The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 01, 1901, Image 5

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JOS. A, 0. Bll VNT, Kiliinr mi I l'ui.llli. r.
Sl'llSCHlrrillN li.U'hX
rwolvr imilU 1 !'
I llltf Motlth.. ... fto
Tllt'ltSDAY, At'UlMt' 1, likll.
It took three yours exactly from
tliu tlato o( huuliug in I'orto Hico
to got plain duty into notion hut it
has arrived at hint.
ft ft
There will probably be tho name
scandal ovor tho salo of tho govern
uiout transports that there was
ovor tlioir purchase.
The Filipinos wore so uncivil in
oine places that tho civil govern'
uiont has had to retire for repairs
What is going to linppin? It lias
boon two months since the, London
cables reported Russia on tho brink
of war with some nation or other,
ft ft
The Senate defeated tho French
reciprocity treaty because California
said it would ruin her fruit indus
try. Now California is sending
her fruit ti.lHR) mile to l'aris and
underselling tho local growers.
Can such things be?
Times have certainly changed.
Certain Ohians who denounced
bolting five years ago are now or
ganising a bolt because they have
sunk from majority to minority.
It does make a difforco whose ox is
ft ft ft
Although some people are trying
more or less successfully, to con
fuse the issue, yet there is undoubt
edly a difference between a tariff
for the protection of American in
dustries in genornal and a tariff for
tho projection of monopolies,
ft ft ft
Possibly the steel trust may find
something to arbittuto before tho
strike is over and possibly nut
Meanwhile the United States is los
ing her opportunity to capture the
Btecl trade of the world.
ft ft
Is this heat one of tho results of
expansion? Did Uncle Sam buy
the climate when he bought the is
lands? Representative McCall of Massa
chusetts says nearly all the Atneri
can ollicials In itiB fh"
were either appointed from Vermont
or born there. This may bo true,
but if so, we shall have to rcvisenur
ideas about the predominance of
The Havana authorities claim
that the only cause for thedelay in
trying Neeley lies in the failure of
the war department to return some
necessary papers which were for
warded for perusal some months
ago. This is a somewhat different
Btory from that given out by the
war department.
It being more than a year until
election, some of the republican
papers are geting quite tariff-re-formieh.
Such symptons usually
came at such times. They arc only
temporary, however.
Twenty-eight big sea going Amer
ican steamships are now being
built for ocean trade despite the
fact that the subsidy bill failed and
although its sponsors declared that,
without it, Americans could not af
ford to build ships. Hows this?
Now King Edward can't get the
big diamons he wanted at his coro
nation because some American has
bought them all up. It's a cold day
when John Bull doesn't run against
some American terror.
It was over in eastern Oregon
that an editor printed an item
which stated "the man who
was hugging the hired girl had
belter stop or his name would be
published." In a few days about
twenty-five citizens had paid up
their subscription and told the edi
tor to pay no attention to foolish
stories going around."
Admiral Schley's application for
a court of inquiry gives tho presi
dent a chance to settle once and for
all the entire miserable business.
If he is wise, he will take the whole
thing in his own hands and ignore
the navy department completely.
The public, rightly or wrongly thor
oughly distrusts all acts in this
connection that are inspired by the
navy, and the public will watch
the course of the investigation with
the very closest attention. Any
ground whatever for a belief in the
unfairness of the judges will vitiate
the whole proceedings.
Foley's Honey and Tar
fures colds, prevents pneumonia.
,v woimiv snriisson.
"Noiiii'lliliiir New I'mliT
The Sun."
All liiH'tou Imvo trlCil to I'liin ( A
TA lilill by llio Hie uf mhviits, m ill
(jiinch, iiiIihIi'M nml ilrtiK In i'Hte IWiii
llii'lr emuUm ili'v Up Ino inm iii
mt'iulil ion omiihIiik I'ioiii tocrnckiM'cn
ami lilicil. The iu'Wri fill neM ilM'd In
llio Intmli'M Imve entirely emeu nw.'iy
the wiiiie n i iiihrinioR that llielr iiuiUei
luive iihlli'il to euro, while miIo olnl-
mollis cannot reach tli iIIm'hm1. An
old ami experienced praellUniior who
Iiiim for niitiij' years niaile a clime ntinly
ami ieoltilly of the (root incut of CA
TAUKII, him at hist lci ficteil a Treat
ment which when faithfully lioeil, lint
only relieve at once, hut i'riiiiineiitiy
eiiicH ('.TAIilill, by rotimvlnn the
online, sluiiii(5 the tllcehaijseH, iiihI cur
ing the lull iiiiallim. It Is the only
reineily know n to Kolenee ( lull Hdiilly
rendu the iiltllctctl purls. Thin won
ilerful reineily U known as "SM'K
TA It lilt Cl'liK" nml Is I...UI l Ijieex
tremely low pileeef One liolliir, each
mcki;e oolitiilnlng tnleriiitl nil-1 ex
leriuil incillcliie Hiiitlcleiit fdr a full
mmilh's lieatineiit mul evi lylhlntc
lieei'Hiary to lln iierfect wto.
".sM I'l'l.!'" U the only peilict
t'AT VltliH I t'KK ever ininle nml U
n.iw reeiKnlxe the uiily sufe ami
piwlllvt' cure for Unit Mini") Intf iiml
iliKiitliitf (IImiim. It ciiich hII lull i-
lliMllnll i uii-lv ly mul pcriiinueiilly mul
U ! wmnlel fully quick to relieve
HAY KI'.VKltort'ol-DllitliellKAIl
OA I'Alilill when nt'Kleeleil "Men
It-mlN to (tlNSCMt,rHN--",sMK-
I' LHS" will wive you It you uho it at
once. It In mi oriliunry remeily, lull n
eoitllilete trentilielit which U nmllvely
minranteeil to cure I'A TA lilill In liny
fnrin o: iitiiKe if tiHeil Hieoriling to the
llrectlnliH which accompany each pack
age. I Mil I delay nut cellil inr II ill
uiioe, anil write lull partleuluin im to
yuiir eomrtiiiin, ami yen will reivlve
ni'clnl ailvlee from the ilwuven-f of
this wnmlorfiil ii'ineily reniirillnj; your
e.iHH willioiil eiwt to you heyoiiil the
rej-uliir price nf "SM'KI''I,KS" (he
(ii:AKAMKKl) CATAIilill t'I'lii:,"
Sent prepniil to any nhlie-i in the
Culled Slutcs nl Ciin.-uhi on rti-elpt of
tine Doilnr. Add row I'cpt. I'. Ik Hi K)-
WIN II. till.lvs a I'u.MI'ANV, i:i;i
and LM.'i- Mai ket Street, I'liihulciphl.i.
Col. Bryan has withdrawn his
name from the list of possibilities.
Since the Ohio convention he knows
how to sympathize with the fellow
who went over the Niagara rapids
in a barrel.
$ o
The elevated position occupied by
King Kdward of ICnghtnd precludes
Ids nersonal iilleiidance at horse-
-hut he takes a lively itwrt4l
in them, having a privte wire from
the race grounds to his imiierial!
residence, and his dignity is not so
austere and punctilious as lo pre
vent him from gambling on results,
much the same as of yore. It is
said that he won about $100,(0() on
recent races, which will be good
news for his creditors; he needed
the money badly,
ft ft ft
Til K 110)1 K (.01 l (1 iti:.
All liii'iilinis Trealiiient hy wlilcli
Uriiiikai ils are Helm: Cni'eil Daily
in Spile of TIicinsclvi'H.
Xn Nuxiiilis Hums. Nti M'eiiki'lllli!,' of I lie
Nerves. I'Ic.imiiiI ami I'llllie
('me for Hie l.hiinr llnlill.
It Is now generally known ami uu-
1 li-.t 1)1 i 1 that Drunkenness is a tiiseasc
ami not weakness, A hmlv fllleil with
poison, ami nerves coniplelel)' slialtered
hy perloilieul or eousliiiit use i f Intuxl-1
eating 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tm , requires an iinlitlole
enpahle of iieiitiuli.ilig ami erailiciuinis'
this poison, 11ml destroying the craving
for intoxicants. Sull'i-ieis may imw
eur themselves at home without puh-
lieity or loss of time from hiisincss hy
thisw lerful"lIO.M K ( K Lli Cl'HK"
which has heeii perfected after many
years nf close study ami treatment of
ineliriittes. The fail hful use iicciiriling
to directions of tills wonderful discov
ery is positively guaranteed to cure the
most olistiiuile case, no mailer how
hard u drinker. Our records show the
marvelous transformation of thousand
of Drunkards Into sober, Industrious
anil upright men.
BANDS!! (,'MIIiDKKN ( UltK VOtlll
FATTI Kit-!! This remedy is in no
sense a nostrum but is aspeeillc for this
disease only, and is ho skillfully devised
and prepared that it is thoroughly
soluble and pleasant to tho taste, so
that it call he given In a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of Un
person taking it Thousands of Di'iink-
ards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, ami us. many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the "('t'KK" adminis
tered hy loving friends und relatives
without their know ledge in eollce or
tea, and believe today that they dis
continued drinking of their own live
will. DO NOT WAI T. Do not he de
luded by ltppaiciit and misleading "Im
provement." Diivo out the disease ut
mice and for all time. The "HOMK
GOLD CUKU" is sold at the extreme
ly low price of One Dollar, thus placing
wilhiu reach of everybody u treatment
more ellectuid than others costing t'25
to .$.jO. Full directions accompany each
package. Hpeeial advice hy skilled phy
sicians when requested without extra
charge. Sent prepaid to any pal l of
the world on receipt of Ono Dollar
Address Dept. KMtfi KDW IN 15.t j I I.IOS
& COMPANY, 2:i,io and 2332 Market
Street, Philadelphia.
All correspoudeyce strictly coulldeu-Mill.
w niiim,ion i.irm it.
Washington, ). C. July 'J'J.
Tho Sampson Schley contro
versy is again raging liltn a limine
afire. Coiteervntivo friends uf belli
regret this, but if it leads to a eon
givsMomil investigation that will
bring out the rear facts which now
seems probable, it may do good bv
preventing future revivals of the
eontroversv. The pro-cut revival
was started by the publication of
the third volition of Maelny's His
tory of the U.S. Navy, which is
used us a text book at the Naval
Academy, in which Hear Admiral
Schley is called "coward" and
other insultiiigepithets, The auth
or, a clerk in the lhooklyn Navy
yard, in saying that he had sub
mitted proofs to Secretary Long,
was uuder.tlooil to mean that Secre
tary Long had approved of the use
of the abusive epithets, This Secre
tary Long lost no time in denying,
lie also ordered the objectioua! vol
ume stricken from the I i -J t of text
bunks at the Naviil At a.leniy. il
Secretary Long had u!!ovu )ih
denial to end with his having i-aid,
"it is ah; aid to say that 1 would
endorse his language when he calls
Admiral Schley a coward, Admiral
Sibley is no coward. No one in
the service who knows him lias ever
for a moment doubted his bravery or
gallantry in action." The friends ol
Schley wouldn't be so lighting mad,
but be continued by saying Unit in
stead of the Navy llepartiuentbeiiig
opposed to a congressional investi
gation, he had written to Senator
Hale, chairman of the senate naval
Committee, asking for one, ami
maiie the lire not ter than ever th
udding: "Admiral Schley should
have been court-martialed as foon
as we learned at Washington that
he had deliberately disobeyed his
orders when searching fortlieSpmi
ish ships. 1 suggested to the pres
ident that Schley's action might to
be inquired into, but the president
demurred. Thoday that we learned
Schley hud tunic. 1 back was the
darkest day in all thehistory of the
war. Tre-i'lent felt convinced that
Admiral Schley had soinegooil rea
son fur turning buck, and would
not order a court-martial. When
Admiral Sampson took charge of
l.l il . I r.. l e t
VV.. H'i' "Li'I'LTJ"?
a court-maitiat nccause he was a
junior ollicor, and assumed that Ad
miral Schley would ask for a court
of inquiry, when he learned that
the navy Department was dissati-
lied with his course," !
The warrant olhcers in the navy,
whose status is about that of nun
commissioned oilicers in the iiruiv,
are not falling over each other in
their eagerness lo putjii applica-;
tions t . take the examination pre-
scnlH'tl by the navy department,
the suecesslul passiiij; of winch will
uive them coniissioiis as ensigns.
It was in connoction with this ex
ainiiiatioii tha' Hear Admiral Samp
son wrote the fool letter about
tlunner Morgan, who is bar rid by
iifie from taking the exaiuiiialion.
Although applications to take this
examination must be 111 led before
July oOlh, only two have been re
ceived. Ollicials of the navy de
partment say it is fear of the dilli
cully of passiii the exiuniiiation,
that has prevented more applica
tions, and an ollieial statement giv
ing a synopsis nf the scope of the
exaiiianlion, has been made public,
for the apparent pui pon) of indiie
iiil,' tnoro warrant oilicers to apply.
Old warrant oilicers, when they can
be got to talk, tell a different story.
They say that the bright young
fellows in the service know that
their lives would ho niiulo a stand
ing torture by tho other commis
sioned oilicers should they suc
ceed in passing the examination
and getting a eoniission, and have
wisely decided not to iniiko the ef
fort. So many army oilicers who
did not graduate from West Point
have become prominent that the
prejudice against outsiders has
been dulled in the army, hut there
are very few holders of naval com
missions who did mil graduate from
Annapolis anil who are not dead
opposed to any other niel hod of get
ting one, and consequently bitterly
predjuiced against those who suc
ceed. (lertnany seems determined to do
everything in its power to hamper,
and consequently to lessen Ameri
can trade with that country. U. S.
Consul Warner, at Leipzig says in
a report to the department of state
that it is reported the Reichstag
will pass a law compelling Ameri
can exporters to Germany lo niiiku
out invoices covering the shipments
which must ho authenticated by the
German council iu the U. S,
ATA R Fill
In all in mi! tlrnro
plt.ttiLI ho i U milium.
i:ij's ('ream llahu
rhniiw", Iliclulllrl
Urn ilui-n-iil mi'lill'fiiiis.
moiy it old Ui Ilia I'""'
Hill' kiy.
'ii-"iii inl;.i l ln"i1 lnt ttiti minlrlU, ajiroilt
fimr Urn vu'iulitmi ' !r 1j1, Kullnr la Itu
nuilUte wul euro fuil"W. H In Bui iti-ylnu-il.iM
liul ikikIiico unronlll;!. 1.41 Minn, SI) llll tl l)tg. iir liy iimlll TfUIHIm, 111 rii( mall.
tl.V IllloiU Sills, "l Wntfui1 Hirtwi, Now Ytwk.
whose district the goods are pro
duced. It is alleged that such a
course will help ollicials ill perfect
ing statistics of the imports from
the U. S , and will also throw an
other obdiicle in the way of Ameri
can exports to tiermiuiy.
The Tost iHIice department
means hiisine-s in its light to shut
fake publications out otsecond class
mail. Tlicorders of the I'ostmastor
tii'iienil, ca I ling n lieu t ion to the law
and declaring that it must be en
forced, lias been followed by a cir
cular It Mi r from (he third assistant
1'iwl mailer (iciicrat, telling pott
n.'.i! Ins that lin ir boudmaii will
be In Id l'i sponsible (or any loss to
the u.iM'i nnieiit on account of, their
failure to strictly enforce the law.
Hon, Joquiu li.ironda, who was
for lS yeais a member of cabinet of
I'residcnt I ia of Mexico, and who
will bo ii!ain if his -health i m proven;
as much during bin travels us he
hopes, is in Wa-diiiigton, In a con
versation at the White House, a
gentleman w ho had just been intro
duced said something about how
much t'ue welfare of Mexico de
pended upon the health of 1'iesi
deiit I'la,. Mr. l'.arenda said in re
ply: 'Tre-iilent lia, is a great man
but ii he clio ild die or leave his
piiaiion, there are many men in
Mexico able to cope with the siaia
liuii and to conduct a good govern
ment. Mexico has never been morn
"Tons or more peaeolul.
Do you need
If -11, Klvelhe m:5TSidi
11 enll. I'riutliiK of every
ilexerlplion ilone Ith neat
no Hint illpnteh nt res
Honatile riiti-M.
are the most fatal of all dlS'
I UllI 0
Guaranteod Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by cml-
ncnj phySicJans 33 the best lot
KidnCV and Bladder trOUDlCS.
PRICE 50c and $1.00.
and union Pacific
I'l'DIII llltli'lil-IHlt'lll'O
( hli titrn-
I'nl llHMll
ii Oil H nl
vttt Hunt.
Mull Luke, Denver,
Kt, Wnrtii, niniihH,
Khiwhm City, HI.
l.'iuit i hlciitfo ii ml
4 p, in
Hull liiiltr. Pcnvor. Kt
('My, St. LuuU,
i hlt'iiyi) ant' Kiisl.
Wnlla Wnlla, I.f-wiH-
tuil, HpnliRJlO, Mill
peiipnllH. M:. I'HUl,
t'lilcmrti Htul KhmI,.
iMH V ut
via IliniU
K hint
FiiM .Mail a in !
via !
HjUlklllH' !
8 10 A m.
7 ft. m,
From I'orttiinil.
All nallliiK ilitlt'H Hub
i JeeL Ui chiuiHO
Knr ' Ull Klltih'lrtim
utilH uvwy 6 tluyn
i Cotumlilit ICivnr
'To AhltiriH an 1 Wuy-
WlltUlllHtK! Hilt)
, Viitahlll liivtHrt.
iirtn iH rlly, im. Inn,
: mi l
U'lliaiiMtltti Uivcr.
iWllilliil K CnrvilillH
j and Wuy-Iiitiitlntfri
Snako Klvcr.
l upiuiuU) L.nvlnloti.
H p til
4 p. m.
Ex Stuiilny
H Ml
111 in
4 p. iu
:i::w p.m.
itnil Ki'i,
i'tif , 1 lim
tl.Mil Sill,
ti;r 'i. ni,
I iirK.TImi
tinil ;-nh,
I.Vl'lplt t'tl)
it , m.
p. in.
and Krt.
!,v. LmvlH
Un. in.
IS i iiiktoi'M to I'nrtliiml from luhpmitl(uicie
It ii I It leaves (UirvnIliH for I'ortlmiil Moiulnyn
WciliH'NilitV'H auil Fridays nl l n in, pas.siiiK
hull peiidi-nee nl i n in. liHnniinK, It aveK
I'orllaiKl TiU'liiyH, Tlmrmdnys mul Hnlur
(layrt, pnHHliiK JiKtcpcndomiu ut 0:;10 in
Flmuic Univcs hulticyiletiro fur Porllnmi
'I'lii'Milays.'l'luir.sdayH nml HaturilayH ill (1 in.
lieliH iiliiK leaves Portland 1'or Iiulcpendeneo
MmihImyh, WiidnotfdiiyH and Friday at 0:45
iiin, anivliiKHt Judepctuk'hwul 0 in.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder tight
Polk County Bank
1. II.IHHI.I V. I'. !,.( 4MIU0I I.
I'ril.lit. Vli-f.l'rulilrnl,
Mill, I'lin 11,1., lilrr.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J, II. Haw-ley, I', rnmnhcll, I. M.
ISimpHnii, J. 1(. V. Iliiller, Juhll
Jl. Mliiiup, K, H, Powell,
J. A, Withrow.
Transacts a Banking
and Exchange Business.
Tin; Independence
CttjiltAl Stock, $50,000.00
PmM'ttl Vl l'mli'.nl
c, w in use. ruin,.
II lllru lilii a- l U nm. II C H111III1
A .Si'lmtlt Al W Sli'Wiirl
Hfniful Siilni m. i-ii-hmti kmlnra
It i-ti-il . 1 . 1 : , mft-ii. fc. HI iei .iiinitiil, pom,'.l i t -.tila (, ill .ll. rt'Vlxil 01
i.M:it.Mlt M-iyuUl i.O.jPtl Ift rlli l, lUItl MlO
Oil Ul!! .Ujci-ll.
m G-LI,awkins
i f:i'vr'' l"ltPf ndcnvc. 0r.
mm mi
life e
Moiuiiiients and
Mead Atones
YiKj M. Cemetery
The Hntel Cail
SDallac, Ore.
Has been relitted and renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing is new. (lind sample room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Hates, $1.00 to fj.00.
Special rates by the week.
( all (or County Vni runts.
f Ol'S TY TitKArtt'liKU H OITH F,
halla.. Ott-t;.)!). Jtttv 11, I'.Hl.
I unpaid eminiy w urrmiu if I'rdk I'Diiniy, w hleli wern pre-.-nlt d mid Htdnrwd
"Nut paid (or Hunt of itind"" prior lo May fi,
lK1, tl bv paid upon prt'Krutnlloti al Hi In
iinre1 wilt hoi la allowed on (botanic
afliT Uty dale ol tltH nolle',
K. V. i U.I'ON,
7 U :it Treasurer. 1'olk Count)-, OreijtHi,
Nutlet lor rnMinitlon.
July 1, iioi.
NolleP t hereby tvcn that the follow inn
naiih il oeiilcr ItaN illcd ituiii'i' of hit intention
lo miilif ilmtl proof in Hitpeorl of hit elalm.
and that ald pr of will ho made before th
ctaiiM) i lent oi i'mIK couuiy, at Hallm, itre-
tn, on Anuti-! IU. liml, VI?,;
Paul Hoiu'o, lieirof'Chnrte.H It one , dt'Ct'actl,
H. K. No. nail,
for the riaeilonal V l.jof , W and fraetlon
at N W ol S V ol Srr IS ' M, K tt W.
He niiiiies (he lolh'Atnn H i I tK'-f et to'provp
hU ei'iiiHMinus resldeiieo upon and eullivrtlion
of hum! land, vi.
John Uoino, John Kline, Jonn hyer,
llurhauk, all tf Pcdeo . troii.
Nolicp Tor rulilintllon.
First puh. June 11. Last pub, Aiitf. 16.
UiilU'd Stub's Land (Hllee, Oregon Clly,
Ol'i'KiUI, Jiiuc li, I'.HI,
Nollee h heiehy given that hi eompliaiiei
with I lie provision of the net-of CnuKns of
June :i, entitled ' An net for the mile of
timber land in lb" Si Men of Ctillfornla, (tro.
yon, Nevada, and Washington Terrifory," Ht
extended to all the Pitblie Liuid Smten bv act
d AukiM -1, Iv.'i, Mary K, Wright, of Hoeea,
t'ouiily of polk, Slate of Oregon, Iuin thtn
day tiled In Huh oltlee her nworn wlatyiuent
No. M'fcii, for the piirehast) ol Lid H, of nee
lion !t, In township No. I) H, rane No H went,
and will oiler proof to nhow that the land
Houuht la nion valuable lor lltitluiheror Mone
than for iM'ienitural purposes, and to oNlah.
itsh tier claim to ald laud tadnre tha KeNler
ami Keeelver if this ottleo at Hreijim Clly,
Oregon, on Monday, tho :' day f AukukI,
Sho nnmeH tw witnuHHew
Thoman K, WHht, td Koeen, (b-eion; Frank
N. HpaiiKh, uf Ml, Tabor. Oreuoii; John
Ithode. ot KalU City, OreKon; Albert James,
of Falls city, Oregon.
Any tnd a'l pei-oiiH plalmlnu: advormdy the
ahove-deeiihed landN arc reqiiesled lo Ilk
tlieir ulaiuiH In thla ottleo on or beforo huhJ
2titli day of AiiKUNt, 11HU.
ClIAH. H. MooitKH
nien to travel und ndver lo for old eHtah
lllied house ol solid tlnaneial KtaudlUK Hal
ury tfVSU a year find fxpensuH, all payable in
cash. No eanvasliiK required. 01 vo re for
eiteeN and enclose nell-addresed slumped en
velope. Addi'eHH MuniiKor, Caxton BUlg;,,
V, NTKI. Capalih. reliable person In
every county to represent bire compai of
solid Mn uncial repot at ion; WMI salary per year,
payahle weekly; per day alKolutely suro
ami all uxpenseH; ntralht, hona-tlde, dcllulle
nlnr,v, no eoniiniston; salary paid each
Sa'urdav and expense money advanced each
week. STANCAlil) UOIMK, ;i;il Dcurboru
Ht., Chicago.
Notice lor J'uMinilioii.
First pub. Apr. "Jd Last puh.Jun.l28
T 1 M It l: It L AN 0, A CT J LI N E il, 1 878.
United HtatH Land Otllee, Orcnoti City,
Oregon. April MUh, hull.
Notice Is ht-rcby jjlven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June n, isvs entitled "An act for tha salo of
timber lands In the Hlatea of CaliftM-nhi, Ore
gon, Nevada, and WasiiinKtou Territory," as
oxteiided to all the Public Lund Slates by act
of August I 1.12, Charles 1. Hi try, of Port
land, county td Multnomah, Statu of Oregon,
lias this day Illcd in this olllce his sworn
Htatcnient No ftws, for llio purchase ol tho N V
'4 td' Secllon No 'X, in Township No. 0 S,
Range No. MV, and will offer pnaif to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposca, and to establish his claim lo said
land before I Itu licglsler and Receiver of this
ollicc at Oregon citv, Oregon, on Friday, tho
liiihdityof.inly, null.
He mimes as witnesses: H- F, Williams, of
Cnllns, Oregon; Jlriiuinn iti-sehberg. of In
dependence, Oregon; K. C. Kirlipatriek, of
DalliiH Oregon; Ueo. a. Wilcox, o! Independ
ence, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above-described hinds are requested to tile
their claims iu thisollloe on or before suit! 10th.
duy ol July, lwi.
C. 3. CalbeatJ?
Stapls and Fancy ksrk
Opera House block, rialn Street, Independence,
jj Oar ii
(lood tfooda at Kiglit
i Our gouils nrn llriit-clasH,
j lowest quality of good conxidcrcd.
jN All kindrt of country jiroduco bought at tho
j Highest Market 1'ricu. W
in J Shire ol Kjiir Palrmiijj I?3j33!h!lj Solicited. S
Wc are now offering special
prices on Steel Ranges, also
cast stoves and ranges. We
have a very heavy stock of
this class of goods on hand
and can please you in styles
and prices. We invite you to
call and examine our stock.
I'I'l I I'M I I I I 11-11 l
i R. I. WADE & CO., 1
A. J. Goodman, Mgr. E2
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Manufacturers of High Grade Flour, Feed etc
Highest market prices paid for wheat.
Capacity 150bbls. Hour per day.
Grinding capacity for 225,tX)0 bushels of wheat per year.
We have remodeled our mill to
tho latest improved sifter sys
tem. Try a sack of our best Hour
made by this new process. - - -
Securea Legal or Commercial
No Vacations in tho
GUAK.VNTEK snoeosH with
our nitilhiHl of INDIVIDUAL
iiistruc.lion. Special attention
given to Shorthand. Typewrit-'
ing taught hy the latest. Touch Method. Lessons by mail, $5 per month
Send for Free Trial Lesson and catalogue containing opinions of prom
inent educators, business men, stenographers and others. Law Term
commences September 1st.
Priu. Commercial Dept, JPrin. Law Def
r .
I'ricijH Muko Easy Soiling
our priccH as low as the
l l-t 1 1 I 1 III I l'H-l'H-1'
Prescription Druggist
i 1 1 .. 1 ".."'..wmwwi
rtt in.