The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 22, 1901, Image 5

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JiW A.O. IUtNT, V.dllor and l'uUlit.
fwvlv months..
$1 Ml
llirev i.inniliK....-.
Every time a Imuk luii'sUd, nomo
iiiuoi-ont bynttuulors uro nuro U got
It took -IS years for Japan to
build a monument to Porry; how
liuuiy will it take tho- riiiliim-
to built! ono to IVwoy?
ft ft
it U estimated Unit it lias ciwt
lUitun fl.000 for every lWr he
u killed, captured or aoriounly
ft ft ft
T he Alabama constitution strong
ly favorn tlio tiuly of genealogy.
Hereafter, an illiterate fan vote
down there only if he can trace
back to some duffer who fought in
the revolution or some other war.
ft ft ft
No United states senator has
ever been elected President while
holding the former olliee. Put then
Mark Hanna. has broken several
records already.
ft ft ft
Considering everything, the
weather bureau has treated the
country pretty white this summer
with the exceptions of that one
heated spell in the west.
ft ft ft
The mosquito cmnpaign seems
fairly on in a score of sections of
the country. How delightful it
would be if the little pests could be
exterminated altogether.
ft ft ft
China is about to build a lega
tion building in Washington that
will faroutshineany other residence
in the city. l?y the way, didn't
China do the poverty act when she
was asked to pay a reasonable in
demnity for the crimes of her
It would't be altogether surpris
ing if the wide distribution of the
Boer captives should lead to the
founding of colonies of that vigor
ous race in many different parts of
the world. It is certain that any
country would profit by their ad
hesion. o
It is said that Mr. Bryan is con
templating being a candidate again.
At least, it is reported that ho is
making inquiries as to terms, etc.,
from that French company hat in
sures candidates against defeat.
If Mr. Ilosevelt went west after
coyote?, what will ho go after when
it is necessary for him to go south?
ft ft
Wheat farmers will make large
profits this year, owing to the fail
ure of that crop in nearly every
other part of the world. But this
won't be much consolation for the
corn growers.
ft ft
Sir Thomas is to be commended
for his nerve in still insisting that
ho is going to lift that cup. It's
just as well for him to bo happy
before the race as he certainly will
be unhappy after it.
ft ft
We should advise Porto Rico as
A friend not to ask congress to im
pose a tariff on coffee imported in
to that island. The tariff system is
a mighty good thing for Porto Rico
to let alone; once the republicans
get to fooling with it, they may go
further than Porto Rico likes.
V ft
Internal Revenue Commissioner
Yerkes is saving the cancelled bank
checks with imprinted stamps in
order to give congress a chance to
permit their return to their owners
but so far he has not modified the
vexatious, expensive and utterly
useless regulations for the redemp
tion of the stamps.
Q V v-
Ex-Secretary Foster has queer
ideas about Cuba. He says that
the United States did wrong in
compelling that island to accept
the Piatt amendment before it was
set free; that we should have
waited until afterwards and then
trusted to Cuba's good sense to ac
cept it. No, thanks! Safe bind
sure find.
ft ft ft
Of course, Admiral Sampson will
be summoned before the court if he
is physically able to appear. The
almost universal credence given to
reports to the contrary ought to
show the navy department that the
public is exceedingly suspicious of
its good faith in the matter. Sec
retary Long had much better come
back and take charge of things
a woktiiy srm:ssu.
SiiHicllilttir New fuller
Hie Sun."
All Ilnetntu Imve liiid to euro ('A
TAliKIt ly lb" Use 'f powdern, Belli
Kaea, inlniU'K ami tlriigK In punt form.
Their iowiler dry up the iiimcuuuh
nii'lliliMth raimlhtf thrill toerxek "I"
mill hived. The powerful aelil lined In
the Inhaler Imvo entirely eaten wy
the mime tiiemkirMitcit that their maker
have alined to eiire, while (mate oint
ment cannot rvaoh tlio ilUenxM. An
old and experienced practitioner who
him fr ninny yearn made ft oW study
ami Heelalty of llin treatment of CA
TAlUill, Iihh at last perleeted a Treat
ment whloh when faithfully used, not
only relieves at onoe, but permanently
cures t'ATAKlvll. by removlntt the
cause, stopping thedlselmrmw.aml eur
liii! the lullumnllim. H U the only
remedy known to seleiiee tlutt aetully
renclnn the atllleted purls. Till won
derful remedy Is known its "HNUF
TAKUIl lUKK" and t sold at the ex
tremely low pi lee of One lollttr, each
paekitKii eonlitlnliiK Internal ud ex
teriutl medicine sultleleitt for a full
mouth' treatment nd eveiythliiK
tucissniy to lis perfect ue.
"SM"Kl''l,KH" Is the only perfect
t'ATAUHU IT KK ever made and Is
now reetnUed as the mil)' safe and
positive euro for llutt anuoyliiK and
distillation disease. It cure all intln
matlou quickly and permanently and
I iilso wonderfully quick to relieve
HAY FKV Kit or COLD lit the 11 KAD.
CATAKKll when ueKleetetl often to l t)N.sU.MrTlON-"HNUK-Kt.K.S"
will wive you II you two It at
one. It Is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treutiuelit which Is slllvely
giutranteed to cure C A TAKUIl In any
form o. sIbkh if used accordion to the
direct ion which aceomaiiy each park
am'. Don't delay hut wild for It al
mice, ami write lull piirtlculani as to
your condition, and you will receive
special advice from the discoverer of
this wonderful remedy regarding your
easo without Cot to you beyond the
regular price of "UN 1'KM.K.S" the
HiUAIiANTl'lvl) CATAHlill tTKK,"
Sent prepaid to hiiv iiddrcss ill the
United Mlatei) ol Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dept. Ktlnll KD
WIN It. (ill.KH A COMPANY, lii-'in
und :'.l;lL' Market Street, Philadelphia.
A Sunday school teacher in
Carthage, 111., bus a class of little
girls, and it is her custom to tell
them each Sunday of some litll in
cident that has happened in the
week and request the children to
quote a verse of Scripture to illus
trate the story. In this way she
hopes to impress the usefulness of
bihieal knowledge upon the little
ones. One Sunday she told her
class of a cruel boy who would
catch cats and cut their tails off.
"Now, can any little girl tell me of
an appropriate verse?" she asked.
There was a pause for a few mom
ents when one little girl arose and
in a solemn voice said: "Whatso
ever tlod has joined together, let no
man put asunder."
An Iiurenituis Treatment liy which
Drunkard lire Helwr Cured Dully
in Spite (if Themselves.
No Noxious Duses. No Weakening (if Hie
Nerves. A I'lciiMint uud Positive
Cure for the I,liinr llahlt.
It Is now penerally known and un
derstood that Drunkenness m a disease
and not weakness. A body filled with
poison, and nerves completely shattered
hy periodical or constant use i.f Intoxi
cating liquors, requires an antidote
capalile of neutralizing and eradicating
this poison, and destroying the craving
for intoxicants. Hull'erers may now
cure themselves at homo without puh-
licity or loss of time from business by
this wonderful "HOMKOOLDCUUK"
which has been perfected ufter many
years of close study and treatment of
inebriates. The faithful use according
to directions of this wonderful discov
ery is positively guaranteed to cure the
moat obstinate case, no matter how
hard a drinker. Our records show the
marvelous transformation of thousands
of Drunkards Into sober, Industrious
and upright men.
h'ATHKJWM This remedy Is in no
sense a nostrum hut is u specific for this
disease only, and is so skillfully devised
and prepared that It is thoroughly
soluble and pleasant to the taste, so
that it can be given In a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of the
person taking It. Thousands of Drunk
ards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the "CUKK" adminis
tered by loving friends and relatives
without their knowledge In coffee or
tea. aud believe today that they dis
continued drinking of their own (rue
will. DO NO 1' WAIT. Do not be de
luded by apparent and misleading "Im
nrovement." Drive out tlie disease at
once and for all time. The "HOME
GOLD CUKIi" Is sold at the extreme
ly low price of Ono Dollar, thus placing
within reach of everybody a treatment
more eflectual than others costing $25
to ,rj0. Full directions accompany each
package. Special advice by skilled phy
sicians when requested without extra
charge. Sent prepaid to any part of
the world on receipt of One Dollar.
Address Dent. EOOG EDWIN 15. GILES
& COMPANY, 213U aud 2332 Market
Street, Philadelphia.
All correspondence strictly oonflden
Washington, 1). C. Aug. VI
What will the U. S. Industrial
Commission say about trusts, in
it report to congress upon which
its member are now supposed to
Lit u .irtiiiit? I bit utiud utriliil mill its
, . . . , . I
complications have served to nrinu
1 I
this (luestitin to the front. The in
dustrial commission gavo exliaus-
live htarings on the. trusts, and
their relation to labor and business
and the report should bo of more
valve than such things usually are.
If it should be unanimous, it tin-
luestionably would lie. Hut if there
bo two reports signed respectively
by the majority and minority
members of the commission, they
would have no tnoru value nor
carry any more weight than the
usual partisan reports put out by
a congressional committee. Repre
sentative Livingston of Georgia, u
member of the commission, said in
course of an interveiw: "There is
one subject the industrial commis
sion proposes to handle without
gloves and that is the trust ques
tion, ami how it eflects both capi
tal and labor. The trust question
is the most important problem we
have to consider, and it will bo
disposed of first. In voiw of the
present conflict between capital
labor, the consideration of this im
portant subject will call together 0
full attendance of the members of
the commission. No uuo can' now
suggest what the recommendations
of the commission to congress will
be, but I trust and believe it will
be independent of Hlitieal bias and
free from partisanship. It is not a
political question, for both republi
cans and democrats are directly or
indirectly associated with the var
ious trusts. As things are going
now, It will ret ui re prompt methods
by the government and extremely
delicate handling of the subject to
prevent . a revolutionary contest be
tween capital and labor. This state
of affairs cannot go on much longer
without serious consequences.
Some meinliers of the Knights (if
Labor and of the American Anti
Trust League, in Washington, have
started a movement to aid the steel
strikers by legal proceedings against
the steel trust understate anti-trust
laws. They have engaged a lawyer
and are acting largely under the
advice of Ex-Attorney General
Monnett, of Ohio, who claims that
the members of the trust in that
..1 ; 1 1 . .1
state can no imprisoned miner 11101
uiir lo tict Aiioniey tumoral mjox
to proceed against the steel trust
under the Federal anti-trust law
The interior department has re
ceived a resolution adopted by tho
legislature of II waii, asking con
cress to impose a duty upon all
coffee imported from olhercountries
and in this way protect this in
dustry in Hawaii and other parts
of the U. 8." 1 ho resolution will,
of course, bo sent to congress in due
time, but it is doubtful, very doubt
ful, whether the industry of coffee
growing "in Hawaii and other parts
of the U. S." will be considered of
sullicicnt importance to justify put
ting a duty on coffee. It is possible
that coffo growing may bocomo a
great industry in Hawaii and other
island possessions of tho U. S., but
it is little more than an experiment
at this timo, and, in voiw of tho of
ficial reports against the uuo of
Hawaiian coffee in the army and
naw rations, because of its lack of
strength, it can hardly yet claim to
be a successful ono.
Consul General Bellows, at Yoko
homa, reports to the departmclnt of
state the discovery of rich deposits
of iron ore in southern Japan and
the organization of a company to
develop tho territory, which is also
believed to contain sulphur, copper
and lead.
Mr. L. D. Hastings, of San Fran
cisco who iB largely interested in ori
ental trade, especially grain and
food stuffs, who is now in Washing
ton, thus emphatically expressed
his opinion of the Treaty of Paris:
"Our commissioners- who framed
tho treaty of Paris, which marked
tho end of tho war with Spain,
made a grievous mistake in agree
ing to the 'open door' policy for the
Philippines. The Philippine is
lands are American territory and
will always remain such, and I can
see no iustification for tying our
hands with a treaty agreement that
we will retain no trade privileges
there that other nations cannot en
joy. It would be as sensible to
agree that the other states in the
union shall enjoy no advantages in
the markets of Now York Btate that
are denied to England and qther
foreign nations," Mr. Hastings ex
( t int run
Ely's CrtTam Balm
Mn. I'ltiiUfuft no In
Jurhm drutf . .
IUIW t"n.
n 0111 mi t
Hi. Null I'u
1 Hmiil'nx. llMtun tl
pru!Mtnr li mutt I Trul Si, IOcmim liy mull
UI.V lHtaniKWIirwilllil,Nw Juil
presses the opinion that tho treaty
is bound to make trouble in the
future and that it will eventually
havo to he abrogated, unless this
country adopts & free trade policy
which ho doesn't think likely.
Hy a decision of the comptroller
of tho treasury, I'JO.OOQ appropri
ated hv tho agricultural hill for the
current fiscal year for penological
investigation, is placed at tho dis
posal of tho secretary of agricul
ture to bo spent in encouraging the
export of American fruit either in
guaranteeing a minimum return to
tho shippers or in paying all or
part of the freight charges. While
not so-called, it will in reality lie
a government bounty on fruits ex
ported, to bo paid in tho discretion
of the secretary of agriculture.
Without questioning the justice
of tho public censure of Hear Ad
miral Robley D. livans, hy acting
Secretary of the navy, Ilackett, for
having written in las book disre-
seeUully of oertain ollicial actions
of Hon. W. 10. Chandler, when ho
was secretary of navy, many are
disposed to think that tho censure
would have been more seriously
regarded by the public at large had
it been precuded by some sort of
ollicial action, showing that the
navy department disapproved of
tho ditrcspt'ctful manner in which
Maclay, ono of its employes, wrote
of Rear Admiral Schley.
are the most fatal of all dis
eases. FOLEY'S
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c aoi J LOO.
.... , . 1
What with wheat and oats galore
nnd hma 111 evorv directum tho
. .
WM 8 V
crown in tho country for years
there is promise of lively business
all over the country this fall and
winter. If good prices prevail there
will be no question about thrifty
Nevertheless Kentucky will per
sist in sympathizing with Com
mander Sliroeder of thiam, or with
any other gentleman who has had
his experience. Kentucky has
never had a whiskey famine, but it
can imagine what it might bo.
-ti r
The grandfather clauso business
in tho south has been pretty gener
ally remitted to tho supreme court
for action; political considerations
are too strong at present to permit
congress to do anything in connec
tion with it.
Through Utah and Colorado.
The ideal trio to the east during the
Ileal of summer is vis the Rio Grande
WeBtern and Denver & Rio Grande
RuilroiidB, the far-famed "Bccnio Line
of the World." Tho extremes of the
temperature are never met, and pus
aiinijers are sure of having a delightfully
ooul ride through the llesrt of the
Rocky Mountains, and a view hy diiy
light of scenery which is nowhere sur
II desired, a stop enroute may be
made tit quaint and picturesque Salt
Luke City, the "City of the Siiints,"
(itenwood Springs, Leadville, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo, Denver, or any In
termediate p Int.
There are .three daily trams leaving
Suit Luke City for all points east, which
have close connections from the North
west viz either 0. R. & N. Co., or the
Southern Pacific Co. These trains are
equipped with Through Sleepers (Stand
ard and Tourist), Free Koclming unair
Cars, and a Perfect Dining Car Service.
Personally Conducted Excursions, in
charge of competent and courteous
managers, are run several times a week
without change ol carB to Denver, Oma
ha, Kansas City, St. Louie, Chicago,
Buffalo, New York, Boston, and all east
ern cities.
Tickets are on salo at all railroad
ticket o dices.
For lurther Information
and cheapest rates, apply to
J, D. Manhfihld,
Gen Agent, 124 3d st,, Portland, Ore
Foley's Kidney Care
manes ntaacys ana oiamvr
Polk County Bank
j.H.iMwm. v. i.. iwiinx.
rrr.l.lrnt. iM-i-miami.
IIIAt. rtlWtll.. Cn.lilKr.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J. H. Hawley, 1. L. Campbell, I. M.
Hinipson, J, II. V. Duller, Joint
It. HI limp, K. H. Powell,
J. A. Witlirow.
Transacts a Cencral Banking
and Exchange Business.
Tho Independence
Capital fltock,
a. HiwcHnrso, aaum nfixom,
fr.-1'Unt Vk-riM'6at
O. W. 1RVINK, CmMm.
It lllrwhlirm
I) W Koitra
II V tfmltli
M W SU'warl
A Mi,tl SnHn tni ichnt knalnw
lr.n..u4, Irmni tni'l, till, dltcountxl, ram
Bl.rrl.l Df'dlM rlil.rt, (Wo. Ill t0lnd
currtnl trruum iuli I la Inl.ra.l pU
G. L. Hawkins
Inifcpcatlcntc, Ore.
EMBlWi Utl
Monuments and
Mead stones
Cemetery Work
The Hotel Bail
ZDallac, Ore.
Has been relit ted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing is new. Hood sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Hates, $1.00 ta $'2.00.
.Special rati by tho week.
and Union Pacific
fro in
Kniiu liHlt'puiulrm
Mull l.nko, .imiver.
Kl. Worth, Oniahn,
KatiHiw City, St.
l..uilN,C)iUrittfo and
.10 p. m
VlH Hunt-
11:1)0 t in
Suit l.nlm, Denver. Kt
tMty, Ml, lontH,
I'htruipi am fciiNU
8 10 a m.
via limit.
Hi Paul
Fnl Mull
tl:00 n in
Wnlla Wnl In, l.r-ul.
tin, HixU line, Mill
ni'iipollM, !t. 1'aul,
1 Hi I ii I h , M 1 1 n n l(oo,
ChtcHtio ami Kiiat.
7 a. nt.
Krom l'lirtlnliil.
All millliiK iliitim nuli-
Ihi.I. In (.hillllfll
Ih'tirnuti H'runi.lN(H)-'
i p. m.
IfsiillH every 6 duya
Kni I v
Ex Siiiulit)'
Ooliimlila lllvnr
s p in
10 p m
7 a. m.
To Astoria aud Way-
Wlllilin.tli. ami
Vnmlilll Klvurit.
3JW p.m.
aud Krl.
ami HuU
-Oroiton City, Dayton,
and Wiiy-l.aiidlnjH
Wlllniin'tt" Hlvcr.
I and Way-LanilliiKa
4:30 p. ra.
Mull., Wed
and Frl,
TiiBM, Tluir
aim Hut,
Snake Klvor.
Ulparlato l.ewUton.
l.v. Lewis
ton, dully
U a. in.
D::i) a. m.
StoiiiiMira to rmtliiml from lii(liipiiiliie
Until Irnvi'H CnrvallU for Portland Mondays
udlK'HUHvn Him r nun,) n in. i.
liidcpeiideiice at a 111. KiMin uluK. leaves
Portland Tuesdays, 'I'hursdiiya and Satur
duvs. iikksInii ludeiiendcncoat ll:;it) n m
Klinore , leaves IndHpendeiiee for Portland
I iniWOHJ N, J IIIIIMIII.V.hiiu mi m i. ...j n ...
KetiiinliiK leaves Portland (or Independence
Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 11:40
n in, arriving at Indepeiidenouut 0 i m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, ure.
Nolico for Publication.
First pub. June 14. ' Last pub. Auk. 16.
Tl Mil Kit LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1S78.
United Status Land (Mice, Oregon City,
Oregon, June (1, 11KI1.
Notice, is hereby Klven Unit, in compllanco
win, iiw. nnivlMtnns of the act of Cnnimss of
Junes, 1S7S. entitled ' An at for the sale of
timber limits in me willies oi i luiiorinu, ui-t,-uon,
Nevada, and WusliliiRton Territory," as
extended to all the Public Lund States by act
. . . . .uuil ft!..., k. Wrl.rl.l. .f Rnn.U.
County of Polk, State of Oregon, has thiB
day niea in uns ouie-u ner BwiPiimuiwmom
No M'Jtl, for the purchase of Lot 8, of sue.
tton5, In township No. I) S, raiiKe No. 8 west.
. ...ill t t,. tl.llt. till, lul.11
Hoiitfht Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor atfrieuiiuriii iinniMi,imwi3nwv.
Ilsli her claim to said land before the Ueniitor
i i. nf thlu i.llli.u ill. flrmroti Plt.v.
I ?JTf;",i-'"udlr" u,e mh day of August,
She names as witnesses:
Thonins K, WiIkIiI.oI Korea, OreKnr; Frank
N hpauidi, of Ml.. Tabor. OreKon; John
Khnile.1, ol Kails city, Oregon; Albert James,
of Kails City, Oregon.
Any and a1 1 persons claiming adveraflly the
above-dosoribed lands are requested to 11 le
their claims in this oitlee on or beforo said
!2(ilh day of August, 11)01.
' Register,
xo iiNo & Mo
I C. iD. Caibfcatl
IHs and Fancy faries.
j ' lllIIW m W 1 www yy
h Opera House block, Hain Street, Independence.
to Ej I:: lf IK IM B WE HfllL"
flotxl gotitln at Jtiglit 1'riccH Mako Kany Selling, yjj
ft Our good arc lirrit-clasn, out prices an low s the yy
j lowest (juality of good cousideretl.
All k i tuls of country produce bought at tho
A lligl.e-t Market 1'rice. Jj?
A Share of Yjur PitrMiji i3j33lJiii SolicitsUi
H -
We are now ofTering special
prices on Steel Ranges, also
cast stoves and ranges. We
have a very heavy stock of
this class. of goods on hand
and can please you in styles
and prices. We invite you to
call and examine our stock.
ft, I, WADE & CO,,
EE A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
Are you looking;
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. 1 have a good ail-bristlo hair
brush for 2oc. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
A. S.
Manufacturers of High Grade Flour, Feed etc
Highest market prices paid for wheat.
Capacity 150bbls. Hour per day.
Grinding capacity for 225,000 bushels of wheat per year.
We have remodeled our mill to
tho latest improved sifter sys
tem. Try a sack of our best Hour
made by this new process. - - '
e You ioMig'East? E
Perhaps I can be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
t ., ,i,.ijiiimniiii.iiii mn.. in .1. . T I I
in i 4iMri;f iiaiwitM
H - H'Wr
Prescription Druggist
A. C. Simi-noN, General Agent, ,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
mill...., iw