The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 04, 1901, Image 2

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, JO, A. 0. BRANT, SMM IMUhee,
w imcriftiijn Ratkh,
4 ik utwn
fwalir """"' i ,
ThnM mouUia
, , .Washington, D.C, Juuo 21
"If the Cabinet may properly be
considered at the administration,
and that is my idea, the adminis
tration has no candidate to mowed
the President." These remarks
were made by a gentleman whose
relations with the ad mi nitration
are close. Continuing he said; "At
a recent Cabinet meeting, it was
proposed as a bit of fun, that each
member of the Cabinet should write
his preference for President on
lip of paper and drop it in a hat,
with no mark to distinguish the
writer of one slip from another
Eight elips were prepared the
President was not, of course, asked
to join the game, although he was
an amused spectator, and distrib
uted. Upon each a member of the
Cabinet wrote a name aud dropped
it in a hat After shaking them up
they were turned out upon a table
and the laughable fact was discov
ered that the Cabinet had eight
candidates instead of one, every
member having chosen a different
man. There was much enjoyment
over the episode, and it was jocular
ly agreed that the Cabinet would
have to get together if it hojies to
same the winner. I would like to
tell the ekht names written, but
that would never do; I have only
told this much to show that the
administration at this time, has no
The fight to oust Commissioner
Evans from the head of the Pension
Bureau is being pushed with re
newed energy, but the commissioner
still holds the fort and appears to
be backed by the President, and
ays he will not resign.
Secretary Hitchcock says prepar
ations for the opening to settlement
of the Indian reservations in Okla
homa, are about completed, and it
is understood that work on the
President's proclamation, announc
ing the date for the opening, has
been started.
Mistakes in uin2 up what is
coming to one in the way of privel
eges are common enough every
where, but they are not all as costly
as that made by John McQuade.
John's father is Secretary Koot's
coachman,' and through that fact,
John got his name'on tbepay roll
of the War Department. Then
John made the mistake of suppos
ing that he could ignore all the
rules and regulations made to go
ern the employes of that Depart
menu He was called tip and
disciplined and to emphasize the
matter on his mind, he was fur
loughed for a few days. That
might have reduced John's head to
its normal size, had he not filled
himself with the juice that Mrs
ivation likes to spill, i hat gave
him some new ideas about tho priv-
eleees coming to him, which he
proceeded to try to enjoy. One of
these was the right to lick the ap
pointment clerk. John being big
and burly and the clerk a Huh
fellow, he was having things his
own way, until other employes
stopped the fmht. John now has
the privolege of finding another job,
Many stories of the late Gov.
Pingree, of Mich., are being told in
Washington, where he was well
known, since hie death, len or
twelve years ago, a friend introdu
ced Gov. Pingree to Col. Jghn T,
Mosby, in the corridor of a Wash
ington hold, and the following
conversation took place; Pingree
"Well, hello, Colonel! I haven't
seen you for twenty-five years, but
I remember very well tho last time
we met." Mosby "Ah,"what inci
dent recalls it to your mind? I re
ally fail to rembcr you, much to
my regret." Pingree "Oh, well
you wouldn't be apt to remember
the date. I was captured by - your
men and happening to be wearing
a very good, nearly new uniform,
you confiscated it on the spot and
gave me your old ragged butternuts.
But that's all right; all's fair in
love and war, I know. Let's have a
cigar." They had those cigars and
others and smoked and chatted
reminiseently for more than an
hour. It may not be generally
known that Gov. Pingree started
the foundation of the fortune he
afterwards made in the manufac
ture of shoes, in the little shop of a
Washington shoemaker. It was
his duty to into Washington daily
for the mail of his regiment, which
for a part of the .civil war was
stationed on the Virginia sido of
the Potomac, and while waiting for
the mail, he learned to cobble
shoes and earned pocket change by
cobbling for his comrades.
The reported investigation of
trusts by the Attorney-General is
unimportant though true. Every
Attorney General investigates but
none act, and action is what we
Mont iltc lr)l of franc.
The Corvallia Time says tl
the erection of a fruit dryer is about
to be undertaken at the Oregon
Agricultural college. Construction
will be under the direction of tl
various station men, and an
tempt will bo made to evolve
appliance that will embody every
scion lino principle necessary to pro
duce the best results in the curing
of fruit for commercial purposes.
The drver will Ik) on a small scale,
but yet large enough to make the
result certain. It will only be
used for experimental purtKwea,
The intention it to have it reltdy for
use in experimenting with this sea
ton's crop. Tho importance of tho
fruit industry in UlaniuUe vail
undoubtedly justifies the under
taking. A leading problem with
prune men especially is a standard
and properly regulated system
White Ma Tnrne4 Yellow.
t)rt eoustcrnathm was frit by th
nituulaofM. A. ttogarty of lxliigtou,
Ky., when they aw he was turning
yellow. lllklu slowly changed color,
also hi eve, mul he suffered terribly.
lit malady was Yellow Jaundice. He
was treated by Ui beat doctor, but
without benefit. Then he was advised
to irv KlMtrlo Hitters, the wonderful
Stomach and Liver remedy, aud he
writes: "After taking two bottle I was
wholly cured," A trial prom lis
uutchtiw merit for all Stoumoh, Liver
aud Kidney trouble. Only 60e, Hold
by Klrkland Drug Co.
Mr. Hanna secured harmony i
the Ohio convention. That is to
say, he eliminated the kickers.
She Dlilnt Wear .!.
Hut her beauty wa coionletely bl
deu by ore, blotehe and pimple till
she used lluekllu's Arnica Halve. Then
they vanished a will all Kru pilot),
Fever Sores, Boil, Doers, I'arbuuole
and Felon from It use. Infallible ri
Cut, Corn, Burns, Scald ami Pile
Cure guaranteed, 3Ro at Klrklaud'i
drug store.
A Uttle-KaonDl'ottal Itule,
D. C. Whitman, complained to
the poHtoilice authorities that his
mail was delayed by reason of go
ing to another D. C. Whitman in
the city and he invoked a curious
law, which is to the effect that
two persons having the same nmo
and initials reside in a city the
mail carriers must give the oldest
resident first pick of the mail. In
this instance one Mr. Whitman has
resided in Kansas City fifteen years
but the other Mr. Whitman has
been here tice as long, so that
hereafter ho will have first call on
the correspondeuc Kansat City
Journal, r
A IW Xilllonalre
Lately starved lu London because h
could not digest hi food. Early use of
Dr. King' New Life Till would have
saved him. They strengthen the stom
ach, aid digestion, promote assimilation,
Improve appetite. Trice 25c. Money
UeK If not satisfied. Hold by Kirk Is ml
Drug Co.
KalHes Chinese I'licasaut.
A Woodburn, Marion county,
woman makes a success of raising
Chinese pheasants. The usual
trouble with the newly hatched
chickens is tho procurement of suit
able food. If fed grain, seeds or
raw meat they soon sicken and die.
Tho Woodburn woman supplies
them with their natural food,
worms, in a curious manner. She
takes any old meat and allows it to
taint, then buries it. This is hnr
worm factory. There is another
point that she had to learn before
she could feed tho chickens their
natural food. They will not take
the worms from a pan or the
ground, so she digs the Burface of
the soil, scatters the live worms
thereon and lightly rakes it. They
find the worms and thrive during
chickenhood, after which they take
any kind of food.
Another curiosity about the
pheasant is that though a strong
flyer a four foot wall of wire netting
is all that is necessary to confine
them, They pnly jump about three
feet high and cannot rise direct
from the ground, In the fields
they require a little lue room and
start flying with a half run, then
do not rise high but fly on a line
very near the earth.
The Woodburn woman raised
ninety birds last season for which
Bhe received $300, selling a trio,
two hens and a rooster for $10.
Asa Part of California.
The suggestion that the Hawaii
an Islands be attached to Califor-
ni as a political part of that slate,
is simpla a revival of an old prop.
osition. Before the islands were
given a territorial form of govern
ment, their incorporation into the
state of California was discussed.
Opposition to it was largely from
the office-holding class, aided by
exploiters who thought that a terri
torial form of government would
afford greater opportunities for op
eration than a state government.
It is not probable that serious ob
jections would be made by the
native population of the islands.
If the natives ever indulged a hope
of national independence, they
ceased to cherish it when the treaty
of annexation was signed. The
"Something New I'ador
AH Doctor have, tried to cur CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gaw inhaler and drug In pasts farm.
Their powders dry up the ntucuou
membrane causing tliem toeraek o?u
and bleed. The powerful aelds used In
(he Inlisler have entirely, eaten away
the sariie membrane that their maker
have aimed to core, while paste olnt
insula can nut reach the disease, An
old aud experienced practitioner who
It us for Man year made a close study
aud specialty of the treatment of CA
TAKHH, has at last perfected a Treat
ment which whew faithfully used, not
only relieve at onoe, but permanently
cure CATAItllll, by removing the
cause, stopping the discharges, and our
Iniz the lulUmatlou. It I the only
remedy kuown to science that, aetully
readies the aflllcted part. This won-
dertul remedy Is known as "SNUF.
TAKItll CD UK" and Is sold at the ex
tremely low piles of One Dollar, each
package containing Internal and ex
ternal medicine suluclenl Tor a mil
mouth's treatment aud evciythlng
necessary to lis perftiit use.
"SM'FFLKS" i the only perfect
CATAItllll Cl'KK ever uiade and Is
now reeoguUed the only safe and
positive cure for that auuoylng aud
deluding disease. It cure all lufla
uiatlou quickly aud permanently aud
I also wonderfully quick to relieve
CAl'AlUtll wheu tiegleetml often
leads to CONSUMI'TtON-"8NUF-KLKrt"
will save you If you u It at
once. It Is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatiueut which Is positively
guaranteed to cureCATAHHH hi any
form o; stage if used according to the
direction which aceoiuauy each pack
age. Don't delay but send for It at
onw, and write lull particular a to
your condition, and you will receive
special advice front the discoverer of
this wonderful remedy regarding your
esse without etsit to you beyond the
regular prie of "HNUKFLKH" the
Sent preimld to any address In the
Uulted Wales or Canada on receipt of
On Dollar. Address Dept. F.flotl ED
and 2.132 Market Street, Philadelphia,
hojie, at best, had no substantial
ground to rest upon. The people
could not hope to maintain their
independence, and their resource!
were insufficient to meet the expen
act of an independent government.
The islands may now remain India
nitely a territory of the United
States or they may become a part
of a state and thus secure all the
rights aud privileges which counties
in a state possess. As a territory
they would never be represented in
tho Senate or cast an electoral vote
for President, but as counties in
the state thev would be represented
in the Senate and in the election of
President in proportion to their
population, i tie recent uecision oi
the Supreme Court in tht Porto
Rico cases does not tend to make
the people of territories content
with their political status as thus
defined. It has always Wii held
that the territories bad the same
constitutional rights as states in
respect to free trade with the Btatcs
but the Porto Hico decision subjects
them to the will of Congress. ban
Francisco Bulletin.
THE II0MK ;oi. ( I KK.
An Inirenhius Treatment lr which
Drunkards are Being Cured 1111;
In Spite of The nine be.
No Xoxloua Jin Weakening nf lite
Ncrrcx. A Pleaiiut and Positive
Cure for the Liquor Habit.
It I now generally known aud un
dcrstood that Druukeuuesa is a dlscuse
and not weakness. A body II I led with
poison, and nerves completely shattered
by periodical or constant use ( f Intox!
eating liquors, requires an .antidote
capalile of neutralizing and eradicating
this poison, aud destroying the craving
for lutoxicanta. Hullerers may now
cure themselves at home without pub
licity or loss of time from business by
this wonderful "HOMHUOLDCUKfo"
which has been perfected after many
year of close study and treatment of
inebriates. The faithful use according
to directions of this wonderful dlscov
ery Is positively guaranteed to cure the
most obstinate case, no matter how
hard a drinker. Our record show the
murvnlous transformation of thousands
of Drunkard Into sober," ludustrlous
and upright men.
KATHKHS!! This .remedy Is lu no
sense a nostrum but Is a specific for this
disease only, and is so skillfully devised
and prepared thut it Is thoroughly
soluble and pleasant to the taste, so
tliat It can be given in a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of the
person taking It. Thousands of Drunk
ards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the "CUItK" adminis
tered by loving friends aud relatives
without their knowledge lu ooffee-or
tea, aud believe today that they dis
continued drinking of their own free
will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be do
luded by apparent aud misleading "Im
provement." Drive out the disease at
once and for all time. The "HOME
GOLD CURE" Is sold at the extreme
ly low price of One Dollar, thus' placing
within reach of everybody a treatment
more cflectual thau others costing $26
to $r0, Full directions accompany each
package. Special advice by skilled phy
sicians when requested without extra
charge, Bent piepaid to any part of
the world on receipt of One Dollar,
Address Dept. EGOfl EDWIN B.UILEB
COMPANY, 21130 aud 2332 Market
Street, Philadelphia,
All correspondence strictly confidential.
Tariff and Prosperity, -
Next to financial agitation, what
the country wants' least is Tariff
agitation. It was the apparent set
tlement of the Tariff and money
ipieetion that gave the business
confidence which . brought about
present prosperity. It was largely
agitation of the Tariff when (irover
Cleveland was president which pre
cipitated the general depression and
hard times during the lust term of
his administration. One of tho
first olllclal acts of President Mo
Kinlcy was to call a special session
of Congress to past a protective act,
and this, with the assurance that
tho Tariff would not again lie dis
turbed for at least four years, Im
mediately ushered in an era of busi
nes activity and better times,
When Senator Hanna tayt the
republican party U not likely to
make any Important alterations in
the Diugley law his words are cal
culated to promote confidence in
business circles). The uncertainty
which results from agitations of
economic and financial questions is
more harmful in its effccltthan tin
favorable legislation. What the
Industrial and commercial interests
require is a feeling of quiet-an as
eurance that they will not be sub
jected to changes in the conditions
to which they have adjusted their
affairs. All they auk of the Gov
eminent is that it will let well
enough alone. To interfere with
the widespread prosperity which
tho country Is now enjoying, by
threats o' radical tariff or currency
changes would be a political crime,
All tho tariff changes that are- ad
visable can be made through the
medium of reciprocity treaties,
without billeting any damage to
It is quite possible that the Pom
ocratio party in 11)04, in lieu of a
lietter issue, will again declare for
Free Trade;' but that is several
years away. The Republican party
will certaiuly not I hi so unwise as
to mar its own prosperity regime
by trying to break down Protection
to home industry at the next session
of Congress or at any other tune,
Kansas City Journal.
Low Rat fcxrur-dua to lh KU
An excursion party will leave Port
land Monday July lit for Detroit, Mich.,
..Cincinnati, Ohio nd other point east
tsktng advantsgeof the low excursion
rale In effect vis tlia Burlington route
July Ut, 2nd and 3rd. The ollkial
route uftlie Urge delegation of Christian
Endesvorers Irom Cslilorn1, is the
Southern Pacific via 8ll Lake City, Kio
irnde Western, DA H U and Burling
ton Koute via Chicago and the excur
sion psrty Irom Portland will Jo'a'the
Calilorniani at Halt Lake City and go
vast from there in a body enjoying sll
the plcssurc and convenience of the
trip as alresdy decided upon by the del
ek'sllon In i in California snl it isssid to
Im one of the most interesting and com
plciu iutinersrles ever arranged by sn
excursion party to the east. Full par
ticular u lie siicured by calling on or
addressing a letter to It. W. Fetter,
Ticket Agent, ilurliugton Koute, Cor,
3rd and Aark Hl Portland, Or,
As Othcn See I s.
The Glasgow Herald, comment
ing on tho proposition to keep con
auniptivce out of tho United Btatcs,
eayi: "This is far from encouraging
to those intending to oross to Amor
icun shores either m immigrants or
merely a visitors."- It claims that
at tho present time Englishmen
visiting our country bitterly com
plain of the ordeal which passon
gera have to undergo on the wharves
of Uoston and New York, and
though the custom-house ollicia
who ransacks baggage is a grevious
nuisance, he will ho nothing .to the
doctor who, it is supposed under
tho new rule, will have to sound
every ono's chest with a stethoscope
Our Scotch contemporary asks why
not carry the restriction further
and examine the incoming voyager
in regard to his wealth and moral
standing. It winds up by saying:
"It may, of course, be all right and
all in tho way of the highest human
evolution; but this much is highly
probable that if the new exclusion
policy had. boon enforced from the
outset there would have been no
United States at all. Tho Pilgrim
Fathers themsolvos, not to spoak of
John Smith and his motley gang
of settlors in Virginia, would hardly
have passed muster, and tlioro
would bo more red Indians and
fewer millionaires in America than
there a ro today."
Nature's Storehouse.
In every ago, and in all stages of
civilization, the groat storehouse of
nature has supplied the necessities
and luxuries of mankind. The
present reckless and niiiverwtl con-
lIontgomepy & JVIilligan,
The oapaolty of our mill and dry kilns enables us to promptly J
fill all orders for lumber, Give ns a call. 5
Secure a Leal or Commercial
Bell tike's
School,- :
No ViiciitloiiM in the
i ; j Department., s
We (lUAUANTEE mi.-cea will.
our method of INDIVIDUAL
limtrui'llon. Hjieclul uttenlhm
given to Khoithaml. Typewrit'
Ing taught hy tho Intent 'Pouch Method, Lohhoim !y until, f 5 per month
Houd for Free Trial and eittnloKtin eontiiliilug opinions of prom
Inent educators, ImMncss inon, sUniogiaphcrs uml others. Law Tci iu
couimcneeH Septemher tat. V
Prlii. (lommerclul Depr.'
In U Us 0u Dm
koala b ctMuiiueM.
Ely's Cream Balm
rliuuiMS.SnnUtwsnd M
His dimwd nwiulinw,
ll cam csiwrh sud dtlM
r tt4 Ml Um liwt
rrssoi Ilslu Is (ilnntl InM ths mxt'lli, tprnils
tw Hi wntutsn suit It sImiu loL lUUsf Is Im
hmUiIs stul s cum ftfltuwi ll U sul 4rjln-(iws
4 prmJiws sssssia-. U Sim, M sssts st Drug
ial. or bjr srnll Trial Si, 10 mots by mill.
tit UHOTUKUS. M Wwrau Slrtel, K Tack.
umption of basic nli'iiietits, inch
as coal and oil, la however, a sol
emn warning that the heat thought
of thu nice should now be applied
to the discovery of thethinga which
must takd the places" of those now
in use. It i sheer folly and prodi
gality to rest lit the presumption
that coal fields, oil wells and thu
like can long withstand the ravages
of earth' growing millions.' Wo
predict that the next door to I
oH'iieil lu nature' storehouse, will
he tho finding the headwater of
electricity, Hun your wire into
thes sources turn on the currents
of the I'liiverse, and get heat, light
and power without fuel or animal
force 1 licks.
re tht most fatal of all dis
eases. Efll EV'O HONEY CURE ll
lULLI OfiuarantBid Remedy
of monev refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the test lot
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c and $14)0,
July!, im!.
Niillrs I hT-br glvon thsl Hie (nl'oln.
nmm'l wlili-r Iih HVmI imiIIii. of In, InHMiUon
h mk HiikI iniif In uii"rl nf hla i'Ikiiu.
ml nisi Mill i.nut Mill lw iiiii'Ii' Mum Oi
( ouniy t'lK .i folk I'oiiniy, itl lll, Ore-
tfnti. till Alltfttttt to. I l"OI . vlt:
I'mli lli iiirii, Ii. lr of i harl, a Hniicl, dttvsWHt.
11 E. Ml, IHUI,
lor I hi- rrsi'lloiinl W I, n W '. mul frsrllun
I S W ul H W li nl M.W is r a, H w.
He tisiiiin Hie fiillnwltis oIuhmus l (inivs
hi. niniiniiiiii nniiltiuw Ull suit riilllvniuni
nl MHt UiiiI.yu:
Jnlm Hon"'. J"ln Kllno, John Ujfsr, A
liurbmis, Mil tu l u orrtiui.
I'll AS. H. MOOKhS,
Nntle fnr I'ubllratiiin.
Klll puli. June II. Ul ruli. AllJ. III.
Vnll.'il Hlli- Unit Oltton, Ori-iinii I'lly,
On sun, J miil, uml.
Nutlne U liiiml'jr slvtm llial In i'miilliu'i
Willi lliw r(vilmi nl Hit, not nf I'oiutfi'iiM if
Jinn. :i, ,K, i'IHIIIimI An snl fnr Hip ls t
llmlHr Imiili III lliu Slsli'a uf I ulllnriiln. Or.
Hal.,u,l,-.l tn all llm I'nhllr l.llllil MtklL.K liv act
mi. NiivdiU, itinl u unit I nit Inn iprrliurir. '
nf Ausiml I. Iwl, Mr' K. Wriitlil, ut IIikmn.,
t'liuiiiv "f I'ulS, Hula nf lirviiun, linn IIH"
Iny flii'il Hi Oil nii hor nwnrn mt.,m. ui
mi, jvijii, nr iiiii rtirriiB ni i.h , m
IliinS. In t'lwn.iiln No, u S. miic No S wi'.l
ml will oirr Miif lu linw llitl llio Iiimi
miulii Is iimrS mlu'liiii fir lininliriir hiihh.
limn fnr niirlrtiHiirsi iiunin",, siiil in tiii
lih ln r i'UI.ii In mtltt Isiul iH riim Dm Id'si ii r
sml Kwi lvnr r Uil oilli" nl imiiiiiii i liy.
oniinu, tin Miimliii, llm Mh dsy tif Aiiul,
Hlis liunn ft wilnnmm: '
Tliniiiu. K. Wilutit.of Hdih'S. Oriunn: Kmnk
S. fimtmli. nf Ml. TlKr Orwriiii: Jnliu
KIhmIu., nl FhIIs t'lly, urciiuiii Allnirl Jsiiiui,
ol fuliii Cliy, iiri'irmi.
Anv sml s'l nspnum tiUliiilus iiilvunnily Ilis
lBi,(!-iliirllii'il liimtn lira miirtit In llli-
uitiirrmliitM hi tins ninra uu ur uiiiiiru nniti
Ji.llnlny of Auiiu.l, 1IUI.
('HAS. II, Miioiim
inon In Imvol sml silwr Iw fnr nkl iwlnli
Hhcit hnii.r nl millil llimnitl miuiitliiif ShI
Kry I.mi yiur sml fX'Hi', ll niiVHlilt' lu
i'li. No oniiviilnii ri'iiiilrnl. Olvs ri'li'r-
siioim sml pnoliiNti niif-itilrti"HiMt plnlntif'it (Ml
vrl,.pi AililrcM MbmiimiT, :I.Vi l,'ttUn 1IIiIk
WANTKD.-I'iiiiiiIiIk. ri'llulils licrnnii lit
syiry wiiiniy In ri'imwni Ihtkh cnniiniiiy nf
mini nuMifim ri'pniiiiinii;".iiiii.v in'rypnr,
pnviiiilf wmikly; H pit duy iilMnlnli'ly mim
mul all KiHiiai'i aluiliilit, luiint-llitf, ili lliilln
aHliiry, im nniiiiiilKHlnn; Hiiliiry mlil rsrh
Muiiirtliiy sml pxh'Iio mutiny silvsnwd ssnti
wiws. HTANDAHU 1IUIISK, lf.lH'Hi'linru
SU, Clilciiijii.
Nut Ire for riililliiitlon.
1'lrnl pub. A pr. l Imi pilll. Jim. 'JS
Unltiia Hlulos I.nil omen, Ori'sun City,
ori'Kii. April null, HKil,
Nnlli'K In hitroliy sIvimi Hint In nmnpllsiim
with Ihp lirnvlalnlliiiil' llli) l'( "f CuiwruH' of
Juni) :l, Ih.h onllllwl "Ail set for llio ihIii nl
tlmlmr UiiiIk In llio Hltili'" nf Csllfnruls, Oro
Kiin, NoVKiln, sml WiiHiiliiKtou Tiirrllnrv," in
inUiiidtnl In sll Ilia I'll til lo l.iiiul Hlti' l.y mi
of Aiisunt 4 IHW, t'lmrlH I). Ilorry. nt I'orl,
lllllil. iintllllV Ul Allllllliilllllll, 111111111 iirt'Kim.
ha f hi- 1 ii v ft li'il 111 thin iillliu lila aivorii
aiKti'inmit No .MMa, fnr llm purclinaunl this N W
4 ut Nnutlnli Mi. ?i, til inwnallip liu. N,
imiirii Nn. mv. mul will offur nriiuf lualimv
tlmt tho Iiitnl auiiKlit la ninro vslitsliln fnr
ila tliiiluir ur atniiu , tlian fur unrli-n lu ml
imrpuai'M, slid In oalithliali ma ciiiini lu unlit
uml bulnro tho KnglaUir sml Rcwlvnr nfllila
ofllco l Onifnii Clly, Ori'sou, on rrlilsy. III
Unit dny nf .Inly. IWI.
Iiallaa. Oregon: lliTiniinil Hl'iiuo, or in-
110 lllillloa It Wlllltiaam: n. r,, n iiiuiiiia, ui
di'pniiilani'ii, Ol'i'ifulil K. I!. Kirkpotrliik, of
lntllHH. Ornuuiii (loo. A. Wlloox, of liidopoiul
tinoo, Ori'K"".
Anv mul nil normnsa slinlns swracly the
sbnvo-duKOrlhcil lttiula urn ri'i.,iiKti'd to tiki
tlinlr I'lulirn In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 eo on or uofnro Kiild Will
duy of July, 1W1.
. VLlltD. II. Dll,V'IU'.n,
- v
15. T. T AUG ART.
Piln. Law Dept
Polk County Bank
J.iuueir. MAwt'itni,.
fri-l.ln.l. tlw-I'mliral.
IBM. IWH.U, VtMft,
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J. II. Ilawley, I'. L. CsuipMI, I, M.
Himpsnii, J. It. V. IliiiUr, John
It. Htuiup, V. H, 1'i.wbII,
J, A. Wimrow.
Transacts a Coneral Banking
and Exchange Business.
The Independence
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
fmlrlrnl Vlos-Vrwliissl
It Itlrwlilx'rs 1 W avnr. H K Hmllh
A Ni'lni M W SloWwt
A I'n.ral S.itliif tnA trdt'ifs stills
Irkn.iiMvo ; lnua i,.ic, billa Siffiouuil, torn
turnsiil Cfdils Jt Bnlfil; 4riKMII rsnalvsd
rutiMit rit,iiitt tul,it't IS cWk, lstsrl st
tlius ilf "tt,
G. L Hawkins
Isdcpr nJcott, Oro.
miBBLE and
Monuments and
Head stones
Cemetery " Work
etc.'"" 1
For praying.
....Call on....
Orders for hauling
oxccutt'tl promptly
and at ri'iisonable
The Hntel Eail
ZDsillas, Oxo.
Ilnn boon ro fit tod nml renovated
from cellar to ifiirret, ami every
thing 18 now. . (loiiil siimple room
for coniinorcinl men. Satiofuction
gunrunteed. Unles, 11.1K) to J2.00,
Special rate by the wwk.
Bottled beer for
family uso to
bo had at
Bicycle - Headquarters.
Agent for tho
Rambler and Ideal.
All kinds of bicycle sun
dries, at reasonable prices,
All kind of bicycle repair
ing done, work promptly at
tended to. All work guar
anteed. '
West Side Ofice
, E. T. HENKLC, Proprietor
Hot and Cold Baths at all
Hop Cicld Bcor
C. ID. Calbreati? t
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Opera House block, flaln Street, Independence.
Good cooiIh at Kicht
i Our goods aro flrt-cUB, our prices a low as tlie
lowi'Mt fiuality of gooils considert'd. - - VI
All kinds of country
(S Higliwt Markot l'ric.' V
J! i Share of Your Patronaa Respectfully Solicited.
' . c.
l-l-I 1 1 1-1 l-l-i l MM IM
We arc now offering special
prices on Steel" Ranges, also
cast stoves and ranges. We
have a very heavy stock 'of
this class of goods on hand
and can please you in styles
and prices. We invite you to
call and examine our stock.
Ill 1 l l l-l l l-M 1 11 I
P R. M. WADE & CO,,
S A. J. Goodman, Mgr. 2
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germanybut a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
" brusin I have a good all-brwlle Jiair
brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
jflflUL HlliHlXL Think about Uw ftpi nLfflDUnMC
The miirmoim pair nf the Oraihuiihom-, sre UnMiniliniiriL
chumhI Uy liic tsct tlisl it li ucli IIVI llvll.
Thsl as (KITMir DISWt lor POSSISSHM I Iimh4 h all ke kMr .
As iaxttmntibto town ! Vkoaser 4 Dlllit to all. .
It It simple In eiinnlnn liim, suit prls are arranged to suit all pocket books: whUe tlis
deraaiiu will cimtiiuiR on Uiiik un uunimi nstiue exlals.
The Introduction of a fi-w GraiihoiihonM Into a community at once creates an Increasing
demand for Rt CORDS sad Sim II S, and a COMIStKXS BUiiMl&S Is llm ssuMlasM. Why nut
secure the literal Prolilt wkkk sr allowed Sealers?
Columbia Phonograph Co., (oeai,
us Geary Street, SAN.FRANCISCO, CAL.
Curreettiit to (lute.
Lesves lnileHHid
Lesvea Alrlle for
M o n m a ii I h and
B OU a.m.
5 (10 . lit.
I.oavea Idillnii fur
tlloiiuioullt and In
1:011 m.
I.enven Mon mouth
nuie fnr Moninoiilli
and Alrlle,
VM n.m.
3M i. in.
Leaves ludeiml
elide lor Moiuiiuuth
mul Oullm.
lliOO , m.
7:13 . m
Leavim Moiiimmtli
for Ali'lln.
THU n m,
8:00 p. m.
I.imivh Monmnntli
for 1iIIh.
11:80 . 111.
for lmloit.iiijviiott.
;4H a. in.
li!IO jl. ill.
i40 i. m,
11:4 H u SI,
Oioc p. ui.
Leaves ludeiiend-
enoo For Maiiniutitlt
9-.05 p, ill.
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
Main St.
Independence, Ore.
Foley's Honey and Tar
toreblldna,safe,sure. No opiates.
Trices Make Easy Selling.
produce bought at the VI
- I l l-l-l III 1 1 1M-H1
t - M i l I I l-l-l 1 1 1 M l-M
Prescription Druggist
A Han Slips Up
Ou it evt ry time that be takes his laun
dry work outside gf the SaUra 8team
Laundry lo be doue up. He find "that
tir d fwllnR" stealing over him when he
notes the different In the exquisite color
and beautiful fluish, saying nothing of the
good condition lu which your linens are
returned by the
Salem Steam Laundry.
" COL. J. OLMSTED, Prop.
Phona 411 ' 830 Liberty st "
Steamers Altona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7AW a, in., for
For Freight or Passage ap
ply ou boardlhe boat, or to
the agent-
Independence - Oregon.
W. G. Sharman,
Bauk building, Monmouth st.,
Independence, - Oregon
W ANTKO. Cauable, reliable person in
every county to repreneet lurno company of
solid niiiinolHi repiUiiHoii; 9ll;lil KKlary peryesr,
payable weekly) Jfl per day absolutely Kuro
ami all oxwui.i'-; atmlichl , bniiii-tlile, deflulte
salary, no eoiuiulNMiun; milary paid ea h
Saturday and expense money advuueed each
wnnk. MI'ANIIAHll III1IWK' SOU Itekrhiirn