titis V y yf / V ^JL O J -ài r / t T he P olk C ounty P ost VOLUME L INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, A MOTHER’S PROMISE TO HER SON TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918. WHEN A CUP OF COFFEE TASTES LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS He Got Hia Cup and Then Went on—to Death. ME c w n MEMORI IS (Portland Oregonian.) Trading an ox-team for the land th a t lies between East S tark street My Dear One—I’m writing thla rery, stay. Just as you planned I planned, an d Holladay avenue, and extending very smell and on the thinnest of pa­ aad I said to myself: “When the time Through the establishment of the per, so that tightly folded It may slip comes for us to part 1 shall make him line of communication canteens In from Grand avenue to the W illam ­ Into one of the olive drab pockets of a promise." Dear one, this Is my Prance the American Red Cross Is set­ ette River w as one of the boyhood your new uniform without encroaching promise, and I make It for the term ting records In serving hot coffee, co­ fdr the tiniest part of an Inch upon all of your own—“for the duration of the coa and sandwiches to the troopa One experiences of Irvine Claggett, who is in Borland in connection with the new things that you must have present war." of these refreshment units made an­ there—the passports and Identifica­ I promise you that while you are other new record recently, serving settlem ent of the Carutliers estate. Locations were desired to deter­ tion slips and photograph, the knife away, whether it Is months or years, aad pen and writing pad, the lists nothing except what 1 can give you more than 50,000 meals In one week, m ine certain points in the contested and numbers and names and ciphers, aad give aU the others shall fill my ▲t another a cup of coffee was served C aruthers property rights under the address book and the thin manual life. I promise you that I shall de­ every ten seconds for a period of two legal proceedings. Mr. Clagget des­ you have been studying so hard aad vote myself, here In safety, to the consecutive hours. In a single week these lines of com­ ignated the spot where his father the slim little Bible, for this letter Is work of making what you do easier munication canteens often serve 80,000 m ade his first home on com ing to a part of your equipment, too, or at and stronger and safer for you. P ortland in 1852. It w as in the least I like to think that It la promise you that I shall give—and American and French soldiers. C aruthers donation claim . The I’m going to tell you In It Just one give and give—for the Cause! Not Soldiers In Bex Care. • r two of the things tvl ’ v * oeen try­ the money I can spare, not the time Do our soldiers and their allies real­ father,B enjam in Claggett,rented the ing not to say in these last days. You've I have left when everything else Is ly want this form of Red Cross serv­ entire 640 acres, extending from the said to yourself, haven’t you, that done, but all the money, all the time, ice! A letter from a youag American site of tiie old state penitentiary there were possibilities that I, thank all the energy I have 1 aviator, a 1917 graduate of Princeton (now the Sm ith uud W atson Iron God, hadn’t seemed to think of. Your whole life has been altered, University, Is probably typical. It W orks) one m ile south along the You’ve marvelled gratefully, haven’t has been set to sterner and graver might be added that this man has since you, that I could say goodby with music. So shall mine be. You will been reported killed after bringing W illam ette, and from the river back dry eyes and talk about what we know self denial, privation and fatigue down a German Taubei “A 60 mile to w hat is now T erw illiger boule­ should do when the war Is over. My while the war lasts. So shall I know train ride ever here,” he aald, “Instead vard. C aruthers was not the origin­ dear, there Is nothing—nothing—that them. Even If black news comes, even of taking a few hours may take days al owner,’ but paid about $1.25 per can happen to you that I haven't fore­ If the blackest comes, I shall remem­ When we stop aLa Rad Cross canteen acre for the land, according to the seen In every detail since May, since ber that against your brave heart this you can bet that a cup of coffee tastes recollection of Irvine Ciuggett. the very beginning of it all I know promise la resting, and I shall go on. like a million dollars." The family of B enjam in Claggett that some of our men are not going to And while there Is one man among our It Is not always possible for a regi­ come back. I know—as I writs this million and among the millions of our ment to provide sufficient food and hot entered on the prem ises in the In the room you love—that your fin­ alllee who needs clothing and nursing coffee on these long Journeys, where Spring of 1853, and the fath er did gers may fumble for this little piece and comforts and solace for your sake the men must often be packed stand­ m uch of the iron work and black- of paper In some dreadful hour, a I shall not fall him. ing into unheated box cars ordinarily sm ithing at the penitentiary. month or two months or six months Perhaps In God's goodness this note used for carrying horses. So Imagine L ater a m an nam ed Ross who hail from now, just to read It over once will come safely back to me In the fqr yourself the warmth, the cheer, the more for the last time. Just to feel olive drab pocket, and we will smile comfort that piping hot coffee and a livery stable on M orrison, near In your fingers out there in a shell over It together. But, remember, until good sandwiches bring to our boys aft­ Third, and a Mr. Jacobs, w ho owned lighted battlefield something that I that hour comes I shall be always busy er a night on such a Journey I You a wagon shop, induced B enjam in have touched—for goodbye. filling my own small place In the great can Just bet that It stiffens a man’s Claggett to open a blacksm ith shop And thinking of all this for almost machine of mercy and as truly under courage. Your Red Cross Is handing in their locality. This w as at the a year while youlve been getting the colors over here as you are over out this renewed courage by the piping edge of th e ’settlem ent ns it then ex­ ready to go I’ve been getting ready to there. God bless you 1 hot cupful. isted, and about where Ben Selling's store is situated. The roajl from the river ran west to the hills, and it w as along this road tiiat m uch of th e ir patronage came. T H E R ED CROSS In 1854 the elder C laggett took up IS H E L P I N G a donation land claim , half a section IN above the p leasant town of Gresham , UNITED STATES ENGLAND a n d i where P leasan t Home station FRANCE now* stands. ITALY SERBIA Irvine Claggett becam e the ow ner ARMENIA of aii ox team and waged; and was RUMANIA RUSSIA engaged in various enterprises when a mere stripling. He hauled gravel for the im provem ent of Front and First streets, bringing it by ferry from the pits on the East Side. He “TIME OF THEIR LIVES” 29,000 YOUNG SALMON PUT > POLK COUNTY DEMOCRATS relates how one m an objected to IN THE RICKREALL RIVER I TO PILL OUT TICKET SAY G. A. R. VETERANS having the “expensive im prove­ m en t” m ade, w ith the result that The Polk county Democratic ticket D allas—In an effort to introduce A large delegation of Independ­ Claggett secured some log of con­ salm on in th is p art of Oregon, will be com pleted a t the prim aries ence G. A. R. and W. R. C. attended siderable size and placed a cordu­ 29,000 chinook fry w ere placed in Friday w hen the following nam es the state encam pm ent at Albany roy road in front of the objector’s th e R ickreall river and Ellendale will he w ritten in: Thom as VV. and according to the testim ony of premises. creek n e a r here S atu rd ay by the the Drunk for representative, I. M. the com rades and good sisters they At this tim e a m an nam ed Ca- sta te fish, and gam e commission. Sim pson for com m issioner and Fred “had the tim e of th eir live.” Com­ ruthers, but of a different family, Salm on, it is well know n, come bark Suver for surveyor. rade Bascue said it w as the best or­ not related to the South P ortland For sta te senator, Robert Johnson ganized parade he w as ever in and C aruthers, offered to trade the land to th e ir hom e w ater every four years, and it is* believed th a t by of Corvallis will get a num ber of he has m arched in sixteen of them. from H ollnday’s Addition south to plan tin g these young fish they will votes in Polk county and probably He is a m em ber of the state drum the S tark street road for the ox retu rn here to spaw n. One hundred the nom ination. Young Claggett could not corps and this G. A. R. band is a l­ team . an d seven cu tth ro at tro u t w ere also title, being under age. He tried to ways h eartily cheered everywhere. placed in the R ickreall by the com­ get some one to act for him until POLK REGISTRATION m ission. he cam e of age, but w as not success­ WANTS UNCLE SAM TO OPERATE RIVER BOATS ful and the deal fell th ru . He later R epublicans 4,110, Demo­ DIDN’T HAVE TO BE planned to take up a claim now crats 2,264, Progressives 11, TOLD TO CLEAN UP St. P aul, Ore., May 10—To the Ed­ known as M arquam Hill, but was Prohibitionists 216, Social­ Independence m issed its an n u al itor—The Oregon City T ran sp o rta­ too young to file. The property in­ ists 162, M iscellaneous 237. Clean-up th is y ear but most every­ tion Co. has taken its boats from volved in the ox team trade is now Total 7,000. body cleaned up w ithout a procla­ the W illam ete river and one of our known as W heeler’s Addition. m ation by the m ayor. The fam ily lived for 12 years on tran sportation lines is idle. T his is the P leasan t Home farm . Irvine a great loss to the valley as the river helps a great deal to control the m arried and late r moved to Jack­ sonville for his wife's health, and iiM iiiaiiiw iiaiiiaiiw i»iiw iiaitM iiM iu«iim iiaiiniiiiatiiaiim w im N B iiM iw iniii< a)iiaiL i railrods. then to Douglas county. In 1867 he It seem s th a t the retiring com pany I I settled a t Independence, Polk Coun­ took th e ir boats from the river 1 route for the following reasons: ty, and has lived there nearly 51 I lack of patronage, scarcity of labor, years. Independence w as then a B high wages, and the last year of grain-grow ing center and a ll/ wus idleness caused by repairs on the shipped to P ortland by boat. He operated the ferry, opened a locks at Oregon City. It seem s th a t the retiring com pany w arehouse, bought and sold grain Schools were is w illing to lease its yellow stack and m erchandise. boats to good old Uncle Sam uel. needed, ns there were only three W hy not m ake a move on W ashing­ m onths of school in the year for ton? W rite to our very popular such as w ere established. D istricts is approaching and the far-sighted housewife young Senator McNary. See the were consolidated and teachers em ­ will this year above all others buy her require­ cham bers of commerce of the differ­ ployed, am ong them Judge M artin ent cities along the river, m ake a L. Pipes, now of Portland. ments early. A ch arter w as fram ed for the town move to save the river route and let business m en patronize it year of Independence and city govern­ We advise that you do not delay in buying all I after year. F arm ers are tied up m ent established. In the school of the jars that you need as a traveling sales­ by a scarcity of cans. The W illam ­ work VV. P. Conway, no'” of Wood- 1 ette river route gives us tra n sp o rta ­ burn, aided in the plans. Getting man told us that only about ten per cent of the the town stnrted in its legal aspects, tion independent of the railroads. glass factories in the United States are run­ Mr. Clagett had the aid of a m an The governm ent spent a large sum b I ning. We have quite a generous supply on nam ed McCord, w ho later w ent to of m oney last year for the im prove­ 1 B m ent of the locks at Oregon City Eastern Oregon. He took a hand in hand and are selling Mason’s for— 1 and it is a pity not to use them . f securing churches. The Southern ■ M ethodist Church w as the first es­ B Very tru ly yours, Pints ................................ 85c doxen tablished. 1 JOHN F. THEO. B. BREUTANQ. i Q u a rts........ $1.0 doxen Mr. Claggett is a live citizen right I I now. He is 77 years old anil going G allo-:i.................... 31.25 doxen ELIZABETH MIXER WINS ■ I FIRST PRIZE IN COUNTY strong. His rem iniscences are most Zinc Caps • ........................ 30c doxen I interesting. Coming across the § B Elizabeth Mixer won the first prize plains in 1852, h is party cam e direct Yours Truly, B I in Polk county offered to the pupil to P ortland over the old Oregon B w ho sold the m ost T hrift stam ps trail from M issouri, w here he was • d u ring the m onth of April. H er to­ bora 4n 1841. His pai-ents were from (C ontinued on Page 4.) tal w as * 5 , 010 . By KATHLEEN NORRIS NUMBER IS. TWO MORE W e add the* following nam es j to the South Polk County Service | List: Ernest W illiams Vera W illiams This m akes a total of 115. SEDUCE BANNER TO BE U H E E D The Independence service Hag will soon be unfurled. It will be dedicated «sometime this m onth w ith appropriate ceremony at which' tim e honor and tribute will be paid to the sons of Independence who are now serving th eir country on land and sea. The Independence flag w ill contain between seventy-five and a h u n d ­ red stars and will consist of those whose postoffice address w as In­ dependence a t the tim e of th eir en­ listm ent. The Hag which will cost between $15 and $20 will be paid for by voluntary contributions. Boxes will be placed in several business houses w here all will have an opportunity to assist financially. MR McNARY IS LAUDED BY SENATOR JOHNSON W ashington—Senator H iram W. Johnson of California today gave out tlie following statem ent con­ cerning the am endm ent to the food control hill recently introduced in the Senate by Senator C harles L. McNary: “It is my firm conviction th a t Sen­ ato r McNary has rendered the peo­ ple of this country signal service in calling to the attention of Congress tiie short-coinings of tiie present food control hill and pointing a clear way for correctibn of the evils it contains. “For two or three years the pro­ NO RIGHT TO REQUIRE ducers and consum ers have seen DEPOSIT ON METERS prices steadily advance until we find great h ardships falling upon the The Oregon Public Service Com­ m asses of tiie people who are u n ­ mission has ruled th a t the P o rtland able to earn w ages com m ensurate Pow er and Light Co. has no rig h t w ith the cost of right living. It is to dem and a deposit when a m eter my belief tiiat this hill, if passed b y ! is installed. The sam e ruling n at­ Congress, will do groat service in urally would apply to any o ther lowering the cost of the p lain ne­ public utility corporation of tiie cessities of life by effectually remov­ sam e kind w hich would include ihe ing the heartless profiteer whose Oregon Power Co. gluttony surpasses h u m an u n der­ A large num ber of Independence standing. I believe Senator McNary people, especially renters, have is doing a com m endable w ork and m oney “Invested" in m eter deposits. should have the support of all pa­ triotic citizens who place tiie inter-1 “BAD MAN” BREAKS OUT OF STATE PENITENTIARY ests of the m any above the avarice of the few. Jeff Baldw in, known ns a “bad “In this hill, as in his career as Senator, Mr. McNary has shown i m an ” at the penitentiary escaped his ability, his vision and his sta te s -! S unday and as yet has not been m anship. We are grateful to the captured. The State Guard is assist­ state of Oregon for having given us ing in the hunt. Baldwin is sup­ such a Senator. He reflects credit I posed to he hiding in the brush be­ upon his state and does honor to j tween Salem and Orville. This is his second break. tlie Nation.” The Man Without a Country The Picture that will rouse the nation A Film fo r Americans Canning Season JOHNSON & COLLINS ISIS THEATRE SUNDAY, May 19