DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS The neighborhood isn ’t all to th e bed P ostm aster II. S. Wood w as in Al­ pendence N ational B ank Building. bany W ednesday. —x— —x— Before you m en buy those new K. C. Eldridge w as a passenger to sum m er sh irts and ties, you should Eugene this m orning. see the good assortm ent Conkey & —x— W alker has. Mr and Mrs. W. A. M ettzer of Dal­ —x— las visited friends here yesterday. Mae M arsh w as a t her best —x— W ednesday night in one of the m ost Jam es H art, a form er resident, is clever productions ever seen a t the in the city. Isis. BY PAYING CASH FOR —x— —x— We can save you m oney on sm all Our ready to w ear su its are b ar­ GROCERIES AT m usical goods such ns violins, b an ­ gains w orth com ing after, $10.50 to joes, guitars, m andolins, strings and ! $25.00. O. A. KREAMER, findings. O. A. KREAMER. - x— \ S. T aylor Jones is now Southern Miss C arrie Seam an of P o rtlan d Pacific ag en t in Independence and ¡pent several days with her p aren ts we are quite sure he w ill give sat- invested in THRIFT STAMPS will help win !iore th is week. isfactory service both to the com­ pany an d the public. the war and at the same time lay away a nest A rth u r Lyday of H oskins has —x— | been enrolled in the Ju n io r Rain- H obart M. Dickson, one of Uncle I egg for you. J bow Division. Sam ’s No. 1 navy m en, arrived in ( —x— Independence today. He has sailed From A pril 1st, on account of the the “seven seas” and has m an y in­ high price of stock and low m a r­ teresting stories to tell. His enlist­ gins in sales, I sh all lim it my credit m ent recently expired and a fte r a accounts to a th irty-day basis. short vacation, he w ill sign up j DICKSON’S MARKET again. He w on’t desert his country —x— right a t the tim e w hen his help is W illiam F arn u m a t the Isis next most needed. W ednesday night. —x— “THE HEART OF A LION” AT Î Ï Ï B I I I H I I I H I I I B I I I H I I I H H i N I H H I I I H l I i W I H I I I H I I I H I I I B I I I H I l M U M I I I H I I I H I l I f l l I l H I I I H I I I B I I I H l t l H I I I ■ili THE ISIS APRIL TENTH W illiam F a rn u m ’s new screen m asterpiece, “The H eart of a Lion" Iola retu rn s, too. She breaks into is a th rillin g ad v en tu re of love and B arney Kem per (W illiam Far- Bohem ian life, a n d one n ight gives life in the lum ber cam ps. A t the num j is a sturdy young A m erican a party. B arney m akes an unex­ Isis, one n ight only . W ednesday, farm er who aspires to become a pected visit to the city an d goes to A pril 10. doctor. D uring sp are m om ents the hoarding l)ouser w here h i a r­ —x— from his “chores” he reads and rives in the m idst of th e revelry. HIDES Mrs. E rnest Tice of P o rtland is studies m edicine u n d er the tu te­ He is surprised to see d ru n k en men PELTS visiting relatives a n d friends in lage of H iram D anford, a fine type and women in I d a ’s hom e. In a WOOL Independence. of the ofd fashioned country phy­ daze he seeks Dick’s room s, but in ­ —x— FURS stead w anders into I d a ’s ap artm en t, sician. M argaret, his d aughter, a W hy w ear those old overalls w insom e country m aid, secretly w here he discovers her in Dick’s MOHAIR w hen you can get th e U nionalls for loves B arney, who, however, is u n -fa rm s CASCARA BARK a very littlem ore a t Conkey & aw are ofher affection foe him. In a rage, the deceived lover de­ VEAL W alk er’s—for m en, women land B arney has a younger brother at nounces thorn both. Dick is grief- PORK ch ild ren ’s sizes. stricken, w hile Iola is indifferent. a d stant college, stu d y in g for the BEEF — x— Barney rushes from the house, goes m in istry . Dick has fallen into bad W arm w eather is coming, a n d we w ays a n d continually im portunes ¡buck to the farm , seils everything POULTRY are begiim m g to th in k of shedding his b ro th er for funds. B arney has and disappears. Dick, sincerely BUTTER our h eav y w in te r underw ear, and ju st paid a note of $500, w hich sorry, tu rn s to M argaret and, in EGGS if you need a couple of suits far a leaves bom w ith nothing but th e their common sorrow , they are u n i­ FARM PRODUCE change, go in at Conkey & W alk­ old farm. ted in a brotherly am i sisterly bond. WOOD e r’s and get them . The having Two years pass away. Dick, ta k ­ At that* stage Dick decides to spend lioiight early w ill save you th e ad ­ his straim er vacation “back on th e ing up his religious studies in ear­ WOOD vance in price. farm ." At the sam e tim e Iola Ham­ nest, becomes an ordained m inister. GROCERIES M eanwhile, on the “edge of civi­ m ond- w ho is stu d y in g for an oper­ SHOES $5 dow n, $1 weekly are the very atic career, visits M argaret. B ar­ lization", in a faraw ay cam p, B ar­ FURNISHINGS liberal term s Slopec Bros. & Cockle ney is attracted to the visitor from ney has settled as the com m unity’s DRY GOODS are offer m g on the guarantee! May­ the city, an d believing th a t h e is doctor. The roughest ch aracter in tag w asher. No need for any really in love w ith her, is quite town is “T exas”, who ru n s a saloon. w om an to break her back over the happy. B arney’s love scene w ith M eanw hile'D ick h a s accepted an w ash tub in th is section. Iola is w itnessed By M argaret.w ho appointm ent to th e self-sam e cam p, CASH OR TRADE —x— is broken hearted. w here he is to open the tow n's first Mrs. P eter K nrre returned Mon­ W hen Diek re tu rn s to his studies church. M argaret, still tru e to her flnence over it. Concluding his day evening from M innesota where love for B arney, accom panies him serm on w ith the w ords, “Forgive­ she has been for several m onths. to tak e charge of the hospital. They ness brings happiness, for one day Mrs. K nrre says she is certainly arc received in a rowdy m anner, the two brothers m et again," B arney glad to be hom e and that she n’lid “Texas" at once declares th at strtles “Texas" an d the crowd by doesn’t care to spend another win “no sky pilot can clean up this giving back the $3,000 he h ad won te r in M innesota. town.” Barney goes w ith the crowd from the saloon keeper gam bler. —x— to h ear the new m in ister deliver “Texas" not to be outdone, a n n o u n ­ John Feagles. form er city m ar­ his first serm on an d —discovers ces th a t he w ill give it to th e new shal, hid farew ell to Independence Dick. He struggles in rage an d church. Even “Texas" is redeem ed. this week and left for G rants Pass jealousy, and his better n atu re Dick, repentant and happy in the where he will rem ain for a few comes tothe fore. j reunited love of B arney an d Mar- weeks. He doesn’t know where lie “Texas" decides to fram e Dick garet, dies from the bullet wound. will go from there. i w ith the aid of a dissolute w om an. The lovers decide to rem ain in tth e —x— I By subterfuge he entices Dick to cam p and w ith the prom ise of a Some stag n an t surface w ater in the w om an’s room, w here she seizes golden future, tak e up a new life this city w as recently examined ; him in h er arm s and kisses him w ith the clouds behind them . NORTH INDEPENDENCE and found to contain a large num ­ j just as the door opens and “Texas" ber of typhoid germs. ! and his gang enter. BUY A BOND. —x— The Money will save An to P r o s p e r ity g^Er==-==------------ s n JOHNSON & COLLINS T o attainy our highest efficiency in busi­ ness—to maintain the best of health—to be able to keep your appointm ents—your feet must be com fortable—th ey m ust n ot distract you, Good Fitting Shoes Johnson & Collins Shoes that fit your feet perfectly are essential. T h e y leave your mind free to think — not fret. A nd they make it possible for you to g o w here and w h en you please. Max Goldman Deals in We have made a special study of fit­ ting and give it particular attention. We have the newest fashions and our prices w ill please you. Conkey &W alker Local Briefs Phone the news T h a t’s the Post. to Main Buy a bond. The Baptist (122. five (|iiilts. New sum m er goods are com ing in every week at Conkey & W alker's. —x— Reuben Bowman of Monmouth aged IS, died in a Snleni hospital last Friday. —x— Mr. and Mrs. ('.. V. C lodfelter of Jefferson w ere over Sunday visit­ ors at the O. Me Beth home. — x— ladies have sewed — x— Miss Frances Tow nsend is now the m usical genius at th e Isis. —x— The C lark Jew el Oil Stove saves oil has high speed burn ers am t has large capacity. Craven & HurfY carry them . —x— Fishing season is now on. C ra­ ven & Huff can fill your w ants. Fishing licenses and tackle. — x— —x— Miss Vivian W hjteak er w as the Frances Shcythe and Della T ruax guest of friends in P o rtland this of Pedee have been enrolled in the week. Ju n io r Rainbow Division. —x— Mr-,. A. Nelson of Albany was Clara Toedem ier of Airlie h as won a place in the Ju n io r Rainbow Div­ 1 calling on friends in Independence ision. I 4 | W ednesday. 1 HE Germans, even centuries ago, were famous all over Europe for their ability as bread and pastry makers. They ar-i s'nd to have first invented the doughnut, now popular throughout the entire v/orld. T Our Doughnuts 4 b. 'll w > *c throughout this entire community. Our tell us they are “like those mother used '. * u t 1 ’ md that is the best recommendation a » " *• r any other article of pastry can have. . < fly «ad c /in tln n i ora Ott twin V tfa * * k - rj of «A Lochridge Bungalow Cash Grocery J. B. V. B utler and son. Jay, visit­ TOP NOTCH ed the cantonm ent at Camp Lewis this w eek W hile there they were 6 Bars soap ......................... the guests of th eir son and brother, 5 Bars Soap W hite L a u n d ry ... Dr. W. D. B utler, w ho is a m em ber 5 Rare Boh W hite ................. of the m edical corps. “Now we’vq got the goods on you," he shouts, “you will never dare to 25c preach around here." 25c Butter Wraps M eanwhile, Dolly, a cam p follow | or, goes to B arney an d tells "him of I 25c his brother's danger. B arney sta rts —x— 5 Bars Wh. Borax N a p th a .... 25c to the rescue, a fight ensues, and fh The m ilk house on the farm of A. the m elee Dick is shot. Barney | V. Tcthorow w as burned yesterday carries him to the hospital, w here w ith all its contents, including a he m eets M argaret again. B arney ! New Gasoline Filling Station. cream separator. at first w ill not listen to M argaret's j Convenient Service. —x— I '.xplnnation and pleading, hut he The W. C T. U. will meet at the ; finally succum bs to Dick's plead- hom e of Mrs. Alice P orter April 9th. ngs and a reconciliation of the Butter and Eggs Taken in Er All m em bers are requested to be nrothers follows. change fot Groceries. present. ik d iy again w arns B arney o f —x— "Texas’ " intentions and, Dick ly-1 Rev. Carson, who has been in a se n tsly w ounded, Barney de- j Salem hospital for several weeks. Is HOLSUM Brand, Pics and Caktts h cides to take his brother's place. sutflkienUy recovered from the .>(• Frank Every Morning. H e g o o t o the cnurch and lays his (rets of an operation, to be able to gun betore him on the pulpit. Ho ; retu rn to the horn» of his daughter, then bt ins to tell the st^ry of the ; Mrs. E. King. two brothers. The crowd Is sym- j — X — pathetic, an d “T exas” loses hi* in- ' BUT A BOND. J. G. McIntosh. Neatly Printed As You want them at The Post