The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19??, May 17, 1918, Image 2

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    W hether He’s F ig h tin g on S ea
or Land Send hint a pouch ot
(II. C. W itw er in Collier's W eekly)
I know you are just crazy to hear
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
w h at I thought about P aris, it bein’
If he doesn’t chew vet, he’ll slice it up
the first tim e I ever seen it. Well,
and fn * it with his pip« tobacco to give
Joe, all I cun suy is th at P aris re
it flavor and improve hit tmoke.
m inds me of P hiladelphia w ith a
You will send your friend more tobacco
bun on! The streets is all called
comfort and satisfaction in one pouch of
•uos" and the m ain one is the Hue
Real Gravely Plug than in half a dozen
de la Paix. It’s a whole lot like
plugs of ordinary tobacco.
B roadw ay would be w ithout the ele-
G ive u ;
. • chew of R eal G ravely P lus.
tric lights, theaters, hotels tuiil cab­
h e will tell you that’» the kind to «end. Send th e
arets. Every other place is a restau ­
O rdinary plug i* false econom y. It coete less
ran t, and the ones in between is
chew of it lasts it long while.
The people here are so stuck on
th e ir home tow n th at th ey w on’t
even go indoors to eat, hut sit right
D ealers all around h ere carry it in 10c. pouches.
out on the pavem ent at little tables
A 3c. stam p will p a t it into his hands in any T rain­
ing C am p or S eaport of th a U. S. A. Even “ over
Today is primary election day, the ending of a cam­ for all th eir m eals, so’s they can
th e re ” a 3c. stam p w ill tak e it to him. Y our dealer
keep light on lookin' at d e a r Paris
w ill supply envelope and give you official directions
paign of bitterness and loaded to the brim with charges all the tim e, not to say the dam es
to address iL
that will not be forgotten for the sake of party harmony w hich parades up and down.
Whom yoa'rt on the lookout h r tok-
muirimet, o chtai o f Roml Gravely help*
or success. A candidate who in order to win at the pri­ The girls is pretty near all knock­
T ho P a te n t P o a c h k eep , it F ro th and Clean an d G ood
to pot* the long, dork hour*.
outs, and none of them is too stuck
~ -It ia n ot R e a l G ravely u/ithout this P ro te c tio n S eal
maries does not conduct a clean campaign is going to up to give a guy a pleasant sm ile
E s t a b l is h e d 1 8 3 1
suffer at the November election.
and pass the tim e of day. I m ust
th a t anybody w hich gets lone­
Under the primary system the majority party is at a say
some here a in ’t got no one but his-
Folks and Foibles
disadvantage. Competition for its nominations become so self to blame! The men is all in
Out Where the West Begins
Claude Callan.)
kern as to extend beyond the place where party success
Yesteiglny, when our litle son,
th in k iis doughboys is m ix in ’ with
(By H arry N. B urhans.)
is paramount. Then, relying upon party strength to the F rench better th an anybody else. I left A rth u r C hapm an just a few
Woodrow, and the M cSpat hoy had
a fight, the McSpat hoy got the best
carry them into office regardless, a number of candidates They go out of th e ir w ay to m ake m inutes ago, and d u rin g the course
of it, and M artha told him to his
nice for us and don’t luff at
enter the field who are not qualified or their records are things
face lie w as a coward. Mrs. M cSpat
us w hen we try to speak F rench of our conversation I said to him ,
not such as to appeal to the people.
heard tier and she cam e to tho door
and call eggs “woofs" in stead of “Art, th ere are so m any different
and said a lot of m ean tilings aliout
stories about w hen, w here and how
A large number would go back to the old convention w hatever it is.
Woodrow. M artha d id n ’t get very
Joe, a F renchm an, is the politest >1ou w rote ‘Old W here the W est Be­
plan but a greater number would not. The primary is a guy on earth. If you go into a place
mad, hut she told Mm. McSpat aliout
gins’ I w ish you would tell me the
her hoys teaching little B ryan and
permanent institution, and it raises havoc with party de- of business here an d ask a guy how flu* tru th about it.”
Woodrow to say sw ear words. As a
to get to some certain street and
cipline as well as party bosses, good, bad and indifferent. num ber, he closes down his desk, lie replied, saying that about sev­
result of the trouble M artha and
Albeit, primary buds do not always blossom in Novem­ calls a taxi, stops on th e w ay to buy en years ago he w as w orking on the
Mrs. McSpat do not sjieak. W hen we
moved into the neighborhood Mrs.
you a' shot of vin o rdinaire and de­ Denver R epublican and th a t he laid
McSpat w as real nice to M artha, an d
livers you personally rig h t outside a poem a day to w rite for the top of
M artha said she had never met a
the door, the while beggin' your p ar­
sw eeter woman. Mrs. McSpat was
don for not g ettiu ' you there soon­ his colum n headed “C enter Shots.”
W hile he did not rem em ber the
good to our children a n d she said
er! Can you im agine a n y th in g like
she would be glad to keep them for
that in New York? You go up to a exact date, tie did recall th at it w as
IF .JONES IS SATISFIED, ITS ALL RIGHT THEN guy on Broadway an d ask him how about ten m inutes of six and lie
us at any tim e we w anted to go to a
(Cedar Rapids Republican.)
show or anything. “Now, w hy can 't
to get somewhere, and w hat does he w anted to catch the six o'clock car
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, the do? He says: “I never h eard of it; for home. W hile he w as try in g to Mrs. B—When you look In your hue- you be nice to Mr. M cSpat?” M artha
I’m a stran g er here m yself!" Am I figure out som ething to w rite, lie band's pockets do you ever find let­ j said to us a t the time. “You are a l­
father being an Indian.
passed tlie m anaging editor’s desk ters that he has forgotten to mailt ways saying you w ish you had m ore
right, Joe?
Mrs. W.—No, but I sometimes find one friends, and yet you never try to
I heard a lot of talk about Paris an d saw an A. P. dispatch w hich
he has forgotten to burn.
m ake one. Today w hen you passed
bein’ up against it on account of the
A country paper recently published this item: “ The w ar, the people all down hearted, W estern states, w hile holding th eir
Mr. M cSpat you ju st grunted. I feel
as if I had know n her for years, and
business mar of this town who is in the habit of hugging arid food bein’ as scarce as heat an n u al m eeting, had fallen into a
if you and Mr. McSpat could lie good
his typewriter had better quit, or we will publish his
begins, some contending for the Al­
friends we could visit them often
name.’’ The next day twenty-seven business men called here for everybody, and I put aw ay legany M ountains, others the Missis­
and have them over here. In th a t
at the- office, paid up their subscriptions and left behind some of tin* finest steaks I ever seen. sippi, and some the Rockies. It a f­
way we could enjoy ourselves a n d
them twenty-seven columns of advertisements, and told If the people is dow n-hearted, then forded him the suggesttion for the
get som ething out of life.” Late
yesterday afternoon, several hours
the editor not to pay any attention to foolish stories.
I'm vice president of Egypt! Joe, choicest hit of W estern verse th a t
after the fight and the q uarrel, we
they are the gam est nation on earth, has ever been w ritten.
met Mr. McSpat and Isith of us
He sat down at the typew riter and
laughed about the trouble. It ju s t
over here w ith ’em. They’ve had a in a few m inutes “Out W here the
(Cedar Yale, Kan., Liner.)
shows the difference between m en
tough tim e for four years, ail'd they W est Begins” w as h an g in g on tho
Cecil Jones says he has eaten so much corn bread, mush know they been in a w ar all right, copy. hook. He left the office on the
and women. He told us th a t his
boy was to blam e and we told him
and corn cakes this spring that he won’t be surprised if he but th a t ain't gloomed ’em a little run and caught the six o’clock car.
th at we w anted W oodrow to get a
hit. T hey’re as full of pep ns a “I did not th in k the poem out of the
begins tasseling out about the last of June.
good w hipping occasionally. It will
steam drill, and pretty near every­ o rdinary,” lie said, “but the next duy
be weeks an d perhaps m onths be­
th in g th at w as rtin n in ’ before the a num ber of m y friends said ffiat it
fore M artha nnd Mrs. M cSpat will
w ar here is still doin' business at w as tlie best thing I had ever done."
begin speaking again. On the oth er
(Birmingham Age-Herald.)
N ew spapers and m agazines all
the old stand. W hy, Joe, one of
hand Mr. McSpat is nicer to us tiian
these French guys could kid the over the U nited States published the
Two adjectives Susannah knows,
he was before the trouble, an d w hen
poem. The verses have passed over
kaiser to death, on the level!
On these she takes her stand;
we left him yesterday w e ' invited
tiie Pacific to A ustralia and Hong­
No matter liow this old world goes,
him to comfe over some evening and
kong, afld the A tlantic to the coun­
Visits a Region Of Pain
T is either “ fierce” or “ grand.”
tries of Europe. In all parts of the
Daisy—Listen to Erma reciting the sit until bedtime. But if he w an ts
United S tates you m ay find it fram ­ “Wreck of the Hesperus.” How ter­ any trouble he can get it.
— x —
(By H enry J. Allen.)
ed, pinned on w alls an d pasted in rible It must have been!
T here is a country out beyond
Used to Thrills
Two different com­
Mabel—Yes. and some people can
Rival churches in various communities are having P aris I alw ays will rem em ber as scrap
posers have put it to m usic, and il make It more terrible than It was.
considerable trouble over service Hags. The question is, tho land of pain. I've just come will he sung by Grace La Rue nnd
Fort O ntario Can., Post.)
Shall the star go to the church where the soldier attended from svernl days in its incredible Kitty C heatham . It is now being
It w as d u rin g a terrify in g bom­
bardm ent of a front line trench.
Sunday school, or to tin* one where his girl preferred to borders. I cannot it-uli/.e it's the old sung at the Indian Princess Red
story out there, yet the only new F eath er at the arm y cam ps, and
cannons were booming, the ma-
attend Sunday evening services?
th in g in it is the Am erican lad. I've plans are on foot to m ake it the
j chine guns crackling, bombs hurst
seen him this week in all sorts of national song of one of the large
i ing, the rifles racketing, an d cries
BERT, ALL THE TIME LEARNING SOMETHING hospitals, tak in g his m edicine w ith com
of the wounded filling the sm oke
m ercial organizations.
Bert Wilson has been able to learn something out of a grit equal to the best stories I’ve Mr. C hapm an is m annging editor
j satuated air. A num ber of Tom m ies
; were aw aiting orders. Suddenly
the war dispatches. He says he knows now when' the ever heard. I saw it all last su m ­ of the D enver Tim es, in w hich ca­
m er, lull the men were French, Eng­ pacity lie is m aking a great success
one turned to his neighbor, dug
Pullman Company got all the names for its cars.
lish, C anadian, A ustralian, and I and still finds tim e to tu rn out w on­
{ him in the ribs, and m adly asked,
looked at it as a tragedy apart from derful copy. He is a thorough
! “For God’s sake, Bob, scare me—I
. got the hiccoughs.”
W estern, big hearted, whole souled
To its the w ar m eant a thing of and one of the m ost lovable ch ar­
(Ad in Jamestown, Kan., Optimist.)
ships, m unitions, train in g cam ps. acters I have cvbr had the pleasure
Another Hack Finn
Liberty loans and Bed Cross drives. of knowing.
1 will be in Jamestown Saturday,
But tonight the w ar m eans to m e a
(Chicago News.)
Tho poem follows:
May 4. and will meet all those interest­
tiling of broken men, of bright, OUT W HERE THE W EST BEGINS
A nother “original H uck F in n ”
ed in taking piano lessons. Will be at
brave lads, who only yesterday were Out w here the hand clasp’s a little
' has turned up; this tim e in Oregon.
puting on th eir uniform s and going
the Racket Store.
He proves it by speaking of Sam uel
to tra in in g camps. I wish 1 could Out w here the sm ile dw ells a little
L. Clemens ns “Charley." The orig­
tell you how real it is when you see
inal H acks and Tom Suw yers ought
the stretch er hearers bringing in
to get together and form a society
T h a t’s w here the W est begins:
IF YOU ARE BIG ENOUGH TO BE ALL AROUND our own men. I stood Saturday in Out w here tho sun is a litle brighter,
nnd employ a press agent.
mast be very wealthy.
It is all right to be an a!! around man instead of special­ a w ard id a great French hospital I W here tho snows th at fall are a Hynsnn—He
Dynson—Why so 7
izing, Jack Blanton thinks, if there is enough of you to had \ ¡sited last sum m er. I rem em ­
trifle w hiter,
Hynson—Heard him say he ate meat
ber one day last August stopping And the I K in d s of home are a wee
go around.
three times a day.
to read a creed painted upon tho
hit tighter.
w alls of this great ward. It said,
T h at's w here the W est begins.
0 . F. Building
Dig up your dollar for the good
“If I advance follow me; if I retreat
kill m e; if I fall avenge me." II w as Out w here the skies are a trifle Red Cross.
. (Bob Horn.)
then a hospital full of Frenchm en
If folks were chickens. I ’d like to bet. few hens would from Verdun. I read it and said, Out w bluer.
here friendship’s a little tru er,
lav and none would set.
i “W hat a brave, wonderful |>ooplo
T h a t’s w here the West begins:
are tlie French." S aturday I saw Out w here a fresher breeze is blow­
of w hat price someiiody will have (lie sam e sign, hut the pnllid faces
W omen of America
to pay for one delayed dollar or a under it were Am erican faces, and W hore th ere’s lau ghter in every
Established .1889
I found m yself trying to lit the
W hnt’s the w orth of one baby’s h u ndred dollars w ithheld.
stream let flowing,
You ran '! read a casual page of words Into the somewhat rain» and W here there's more of reaping and
A Successful Business Career of
less of sowing.
Tho tim e has come when >ou Red Cross reports from anyw here leisurely atm osphere in which I
Twenty-Five Years
“‘over there" w ithout endangering left them getting ready for w ar a t
m ust put a m oney value on it.
T h at's w here the W est liegins.
So m uch R edCross m oney avail the coolness of yo u r decision ns to
W hether they yet realize at home Out w here the world is in the m ak ­
able, so m any Imhies restored.
“how m uch.”
we a re in for our full share of the
A little less Red Cross money
blood sacrifice or not, our men are W here fewer hearts in despair are
An Acrostic
available, so m any babies lost by
I full of the spirit of it here.
(New York E vening Sun.)
Prepared by long years of endeavor.
T h at's w here the West begins:
It's as plain as that.
W here th ere's more of singing and
W hen you m ade that first Red E n trusted w ith all we hold dear,
What Worries Them
Officers and Directors
Cross investm ent von had a fairly Responsible, v ig ilant ever,
less of sighing.
W here th ere's more of giving nnd
cle a r idea th a t there w as plenty to Stout hearted, a stra n g e r to fear.
(Macon (Gn , Telegraph.) *
H. Hirschberg. Pres.
D. W. Sears, V P.
be done nnd that the lied Cross He w atches and plans and advises:
less of buying,
Of course the G erm an fleet m ay
would m ake every dollar of money In speech he is forceful and brief;
come out hut w hat bothers the all- And a m an m akes friends w ithout
O. D. Butler
Now join in o u r prayer as it rises— highest is the thought it m ay
an d every m in u te of tim e rount.
half try in g —
T h a t’s w here the W est begins.
But have you now a clear picture God save o u r coium under in chief!
never come hack in again.
The Independence National Bank