I I F YOU want exceptional clothe« satisfaction, you'll find it to your advantage to leave your measure now for your new Spring su it tailored to your individual order by Merchant Tailor» Chicago, U. S. A. Just compare the quality of our tailored-to-order clothes—point for point in finish, fit and fabric and you'll make your selection here at once. ✓ / W » will deliver you ^ high-grade custom-tailoring / -w at a price that you never I a thought possible to secure. | Nw; Conkey & Walker Local Brief Mrs. Clyde Brker will he home Mary Pickford at the Isis Sunday next week. night —x— Ross Nelson was beholding the Mary Pickford in "Rebecca of Big dance Saturday instead of sights in the big cityi of Portland Sunnybrook Farm.” Never has a Friduy. Ihis week. star appeared in a more desirable as well ns suitable characterization. Mrs. L. Saunders was here from Miss Marietta Shinn has accept­ Mary is just the person to portray Portland this week ed a (sisitiou at the Independence the national type of “Rebecca,” the country girl. Isis Sunday night. V Miss Pearl Smith was a Sunday Creamery. visitor from Corvallis H. B Fletcher, who now lives in I. M. Compton, Gale Alexander, i Dr. R. E. Duganne, Dentist, Inde­ Portland was in Independence Homer S. Wood and Mrs. J. E. Hub­ pendence National Bank Building. Saturday. bard are attending Odd Fellow and Rebekah grand lodge at Astoria Mrs. O. A Macy w h s ove;- from Mrs. VV. Brown was greeting In­ this week. Halem Monday. dependence friends Wednesday. She returning from a visit in Cali­ W’illiam Dimgan lias resigned his Oaven & Huff have received a was position as head salesman at Con- fornia. shipment of front and rear Mazda ke.v & W alker’s store and will leuve lamps for automobiles. Marion Butler, United States next week for Astoria where he Navy, arrived home this week on a takes a similar ^