THE WEST SIDE Telt dioite No. 141, H I. TIUUSIUY, Al'lil'ST 2, l't. Kiiti'titl at Hi p.tMi'!tW Hi titli'i'iiiliiii' Oiv-n tw jtHtita!V mttinvr. HMtitlTS OF rTMI A 10MK.ll I.OIH.K NO, 4.V MKkTS KiKl 1 W fHlui'xlKV eveimur. Mi'titevr will lako duo notiov hii.I ,oetii tlieut'.olM". aeetirUtuiiiv. VIMIttt KuiKlilAHrv ltiMtt',1 lo tutelnl u.'li eoiirtmietii, a. VMistiNi'. t J. V, lill'lUIU'SON.K.It S. Court 1 mli'iM'inti'iHii No. Sd. Korwd in of America, nutt every Saturday eveulKK at S VliK'K, W. It Alliu, tteuUst, Cooir Week. Omars, Hi? eh.mvst, at Uiihiiison's, l'it-Kel makes best stamp pictures. Si the eoltuii liliiukeis Ht tl Knki't 8lor. S U. M. Wade A Co's stove ad in thin issue. All I lie maciiKiues and the latest Hovels tan bo had at KelmiRttu's. A full lino of steins wagon at H. M. Wade A Co. CoUirivKel's for pii'lure novelties, buttons, etc. If y want ft hair cut, a good clean sliu.o, or a hath, hut or cold, call on K. T. Ilt-tikle, Mum street. Cltieugo is sulTering with house maids' union. Her real trouble, however, will not begin until the janitors organic. The Mes.1 liivtrr)itIoii fur Miliaria ("lulls mut l-Vvor l a Ik.tlititH umhyk It.-Tis-i.k rtiu.i. Tinii Ii Himply ami vjnhilitf In (HiiulvM ttitm. Nu runs tut p.v, 1'rle, ;Kr. Ni, lWl ; neither Cuba, nor, the riuli'liiM' is yet tit to govern it golf, this proud privilege being . re served" to New York, riiihuleliihia and so forth. For first class milk 'cans go to H. M. Wade A Co. Try Moore, the barlatr, north side lit "0"" street, o(niit Kiioa'a Krooery store, fur hair cut or shave. 8K'cial prire on cream separators at K. M. A Co. J.S. Moure, the barber on V street, now handles Newbro's Herpleide, tin' fatnnu dutidrutl'ture, endorsed by ull the leading barlK-rs of I'ortlaiul ami all cities in tin eaxt. (live it a trial ami save your Imir. An Ohio political! hits recently moved to Georgia. No doubt hi will eoon be appointed to a fat job and charged up to tho credit of his adopted date. , MALARIA (MUSKS ltIUOU.NKSS. drove 1'asK-less t'ltlll loiuo remove Hie CHltse. Dr. Nansen has made a fortune by lecturing on his actio explora tions. It will uot he long until Mr. Baldwin will he having some posters printed. A larye variety of garden cultivators at n. ,m. utiu iv ID. Wheu iu Salem and vou want a rtomI meal don't forget to ijo to StroiiR'n iivHtauraut, where everything tlie mar ket all'ords eau he liud, Oregon might repeal the scalp bounty law and subsidise lioosevelt to kill coyotes. ' HelttT for tlw ItliHMfr- tbiH -ftdT'.rtpuriIii fur FfV'-i- Llvmn in Ui M!!.'i..1AirK'i. Urvive'sTait'-leiit. Clilll Tonic. The unfortunate thing aliout all wars between labor and capital is tho inevitable result suffering of the innocent. MA LA It I A MARKS IMITRE l!L()(). llnivos TaHteleiw Lhlll Tmili' eurejt MalartA. Kk' It might be as well to take notice of the fact that Dayan has been be fore the people so long that it is hardly in accordance with the fit ness of thing3 to refer to him longer as the "boy orator." The best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever, is a hottle of ( imve's Taateleiw Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tanteleas form. No cure, no pay. Trice, 50e. General Grihski, the Governor General of lilagovestchensk, has killed himself. He was undoubt edly making an effort to tell some body who he was. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Jiromo Quinine Tablets All drui?giHts refund the money if it failatoeure. E.W. Grove's signature In on each box. 25c. Senator Vest is ready to drop the silver question, and it is only a matter of time when he will bewill ing to drop the nonsense about sur rendering the Philippines. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law Is piles. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's fStomanh and Liver Tablets when ntcessary and you will never have that severe pun- uhment inflicted upon you. Friee, 5!o cenTsV Vpr sale by Kltkland Drug Co. A New Jcrsy man the other, day bet his brother that he could slot) a switch engine. Believing that the engineer would hold the engine at his signal he faced it on the track. There's a funeral on hand in that particular New Jersey town with the man who bet he could stop the engine as the principal. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a 1 nhvsie. Chamberlain's (Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the hill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. West Hide and Pacific Homestead, one year, $2. E. PicKel, the photographer, is hiiv ing an addition built to his photo graph gallery. The patronage of Mr. PicKel's gallery has increased so rapidly of late that he lias found it impossible to do all the work in the limited amount of space afforded by his car. The' ad dition will be 12x32 feet. WASTED. nrMTC UoWiwI'rainlJIn''. Bend 10 AbtlN I O ra'Utsilvcr(rHtHiiiforsiumlj HUNTE.R & C0.612W Fifth St.Cincinnati 0 Thii Btgnature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine U remedy that cores cold in en 47 Mm. J. 8. Cooper vixited ill Villein yeiitelihiy, Mr. K. A, iKiuly returned yeeteidny lor a two week' outing at Long IWaeh. J, J, Henderson came up from Amity for nhoi t vUit th Hist of the week. F. Whitlow, of F.ngetie, KM III this city the lirst of the week on biuo'iie. 11. K, Miles, of Newbeig, wan in the city on bumc! the lirst of the week. J. A. MelVmuld, of Mem, made liueini'KM visit to thin city Monday. Mi. II, !,. Foster is visiting friend in Portland. Mis. It. 0. Allen visited in Salem Monday. Miss iliittie Jones, of Salem, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. K. M. Young, Mrt, Sorogiis left last Friday for.a visit with relative at Junction. K. K. Paddock ia in Seattle, Wash., on I'UMiieiM tlii eeek, Kev. and Mrs. N, 8hupp, of Portland visited in this city yesterday. J, F, droves, of Dallas, was seen on our stieets yesterday. L. P. Freitiig.ot Monmouth, came Hp on tho train front I'ortland Friday, Miss Fleie Howe, o Portland, who tins been visiting here for the past two weeks, returned to her home Saturday. Miss Gray, of Philomath, formerally teacher iu the public school of this city here on a visit last Saturday, Dick Madison came down from Leba non last Friday tor a few days'visit with relative here. f Kev. Jas Waggoner, of I'kiah Califor nia, wi'l preach at the Christian church next Sunday, Aug. 25, J, M. McCaleb, after a two week' ill ness, returned to his gallery last Satur day. Mr. Katerine Pastier, of I'ortland, relumed to her home Tuesday after a short visit w ith Irieud here. Miss M;iy Kenedy went down lo l'errydale Tuesday afternoon t for week's visit. Millie Scott, who has been vlsitinj relatives bete, left Tuesday for Cuditx, Wash. Jeft McDaniel, of North Yakama, Wasli,, wa in the city a couple of days the flat of the week. Mrs. tieo. Clagttclt returned to her home in Portland Wednesday alter a weeks' visit with relatives in llii city. Miss Nellie Haley, of Highland, was a passenger on the train for I'ortland yesterday. Miss Ami Mann made a short busi ness visit to Salem Monday returning iu the eveniiiB. , County Sujierintendaut C. L, Starr,' of Dallas, wa in,the oily on business yes terday . Eph Young, w ho has been very ill for several days, is able to be around once more. Kev. K. J. Thompson went np on the train to Corvallis last Friday (or to at tend the funeral of Mrs, E. W. Fisher. Mins Fannie Martin went to Corvallis last Friday for a nionth's visit with relative. Uos Nelson, Van lVrnsifend (teorge tiriives returned last Friday from New port where they had been camping for the lust ten days. John J. Wall, of Portland, was in the city a couple of days this week in the interest id the correspondence schools of Seranton, Fa. .Mis Myra Kiinberlin, of I.aFayette, arrived on the train this morning for a visit with relatives tin J friends in this city. Miss Ann Mann will leave shortly for L'lml.iska where she has secured a gov eminent iiosition as a teacher in the Indian school. Mrs. Uruuingin, who hos been visiting her mother, Mrs. II. L. Foster, darted for her home in Vancouver, Wash., Monday. Mrs. Mary Tuck returned Saturday from Minnie, where she has been en joying a vacation for the past three weeks. MissOra and Cora Smith, ol Mon mouth, started Tuesday for Hamilton, Missouri, for an extended visit with relatives. Claude Pengra, baggage master at the Southern Pacific depot here for the past year and a half, has been transferred to the depot at Corvallis. Clarence Ireland, Perl Hedges, Ernest Irvine arid George Jones started Tues day for the Alsea country whore they have homestead claims. They are ex pected back tonight. Miss Jennie Cunningham, who has been visiting relatives in this city fof the past two months, started on Tues day's train for her home in North Piatt, Newhraska. Raymond Hankie, of Corvallis, visit ited relatives in this city a couple of days the first of the week. He returned to his home Wednesday and expects to leave today for California to take a nine months' post graduate couise in the Berkley medical collego at San Iran cisco. J. C. Peterson, who came out here from Nebraska a short time ago has purchased the Pat Ituley place near Highland, Mr. Peterson started Satur day for Nebraska to get his fomily and household goods, and expects to return about the first of October. Fred Eupp, agod 22 years was drowned iu the Willamette river near Salem last Thursday afternoon. He had jumped astride of a log and stayed on until it ilea ted out into the current, when he jumped off and started for the shore. The water was up to his neck and the current so s,,rong that he could not keep his footing, nd being unable to swim, he called for help, but before anyone could reach him he Bank. The body' was not recovered until Monday. Would you like to get the very low est rate and the quickest time to that point In the east where you expect to an sometime In the future. Write to B. W. Foster Agent Burlington Boute Comer 3rd aud Htark Hlreels, Portland Or. and receive a letter by return mall giving just the information desired and a free book ducriblng our chair ear service. WANTED Giil, 11 to 14 years of age. Good steady home.. Address, Mrs. I. M Wilson, No. 80, 6th street, Portland, Oregon. K. V. Dalloli, our ellieient county treasurer, was a visitor here Satuiday. Miss Yanohe Dickinson returned Sat urday from a week' outing at Newport. Dr. W. C, IHow n made a short visit in Corvallis last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Fd, llerren, of Salem, visited relative in this city Sunday. Elsie Simpson, ol Monmouth, eaine upon the train from I'ortland Monday, ,1, F.. Kirkland came up (rom Salem Simday.ieluriilng Monday morning. Kev. I.. Jean wa a passeng-r on the train for Foil land Monday. Amie Ford re' tuned to hi homo in Dallas Monday alter a Inn I visit with friends in ltd city. Dave Collin came down fioiu Tacoma Satuidaj for a visit with relative here. He leturned to hi home Monday, Layton Smith went over to Newiiort Monday and returned Tuesday with hi wife and child. Mis Kate Joue. who has been at tending school In Salem for the pat two mouth, ivi m tied home Saturday, Claude l'engta went up to Corvallis Sunday, returning on the afternoon train, Olof Olssoii, wlp ha lieen acting a depot Hgenl timing Mr. Wilcox ' absence leil Sunday fot Carlton, 'J. S. Cooper and CUreuee Ireland were passenger on the train for Port land Sunday, J, S, Moore, the lonsmlel artist has set np new harta'r pole in front of hl shop. Mia, I,. Kitchen, of Centralis, Wash., arrived last Saturday fr a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Taylor. Ernest Stansherry has returned to his home in Portland alter a two week' visit with relatives here, Kalph Williams, ol Delia, passed through here last Saturday on hi way home from a vacation at Newport. tin Tuesday, J. II. Stump, of Mon mouth, shipped a tlnu large sheep to A. D. Snaicr at Salsnp, Waahltiton. Kalph Fish, of Monmouth, will leave shortly for Woudburn where he ha se cured a position as teacher in the public schools. Miss Mackey, after week's visit with her sister, Mrs. S. K. Owen, returned to her home at Fort Simeoe, Wash., last Saturday. The lainily of J. f. llolianuon returned last Thuisdny from Sodaville where they had Iktii camping for the last three week. A. K. Ha", of Moiganiown, Intl., had lo get up ten or twelve tluienln the night and bail severe inieKaene ami pains In the kidney. Wa cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, lt' guaranteed. A. R LiR-ke. liev, M. J.Coldren, of Samtbelta In dia, will address the people of Indepen deuce In the Hapllst church Sunday at 10::!0a. m. Mr. Coldren has been a missionary In India for 22 year aud no one can afford to miss ids address. Wm. Finn, of Lima, )., obtained ex celleut result from the use of Foley's Kidney Cute. "It relieved my back ache and severe pain over the hips. It toned my system and gave me new vim and energy" It is an hinet and rell ahle remedy, tt sure cure for all kidney dim-to-." A. 8. l.aKe, Word has been received here that Mrs, Hoy Martin, wife cd Uoy Martin, who conducted the livery stable now owned by At a Taylor, die I at her home iu La Fayette TucsiUy. Mr. Daniel llauU, Ollervillo, la., aavs: "Have bud ant lima and a Very bad eotigh for years, but could get no relief from the doctors anil nieuiciue i men, until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It gave Immediate relief, ami done me more gissi lliriil all the other remedies combined." A. R Locks. The Oiegon Naval Reserve will take their annual cruise this year on the cruiser I'lulidelphia. They will leave Asim-ia about (September 2 and lie gone one week. If you have u baby in your house you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual loosciitwH ol the bowels, or diarrhoea so common to email children. O. V. M. Holiday, ot IJeming, Did., who has an eleven months' old child says: "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running oil' of the bowel and sicklies of the atoiii- ach. His bowels would move from live lo eight times a day. I had a bollle of (Miaiiiherlulii'a Colic Cholera and liimrboea Bullied v In the house and gave him four drops in a touspoonfu of wuter and he got better at once." For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. Ate you going east? Write to U. W. Foster Ticket Agent The Burlington Boute Portland Or., for the lowest rates, quickest time and best service, choice of routes. High living, Intemperance, exposure and many other things bring ou Bright' disease. Foley's Kidney Cute will prevent Bright' disease and all other kidney or bladder disorders If taken in time. Be sure to take Foley's. A. H. Locke. The tint dancing party of the season was given at the opera houso Tuesday evening by a number of young ladies of this city. The affair was very success ful and was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. A. II. Davis, Mt.Hlerllng, la,, writes: "I was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years, but two one dollar bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure ell'eetcd a permanent cure." A. B. .Limine. Rural free delivery mail routes will be established at Eugene and Silverton the first of next month. There will bo one carrier for each route. The fruit dryer being erected by D. A, Hodgu in the northern part of town is Hearing completion. The plant ia equip ped with the Stykes hot air dryer and will have a capacity of five tons daily. Seven Days at Carnival. All the transoortation lines in the Northwest are arranging to give special ly low rates to and from the Portland Carnival, which runs from Sept. 1H to Oct ifl, and the excursion tickets will be good for 7 days. This is the longest limit ever given on such tickets, and will give people ample time to see all the sights connected with the exposition. With two full military hands, a mili tary tournament, a horse show, athletic sports, exhibits of mining, agriculture, horticulture and manufacturing, a full midway, fire works' and an array of amusement attractions, the carnival will he one of the greatest events of the season, and the admission fee is going to be only 20 cents, lOoents for children. Hoi. nickel wanted at my Jw acre trvllised yard l't tulle el d iNtllas. GKoitoK Km-tiirra. Their Net-ret Is Out. j All Kadlevllle, Ky , was rtirlou to learn theeauseof thevaet Improvement In the health of Mr. H. I Whit taker, Who had for H long time, endured un told aufl'eihiK from ehtonle bronchial trouble. "It's all due lo Dr, King' New DUeovery," write her huhand. "It completely eiued Iter ami also eu red our little grand highler of a severe at-, tack of Wlusqdiig Cough." It positive ly cures Cough, Colds, l.a'tnppe, Itroiieblll. all Throat and Lung trou ble. Guaranteed lailHc fH' and l t Trial bottle, free at Klikland's drug store. "The Oregon Stale Fair at (Salem, SeptcnilH.r 2:lrd to 2Hth, l'HIl, Inclusive, promises to tie the best this year that lias yet been held. New features lor a miiseinent and Instruction have been added, and particular attention will Its given to the Slock Exhibit, owing to the great and constantly increasing Interest In dairying throughout the state, For tin occasion, the Southern Pacillc Co. will make a rate of one tare for the round trlit, from all Its stations In Ore gon, to Salem and return, and it is Iu Iw hoped (hat everyone who can do to will show his appic Uaiion by taking advan tage ol this opportunity to past few day profitably aud pleasantly stour Stale Capital." To Heal a Hurt, De Banner Halve, the great healer. It' guaranteed for cut, wound, wire, plh and all skin disease. Use no ulwtllute. A. R IsK-ke, Card of Thanks. Wcileiiro to extend our sincere thanks to the many friend who assisted us dur ing the illness ami death of uur beloved wile and mother. J. Sersfford and family. Astounded the Editor. Editor H. A. Brown, of Beiitietta villa, H, C, wa onee Immensely sur prised. "Through long sullerltig from DytTua," he writes, "my wife was greatly run down. Hhe had no strength or vigor ami aullorvd great dll re from her stomach, but she tried Electrlo Hit ter which hettmd her at onee, and, after using fmir bottle, she is entirely well, eau eat anything. , It's a grand tonic, and It gentle laxative qualities are splcndcd for torpid liver." For ln- dlgeMloii, Loss of AplK-tite, Stomach ami Liver trouble It's a itosilive, guar- auatit.-d euro. Only fast at Kirklaud'p drug store. Married G HIMSLKY Lk M ASTli US. At the homo of the bride's parent- in Monmouth, on Tuesday, August 20, Mr. Virgil H. Griu-sley and Miss Bertha l.eMasters were unit ed in marriage by tho llov. Win. Short, of Salem, Tim brido i a highly esteemed young lady of Monmoutii where she j has resided for a number of years. She was foriiu-rlv tt critic teacher in tho training department of the Nor mal school. Tho groom is it young man of ability and is well and fav orably known in Monmouth, hav ing attended the Normal school for ii number of years. The lmppy couple left on the 1:!!0 motor Tuesday for San Francisco, where they will visit for short time la-fore going to their new home at LaMooro, (Jul., where the groom has a position as principal of the La Moore schools. To .save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mr. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, On., applied BuoMiu'a Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes It quick cure exceeded all her hopes, It works wonders In Korea, Bruises, Skill Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds aud Piles. 2.r)C Cure guaranteed by Kirkland' Drug Co. Hops. The outlook of the hop crop in Polk county for thie season is very encourag ing and a large output ia expected. The Imps are well advanced and growers contemplate starting (licking on the first Monday in September, though a few will be picking in the last week in Aug ust. The warm dry weather has kept the lice from appearing, and a conlinu ance of similar weather will guarantee the best crop iu both quality and quant ity marketed for years. Growers show reluctance to contract, as they feel con fident of realizing a better figure after the market opens. It Saved Ills llahy. "Baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea we were unable to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic Cholera Diarrhoea Bemedy," aays Mr. J. H. Douk, of Williams Ore. "I am happy to say it gave immedi ate relief and complete cure." For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. Nerlous Aeeident I. ChiKuett, yard nmnii)er of tho In depeudeuee tnills, was the victim of a mtrion accident hmt Friday, He win workiuu about the machinery, when it was started without his ktiowlodKO, and he became entangled in tho carrier. He suffered a compound fracture of the leg and many bruisuB. His advanced giro will render the tracture slow of mending. Would Have tost Him His Lire. Oscar Downian, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have la-en twiiiR Foley's Kid ney Cure ami take (Trent pleasure In stating it i(ave me permanent cure of kidney disease which certainly would bavo cost me my life." Take none but FoleyJ. A. 8. Locke. Mr. Carrie Nation has applied for a divorce, from Mrs. Carrie Nation on the ground . that oho made a public ridicule of him, neglectod her family duties and has aban doned her homo. It is a trite say ing that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, but it has also been wittily said thatthchand which makes a specialty of ruling the world rockB no cradles. Re form, even temperance reform, lies much nearer the cradle than it does the hatchet or the police court-Statesman, Mieiitr Afbr Forger. Last Friday Governor Goer lsud requisition a'r for It. It. More, who Is st Mayvllbt, N. Y., to return bhii to Allatnv, where In will he trim! mi the charge of raising an order. The young man, who Is only la years ol age, ws working ou a fnnn near Lebanon, aud In payment of hi service wa given an order for S. This he raised to S(I, cashed and (tailed lor hi home in New York. It i said the set ws committed heoiitise ho 'w a hoim-slck and adopted this mean to visit his parents- Slierifl Mcllargne asked tor (he appointment of a deputy to accompany him, but the lute does tmt aptsiint deputies. The name preaented lor this place was thai of Mullargue's son Fred, The state lieari all expenses ol the trip in ease the sheriff return with the right man, otherwise the expense of the mrucv must las Iktii by the olllcer. TTSilMltll.l, ITV MS isl i.t tnv, rsssJ l iiimy iiiakath tlntl ' I- On stMUtir IwrlMur ol 111 II MM ill S. .1,1 Mt'ltV A lu, UhIii Im-lneu In Ilia t oy or I'.iliilu, rcuiily sin! stall) Hliirinsll. ntet tltul sslil tlttu will v llm sum "I 'INK IH li hit Its luri'seli Hint eviry t'ti ut I nun ill tluti ,'Hiiiint tat cured liy Una iw ul llsM.'s Cat a sit it t'CKK. HUNK J, CMKNKY. Hwtirtt lit lii'font in suit NiiliM'tliuM lit my ptwui'ii, tills ittli liny oi pwi nil"'!', A . tt, isi, . . . . A.Vt.ul.liVSiiN, Ustl.J .Wiirj I'hI'Ih', llslt'st'alsrrh t'tin" I ("lout ltil riiiil ami set t!irteiiy tttt thti IiIihhI sii.l moriMii. Hiirfsoi' ul ills nj.l.,111. tti'tiil liir li".ilmiiiiK Inn. Hiilit liv hnmiftl. T.s-. F . ,1. it r.; r. i !'., ,fi.'i", Ilsll's r aititi) I'llu ro llm Wt, Itesoltilhiiis ef (tiiitliileiice. General Gibson W. H. C. No. 42, adopted the following resolutions last Saturday evening: Whereas t Our sister, Mrs. Amelia Scraffonl, passed from this life August Kith, UHII, after s brief Illness, there' lore be it Resolved : That the Woman's Relief Corps sustains a seveie los by her re- inovol, shs was an active iiieioUer faithful olllcer, and always found a; the post of duty, taking lively interest In ail linn.- pertaining lo the good of Un order. That wo shall uii Iter wise counsel, cheerful genial bearing and warm friendship. And Resolved: That we signify the high esteem in which she was held, and out sense of loss, by draping our charter with the emblem of sorrow. for thirty davs, while at the same time we dresi her olllolal ehair with evergreen ami Dowers in token of her imortaluy; aud having arisen to a higher hie of useful lies aud progression; ami of our lastiuk loving memory ol tier noble trails ul character. Resolved : That we extend lo the be reived famllv and relative our sincere sympathy ; aud desire to spcnli a wold ul consolation a well as of condolence, by reminding them that as love I un dying, her lave aud sympathy is their 's till. And although their hearts are ore aud bleeding, yet may the thought of the glad reunion on the other shore, lat to all her loved ones, the silver lin ing of the dark cloud id sorrow w hose shadows now envelope them, Also Resolved ! That these resolutions be published in the city piiis-i-; a copy ol which Shall lat si lit to the bereaved bus band aud children; also a copy sei.t 1 the lh'partnic lit Headquarter, and a copy be preserved iu the records of t lie Corp. (Mi. 11. M. sliller. Committee Mrs Mary I,. Froce. (Mr. A. K. Johnson. What a Tale II Tells. If that mlrmr of your shows a wrett bed, sallow complexion, a Jaun diced look, moth patches ami blotches ou the skin, it' liver trouble; but Dr, King' New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, give eleur skin, roay ehet-ks, rieli complexion. Only 2V at Kirkland drug ntore. Teacher Examination. Following ia a list of those who re ceived certificate at tho .teacher ex amination held iu Dallas hist week: aTATa'KIW. Miss Kosa Smith, Mlsa Mary Scott, Monmouth Mis Mabel Cooper, lude pondonce. COIINTV l-AI-KUS 1st grade Mr. Nancy Tillery, Halls ton; G. A. W. Russell, lluell. Second grade It. B. Fisher, Dee Simpson, Miss Glennie Runnels, Mon mouth; Miss Ella Oviatt, lluell; Miss Myrtle Davis, McCoy; Mrs. Sevens, Salem. Third grade Scott Leavitt, Miss Elbe flunking! talis City; Viisi Ann Mann, Independence. Primary Miss Nellie Museotl, Dallas. The papers of Miss Effie Chuk, BnliH ton, were sent lo Marion County for grading, aud those of Miss Nellie Smck man, Monmouth, were sent to Yamhill. For Vlioiiilnir Cuiilt. "Itoth my children were taken with whoopiiiK rouijhi" writes .mis o. n,. Dultoii, of Danville, 111. "A amull bot tle of Foley's Honey and lur cured the couijli and saved me it doctor hill. A, 8. Locke. Harvesting operations, which ere now well atlvaiiceil, develops the fact Unit the prediction of a larte wheut crop in the Willamette Valley were in no wise overdrawn, the yield averaging between 25 and 30 bushels to the acre. There w ill be busy times for the next few mouths getting the big crop of wheat and oats to market.. Dr. W. C. Brown started Sunday for Buffalo, New York, to visit the Pun American exposition. He will also spend a short time visiting otlter eiiHtern points before returning home. He ex pects to be gone (lvo or six weeks. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Calbreath, on Tuesday August 20th a girl. A Eugene woman 'tried to eoare her husband, who was a hard drinker, into reforming recently. Hhe secured a cos tume of sivtiin that had been worn at a mask ball, and the next time her spouse came home with hie shoes off, alio quick ly donned the satauic rolius. As he opened the door he stepped forward and Bakl in a sepnlcheal voice: "Come with me, lam the dovi I" The result rather startled her, for his answer was: "Zat i. , II I . Tl. U .1 601 Bliaae, oni ooy , i in your utouiei- injaw, I married your sister." He still drihis. Kncene luard. V1 JfOli SALE Ten head of choice Cots wolill buukB. Inquire of M;4 J)'. Ukounus,' Buona Vista. Tel. 914. tucttsios Bsaisu t- I I UII A I i Clolliinn t is m r - i i . . . - fnf ftttf yi'r Daw If OVh' I J fey m I! in (lit oi;i, tiHc 111 Mu lit. ii I V WltrfMllH HRtatri.UH.t, A luiff himI ""I'Htlh, Uilln-4 X rm h, y 'iff r ,. w V , T, K'ltltiJ l'V'nt,t Jf (.) (wrl.frt, (J H- wu G ttft MitHtif rlitt ft 1 I'l HI.IC lil'hIXKS.H. AMiMi-l of DlHiriiuit'U' I'lh il lu Polk ( iiuiily .te;.-ii,l HI lit 111, lilol. t.KKIlS Cnili d .Stales to Lewis l Rock wood, lent ec. 2 tp 7 s r S a- l'airnt. United HtitU-s to J J Ihtiiley, Hit. sec i tp V r H w I'litent. Sheriff Van Orsdel lo Ellen' Collins, lot i H ut ft bik I lieio Add Pallas-l-liHMX. Fiuli y Ivlgttr to Daniel Hoffman, a (.2 a, sec 7 and S tp " a r tt althh United Slates to ClaretiiD Alkiiuiti, plOa sec ft tp II s r 5 v Patent, Clarenes Aikioan to A N Smith, hill sc 6tiHr.Hw.tUiO, llciuy Siiopt r t use lo W li Cumpbell, lots 3 bik Li Corkey's 2nd add Dallas - trail. 0 W Stutloid lit W G Campla-ll, W'M'm Jno Nichol d I o tp S s r fi w liji'si). Sheriff Van Ot h i to W 0 lh l.tol, an undivided lot iu a trac of laud in T C Thorp d le-jlS.A Iliitisli Consul Vuiisittart at New Orleans, thinks that the rutted States has been very lux' in assist ing his government to suppress the liners. Most piople will fail to agree willi llm, believing lliut Uncle Sam has gone to the limit jn j favor of llm British. Nitsul Cittliri-ll quickly yields to (rest uiMit by l'!y' CrtMiu liitha, wliirh i neri e ably anmintifl. It is reeeived tltroiij;lt tho uohtiils, eleiitj and In lis Iho wliolo sur faen over which it diffuses Hxolf. Driiyi;Ws m il tho S'le. kiei 'i niil size by mud, 10 eeut. 'l .t it and you are mm tg couliuutJ tlaitititttmriit. AtHioiiiic'-im-i'l- To aecotiuiioiluto tlemo wlto nra purtiiJ to tin una id atoiitiasrs in applying liquids into lliti niiHtd -. for e,iUirrhil -,. WrJ, I let i-ropt i. tor pn-l-are ( rt-niti l.ahn in llipiitl form, which wiit kuoan as Ely's I.;,pii. Civ-mt Fi lm, l'rit-o iiKTieiii'i? tl lt-.,yiiit! itiho is 'i.ici-nts. Jnij-i:ii.tii or by it..iiL ii." leptiil form t-iiihislii-s tin? iciad pt pt-itin t,t the wd.d pn-paraiioo. They Say ami ly "Tlu'v" wo mt-itii j)toj!o who ought to know That O. A. K HAM Mil t' C,, lU'f Sfllit) wak'Iit-s as clifitp us any tli'partincnt slort in rnrtliitul or Chicago, qual ity cott.-lth-rvil, ami We Are Glad to show you tlii'so goods and conviiu't' you of this fact. A tint' line lo H-leot from. o. a. Kramer &co. Jeweler and Optician. (Jo to H. M. LINES lr Wall paper. Window Sh-.nk-s, l'ii-ture. Ki .tines, etc. FuniitntT of nil kinds n puiril. tUlit-i,1 witli tho Telephone company IXDKI'ENDliXCM. VVANTKI'.-t'itl'iiI'lt'. relinlile person In i-v.'ry iMioitv I" t ri'pivM'i.'l urc t'inii.itiiy t'l wllil ilimnchti mftilul eii; M udnry ier-er, imviilile wccliiy; S.l ikt tiny ii'isiilul.ily wnt'e mill it I M'!-IIM"; "1 "llUi'l-. Iliilltl-llile, ili-rtnlie Milury, tot fitttttiitHl.tit; Militry pni't en. h Hnliit'ltiv mill esiii'inc in.mi.y inlvnucct dl ivwk. Kl'.VMtAku IIOUSK, ;.-! lfttarlMiru si., UiW'iiuo, WiSTKK-TKll.-TWti.iTIIV MKN ANIIWll ineil lo trnvi-1 unit .'ulvciliNC lOr ul.l vuli li. ii-lii-il uniiHii ul soli.) lluitiiflal stioitllnt;. Kil mv ; .11 H yi itr uliil e -Itien, "U pitynl.te lu .ii'-li. N(. enltv-lea IVMltlfc,',. tlive ri !. I. etlitH mill rliduM- M'lHeltli'i'K-i'il oilllert ell velnii., -.Vtlilre MiuniH-l, ,) ii CuxUUI Ullia., I'llHHIl, r UPPIUCQTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The" Best In Current Literate 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR i 23 CT8. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSEL Lipliiiieott's Ahti! i.ine ami Hie WlisT Siiik, one year, WANTKD-TKUVl'WOUTIIY MKN ANHWo iniMi to 1,1'itvol mill silvor Imi lur oltl eslnli IIkIiimI Iiiiuso ol Millil llitilllHul NUtlltllllK Mill ury ;so a yottr iniil cxiwiisvh, all myubli' in I'twli, No t'tinvanBlna rniiifti.l. HIvh roft-r-fiira-K atut pnt'liisB si-U iulitiiiifctt stunipcut rn vi'lnpn. AttilrjttH Maiisnur, ft Uiixlun HKln Ohlciimi. WANTI-:i). Cnimliltt, ivIlitlilB poiMivn In Dvtii-y t'liutily to -ivivsoMl IttfKtt iinniiniiiy of Holltf ttnitni-liil riimi.iilioii;S!l,iOsii!invv (H t-ytur, tmyuiiltt wtM-aiy; per tiny itiisiiniun.v moh unit Hll tixpt'iist'n; utritliflit, linii'Wlliln, ti. tlnlle HHlui-v, no eiiiiimlssluii; Kiilary pulil fiti'li KiiiufJuy ami oxpi'itse ntimny intvtintioil eiu'li wiMik. STAN I) A It 11 IIOliSK, Ml Dotirltorn 8t (JhltiUKO. REGULATOR LIE PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the cownodious 8teuii.r REGULATOR Leavt's .I'ortland daily exeept Sun dnv at 7 u ru. 'i'bis tc the Oreat Weenie Houte, All tourista utlmit that, the Heoner.y ou tlie Mtdtllt! Columbia Is not excelled for beauty and grandeur in the United Htatwt. Knll information by address ing or calling on C. G. THAYER, Agt,, ' Portland, Or j H iLi'Vi tj - - f A Ahi a fi.iU Unit of lDj.7otogi'ap!)cfs c UpjDiies. . 1 Eastman's W. D. platinum paper clevelppes in hot water. We carry the following sizes: "1 V ,i A I Sl' and ' . BROWNIE KODAKS $1.00 . CHAMBERS, "DOCTOR UP"' ('luinwible vi'atl)(,r Ixiween two seasons encour ages your' chronic trouble and inllicta upon you iiuitih jM'tty fcicknoss. Ib-tU-r ward it off, 10 cents liiiht 'prevent it -when $10 wouldn't euro it. CmiH1 to u to have your prescriptions filled, and for every thin;,' kept in a well regulated drug store. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES KIRKLAND yrsion Lumbe Dallas, Oregon. ...MANUFACTURERS OF... LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Iry !5toe.k always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles. NO I K: -W have a nittt-eltw dry iiilu w hieli enables us to give you thor oughly dry lumber. if, - ir- f , t , l' , i , . . . - , ltd.."!' J..,- Jmii ptxi Lnko 1 -your hat off to Hie man wc ars cur because we know they are best madc-to-ordcr clolhc "'cculd possibly ect cost a more tlun a ready-made but out livt three made to fit and wear bctitlM are guaranteed these are the torments made by San Francisco'i leading tailor. OH on J. A. MILLS and Insist that you see the H1LP samples, then leave your measure. THE RAKET STOR Indopendcnce, Oregron J. W. KIRKLAND, NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate.... Insurance, Loans. Main Ht. - - Independence, Ore MOTOR USE TIM tO lAHLbi Ctrr!ttu! ti fltito. liHit')U'II(l!! onoo tor MimmnuUtp ' l.vifcvwf Ai'lie lor t M o n ui o vi t h n u 1 illHtt'pf U(ICIM!, ; 9:0(( u, in. j A: 00 p. iu. j lt?iivrn Halla for iMsII1III(1I) hiiU In (It'pClllli'IUH. a ml Alrlto. -i1- 7:im u. m. a;;ui p. in, oiu'e for Monmouth tint! DultttN. 11:00 u. ill. p. in. Ija.vPH Monmouth1 tur Aii'lie. 7:50 am. ;50 p. m. Loovch iMotimoutli for llliH, 1 n. m. 7 -10 1 OD j. m. 8;;i0 i I CUV OS MlHUHOUtll lor liiU()t'mkuioe. 0 -lo a. in, 1:.10 p. in. fi:4o ti m, 0:0(, i, in. Leaves Iiuloin'iirt e licit lor lUomtuiutli' 8;0."S p. in. THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos and Confectionery. Flrat Class Soda Fountain in con- 1 - .mans MAIN HTBEKT DRUG CO. r Company, A ITan Slips Up tin it evtry time that he takes his laun dry work outside of the Balem Steam Laundry to lie done up. He finds "that til' d feeling" stealing over him when he notea the different lu the exquisite oolor and i'toitil'ul tluisli, saying nothing of the K'ii'hI condition lu whleh your liueus are reiiirtjtd by the Saiem Steam Laundry. COL. J. OLMSTED, Prot 1 POKOUS D. OLMSTED, Mgr Phone 4ti 0;)0 Liberty it vsip uits the you trifle SOUTH and EAST --via-, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Shasta Route. Train loaves Indcponncnoe for Portland and way HtHtlons at 2;0T p. m. irfuvc lor Corvallis at 11:00 a. m. Lv I'ortland l.v Altiutiy..,' Ar Anlihintl " SatirHinonto " San FraiioiMflo... 8:30 a. m. , I2::l0p, m. . 12.5T) a. m. . 6:10 p.m. 7:45 p.m. , 4:55 a.m. . HIilui. , 7:iria. m. . 7:42 a. in. 7:80 p. m. ll:;p. m 12s a. m, 5:00 . m. 8:46 a. m. 7:00 a. m 9:15a, m 7:25 a. m W.m 8:05 a. m 6:00 p. m 6:;i0 a. m 11:30 a, m 7:00 a. m 6:30 p, m 6:42 a, m 12:10 p. m Otrilon Ilunvor Katisiia City Chiraiso ,A.. I.os A use lea Kl I'asu Fort Worth t'lty of Mexico... Houston New Orleans ViiHhlni.tou Now York . 2:00 p. m. , 6:00 p.m. , 6:80 a.m. .. 11:110 a. iu. ,. 7:00 a. m. , 6:30 p.m. , 6:12 a.m. . . 12:10 p. m. PtiltniHii and Tourist, cars ou both trains (11 alrcai'sHaoi'AineutntnOKileuand El Faso ana curs lo oiiieugo, Bl. LiOUis, new Orleiins iiutt WHsbitiKton. Connecting at San Franctsoo with sovera steiiuisliip lines for Honolulu, Japan, Clilna l'Uiiiiiiiius, Ceiitml aud South America. SmiJIh.U. A. Wacox at Independence sta tion, or address 1 C. H.MARKHAM, General PassoniKer Agent fortland, Or, Dan P. Stouffer. z Insurance...,., and Collection, Titles . Examined. , CHARGES REASONABLE. Main Street Dallas, Oregon Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe,sure, NoopUltta, '4