J f i if I - 'V. THE WEST SIDE TVlrplwu No. 141, live, 1. THURSDAY, frKPTKMBKU B, 1W1, Kmernt st th lowtoffit at liulepemlsuos Orrgv u a a nd-claat MMior, KNItiHItt ur VVTtUAH, LIOMKR I.OIKIK N, MKKTO KYKKY l Wsdnswlay ewntug, Nmltr will lal du, nolle," and tifwrn thmwlw HmUns:l "CI tatting KiuahtsaY Innied to mifiitl fOlUVHlCIll, r. a. WILSON. t J. W, KU'H AKIXtvi.N, K, K Court Inditulnt No. 80, Forwit- : ere 01 America, mwu every Ntumy Wi IV AUlu, doiitlst, CM,r bkwk . Cig, tl choiotwt, at lloMnson't. & th cotton blankets st the Rukot Stor. All tli mtin.she ami tli labwt now) on be timl at Robinson's, II you want bair-enl, a ifixxl cltmn tinve, or bath, hot or coll, cnM on K. T. llvnkUs Main strvvt. Try Muuro, the tarto, worth skin of "C" sirwt, opotl Knox's grocer tort, fur Imir cot or Iihv. Wbt'il In Bttleiu Kiul vou wmit t good mwU doit't foriivt to go to tuning' Kwtaiirant, whore everything Mi mar ket trortt m una. J.K. Moor, the burber on O rtrwt now hamtle Newbm's Herplottle, the minou iiHiumitreure, endormHi hy all the tailing barbers of 1'ortlmul mid till eltiee In the Mut. Ulve It UIkI ami Hvt your hair. Are you going- eut? Writ to R. V, Foeter Ticket Agvnt The liurllugtoii Route 1'orlUml Or., for the loweet ratwi, quickest time and bnt eervtf?, choe of routwu. WouKI you like to get the wry low- em rate aud the qtiU'keat time to that point In the east where you expect to go aoiuetlme tu the future. Write to It. W. Kiwter Agent Iturltngton limit Corner 3rd and 8tark Street, lVrtlaml Or. aud receive a letter by return mall giving jtiitt the lnforiUHtton dmtred and frt book iliH-ribliig our chair oar aervlce. The Rent Pnsrrltitlon for Malaria t'hilla una Kvvvr l InKlitof (iHnvn TT- Lir I i ill TomIO. II I liniily Imu ! ullllllr iu ituiviM Mrut. An ur, Uo mj, Cnrr'8 fence is down, and be will now have to put up another of. political nature in order to have the first one rebuilt. M AURI I CAUSES lULIOUKNESS. Orv TiuIIpm Cbtll Tuulo n'muviM tb Roosevelt is now preaching ser mons. Miniistero should form trust to eliminate competition. Rotter for the lllmtd than Sariarllla Kur rhiwi l.lvmn lu llii MalKtln 1'u.lrh tn. Dnivc rlvlwi CUlH Toulo. The population of China is esti mated at 2S3,O0O,0CX), -whereat an exchange remarks that a few mil lion may have been overlooked, as all the yellow heathens look alike. MALARIA MAKES IM1TRE Ri.OOl). O.uvm IiiilcClilllTouli cuM Malaria. Mk? Oregon should liurry up and tind oil before the California wills and the ."Moot gusher at lioaumont, Texas, drains dry the entire raciftc coast oil bain. The bttt Prescription for Malaria Cliilla aud Fever, bt a bottle of Drove's Taatelt Ctiill Tonic. It i almply Iron ' aud q iluiue in a taateleea form. No eure, u a.v. Price, 60e. 'Again "lite last insurgent leader of importance" ii alout to be ca- tured. There have bwn a good many of him,' but he is certainly becoming beautifully less. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxutive Itroino Quinine Table (a All driiKnUta refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Urove'a signature la on each bos. 25o., The American schoolteachers who have gone to the Philippines may not have carried the Constitution with them, but they have taken some things that will muke an ex cellent substitute for it. Have you a sense of fullm-m In th, region i.r your t imiich or'ter eating?' If so you will be benefited by uaiug ChanibfrlHin's atomnoh and liver talileti. They also cure belittling and feour sti'iimi'l). They rt-Kulate the bowels ton. Hold by Kirklaud Drag Co. . General Fred Grant says that the Filipinos are quick to see a joke. The democratic literature they re ceived before the election must have been a treattury of American humor to them. When you want a pieman t pliyaic try the new remedy, (Jharnlwrlaiu's BtJtnach and Liver Tablets. They are eay to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Ham pies free at Kirk laud's drug t;re. The British army of 200,000 at a million dollars a day, reports hav ing killed 23 Boers last week. Px cellent! Glorious! At this rate the Boers will be exterminated at the same time that Great Britain goes broke. Ulcers, open or obstinate soresi scalds and pll"H, quickly cured oy BANNER HALVK, the most healing medicine in the world. A. H. Locke. The Democrats in several states have been sitting in solemn con vention on the dree silver issue. When they got tired of sitting, they varied thing by jumping up and down on it. "I had a running sore on my leir for eeven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of Chippewa Falls Wis., "and speut hundreds of dollars in trying to fret It healed. Two boxes of JJANNiSll HA L VE entirely cured It." Beware of substitutes. A. H. Locke. j If a fine equal to the amount stolen is considered a fitting punish ment for Postmaster Thompson at Havana, what will be the proper penalty for Neeley's and Rathbones peccadillos? Chas. Replogle of Atwater, 0., was unatile to work ou account of kidney trouble. After using FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE four days he was cured. A. B. Locke. , Tbli signature fa oa every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinjrje Rev, Llndsey returned from Corvelli Tuesday, Miss IW,e Butler returned Friday tram month's, vacation at Bodatllle, - Mm. 0. 0. Grave returned Friday trow an outing at Newport. Mis Lillian Connaway stent to At hauy Mumtar lor a short vliit. Clswnee Ireland returned (mm Port' land Monday. , Mi. O. D. Sutler vl.ite.1 In Corvallii tti (list ol the week. J. R. V, Rutler, ol Monmouth, 1 in Rupiut tlii wevk. , Pml, and Mr. A. M. Sander relumed Monday tnm a visit at Amity. Dr. Allln waa In Hulein Tueaday on husinen. Mr, A. M. Hurley I vlsltiug in Port land. Mr. 0, Allen visited in Dallas Tues day, Mis Kate J one went to Uorvalli Tuesday for a short viait. Miss Farheart returned Tuesday from week 'a visit in Portland, Peter K nrre wa a passenger on the train from Portland Tuesday. Orant Robertson, after an extended visit with hi brother at Ileppner, re tiiriml home Saturday. Mr Herbert Poppleton, of Portland, came up the latter part of laat week fur a visit with (rlemla in thi city. Mis Mabt l Creasy, w,ho ha been tn joying two week' vacation at New port, returned Saturday, Mr. and Mr, B. F. Mulxey of Mon mouth, were) passenger on the train from Portland yesterday. Prof. L. P. Freltag, of th Monmouth Normal tctuxil, returned Wednesday from t week' outing at the coast. Mrs, d. O. Grave and two daughter were passenger on the train for McCoy yesterday. Prof, and Mrs, R. C. French, of Mon month, are visiting in The Dalle ttiit week. Dr. 0. D. Butler left Sunday for Kugen. He will probably be back to morrow. V. C. Itryanl, of Monmouth, started Monday for Moro where lis ha a posi tion in the public schools. Mr. M. V. Wallace went to Portland last Friday fur a short visit. She return. ed this morning. Mimr Mshet and Mamie Rskemsn returned last Friday from six weeks' visit to their home at Rroadmead. 8- R. Stoy, represeutieg the Orient Fire Insurance oompany, wa in the cltv j on business Tuesday. ltd. II. R, Ruckliaiu, of Monmouth, eft Monday, fur Raker City to attend the teachers institute to lie held there this week. Mrs. IV. E. Cressy, and son, Gould, returned Saturday from Newport where they hav been enjoying a three weeks' outing. L C, liilmore and fami'y returned last Friday (rout Minnie where they have been camping fur the past two month. W. 0, Siiarman and family returned Wednesday from Minnie where they have been camping for th past six eeks. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Statu and son, of Prineville, who have been visiting latives in this city for the psst two weeks, left for Portland Fridsy, Pre. P. L. Campbell, of the Mon mouth Normal school, went to Oregon ity Momlay to attend the teacher In stitute, Mr. and Mr. Walter Roy returned uesday from Washington1, where they ave been making their home for the ast year. Henry Patterson came up from Port land Saturday for a short atay. He re nted yesterday accompanied by Mr. Patterson, who ha been making an ex tended visit with relative here, Mrs. Clarence Ireland, who wa taken to the Good Samaritan hospital lu Port laud about a mouth ago, is rapidly im proving and expect to be able to return home the last of thi week or the first of next. Although Monday waa Labor Day, all the business house in this city, with the exception of the bank, remained open as usual, Tiie Adventieta' meeting which were to have taken place in the auditorium this week have been postponed nntil a bout tiie first of October. II. C. Watkina, sexton of the Meth odist church Hpringlleld Pa., writes: "My wile ha been very bad with kidney trouble aud tried several doctor without betieflr. After Inking one bottle of FOMSY'S KIDNEY CUBE wa much tietter, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." A. H. Ijocke. Fred Ireland waa the victim of a seri ous gunshot wound last Saturday after noon. He was out hunting when the gun was accidentally discharged, mang ling hi left hand. The thumb and three fingers were amputated. It I rather a peculiar coincidence that his brother, alxjiit thll time three years ago, had hi hand completely shot away undersimilar circumstances. C. B. Bowers, advance agont of Rich ard A I'ringle' minstrels, was in this city Tuesday . The show will play here on Saturday September 14. Mr. G. A. Htllman, a merchant of Tumplco. III., writes; "FOLEY'H KIDNEY CURE la meeting with wonderful succeaa. It has cured some eaes here that physicians pronounced incurahle. I myaelf am able to testify to its merlin. My face today la the living picture of health and Foley'a Kidney Cure has made it such." A. H. Locke, E, Picket, the photographer, made a business trip to Portland the first of the week, In order to make room for the large shipments of goods that are arriving di rect from New York, J. L. Stockton Is having his new store building in Salem enlarged to twice its former size, Mr. Stockton ha just received a large con signment of dress goods and wraps of the latent pattern. When In Salem call on him at the "Capital Store" and In spect his goods, hi price are sure to interest you, ; No Relief lor 20 Years. "I had bronchi I la for twenty years" Hild Mrn. Minerva Hmlth of Danville, III., "and never (jot relief until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which is a sure cure for throat aud lung diseases," A. 8. Locke, Ueware of OlulnieHts for Catarrh thai toutala Mercury mvmiry will swwl rely itMlHiy the mni.s ntvll slid ceaihleUilv ls-liaa ill tthel aya lm alien eiUvilu II thlotiiili llisnmoniwiur faces, auoh a . icles ahoiOit iir Iwuavtles vept on erMertiilimia Ihim niiuiails lhyi eln, as t lis itaiuasv Uiey HI ilo la ten fold to Oirsomtyu en inwathly m Iveirotn turna. MnU'a ( nU t ui, eisnulK-iw l ly r . t'henvy 4 ill.. Tulinl.i, ll., etiuis us no nmr. eery, suit is inaaa mivrnsoy, at"Ui( ulrwily wimim l-te IiIihhi sii.l aoivuiuta snilawiiit Ois ay.teiit, In liuylut HsM's t'suiiih t'vi lis lire you sul lheiiOi, lllalaa.n Intel lu ally, ami inaile lu lolinlo, Olilu, lijt r, i'heney l'i, TeaUumntftia lin, lol.l hi liiusalala, pilteTM. er kollls, Hall's lamii) t'llla are llio twat, Mr. Ill Converse, after a short vi it in this chy, started for Eugene thi morning. Th member of the Chriatian church of thi city are reinitiated to bo' present st 11 a in. next bumlay fur the purpose ol hiring a pastor, t'uresl of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Year Sum-ring "I sultered thirty yeaia ami thought I waa past being cuied, ssys Juliu H, Halloway, of Frvui'h t'auip, Miss. "I had spent so mueli time and money and autl'ervd so much that 1 had given tin all tionea of recovery, ! waa feeble from Hi eftvota of the diarrhoea that I could do nu kind of labor, could uot even travel, but by accident I was iiermtlied to find a bottle of Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea bottle I am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the re sult that I am anxious tout II t In reach of all w ho sutler aa I have." Fur sale by Klrkland Drug Co, Service will be resumed at th Pres byterian church next Sabbalti. During th summer th iuterlor ol the church has bee a re-arranged, repaired, reseated and repainted, aud made far more com lortable. Dr, Thompson will preach both morning aud evening. The Sab bath school will meet at 10 o'clock A, M Public worship aud preaching at 11 A M and " :j0 P M A very cordial invitation 1 emended to all 10 attend these ser vices. Young people ocietir will be organised in the near future, C'hanibrrlalu' t'ough Keniedy a Ureat favorite. The soothing and healing propertiea of this remedy, Its pleasant taate and prompt aud H-ruiaueut cures have made It a great favorite with people every here, it is esHH?iaiiy ru u uy loot her of small cblloreu hir eolils. croni) ami wbisiutuir vouab. as ll al way aitonia uutcK teller, anil it cou t talus no opluiii or oilier hariurul drug It may b-9 given s eontliletitly to i baby a to an aittilt. For sale by Kirk land Drug Co. Hop picking begun Monday In a tew ol the yards near here although most of the growers did not commence until Wednesday, The country is full of pickers, about 6000 being the number emploed williin a radius of 6 milesof tins city, TneweaUirr is all that can U desired, and everything points to good and speedy harvest. Although the output will not be above the aver age, th quality ol the hop thi year will be far HMrior to any ever raised in thi country before, which fact i due principally to the eieellent weatherthat ha prevailed for the past two mouths, A Sight of Terror. "Awful anxiety waa felt for the widow of the brave General llurnhani of Machlaa, Me., when the doctor aald she would die from pneumonia before morning write sirs, n. tt. blnoolu, who attemietl ber tbat fearful night, but ahe begged for Dr. Kind's New Discovery, wblch had more than once saved her lire, ana cured her or eon sumption. After taking, she slept al nlitht. Further use entirely cured her" I'll is marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, chest aud lung diseases. Only otkv ami fl.oo Trial bottleu free at Kirlauu'a drug store. The grain harvest in thi county Is practically over, and farmer report yield ol higher average than usual. Al' though the average Heidi yielded be tween 25 and 30 bushels per acre, there were many that reached the 33 mark, and some went as high a 40, The wheat wa also excellent in quality, Oat and barley yielded handsomely throughout and, taken as a whole, the I'.KH crop I counted a the best for ten year. Stood Death Off. E. It. Mumlay, a lawyer of Hen rietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He say, "My brother wa very low with malarial fever and Jaundice, I persuaded til in to try Kleclrlo Bitters, and he wa soon much better, but con tinued their use until he was wholly cured. 1 am sure Kleotrlu Bitters saved bis life." This remedy expels malaria, kills disease) germ aud puri fies the blood; aids digestion, regulate liver, kidneys and bowels, cure con stipation, dyspepsia, nervous disease, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health,. Only fiOo al Kirklaud' drug (tore. J. L. Stockton, at the "Capital Store" in Salem, I selling men' clothing at cost and shoes at twenty per cent dis count. His store i one continual round of bargain, A shocking Cilamlfy "Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Willlford, Ark., "II Is foot, was badly crushed, but liucklei)' Arnica Halve quickly cured him. Its simply wonderful for bums, bolls, piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer, Cure guaranteed. 25c. Hold by Kirklaud Drug Co. Died. STUMP J. H. Stump, an old and re spected resident of thi county, died of heart failure at hi farm a few mile eonth of Monmouth on Thursday, August '). Mr, Stump was one of the best known men in this part of the statu, Ho had served two terms in the Oregon legisla ture, In 187(1 and in 181)0, and had been an active worker in the State Grange, for which order he served as state treas urer during the year of 1801, He was bom in Ohio In 1832, and was reared on alarm, He received a common school education, aud at the age ol 20 enguged in school teaching. When 22 year ol age he came to Oregon, aiding in driv ing a flock of sheep across the plain. After coming to Oregon Mr. Stump taught school five year near Monmouth and then turned his attention to farm ing, He had been successful in hi business affair, and at the .time of hia death was comfortably situated finan cially. Hia progressive method made him a valuable leader In agricultural circles. In 1850 Mr. Stump waa married to Martha A. Davidson, who survivea him. He alio leaves a aon, Fred, and a daughter, Mra, C. S. Hamilton, both of Salem. The funeral services were conducted from the family residence in Salem Sun day afternoon, Kev, W. G. Elliot, pastor ol the Unitarian church, of Salem, con ducting the lervkea, ASTHMA AHtlitnnlono BfhigH Instant Jto- hol and I'ei'Ynanont Juro " iu all Chsos Sent Absolutely Free Write Your Ktm FOnTKM YET ARC miiir. Alter having it carefully analysed, opium, uiorpniue, chloroform or iner. Dr. Taft Ilro. Medicine Co. lent lenient I write thi testimonial wonderful effect of your Asthtualeue, slillcted with spasmodic aathtua for the past 'i years. Having exhausted my own akllt as well a many others, I ohanoed to see your sign upon your window on I ith street New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Aathmalen. My wife ocnitueuced taking It about th Drat of Novemlier. I very oou notloed a radical Improvement. Alter using on she is entirely free front all symntou. tn niediciu to all who are ainiutea witti Your Respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Feb. 6, 1001. Dr. Taft lirt. Medicine Co, Oentlemeu j I wa troubled with asthma for 23 years. I have tried natiier- ou remedies, but they hav all failed. started wtlti a trial not tie. I round reller at once. 1 nave since purchased your full-else buttle, and I am ever grateful. 1 have a family of four children, ami for six years wa unable to work. I am now In the best of health aud am doing tiualnew every day , Thi testimony you cau make uh use of aa you aeti lit. Horn address iMJ itlvlugtou slrtet, H. RAPHAEL. 67 East 'Si t., City. Trial Bottle Sent AbwIutelynFreTVn keccTpt of Postal. Do not delay. WrliTaTouedd PR, TAFT HIMW.' MEDICINE t) T East llklth HI.. N. Y. City. City found!. The city council met In regular see ion Tuesday evening with President J. W, Kirklaud in the chslr, and all th council men present except Sperling Slid Huntley. A resolution wa introduced and pas sed providing for the const ruction ol a new loot bridge to take the place ol the old one across the slough in the north ern part ol town. The following bill were audited and ordered paid I AndyTupper, marshal, t3 50; J. N. Jones, sprinkling streets, ft J. M.Stark lumber, I7.MI; II. M. Line, recorder, 12.05; D. 11. lioydslon, hauling, fd. Consumption Threatened. C. Cuger, 212 Maple St,, Campaign, III,, write: "1 waa troubled with a hacking cough forayerand I thought I had ouusumpliou. I tried a great mauy rvitit'dlu and waa under the car of a phyiciaas lor several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'H HON EY- AND TAR. It cured m and I nave not been troubled lnce," A. H. Locke Kev. A. A. Winter, ol Dalle, and Mis Henry, ol Lafayette, were married Wednesday evening at Ave o'clock at the residence ol the bride' brother, M. Henry, ol Lafayette. Immediately tter the ceremony they took the train (or Dallas and came over here the tame evening on the motor. They left on thi morning' train tor Newport where they will ipend their honeymoon. A Mttle known Fact That the majority of serious disease originate In disorder of the kidney. 'OLEY'B KIDNEY I'UHKI guaran tied, lie Hire to get roiey s. a. b. Iock. The Knight ol Pythias met last night and elected F. S. Wilson delegate to the grand lodge which meet in Portland in October. n'erkluir Nlirht and liar. The busiest and mightiest Utile thing that ever was made la Dr. King' New Life Pills. These pill change weak ness Into Hlrengtn, llaiiessneaa into energy, brain-fag Into nienttl power. They are wonderful In building tip the health. Only 25o tier box. Sold by Klrkland Drug Co. l'l'IILIC BUSINESS. Abstract of Instruments Filed In Polk County Aug 27 to Sept 3,1001. PKKOa U 8 to Joseph Baumgartnor, 100a ice 32 tp 7 i r 7 w patent. U 8 to J W Tolford, 100a tec 115 tp 8 1 8 w patent. B F Mulkey to Harry Hlhbard, It 8 fr blk 1, Site add Dalla-$il00. Susan Baker to D O Wilkinson, 171.18 res, sec 8 tp 0 r 7 w $1500. N C Sweiison to I 8 Kamsey, 100a, patr ol J F Kitnsey d I o tp 7 r 6 w 1300. Sheriff, 11 U Plummer to II II Stan- ton, 20a K Hamilton d 1 o tp 7 r 3 w 12300.70. U S to Jaa Hayes, 100a aec 18 tp 8 s r w patent. L Byerly to Thos McDowell, Its 8, 9, blk 5, Kickrcal!-tl2r. George Conner toG D Wllkinaon 100a aec32tp8sr8 w-11250. M M Ellis to Phoebe Coulee It 7 8 blk 8 Germantown add Dallas 1150. Lucktamute Mill Company to T L Lowe It 32, 83, 34 blk "K" and 25x50 ft Falla City 3T6 A E Pagenkoff to J J and F 0 Kau 100a sec 8 t.p 0 a r 6 w $878. M M Ellis to LD Daniels It 2 blk 6 Gem add Dallaa-150. J 8 Courter et ux to N A Emmett It 8 blk "C" Falla Clty-125. S F Morine to Will Adam w It 1 blk a of Main and E of Med at Buena Vista A whole novel In each number of Lip- pincott'a Magaxine la tta winning feature For railway traved or idling on a hotel porch this givea several houra of contlnu ous diveraion aa againat the lapsing in terest of the continued story. In the August number the Complete Novel is The Lifting of a Finger," by Ina Bre- voot Roberta, a story of gay aoclety life, without a break in interest. WANTED-Giil, 11 to Hyeara of age. Good Bteady home. Address, Mra, I. M Wilaon, No. 80, 6th street, Portland, Oregon. QURE FREE! on ltocoipt of Portal. ) address Plainly. There la nothing 'Ik AaHimaleii. 1 1 brings Instant relief, even In the worst Cases, u cures wiieii all else rait, Th lUv, C, H. Well, of Villa Itidge, III., savst "Your trial bolt I of Asthma- Is n received In good eondltlou. 1 cannot lei: you how thankful I feel Air the good derived from It, I waa a slave, chained with putrid re throat and asthma for ten year. I deapairiHl of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for lb cure ol thi dreadful and tormenting disease, A tbnia, and thought you had overapokeu yourselves, but revolved to givt It a trial. To niy salon Ishuient the trial acted like a Charm, heua me a ruii-aiae uotti. Key. Dr. Morris Werhalrr, Ilabbl of Hit Cong, Ilnal Israel. New York, Jan. 8, 11X11. Drs, Taft Ilro,' Medicine Co , Gentlemen : Your Asthmslen I excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay rever. ana lie oomposmon alleviate an trouble which combine with Asthma. Iu uooes I astonishing and wouderful. wt can state that Asthmalene contains do very iruiy youm, nr.v.un, muivuin nr.nini.cii, Avon Spring, N. Y. Feb. 1, 1001. from a sense of duty, having tested th for th cur of Asthma. My wife ha been bottle ber Asthma bad dlsaptieared and 1 feel that I can consistently recommend tins oistreaatng disease. I ran across) yonr advertisement and Weekly Crop Bulletin. . Portland, Ore., Monday, Sept. 2, '01 UKNKHAl. aCMSUNV, Tim dry sik-11 in Oregon was ef' fectually broken last Htimtay by generous and well-distributed rains I hey were not heavy enough to damage the harvested grain or to injure the nearly matured crop of hop, but they were suihcicnlly heavy to revive pasture and great ly benefit late pidatoes and gardens The week averaged slightly cooler than the previous one. Hop picking has begun in south ern Oregon and it will begin this week in the Willamette valley. The inp are maturing rapidly mid the quality" in all parts of the state is rcimrtod extra good, but the yield it I believed, will lie slightly less than those ol lust year. Late pota too have improved during the week, but the crop without more rain, followed by favorable temiier alure conditions, will full consider aby below the average of former years i ho third crop of alfalfa is being cut, and the yields are about the same as usual. I'rutia picking has begun in southern Oregon, and it will be come general throughout the state in about ten days. The prunes are slightly undersized, but their quali ty is above the average. I'eachos, pears and somo fall apples are be ing marketed. Although the entire crop of fall fruit is not largo, it is maturing nicely and it is unusally sound and well flavored. After a steady run ol (our week in the southern part of the county, J. A. Whit row 'a threshing outrlt completed it sea son 'l work last Saturday night. Mr. Whitrow report a very good and pros perous run, and say that all the grain he threshed waa flrt-class in every re pect. During the entire run the grain averaged between 25 and 30 buthel to the acre. Summary Jindlcn. Tliuro was a disturbance in New York not long ago. A starved tired sick horse was drugging a truck loaded with coping stones along Broadway. Its strength gave out and it dropped. The driver bo labored the wretched animal with a heavy whip, jerked with all his strungth upon the reins and finally pnllcd the hir so up to its knees. Then he renewed his beating. This performance caused a crowd to gather, and it was not long be fore the temper of that crowd be came warmer than even the high tomature of an Augugst day would warrant. The driver was warned to stop, and threatening gestures were made in his direction, but he was a stubborn sort of a person and the more the crowd talked the moro fiercely he thrashed the horse, lie finally succeeded in driving away, but at the pace he was. able to go the crowd could easily keep up with him, and did. When he began to beat the horse once more the crowd closed in on him, and a policeman of the Broadway squad arrived on the scene, Then the crowd began to toll the policeman what to do, One well dressed man eaid, "Ar rest him, officer, and I'll make a complaint." The driver, his torn- per now up as high as that of the crowd, declined to get off his seat, and there was a general cry of "Pull him off that truckl" It did not take long to do it. A dozen people hustled the man off his seat, and some more unhitched the horse, and an elderly man gave tho prisoner a cordial blow on the side of his face. He did not need to follow the biblical injunction to Una the other cheek, for thrt nm ' iHvSawyer's IICIlllU HUB Ull Clothing tor fifty tut n Mi hunt IU tits) W'tiMl. Ittiuttlo throughout. Wrrtttt witter t'rtmf, Vfl )ful aiMmrtfL til Ftt omt'fe, pri tiff or ts4tuc Mlik. 4'Ul.il-ffr. ft. t. IIUi art rHrtlesi VmH Acta.. rUr, . LMH puR, ' sslann, Only $3,00 to Kausa Illy FOR A TOUB1HT HKIlTH. If you are going to any point east you can purchase your ticket over the Burlingtoti itoute by telling the ticket agent at your railroad station that you want to go over hi hue and the Bur lington either by way of Salt Lake City. Denver, Hilling Mom., St. I'aul or Omaha. The rate via the Burling bin are the very lowest, service the very beat to be had, time th quickest and If you want a berth In the tourist car It will cost you only $.1,00 to Kau i City, Omaha, or Ht Paul. Itcclln Ingcbsir mra ou all Burlington Itoute train seal free. Write for rate and full particulars before making other arrangements, W sell you ever the Southern, North' eru, Great Northern, Canadian, Oregon Shoit Line, Union Pacific and Itlo Orauth, "Koeulo Line of (he World." Address H. W. Foster Ticket Agent Burlington Itoute Corner Third and Stark Street, Portland Or, Xllsnl C 'nturrll qnluklr yields to treat- insitt by Kly s Cream Halm, which is agree ably aruaiatio. It la received tlirottgh th nostril, oleause and heals th whole sur fao over which it diffuses Itself. Drucglsts sell Ui Cue. i I Trial sl by mail, 10 mnU. 'l'ot it aud you are sure to coulinu the treaUnrnt. AiiiiotiiK-cMiirnt, To aeeotumwiate tliosu who are partial to tlio use of aUiiuiaers in applying iipiuls Into th nasal passage for eitnrrhnl iroiu Met, lito proprietors prepare I ream lialm lu lliiuid form, which will I known aa Kly' Liipiid Cronm liabn. l'rlis hiihtiling t lies ipmylng tul is 7,1 cents. nif.?f;iats or by mail. The liquid form inlxHlis Uie lusd Icuia pniporties of the solid pri-iaratinn. UUSEUU OF ANflTOHn ItHI IMRKET IT.. IAN MANCISCO, CAU f () ft at aa4 Um) A ins larsjfwi AOAUtWICftJ Mtwfl In Ua Wo id. Wnttrkj Wfr-M for VUifetf, f tXt tJtWMMMB , 111 mrSJNl Uf C'Mt UUJWiiUa4)ftr, J U. tfUHUAit-rwJwt uistuii Taar tvi4 Ml stall ftitn iUm rflrta uf jrouthtui iixtu- f crviiutiti ur itvMMi in nisidirvr a raara, frwa i1 hwi Bltitv.im- W h..l.aa HaftasLsataksl Ih . I ; li..n. . .,1. mih.iisj, 'rniimrrli, rsttr rbrk UtaBrrlaa. ii, rroajurwr sf I rlwlasc, !). Hy ovtiibttmittiii f rvmaxtliMt, ulgiwal runtttv ixtMar, (tta (KwUx Iimsw rriiKi hit trfsnimpnt llml l fill not only (TMtl Tmntvtllitt rvtiff, tnti tHmiHii(tt 1 nirsi i o iKK-ior auaa nt eiaim htMirriM . lulrtM, bni hi wail Inown tu b tt fnlr tul qitur lltr4rtaii and Hurv-mn, frtMriuiuMtt Mi liia Hafly-PliaitM mwm HVrMILI iiii.rt.ughljr ar-li-atl fro ina airafsHu who out in uaM mra. TraiawM flttaxl br u Kipart Matfllial 1 ra (ur Halair, A quirk tiI nxiuntf i RVKKT KAN aiMlTln to oa mUi nwttrii " our Krm4i aptnum u( biartttittatitt, i Itf. jurun mim Minivw suaiiKwia, nwt mtrln tv.iitMii(um ritKK d tttVllv fHv4. Tratmtil iMriuull or rr Uuf Writ tt HtH.it, rNii.oaorNT r1 H4MHIA4IK. Malt Kt. Kana lAVaiuablal tHMttv U.r mats.) t(iorwni DH J0KDAH A CO , 1011 It. I . eoplo on the other side of him aeady to attend to that check, and Iwo or threee chorus girls hit him over the head with their umbrellas. Altogether, he spent tho next few minutes being hustled about and thraHhed, while horse rested and looked on, and it is to be hotted that tho animal enjoyed it. As soon as the jtulicman could get by tho crowd he inarched his prisoner off to jail. Of course, it is not to he argued that it is always best for the public to take the law into its own hands but there are times when it seems unavoidable. If the man had been mistreating a woman or small boy on Broadway at this time of day, or at any time, when thero was a crowd about, ho would probably haved been made to suffer quite as severely, and the spectators would not have waited for the police. Tho kind of rascal who is given to pounding those who are manifestly unable to defend themselves against him knows perfectly well that the public, will not stand any doings of ihis sort in public. Ho therefore confines that sort of brutality to the privacy of his own homo, lie has enough intelligence and self-control to do that. There is no reason why he should, not be mndo feel the need of suf-restruint in the case of ahorse or any other dumb animal. The trouble bus been hitherto that the public conscience waB not sufficient ly awake to notice whenever a big, rough bully thrashed a horse. It should be thus awakone.l. It is just as proper for a crowd to stop that kind of proceeding as for the passes-by to interfere to stop any other sort of misdemcaner until the police arrive. One cannot feel sorry for the individual that figures n this case. He was big, strong and healthy, and ho suffered for a few minuieB a modified form of the mieory he had inflicted on a wretched, sick, half-starved animal whoso life he had mado a perpetual calvary. With the transfer of C. II. Mark- ham to San Francisco, Oregon loses one of its energetic state buildors. As gonoral passenger and ticket agoot of the Southern Paoifio, Mr. Markham has been a busy man, but not too busy to put in some valuable time on the outside work ing up the creamery interests, and other progressive movements that are beneficial to the agricultural do- velopment of the state,, t i IT V- 4 J V - . , K0D AIho a full line of Sdpplics. Eastman's W. D. platinum paper developes in hot water. We carry the following sizes: SJxJJJ, 3jx-lJ un-1 4x5. BROWNIE KODAKS $1.00 F. E. CHAMBERS, 1K& Thurston Lumber Company, LUMBER OF Dry Stock uhvays ou Hand, also Cedar Shingles. NOTK,: V! It tv it nrHl t'laas dry kllu which enable us to iv oa thor ounlily dry luinher. Wisk li , V." s?-fn am is v - 4 t k 1 -Ws" - i i ) Wilms Tv ...i'?- vj .i imwv:;.w .... -44 UV, S 1 : Wo nro ready to show vou our Trunks, Tele Bcopvs and Valises at any time.S8s' " " THE RAKET STOR 'Ind.GpGrLd.cnc, Oregon COLLINS' -FLOURING MILL COMPANY- Manufacturers of High Grade Flour, Feed eto Highest market prices paid for wheat. Capacity loObbls. flour per day. Grinding capacity for 225,000 bushels of wheat per year. We have remodeled our mill to -the latest improved sifter sys tem. Try a sack of our best flour made by this new process. A CLEAN SHAVE AND A STYLISH RAIRGUT IS WHAT VOU OUT W1IKS YOU l'ATUONlZK Kutch's BarberShop. Independence Oregon BATH 11 BARBER SiiQP , E. T. HENKLE, Proprietor Hot and Cold Baths at all Times. INDEPENDENCE - - OREGON Go to H. M. LINES For Willi Taper, Window Shade', Picture Frames, etc. Furniture of all kinds repaired. Ofllce with the Telephone company INDEPENDENCE. THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Cigarettes, Tob.ocos and Confectionery, First Class Soda Fountain In connection. Foley's Honey and Tar torchlldren,safe,sure No opiate, marp An Dallas, Oregon. ...MANUFACTURCR3 OT. j ALL KINDS A flan Slips Up On It every time that he lake his laoo dry work outside of the Salem Steam Laundry to tie done up. He flnds "that tired feeling" stealing over blm wbeo he mites the diflwreiice in the exquisite color and tautlftil finish, Raying nothing of the KmmI (Miidiiluii In which your linens are returned by the i . . . . Salem Steam Laundry. COI.. J. OLMSTED, Prop. DOKOU8 D. OLMSTED, Mgr Phon. 4ii 230 Liberty st They Say and by "They" we mean people who ought to know That O. A. Kramer & Co., aje Selling watches as cheap as any department store in Por tl and or Chicago, qual ity considered, and We Are Glad to show you these goods and convince you of this fact. A fine line to select from. o. a. Kramer & co. Jeweler and Optician. WANTKIL-Capable, reliable person In every omui ly u reiiriwTOt large oompany ot solid HuHiielm reputat ion; JH.lti salary per year, paysttle weokly; U per day absolutelT sun and all expense; straigut, bona-nds, dennlte Kuliiry, no oommtbalon; salary paid eaeb. .Saturday and expense money advanoed each weok. STANUAKO HOUSK, 884 Dearborn St,, Chicago, WANTKH TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND Wo men to travel arid advertise for old estab. lislied house ot solid Ituanotal standing. Bal ary $780 a year and expenses, all payable In cash. No canvassing required. Give refer, encus aud onelose self-addressed stamped en volope. Address Manager, Si5 Cazton Bids., Culuago, " ' WASTED. ARFMTQ Robber Fountain Pen. Bend 10 rlULII I O cents silver or stamps for sample HUNTtR&C0.612W Fifth St.CincinutiO Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladdar right West, Hide and Paoifio HomwUed,