Rheumatism What t th at ot telling th rheumttlt Uwt he tWls m It hit Joint wr being dis located r H know that hit tu(Tertnt r very mueh Ilk th torture of th we.. W - M imh It what will per manently rur hit dtinw, Thai, according to ttHHiaandi ot grsleful testimonials. It Hood's Sarsaparilla H promptly neutrallte tho acid In thr blood m which th dlMw de-pannl. com ptetoljr eliminates It, tnd atrvtiirllw-tit th syttvtu against itt mum. Try Hood', Appreciative, "Vow rm quit hilarlou thi morning "1 am. 1 liHtl lorrill attack of ttotinlgia thRt kept tno awko all nigltt, last night." "Joking, eh? Why liuld you 1 to happy on aovount " "Rvcau I haven't got it now. That why." Amateur, develop your own plate t homo, K. 0. powUer developer, ix package 35 cent. For alo hy all photo supply dealer, or Kirk, Ovary 4 Co., S30 Sutler St., San Franoiteo. JkUm'i Hoot lor huplUL The Mary Cnti I-ee chapter of th Daughter of the Confederacy, in Lex ington, V., it desirous of purchas ing the old home of On. Stonewall Jackson in that town tor a hospital, ami if it succeed will name it tlie Jackson Memorial honpital. The ret icence i now owned hy Hen. Jack ton ' widow. Whtt Wondtr. Pint Dealer What do you mean hy returning that parrot after keeping him four month? Whet' the mat ter with him? Customer W-w-well, th b-b-b-blamed b-b-b bird t-t-t-uttora! Hub u a fminl. ItitbT -M th bvnollt. Xuntnt atbri matt'thi-lrullk mlWI eurtsnv with t'lms til, tnf itn I Ml Mill Tf il Mmm. Aiiumt- .1.1.. i.. w. . Well NiiMd. Cora-Why it that artitt calll an ininrtHwioniat i.,..:t,it.u,o.... . ..:.,,, n( hi. looks as if he laid the canva on a! newspaper art it-lo. Mi. Ilcthlon a jialatte full of color and took an cx.-ricnce w tet given in her owu impression. wont. She tayt: "j.0r nearly a year I endured terri- Yo Doa't Owt th Earth, J hie asony cuct hy a general break- Put yon feel like being king if theig town ofth nervout tyttem fe ocean when you get Urted to San wcakn. and tupprt.on of I he Frane seo on the O. K. A X. tteamers 1 leaving rortland every live days. The nrroumliiig are rf"ct gmnl ineaU, line U-rtht, quick time, and officers of the steamer are attentive ...j .,..i.u ...! .i i..L-..i. f,,r! the Knworth Leaeuo convention Ct onlv $20, including meitla and lierth. .... - o - . . (Mt only on tleamera leaving Port land July 11 and' U. Mlwry Ltvu Company. "And was every one of you teatick coming over?" "Oh, yet; we were all in the tame boat." Good Time ea th Octan. For a perfect n-st front hutineaa, nothing equals the ttcanicr trip from Portland to Sun Francisco and return this month and next, when the ocean is smooth and the days are pleasant on deck. Every live tiny a splendid steamer of the O. H. A S'. line leaves Portland. The accommodation are excellent. Any agent of thecouipany will give details, or addre A. L. Craig, general passenger agent, Port land. I do nut believe Piso't Cur fur Con tttniption hat til equal for enueht and mliU.-JoHX V. Iloira, Trinity iirliig, ind., Feb. IS. IIMiO Millions lor TuUnt Unlvtnitv. Mr. Newcomh, who died recently in New York, left $:.(XX,ll0 to Tu lane t'niversity. She had already given $TiiO.(XK) to this uuiversily. Holll't trhool. At Mrnln Psrk, Sttt M.tro ComiiIt, f'l., wllh Itn If.uliliil, timiiimliNit., rrli-t ehmnf. esrelnl Mirvtmn, ihotomh linlrurilon, riiniplrie llorlnrln, tn-l Kvin'iinm. mo irt'ioami H MNitllnn In tlie front rk.ikii ot (.licx.l. lo- tx on th I'tt-itli! Co"t. Irt O. Hnttt, i'h. U., VrliH-lMl. Ftmu In Vermont. For Terniont the enumerator re port 33,lUi farms.; in IHNO there were 85,522 and in lH'.M) 32,573. The mini tier of fanns in l'.MX) is 531! in excess of that of 1H!H), and 2,413 less than in 1880. A Niturtl Inference. Parkville There talk of getting tip a milk triiHt. Kockaway III watt-red. 1s t that would lie CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the oftgS Signature Smart Answer. "You fell into the creek with your without leaves, vine, or stem, und now breeches on?" grow as a parasite, on decayed wood "Yes, pa. You ep, I fell in so This extraordinary flower i Rome quick I hadn't time to take them off." thing like a yard in diameter, and Ims "A smart answer, my son. Ho sup- a globular cup in the middle, with a pose you take them off now. " cttpucity of five or six quarts. The disease most feared are those which are Inherited handed down from generation to gen eration, and family to family. By far the most destructive of these i Cancer, which find the greatest number of it victim among the children and erand-children of those whose blood wo tainted with this dreadful malady. You may carry this poison In the blood for yean, but a the vital power begin to wane a tlight bruise or cut, wart or mole, sore or pimple may develop into Cancer. From middle life to old age 1 the time when the slumbering poison is most apt to break out, a lore or ulcer often degenerating' into Cancer, and Tumors become more progressive and ulcerate through the sldn, the sharp, shooting pain causing the most intense suffering. The Cancer patient naturally grow despondent a one after another the usual remedies fail, and the ore shows no ign of healing. The impurities that have been accumulating in the tyttem, perhaps for generations, cannot be eliminated nor the poiooned blood made pure by salves, washes and plasters. The proper treatment is to purify end build up the blood, remove the cause, when the tore or nicer heals. S. S. S crm-s flirrrtlv W- T V . 1 . SI A m tiny vlcor eama, Just wndor th left oy. It beaau Rproading-, and arw wora rapidly, destroying- tht flash a it went. At Oancor ie hereditary la my family I beoams thorouo-hly aiarmod. oontultin- the bttt phy iolana and taking- many blood modlolnae, non of which did n any aood, when one of our Uadlna drug-giits advised ma to try 8. 0. 8., and by th time I bod taken th taoond bottle tne Oanoer began to show tig-nt of healing-, th discharge grew gradually let and finally ceased altogether, th tor dried up and nothing remains but a. Blight tear. I feel that I owe my lift to S. B. B." wait until the blood it to polluted and the lystetn to thoroughly saturated with the poison that no medicine, however efficacious, can check the progress of the disease. If there is a taint in your bipod get it out at once, don't wait for ome external evi dence of it, the appearance of a tumor or ulcer. W hve prepared a special book on Cancer which we will mail free. Our physician are ready to help you by their advice and such direction as your case require. Write u fully and freely no Charge for medical advice. THB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA, Tht Tn'i Vttw ReMlng Robert Sen her, Tom, thit per tayt haw no toiaurt) elaat in thit country that even our millionth are hard working men. Tired Thomat That man didn't know what he waa writing about. V are th Maura elata. Kit HkA Mm. Uta Hain't that man next door gt mortgage on hit placet Mr. Lot Yea, indeed, he haa. "Why doe h refer to the property at a pandit" "llwaut it't tied up, I tuppo." Th r-wMa tnelttm Will be Hit gretleat tlil eotttilrv hat ver . Tilt entire mai-lilnery will be rvill by Mr furnished from Nlra Kallt. Al though the txiter rtnlreil it eimtmnti brine tlttx ealarael Is 1U1 lo lit Uth.tli tine at lltelter'l Hiomai-h Hluert I euimltoth laa u suriilylng lit body till motive power when It It run down. There It no medictn In th world tu khI for dvpit, Itidiawilnn, citistlpilon, llattilrnry and nervousness. Try U. MIm AadtrtM, City AMoraty. Palmyra, Mo., proUhly haa the only woman city attorney in the Vtiilod State. She it Mix Andor aim, 23 yeart old, and, in addition to her prat-tie an a lawyer, la a political She cot her tlrst impetus to ttudy law hy reading Hlsckstone j while the, convalescing trout an i attack of typhoid f-ver. AWFUJJGONY Th Story of i Stricken Woman Whom Doctors Wert Not Able to Help. - r m Ikt Snrt, rWrnwrtnlV, fwlinuv Th ttory of Mr. Nellie M. lied, den, of So. 821 Summit avenue, Con nertville, Ind., contain an important lemon formany American women who lurTor in ttlenve rather than lac tn ordeal that til usual treatment of j tf.,,,),, entail. It it a atory - , .... . I. "I that rine with honcat gratitude and doc not tell half the misery that the narrator endured. tH her women who " tuffcring a Mr. Hedden did wilt know how to utulemtaiid and appre- eiale much that cannot I told in a 11""""" - a..-v " ina down nain tnd waa very weak and thort of breath. My circulation waa verv twd, causing numbneee ot limlM, (iiitiiiin and liradm-ha alt the time. My heart would tomctunc '"'I """ "yX ' , ...... ... " " , j troi.K, an you can hat I was in no condition lo withstand tuch . , ; , ,..1 " gn'w worse very rapidly and all th datura I tried faiM to check my .a ti..M a fri...l of n,v hiLslkatid my told him how much good Ir, Wil liam' Pink Pill had done hi wife to I commenced taking them and can now state that they are the only re lief I ever had. The Hint lo helped me o much that 1 wa thoroughly convinced of the eltlcacy of the rem edy. I continued the treatment for several week, using six hnxe in all. "In conclusion 1 will tay that if any one, who is suffering the same a I was, will take I r. William' Pink Pills as directed they will lw reward ed." Signed. KI.I.IE M. IIKDPF.N. SitlMcrilied and wom to More m this 14th day of Novcmlrr, l!HK. Finley II. !ray, Seal Nolary PulditJ. Ir. Willam' Pink Pill for Pale people are told at all druggist or will Iw w ilt dir'Ct from Dr. William Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Pric 50 cents -r tax ; six taxe. 2.6). Uki M the Dty. "The proposition to abolish '.adie' dav at the club was voted down." "Yes?" "Yes; it develop that there is hardly a member who doe not, in point of fact, on joy meeting 'ii wife occntotially." Speed of Occsn Stumer. Ocean steamship nowaday are a regular as the railroad in carriyng the mail. They have their habitual rate of s-ed anil are expected to make the voyage of 3,1X10 mile over a trackless ocean through wind and storm in the same iiuinlx-r of hour and imnutes, winter and summer, never slowing down or heaving to 0,1 lJ"- It Wm Up lo Him. MaWsc If I should full out of tlii wagon, what would yon tlo? Dick I'd catch you in my tiriii. Mitisic (let ready. A Strange Dower. One of the strangest Ixjtunicitl curi osities in the world is the "Wonder Wonder" flower found in the. Malay peninsula. It is simply a blossom fm .1.1. . J Into the blood, destroy the virus, ttot the for mation of Cancerous cell and cleansea the system of impurities. Whatweayof S. 8.8. a a cure for Cancer la supported by the testi mony of those who have tested it and been re stored to health. Betrln tn time, don't -.-r I B faT.'eri MANY MILLIONS ARI MAOC 1 arlMi plU I.m Chlata U Ntriy All th World. "Th lamp chimney," ttld a man ao mialuted with the trade, "aeema a ilm pi tort of tblug, but there are not many tblngt of more eotiiiuoo ute the world over, aud lu tlie aggregate the nuiuUtr told It euoruioue. tu title coun try ttitr are 13.WI0 uieu aud hoye etu played lu making . tamp chimney, ami the cutmueye produced aumher mlllloue inuually. The greater num ber are now made wett of the Alle gheny mountain tu reuniylvaola, Ohio ind Indiana, whore the majority of th glat work of Ute country are located, many of them Itt the uaturtl ga region, -The llrtt glata work to th coun try wtt ettattllthed In Iloaton and for merly th glatt-uiaklng Induttry wan principally lu the Kat Now there are not ntarly to many glo factorle her there once were, "Un not ramlllar with the butlnet might be urpried with the treat va riety In wul .-a lamp chimney re wad. I.mpt are made In the day In very great variety by many maker and of court there are mad chimney tutiahle for all of them. There I on American lamp chimney maker who, counting le and atyle. produce (UK) vrltlt. Among i etitutiiryt mad the the great variety or re are eonte that are ! of common use vrywhere tnd then ' there r om that re iieclally ulted I to demand tn till or that part of th ! country and are mil In dcluaud In other i iHtrt. "Ijimp chlmnejre r not only mad In far greater variety than formerly, lo lit perfectly every tort of lamp, hut tliey r also mad better than ever, tn fact, lmp chimney have dvneett with everything else. Hut enonmni and Increasing a the production I. the demand ecarcely keep pace with th lucreate In the population, tlilt Ix-in eKcllly true lu clilet where gt It more and more uacd. and here lu New York, for limiauce, by ner thrtitiKh slot 0-04 uiachliiet. which have tome liimteiice on the tnle of lamp chtumeyt, Htlll the number of In nipt ucd here I enormous. Th-e are plenty of peO' pie hiiruliig gas, for Insmiice, who have at well tlii-tm or four lampt, ami th iiunihi-r of Hople here who us lamp alone for the purpose of IMumluatUiu I very great. There are used In New York tnd lit vicinity mllllout of tamp chlumeyi annually. "We Import a few lamp chimney of the cheatteet and of the beat grade. the ell-Nip chimney from (lermauy and tlie cottller from France, but these liu port rut only a tmall figure In the to tal consumption and we eimrt lamp chimney lu great quantlUe. V tend very few to Kitrope, though w do tell them tome of our bent chimney. Hut ouuide of Knnnw w tell lump ehlra ney everywhere We come Into com- petlilou lo torn part of th world with , Uvruian. who make chlitmey very increasing ' . .. ." ....... . nu w tetiu cnimneyt, a i taut, ev j?w ,0 J!"''"0', ,h ! 1 h,,,' ,n ,f" ,0 a" ! u which lauita are used, all aratiud the artb,"-Nw York Bun. A Ital with ttraln. While tiulliig III a large woodshed. one end of which be had partitioned off with narrow tint a a fowlboune, Mr. X - hi-trtl a gnawing noise, and, looking ilamt him, aw a large brown rat dsrtlriK away from a dug biscuit lying on th floor of hi tiled. II de cided to remain quiet and watch If thl thief of hi dog biscuit would return, Presently he did, and. -slyly glancing tt Mr. X , a If to y, "Now, yon let ui alone, and Ml let you alone, lit rnlshlp began dragging the bleult over toward th lt portion, behind which were tb fowl clucking and cratchlng. II reached the lath and tried to drng the biscuit through them fter film. It would not pa, being flat nd hrond. After tome vain trug. gle with It, the rat vsnlshed, lo return wllh mother of hi ncnunliitnnce. The newcomer he stationed Itulde the fowl. house. He himself came out ud lelxcd the biscuit by one corner, tie then bo gnn tilting It up on It tide, and the drnlt friend poked hi hend through the sin to and steadied It with him. In few second the biscuit was held be tween them "up and down," and be tween rat No. I's pushing without and rat No. 2' pulling from within the bar rler the prize was forced triumphantly through the tint. A Joke with a Pleasant Kndlng. Not a few clergymen would be glad to be the victims of such a practical Joke a wa recently played upon Itev, Mr. Ilagemnn, the story of which ap pear In the Ox fori, Michigan, Leader. At the mutual meeting of the Congre gational Church tho question of hiring a preacher come up for discussion. At the lost meeting of thl society. when the tnbjcot wa brought up, good deacon arose, and nld; "All those In favor of retaining Rider Ilagemau for anothor year-nt the tame salary-will plento rise." Not a person rose, and the rtilnlster, who wa present, felt n uncomfortable ns possible, nnd henrtlly wished him self nnywhero else. Then the good deacon who had put the question arose n gal n, and snhl, with a twlnklo of the eye: "I see no one favor tlmt motion, so I will put It again In thl way: All those In fnvor of keeping ltov. Mr. Hiigetnnn nt nn Increase of salary will please rise." Kvery one K' Hln hi feet, Then It dawned upon Mr. Ilagemnn that ho had been the victim of a Joke, and a smile lighted hi eye and the color returned to hi cheek. Some of bl best friend hnd planned the surprise, and the little scheme hnd worked to perfection. Counted Against Dim. Pa-PId 1 understand you to ny that the gentleman who called on you last evening and to whom you Introduced me was a professional chess player? Daughter Ye, pa; he ha the repu tation of being a great expert at th game. ra Then I must posltlvely-forbld hi coming to ee you any moro; I cannot encourage you receiving attention from one of a class of men who take so long to make a move. Boston Courier. Couldn't Answer. "If the 'scorcher' Is no good for a sol dier," said the caller, "what Is he good for?" "Now, look herd" replied the man at the desk, "1 want It understood right now that I am no puzzle department." Chicago Toft. Said a shrewd minister before the collection wa token up: "Those who are hi debt need not place anything on the plate," The collection was doublet the usual amount. Green and red go well together. Give a man plenty of greenback and he I can paint the town a deep red. Mm. fs CitTit I Merrill ftlrwl, Aamlmri, Mat. fMi toffa mkomld emrrv Fm& mndOonvlattom to UfN0mi'U of mil sum wommm " I tuffered with tuHauimatloa and falling of th womb and other din- agreeable fetukle wcaknessea, i uta bad ill every two week that would last from eight to ten day and would have to go to bed, I also had head ache and baukniihe nuwt of the time and tuch bearing down pain 1 could hardly walk aerot th room at time, 1 doctored nearly all th time for ahoitt two year and teemed to grow worse all the tint until lal Heptember I waa obliged to take my bed. and the doctor thought an operation was th only thing that would help me, but thl I refuted to have don. "Then a friend llett me to try ute IHnkhatn medicine, which I did, nd after tulug th flrst bottle i began to Improve. I took In alt Ave bottle of I.vdia K. I'lnUlitm't Itlixxl Pnrtflrr, four boxcaof t.ydi K. Ilukham' Dry rorm Compounit, three boaea of l.lver Mil and used three mckaire of San- tie Weak and I iu well now a 1 ever waa, I am more than thankful every dav for nivcure." Ma. KK CsKtaa. a Merrill St., Ameahury, Mata, 9h Temaia Luy Whta r4 Terrapin farming we tried, nd there wa a little tticccM t first, but it wa atutndoucd hoixdes in the end, When the diamond hack is taken from itt natural home and placet! within a wire fence it learn lo call for It meals a regularly day laborer; ami gradually lose that tpiBlity wlilcli make It vaiuanie when httulcd tmm its lu-mc lar tlowtl in the mud, Shara Athul Sharp, Just about the time when the petv pie of New Jersey have exterminated the ntoeouitne in nsiHine to the ad vice of the scienlillu sltatp stmie other M-ientilin Khar)) will rise up ml tell llieni that Ihe tuosUitoe are among man' best friends and they will he comnelled to itntiort the c rent ore ami start Imtchcric. Interurka ntdiMJt, "Your town." said tho ChUigou, "itcalltHt Ihe City ol Htraits, 1 1 lieve. " "Yet." reiiliw! th IVtroiter, 'and your, I suppose, might be known a tho I ity ol urooK," tESTFOnTKI BOWELS If fa 1 1 !!'. iMiikr twtMMsi al Mm buMle eterr 4r. j i !. "in si we " tull ovm, ant be !) rurm. tn llw HmmdI iluleiil ttti0 at sill pulM. la 4ei.om Ttu i,iutlM,t. eealnt. stuat prrci we, uf seeping ibe at eiwar awl elMa i to tote n Psletaiiie. t'vwnt TsateOoe Oo'l"" Ser Slflen. Waetan. ot Orlp. S. Wr.l (reeaample. ewt Ixxklel ga kM.lt. ridral tlaHtae Si. t, laaa,. tahaee, aenl, la tart. KEEP YOUR BL000 CLEAN Womtr Like, Sh It llnguliL Queen Wilhelmin is an excellent lingilst, for, liesitlie her knowledge of Malitv, she sta-ak French, Merman ami Knglish a Ihiently hef native Dutch, and she knows something oe tide of Italian anil Russian. (pworth Utf,u ftittt. A cool, delightful trip can I made to San Francisco anil return by steamer for only f 20 by taking advant age of the O. , A N. offer. That ruin includes liicula and Ix-rth. Dur ing July and August the ocean is etnootli ami the trip is very nenenciai to health, as it give perfect rest under the most pleasant conditions. Agent of the 0. U. A N." anywh"re will tell all hunt how tt) liiuki) tilt trip, or write. A. I. Craig, general passenger agent, I'orttaiul, A Borumi. "Hero's a distinguished scientist who say that, nfler, all, there' no thing in. germs." "Nothing in germs! Nonsense Why look how much the doctors hav. made out ol ilium. FATA ParnrnnMilltr thiml. Nu ma er tinrrniMnM lllO allr llril'lnv'. n.a.tflir Kllna'atlrfat Nary. Raihin-r. Samlliil - FH BKt'J.M trial ls4tlanllrMl lu. Pa. II. II KUNl,Ud,.wlrchSt,.Pblleai.liU,i'a Know Lltllt About tht Sky, It is a strange thing how little peo ple know iihout tho sky, It is a part of creation in which nut lire hag done moro for tho sake of pleasing man moro for the sole and evident purpose ol talking to III in una teaching bun -than in any of her works, and it is just the part in which we least attorn! Iicr, Kuskin. WEATHERWI6E AND OTHERWISE! WMTD0N7T0UWCAR OIL. CD CLOTHING User fJVf Tf IUJTV AND KEEP POT, 5CWARE OF IMITATIONS. LOOK POK A60VC TRADE MARK. CATALOGUE FREE Showino Pull Line of Garment! and Hats .aA.W . TOWER CO., IOVTON, MM. fiCykTl CANDY if Jf CATMAmC Taei tu tttlTtwo f mm MM MWM W ',M!TMf 'mm 1 1 Beet Oousta Hrrup. Tsatet UooO. V 1 1 f ; In lima. Holrt h; arunlata. I f DUI TO LOSS OF NEHVC Uaeeaatab'e rrlh WblvH Free aaeatly elate Triva rtrrerattet, "Joe Ptark, the trick cyclist who waa kllletl during a high dive lu New York, traveled for a eeaaon with tvhV clr ,ut," Mid a young into. "I wa with the chow al lb ui lime, on tb busluet ataff. and I got to know Jo very welt. I ee by the pir that hi death wa due to a uilsclculallon uf over forty feel In t 'O dive, and the rcKirter are wondering bow la tha world he could bav md inch a blun der. To any on acquainted wllh per former of hi via, however, tb thing I uo uiytiery. They ar all subject to queer pell of patilc, that coma without any particular reason and un til them temporarily for butlnea. If iiitu pemlstt In doing hi act at ucn a time, (he coueiuence are alto gether a matter of chance, and Ihe ma jority of Ihe acclttenta within my recol lection bav been attributable to that cant. "While I wa In tb ihow bualneae 1 witnessed teveral itrlklng Instance of thl mysterious toe of nerve, perhap lit most remarkable belttf that of a little Knglhtbttian who did a very tea rHodI act en tb flying trapes. II had two bar upendod at eppoelta tide of the ring, about forty feet from the ground, and finished hi perform anc w'.tb lb fa( that I called Tehelle,' la the slang of th elrcna. den t know where the word come fmin, but In doing Ihe 'turn' the gym nttt wlng as far a ha ran on tba trapes, let go, throw a somersault, and catch th other, the danger de pending on th dlsttnce he travel through the air. "The Kngllehman wa a alow apokea. rather tlupld little fellow, who bad been brought up In Ibe ring and waa nearly deatltute of emotion aa any body I ever aaw. Ill habit were el Cellent, like tho of most professional athlete, and he did bl work with I mechanical precltlon that almot r eluded the poealblllty of a mlahsp. On night hi helper got drunk, and I went wllh him lo the little aerial platform from which be took hi long swing. for the purpose of holding bark the bar while he got ready lo launch himself Into space. A I wtt busying myself with the rupea t heard htm groan and. looking around, thunderstruck to tee hi in a whit a a tbeet and trem bling like a man wllh th ague. 'What' wrong, fredr" I whispered. 'Oil, tard,' he ld between bl teeth. I'm Just tu a funk, an awful funkr I wtt so attonlthed I could hardly credit my tense, but I realised thai something would have to be done to prevent a fiasco that would ruin him In the butlneea. 'Pretend you ve sprained your arm I said, 'and leave the rest to me. Now, lei' get down quick.' 11 wa o unnerved he could hardly descend th ro ladder, ind tb audience begn to bu with urpris. t sent him lo the dressing tent and aid a few words lo the ringmaster, who made a Utile speech, eiphtlnlng that Mr. - had lujtired hi arm climbing lo Ihe platform and would be obliged to omit hi usual finale, later on I found the poor fellow lying on hi coslunie trunk sobbing like a child. but next morning be was all right, and I never knew him lo lute another scie nce. Yon my rest assured Joe Mart inet hi death through Just such n nn accountable collapse. It probably look him a he atarted to tntke bis dive, and .rid forbad him to bold baek."-Nw Orleans Time Iemncrt A VICTIM OF CONSCIENCE. Fo'lewt Hit ll ee He It II, e- Brll of Coa-ttaence. "I want to tell you," said th talka tive man at the comer mine in tne cafe, according to the Detroit rree I'rest, "that tome men bsve a magni fied tense of duty, and It pervert their action, aometltn dangerously. I have a neighbor afflicted that wy. One of the ulcet fellow you ever saw, but cranky, don't you kuow. I'll Illustrate, lie bad hi porch floor paluled th other day cud th man who did tb Job said th paint must ne given at let four dy In which to dry. The tep were brricnica auu a big lettered ilgn put up. "The next mornlug a velvet footed kitten wa trotting aero the forbid den territory when my neighbor saw It. Hit on Idea wa that he mtiat get that kitten off the paint and forth bo rushed. It wa a playful kitten aud tceuted port. It kept Just out of reaen and pleasantly challenged pursuit until hard pressed, when It wouia ecnot up a pillar and return when It w n opening. " 'Here, boy,' lie houted to a couple of youngster pausing on their" way to chnol, 'leod a hand.' ' They did and, of course, boy began to rnlly from evorr angle. The polcemn Jolued In the chase and by the time kitty was cpl tired that porch floor looked a If It had been gone over wun a spring- tool h harrow, nut neighbor hnd only been bent on doing hi whole duty. "II rushed to church one morning In a gray smoking Jacket, a plug hat and a nalr of 'flopper-heeled' slipper, because he knew It wa wrong to b late, He agreed to look after my lawn while I w away Inst summer nd entnked every child In the neighbor hood for disregarding hi 'Keep off the grass' lgn, printed on a shingle and hoisted on a spilt stick. I haven't succeeded In tinnrlng him wllh nil the offctiiled nnrenls yet, but ho ay ti.nt If 1 want him to care for th lawn nwtt time I'm away he'll make a hotter lob of It. Most conscientious fellow 1 ever ny, hut ho'll do lome- thing desperate yet." He Believed He'd Itemaln. An absent-minded farmer hnd nn un fortunate experience nt a Memphis hotel, which has Induced him to Jot down a few Important words for uso the next time he goes to tho city, lie registered at the desk shortly af ter supper, nnd hung about the olllco until 0 o'clock, when ho remarked to ih clerk thut he believed lie would "remain." "Very well," said the affable clerk. Another hour went hy, and the old farmer cume ngitln to the desk, nnd ob served wllh decision: "I say, I believe I'll rental." "Of course, by ull means, If you wish." again replied the clerk. As the clock struck eleven the old mnn, now o sleepy that be could bnre- iv keen hi eye open, angrily called . out: "Hv sum, 1 sny I believe I'll remain "Certainly, o you've said," answer ed the clerk, "and when you're ready to retire you can flud your key at the desk." "Ilctlrc!" yelled the farmer, Jump- Ino to his feet. "That's the word I've been trying to think of for two hours. (IV me ihnt key. I'll sleep till 10 o'clock to-morrow to intike up for lost timet" Emulation may be nil right In Its way, but ha a peculiar way of getting to the way of other people. "A OHINtSt WIODINtaT Beerrthla; Ctf4 wttk Ik Otee ssesl I uecke la , Th Chine plac a slgalflcane upon every color, and la connection Itn wedding red obtain a deep- rooted, mytterlou Importance, tb neil brltUI color lo vlu being gold. Al betrothal th brldegroont-elect ends his sweetheart a pair of brace let fastened together with a piece ol red ribbon or cord. The bride and bridegroom drain two wine cup al th wedding, which ar alo connected by a red cord. In Northern China the attendtuu wear a tall felt b(, and arlt hat ba a red feather atuck up- right In It. Tb attendant also earn th wedding present. A eda chali bear th brld herself, lo Boutb China edu most wonderfully glided I used by lb wealthy cUts, and It I decorated with what appears at first sight to be brilliant Inlaid (tone, but which ire In reality the glossy feather of th king Usher. A handtom cloth of glowing red with trimmed border I also throw a ever Ibe cbalr. la tlw rtst of th poorer clause red tf ata the prevailing bridal color, and a chair of ordinary carved wood, painted bright red, I used. Abov tb door ol tho rhilr a kind of charm I placarded or hung upon a red cloth. The ehaii Itself It tent by the bridegroom, conipiil.-il by what corretponda to out beet man. Thl functionary bring Itb him a letter written In yellow ol gold upon red paper, praying Ibe lady tu enter and lak her plac. Me dressed all In red. aud carrying red parcel containing th present, fall Into th procession. Other bearer carry board and banner. Inscribed lo golden letter upon a red ground. The banner tell lb pedigree or both par lie, Hehlud th bearer com tb other atteudaol. with long pole on which are bung eery bamlsoni lan tern. Th bridal veil la of bright crimson bu. and her dre regal fold and -rlet.-Wld World. AJMrttl fltallag faraway. The lead ncil industry in Germany it at present tuffcring from American coiii-lltion. It i llcged that our tsecv in thi branch of industry U mostly due to the perfection ol the machinery. "The A. . C of .'holography" hy Fayette J. Clule it one of the best tent txMikt tor amateur ever published. Price 5 cents by mail. Camera Craft rub.Co.,3:W Mutter rU.,8n Francisco. fllg Anctiiert. Father Mulcughey (calling) Oi tttppoMi these picture in yci rlor are av ver ancestor? I'at t)'Cnllithau(ciuieclng Yis; tome sv t litttt are mm aunt sisters, but niolist av Ihim re moi wife' re lations. NV JrKV'l Dtnuil Poptllttlea, 1'atcrson ha the most populous cilv ward tn the state of ew Jersey. It it the Third ward, with 83,780 peo- i.lo. Newark ha the next lariiiwt. with SltXrii. KlitaU'th ho I ward with only 0,378 population. Wtlih Ututs. The tsill taken of Cardiff, Wale, on the tt ueet ion of whether children in the board schools should be taught the Welsh language hat resulted in majority of (17 vote against it. Th lAmaa, "Certainly nobody can deny that eiviiiK a smaller piece of ice than i just al time th fault of some ice men, "I'lKitleslionahly." "Ami doesn't it make the fault ereater when they lay it at other people doors? Mothers will And Mrs. Wllitlow'l Sooth In Hvrut) th best remedy to-use lor their children during th teething period. Thought fit Wu Ctttlag PtnonaL "I hear you and Walsliiugham have fallen out," said llawley. "Yes. "replied Hick. "He asked me to design a crest for him, and 1 sticccsted a pig rampant upon a wax ed tloor a consistent with hi name, and he lost hi tenicr," Sttmpi Ittvt t Boom. The great rise in value of late was that sheet of IW two cent Pan-Amer ican stamps, in which tho accidental Inversion of the picture in the center increased tho market value ol each stamp from two cents to 20. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature) of See FacSlnllt Wrapper Btttw. j Tear Mall aaUl as tmt to take a smgaiw FOR HEADACHE. FOB Dinmwi. for iiiioumu. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION osnvias awerswi jaasAiuai urery YefslaMi CURE8ICK HEADACHE. JOHN POOLE, Porthttd, Oregon, foot ol Morrison Street. Can give you the beat bargain in Rttggiei, Plow, Boilers and hnglnet, Witi'lnillla and Pnmni and General Machinery. See u befor buying. la best tlmt to cure Catarrh, Hronchllla slid Cninuiiiinioii Our remedy I" HusranteeU, , p. o. Hot s-ia. 1 1 SMITH I CO., Buffalo, N. Springtime Resolutions f AKR T11K ICccioy Cure Eurereliui fioin Hq -nr, opium tnd tobaooo habit- Bend lor particular, w Isilay Institute K.r.x. o. Movell to 440 Wllllamt Ave., Kaat Hide. e. a-iir Jlf HEN writing t advartlraia pleate It mention tn.s paper. CARTERS! i . i v-i Ver hi !HEADf?sK!:r.n: avwef - l'ti ia PES. JOB WHEELER 5js o Ptruav "I of S0Mton Sulllrtit, Rout bb4 MeBatry In thtlrtooi OpaSM OIPfWM eU M t fMivt) uurrt nmtiy," A Marti Ucturt. Mit rpis'rten They tay there is a great deal of misery among the poor. Mis tioirox well, H tneir own fault. There' Keggv Van Pelt, for instance, with only $ 10, 0t a year. trying to keep a yacht and a stable of horses no wonder he a miserable ', Ult't rlorld Grind. "If to tiresome," sighed the girl in the fur jacket. "No sooner do you get buck I rum your winter trip to the rtottth than you have to Ugin to make up your mind where you are going lo s'nd the summer. Some time I think life 4 hardly worth living." Stability el woodtn Churchu. Borne ot the wooden churches of Norway are fully 7W year old, tnd are atill in an excellent tate of pres ervation. Their timlar have suc cessfully resisted the fnwty and al most Arctic winter because thry have been repeatedly coated with tar. The Tt Wtt Ttmptlaf, A young couple in southwest Georgia called on a colored minister and offered him a string of tlsh to marry them. Maid tho minister: "I mighty ssitive dt hot h cr ynu is too young ter marry, hut den you look a heap older den what you is ; en (tinier mo', dey is one t ing I want particklcr fer dinner dit day, it i IWh. Ho line hair!" Not Vary Anckat. "Is Mis Primrose a Daughter of the Revolution!" "Mercy, no; she wasn't born until after the ward 1812." DrtiMd le Slay. "My !" exclaimed tho young man, who had called to take her out in his cutter. "Kur cup and jacket ! You're dressed to kill." "Not exactly," he replied. "Merely to sleigh." f VjK actual FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. FREE TO FARMERS Our 1901 Vehicle Book -Our 1901 Implement Catalogue JUST ISSUED. Pi'tia veer name tnd P. O, tddreat tnil wt will nitil one or both, aa desired, tree ot til tliarr. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., etrat tnd Taylor lu. Portland, or. "ADAMANT J J The LAND PLASTER IBf AiettU wsnti-d In every Iowa. NOTHINOj una so good e-oa- CM'Oiresta itm DRIIfiftlAN POULTRY FOOD It mikaa HtM Lay tnd Keepi tlwm laying. It ctret Roup, CKolert tnd All OlMiitt. It itrentthatii ywing chltki, tno misei them grow. Prict25cimi50c v .k.ri .XlZL r.n, enussus from .IjIok end 1 ta eonaUnlly kapt It . ".T. ..,.H K. IIOU KN, t'oaaa Afrnt, rroni THE AULTMAN 8l TAYLOR MACHINERY CO. ButUters nt llluli tirajle THRESHERS, CLOVER HULLERS, HORSE POWERS, TRACTION AND FARM ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS, ETC EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent. Cta!ogu MiW Free. 182-186 Madison St., Portland, O egon. Write for t Catalogue, ittting whet you want jtweaaa BENECIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, CEISLER PATENTS COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Th Wr Wy. "Po you wUh now," Inqolred the prlon vUitor, "that you had followed the ttralght and narrow path?" "Dat' de one I did loller," replied Jimmy Pore. If I'd ly dtslged Inter dal crooked alley, dey'd never a' kctched me." Coda Book ot) War Bblpe All code book carried on war ihlp bav leaden back, to make them slok If lost overboard. The letter In the book, moreover, are printed with a p 'enllar Ink, which fide away wbea It eomea In contact with the water. To ptak thing (till more nafe, Ihe letter ar chsnged every few mouth by th Navy Department, Kven on the war hip few offletr know tbelr vrtse!' fflclal lgnt cede. , EaglUhwotnen' Iftmu ! Tb Tendon Echo tsjr thtt th En g1Uthwomo'i foot I growing teadlly blgger--"to mucb to, lo fact, that tb (hoemaker In Iede hav Just been granted an Increase of pay because of the lo err ts tn the avenge size of the boot now required." Lifeboat Made or Hume. : A lifeboat nude of pumlce-ttone lit been teeted. It continued afloat wllb a load vn when full of water. When a cburcb member devcrlbe tb kind of a man th Lord love, be I giving a good wold picture of the kind of a man be thinks be It himself. The ftrt In a pretty bathing tult wb tndulg ta a tun bth h lot of taud, Jutt Ukt Him. Fogg Has tell me that there i nothing like equestrian exercise. He ay he i positively delighted with it. Kenderson H'm! Just like Bat. It' alt talk. I ee him almost every day out home back riding, o he can't , poesibly have any time for thi eques trian exercise he rve shout. Ptsmtt King Employ- 600 Mta. F. W. Mill a a "peanut king" hi had an interesting career. He began life a a peanut vender on a train. When only 12 year old he had con tract with teveral railroads running out of Chicago for the exclusive right to sell peaiiuU on the trains. lon Strvlc u Time Keeper. William Harrow, timckeepr at Gil low' cabinet-works, Lancaster, Eng land, has been in the employ of the firm for 6B year. Although 80 years of age, l:e it still active, being invari ably the first on the iiremise in the morning and the lost to leave at night. Hi father held the keys ! fore hi in. Activity. - Ft ret TrampPe dog chased you, did hef Second Tramp You hot ! For a few minutes 1 had to lead a purely strenuous life! flow Corked Hot t let Travel. Number of experiments have beeu made to test tbe ipeed aud destination of corked bottle thrown Into the tea In variou part of the world. The moat remarkable example we ever beard of wa that lu which a bottle , traveled 0.000 mile In about two year and a half-roughly. at the rate of tlx and a half mile a day. It travelled from 03 degree south latitude nnd IK) degree west longitude to Western Aus tralia, ' They Hadn't Made I'd. "Well," ttld be, anxious to patch up tbelr quarrel of yesterday, "aren't you curlott to know what's In the pack ager "Not very." hi wire, still unrelent ing, replied Indifferently. "It's something for tbe one I love best In all the world." "Ah. I tuppoae lt those suspender' rou nld you needed'-I'lilludelphla Pre. ' 1 A girl want to much, but n married woman any to often that she It eu tlrely satisfied "to long at the chil dren keep well." Everyone ha wished at time that lie had no nerve. Milwaukee Binders CAD W lih one Len-r Railing aud Lowering Devii. Latohless Reel Conoavo Drlvo Wheel Light Draft CATALOtU'E FKKK. J, A. FREEMAN, Gen'l Agt. Ot7 C. IVarajp Mr., fVaWauirf, Ore. Complete Stock of Water A.Wood Extras. Perfection ol W til Planter, la t sure preventtllvt tgainai usmp watti. By nalnf it yen can Increase the yield ot both Ursin and lirsst. THE ADAMANT OO., Foot ot 14th Street. WfaA Origan. et'bLTRV ronn. wlika atoi.iwd thm on oaad itMl can rrcommtDd o a M OUiM.iAiah.naBa. ana lajmr oi , uru.o.,, ni. M8NTIOS THIS I'Aftt. Out Hmwm, Dowmglao Sran Drltim, fthuntmlm Hmokm, 4 RtmtlOmria, HayPiwma; raacr OuMurm, - Mummer F allow VVsaoWa, mto., af e. to buy. HKSK0 AMF0UNIA. Secures patents (or Invention In the United Stale tnd tore 1 k i rimntrti-n. Also neiriitlates mr keii and defemla pstunt invt-n-Hunt. No better terms or facllitlea than we offer obtainable tny wliure. Psvment ol our leen may be deferred till patent it allowed. Write tor pamphlet.