The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 04, 1901, Image 3

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Tlthen, N. 14t.
, KNlflHTs or pvi-mias
wedneadav evenm. Mi-mlwra Mluk
itiw n.rttcv iivrn HieMuaMvea ai-eordtitslv
Vt.ilin KnlUIar lnvlli-,1 lo atond mixta
vonvvulviil. - f.H,wius.r.'...
,. v . J.W.BIVMARHW8.K..fc
r of Ano-rloa, iwli atrtsry Hattmlajr
evening MSotihHMt. . "
V. K. Allln, dvnlM, Cooler block,
Cr, th ehoii-vsl, at buUutun'i.
S R. M. Vil A Co' atov ad In
Mary E. Wilkin ha pl hrr tt tvll
into tlx it run Kw Kngland story
called "Tro for Pmc in tha July
'New LlpomeoU Majsatina. .
A full line ol iprliig wagona at R. M
WadoACo.- ,
All tha mMMlnM and tha late!
noTrlf run b had at RUuoa'. .. ...
Few ol us know much about th
' ligtier ol th Declaration ol ImloptiV
doiioa. To be briefly told about the
ttwr ol each In tha admiral)! paper
by Lora 8. La Mnc in tha July "New"
; Li)incott it a dlatiuct gain in know
il and patriotism. -
Tha llcwt IVwrlntloa for Malaria
(hilla and t'rrr la uottl of imv'a T.T-
t.Kita CHILL TNI It Ml SlltlHy IIMO aUU
Ouimii in tatntaa mriu. jo eurs, uo pay
The depositor ol Gilbert Brothart'
bank, in Baleai ar rejoiciug in tha news
that thy will ba iaUi dollar lor dollar.
For flirt clasa milk cana go to R. M.
Wada A Co. ,..,,-,.
Try Moore, the barber, north aide ol
"0" etrcvt, opposiw Knox' gncry
Hot, for a hair cut or ahava.
Special price oa craai separator at R.
M. YVdk Co.
Harold Batlagh'i itory ol Chine Ufa
in tha July "New" Llppineott give
aoma intimate vlewa of tha cruelty iD
flioled uihmi tha fait ol little Chine
girls. Thit is redeemed by tba love ol a
father very touching and human.
(tmva's Tutolru CUII1 Tuulo remove lb
8ome enterprising person abonld ttart
a cannery here and help to aaaa the
enormous Iruit crop that annually gore
A large variety of garden cultivator
at K. M. Wade Co.
For aale ) Intercit in a One brick
building on the beat corner in Indepeu
dence. The rent will par 15 per cent On
investment. Inquire of R. M. Smith,
Monmouth Oregon.
When in Salem and you waut a good
meal don't forget to go to Btroug'i
lUwtaurant, where everything the mar
ket alt'orda can be had.
J. L. Stockton haa nioveil hit large
atock ol drygood to Salem and will inert
ly take np hia resilience there. In leav
ing here Mr. Stockton takea the beat
wiahee ol a boat ol (Heinle who regret
his departure but predict for him the
same measure of success he baa achieved
in a business career of 15 yeara in Inde
pendence, Better lor the Blood than Sanaparllla
Cor thmm Uvm In tl MIrl Ul.trkU.
Grove's 1'hU'Ihi i blll Ionic. .
Tba 0. C. T. Co'i boat Pomona will
make four round trip betweeu Inde
peudeaca and Salem on the Fourth,
leaving Salem at 7 and 10:30 a. m. and
1 :S0 and 6 :30 p. ni.; leavea Independ
ence at ft a. m. and 12:30, 4 and 8 p. m.
There will be no boat to or from Port
land. i35 Special bicycle to trade for wood.
Iuuuire of ' Campbell Bros.
J. 8. Moore, the barber oil C street,
now haudlea Newbro'a Herpicide. ihe
faiuoua datidruiri-ure, endoraexl by all
the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities iu the east. Give it a trial and
aave your batr.
What to do with one'a summer vaca
tion ia a perennial question. Most peop
le have neitlier the money nor the wish
to go to an expensive, overcrowded sea
side or mountain resort, and yet every
man needs a few days devoted to pleas
ure and a complete rest. The Cosmo
politan for July gives a solution of the
problem in a well-written, illustrated
article, "A Houseboat The Modern
Palace." Undoubtedly a houseboat off
ers a cheap and comfortable vacation,
and the ranks of its devotees are con
stantly swelling. ,
Orores Tanuiltn C'till I Tuulo cures Malaria. UK
Eastern Brook Trout.
Through the efforts of Mr. Edwin
Stone, manager ol the Corvallis & East
ern Railroad Co., 10,000 young eastern
brook trout will be shipped to Albany
within a few days to le planted in the
tributaries of the Santiatn. These fish
were hatched by the Portland Fish and
Game Association from, egge obtained
Irom the United States fish commission.
The young troul will be placed in Cox
creek near Sanderson' bridge, and it is
hoped that the foothill atreami will
soon be stocked with eastern ' brook
trout.- . -; "' -4 " ' v
Foley9 s Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
This signature en every bor of lb gennln
Laxative Bromo-Quinine TaM.t
ths remedy 4hat eon a eoM la 4T
Trunks kinds
Sr Canvas Telescopes, Plain and 3
leather bound, " ' 'J
m"""" mfm . - I nil 1 f i a n n1 oivncr ''
Waste Baskets and 2
E . ' ;Vj i'Jinko Baskets, ;
Carpet Beaters and Tacks, 2
IE Tack Hammers and 3
Zz-V) U: 1 . Tack Pullers,
f Sink Cleaners 'and 3
M Scrubbing Brushes. 3
Vhm you want a modern Ufn-dale
poyalo.try CbambarUln'i Ktomach and
Liver Tableta. They are aaay to take
aud pteaaaut lu ctlVut, PrUw, SScetita
Nample. fre at KlrklaiM's drug atotv.
Mr, J. II. Collins Is putting a lot of
improvements on hit mill and ia now
prepared to make flour by tha latest
unproved method.
Heartburn. . , , ,
When tha quantity of fond taken ia
too large or tha quality too rleh, heart-
buru la likely to follow, and eapeolally
ao If tha dlgeattoa baa been weakened
by constipation. Eat slowly and uot
too freely of easily dlgeeted food. M
tloata tha mod thoroughly. Let alx
hour elapee between meal aud wheu
you tv a fullnene aud weight In the
region of the stomach after eating, In
dioatlng that you have eaten too much
take mm of ChaiubrrleJu'e. Htoniaoh
aud Liver Tableta aud the heartburn
may be avoided. For kale by Kirklatid
Drug CO.
During twenty-four hgtira beginning
at midnight Monday and ending Toes'
day uoon, there aero seventy deaths
from heat in New York and Brooklyn
Care for Ikolera lafaatam Sver
: t Known ta Fail.
During 1at May an Infant child of
our neighbor was suffering from cholera
lufautum. The doctor had given up
all hopes of ravoaery, . I touk ft bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to tha hmwtv (all'
lug thetu I felt aura it would do gixnl if
ued according to dhe!loim, lu two
day time the child liad fully recover
ed. The child la uu vlgoroua and
healthy. I have recommended this
reoiedy frequently aud hava never
knowu It to lall.-Mra. Curt I Baker,
Bookwaltar, Ohio. Foraala by Kirk
land Drug Co. , ,
The canipineeting held by tha United
Evangelical church, in tha city park
cloeed last Sunday after a successful
convention of two weeks, Tha services
were particularly well attended through
out, the large tent being crowded every
Many thousands have been reetorad
to health and happiness by tba uae of
Chaiuberlalu'a Cough Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a trial for It la certalu to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have reeUled
all other treatment for year, have
yielded to this remedy aud perfect
health been restored. C'i?s that seem
ed hopeleee, that tha climate af famous
health reanrta failed to benefit, have
been permanently cured by Ita use.
Hear in mind that every bottle ia war
ranted and if It does not prove benefi
cial the money will be refunded to you.
for aale by Kirklatid Drug Co. "
Service at the Preebyterian church
next 8abbath both morning and even
ing. HabbalD ecuool at lus a. m. follow
ed by public worship, consisting of a
short sermon, reception of members,
tnd Communion. In the evening there
will be a service of praise and a short
address by the pastor. A very cordial
welcome to all.
What Two Outs Will Do.
It will bring relief to sufferer from
aalhina or consumption, even la the
worst casea. Tula la about what one
dase of Fokiy'a Honey aud Tar oosla.
Isn't la worth a trial? a. h. ixx-k.
Suicide Sear Sorer.
On Sunday last, Mr. McLean of Suver,
while picking blackberries near the big
bridge over the Luckiaiuute, discovered
the body of a man lying in the brush.
The coroner was summoned and found
that the man, who bad apparently been
dead (or some time, died from the eff
ects of a pistol shot, self-inflicted. His
face had been eaten away and there was
no clue to his Identity. In his pockets
was found a nickel, a box of shells and a
mall memorandum book unused.
Mr. Johu . Tipple, Cotton, ()., aays:
"Foley's Hooey aud Tar cured my lit
tle girl of a severe cough aud Inflamed
toualla." A. 8. Locke,
PicKel wishes the public to know that
he will celebrate by keeping hi gallery
open all day. He is constantly adding
to his excellent photographer's outtlt,
and will make you aa good a picture as
any artist on the coast.
Tho. W. Carter of Ashboro, N. C,
had kidney trouble and one bottle of
r'oley'a Kidney Cure ellected a perfect
cure, and be saya there 1 no remedy
that will compare with it. A. H. Locke.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stansbery attend
ed the G. A. R. and W. R. C. encamp
ment at Foreot Grove from June 25 to 28
stopping at Mc.Minnville on their way
and remaining until the 1st of July.
Science haa found that rheumatism is
caused by uric acid in the blood. This
poison should be excreted by the kid
ueys. Foley's Kidney Cure always
make them well- A. 8. Locke.
Edward and James Hiddell of Mon
mouth, went to Portland yesterduy to
ride in the bicycle races there today. ,
. The greatest healer of modern times
is Banner Waive for cut, wounds, sores,
piles and all skin diseases. ,It ia guar
anteed. Use no substitute. A. 8. Locke,
TicKel has been obliged to koop help
and has engaged Mn, Earhart to do his
retouching. - ; v ' $r ;
fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
All druggleta refund the money if It
fiillH to cure. E. W. Grove' signature
Is on each box. 25o. ' ;
and sizes-,
Miss Mattie le Is visiting Mrs. F. A.
Douty, : . '. . ? .' .
MissBsl Taylor and Miss Lenora
Shank spent Sunday at Turner,
Ji A, Carter, ol Wells, made a short
visit to our town yesterday.
Mr. (Irimthe ol MoMlnnvlll I visit
tng Mr. A. J. Goodman. "
Mis All!- Adams of McMinnville I
ylslrtng the Mlssea Lines.
II. Davidson, ol Itnena Vlsla was in
twn yestenlay on business.
L. M. Woods of Dallas was In town on
business yesterday, .
J. R. Brown, vl Sheridan, 1 visiting
friends here', t,t .
0, A. Maldin cam np from Salem
Tuesday on business. , ,
J. E, Smith was over from the county
seat yesterday,' n.
Mrs, Carter, of Wells, visiting wltli
her daughter Mr. R, J. Taylor. ;
l M. Smith and wife of Corvallis, are
visiting Mr. Smith's sunt, Mrs. Wilson
County Clerk Loughsry was a visitor
to Independence last Friday. . "
D, B. Taylor and Clarence Indaud
went to Bridgeport Ashing last Friday.
P, 11. Murphy and family have gone
to llrais Valley to live.
V. L, Frasier I preparing to move
into his house near tha Christian church
)lr, and Mr. Clarence Ireland ex pee
to mov to town shortly.
Mr, J, A. Wheeler returned Monday
(rum a visit in Portlaod.
Miss Edna Hubbard of Salem, is visit
ing Mis 11 Merreii,
W, P, Connaway haa returned from
business trip to Moscow, Idaho.
J. E, Kirkland came up from Salem
Saturday and remained over Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Henry Patterson of
Portland are visiting relative her.
Mr. A. W. Docksteadcr, ol Pallaa,
wm in thl city last Saturday,
Jack Wilson, engli eeron Ihe I. A M.
Motor spent last week visiting friend in
Mlsa Nina Bakemaa who has been
visiting her grandfather at Ilroad meads,
li expected home thl week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Campbell drove to
Corvallis Saturday afternoon and spent
Sunday with relative there.
Mis Ada Locke' and her mother, Mr.
Mssteraon, returned Tuesday from
trip to Portland,
Mrs. U. A. Kramer and children, who
have been camping at Turner returned
home Monday,
Mrs. M. A. C Robertson bss returned
from Turner where she ha been attend
ing campmeeting.
Th Mlase Richardson returned Mon
day from Turner wheie they have spent
the past two weeks.
G. C. Davidson aud son of Wheatland
cam upon the boat Tuesday night for
short visit with friends.
Mr, Messinger formerly of this place,
now president ol the lliinl-Montay
Hardware, Co., of Tacoma, visited in
this tli's city th first ol th week.
C. W. Butler and family, and Vance
Butler from Roasland, B. C, came in on
Saturday' train and stayed until Tuee-
ay visiting their brother, Dr. 0, D,
Butler. They are on thcirway to Kitchi
kan, Alaska.
Mrs. U. A. Wilcox and daughter are
camping at Gladstone Park and will re
main there during the session of the
Willamette Valley Cham auqua Associa
clan of Mmltb a Grove, Ky., for over
thirty year, write hi personal exper
ience with Foley'a Klduey Cur. "For
yeara I have been greatly bothered
with kidney trouble aud enlarged pos
tals glaud. f used everything known
to the profcHeion withmit relief, until I
was iuduced to use Foley' Klduey
Cur. Afwr using three bottle I was
entirely relieved aud cured. I prescribe
It now daily In ray practice aud heart
ily reenuitueud Ita use to all physicians
for such trouble, for I can honestly
slate I have prescribed it lu hundreds
of rases with perfect sucoew." A. H.
Permit a busy editor to make a sug
gestion to housewives, anent the advent
of hot weather. Do not fait to make
some (rait sherbets for the children.
Take strawberries or any rle fruit,
main np with equal weight ol sugar and
squeexe the juice out thrungh a piece of
cheese cloth, Add the same quantity of
water and juice of one lemon. Frecte in
an ordinary Ice-cream frecm. This
makes a simple, delicious, inexpensive
luxury for warm weather. Any fresh
fruit can be used that will yield a juice,
such sa strawberries, raspberries, cher
ries, currants, wine berries, peaches,
apricots, grapes and the product is far
cheaper than Ice-creiims made of cream,
milk, starch, eggs and gelatines. Salem
Jos, G. Amhertof, Dills, O, write:
"I had an obstinate sore on my face
which everything elxe fulled to heal.
After one application of JPtntier Halve
it began lo heal and after three nppM
cations It whh entirely healed leaving
uo scar." A. H Locke.
Columbia College has its turn this
muith In the series of "College Tales"
which Llppiucott's Magazine has been
running this year. "A ' Lightning
Change" is by Allien l'yon Turliuoa,
ion of 'Marlon Haflaml,"' who'1 has
done an uncommon thing in inventing a
(weittvuly cfkcellent plot for a college
story, IloW Keith the vaudeville singer
plays a double part will b a surprise to
the reader and will bring a thrill to
every devout Columbian,
MV W..Arlu,.1 .1. .!.. I. ...II.....
H A B'mdi,i u ur.iri 10 .UUIUI-
l.ed to guarantee lluuuer Halve
for tetter, eczemii, piles, ipralue,
scalds, burim, uh era and any oju n or
Old Bore. a;h. Locke.
The West Side he ajurgp number of
subscriiiers on its list who are in arrears
and kindly suggests that they remember
the printer so that he can meet his
obligation.'-!! iHt
Tha bt Praiorlptlon for Malaria
Chills and Fever, Is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteleiei Clill) Tonic. It I simply Iron
and quinine in a talelctis form, No
cure, uo pay. Price, oiw,
Davidson & Hedges,' Props,
' i .
Clgara, , Cigarette, Tobaooo and
Confaotlonery. , '
Flrat Claaa Soda Fountain In oon-,-,
v-,.. . naetlon. ' '
tr moat tuwllng alv In th wartd.
A Huiidaj Train,
' Th Southern Pttciflc Company
Inn ilocMud to comply with lli
'titimiB from numerous clliccne of
Corvnllis, IniloiH'nili'iuv, McMinn
villa am Forest Urovofor a tfumlny
traiunrvloe on tlio Went Initio tlivl
nion, In sending out notice of tliif,
M imager Kocliler gayr. ' .
. In rtntHinau to your coiumunlia-
lion to Mr. Mitrklmiii, our general
freight nnd jmawnger agent, 1 l'B
to any that we have couoluileil to
itiftguralo Mmday juiaaonuer tmlii
train aervlce iHftwwn Portland and
(Vvrnllis, hut I ileaire to nay that
Ihlx can only bo looked uimui a an
experiment, nnl tlmt w may l
forced to dinoontiiiue this ee
ahould it bo found that it 1 not re
ceiving sullicient patronage to jus
ttfv tho exponau.
1 mK also to say in thia oonnco
lion that I am receipt of a commit-
, II I, 'II
iiiuauon irom lUo.numviiKi, sineu
by many, iirolestinii agaiimt a Hun-
day train,
Thia lervlcu will go into effect Hip
first Bumlny in July. It will sim
ply lo an DXteufHui of tho week-day
fidtwlule tooover Sunday, the train
leaving l'ortlnri At 7;:W a. in. and
returning At 5:50 p. i.
A Bunday train Iiaa long been
uVHlrod by sKlont along the Went
Siilu ili vision, who have been cut
off from all means of communica
tion with tha outside- world on one
Jay of tho week. Tho town par
tictiltuly that havB grown to con
siderable sine have fretted becamte
they coulil not get mail and expnwg
matter on Sunday a town of sim
ilar siieon other line of road could
Failure to get newspaper on the
day when thoy most wanted to
rend hat bot'ii a considerable ele
ment in moving tho people to ak
or the Sunday train. It is oxiiect-
ed that tho patronage uf the Sunday
train will prova tha wisdom of ex
tending the ecrvico through the
oveu day, though it will probably
take A little time to get tho people
accuetomod to it and in tho halut
of patroniiing it.Oregonian.
It llaiixles the World.
o discovery in medicine lis ever
created one quarter of the excltlmeiil
that ha been caused by Dr. King'
New IHacovery for Consumption, It's
severest teat have Ih'CU on hopeleaa
Ictlina of Consumption, 1'neiiiuoiila,
H'iuorrlm((, Pleurisy and Ilroiichitls,
thoiisiiiiils of whom It uaa restored to
perfect health. For Cough, Col da,
Asthma, Croup, Ify Fever, lloann.
uees aud Whooping Cough It la th
HHlckint, surest cure in the world. It
sold by Kirkland Drug Co., who
guarantee It,
Parker Pickings.
July 3, 1'jOI.
applied for our
Miss Ollie Harris
siliooi Wediiesday,
John Baldwin, of Buena Vista, was in
our town in the cattle business Monday,
Geo. Hotter is getting one of his farm
wagons (minted in the burg.
Clint Bradley 1 doing quite welt In
the stereoscope business.
Hank aud Mitt Well came home
from Winlock, Wash., Tuesday.
P. W, Haley will soon go out in the
Rogue river country to hunt a new loca
David 1 1 it ley is once .more a lection
The lection crew will take in the cele-
brntiou at Independence on the Fourth
something unusual.
II. II. filler Is working in town this
Allen Johnson is helping Fuqu cut
140 acres ol Rye grass and clover,
Loner Rates aud linger Limits on
Buffalo Ticket.
Tickets with return limit good until
ugust 31st aud Sept. 1st with stopover
privileges, are now on sale by the Bur
lington Route good leaving July 'M and
id, Choice of routes, best service nd
coommodiitioiii and quickest time.
Cull upon or write lor particulars, R.
W. Foster, ticket agent llurllngUm
Route, corner Third and Stark Sts
rtland, Oregon.
The Best In Current Literature
12 Complctc Novil Yiaau
$2.60 vcait ; 28 ct. a coev
Llpiiliiuott' Miigti.lue and the Vh;ht
Hinw, one year, 8:i.'J).
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
A Bureau i Information.
The Burlington ticket office In Portland Is a veritable
Bureau of Information for travelers a place where
they can learn what it will cost to roach ANY point in
America or Europe; how long tha trip wilt dike, and
what there Is to see on tha way.
It you are figuring on an eastern trip, drop in and
get full information, or, II you prefer, write me about it,
Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St, Louis and
EVERYWHERE beyond, '
pi But; ju'smm
Ahilrad of liiiirumen'a Filed lu Pnlk
Omit; June .1 to July I, 11)01.
Martha E Calbreath lo C U Parker,
ltt.74 In town ol Parker -W00. '
M J Martin to U M Hmlih, IiU) sec M
tp H i r 5 w-il.M).
W K Williams to Phy Slmon, Uox
loOft Iu Phy Simpson's fiirm'iO,
K P I)ove, Mil in r, to Martha K Slnqe
on, e l, of e '4 ol sen ilS ip I) s r 7 w-
Pulk Comity Hank lo F.lisslietli J
l.tnic, Us 7, H, B, blk H, 'II.CUy- Id,
A A Bailey to R A Porter, 10 Moses
Fades d I e tp 8 s r (1 w .VJ5,
J W Klmsey to DO Hleker, 5kefl ft
tp luiraw-f&t
J.iephln Wright to 0 I) Tlce.' lls 4, S,
0,1-lkB, Falls Cily-1100. .
OACKRCotoT II Marsh, 85.47a
sec B ip 7 r 8 w- 13,07.
United Stale to Geu W Jarvls, Mn
sec ;k) Ip H I r 0 w patent. . v
f 100 llrward $100.
The h'Sitom ol llil lwr will be aleawil Ui
U'Hi-M Dial ilirv I. at itwl eiio ilnmUfu iimm.
tltal kvitmpti hiu liiwii alitv lu iurtiM nil if.
laow, kii.I Mini I. ilt.rli. Ilall't t aUrtli
Cure la ili niiljr hIIIvu mtr kimoll lo lln
iimtH'iil traUriiiliy, l aliwili liolns anuiu
In tialill.m.e, n-'tulrtm a mm.uiuilotial IH-iil-NiMH,
Hall', t'aiarrti ur ) lakun Inu ni.ll)
ai'tthir itr,i(.U)- uimmi 1I10 hlmii ami uoe,it.
urtiti'o. ui iio .lrui, llivroiii il.lM) UK His
liiuniinilnii nl Hie ill. ami iinit the tin
Hum i r ' i k i I'y IhiiIiIiiik iiii ih" I'm,. mini. in
ami am.lliis ualura in dmns Ita wort. Tim
lir.iitl,il ,r. an itiui'tl lolili In It miraUm
iwura thai lle'V iiltrr Uw llumlii'il li,illmn mii y iimi thai II lull, lutiini. iiit f r lul
ol laulluiulll.U, '
Aclilrwui K. t. I'HKHBV Cv. Tulciltl, tl,
Hold b l)ruaiiil,
lUII'a Kamllf fill. ai III bMI,
An Old Time Performance.
The stage haa experienced such a great
change iu the past 3D years that it is Im
possible to find a trace of the old comedy
or drama, Everything runs to the sell'
Uncle Tom's Cabin, when drt pne
doced, was considered to lu one ol the
finest stage pictures ever- presented,
tlince then, huwever, cheap and interior
companies have produced th play dis
regarding the original idea of the piece
aud giving a poor performance.
Mr. Urlswold has this season organised
a company of unusual strength, and has
surrounded them Willi wealth of ef
fect, scenery, etc. We do not adver
tise) and do not produce a double Uncle
Imn's Cabin, but faithfully present the
play as it is written and played yesrs
ago. J lie IiIimnI hounds are not poor
half-starved crealures,bul line specimens
of ferocious man-eating canine race.
The allegorical scene in Ihe last act is
one of the principal features ol the pci-(ormem-e
requiring I, W0 feet of canvas
and the services ol 10 people for its com
plete performance.
F.xruralou lo the Fait. '
The Burlington Route is everywhere
known as the line that offers the lowent
rales, quickest lime aud beat service and
accommodations. For quick time they
offer three days to Chicago, only three !
nights on the train this cannot bej
beaten. For service, Ihe finest trains on
earth cost over tl(i,U0d. They sell you
tickets over alt lines, Northern I VI lie,
Southern Pacific, Canadian Pacific,
Ureal Northern, . It. A N., I'nion l a
cillu, Denver A'ltio Urande, Rib Grande
Western, Chicago A North Western.
Rate always the lowest to any and atl
We hve ticket on sale now good
leaving July 1st, 21 and 3d, with mturn
limit to August 31st that will enahl you
to resell Buffalo and return at leas than
tu. tall si our olllce or write lor par-
llcular. R, W. Foster, ticket agent
Burlington Route, corner 8d and Htiirk
St., Portlud, Ore..
WILLIAM.S-0'KELLEY.-Iii this city
on Saturday, June 20, at the Little
Palace hotel, Mr. Marcus C. Williams
and Miss Clara A. O'Kelley cr unit
ed in marriage, Rev, E. J. Thompson,
D. D., oltlclatlng. ;
The wedding waa a very pretty and
pleasant one, the guests being the par
ent aud Immediate relative of the con
tracting parlies. Mr, William lias just
graduated from tlve Oregon Agricultural
college, with Swclal honors, and is a
very highly esteemed gentleman by all
who know him. Miss O'Kelley is a
charming young lady of most estimable
character. They merit and will receive
tho very best wlshu ol their many
friumls. t
Mr. Williams has a ponitioii in the
drug store at Amity, where the happy
couple will make their homo.
- An Excursion to Cliiclnnittl.
The olllciul route selected by the No
ddy uf Christum Endeavor for their
Cornntional meeting at Cincinnati,
Ohio, July Oth to 10th, is 0. R. N. Co ,
Oregon Short Line, Rio'Urainlti Western
Ry., Denver A Rio Urande R R.", Bur
tington and Big Four systems,
The delegates and their Irieiula will
leave Portland on, the evening of July
1st, stopping enroute at 8ult Luke City,
where lliey will he Joined by the Cali
fornia and U tub, delegations.
Coidial Invitation is extendeil to all,
whether Kmlnavorcrs or otherwise, who
are contuuiplntlng an eastern trip, to
Join the party. 8
Further particulars may be obtained
from Rev, A. J, Montgomery, transpor
tation manager, Oregon City, Or., or the
Rio Grande Western Ry., No. 122 A
Third Klreet, Portland, Oregon.
A. C. Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sis., Portland, Ore.
Keep Out
tho Wet
linlilw Unmi
Tha waUrsraaf arail la hf
wit. Majl. rrwm it,. i.rt a, mi
trarrsieia wairritraw
It,. r'iliM. wivr .nit mi I
M.ila tu nu4
far Ik Iradu aiark.
irk. II
Sum uut b tbmu. nrlt. (uf nalaluai,. la
I, I, Wlhtisal rHlIu U l(U., k.. rruiIlM,
H. M. sAWi rll a so.acMm. :
.mm. .'.M.pi.f m ....
The Public (Joed In Tree.
l'rotoctlon of fonmta hna come to
be a rocognbwl function of tho gov
ernment, aaya nn exclmngo. When
the jwliey began, tun years ago, it
met with Homo opyoBition, but
wtter uniUirstaiiding moii replaced
oil verso oritimimt, ami now reser
ve ara regarded an iiuliKjMMisablo.
Theytm, however, nuffer a draw
back from lack of unity in imuiago-
muiit. There are throe Imruuug in
Control in Washington, ' whereim
slimild lie one, Kc-orgunuaiion is
needed to promote ellicieney and to
put forestry work on a IiiihIiicsii
like bnal.
Thcho facta are broifght out by
Oiffonl Pincliot, lit " tha current
number of tho World' Work. Ho
aocentuate tha necesalty of prcaer- j
vatlon of forest for tho mainten
ance and development of industry, i
Tlio integrity of the water supply,!
which tho great interest of ngricttl-j
ture and propowd irrigation, tlo-i
miikeg thl policy imjwrative for
tho public good. There are now J
thirty-dght reserved, containing
nearly 47,XK),0(X acred of laud.;
Mucli tinilier is destroyed by fire,
but ft lnrge part of thi devastation!
may be prevented. A tho Govern- i
incut due not own ail the land In ;
Ihe renervei, the danger of fire and ;
lose from timber tiiieveg are greater j
Limn they otherwise would lw. En-;
den vor to got back tract granted
to railroads and settler had result- j
oil in some unavoidable fraud, i
which have, however, not discon
cerl)d the purpose of the Govern
ment. Mr. Pincht enforoeg the fact tlmt
tho Government must exereido great
prudence in permitting heep on
redcrve. Protection of foreetg de
pend on wieo regulation of grazing.
Graning on eotno tract, tie in Cali
fornia, mudt he prohibited. In the
Oregon, Washington, Arizona and
New Mexico diatrict it need lo be
jmlicioiidly hiMlged, If unrestrain
ed, it will devastate foruetd by pre
venting new growth and loosening
oil on mountain eidoa. : Tlteritne
function of reserves ia to rolct
water aujply excewiive grazing hu
imperiid agriculture and magnitie
the difficulties of irrigation. Agri
culture in the West must he devel
oped largely by such artificial
mean. In Southern California the
fruit yield in conditioned by the
water How from the reserves.
Many railroad companies-are
helping to start tree in plains and
dedcrta. The Uio Clrando & West-!
ern will plant (15,000 trees in Utah'
and over a million aood. Tho Big
Four has set out 70,000 trees in
Indiana. Numerous other roads
are doing, similar work, showing
that the Government endeavor is
in lino with their in interests, and
that they have grown into the gen
eral sentiment of the Nation in
favor of forest protection.
Drj hiar preparations simply dot
ip dry cntiirrh i thoy dry tip tha secretin
op dry cntiirrh ; thoy dry tip Ui Sporetiotis,
which silhiire to the ninuiurnne and dnoom.
pus, catming a fur mora surious trouhls than
tho ortliimry fomiof oatiirrh. Avoid all dry.
hi Inluilants, filings, suiokos and mulls
d us Unit vliioh cIi'Siihoh, soothes and
brftls. Ely's Crsnm Kalm is suoli remedy
and will cur ontnrrh or old In tho hi nd
easily and pleasantly. A trlid sio will lis
nmilud for 10 psnts. All dniKKUts soil U
6()o.siB. Kly Hrothors, fid Warrun 8t.,N.y.
Th Ilnhn oure without puin, does nut
IrritHto or esttss sneeidiig. It spreads llsclf
over an irritiitnd and tttijrry surfiiae, reliuv.
hiK Inmii'ilinUily the puiuful iiitlituiuiiition.
With I'.ly's Omsm llnlm you aro aruiod
agiiinst Kasid Cuto. .li a: d liny Fuvor.
Ollhte and Rtialdunoe (Tomer Railroad
Moiimoutb Htmt,
Many peojile havo.lost
tho sight of ono eyo by
nonuse that would havo
boon all right if they had
used the proper GlasBOs
when young. See that
your children's eyca aro
all right. Examination
fro ;
Os As Kramer & co.
Jewelers and Optician.
The Castle
Keeps constantly on band a flue
assortment ot
Wines, , ,
. Brandies, .
AIsj the famous Hop Gold Beer.
S. E. OWEN, rianager
k m m
a a a ' ,v- a a mi
Now Ia the time to repair your.
We carry In stock extra
, machines:
21 3 for Di erlng Mower.
23J tor Dt-eimg Mowers,
3x.'l for Iecr!iig Mower. ,
8fl for I leering Mower.
' 8 8-lilxil J for Osborne Mower.
1 8x3 II. I', for O'lxiruo Mower.
.'Ik.'I L, '. for O.Uirue Mower. -Sk-U
for riaim Mowers, f
SxS 8-10 fr McCormiek Mowers,
lli.'ll for Htuiidanl Mowers,
x!l 81(1 for Tiger Mower.
8x;fl for Woods Mowers.
Wij enrrv a full lino
Binders mid Mowers.
Thurston Lumber Company,
Tlliutt l Dallas, Oresron. '
' Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
XOTK: -We h-ive a first clan dry kiln which enable us to eiva von thnr
oughly dry loniUr. i .
Changoulilo wcathor between two swisons encour
agon your chronic troubles and' inflicts upon you
inuch petty mcknops. lletter ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure -it.
Come to ua to have your proscriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug utoro.
50UTH and HAST
1 Shasta Route.
Trsln livi li.ri. n'lflnco for I'orlluait
WMy .uiiiiii. m 'Jtt p. 111.
Un lor tuivllu l I l:W . m.
I.r I'orilxnit
I.v Altutur
Ar A.hlmi.l .
" Hull I mini ihw....
" Ofti-ll.
" lHv,.r-
" Kttu.M 4 'tiy
" CIiI.wko
:, m.
IJlW p. Ml.
li li . III.
.IU . III.
T:i- i. iu.
, i M . nu
. II is) a. in,
7 '.!.
, iMi UI.
T:.i0 1. m.
llnvt . m
ll.t u. m.
't41H iu.
.4A m.
7') m
St:IS . is
! -Itl . iu
b.m in
" I.o Alib le. ;':inp. m. f O'm ni
" Ki ttJMp, m, S:H Ml
" ton Worth, :. m. :'. M
" Clir ur Mta Iltwikia. lli.iuikra
" tlotiotiMi 7jW.i.., 7:t m
H Siw Orl,iiK..,M1, S'ltip. i. : S;0 t. m
l Wtliintu . M . B. :' , m
W r,v .. M..-3.
' fuiWsa as Twins r aa Iwth ttWiu
f I sir i!m Hanrsiuciii ti iilt n snil Kl ri
srnl touri.l r lu Clilom, HI. Unn, N
Orlwiii. mi.! Wl)liil'.
rnnntln St sn rnuioMoo with surort
Ukiuainii Iin fur lluixilmn, Ji.n, cuius
l'lilll'li!(-, oiilti sud tkutli AuierK.
He JlH.d, A. Wiuva Ml ldi!liuilii !
Uon, or mUrcm
Ueiiersl IWiiiht Ainiit For 1111.1. Or.
Kutch's Barber Shop.
Iiult'liciideiira Orppon
men m lrnvtl timl hi1vi-iiho liir old vvl'ih.
Il.lit-rt Iioiim itl wilut niuitu'iHi iiliiiidiiiit. Sul
ry ;mi yrar still exiH'iiieii, sit imyalilo In
phmIi. Ni, (-itiiVHMMttic riiiuir.'il. uive ft-frr.
enniHiuiid imioIim' iilf-ftililrisied sihiuimmI on
v'lui, Aililri-m, Mmmmir, ;ii Csmou liiilu.,
Go to
For Wall I'upor, Wiudow Sluults,
Picture Framos, oto.
Furniture of all kinds repaired.
Ofllee with theTolophonecompniiy
Pavilion Railroad Uncle Toms Cabin Company will
Exhibit at Independence, TUESDAY JULY 9.; This Com
pany carries Forty People, a car load of beautiful special
scenery and Mechanical Effects one of the finesta Bands
and orchostros oil the Road, this Company has been organ
ized at it cost of $20,000 and should not be confounded
with other so called companies playing this piece,
Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents, '.
sections for the following
sl!8-Ifl for Peering Hinders.
Sx2 3-10 for riftiio Hinders.
Ilx.'l for OxlHime llliider.
23'mfor WiwmIs Itluiler.
3x21 for MeCoriultk llliider.
of f-xtrns for the McCormick
From ludipvudriios
11:00 . Ill
Hlt lk, .Vitiv.r.
H. Wiirtli, Onishs,
KjtniMu, (Hly, HI,
IMilH,ctiia'j so
490p. m
Tl HllllU
KJl IT".
Salt tko, Aonvw, It
. wmli,(ruiHlis.Kaa.
, tw t'llr, HI, IjiuIi,
' l'htooo ss tmU
11 IB,
vi Hum-
.ah P'.l
saw iu
Walls, Wkiik, u-h-Um,
HDokHiie, Mm
nmimllii. Ml. ul,
Cliirnm" suil Kil.
T a. sa.
From Purl land.
Ia.1I mull iik link', aub
! Jt-ot Uiclittnsn
Kor Krsurinoo
Salts every 4 days
Bp 111
p. m.
Ei tu inlay
Columbia Klrir
To Axtnrls aud Way
Lauiliinc. t p. mj
iv in
? a. in. ,
Tikw. riuii
aud HuU
t;lt t. iu,
aud hia,
fi.'i h. m,
Vlllamell tnd
Yamhill Ulvara,
On-uon ('Ity. Dayton,
aud Way-LdUidllis-i
si p. m.
U lllauinlUi Klnir.
Portland tovorvallls
and Way-Uuidlugs
8uak Klvsr,
Hlparlato bewinton.
4:90 p. m,
L.T. Lewis
Ion, daily
Sa. m.
Slramers to Portland frost Indppand
Until li-avra Corrallis for Portland Mondays
AVt'dnmdays snd Fridays at 6 a m, pasaiiif
lii(loiKiiilim-v at 0 a in. Rotumlni, leaves
IViriland Tuexlays, Tliunilayi and 8atur
dy, pHi.slng ludi'iindouoval 6:30 p m
Kliniire leaves Indopcmlcnwi for Portland
TtH.tayn, ThtirRdavH and ttatunlays at 0 a m.
Kt'luruliiK leavea l'irtlaudfurlnJoeudenee
.Miiiiilnys, VS'iHluiiKilHyi and Fridays at :a
a iu, arriving at lmleuendunoeat a p m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
! i (l o