “Rebecca,” the
country girl. Isis Sunday night.
V Miss Pearl Smith was a Sunday Creamery.
visitor from Corvallis
H. B Fletcher, who now lives in I. M. Compton, Gale Alexander,
i Dr. R. E. Duganne, Dentist, Inde­ Portland was in Independence Homer S. Wood and Mrs. J. E. Hub­
pendence National Bank Building. Saturday.
bard are attending Odd Fellow and
Rebekah grand lodge at Astoria
Mrs. O. A Macy w h s ove;- from Mrs. VV. Brown was greeting In­ this week.
Halem Monday.
dependence friends Wednesday. She
returning from a visit in Cali­ W’illiam Dimgan lias resigned his
Oaven & Huff have received a was
position as head salesman at Con-
shipment of front and rear Mazda
ke.v & W alker’s store and will leuve
lamps for automobiles.
Marion Butler, United States next week for Astoria where he
Navy, arrived home this week on a takes a similar ^<ace in a store
E. N. Johnson has been appoint ten
days' furlough and was given there. Success to you, Mr. Dungan,
oil one of the assistant food admin­ the glad
ha ml by his large number wherever you may go.
istrators of Polk county.
of friends.
A crack in the walls of the Isis
J. R. Cooper returned from Port­ The W. C. T U. met at their w ar theatre, building was filled up this
land Tuesday where he has been garden on West Log Cabin street week. While the building was In
In a hospital for two weeks.
on May 21 and had their ground no danger of falling in or collaps­
ploughed for their bean garden to ing because of the crack, it was
James Oberson of the U. S. A help feed the nation a t war. A deemed best to repair it lest some­
was nn over Sunday visitor in Inde­ photograph was taken of the wo­ one might think it unsafe to be in­
men while lunch was ready to lx* side the theatre when it was
served by one of the women. The crowded.
Shalei Eldridge, 'who was re­ ploughing was also done by a wo­
To A ll B ob « M ob of Polk.
ported much better last week, suf­ man. The photograph will be sent
fered a relapse last Saturday, and to the W. C T. U. headquarters at We have organized a new band'
Is again in a hospital in San Fran Evanston, III., to he printed in the for the Polk Countv Home Gaurdst
Cisco. Since joining the navy, he Union Signal to help advertise our ami want every band man in the
county to come and join. The pur­
has .been stationed at Goat Island. work in Oregon.
pose of the Itand is to furnish band
music for the Guards and all patri­
otic gatherings that have a bearing
on our boys and their allies in;
France, free of charge The bandi
baa no dues, and no one receives
pay for their services. Come &ndj
do your bit The band meets on
every Thursday night at 8 o'clock.
Bandmaster for Polk Countyi
Home Guard B ad «).
French of today
* f.a f* famous as pastry
„ makers, but they would
not now think of using the erode methods pin*
trued here that were employed by them some
centuries ago. They, like ourselves, must have a
M odem Bakery Equipm ent
In order to produce the toothsome diinties mat a n
demanded. Our customers teU us that our retries are
always as good and frequently better than the home
kind. The secret is baking genius plus modem equipment
QuotHy and cl—nhnem an the twin moftom
n f tkb baknry t i mO timet.
tC. A. Lochridg
Mr. and Mm. Jack Tann of near In direct contrast to her more re­
Albany visited his mother and cent
characterisations of powerful
father, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tann,
qualities, Mary Pickford's
aud his sister, Mrs. Geo. Deforest, dramatic
portrayal is none other
on Sunday.
than that of the popular little fig­
Nina Porterfield is spending sev­ ure in American literature, "Rebec­
eral days with her Grandma Porter­ ca of Sunnybrook Farm”. During
the past year “Our Mary” has re­
ceived countless requests for her ap­
Harold Tobey, who has been go­ pearance in this famous subject and
ing ,to school at Albany came home her picturization of quaint title Re­
Sunday to spend the vacation with becca is in direct compliance with
popular demand.
his mother, Mrs. Hary Straton.
Mary Pickford’s presentation of
Evelyn Tobey has been confiued to “The Poor Little Rich Girl” will live
her home.with a bad cold.
long in the hearts of American pic­
In this child part the
Fraqk McComas arrived home sweet patrons.
scored one of her
from Beaverton, Ore, where be hits very greatest successes
and Iter
been. attending, school.
adaptabilities to such portrayal
Chester DeForest went home were generally conceeded to be her
with his uncle, Jack T«nn, on Sun­ m o s t notable . accomplishments.
However, even greater than "The
day to visit
Poor Little Rich Girl” is Rebecca,
Mr. and Mrs., F L Chown and son, who has become a favorite national
Ernest, were shopping in Salem on character in fact, a national type
established not only in this, but in
Saturday evening
countries as well. Replete
Abel Porter Jett Monday to work with native
wit of rural districts
for Mr E M. Liehty at Buena Vista and the wholesome
charm of un­
this summer.
trammeled American girlhood, this
The Misses Gillette and Kei) were story offers Mary Pickford a char­
calling at the home of Mrs. Ralph acter that is generally felt, will
Porterfield on Saturday.
All on the sick list this week, are
Mrs Harry Sullivan, Mrs. H. C Har- the stage “Rebecca of Sunnyhrook
Farm ”, dramatized by Charlotte
Thompson and Miss Wiggin, imme-
Mrs Rollin Maxfield of Corvallis j diately took hold of the hearts of
visited a few days with her par- i the great play-going public and ef-
ents, Mr. and Mrs Andy Ayres.
fccte<J another triumph of the spo­
ken drama. With Mary Pickford
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ayres jn the title role of its screen pro-
went to Corvallis Saturday in their duction, offering the wide scope of
car to take his sister, Mrs. Rollin the motion picture, however, this
Maxfield home.
subject will meet with even far
Mrs. Della Miller and children greater favor than ever before,
visited Friday afternoon with Mrs. ^ **le
Sunday, May 26.
Mrs. Andy Ayres was at the store
Bruce Miller went to Albany on
Flank Miller and Arlo Allen
were at the store Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Maxfield
of Ward were , at the store Satur­
Mr. and Mrs. Senger of Coevally
visited at the home of their son, A.
B. Senger, Sunday evening.
Printed here
With which Type jo t
Is fully equipped to do~your printing at the very lowest
prices consistent with good work. We hare the y try
latest type faces and other material«. Call and look our
«amples over. We are sure you will be delighted with
them. If you are in need of—
B üsn rxss
Or any other printing give ns a trial and yon will not
regret it. We can rave you money.
Good Mwtic hfj
Max Goldman
Deals in
Independence y Oreg<