r 1 1 ' '. 1 C3ECT FALL WfUG AT 6 t ntitimminftiiiiifiintimiHiimmii ZMaln St. ,. t. ttl --. v if tSv ii ' ' I 1 - I '. .1 Our jacket. Capes and Furs arc dircct from 5tahdafd ' PattefHS. jf New York City s Greatest Cloak House, all new () 1901 fall stvles. we are showincr over 500 different 0 J . I wraps, by far the South of Portland prices that city stores we have placed on selling them every you to come in and most comnletc line T and at much lower arc asking the prices .(J these trarments as U day now. We want 8 look the line over, i We KUOW yUU Will ilJJJJKA.iau. vui uiuiw iw uiaiw vi yj store and stock the best in the Central Willamette U) I We carry a large anclJ complete stock at all times jjof" new 1901 standard pat- terns they are the best jj made and sell for 10 to 20c. 4.1 r . . .... - uuaioguc on appucauon. jlj VV C UUUglll UUI Ul COO gUUUO III tl ' 1. 1 J. J I l ine great city ot unicago ana we are y tickled todeath over them. We have everything in all the new 1901 fall dress fabrics, both in Imported and Domestic weaves. Thee irn't room in this paper to name cve$ all the different patterns we havi in stock. We have all the latest things in Silks, Satins, Trimmings, Linings, (11 etc. that go to make up a nice dress. (J Come in and see how truthful we are! Valley. It (I (II Seam allowance on all Standard. Patterns. T3ao IDoGlerno lO etc. a cop3r.e: in our advertisements, and how cheap we sell goods. mmmmmmmt?! t DOUTY has the largest assortment of all the new things for fall. f (?) f ft Mil Vi THE WEST SIDE JO. A. 0. BRANT, Editor tad PutelWhcf. SDB-SCK1FTION RATE8. IN lOTAKCIj fwelv month. Tbrm month. - . l to . to THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 11)01. WASHlXCiTOX LETTKR. Washington, D. C. Aug. 20 Acting Secretary Hackottrect'ived a call today from the three gentle men who are consul for Admiral Schley. They carried a complete list of the witnesses Schley desires to appear before the court of in quiry, and requests to he furnished with a list of the witnesses of the nary department. Mr. Hackett in formed them that their request conld not be complied with at thin time because, owing to tko absence on leave of Judge Advocate Iemly, the list has not yet been completed but that in accordance with the practice of the department, the list would be sent to Admiral Schley, just as soon as it was made up. The shock caused by the discovery of the dishonesty of a public ofliuiul in Washington, is of itself high tes timony of the general honesty of those connected with the public service. There was general surprise when an investigation, conducted by the commissioner of patents, re suited in the dismissal of Edward V. Shepard, chief clerk of the pat ent office, for having stoled IS9.05 from a safe in that office. He had been chief clerk in that office for more than three years and received a salary of $2,500. He was regarded as a very efficient official. Evidently the U. S. commiS' ioners of St. Louis Exposition, are not figuring on any postponment of the time for holding the exposition. Ex-Senator Carter, of Montana, rep resenting the U. S. commission, and Ex-Governor Fracis, of Mo., prosi dent of the exposition company, came to Washington for the pur -pose of getting Secretary Hay to expedite the presidential invitations that are to be sent to every govern' ment in the world through the d& partment of state, to be represented by exliibits at the exposition. They found Secretary Hay anxious to aid in every possible way toward mak ing the expositeon . a success, and secured his assurance that the Presi . dential proclamation should go out at the earliest possible moment. Mr. J, C. Carroll, of Omaha, now in Washington, said of the short corn crop: "The farmer isnotgoing Buffer because there is going to be 600,000,000 bushels less corn this year than were harvested last year. In fact, he is going to profit by it, and the Newbraska and Iowa farmer are fully aware of this. The I short cropi bocauw theprine of corn is much higher than it was lust year. The current price of corn is twenty cents a bushel higher than it was this time last yeur, and with that rate for ail his corn this year the farmer will not only hot lose anything by having les corn, but will actually get 1280,000,000 more for the estimated crop of this year than he would have received for the estimated full crop at last year'i prices, the people who are going to pay the piper aro the consumers. Due result that n assured is nn in crease in the price of pork and of live stock in aeneral. This will also red own to the profit of the firmer so it would seetu reusoniile Unit our THE HOME JOLl (THE. An InsenloiK Treatment by which DriiiikiinU are Ilrlnic Cured Dully In .Spite of TlieiiMelrtMi. No NoxluiH IIi)mm. o Weukwilnir of the Xcrvcx. A I'lcuMiiit ami fiwliire Cure fur the l.iijuor lliililt. It Is now j?euurilly known and un dtTHlond ttittt DruuketiueMi m adlwaw ami not weaknewt. A ImhIv filled with polsou, and ncrvt cotupletely nlmttertHl by periodical or constant. u i.r lutuxl ratliiK liquors, requires an niitldnte (.'Hpulile of neutruli.ing and eradicating ttiis KiiBoii, mid destroying the craving fur Intoxicants. Kultrers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or 1oh8 of time from liunincwi by this wonderful "JIOM K UOLOCUHli which Iihh been parficted after many years of close study and treatment of InclirlHtfM. The faithful use according to directions of thin wonderful dlscov cry is prwif Ively euarttuteed to curs the most obliiint c-imh, p5 matter how hard a drinker. Our records xhuw the marvelous truimforriiation of tliuuxauds of Drunkurds into oUr- luilnsll'ious and upright men. WIVES CUIiK YOUR 1IUB BANDH!! CJIf LDKEN CUItE YOUR FATHERS!!' This remedy Is In no aeime a iiotrum tut is a siecllio fur this dlHease only, and in so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleiiHuiit to th tuHte, to thullteuu leiveri In a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking It. Thousands of Drunk' ards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, ami as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE" adminis tered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they dis continued drinking of tbelr own free will. DO NOT W A IT. Do not be de luded by apparent and misleading "Im' provement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" Is sold at the extreme ly low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach' of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled phy sicians when reqnested without extra charge. Bent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. EOOfl ED WIN B. GILES A COMPANY, Zi'M) and 2332 Market Btreet, Philadelphia, All correspondence strictly conflden- farmers are going to profit by the j laI- How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound m day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound i it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able . . i - 1. 1 , i. to oigesi ana aosoro nis ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health) if you have not got it you can get it by taking ftcoirs pnsision You will find it fust a useful In tummtr ti In winter, and If you irt thriving upon it don t nop became the weather is warm, toe and ti.oo, lldrunglita. COTT A DOWNS, Ch.ml.u. Ntw York. agriculturists might fairly regard the great drought a financial lies ing in disguise." The southern business man, in the course of a decidoly interesting conversation, aid to a Washing ton friend: "It'has long been said that -matting could be made in China, because the reed suitable for its manufacture was found only in that country. Recently, reed litis been found growing it the greatest. profusion in the waters of the Trent and JNouse rivers, in North Caro lina, which experts state is identi cal with that used in China for making matting. This rush is a very hard plant and a very rapid grower. 1 he stalks are from one- sixteenth to throe eights of an inch in diameter and grow to a height of three to seven feet. The annual importation of matting into the U. 8. from China, is estimated at 300, 000,000 yards, which is sufficient evidence of the value of a successful attempt to manufacture it from reeds found here. The manufac ture is said to he a simple and in expensive process and one in which highly skilled labor is not necess ary. It may be that the mailing making industry shall prove one of the greatest boons for the negro that has evor arison for any race from a combination of natural and manu facturing conBitions." There is now a possibility that sensational publications, both here and Europe may result in making the revolution or war, wbichover you may be pleased to call it, in Venezula and Columbia, an insig nificant affair in itself, a serious international matter, Already Franco has a war ship on the 'At lantic side of the isthmus of J'auatna and the KuroH)iui cablegrams say will send others, and Cnrnmny has also, according to the lU'i'Hn fits, ordered warships there. This gov ernment, which is under a, treaty obligation to maintain the neutral ity and free transit acrot-s the Is thmus of l'amimu, ha Uo sihall wsrships and a hiittl" ship on the way there, two via the Pacific and the other via the Pacific. The European warships seem to have I Mm ordered there under the im pression that the absurd story pub lished in Kurope, alleging an in tention on the pait of thU govern ment to teize and hold the isthmus was true. Willi warships of several nations in adjacent waters ami lighting on the isthmus, it would he an easy matter for some hot headed naval ollicer to make serious trouble which, might result in a bit? war. s CATARRH A WOllTllf Sl ( ( ESS0U. Semetliliiff New I'nder Hie Sun." All Doctors have ti led to cure CA- TARRH by the uko of powders, acid gnw's, inhalers and drug In pSHtefurm. I'helr powders dry up the iiiiiciiouh membrsntw cunning them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acid ilid III the inhalers huve entirely enccn sway the same membranes that their maker have alined to cure, while paste oint ments cannot reach the dlM-iino. An Id and experienced practitioner who him for iiiatiy years mude a clone study and specialty of the treat men t of CA- fARRH, has at last perfected a Treat ment which when faithfully used, not inly relieves at once, but permanently arcs CATARRH, by removing- the cause, stopping the discharges, and our- UK the liillitmittloii. It is the Only remedy known to science that aetiilly reuohes the ttllllcted parts. This won- lerful remedy Is known as "8NUF- KLKii the GUARANTIED CA- rAURU CURK" mid Is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each package coiiliiltdug Internal and ex ternal medicine HUlllcleut for a full month's treatment and everything; necessary to lis perfect, use. "8NUFKL1W" Is the only perfect JATA RRM CURK ever made and is now recognized m the only safe and positive wire for that annoying and Unjust I iitf dlseuse. It cures all hifla- inatlon quickly and permanently and also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FKVER or COLD In the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONsjUMPTION-"HNUK- KLE8" will save you If you use it1 at once. It is no ordinary remedy, nut a complete treatment which Is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH In any form ) stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don't delay nut sena lor it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of tills wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price, or "HNUFELEH" the "GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Bent prepaid to any nddross In the United Htates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E dOU ED WIN R. GILEH & COMPANY, 2380 and 2332 Market Btreet, Philadelphia. TlfB M IIK.AI NO 11 UK foil CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm V.uf ami tilMlt to m l"iitiii no in IvtrUHit droit, ItteS'itrMyrixntm!. t.' mmi I'M.. ffll D 'f H FA Q llU wnl I'tuKcu On MrmibmtMi. Bi-iumi ll StMMKi uf TMate mill Stll. Iaw Six, &U emit A Pri)'tir tv mnOi Trm! Sim, I0n.nt tiv nc, KI.V UKOl I1KIOSM WutwiSUfol. New York. mm 111 G.L Hawkins Indcpesdeace, Ore. 111 Monuments and Head toncs Cemetery etc. Work anil ml at I'lirllnnil. The ItuoinntH men of I'orllsud hsv subscribed SI A ,0110 to liunrnnlee the ex KciiM'f of ctirnivitl to be lield io (In expoiMtloi! bnililuiK friini Sept. H lo Oct ill. A notable exhibit of sll the industries of the 1'iicltli! Nurtliwest will Ih made in the bin esmllKpn biiildinu, slid nlhletic imirimineiit will im beld on Multnomah Field adlniuitiK. Two full militiirv Imud have lieen cntaued, and there will le ninny Hun leaiuru in the amusement linn. I he Carnival is in chaw of a count tee cotiiprixiim L'H reiirei'iilivw luiaiiii sS men, ol which (Sen, Owen Hammers is preiiiileiit, I. V. Kleiiwhiiiir vice president A. II. Melulincli treasurer, ami J, I), Mann secretary. With such men at thn head of the affair, the carnival Is mire lo be well worth visiting. KIDNEY DISEASES ere the most fatal of all dis eases. mi CY'O KIDNEY CURE III iULli O 6uarant88d Remedj or money refunded. Contains rcmcdica recopnlzed bv ernl nent physicians as the oest for Kidney and madder troubles. PRICE 50c sod $1.00. Tliroitff li I'lali anil (dloi ado. The ideal trip to the east during the heut of summer is vis the Rio Grande Western and Denver A Rio Grande Railroads, the far-fume;! "Hcenio Line of the World." The extremes of the temperature are never met, and pus lingers are sure of having a didightfiilly cool ride tli rough the Heart of the Rocky Mountains, and a view by day' light of scenery which is nowhere stir passed. , If desired, a stop enroute may be made at quaint and picturesque Salt Luko City, the "Oily of the Saints," Glen wood Hprings, LuAdville, C.olorado Springs, I'uehlo, Denver, or any In toniHidiste pi int. There are three daily trains leaving Salt Lake City for all points east, which have cIoho connections from the North west vis either O. It. & N. Co., or the Southern racitic to. tiichh trains are equipped with Through Sleepers (Stand ard and Tourist), Free Reclining Chair Cars, and a Perfect Dining Car Service. Personally Conducted Excursions, in charge of competent und courteous managers, are inn several times a week without change of oars to Denver, Oma ha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, New York, lloslon, and all east ern cities. Tickets are on sale at all railroad ticket olllces. For further Information and cheapest rates, apply to J. D. lUiMiriutiO, Gen Agent, Ui 3d at,, Portland, Ore. The HntEl Gail ZDallac, Oro. Has been refitted and renovated from cellar to garret, and every thing is new. Uood sample room for commercial men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hates, $1.00 to 2.00. Special rate by the week. S. C. SMITH, Proprietor. (US IS IN m m us m s is As is S5f C. ID. Caltoteatb' .DEALER IN . Staple d Fancy Ues.f Opera Mouse block, flain Street, Independence, k Mciio Is; IS I 1 I 0 ShoitIinc and union Pacific t)'wrt TIME SCHE0U1 tT Arrive for From luilepifiulfiioo frora Mo iin Kn.H Oily, Si. 4 30 p.m vlnnu I'-m-.CUte.goaud lllBIOII JIImIH.1.0 Salt Uk. bunvKf. ft 1 IHW om Worlh.Oinalia.Kaii. 810 am. liigu'ii t-hloano auo tjiU ai Paul Walla Walla, l.nwl. Kmt.Miul lot), Hixikniie, Mill- . - km a in ih'hmi1i, at. 1'aul, 7 n. via iMiliilli.Mllmiukiw, SikHn Chleauo anil Kiwl OCEAN AND RIVHR SCHODULB. . From rorltaml. Ull milling ilalim nub . M Jeet to I'lmiiKi) . P m KorVan Kra.uusuo- !" nulla every 6 days fjaiijT I Columbia Hlvur E .Sunday stoamern. 4P'm;. S P ni t . . . . , Kx.Suutl'jr Salunlay jl'o Anlorla ami Way- -lu P '"1 U'l!i"(''' i . 'Willamette anil . , Tu'eMl;,, -"; 'v"r,- anil Hat. lOrewjn i!lty .Day ton, ndWi. i and Wy-LuuitUu :4ria.m. i Willamette Klvnr. M P-m, all Hat"' Portland to OovVKllI, H$rffi aim Hat. Hud Way.Latulmg8 l.vRlprl j "'aMM'ltlvwr! VV 'f T,1" 5:!lfia. m. ton, dally iially .lllparlato bewlntou. . m. 4 Steamera to Portland rrota Independence Ruth leaven Corvallln for Portland Mondayi WvilneNilnya and frldaya at 0 a in, paHalun Independunoa at a in. Keturulna, leavei 1'nrtUuil TiiBBilaya, I'liurHilayii and Satur tlaya, pasHlng luilepeiiduuuuat 8i!l0 p tu Klmnre leave Indeppiidon for Portland Tni'H.luyn, ThurinliiVH and Huturdiiyu at H a in. KcliiruliiK li'iivnN Portland fori lufopendeiiee MiindayH, WedneHilaya and Friday at :48 a m, arrlvluK at Indupenduueeat O p in. SI St t'i'J uuuu guous tu lvvgiii i rices iviaiie iasy Belling. Our goods are first-class, our prices as low as the wL lowest quality of goods considered. yjy IS All kinds of country produce bought at the SV IS Highest ararket Price. SI s - islSiiirs of Taar Fatrsnaja himMi MiM.Z "DOCTOR UP" Changeable weather between two seasons encour ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it. Como to us to have your prescriptions filled, and for everything kept in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRK LAND DRUG CO. Al HERREN, Agent, Independence, Ore. BANNER 8A LVE Are you looking for a brush? Not with Germany but a hair brush, tooth brush, or a silver-polishing brush. I have, a good all-bristle hair brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up. A. S. LOCKE, Prescription Druggist INDEPENDENCE, OREQON WANTKD TRUTWORTIIV MI5N AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old eatab Ihht'rt house ot aulld financial atitndlmr. Hal- ary (780 a year and expenmH, all payable In mv cli. rt'iiufi'ert. refnr- th mot tiMlIng talv In th world. No eanvaNsinir enoiw and euelime Helf-addrwHed itiumipd eu velope. Addreaa Manager, U Oaxton Bldg., CJhlcaiu WANTEri. Capable, rellabla Demon In very county to reprenent larice mpany of noun iiiiituemi rcpmi.ion;9)kUHaiary per year, payable weekly; ss per day almolntely auro and all expenses; utralRht, bona-flde, deflnlle ealary, no oominlaalon; salary paid each Hnlnrday and expenao money advauced eacli week. STANOAKU UOUSB, 334 Dearborn St,, Culoago, v. i 1