The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 04, 1901, Image 4

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How It redden Ui akin, Itches, eom,
Arte and era Ire I
Some tetter, milk cruat or
alt rheum.
Tb etitforlna from It la eometlmea lit
tenaa; looal airUratiotis ar mM to
Utey militate, W eatim (-tire.
It prweeda tmtu huinora Inherited or ao
quired and rralla until I Inn have oew
Hood's Sarsaparilla
positively renmvea them, baa radically
Mid permanently cured the worst caws, and
It without an ejual tor alt cutaueout
erupt tone,
. Wooca r iu we &iiWrUTii ii
Al Carnival Tim,
"It you dislike her, hy do you
visit her," aa asked, alter the
maiden had expressed Iter opinion ol
the baotit one.
"Oh. ll the parados im her
home," was the satisfactory reply.
lateral tiM Dlacovsry u Importaat at lha
Mead te t Pin.
The fence iu the United State
coat 5,68,1,1(10. The average
couuty ha paid fi.000,000 (or it
teneeo all paid by inhabitant you
and yourn eijthbor, 1
Pid you know this before? Such
an immense auiu of money teem in
credible, yet it i the correct amount,
Also it w a fact that fence coat more
than all other farm improvement
combined! It is ahetdutely essential
to the preservation of your property
and stock that you. have good fence
and keep them in good order. This
fence question i always pressing
itself upon you, and the tUcndous
aggregate coat of fence render the
suoject worm tne most caretui con
sideration. Untold trouble ha been experi
enced for many year and the general
advance along the line of improve
ment ha resulted in the widespread
substitution of wire fencing (or the
various form . of wood fence. Hut
with the new era of wire fence the old,
old fact that anything ia only aa
atrong a it weakeat part haa Wit
time and aRain conspicuously demon
atratcd. Wire fencing In all it var
um applications to different pur
jHwes i undoubtedly taking the lead
in the conatruotion of the world'
fence today. Tltia ia ao because it is
the moat economical and nioet dur
able, even in it earlier and cruder
The great draw back to all iron
fencing ha been the difficulty of se
curely fastening the joint (wire to
wire) o that tliev will not slip. ,
These joint have alway slipped. '
They constitute the one weak point.
If they become loose the whole fenced
soon goes. That ha been every-:
one' experience and is the base of all
trouble with wire (cueing. !
Recently a genius solved the prolv
lem by inventing a clamp which
bind the wire and bend and "an
chors" a joint into perlect security.
The thing ia ao simple that people
wonder why someone did not think of
it before. But the important point is
that the clamp does its wonderful
work unerringly, and from now on all
wire (ence can he made tenfold more
durable. Of course the big parent
company that secured the patent tor
thi wonderful "anchor clamp" is
having ji phenomenal success. "An
chor" fence are multiplying like hot
cake everywhere, fur the discovery of
the "anchor clump" in wire work is
Comparable to the deed of the niau
who invented the head to the ordinary
pin of commerce,' and an old-fashioned
wire fence can lie converted
into an "anchor" fence if you have
some of the little "anchor clamps"
and a pair of pinchers. The Port land
Anchor Fence Company, which has
it headquarter at 742 Nieolai street,
Portland, Or., control the sale o(
"anchor" (once in the Northwest,
and they tend very interesting
pamphlets and pictures, telling all
about fetatea, free of cost, to anyone
who tends them his address.
Tht Retort Courteous.
"No, I have nothing for you," said
the housekeeper, sternly. "And
don't you come here after dinner
"Beg pardon, lady," replied Hun
gry Hawkes, "but I didn't suppose
you'd have dinner over dis early in de
day, You ain't very stylish, are
Willi' Mlupprchituioa.
Willie Docrum (entertaining hi
sister's caller) Do you like lascball
very much, Mr. Jamaica?
Mr. Jamaica I never played ball
very much, Willie. I enjoy golf
VVillie Boerum (dimipiwintedly)
Why, I hear jw tell Hunan you wa a
great catch.
Th Remedy.
Stern Professor (to nervotift stu
dent in homeopathy) On the prin
ciple, then, of like cure like, what
would you order in a case of delirium
"Wouldn't some form of snakeroot
fill the bill?"
Scekinj HI Fortune.
"Young man, why do you stand on
the bridge every day with that life
preserver on?" .
"8--sh, don't give me away. One
of these heiresses may fall overboard."
A Constitutional Affection. I -
Sprays, washes, powder, salve, medicated
tobacco and cigarettes, however long and persistently
used, do not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily
the inflammation in the throat and nose, and enable
you to breathe more easily and freely, but the con
tinual rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up
the irritation and ultimately produce ulceration of
the glands, when the breath become exceedingly
offensive and the soft bone of the nose are frequently
destroyed. The catarrhal inflammation extend over
the entire surface of the mucou membrane, or inner skin ; the stomach, kidney
and lungs are often involved ; the whole system soon become affected by the rapid
absorption of poisonous matter into the blood, and the disease that you had hoped
to cure with'simple local remedies, assumes a dangerous form.
I had Catarrh about IS year, and
trleddurin th time everything-1 could
hear of, but nothln- did m any rood.
At last I eama to- th conclusion that
Catarrh must be a blood dlaaaaa, and
daelded to g-lve 8. 8. S. a trial. I oould
lee a little improvement from the llrat
bottle, and continued It three or four
month, or until I wa cured. Hav
not taken anything for tlx year, and
am fust a well a I ever was. M. HAT.
SON, Lapeer, Mich.
"Catarrh is a constitutional disease a blood disease which ia frequently
inherited, and only a Wood medicine, auch aa S. 8. S., can remove the hereditary
taint, destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for year
perhaps, and restore the blood to a healthy and pure condition. The inflamed
membranes and diseased glinda are healed by the ricli, pure blood which is carrUd
to them, and the offensive discharges from the nose, and the terrible headache and
neuralgic pains cease. Chrome cases oi te
ly hopless, nave oeen curca completely ana permanently Dy tne use or a. s. t
j Write our phsicians fully about your case and they will cheerfully assist
t their advice We chiree nothimr whatever for this service. Book free
Th StBM OM Ekum.
Musi drat Well, young man,
what ei man have you for taking the
picture, when you were forbidden to
Young Man Judge, 1 didn't know
my camera wa loaded.
Cocke Kju.
Willie had been told that when ft
lien wa heard cackling around It I
pretty sure sign sli ha laid an egg.
tine day he ran to hi mother in an
excited manner and exclaimed;
'Oh, mamma, I just heard the
cuckoo in the clock make ft noiee,
I'll go down and if ahe'i laid an
Poae In Ik rkllllaa.
rc In the I'hillppliie I bound to
pro uru.'ltahl to all eotirenietl. Warring
comtllliHie, ahether Itiry be Inth Philip
put or lit I ha human t.itiierh,areetiallr
itiMMinm. If Toiirnl.imach haaeaallad,
there It una authority Dial will cltlekljr
suIkIh It. Il U ilottallar'a Stoma.)) Uti.
tar, and It euroe wMteilpaihm. IniUtfaatiim,
blltoiieneaa, nereottiitMe and dyspepsia.
So thai a private Ueveuu Stamp come
lit Itcvk of III bi:Ule.
Valuaol Recla.
"I tent t for ft ur eur for cor-
"Here' the reply: 'Throw up your
job and hunt up another one.' "
Rev. Enoch Hill, of Grand Jane
tlon, Iowa,. Indorses Dr.
Pale People.
Prim Ikt JCH HtwUXttK Sraad ka.Yi, .
No higher praise can be offered nor
bettor reference given concerning
the virtue of Dr. William' l'iuk
Tills for Tale People than the many
voluntary testimonial from minis
tera of the gospel which have come
from all part of the. country. One
of these la from Rev. Kunch Hill,
pastor of the M. K. church of llrand
Junction, Iowa, who say:
"I am a firm believer in the em
cacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for
Pale People, the remedy having been
used in my family with highly grati
fying jeeult. For three or (our year
1 wa a sufferer from general debility.
I seemed to lie lacking in vitality,
ana tired out most of the .time and
sleep gave me no rest or refreshment.
I wa troubled with headache much
of the time and my illness incapaci
tated me for energetic work in my
"A sister-in-law living in Nebraska,
who had suffered very mueh anil who
had used Dr. William' Pink Pills
with good result, recommended
them to me and t decided to try
them. I had taken but two or three
dose of the pill when I found that
they were helping me, and further
use of tho remedy brought ueh relief
that I am glad to ofler thi public
recommendation of Dr. William'
Pink Pills for Pale People in the
interest of suffering humanity.
"My wife wa troubled mueh a t
was and the pill also proved of great
I tic lit in her case.
I have recommended the pill to
many whom I have met in my work
and am alway pleased to indorse the
medicine, the excellence of which
ha been established within my own
observation. "
At all druggist or direct from Dr.
William Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y,, on receipt of price,50cent er
box; six boxes, f'J.60.
Cxttnt of Swtdlih Ajrlculluri.
Sweden cultivated only 1,350,000
acre of land in 1812. Now she hit
12,fiO0,UOU acre under plow and grow
lUo.OUO.iHX) bushel of grain a year;
Whrn ton teka Clrave'e TmMIm Chill Tonlo,
tMcmu the formula la plainly primed soever
bottletboalnr thel It 1 Imnlr Iran and Out
Bio la a Uatalaae lorn. Ko Cut. N raj. M.
Th Exwptloa.
Father My son, no man ever ac
complished much who talked at hi
Son How alKHit a lawyer, dad?
Clrllih looklnj Lady Moyoreu,
The present lady mayoress of Lon
don is unite young and girlish look
ing, with a wealth of soft fair hair.
Her verse is among the heat written
by women for the contemporary Eng
lish niagaxincs.
Not Afraid of a lady.
Mouse What did you do when the
lady law you? .
Hat 1 ran, of course, wouldn't
Mouse No, not on your life. I'd
tmike her scream and run.
All of Mind.
"YM know Will wa just craiy to
marry me!" said the young bride.
"Yes; that' what everylxxly
thinks," replied her jealous rival.
If They Only Knew,
Waggs Boston women who ride
cross-saddle fashion are being talked
about all over the country.
DagKS Yes; I'll bet if the Puritan
had foreseen it they wouldn't hav
landed in Massachusetts.
X had Catarrh ao bad was antlraly
deaf In on ear, and all th iaalde
of my note and part of th bona
louffhod off. Th phyaiolana trav
ma up aa Incurable. I datarmlned to
try 8. B. 8,, and becan to Improve at
ones. It aeemed to tret at th aaat of
ths diaeaas, and after a few waeka'
treatment I wa entirely oured, and
for mora than aeren ytare hav had
no aian or tho diaeaas, Mils. JOSE-
most ncsperate character and apparent-
Act that ! th llaataa with tht
Kadga ot Nobllllr.
What nulaauee the atnall boy are
oinettiue. The atreett ar full ot
thatu. They play trlcki upon u. They
uowball our tall baia. They ileal up
beutud ua ami placard eur back with
"I am blind," or "Wanted to buy loo
cat." W am mad aware of It only
by the people who pass ua, atopplug
and poliulug and sneering at ua. llow
ngry w ar! A in) theu w discover
peeping around tbe corner three or four
mall boy. They am to comical we
buret luto a laugh; that la. If we ar
wise, and remember that we have been
boy eunolve axim tint lu the past.
And o the Incident paaac with th
comment, "Uoy will b boy."
for our part, we Ilk small boy. V
eta get along with their prank. W
eta etnlure the nolae they tuake, muddy
footprint on the carpel, pillow tight
la the morning when we would Ilk to
leep, the new stilt all bedraggled and
muddy with bole lu the knee, the
tubbed toe that must be washed and
don up, bedlam In th huuse lu gen
eral. Why thi morallslug upou the
subject of the atnall boy? you aak.
Juet tbl. W a w a small boy. a w
wr paaalug along th crowded atrvet,
top aud earea a bora. It wa tint
a royally bred, high toned beauty, but
aa ordinary work her, standing wear
lly by th sidewalk waiting for "tiet up
bere," aud perbapa th lash of the whip'.
Tbe bey wa eating u apple. II
itopped and patted th horse. II gar
him a part of hi apple. He rareaaed
bl Dcae, placing It against hi face.
Tou should have seen (he mutual quick
understanding between lion and boy,
Would w truet that boy? Burvly we
would wltb uncounted money. Ill
frank, bonest face, bl rye apcaklug
ynipatby and klndiivaa, Intelligence
and pent-up fun aud life, were an Indei
of bl character and natural Item that
were uniulatakable. Iloy. you ar
oon to be men. Kueb Ineldeuta aa the
above are worth yuur consideration.
They are ludekea of what you arc and
what you may hop to be. They ba
a reflet Influence upon you, too, thai
will help you In after year. The hoy
wa understood by the hnrae; th ob
serving man understood the boy as
walL-IWon Traveler.
la British India only liln and one
balf per eeut of tbe population live la
Cleopatra's needl I but sixty eight
feet high, an Egyptian monument in
Home 100 feet.
A new law lu Montana provides that
tbe Judge's charge shall precede the
arguments of counsel.
What an English paper says la tbe
greatest Incultator In the world Is at
Ilatary. near Sidney, Australia. It ac
commodate 11.410 duck eggs or 14,080
ban' egg.
Th fi rat paper money nsed In tide
eouutry was Issued by IVuniylvanla
In 1T23. Iu the early part of that year
175,000 was Issued on the credit of
tbe colony, and a few mouth later
$150,000 more followed.
There Is a statue In a village la
Efypt which I said to be the oldest In
the world, having been In etlstence for
over sit thousand yrar. It Is th rep.
reaeutatloo of one of the chief of the
domain wherein It was erected.
A Kansas farmer who had a peck of
lima beaus on exhibition at the Parts
Kipoaltloo baa Juat received tbe fol
lowing letter from a Frenchman, who
evidently doesn't know much about tbe
vegetable In question: "My dear Rlr-
I bought the peck of bean which you
had on exhibition bere aud they are ex
cellent. Can you send me s small pack
age of the seed? I wish to see if they
will grow In France."
Barn-owla, despite the nolae around
tbe grain elevator, hive been known
to rear their young In the building.
Mr. Kirk wood last year found very In
llmale relations existing between tbe
families of a red tall haa k and a gray
squirrel. Tbe hawk's nest was built
upon tbe squirrel' and tenth of them
were Inhabited. In the sails of boats
which bsre been laid by fur the sum
mer, tree swallows hsve been known to
build their neats.
English ipsrrows frequently build In
freight train, and their nest and In
habitants are sometime taken across
tbe continent. Mr. Frank a Kirk
wood, Secretary of tbe Game and Klsh
Association, tell of a find he made In
a large tree on Kent Island. In the top
wastheneatofsflshcrow; farther down
was a fishhawk's, In the sticks of
which were Ave purple graekles, wltb
young one, and four English sparrows'
nesta. Farther down a flicker's neat
and three more graekles and the neat
of one wren.
Growth of Ikiya and (llrla.
At S years of age boys are mainly
taller than girls, but the girls appear te
equal them at tbe seventh year, and
continue thus up lo and Including the
ninth year, after which the bof rise
again above the girls for two years.
At about twelve year the girls sudden
ly become taller than tbe boys, contin
uing until the fifteenth year, when the
boys dually regain their superiority In
stature, After tbe age of seventeen
there seems to be very little, If any,
Increase In the stature of girls, while
boys are still growing vigorously at
eighteen. Roy have a larger lung ca
pacity than girls at nil ages. The dif
ference ia not so large from sli to thir
teen, but subsequently tho difference
between tbe sexes Increases very rap
idly. .
The Toad In the Hock.
Of late days I have noted, sity re
cent writer, a considerable number of
reputed cases of the occurrence of
live frogs and toads In what were al
leged to he solid rocks. Tills Is, of
course, an old, oltl story that appears
to possess perennial powers (like the
toad) of revivification. I lind thought
that Dean Buckland (father of the
genial Frank) bad exploded the toad
In the rock myth once for nil. The
Dean Inclosed toads and frogs In cells
cut In blocks of atoue, and burled them
three feet deep lu his gurden. Here
the conditions were even less rigorous
than those under which the amphibians
ore reported to survive for uges lu the
"solid rock." Demi lluckliiud's toads
were nearly all dead by the end of the
first year of entombment, and none sur
vived the second year.
A Neighborly Disturbance.
First Neighbor-Well, my daughter
doesn't piny the pin no any worse than
your sou writes poetry.
Second Neighbor Perhaps not, but It
can be heard so much farther, Detroit
Free Tress.
A man should never withdraw the
sentinel he has on guard; sometimes
wben his wife Is plensaittest, she is
Following a Cluo.
Is ths moat Important period la a wo
man' ealatenea. Owing to modern
Method ot living, not on woman In
a thousand approach this perfectly
natural ehang without experiencing
a trala of very annoying aud some
time painful aymptoin.
The dreadful hut ttaahes, sending
th blood suiylntf to th heart until It
seam read to bunt, and th faint
feeling that follows, aomatlme with
hill, aa If the heart wr going to
atop for good, ar aymptoms of a uaa-
fZ. V it
Mas. jaaaia Masut
raroHia, nervoua trouble. Those hot
II aa lie ar juat many ealla frost
nature for help. The nerve are err
ing out for aaalatanoa. The ery should
he heeded In time, l.ydla K. I'lnk
ham's Vegetable Compound was pre
pared to turt the need ot woman's
system at tltia trying period of her life.
It bullda up tne weakened nervous
system, and enable a woman to pas
that grand change triumphantly.
" I was a very alek woman, caused
by Change of Mr. 1 aufferml with hot
flut.hea, and falntlug spell. I waa
afraid lo go on the atreet, my head ami
back troublml me au. I was entirely
euttxl by l.vd'a & IMukhatn'a Vegela
tie Compound. Mm. Janata NuaLB,
010 tCeyaer 81, Uerumutowa, 1'e.
N Ream lor Doubt.
''You ak with great iositivene
ibout the aiiu'crity of your friend's
"There can lai no doubt whatever of
ita aineerity," wa the .answer.
"Why, sir, that man would rather go
to rhiirch on Holiday than piny golf."
Bora iMky,
lllinka l.ticky man, that (ellow
Winks 1 don't see how you innko
llliiik Why, he took out a life in
surance Klicy (or ', IKK) and died six
days before the cimtany (ailed.
A Peer Suhjact.
"I don't Mievn in hypnotism,"
said Mr. Hmart in the presence of Mr,
8t tin tier, a veritable Hvengnli iu the
hypuotUing htieiiio, "lcciicii of
one has ever U'eii able to hpynotitc
"Well," olaterved the professor,
cuttingly, "the exception only prove
the rule. It ia a scientitlo fact that
iwople who have no bruin cannot U
First Hhirt Waist Man There
goes Mr, Hchermerhorn in a new
shirt waist,
Hecond Hhirt Waist Man That's
no new shirt waist. That's one of
his last year's shirtwaist; see how
large the sleeves arc?
lap wares lhla al long at
(oaniaoa Ike eeii alter mr laMi.i twi
H( AltK t a. Tela I am tute has mumiI no
Mki kaalik tor lb an ikr thti I um ml.
..kinf Cuoarau, Ik onlf (aUiarUc oi ilijt l
4oUo tr waall'l pvople "
uso. W., Ualrd. M ai
neaaait. rtisMUie
Oou. Now Sleun. Weaken. Uni. m. M, I
timitt !! tiiim, came., awmi, la IM. HI
M.TA.lin SnIS sa rniMt hr all ma-
Roller Bearing Header
U Ilia beat In the world, it hat ao ual la
AMD nmruonr.
It hu txrn tratnl In alt harreat Mitn. In
eaMiol haii.lllni, trlii(, trmnctli, anil llitlit
irm n( ilratl. It la wltlmul a Mr, It runt
lahl, in lai'l nine IlKhicr with iuiir horat-a than
iiy older hceilot with all.
Call oa tht nwril McL'ormlck Anent, or
aadriMU ,
A. H. BOYLAN, Oon'l Agent,
Hotel Flavel
Oppni lor irwmn June 2S, Wi.
Vol, I. P. Ilarver, Manafei
o... 1
Mont bnautlltil ami nerfoctly enitlnnod mm-
mer reiinrt, Kvery ennvenienef nnd comfort,
Kfee hits Irnra hotel to aort. Hatlilnx, Hnlitnu.
dunrliiK, bowllti. Aaplenclld hotel with
lovely mtrrnummnti. I'mier new manHnnmitnt
this year. For rule I and resai vatlom aililrviii
HOTCL FLAVEL. flmnl, Oea.
BIB MarawaM Bldth
Portland, Or,
In heat time tn eur Cttarrh,
Hroncliltli and t'oonuiii)tion.
Our remeily i mteraiiUud, l,
r. u. noi via,
W. H. SMITH I CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot ol Morrlaon Street,
Can give you the best bargains in
ftuggiea, Mows, Boilers and Knginos,
Wini'mills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
tUUH WHtUk All lisf iAllS.
Beet Oouiili Brup. Tantna Oucii. Uat I
m time, citiiit nr nrunKiniii.
X vaaeiauaa iiimiais
rHnt. Taata Oom. lie
Oeraaaa Cask Who feel 0v Oat
airack It Vlch.
"Illlud luck la the most remarkable
iblng," said sti old mechanic to a Wash
lugton Rtar reporter. "In ISM, with a
larty of other young men belonging In
Washington, 1 started out to California
to dud gold. On our arrival tuera wa
learned of the great Duds eu ths Fraser
Itlver lu Urlllah Columbia, which crs
ateJ a mueh excltemeut a the gold
fever In California, and our party de
elded lo go there. There were seven
of us lu the party, all of us good-looking,
but It turned out that was ths
ouly thing In our favor aud It did net
help us much. While lu Man Francisco
a young Herman, a dishwasher In a res
taurant, who knew of our luteullon to
go up luto British Columbia, asked to
Join the party. Ills ouly recommenda
tion was that b could cook and was
willing to do so. He was about th
uglleat looking young man that any of
ua bad ever seen. Ills face resembled
that of a sheep, and was eutlrely devoid
of Intelligence. Ws needed a cook and
consented to take blra along. The trip
was made during the wluter and much
of It was on ths suow. Finally arrived
at lb gold fields and begaa prospect
ing under ths most difficult circum
stance. Our cook became footsore and
It wa Imposaiiii fur him to walk a
tep farther and w decided that ws
would bar to drop bliu on the road to
do the beat he couM for blmaelf. It
was rough! to have to desert bint, but
there ws no way out of It. Wa built
him a lug but, rut a great quantity of
wood aud left him a much provisions
as wa could spar out of our store and
then bade blm good by, Ua thanked us
for our kludueaa In providing for blm
as well us we did and said ha would
be willing to take bis chance of get
(lug out of the eon n try. lit fct bad
wollen ao that he could not wear shoes,
and for over a week before we left blm
he had worn niocclua made out of
gunny ck. He speut the rest or the
wluter there, but we went ou. As tbe
fire In bl hut melted off lb snow be
round that It wa located ou a pile of
rock. Needing soma or the rock to re
construct his chimney, be by accident
or link dlacoverod (list the rock wss
particularly heavy, but he bad seuae
nough to keep the discovery to him
self. Be vera I time during the winter
partlea pseaed by and pruvlaloned blm.
In the aprlug he located a claim Imme
diately under hla but and set out bis
take. A few weeks afterward a party
of F.iigllahmen came along aud eery
gladly paid blm f."0,0i)0 for bla claim
and beside gave blm a tenth Interest
lu II. lUfor be left there be bad a
hauk account of over 1150,000. II I
living today and own real estate, In
cluding a hotel. In au Francisco,
which I valued at about 1400,000.
tVttat became of the party t Oh, noth
ing We kept on prospecting until our
supplies aud moiicy ran out, and then,
wlteu the cold weather ended, we were
glad euoiigli to reach Hall Franclaco,
w here moat of the party got work at
our trade and In time managed to get
back to Washington, They are all dead
uow except our cook and myself.
Though I am 75 year or age, I am (till
at work at my trade, boue painting
and varnishing. I am good looking yet,
my grandchildren aay, but I would
have preferred tbe luck of the beep
faced man,"
Sol Alwar "' to Trace Tear For
bear llaca lor klaay fear a,
Not long lnc an acquaintance of
mlue said to me with an air of pride:
"I can truce back my anceitry to my
treat great grandfather's greet great
grandfather, lie was a cavalier, and
fought under t'hsrle I." "And wbt
does that amount tor 1 answered blm.
That wa the eighth generation before
you, aud lu that generation you bad 128
forefather and 123 foremottiers, Just
I 'iVlth ot yuur aucntry In that gen
eiatlou. .Among (be 127 men of whom
you have never heard there may bars
Imh'u several who were hanged for mur
der, burglary or sheep stealing, for alt
that you know or can ever hope to
know. Nor ran you toll bow many dis
reputable characters there may have
beeu among the 128 women. And you
must remember, too, that you bad six-ty-fuur
foremothers In th seventh
generation, and thirty-two In tbs fifth,
all of them nearer to you than that cav
alier; you must account fur tbeui
Yet, of course, on aliould be glad
that bla near lineal and collateral kin
have been and are honest men and vir
tuous women, but a Hue must be drawn
somewhere, and that not many genera
tion back, beyond wbleb there I no
such thing as good birth or bad birth,
because It Is all both good aud bad.
When any one beglus to boast thst h
comes of "a long Una of proud ances
try," be can be, contradicted at once,
because there Is no such thing as "a
long line of ancestry;" one's ancestry
vanuot le represented by a "line,'' but
by an Inverted pyramid. Every on ot
in come one by one, but of many hun
dred and thousand of long line of
ancestry, some of them proud, per
ils 1 is, and others with no causa for
pride, but rather the reverse. It will
not do to try to follow them all too far
back. Borne one of the many will sure
ly lead to a dungeon of tbe Newgate
prison, or It may be to ths Tyburn
gallows tree. We cannot pin our faith
to the one cavalier, and Ignore all tbe
others, as my friend was trying to do,
because It Is Nature's plan that all the
good and oil the bad ot the race should
be mixed up In each one or us. Lealle's
ropulur Monthly.
A Polish Wedding.
A curious tnai-rlage was recently Cele
brated at (i whole tx, In Poland, wbers
a peaaaut at the age of 88 led to th
altar a maiden of 18 summers. Among
the 200 guests Invited to the wedding
were eleven sons of tbs bridegroom by
former marriages, the eldest being 60
years old aud the youngest 41. There
were also sixty-three grandchildren,
thlrty-nluo great-grandchildren, twenty-one
children of the fourth generation
aud four of the fifth.
A Coatljr Funeral. '
Tbe most costly state funeral which
hn ever taken blace was Derhans that
of Alexander the Great. A round mill
ion was siient In laying Alexander to
his rest. Tho body was placed In a
coffin of gold, filled with costly aro
matic, and a diadem was pluced on tbe
bend. The funeral car was embellished
wltb ornaments of pure gold, and Its
weight was so great that it took eighty
four mules more than a year to convey
It from Bnbylon to Syria, ,
Every woman talks of ber physician
understanding her constitution, as If
the Lord had used an eutlrely new pab
tern In cutting ber out.
A man never has as much difficulty la
getting tbe girl's consent as the novels
claim, and Is never as happy after
marriage as the novels picture.
A CKaip thsv.
There are places on th Bowery in
Now York where a man can get a
have for 8 cent. For S cents mora
he can have his face washed with bay
rum, - ,
THy Agreed.
. "Mr. Carnegie I the greatest and
moat sensible philanthropist ti world
ver knew."
"I agree with you sir, and now msy
t ask your huelneeaT"
"I am a bookseller. And youT"
"I am a maker of hardwood book
Toco, Premc, Koroi a, (Jrephio, Cy
clone, V I v, 1 1 a w keye, A I- V lata camera
and Fjiatntan kodaks in stock. Bend
for special catalog ot any of them.
K irk, deary A Co7, 8.10 Butter Ht., 8, F.
A wry Tel.
On th boat between Locuat I'olnt
and Fells Point he found a tarae roll
of bills.
"Ahl" lie smiled, "my good ferry
has arrived at last!"
The school teachers of Oklahoma
have given (lovernor llernee of thst
territory a pair ot driving horses a a
recognition of his work fur the public
schools of that territory.
What IsiseMttd Grata,
Mother Grace, you muatn'f eat
f our ice cream so fast. There was a
ittle girl once ate her ice cream so
fast that she died More she finished.
(Jracc (aged ) What did they do
with the rest of her ice cream, mam
ma? AM rnw ef laawary.
"Crauker pay as he goes."
"Ha plenty of money, eh?"
"No; merely eccentric."
DMa't Knew H.
rVa Cantain Waiter, what do you
call this?
Waiter Bouillon, lr.
Hum 'iliit Wall wll I rniint
have sailed on bouillon all my life and
lid not know it,
Oalf Sara Meilaa for Cwllree.
The leader little Inndee af eatldren ale rala
d tr violent ttre, pllie r llquldt. Cuti
larptMnl,barail,a'eltve. Irut1,
if, Mir.
tpaaptk Visiter.
"What is that dreadful noiae in the
hall, MaryT"
" Only a gentleman, mum, who
'ante in 'co he felt he was goin' to
have a fit."
Uaastajtary foUaxlasrifl.
"I can't understand all thli iimtlni.
inary talk about that duel theae
frenchmen are going to flitht." said
the eminent pugilist.
His entourage begged him lo am
plify his views.
"Well, as ! understand it. the event
isn't to he pulled off under - the
auspice oi any at li let to club, and
them is to be no gate monev to
family SacrtU.
'Tape's not a new set ot false
teeth!" said little Willie.
"Really?" replied the visitor. "I
did not know your pa's teeth were
"Oh, yea, and aay. I'll lata hat
they will cut down the old set end
make me wear 'em." V ''
Htr Strong Held.
Wife (testily) Don't interrupt me.
I leave out half my words when I'm
Husband Rut you alon't when
you're talking, do you?
Haiti's aehoat.
Al Menlo Park, San kUteol'oantr, Cel., with
II Urautllnl, urroiinilln, perfect elimate.
earetul ntrv Sinn, tharou. Iimtrtictlnn,
enmplete lalwraturlM, and armiiealuni, eaallv
niailti Its ptHUtlon In the Iron! rente ol
rh.M.l. lor bM mi the I'aciSc Coast. Ira tl,
Haiti, PS. !., Prtnilpal.
It CarUlaly Cot Away.
"Yes; heeacaped on a technicalitv."
"I understood it was a handcar."
Learn to take pictures. The "A. B,
C. of Photography" tells you how to
do it. The beat Uxk on photography
ever written. Your dealer can get it
for you. Camera Craft, 330 Sutter
street, Pan Famcico, Cal.
haprevbij Grant's Tomb.
Tho grounds around Grant's tomb
at Riverside are to he beautified. The
tree will be planted, the steel em
bankment terraced and asphalt walks
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnsiow'i Sooth
ing Bvrup th best remedy to ua tor their
uhlldrea during ths teething period.
Chanel Shot.
Do not sneer at marriage because
you may have married the wrong
woman. She may have not married
the right man.
rtso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken
of a a cough cure. J. W. O'Haua. 322
Third Ave., K, Minneapolis, Winn., Jan.
6, moo. .
Heading Hr Off.
Mrs. Oldgirl I'm sorry to hear
that your wife died yeaterday.
Butcher Yes; it vas too bad, but I
haf anoddor von, already yet.
Little Liver Pills.
Must taar Signature) of
Aa Pae8hall Wrapper Bill a.
Vr ! s T
I j - - i mmmamvamm wvmma gptwwwi.
B a a nrrn n
l utBBUeaje
C-r ISOI Vehicle Beck
Cur 1531 kjtant Catalogs
as4 rear name sa4 P. 0. sail reel a4 e
III nail or belli, aa deatred, Ira of all
HU.L.II laJ. ft.
rolibncil, ft diaial UU
rirataa Tartar su. rokTUHO. or.
OhstzZsr cf OoKimero,
aa Tb
gey Afente wanted lu every Iowa,
tON SS, tooel Afeat, Praal
eTrll for Ctlof u. itatlni ahil ;oo aat lo bur.
An Unutt Epithet.
Hungry Higgins Wot do you
think! A woman railed me a ani
mated scarecrow this iitornin'.
Weary Watkins I've knoaed you
linee the early 'Wis. but I never seen
no animation about you yet.
First Old Codger No, I haven't
been at the club today.
Hecond Old Cialger Bo they told
me. I was afraid something might
be wrong thought you might be
Do Good to Somtbtxiy.
To shake off trouble we must set
about doing good to somebody. l'tit
on your bat, and go to visit the poor;
inquire into their want and adminis
ter unto them. I have often tried
ieine for a heavy heart. A. J. Hym
ington. In Smoklttt Chkajo,
"The bridegroom wa late in com
ing to the wedding, wasn't be I"
"Ye; he had allowed only an hour
for getting his hands thoroughly
A Rsnea for Evirythlaj,
Alice Did you notice that Mr.
Skynftiiit only put a nickel in the
contribution latxT
Gladys Yes, the Lord loves a
cheerful giver, so Skynliint is afraid
to tosa off a whoe dollar. ''
Ptmnrttv Cured. Me Itu ar aor-tniMM
lTW am det'a nf Iw. Klla.'.llnel Ken
kafcmr. ndriitPHBKa'.XllrulMllrui.llra.
lee. Kua.Uul..ui t"h3L.rkilMpkUkra,
At th Paaorima.
"Ian't that soldier a wonderful
piece of art? One half of the figure
ia tiainUil, the" other half stuffed, and
it look liko life."
"That's nothing. Look at my wife.
Bite's half painted, half ituff.d, and
"Did you hear about their preach
ing sermon on Sunday trains?'
"Yes, but how would they go about
"First collect all the passengers in
the sleepers, of course,"
XVctfetable Preparalionfbr As
slmilallng fheFoodnnflRcCula
ting the StouvRrs and Dowels of
"L. "ni;Li.iiq c
Promotes DigeslioaCreerful-
ness and Kcst.contams neiiner
Sjium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Akat foujysww.ptraaii
Awaiai denS-
Apafecl Remedy forConstina
Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .fevensh
ness ndLoss orSlEEP.
Facsimile Signature of ,
Milvvaukco Binders
I lilt sue Uver Ralslag and towering Derloa,
Lmtofiba Raal m
Cottoavm Drive Wheel
LtBt Draft
I A TRmiArJ Hon'! Ao-t
" " -w"f r'oM
fsai ., rVHins', tw.
Csmpletc Stock ol water A.waoo auras
Swum tenn tor fnventlaae
In the Cnlted stale, and Rrola
euiiDtrtre. Alan nefoiletc mar
kets and dctVudl patal lavea-
"?,'( better lerme or larllltlea
the oSer obtainable aojr
abere. fayaienl ol our leee
mr be defrrred III! patent la
allow. Wrlia lor aamptalal.
Perlestloa ol Wall fleeter, baaure prcreauiiv
, . . , t
Br o.lnc II joa eaa laertaa tbe field ol Mb
Oreia aod UraM. '
The ADAMANT 00.,
Fool ef Uta llrael,
Kill Ueoaa roaltrr. Tea
r avwwwee-eea aalal In aoreaaa, ua
a aaB wn till lh IIm. Beae
LlWai lISkBtf oaaaol read lie aad lead
torn. PHoe, SOe aad IM B cam. Bold hj dcalav.
rWl'aataS BMtDT CO.M Paal.MlBa.
Inaeeeaet r" raveSM UtVIU ULS liu.t. ee
prraiiia, el u. at I'm I roeltr? Sbtnr e l. e Su l I. all
nSl. Th aiv ertaral Sere tbe ". kllMe ed
rvu-tnaiineki. wa i wamirkT, . aiu.
) H a.i'.NS ef
la hutiw th I. tovilMiM tw..ui u aortk Sv.ttne. Itteeeb
J. Seem, Coast if'it, Portland. Ore.
aad Taylor ate., Partlaod, Uragoa.
tbaMtaap Msmpsv Mssnr.s this fart.
Omwmmt flraav Drlltm,
rtottaf OaWo. eVajr rVasa
twwmtr Frnlit Sbaeator. afa afaw
Ella To think that it ia two year
since we met, and you knew me at
once I Then 1 haven't changed
miit'h, after all?
Bella Oh, I knew you by your Ion
net. Who would havti thought there
wa so much wear in it?
tnhumaa Tortur.
"Miss Vinagaree, they don't hare
the froshiea at Vassar college, do
'"Don't they, though? They made
me buy pound after jxitind of almond
buttercups and stand and watch them
while they ate them."
Color Blind.
"Hello,' Hawkins. You look blue."
"You must lie color blind. I hava
the pink eye and a rose cold."
Muiurcmtatl of McttoriU.
The meteorite which fell at Torto
Alegre, Brasil, is reported to measure
60 feet on the base and 85 feet in
height, most astonishing dimensions.
v A.J.T0WEB C0..B03T0N..iAS3. s
Springtime Resolutions
" 1 Kcolcy Cure
Butt relief fiom liquor, opium ami tobacoo
hablU. Send lor partloulari lo
iwin isriititi. Mr&::!Xum9
su p. x. a. a. s7-iu
WMM wriUas t advartlaar plea.e
BaBtloa thi papan,
For Infanta and Children.
a tft ft ft
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
vxa eearau eaaMav. Mew vaaa ant.
I l Vf II
the t
M Use