The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 15, 1901, Image 3

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, 1VH .:,m. No. HI, K. U.S.
Till "KI.Y. Arm'.!' :nl.
v. eilm , leiiln.,'. Meml-ei'-, Mil! luke
ili, a ttu. Hut M.sxvHi'Hiu.' -iihiMi
Vhllliitf I. itlMtu?: Mr,' luvilett hiniteUit lletl
ei:tv-, mi ni. I'. iHtM t',i',
i. W. liiia.UIsIN.K, U.S.
.liiri li, )., inifii,' N . so, K.uost
r of AtU'TUH, ni' i'ij every tnitttrihiy
wtis at S uVIWh, . . , . '
v. !l Ailio, iieitliat, CiMiper hliH'kv
. Ogara, Ihe olioiw.t, nt Hviliiu.Mm's.
S 1 lie CHlOM tltiltlkrtt 1 tiH' Rllklt
' Ftor,
Se l M, Wade C' BUtvt ml in
thi. imw.
All Uui' mitnseiiio rihI Hi laNH
nuvels ran l nail ut Uuliimum's.
Oat full Uik id Inn hi in. Tin) Uakel
i'-tor. , ... .
A full lino ot ni-iins Knfliiin at K. M,
Vude A t.
ll yon w.iiit h Imir-t'itt, a eles.ii
rnm, or a bath, hot or ld, call on K.
T. Untitle, Main street.
" liiy.iii ltt w.i mnvr i;ilil
a ( xjuvoii. M.'t.vliO Unit's ln
KMHvU lit" l'llt MullllUlt iillvi lit Nltewtl
The lie-it t'tvu'i'iitliu for Malaria
('lull a'ul tYvi' I a lv-r E e ef tilluu a V.VM'1.'-
l.h"- i'uu.t. rH' ll t simpiy Imn mi.i
t.'iiiitine iu a luHeUn tutm. tu eut, i i'.
rrie.', .t
KiU'lu'in-i' tVi-liiivs the Ki ts niiix,
sin'!ViiiUc ly AnsuM: 15. lli imivt. In'
iu a hurry lo Uelsli Cue war,
K.r Hist elm-a milk eaua to U. M.
Wititt A Co,
Try M.mre, tlie iarUr, nor' li mile j
"C" sliit't, KtiixV !iin'i'ry
Btyn, (or rt luur cut or uliuVit.
Tiu iH'rttt'st lin of boyn Hinl jjiris cs
in town t tht K.iki t Stor, Trico 23
8uoi:i! jrii't on ericn jcoaraturit at. 1J.
M. V,K A Co.
J.H, M'HTs, !'! irlhp ou ' Htivt't,
no v lKimiU"4 Xtnvtuo's Hrrpidde, tin'
famous tl!iii(li"iirunv, cnitoi'st tiy n'l
tin' lf:i i ig l).rt-r of uml wU
CltitH 111 tll !ML liiV'otl ami
dVf your liir,
X!io n'ii:iiliit;ioii of I'oyan. tin. t;m
isluui'iif ot Kvim.iii, t! cviMiKiiM! oi
Mctimiu miit the )Mioiu-un'm of
I'uviil B. Hill -.liiiw t!;.il the eoitiiti-y '
is I'oul'ruuii'it ly iiH'Uli'ii(!( -Hot enur
Ki'Uoiey. MV1.AU1A ( Al'SKS mi.ltll SNKSS.
iom- i t uHl J vi u io riMiiKiM lti
The elt'cirie li'iit iilsmt at l;il!s
vli.'tiiL'nt iiiituTs, I. .1. it'll y, the former
owner, iiivinn oiJ lo M. 1. .Dili for
a eoaslikiatiiiil of ?M),
A luixe variety of ganleii eultivators
at K. M. WaiieACu.
When in Nik tn ami you want a Booii
meal Uou'l i.irjtet to go to Stninn
lie.itauiaut, wheie everything the inar-
Ket allorua (jiiti le him.
Ir. 0. V. Tilton. of Axhkunl. a ssrn.l
uare of the Monmouth Normal t-iyuA
of i lie tins of 'lk was tu.trrieil ill Al
bany ou 'i,linsilay evening, Aitsut
Sih, to .MUs t;rae!' Sitifford, one ot Ak
tiany'S' lmt iioptilar ymitis ladles.
They' will fit. ike ikolr' future liouu- In
Ashiaud, ' ' '' : . '
ihiUtr fur ij .fiS"M-tbitn "NnrHitmiHHiH
riir 1 liosif l.lvow la h Miliaria 0:.hI rlrlx.
Unno'k fiislelii. Chill Totin.
The cDufi-iishm of Thief Maelioiia'.il.
In IaiuiIoh, that he would railu r 1 in
priijon In i'eiil:i liian lvave l;U l'ree
iloin and lie iihlijied to live ekjewlu if,
limit lx Interpreted lis a trihule to (he
fhiinii of Dre'iin's eliuiale.
MALAHI.V M.1KKS I.Ui't KF likOtH).
(inn,.-, t.iiiil Ti.'itlc etln Mnlarm, .:le
Ktrtitige Uiltisrs are due to happen Iu
Amerirnri poliik-s, Jn the euurse of u
year or two it -m probable that Col.
J!i',v.iii will he au eiitljushistlt; convert
to the theory of rnii'auizai Inn.
The best Prescription for Malaria
Chill and Fever, ih h bottle of drivi-V
TiiHtelerts (..'bill 'louii:. It lufimply Iron
uni) quinine In a tastelen form. No
cure, no pay. I'riee, otlo.
rn'fident (Jompern' -jvUmI! that the
American I-'edenitinu of Jwibor wili
aid the Auialfjainaled Association mor
iilly sitid ii ujiUi-ifilly shows that the la
bor orxuulzulions are slumling well to
Kelhcr io tight the steel trust. The
. labor leaders appear to know their
Ki'ound. Tliey waste no time In
lioasln ii ml thrils, but when they act
it Is with dlKiiiiy, and effect
ivejiess. ' ,
Take Laxative Uromo tiuiiiine TablelH
I imiKKiHU refund the monej it it
tlt,s to cute. h. W, Ijlrove'i sinuture
ich box. 25c.
ite of Ot'iiffon has brought
Just. .Sylvester J'ennnyer,
Wfcllrlde and l'hil Met
lovcrnoT, Secretary of Slnte
Treiisurcr, respectively,
period between .September,
January, 1S!J", to recover the
uoinit, of the defalcation of
V. Davis, clerk of the school
board appointed by them.
Davis was appointed clerk of thl
lioiird on .Tidy J 4, 1SUJ, Riving bonds
iu the iiin of $.,WK. Allorney ien
eral 1). it. N. Bluekfiatrn and District
Allorney J, N. Hart are attorneys for
the Slate.
The laws of lienllh require that the
bowels move onoe each day and one of
the penalties for violating this law is
piles. JCeep your bowels regular by
taking a dose of Chamberlain's HtoniuRh
and Liver 1'ablets wbeu rn.r,essary and
you will never have that severe pun
iHimient inllicted upon you. Price, 2o
cents. For sale by Klrkland Drug Co.
'J. hi) Jiake.t 8lor now liaeon hand their
lull line of cotton blankets, excellent in
quality, and the price is 'from tiO cent",
to $1.25.
WANTED Gill, 11 to 14 yearn of age.
Good steady home. Address, Mrs. I. M
Wilson, No. 80, (itb street, Portland,
Oregon. . s
APTMTQ 'tu,,1'''r Fountain Pen. Bend 10
MuLIN I O (ientKMilvi;rornt(im(i.-forsiinple
HUNTtR&C0.6l2W Fifth St.Cincinnati 0
FOR KALE Ten head of choice Cots
wold bucks. Inquire of
7-b-4 F. P. Guounds, liuena Vista.
ISk .
laiilli W
Thin Ifrnature Is on every hot ol the genuine
Laxative Brotno-Quiaine Tablets
the femedy that cures cola In on aajr
,Mi', IV V, I'd iter on, of IViiimn)
ill Siiml.iy tt liU l,l jji.irent.-t hi re.
I'. K. I'liltleek h'tlll'lieil Slinil.l.V flHUII
a sltitit luiMiues trli ti I'm Ikniil.
Ash Taylor U lireakluis tiii limwn
for Hi(l ill lltlik
M . ta t'ralif. of roi'tlainl, vNUimI
XUkh IMiuviiiu Ititniett Snmlay.'
Mr. fiiiil Mr. .1, S. Cooper reliu iusl
Suiiitay fuMii lrtliiiiil.
I!!lrv t'ii.iiw'1' lm letiirneil fiMin tin
outiiis at Ni iort.
MIh Milk' kleliantHoii tvtiirmil Mrl
ilay fiHim week's t,v nt Newnort.
M' Am i Mnmt l nt iMIlnn tlil
e-k tak'int lit:- teaelu'iN' examination
Mr. I., V, lioliiimoii Mint iliiiinliler,
Mvh. viiili'.l Mrs. V. U. Craven Siimlny
Urttii hiiit Irvine in over (rum Hiillm
Vltf it tltg lief 0I,
Mr. Tlmiinu, ot I'ttrttHlul, viiteil II
M. Linen Siiiiiiny.
H, llirnclikcrtt m in IVrtluml tlip
fivet of tint ei'k on Inniiiii'ii. '
Mr, uml Mr. K, A.ltonty te enjoying
iilioif vmiitieii nt Long Ueaeti,
Clnretiee IreUml h-tiirtnul from I'oJt-
laml irSiiii.lav. . .
Mm, I, Ik MriituftKin, of VKiu'onvef,
Wanf, visitwl relative here SiiiiiIh.v,
Mr. iil Mr. I. Vatnlnyn, of I'orllaiiil
sh.U Siiinlar in this ei'V vinitiiig Mr,
Vainliiyii'ii niotker, Mm. M.-rwin,
(War 11 i.vier. of lil! is, wan a pan.
eiior on tiio tr.iUi for Newport fsitnr-
Ol. n (kiiiiliii.'in went over to New
port last t'rlil.iy for it w e k' vis-ri
MUs Venn t?nff left Monday for
(.'rear I'alK Molilalia, to vis't lier
aunts Mrs. Iimkl anil Mrs, Mlslier.
Mix lva Hurioli went over to New
port laxt S iiurvl.iy to upeml n eotiple
i f il ay, r, ;nrii!R M. unlay.
Mr nml Mrs, ,T. I. Murphy slarleil'
ye-iti'i'ilay for Vaeo In lie pule iibou!
two inontlm,
U. II, I-eimiwii aink family k fl Weil
li:-vil y for V-i.-o. wlteiv tliey will
r UI. in s In- ftiuirt'.
!. A. Wlii-ox awl family rrmrneil
M"iii!ay fr.mi Newport, where tlwy
have hern for the pant three wivks.
Ml-vs M iie
ri tiii iiMl M .nday
lug at NYwp.'rt.
and Nellie I'mneroy
from a work' mil
Mrs. .Sarah Younif, of rortland, visit
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, I, Clan
t'ett, over Sunday,
1'aid Clehiiid eauic up from Portland
Sin; lay to spend the day with friends
0. A. Wileux left on Tinndny for
Woi-iili:rn In lie gone several ibiys. He
will pioliiilily return Hatunliiy.
MiM Kale Join, who U attendlnc In Salem, eame up Haturi'ay
(miuu. .ht;
Sunday evening.
Fhier .1, li. ti. l:nol!, pastor of the
I! p'i t eliiiieli iit i'iilliis, will preach
i a the It..pi'mt church Iu this city next
Sunday at'n riKsm at .'1 o'clock.
Mrs. A. ,T. iiraham, of Hood k'iver,
viitel reveral days this week with
relatives here. She started (or her
homitthis morning.
,1. P. Juiii's, tiavi-ling passenger audit
Kiel II. E, I,ounberry, truveliiii; freight
agent, of the Southern Piicillc, were in
the city la.-t aliirdtiy on business.
A. W. Staiiidierry and Win. and Step
hen Itogs returned Tuesday from the
vicinity ol Tillamook where they have
been fur the past week lookitqj ut eoine
timber land.
Mart (iraves returned Sunday from
the vicinity oi Uaston where he has been
for two months gathering chit
tuin liatk (or F. A. Doiity.
Rev. C. McLean, of Corvallis, came
down on Saturday afternoon's tiain and
went over to Dallas iu the evening, Ho
returned toCorvalbs Monday,,
Mrs. Milton Pritchard, of Vancouver,
Wash,, who has been visiting relatives
here for some time past, returned to her
home Sunday.
William and Stephen Hoggs, who have
been visiting relatives here fur the past
three weeks, left for their homo in Kan
sas, Tuesday, i
A purse containing a smnll amount of
money was picked up in the postodice
Tuesday by .Mr. Wheeler. Owner may
have siune bv calling at the pOBtollice
and proving the same.
Mr. and Mrs. .fas. P. Stftpleton, who
have been visiting Mr. Stapleton's bro
ther, Dave Htaplelon, for the past two
weeks left for their home in Vancouver, J
Wash,, xuusuuy.
.Mr. and Mrs. P.. Wilson . started last
Friday fur an exKimled camping trip,
going to Sodavliie, then to Cnsciiilla,
and will probably -spend a short time
at Clear Lake before returning home.
C. E. Stone, while working with a
hay baler near Aiully last Saturday
morning, slipped anil- let a hale of
hay fall on his right leg, breaking
the aukle Joint.
Mr. .las, Wagoner, a representative of
a lecture bureau iu San Francisco, was
in the city the first of the week com
pleting arrangements for a series of
lectures to be held in Independence and
Monmouth. There wili be five lectures
in all, the speakers being some of the
must able iu California.
The threshing outfit belonging to
Richard Morris, ol Albany, narrowly
escaped being distroyed by fire shortly
after noon Monday, While at work on
the Kroschel farm near the Oak Grove
school house, about threo miles west ol
Albany, the straw stack caught lire and
but for the prompt action of the engine
er in coupling on to the thresher and
hauling it out of the way it would have
been entirely destroyed, The (ire is
said to have been caused by the stump
of b cgarette being carelessly Uuown in
the straw stack.
W. P. Com iiwuy was passenger mi
ti e tiaiu (or Poillaiid )i'tenly,
P. I,. Campbell relumed ytmlrlny
from n two week' vacation nt the coast.
Hurry Wagoner returned yesterday
Imin several ita visit at Newport.
Mis t'lsle IIomc, of Portland, ia visit
ing Mrs. A. W. Mai'sU'iry.
Wm. Line eame up from IVlhtnd
on iho excursion SumU for nhorl
vmtl with hi relative hue,
C. C. Lewis, ot Monmouth, returned
yesterday (mm short vacation at New
port. J. M. MeCiileb It run II ned to hit
Inline in Monmouth with chill ami
Mis F.dith I.lm returned yesterday
from a two weeks' vint with relative
in McMiitnville,
Mr, C. L, Fltcliiird, who hat lieen
visiting In Fiifcctu', It I'spceted homo
Mi. I.. Fiiqita sod ton, of Kanm
City, Mo,, ate visiilnti flativet and
friend In this oily,
John Vernon, tn old resident of lid
e.nini v, it acrioiiidy ill at bit homo tbotit
live mile north of thi elty.
Oilu Si iKttiifd, who hud an attack ol
er!el lever, ha recovered and it blu
to be ahoul once mote.
Mrs Uc, CluUiietl returned thiatter
niHiti (miu two week' imtini! at New.
Mm. ILL, Ilawkilit and ton, liny
mid Herman, returned ihii nfioi ihhui
dom Ntwsirt where they have lieen (or
the past thri'W week.
Mis. Kiitherine Ihmter, wlioeouduetiHl
a Imti I lit this eity iitHiut twenty year
tgo, eim up mi thu train yesterday (or
a visit w ith Iriend here.
Jim Siimmtiui i-iiine up (roniTiiekreall
last Saturday to accept the putltton
lately vacaUd by Pyroii Aiklut at the
eloetrie light Million.
Mr. and Mr. Hyrou Atkiii left this
inurniiig lor Cotliiite Crovit where they
make' their lot lire houm, Ityron
will iisnist hi tnlher in general mer
chatidis'e siore in Cottage (irovr.
Mr. U. C. Allen, of Skagwiiy, Alaska,
arrived hereon this Immiii train lor
a visit with friends. She will probably
make her future home in lhi city. ,
J.'VKieh. a hop buyer of Salem
whs a caller at im tM mw. otnee in
lay, He ban been lin king at the hiq
in this vicinity Bud report thrill n be
ing in encullcut coudilioti.
John II. Wall, nqireseiiling the In
teriiBliolial Curresp.uidi'lHe Schools i f
Scrantor Pa,, will Iw in Indepi'iidi'tii
tl'elir jfiiext week, Any one wisl
iug to take a course in these schools or
tcsirou of obtaining any other informs
thin regarding them, will please leavu
woul at the Wbst Shik olliea and Mr
Wall will rail on yuu while in the city.
Miss Francis Mann, who ha been in
Alaska for the past two year, apenl
couple ot days the lirst of the week
visiting relative here She started
Yesterday for Huffulo, N. Y., to attend
the Piiii-Ainericttii exposition, and will
also visit several other ol the large citie
in the east bed ire returning to this
What most pe iple waul Uwiniclhlrg
mild uml gentle, when hi need of
physic. Chiiiiibeiialii's Htoiiuieli ntiil
Liver Tablets Oil the bill to a dot. They
are eay to take and pleasant In I'fluct.
For sale by Kiriilaiid Drug Co.
Mi 'S Nan Cooper, of The Pallet, who
has been enjojinga vacation at New
port, stopp'.'d here a couple of dayt the
first of the week to visit relative tadore
returm ig to her liiitne.
A lame shoulder Is usually caused by
rlielimatlfiii of the muscles, mid may
he eurid by a few applicui Ions of Cham
berluiii's Pidn Palin, For ante by Kirk
himl Drug Co.
It Is reportid that the postollloc at
Newport Is a fright as It la not equip
ped for handling Iho malls for such
crowd.-i as g.itlier there during the sum
mer inonllis. It may be all right In
the winter mason when only the good
nauirid and slow-going residetiters are
I here. This Is a ifnllcr that should
he looked into and If more help Is
needed, II should lie provided.
A. R. llaxs, of Morgantowti, Intl.,
had to get up teu or twelve times In the
night and bad severe backache and
pains In the kidneys. Wus cured by
Foley's Kidney Cure. It's guaranteed.
A. ft. Locke.
The excursion given by the Knights
and Ladies of Security, of Portland, was
a grand success. The train, consisting
of eleven coaches, left Portland with
about live hiiiidred excursionists and
picked up large numbers at the several
stationg along the line swelling the
crowd to nearly one thousand before
reaching this city. The excursionists,
were met at the station by the Mon
mouth baud and escorted lo tho park
where excellent music was rundered, In
the afternoon many of the picnicers
divided up into small groups and sought
the ohady banks of the Willumutte, but
the majority remained at the park to
listen to the bund and otherwise amuse
Win. Finn, of Lima, 0., obtained ex
cellent results from the use of Foley's
Kidney Cure. "It relieved my back
ache and severe pain over the hips, Jt
toned my system and gave me new vim
and energy. It is an honest and reli
able remedy, a sure cuie for all kidney
diseases," A, H, Locke.
The Modern Wood men of America, of
Albany, are making extensive arrange
ments fur a big Harvest Home carnival
to be held at Albany on September 4th
and ol h,
Mr. Daniel Runt., Oltervllle, la.,
says: "Huve had asthma and a very bad
eough for years, but could get no relief
from the doctors and medicines I tried,
until I took Foley's Honey and Tar.
It gave immediate relief, and done me
more good than all the other remedies
combined." A, H. Locke,
About five years ago, Mr. Osborne,
who lives near Dallas, killed a wild
goose and found two large grains of
wheat in its craw. He planted them
and replanted the product until now he
has 2. acres of fine looking grain. Ttie
heads are extra long and the grain large,
the yield being perhaps one third more
than ordinary wheat. He has no name
for the new variety, but believea it to be
prospective big thing.
ricKel. the nliotoerapher, It ttlll In
tho pietiin' hiisiucM.
Tin' himlnes men if Portland liavn
aulMcrllN'd i:,,(HKi In guarantee tin'
(xpeiisiw of ii Carnival to be held In
I he FvikmIHoII building ffolil Wept, lti
(o Oct. HI,
A notable exhlMl of till tliolndu
trie of the Pnellle Northwvst will In
made in the 'big FmmkIiIoii bnlliling
and Hlhlelle exeivlnet, n horse tlmw
and a military louriuimiMit will l held
on Mulllioiuiih field adjoining. Two
full military baud linvt ilntut engaged
ft tut there will 4 many line feature
III the tiiniiaenieut line.
The Carnival is In ehtirge of colli'
niltleii eoniprUIng W repreneiitatlvi'
husllies men, of which ieu. Owen
Hummer In ipresldenl, I. N. Flehtcluier
Vice present, A, . Htcluhaeh treat
urer. and J. 1. Maun aeeretnry.
With ih'U men lit tb mud of tin1
affair, the Ctimlvul It ur to be well
worth visiting,
A Minister's IIihmI Work.
"I bud severe attack of hlllou
eollo, got bottle of CliHmhsrluln't
Colli', Cholera, mii Diarrhoea Remedy,
took two doves ami wentltely cured,"
save Rev, A. A- Towr, of KuiiMula,
Kti. "My iielghUir wiim the ttnsst
was tick for over a week, had two or
three h.itllci of medicine from the doe
tor, Housed them for thre or four
days wllliotlt relief, then called in an
other diH'tor who treated hlru fur torn
dayt mid iive blm no relief, to dis
charged liiin, I went over lo tee blm
the next morning, lie said hit bowels
wer lu terrible fix, that tliey had
tieeu running off so long that It wat at
new! IdiMidy llux. I asked blm If tie
had tried CliHlliU'rhilu't Colin, CholerH
and Diarrhoea Remedy mid lie said,
'No ' I went home and brought hint
my laittle and gave him oue ibwe; told
him lo take another iIinw In (1ft ecu or
tw. nty niliiitlet II he did not find re
lief, but he took no more mid wm en
tirely cured. I think R I the beat
medicine 1 have ever tried," For sale
by Klrklaml Drug C.
Oil the lliMll day of next month there
will be thrown open to settler two
towiishli of the Ciisi ndo Forest lie-
serve, slum ted west of Kllver Uike.
The oM'iiliig of 'tills laud for the en
trance of wilier hii lui'U aecoin
lillslutl largely thrmigli the effort of
the Utile Pecliiilci Irrigation Com
iviny, who owns a large irrigating
llieh lii that country nnd mune 13 ee-
lions of land along the course of the
itltch, The company will extend their
eh Into the area of land tlutt la to
be opened for settlement.
It Is ckpivtcd Unit there Will be a
general rush for theao hinds, a they
are very prisluetJv, and when Irri
gated w ill be doubly ao. The result
la watched with keenest luti'fest
throughout Southern ttiTgoil.
T. Heal a Hurt.
Use Haulier Halve; the great healer.
It's guaranteed for mil, wounds, mire,
plli' Mint all SHI n illneaso. Use no
siilistlttite. A. H, Locke.
A Serious Accident.
A 12 year-old hoy, son of'T. David
son, who llviw near i.ewlv!lle, till
oiiuty, was taken to the Florence
Sanatorium In Salem Monday to re
ceive medical treatment for serious
Injury to hi face and oye. caused
by the premature explosion of a small
nil of powiU-r.
He had been practicing with a min
iature blasting out fir, having ome
powdir, a tin tnu, a piece of fuse and
some tiiatcln an the iiecensary mater
ial. The fun was all right until a
lighted match droptMl Into the powder
Instead of cotiuutinleatlng wllh the fuse,
when there was an explosion and the
boy' face and eyes received the full
hargo, Ills fa co wn blackened and
a large portion ot hie hair was burn
ed oil', hut the most serious damage
was to Ids eye, the ball of which were
penetrated by Hie black buriilng explo
sive. F ars were cnlerhilned at first
that his eye-sight wa destroyed, but
after a careful examination by Dr. A.
It. (Mills, an ey specialist, It Is an
nounced that the boy's wight Is not de
Their Secret Is Out.
All Badleville, Ky , was curious tn
learn the cause of the vowt Improvement
in the health of Mrs. 8. P. Whltlaker,
who had for a long time, endured un
told sufl'erlng from a chronic brnuchlal
trouble. "It's all due tn Dr. King's
New Discovery," writes her husband.
"It completely cuted her and also cured
our little grand-duugliter of a severe at
tack of Whooping Cough." It poslilve-
cures Coughs, Colds, LnOrlppe,
Rroiichlllfl, all Throat and Lung trou
bles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00
Trial bottles free at Kirkland's drug
Chief Johnson, the most prominent
Indian In Ahtska, nnd a ruler over
7,xki of his tribesmen, ninde his niinu
ul visit to Salein yesterday to buy his
winter slock of bhinkol and wooleu
goods nt the iSiih'tu woolen mills. Chief
Johnson Is a nuirchaiit iwl operaleB
largo shires ut Juneau and Dyea, and
supplies the mniiller Indian chiefs
with the goods they require, ills ltr
clmso yesterday was lU'lnelpully blan
kets, lie left iby the afternoon train
for rortland, going thence to Seattle,
nnd expects to sail for homo In a few
days. He is an Interesting figure and
wields a great Influence among the
Southeast Alaskan Indians, where he
is looked up to as a lending judge.
tStatcsman. e
Astounded the Killtor.
Editor 8. A. Rrown, of Rennetts
ville, 8. C," was once immensely sur
prised. "Through long suffering from
Dyspepsia," he writes, "my wife was
greutly run down. Hhe had no strength
or vigor and suflered great distress from
ber stomach, but she tried Electric Bit
ters which helped her at once, and,
after usiug four bottles, she is entirely
well, can eat anything. It's a grand
tonic, and Its gentle laxative qualities
are splended for torpid liver." For In
digestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach
and Liver troubles It's a positive, guar
ananteed oure, Only 50o at Kirkland'i
drug store.
A conipany Iu Texas owning it mil
Holt aeli'K of hind tllines no lie.'
of least Hum A foul III dlilineter to lie
I'lil nuit reqnhi'ii the smaller tree to
la enrefiilly ju'otoeled. "If this sen
sible phin," any the Plilhideldihi ltis.
ord, "had Iwen adopled a ceutiuy ngn
In the Ni hi Ii our pine forest Would
sllll Im tinsliii'ltig large qiuitilllli'S of
nuirkeiublo luiulM't, with no iiropo't
of exlllietlnii," Mut tlioKti fnii ls nre
now ti Ihiitcii wasle nnd people ran
only ruminate on what might have
STT lit (111111,1 TV IIS T'O KlHI,
Ks J I'liriMT iimkeKiMitl; !
triiiur psrluer nf III iliiit ul V
al I'H I. Hi
('mi)Mr ul Miih' tt((ft.iht. tttnl (hut ui nnr
wilt tmy llm unit i unk lit'MHtlJi .n.
I,A HMor wch unit ov ry rt' of ttlt.rth Mini
rniinnt lamina ly thtf 'una f II u.t CTnHti
husk 'j. iiKsicr.
niviirn in ,iliiru me nun llliin llieil III n )
n','V, nil. mil nitjf i, riTi,tii', .
i - - , A, W, 111 t VSON,
J"Jt-j AWr 1-uMle,
lUtl'i t'trrh Cure I Isken luivrnxti suit
si'isuiriietiytm l lie lilecl met ,iiihh.i. .urtnei
t. .1. lilKNKY iSi i:tl.,fllo,0,
mm, nj iiruui.i., I'Mi,
Hull'. Kainlly I'lll. am the heit,
Mr. JuiiiHt Sersffurd died si her hoinc
in thi city at one o'clock jcaterday
illuming of scarlet fever, She m taken
ill Sunday evening and taiiiliiiued to de-
olim until Tuesday evening, wbeu she
reiri'i st tomewluil Improved,
but later the grew it orte and in a few
hour, the end came.
The deceased w 47 years, w. mon
th and Iwenly teven days old. She
came to tblt city about two years ago
where the has aiuce resided. A husband
and (our children survive her.
The (uncial service took place from
the family residence (hit afternoon at ?
Arthur Hampton, aged Ii years, ton
of D. M. Hampton, of Monmouth, died
at The Pallet luat Thursday motning f
acute peritonitis, following an operation
(or apiendlcltlt Hrformed a week prev
ious. The remain were shipped to
Monmouth, arriving there Friday after-
tnsui, and the (uneral look place the
tame day Interment being in the K, P,
What a Tale H T. II.
If thai mirror of vent !iu ti
wretched, sallow complexion, a ja in
diced look, mnlh patches mid blotchc
ou the skill, ll's liver trouble; but Dr.
King' New Life Pills reuobile he
liver, purify Hie blood, give clear skin,
rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only
at Klrkland drug store.
mine Ill SIMKSS.
AliHtiaet of Instrument Filed In Polk
(niililjf August tl Iu ii, 11101,
Henry Howe to R U Carpenter, 2'a
11 Lewis d 1 1) tpt 7 A 8 t r ft w 1W,
J E Collin (executor) to L Conner,
158 5a sue 1 tp (I r r w-$xitk).
Iudep Nat Hunk to II 11 Jasperson,
27.7a J E Davidson d I c tp 8 s r 4 w-
Lemuel Tillotson to A hill, iJj.Sa Jut
Amlrewt d 1 c tp 7 t r 5 w-$l(HH).
Fred Loose lo A D OUon, !l 8.1a C 0
llotlonl d I c tp 7 t r 3 wg;:mx)
U 8 to J II Hounds, tSUU see. F, 111, t'l,
22, tpHtr-l w patent.
II d Monlgomery lo Motitgninery A
Milligan, n o( o( tee Hit tp K t r 0
A Prencott to F J Chambers, :!(i0.i tec
A Preai'ott lo F J Chambers, -110,1 sees
2Hnd8tKin, 10 a r 7 w-JIIO,
l'reacolt wnd Venes to F J Chumheit,
Stta tec 84 tp 0 t r 7 w-$s),
J A Venest to F J Chambers, HOn sec
28 tp B s r 7 w-$so,
Capital Lumbering Co to V 3 Chum
bers (qt cl), laud in pee 21, 27, 8!!, tp 0
U 8 to W P Bennett, llHU sec 20 tp 8 t
r 7 w patent.
II L Veusie to P J K Riley, 1.01a J E
Lyle d I c tp 7 t r 5 w- $123.75.
To Sure Her Child
From frightful dlsllgurenietit Mr.
Nannie (ialleger, of LaUninge, ().,
applied Riicklin's Arnicu falve tojireiit
sores on her head and face, and writes
Its quick cure exceeded till her hopes.
It works wonders in Sores, lirulses,
Bklu Eruptions, Cuts, Hiiins, Scahls
and Piles. Ii"e. Cure guaranteed by
Klrkland' Drug Co.
Up to date (J00 iwojilo are said
to linvo been killed in thu Venezu
elan revolution, South American
revolutions are nearly us hard on
the' innocent bystandora ns are
Kentucky fuuds.
For Whooping Cuiigli.
"Until my children were taken with
whooping cough," writes Mrs (). I1.
Diilton, of Danville, ill. "A small but
tle of Kolev's Holtev and 'lar cured the
cough and saved me adoetor bill, A.M.
Joe Chamberlain sayo tlicre has
been no unduratanding that native I
should not be employed in the war
against tho Boers. Possibly ' not,
but Joe announced a year or so ngo
that Great Britain would never
think of doing such a thing. Tho
fact that sho is doing It now, shows
that hor condition down there is
far more desporato than tho world
has been allowed to find out.
Would Have Cost Him Ills Lire.
Oscar llowmati, Lebanon, Ky.,
writes: "I have been using Foley's Kid
ney 'ure and take great pleasure In
stating it i?nve me permanent cure of
kidney disease whleli certainly would,
have cost me my life." Take notit- but
Foley's. A S. Locke,
Bathing in the river continues to be
the principal amusement for the young
folka at well as a number of the older
A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes:
"I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years', but two one dollar
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected
a permanent cure." A. 8. Locke.
The main body of Spalding Bros, big
log drive has reached this city aud the
river ie so full of logs that it is dillictilt
for the ferry to cross. The crew that are
folllwing the logs have not reached here
yet put will probably pass in a day or
1 High living, intemperance, exposure
and' many other tilings hriug on
llrl((ht's disease. Foley's Kidney Oure
will prevent Brigbt's disease aud all
other kidney or bladder disorders If
taken In time, Be sure to take Foley's.
A. B. Locke.
Kccp Out
the Wet p
SAW?Eh5S llt.d
Tli. Be" mriif I,, t',
Krl,l. M.,1. F,ii,i iii e,-.t i,,,,o,,ni
wiirfnnl.,1 tt-i.ft y .lm,l
III" re'ifc'l'i'-t il. ,.(, I n i,. I
l.ftuk li.r (l,i- Irml.- mitek, lr,',iir,l,it.p
QUI,- ll. ,.Vtl I 1,,MU, Mill,' ,,r , ftl ,
I. I, tfliimj mil rt'ti.e (., il... Sin KartKt,
'E M. I tl , Urra.
Kn.I lmlr,V,, MB.-.
A Nibi!f..nn mutii'd Jlryun pi-,.,
mines thai hi Ifi c;;iI.U' of j;lv!ii:
pnltlli-ill advice, llii'ietmi. ;e h ' .
iluit Mink Hun tut Imuht ln ut:ii'M0t4
for the prchh iiey by ihe republican
party In piol. This be, r- :.nil ih
liisllesl nnd latent Job- on tim repiim
Means. p.ut It Is fur frmil hilng a
gissl a otie II lhl same .Mr, liryni!
periol rated on Hie dinim-niey live
years ago, followed by a t, p.eili.iii
Inst year, ' !
Mrylnix jircpiirtithiHi s!nr),ly il. r..l.
upihyciitiiiili. tl ;y!:(i tip the a.-cr;ifiii,
wlueii aiilirre to tho iiii'iiit'iniie. Kiel iti-eouj.
pone, rsiiiiiij.; a fur iiiote unions tr'nihiethiui
the ('rilm;,ry foriiiof ck! n'rii, ,n,i,l nil dry.
iiig iiihulstits, fm, i.'t, Hiiol.ea nnd tiui-'
and use that which iileat.s.s, roofle-., ui, t
iHith , Dy' ('iHiini Pium is 0:( ii i, r, u:i
ami will ciffl eaurib or void in flio Inn I
easily and pli,ias.u,!ly. A ti n J ;,- i:l he
H'inli d for to et'iifa, A '! ilriirfffi; mil V.'
te. iiw Klv ltriitl-r. IM Wsi-tea M., 'i.V.
The Jtidni rur.'i WiOimit ; .m, ; iii t
irritnle ur rw--- r.-""4UR, It ai-reml'i !" ij
nvnr an Irritaici) and i icry mith, r.i;t.
iK Imiiitdi'.ti'ly tie' p'oiiiuj iu'hiiiu.rii'.'!!.
With Mi's Cniiii, i;.t!ui vim nrii uriiiiiii
nguli-at Kand t'iili.nh uiul liny J 'cur.
o. a. Kramer & co.
Jeweler and Optician.
o lo
For Wall J'iij er, uplow ,S littles,
Piettll't! lf. 'in', eli'.
FurnitiiK id' nil ' 11,1m tl.
Office wllh ih.'' T ' 1 i
Notice fir P
t'lrit i-iili- .Hun! U.
Vlilli'ii auies l.i.iet
Nolle,; 1 1, lien-li) K I von
itil I :e.i iirovl -l'-h: oi
Olil.: ('.?. ellllll' it ' An
iliuiHT iioel. iii lie'
li'ilt, Nevuilii, iiil'l '.'iw!
i-U lee .1 lo i.ii I !n. I',;l
it Allne.1 1. 1-".'. ,tie I
t-eimlv o( I'o Ii, oi!e
111)' IH.'il Hi lliei i.rMr.
.'Vo, ,'iiju lor me no i
Moll ,i. Ill l U leaoe So. 1
ic.ii inll ml r 'i"of lo
'.oiiilii li, mole vhIii ti'le
I l.l'O'l,.
.st hiI.
ll l If-.
l" 111
1 iloll. ,1 IIUI tl. i
i.i tn eioiiiu
i i i
I- tor ih' iim
,11 I ; ttfo- je rt.
a ierrlioev.
,;.. ol l.ft.
u 5v tit. tt Hi-.- -yul
linn (or ieo 1 o ; 1 n i' vl
MkIi .ut (tnhit lo -it
mil lu'vivfr nf I
I fUl-l i.ffon: tlH' t'l tit
otMct! nt uicjion t'Uy.
lUf tAi tiny til Aiiijiiht,
ShM tuintt's n-
TUoiiiH K, SVrij'iii, oi U.'i':y ?i; Frruik
S', i''mttyl, of M(. tiri'Mi:; .loho
tth- ib-, ol lulls f ii-( en ; uj; Alb it .limit ,
-( Fulls t ti , i in iti.
ny titnl 'l i'T"M"i clutiiUu., it lwrs.'iy th
(liovf-ilt "afi Hilt! initio hiv v .(iH'i -d in ll. i
Uu'ir 1'inlniH In Ihis nrtn-o. tin or lu i'ttro ioi5
l,ih Uny of AUsjiifri,
i HfiH. 15, MtiuRi'S
WASTKO. -.-(''jipfbif,
.'Very rtttiitty to ivpi'v
ioihf (iiiion'liu pptiitt i
im tihlo i-nk i,v; !
Uti Hil OKpi'Ufo; i "tlf
'rihli'V, lo roitiifil .-I
(th-tft1 vroti I
:nr.ii! P(HU'ilJt' oi
,fi f-tU'0 r cu ,
S."V ; "-ltil- y Mir
, i- om-thtrv, ii.-iiuur
Militfy pii) t vh it
II"V UiiVJUO-t'il il.'Il
-iattlf'tuy lUHl (
k, HlANDAltt)
, tiiii'tmo.
't ;; i lUjulMirn
W A NT K 1 -T iUHTW ( ! T H V M MN AMI Wi
miu io trnvt'l ii'i't mtvt.-rt for old otih.
lUut'tl lmnt ol holhi iSiia-jowU imnliuj;.
:it year himI t) list's, nil p-iyuM'- in
$IIh, Ni. OUOVh -ioMUli' I'l'iUl'ltMi. liv- rt ' u
tMK't'd Ulhl tOO'lo-C M'if'M;l(ll't : SUml'f'il ( -
st'looo, Adilii'sn Mihiiumi, ;.,) t'rtMon Uhlu,,
A Family Library
Th3 M in Current Litcratura
12 Compictc Novels Yearly
$2.50 peryear; 25 cts. acopv
Jiiiip.iHHiii'H iHiti; ,iu aiiti l lie Wm
Siik, one YPr, $:.".
men t lrnvt'1 iui'1 HiUff lor oltl I'slnli
INIipiI htniMi oi unlit! Il'iuiiciul XnntHiifr i-i,l-h
ry AM) a year nnd xprusos, all payahlo in
,uh. No tan Vilnius.: r t utrott. iii vt- icut-
t'HOCH H1H.I f'H'l0St- Si'll-mMl'tHI'll SlUMlpt'il I'll-
vcloo. Adili'.'Hs Mumujor, :fi.'t t'tixton Hldg.,
WANTK1. rupnbln, rollul'Ie porson In
ovovy comity to rfim'sctU- Ihiko coniinny ol
soltii lliumoinl rt'pnuititin;!' 'OMtlury ji- rycnr,
piiynhlo wotiily; :! pur day abMitlutt'ty huv,
iukI nil OKpi-n'H; sti'Mihl, boiui-tlilo, tlt llnlh1
sialary, iw commission; Hilary puid vah
Satnniay ami nxpi'ino aiotmy mlvanctMl citcli
week. STANDAUD m)USK, m iK'avboni
HI. i UhU:ttfJ,o,
By the commodious
Leaves Portland dully except Sun
day at 7 a m.
this Is the (Ireiit Weenie Route. All
tonr.sla admit that the scenery on the
Middle Columbia in not excelled for
beauty and grandeur iu the UniLid
States. Full information by address
ing or calling ou
C. O. THAYER, Agt.,
Tel. 014. Portland, Or
" ,7
Bere's a isrpi.i Si2.E5
; ry ; iviti
f , ' ' ' " -;
f-a f l . .
l ilMt t (f . ' j it
' S' ' ' J
Niw I i (!:c tii.ic (o repair your.
,VVc carry in slock etra
:ix3 Jf, 1', f..r O i niie Mower.
:tx.'l L. P, fj.r Ods.ttn; Mi.wera.
ilx.i; !' r I'ii'tei Mown.
.'iii.'Ks Hi for M"(.'iiimifk Mowera.
;lx;il hr H(nd.ird M.iw-m.
.'ix.'l ii I'J foe 'Ji,;cr M';Wvi',
iU3) fur iiiii.n Mogul's,
Vi cnri'v a full li:ic
Binders and Mowers.
a i k'ix" tor l!l' 'rhf ?i,wi-r.
K'L",x:'.: !i,r )et"itijf Mowets.
gj ' 33S lf D' eiiir; M'ivh'M,
9lax:ii r- r ,-..,-.i.!f j n
MM9'-it:Ul:f.".' t'-f I :' ." in- Sti.R'i-r
'!)ai! wcathf-r between two season 8 encour
your cltroiiic. U'uubUm and inflicts upon you
Mtk-lt petty Miik'n.iaiv iintter ward it off. 10 cents
ini-ht j'i voat it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
(Vime to us to have your prt'scriptions filled, and
fir e wry thing kept in a well regulated drug store.
i. 'i '" f! -k ii b k t'
Dallas, Oregon.
. Dry Stuck, always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
NOTiv.-We have a nrst-class dry kiln which enables ua to give you thor
oiiiilily dry lumber.
- jf
y 1 I
... : i .
1 1 i 7"
h 1 K
can take
your hat
ihe man who
wears our .suits-
because we know ihey are the
best madc-to-ordtr clothei you
could possibly tjet cost a trifle
more than a ready-made but out.
Iivt three made to fit and wear
besides are guaranteed these V
arc the garments made by
San Francisco's leading tailor.
. Call on
and Insivt that you see the HILP
samples, then leave your measure.
Zn-d.Gpend.ence, Oxegoa
Real Estate;..,' ,.. ,
surance, Loans.
- - Independence, ; Ore
Main St.
Cri'ttMl to (ivtV v - -
liVUVN Itldi'IMltl'
eitufi Tor IVIihiuumH Ii
Leaves Alrllo for
M o ti in cm t h and
U.oo n. m.
7;.i0 A. in.
p. ni,
Iiivt lntlojittntl
inos for Monmmtt li
Hll.l i) i.
wt a. in.
' 7; 15 n. m.
lor Aii'liu.
7 50 a, in.
3-iW p. m.
LpavcK Mourn ml h
for JJitiluH. j
lt:2( a, m.
7;li0,m. i i
j & UU . ill.
I l.oavcn ltHllan for
I itimimnuth iitui ln
(U'lumili'iuie. 1 oa p. m. "
l.PHVen MiMimnulii
for 1 iHio)t-iidmive.
9:45 a. m.
l .'tO l). III.
: tO i. in. '
' 5:45 n ni.
UiUt . m.
I.eiivPH Inile)itinl
inc) for iVloiitaouth
3:05 p. Ill
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigarettes, Tobaccos and
Confectionery. '
First Class Soda Fountain In eon
, naction.
.sections for the following
::; iL' S id tor Peering Linden.
Mxi.'l hl (or Piano Hinder.
11x2 for Oslsirne Binder.
x2 S-I'l fur Wood Biudera,
ilx2 for McCormlck Hinder.
of extras for the McCormlck
umber Company,
Aflan Slips Up
On It, every time that he takes bil laun
dry work outside of the Salem Steam
Laundry to be doue up. He finds "that
tired feeling" stealiug over (ilm when be
notes the diflerence in the exquisite color
and beautiful finish, saying nothing of the
good condition in which your linens are
returnisl by the ,
Salem ' Steain .Lauadry.
IKiKOUls i), yLMBTEI), lffgr
PhODft 4fl
ibry it
off iojj
4 totllfiVt
5hasta Route.
Train leaves Independence for Portland aad
way Millions at 2:05 p. m.
Leave lor Corvallla at 11:00 a. m,
Lt Pmiland
Lv Albany..,.;
Ar Aahland
' Sacramento
" rianFrauoiaso...
" OKden,..,'. ......
" Douvor
" Kansas city....
" t)hioao
" Los Anelos
" Kl t'ano.
" Fort Worth
City of Muxioo.
" Houston
" New Orleans...,
" Washington,.,,
" New York,,.,..
:80 a. m.
, V2:X, a, m.
, 6:10 p. in.
7:46 p. m.
. 4:55 a, m.
. 9:S0 a. m.
. TiJ'ia, m.
. 7:42 a.m.
7:S0 p. m.
11:36 p. m
12:35 a, m.
6Ka. m.
8:46 a.m.
7:0 a. m
9:16 a. m
7:25 a. m
8:30 a. m
8:05 a. m
6:00 p. m
8:30 a. m
11:80 a. m
7:00 a. m
0:90 p. m
6:42 a. m
12:10 p. at
2:00 p. m.
0:00 p. m.
6:Sii a, m.
. 11:30 a. m.
, 7Ka. m.
6:30 p. ra,
6:42 a. ra,
, 12:10 p. m.
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains
Cl air cars Haoramento to Ogdon and El faio
and tourist cars to Obtcago, at. Louia, New
Orluaus and Wathlugton.
Connectiiiff at San Franolsoo with aorera
steamship tinea for Honolulu, Japan, China
PUIUpplnea.Oentral and South Amerioa.
See Mr. G, A. Wilcox at Independence it
tion, or address
General Passongor Agent Portland, Or,
Dan P. Stouffer.
Titles ,
Main Street - - Dallas, Oregon ;
Foley's Honey iTer
i l