The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 15, 1901, Image 5

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JOS, A. MUST, Kdlliir an.t ruMlaltrr,
rw.'IVO llttltttlia. ......
Thiv' l.limltla. ........
... w
jrillMWOAY. At UUfT l I !HU.
Cub:, will got along nlright tta
long as sho kcti within lmit of
tho pilot k!it with Undo Sam on
boa ril.
Porto Hieo' prosperity will l
utrong itultioiMiit'iit for Cuba to iA
permission tohiteh ita wagon to
forty fivo-starx.
If the Cubans don't go slow in
their imitation of American polit
ical methodi, thoy will ho doelarinl
unlit to govern thi'msdvo.
tf.iu- hlikiiv lu.-ml.t rmillyrt tliul
the envoy have been lighting over
the H'aco terms for a longer time
than the Boxers fought in the field,
ft r ft
If tho Navy IVp.irtnimil ay its
lustonans Midi imrgAtii counter
juices ns $2.1'.) a day, bow can it
expect that plagiarism! will not be
rung in on it.
Tho Census reports that there is
only one donkey in Washington
city. Let's see, was Congress in
session when tho enumerators were
going around? Surely not.
ft ft ft
It is announced that the British
are going to bo more stem in deal
ing with tho Honrs. This probably
" means that they will try to win a
few battles.
ft ft ft
It's a pity that Mr. Dawes is
going to step out. Ho was making
bank wrecking most unpleasant
and even dangerous for those w ho
engaged in it.
Help tho efforts to reform the
Younger brothers by purchasing a
nice tomb stone from them. They
will furnish this corpse also if nee
ft ft
An Indiana man has been fined
fl for calling another a "Mark
Hanna." What would he hav
been fined if he had called him
"W. J. ltryan?"
ft ft ft
The christening of tho new bat
tie-ship Maine with the usual bot
tle of champagne will no doubt
WTTTuTy shock the 1'rohibitionists
of the state of Jeal Dow and loin
ft ft ft
There was a buttle of Santiago
on the ocean, one on the land, and
now comes one on paper. The
naval ollieer who talks too much is
responsible for tho last and least
ft ft
Dr. Hodgson, of tho Marino llos
pital Service, savs that bo has
found a tincture, made from tho
cedrori bean, as great a specific in
yellow fever as quinine is in ma
laria. The next time you have
yellow fever, try it.
ft ft ft
Talk about chivalry! Why even
the British yeomanry are kicking
because they are receiving hand
some medals for South African ser
vice instead of several months' ar
roars of pay.
A Philadelphia paper has started
an agitation for the abolition of
prize money. Congress abolished
this only about two years ago and
of course, the news has not yet
reached Philadelphia.
Governor Longino of Mississippi,
doubtless hopes that tho people
there will stop their lynchings long
enough to give him a chance to
catch up on state business he has
had to neglect in his efforts to at
tend all of them.
ft ft ft
Governor Pcnnoyer promises to
bo present at Salem without sub
jecting the state to the expense of
serving the papers. He could be
more public-spirited only by pay
ing his share of Davis' bond,
ft ft ft
An Oklahoma marshal fired sev
eral shots at his female successor
merely to test her nerve and she
fired back, piercing his hat with
one of her bullets. Then they
sho.vk hands. This, we suppose,
is the natural exuberance of a new
. ft ft ft
David Nation has bright suit
for a divorce from his wife, Mrs.
Carrie Nation, the temperance cru
sader. Mr. Nation, who i'b visiting
in Iberia, Ohio, alleges that his
wife held him up to public ridicule,
neglected her family duties and
abandoned her home.
"Komclliliiir New I'ciler
llm Sua."
All DiM'tom ImvK In euro (.'
T.MIKH by thi iimo of powders, not
..., uili.U-m nml diiara In I'tiMte form,
heir imwiler dry up llm iiiiicuouh
niemluum enushiK them toerttek nw
ami liI'Vil, The powerful aelils tiwtl I
(he inlitW")il?rtVi entirely eitten away
Hit' uti .a uiemlirnneN Hint their maker
!':'. Hlnieit to cure, whllo rutnto ulnt
nti'iitM cannot reach the disease, A
old and ixH'rieiictit practitioner wli
diet fur many year undo a elme study
and ieelUy of Iho treatment of VA
TAKIUi, tin at last perfected ft Treat
ment which when faithfully used, nut
only relleven nt once, but perinnuelltly
cure CATAUUH, by reiiiovluu the
eioiie, slopping the discharge, It nil our-
loir llm lntl.uiii.tUm, It is the only
remedy known o wit-urn Unit netlllly
reaelie llm allUelvtl purls. Thin won
deifiil remedy I known "HNUl
T.UiKll ll'KI'," ami 1 sold at Iheex
tiemely low ptieeof Due lHillttr, each
pMi'ktiKU iH.iUiiliilnn Itileriuil and ex
teruul iiuillelne Niiltlelent for full
mouth' treatment and vveiytulng
necessary to lis peiftn't use,
"SN'rKFt.KS" Is tint only perfed
CATAHHH ('('UK ever inude and Is
now rttvghlM'd it ti only nfu nih
puslilve euro for that nmiuylng am
liKiiHtluir illwtum. It ('nil's all lulli.
Hint Inn ipdekly and permanently and
Is also wonderfully iiillek to relieve
t'A.WUKH when lieleeteil often
leads to roXaUMI'TtON-'Wi UK
t'l.KS" will save you II you use It at
once. It Is no ordinary remetiy, mil
complete treatment w hich Is positively
guaranteed to tnircCATAKKll In any
fivrm ( stite if lisrtl nive-illng to the
llreotioii wliieliaeeompanyeaeh paek
ae. J ion I delay mil send for it i
once, and write full particular a to
your condition, and you will receive
sH'hd advlee from the discoverer of
this wonderful remedy it'ipirtllng your
c;is without cost to you beyond the
regular prite of "SXl'KKl.KH" the
K'lit prepaid to any mldress in the
Culled Slates oi Cunadu on niH'Ipt of
One Dollar, Add res Dent K (UX5 Kl.
WIN It. tilLKH A COM PAX V, ffld
ami ;:i:i-' Market Street, l'hlliiilflplila.
Why will Secretary I;ong per
sist in butting his licad against
the stubborn walls of fact. He sc
lecleit cnunpson lor ciuei on me
recoinmeiRialion ot oiticers wno
ought to have known letter, but
that is no reason why ho should
feel compelled to justify their
choice. The country honors Long,
but it won't stand for any partisan
ship in tho present inquiry,
ft ft ft
liermany at lean happy over
mmm Tk1 l t...t
if Meej su iae, nor uiunuiacmrerB
hoping to capture tho markets un
til now held by American ni'lls.
If tho strike is protracted she will
probably succeed. Remember the
effect of tho dock 'striko in ling
land. 'West Hide and Pacific Homestead,
one yeiir, $2.
Till': IIOMi: WILD ( I UK.
In liici'iiloiis Treatment liy wlileli
llriinkiinlx are llclnw Curetl Dully
In Spile of TlieniMelves.
No Xoxlmis Doses, .No Weiikenliiir of Hie
Nerves. A I'loasiuil ami Poslthe
Cure for the Lliiior llnhlt.
It Ih now generally known and un
lerslonil that DriiukHiiuess is a disease
and not weakness. A body tilled with
poison, and nerves completely shattered
hy periodical or constant use of Intoxl
eutiiiK liquors, requires an antidote
mpulile of neutialixliiK and orudicaliiiK
this poison, and destroying the craving
fur intoxicants. Sull'erets may now
ure themselves at home without pub
licity or luss of lime from business hy
tills wonderful "JiOMKOOLDCUHIi"
which lias been perfected after many
years of close study and treatment of
inebriates. The faithful use according
to directions of this wonderful discov
ery is positively guaranteed to euro the
most obstinate case, no matter how
hard a drinker. Our records show the
marvelous transformation of thousands
of Drunkards Into sober,' industrious
and upright men.
FATHKKH!! ThiH remedy is in no
sense a nostrum but Is a specific for this
disease only, and Is so skillfully devised
and prepared that it Is thoroughly
soluble and pleasant to the taste, so
tliut it can be given In a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of the
lerson taking it. Thousands of Drunk-
aids have cured themselves with this
riceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the "CUKE" adminis
tered by loving friends and relatives
without their knowledge In coffee or
tea, and believe today that they dis
continued drinking of their own free
will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be de-
uded by apparent ami misleading "Im
provement." Drive out the disease at
once and for all time. The "HOMK
GOLD CUKIi" is sold at the extreme
ly low price of One Dollar, thus placing
within reach of everybody a treatment
more eflectual than others costing $25
to JIM. Full directions accompany each
package. Hpecial advice by skilled phy
sicians when requested without extra
charge. Kent prepuid to any part of
tho world on receipt of One Dollur.
Address Dept. F.fiOG KD WIN B. OILK8
& COMPANY, 2:13(1 and 23il2 Market
Street, Philadelphia.
All correspondence strictly confidential.
Washington, D. C. Aug. 5
Tho Navy Department eon timid
to bo the center of public interest.
owing to the prepare tions going on
there for tho Schley Court of In
quiry, although as a matter of fact,
thoto preparations are largely rou
tino and are by no moans exciting
or sensational. One of Admira
Schley's counsel, Cnpt. Parker, is
diligently searching tho official rec
ords for facts bearing on tho mat
tors that will be brought before tho
Court. Ho objected to having
everything he did overlooked by
a Naval officer, but was shown the
Naval regulation that forbids any
person outside tho service having
access to tho official records except
in tho presence of an officer
Capt. Lemly, Judge Advocate
General of the Navy, who is Judge
dvocate of tho Schley Court, has
just gone away for t four weeks va
cation, but during his absence his
assistants wilt get everything in
shape for tho bearing before the
Court and there will be no delay
on that account.
Not a few lovers of molasses will
la) interested in tho remarks of Mr.
limilo Janin, of Now Orleans, now
stopping st a Washington liotol,
who said: "There is now practic
ally nono of the old fuehioned New
Orleans inolassoB of which we were
all so fond in our boyhood days
Its disapH!araucu is due to tho gen
eral use of tho centrifugal process
in manufacturing sugar. The mo
lasses and syrup of today are most
ly glucose, and strange as it may
seem, Xew Orleans is one of the
largest consumers of glucose in the
world. Glucose is made from corn.
It is sweet, though not nearly so
sweet us the juice of tho sugar cane,
and incidentally is the most indi
gestible thing in tho world. The
dealers of New Orleans are resjHin
siblo for the immense consumption
of glucose there. An investigation
of the sugar exchange developed
this. It was discovered that they
added three barrels of glucose to
ach barrel of molasses and sold
the mixture as New Orleans mo
While discussing the relative
strength of the labor organizations
of Great Britain and tho U. S.J
Mr. Win
I all It Smn torn
hmilil b cImuiIImMi
Ely's Cream BIm
(luiM,natbMn4 hMl
lb SIMM'S Bwubrut.
II aura tMltrrh S Srlvi
wr old si U Inta
Crmtm Itoliu li pluwl Inta U sottrlli, iprwli
tw tlx uraibnM ni It tMorbtd. Hal 11 It lis
OMllat tod t ear follow, It I aol drjlnu-d.x
al proline HMMint. lrf SI, M euU it Drug.
UU or b null Trill Sua, 1 mil b; mall.
KtV UUOTUKKS. M Warn (treat, K Tot.
"When it li remembered that
thousand periodicals become ox
tinct in this country every year,
and that nearly 22,000 were issued
in tho year 1 IKK), you will under
stand something of tho task whic
I have just finished. The first
newspaper was printed in Americi
in 1701, and I bavo gone over the
Add for the whole two centuries
since that day."
According to t report from the
U. 8. Consul at Vancouver, B. C
labor strikes have paralyzed busi
ness in that section. Ho says the
trackmen of the Canadian Puciflc
Railway are on a strike and the
employee of the Northport smelter
at Uossland, which has been ship
ping ten uiousaml tons oi ore
weekly, many of whom are Ameri
can citizons, are also on a strike
The latter he thinks is a very sor
lous affair.
T-a ! n
re the most fatal of all dis
lULLl 0 Syirtitud Hixid;
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recocnteed bv emi
nent physicians as the bat lot
Kidney and madder troubles.
PRICE 50c. aod $1.00,
When The CtvsiniiiHilllail, 111 lis
April uuutticr, piihllshed an enwiy, nt
once clevicr ami plrilonoplilc, on "The
hlettl Wife," ft k'iiwiHl was frosted
for a iNMNr ou "The Meal IIuslmnoT
by the same utlKrIvlula Hart.
The Auirust Cosmopulltan collision an
maty u this silhjoet-on which few
leoplo ntrrewwlilcli Is certain not
only to prove widely Intervening, but
to cause llwly dlsciisKltm. In the
line aiumlHT Sirs. Vuu lUuiswlaer
rt-ni'nt. i.luUMU.ii.iiiliiiO tJW-h.--e,wL--Y"i4l1 liir tf'finntv U'rrMntu.
CI IV lil ii i ' w"1 i - i
n. ,n T n-TTm-i.TCIU, f . ,fe . ,S.,.m.h wfw -.1,1. ..11
iiglaud steel manufacturer, who
has reached Washington in the
course of a leisurely business tour
of this country, said: "You have
some knowledge of the strength of
alsir unions, but I doubt if opera
tives i.i tho different trades are ns
united or as powerful in this coun
try as in Great lirilain. It is no
unusual thing for a body of labor
ers representing all the men of a
lass in Great llritain, to have $2,-
(XXl.OOOor Ili.OOO.OOO in thoir re
serve fund. Your people, except
the common unskilled laborers,
get higher wngos than ours, hut
they have to pay more to live iu
every way."
Tho project of pensioning civil
employes of tho government, with
out expense to the government, 1b
again being actively agitated in
Washington. The U. 8. Civil Ser
vice retirement association, organ
ized a year or two ago to push this
project bus been reorganized and
will prepare a bill, which "congress
will ho asked to pass. This bill
will be based upon information
given in response to an act of the
last congresB, calling upon the
heads of departments for a list of
employes giving ages and length of
service and will provide for the
creation of a pension fund by the
retention of a small percentage of
all civil salaries, probably about
three percent. It will provide that
retired civil employes shall be paid
ono-half the salaries thoy recoived
when retired. Tho only expense to
the government, under this plan,
would bo for the clerical help need
ed for the collection and disburse
ment of the pension fund. It is
claimed that the U, B. is the only
one of tho great civilized nations
that does not provido in some way
for the ponsion of agod civil service
employes. Prance has a systom
something like the one proposed.
The rest of the nations pay the pen
sions from public funds.
"A Brief History of American
Journalism" is the' title of a book
which will shortly be published in
tho Library of CongreBS. It will
cover something like 2,000 pages,
and will include the namo, founder
and such information as may be of
interest, of every publication ever
printed in this country up to the
close of 1900. The compiler of the
book, Ralph M. McKenzie, of the
Library Staff( said of hia work;
It tragic commonplace uarrowuesa.
"The woman of siiisll .capacity puts
up with, ami, perhaps, dts much
(own I'll maintaining present coiiitl
tltuis," says the author, "but there lire
woineu of Imilna who die nt an early
litre of no disease known to doetors,
l.nt simply from utter weariness."
O. I Chapel, of Port la ml, represent
ing the compii'uy formed to develop
the oil Acids In tho nelglihorlrood of
Crowley, lu this county, lns been In-
tervolwlug Italia merchants and busl
ness men nml selling stock this week.
Mr. ChiiiH1! Is an experienced ell man,
and speak glowingly of the future
prospects of the Uio company. lie says
that there never were any Rieltor Indi
cations of rich oil deposits thai those
on the 'Holmes property IcflsctHiy the
company. Halem business men are
greatly Interested, mid have llls'inlly
Isiiight stock. IVlk county has In
deed 'Itrlght prospects for the future If
this new Held is develojKsl, and Dal
las Is 1nund to derive great foeiiellt
from the swine. The- oil company
should 1h aided by all of Polk' citi
zens who are llnnnclitlly aide to do so,
and In doing this they not only stand
a chance of enriching themselves, but
also of helping to bulk! up oun county
and town. Observer.
Through Utah and Colorado.
The idoal trip to the east during the
heat of summer Is vis the Rio Grande
Western and Denver & Rio Grande
Railroads, the far-famed "Scenio Line
of the World." The extremes of the
temperature are never met, and pas
congers are sure of having a delightfully
oool ride through the Heart of the
Rocky Mountains, and a view by day
light of scenery which is nowhere sur
passed. If desired, a stop enronte may be
made at quaint and picturesque Salt
Lake City, the "City of the Salute,"
Glenwood Hprlngs, Leadvlllo, Colorado
Hprings, Pueblo, Denver, or any ln
termediate pi int.
There are three daily trains leaving
Suit Lake City for all points east, which
have close connections from the North
west viz either 0. R. & N. Co., or the
.Southern Pacific Co. These trains are
equipped with Through Sleepers (Stand
ard and TouriBt), Free Reclining Chair
Cara, and a Perfect Dining Car Service.
Personally Conducted Excursions, In
charge of competent and courteous
managers, are run several times a week
without change of cars to Denver, Oma
ha, Kansas City, St. Lc;ds, Chicago,
Buffalo, New York, Boston, and all east
ern cities.
Tickets are on sale at all railroad
ticket offices. For further information
and cheapest rates, apply to
J. D, Mansfikld,
Gen Agent, 124 3d St., Portland, Ore.
Foley's Kidney Cure
malm kMaejn catf bladder right.
Polk County Bank
J II. I'ASMT. p. l..( am mi u..
I'rwlilrnl, tlr.-I'mMrat,
IU4 I . I'OHU.l. f'atklrr.
Paid Capital , .$30,000.00
J. If. lUwiey. !. I, CnmnMI, I.
HiinpHiiii, J. It. V. Ilnl (it, Jtdin
Jl. Htinnp, K. H. I'dnell,
J. A. Withrow,
Transacts a General Banking
and Exchange Business
The Independence
Capital Stock, 150,000.00
rrantitrnl. Vltt-rieeliteal
O. W. iavlN, Caaalar.
II lllncliliiTtf I) W Hi-ar 11 K Hmltli
A M.IIUII M W Sll'Wiut
fanaral Sanilnf and aiphanaa knilun
Iranuniail; Imm nialr, lillla Mlatmuntwl, com
atil orrdli gtaiiirtt; oVimhIIi reoalirwl oc
eurrem arrvuni uLJct t cUaca. luieraat paij
G. L. Hawkins
Isdcptiidcnce, Ore.
.anil '
Monuments and
Mead stones
Cemetery Work
ThB Hntel Gail
IDallac, Oxo.
llas been refitted and renovated
from cellar to carrot, and every
thing is new. Good sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Hates, $1.00 to $2.00. rates hy the week.
IIhII... ltr.H....t l.tlu 11 1UI
Ifi uniiitlil nuiiiy warranla ur rulk Omiity
orewm. wlilch wirtt itrtnu'iitt'il ami niliirNitt
"Nul pmu lur wain oi noma" iirinr l May u,
m. will b luilil uikiu imwutiillnii nl tlila
luii rfnt will nut lio Rllnwtol oil the uiu
thrr Ilia dt or Una nnllm.
7 ll-3t Troiuurer, Folic County, Oregon,
. Notice for riililiciitloii.
July , W01.
Notice l hert'hr bIvi'H Hint Uio following-
namt'il ailllir ha llliil nnitiie of Ills Inti'iitliMi
to make fliml uriHit In minixirt of hi claim.
and lliat aalil mw( will tin iiihiIk lit.loru Hie
toiiniy emra oi nut uniniy, ai tiunaa, hid-
on,on AllKUat HI, 1'tll. VII:
faitl lloueo, utiir on hnrlfa Kouco, (ItTcitMed
II V K: ..
for the fnu'tlonitl W K of N w' nut! fmi'tlon
1 N W ' ul M W U olMw lit T J. II II W.
lit nninca tho follow ing wltnt'Ni,tH to pnive
ni roiionuoim rtmliltiiicv uimn ami cuiiivauou
of aalil Innil.vla:
John ItoniH), Jolin Kline, John Dyer, Ana
uuruanK, ii oi i t'iice, tirmnn.
am Union Pacific
0:00 in
via Hunt
:00 D m
via Hunt-!
HI. Piuil
Fait Mull
6:00 a in
rniiu iiuuptiuui
Halt Lake, .lenvrr.
Ft. Worth, Omaha, Clly. St.
IjouIm, Cbleago and
Suit Lake, Denver, Ft
ana I'll y, Ht. Lou In,
Ohloago am Kant,
Walla Walla, LewH
Uin, Himkane, Mln
ntMtpollH, Mt. Paul,
Jluluth, Milwaukee,
Chiciigo and Kitt.
1 30 p. m
8 10 m,
7 a. m.
Front rortluutl.
x Sunday
8 D m
iu pjl
7 a.m.
Ttiea. Thnr
and Hat.
15 a. m.
and Hat,
.i a. in.
All nulling (lul ok sub
ject to ciiitnge
Fortran Ftiini'lsoo
Hut Is every 6dHya
Oultnttltla Itlver
I'o Aatorlit and Way-LaudiiigM.
Vanillin Hlvera.
Oregon Olty, Dnyhm,
and Way-Laudinxa
Wlllaiuelte Kiver.
Portland to Corvallla
and Way-Laudluga
Snake Iilver.
Itlparlato Lewlaton,
4 p. in.'i
3:80 p. m.
Mon. .Wed,
and Frl.
4:30 p. in.
Mon., Wed
and Frl.
Lv. Lewis
ton, dally
9 a. m.
Steamers to Port land front Iiiiluponilenoe
Ruth leaves Corvallla for Portland Mondays
Wednesdays anil 1'riilitya at O a in, pHNStng
Independence at O a in. Returning, leaves
Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Satur
days, passing Independence at 0:30 p nt
Elmore leaves Independence for Portland
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hittnrditys at u a m.
Kelurnlng leaves t'ortland for independence
Mondays, Wednesdays end Fridays at S:4S
tn, arriving at Independence at 8 p m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
! Staple am.
C. B. Calbreatl7
Fancy Grocerios-f
Opera Mouse block, flain Street, Independence,
(lood gO(idn at I.ight lricos Muko Kaiiy Soiling. J!u
j Our guixlsi are Hrnt-elasH, our prici-s n low us the
lowcKtijuality of goods coiiHidired.
All kinds of country prodtti-o bought at the
u'Ht Marki.a l'rioe. " W
Js A Share of Taar Ptajj Sjsjjslfullj Solicited.
l-H'I IM I l-M l-U-l-H-l-M-Il-Hlll-M-I-l"l-l-l'
We are now offering special
prices on Steel Ranges, also
cast stoves and ranges. We
have a very heavy stock of
this class of goods on hand
and can please you in styles
and prices. We invite you to
call and examine our stock.
i i i i i-i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-i-i-i
R..M, .WADE & CO.,
E A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
main strl:i:t - - independence 3
-Are-y bu look i h -:
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bristlo hair
brush for 2"c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Prescription Druggist
Manufacturers of High Grade Flour, Feed etc
Highest market prices paid for wheat.
Capacity 150 bbls. Hour per day.
Grinding capacity for 225,000 bushels of wheat per year.
We have remodeled our mill to
tho latest improved sifter sys
tem. Try a sack of our best Hour
made by this new process. - - -
Secure a Les:al or Gommarcial
ii and mmmi
' . .
A1 , t
' 1 II .
It k ' Jt DlB- 1 .
i i.,a
f i ti4
..... j.......
No Vacations in the Business
We GUARANTEE snecess with
our nieUiod ot IJNDIVIDUAIj
nstrnetion. Special attention
given to Shorthand. Typewrit
ing taught by the latest Touch Method. Lessons by mail, $5 per month
Send for Free Trial Lesson and catalogue containing opinions of prom
inent educators, business mon, stenographers aud others. Law Term
commeuces September 1st.
Prin. Gommeroial Dept. Prin. Law Pet.