The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 21, 1901, Image 3

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TtaeawaM. Na. 141.
turnum a miu -
HOMKH UW HO. Mum ivitv
. arali. MtattwN will lata
dM natte end iira iheauetveeeevoniliit ly.
VMUm Knlakiitre tutiwd to alteaa
m nateaC r. B. W I UKW , n t
Court IndeneodeiK No SO, Forest
er ui abnm, meets every csuuraaj
evening a 0'OiaoK.
- lamer
Yon wn'pi your plows ground at the
Water Worts JUSt IO Mil 70a. lB
rind loam while yoa wait, either day
,,W. fcAIUo, deotiet, Cooper bloak.
.Cigar, the choloaet, at RoblnaODa,
mK,M, Wade
Co" toy ad In
ttoh paid br Wool by Geo. X. Brey,
Campbell Bra, will Mil you carpet
absolutely et cost and line we bought
from thePerk Mill at Philadelphia we
can Mil cheaper than no other bh In
lawn. :
4 A lull 11m ol spring iNi nl R. M
wadtteMa. m v
All Mm mssstlnes ami th
ovale onn be bad el Robi neon's.
Tfc. BmI ftreerttM tor Malaria
ChiUM" lever taakeitleerwaatvae Tre
tJM Cart' Tttma U to eUaela Ira end
UalalB la a MclMlimi, No curt, no paj.
Xll' kind1 ol bicycle repairing doM,
j. VY.Breat. .
For Bret elast milk eaae go to B. M.
tadeACo... 1 -v; ';; -
w yvar MWnwjm www. hvhi wu;
without goUiui Campbell Brae, nrlcee
M wprlktill auw, window abade
nod bicycles, . , ;,, t
John E Klrklwnl, who baa mm
working to cm ol Congressman Tongue'
Md other horse, ltd tor the Inir grounds
4l 8aletn on Tueedey whom bo will pat
mo finishing teaches on If ark Hum
and Bm Bolt.
Special price on crease aeparatore at R.
M. Wade A Co.
OnT Ttaulxa Chill Toole naant to
mam. . t
A larn viriot ol garden cultivator
alR. M.WadaAOo,
Try Moore, tha barber, north alda ol
"O" Mreei, oppoaita Knox' grocery
tore, (or a hair cut or (have
Children Day ric at tha Prea
bytcriaa church Mit Sabbath morning,
A abort prqgram ; reccptioa ol member,
and abort addraaa by tba paator. Ber
lce In tha evening at 8 o'clock.
. OaU at Kirkland'a drug atora and get
a free eaxupte of Chamberlain' Btomacb
and LivarXnbleU. Tha are an alegaut
pbyaic, They aieo improva the appe
tite, itreDghteo tba d Igeetion and regu
late tba liver and bowel. Tha arc
awr to take and pleeaaat In aflVot. '
Tba Oregooian baa a $25,000 libel wait
on it band. Tba complaint la B. F.
Harvey, of Eugene, who wm Implicated
'iaaacrape with Hugh Patter, the
latter having been convicted and cent to
tbe pen. Harvey 111 acquitted Md
'cue tha OregonUa lor Ita remark 00
; the .object. -
; TUTRADE-A good wagon and bar
!Maa for a tingle rig ow tha "Dtmocnt"
fltylg. : f;niaytMi Smith.: ? , ,.,
For anla I iatereet in a fine brick
ibtuidiag on tie beet corner in Indepen
aoaa Tba rent will pay 18 par cent 00
'InvaatnHrat. laqaire ol R. M. Smith,
! Monmouth Oregon.
Don't wait too long to have your bier
'elea overhauled, oiled and cleaned.
Have it dona now and tare a repairing
bill later 00. C. W. Brant.
When in Salem and vou want a good
aaeal don't forget to go to Strong'
Meataurant, where fverythlng tbe mar
ket afford can be bad. .
Independence it arranging to have a
big time on tbe fourth ol July. II all
band pull in tha tame direction they
can make it mighty interacting. Soma
kicker and aluggard may need to be
Jerked out ol the way. Ilemiaer.
Better for the Blood tbu ftanaparllla
For ThoM LlrlBf In the Malaria Illricu.
Oiove' TmUIw cblU Toale,
J. 8. Monro, the barber on C atreet,
now bandlea Newbro'a Herplcide. the
famoue dandruff cure, eudoraed by all
tbe leading barber of Portland and all
citiea in tbe eait. Give It a trial and
aave your balr.
OroTMTMtelruCnlilToukieune Malaria, Uo
Campbell Bro. have good wall paper
at 6 cent per double roll, ,
T. J. Fryer of thi city, ha been ap
pointed by ilia county court a ituck in
ipector for Polk county. A good ap
pointment. You may a well expect to run a
ateatn engine without water a to find
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver and you may know that hi liver
la torpid when ha doe not relith hi
food or feela dull and languid after eat
lag, oftei) baa headache and sometime
diuineaa. A .few doaea of Chamber
lain' Stomach end Liver Tablet will
restore his liver to Ita normal lunetlona,
renew his vitality, improve bia dlgea
lpt) and make him feel like a new man.
Price, 26 cent. Sample free at Kirk
land'a drug atora.
Tkh ltaaene M ea erery bn et Ike aeeeiae
Laxative orooioHuiaioe
Canvas Telescopes, Plain and 3
a- leather bound,
I Trunks 1 all kinds and sizes,
: Waste Baskets and 3
EE Jlnko Baskets, 3
Carpet Beaters Tacks, E5
Tack Hammers and , 3
g Tack Pullers,
Sink Cleaners nd
, Scrubbing Brushes,
& 5 SHOES 3
A Twrrihh) Eipleefc
"Of agaaollue ttova burned a lady'
her frightfully," write N . K, Palmer,
of Kirk man, la. The beat doctor
could nt heal tba running acre that fol
lowed, but Buckliae Arulca Halve en
tireljr eurvd her." lofalllbla for Cnta,
Ooma, 8oraa, Bulla, Brute, gkln Da
eaaw and PlWa, fh at Klrkland Drug
ttlek Relief for Attaauu .
Ml Maude Dick toe. Parson. Kane.
write: "I suffered eight year with as
thma In Ita worst form. 1 bad several
etiaofee during tba last year and vh
not expected to live thrmwh I bom.
began uelng Foley1 Honey and Tar
and II hss never failed to give Imtue-
mate reuer." a. tv uocia.
Why noC pnd the vacation at Yaqui
na Bay where can he had excellent tare,
good Bhlng, good boating, alluring ride
and rambles. The course and enrol
at the Summer School, ol 1901 at New
port, will afford gnat variety ol Instruc
tion, diversion and entertainment. No
other resort offere equal attract lone and
advMlagea. . -
Edward Hues, a wall known business
man of Mallabury, Ms,, writes: "1 wish
m wy for the beoefll of otbera, that I
wm a ratnrer from lumbago and kid
ney trouble, and all the reined lee I
took cave me no relief. I wm Induced
to try Foley' Kidney Cure, and after
in use or uirM cotues, 1 am oureo."
A. 8. Locke.
, Tbe lltb annual reosioa oi pfoneert
will be held at Dalle oa Saturday. Tha
wan Stni acknowledge an Invitation
to b present.
Lait Saturday tba iub ihona forth
bsautiluily. 1
The lack of enertv you feel, the back
ache and a run down condition gener
ally, all kidney dleorder. Foley 'e Kid
ney Cure will restore your (trvngth and
vigor oy making toe tidneya well.
Take no substitute, A. a Locke.
The ladles' aid ol the Baptist church
will serve relraahwenta on July 4th eon
luting 01 im cream, etc., at the corner
ol Railroad and 0 Street. '
Allen Haiveraon of Wast Prairie.
Wla., says: "people come ten mile to
boy Foley 'a Kidney Cure." while J. A.
Speroof Helrner, Ind., any: "It n tha
m.itln.1 itr In, iiflli I B IjmIi.
Tba warm weather la rather trying on
the younger boye, who must go swim
ming at all haurda. v -
A. O. Blancbard, Wast Bangor, N Y.
aaya: "I nave own troubled with kid
ney dleeae for the last five year. Have
doctored wltb several nbysloiana and I
got no relWf until I used two botUea of
Foley'a Kidney Cure." A. B. Locke.
Layloa Smith tpeot the first ol the
week on a flihing trip to Meadow lake.
The fresh coat ol whit paint makM
Am Taytor'a barn look almost M good
a new.
Tbe Wser Bid prints more gtneral
newt-foreign, national and state than
the other thrM paper oj Polk county
combined. We don't pad out from a
ooluma to a page with "dead" matter,
each m free announeementa ol picnic
and ol our owe wares. Ir too its rr in
thsWsst Sine, it's so. And it may
happen even il you don't aee it la the
WaatSioa. W are not Infallible.
William Woodard. of Decatur. Ia..
writes; Mf wm troubled with kidney
disease for several year and four one
dollar alM nettles of PoJey'a Kldnev
Cureoured me. I would recommend
It to anyone who bM kidney trouble. "
a. a. jjocaa.
Tuesday night 't Kail had a rough
time getting. It met with delay on tha
8. P. line near Wbiteaon and before
reaching tbe postoffice here went info
the ditch from tbe bend cart.
Cycling bM ita up and dowoa. Af
ter the downs, use Banner Halve If you
're CJt or bruised. It heals the hurt
quijkly. Take no substitutes. A.8.Locke.
It seem that tbe two evening 8. P.
traina leaving Portlaud 00 tba west aide
line met with accident Tuesday near
Wblteson, consequently Independence
(ailed to receive tbe mail until Wed Dee-
dsy morning.
Ira C. Reckard. Duncombe, Ia ,
writes: "My little boy scalded bis leg
from tbe knee to the ankle. I used
Banner Halve Immediately and In tnrae
weeks' time It wm almoet entirely
healed. I want to reoommeud it to
every family and advise them to keep
Uauner Halve 00 nana, m it is a sure
remedy for scalds or any (ores." A. 8.
Tbe board of regent ol tbe Monmouth
Normal school Tuesdsy re-elected tbe
entire (acuity, and gtve Profenor Wann
a year' leave ol absence, bis chair to be
occupied by P. 0. Powell, formerly of
Salem. Professor Wann will attend the
Stste University s a undent next year.
Powell I a graduate ol Monmouth and
ol Yale.
Tbe James M. Ward company, who
have so succesalully presented the re
vised "Ten Night in a Bar Room" at
tbe Central theatre, San Franoisco, tbe
3d Avenue theatre, Seattle, and Cor
dray't in Portland, will appear at the
opera bouse tonight, Thursday, in this
excellent play. Mr. Ward's reviiion
will include the greateit sentstlon of the
season, the great saloon imaihlng scene,
Indulged in by a tupurb impersonation
of Carrie Nation, the renowned Kansas
smwber, augmented by a band ol tem
perance worker who always make a big
hit in thii grMt scene.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
All druggist refund me money u 11
tails to cure. B. W , urove's signature
ia on each box. SSo.
( Hut aaoaghT Wall, yea.
Sam Oofl It laid up with a lama back.
Ed Roesndorl of Corvallii vltl ted bare
during the week. . ... t , ,:
Mist Laura Burnett ia ap from Port
la ad vtiltlng her mother and sitters.
" Portland, Oregon, get the next meet -
tng or in. PaPre...e .oage, a. u. u. w.
, iue vneniawB aim uervais usee uau
tMwt will play at Dsllat oa Daturday.
Mri W. 0. Oreesy hM goo to
man Montana on a visit. .....
J. 8. Ooupsr aad D. B, Taylor, drove
toBalemoa Wedneeday,
A. W. Daaksteader Ut waved to Dal'
Im where ha will eagaM In hulu
Mrs aaaford Willlama uaa had a aaw
root put on her reatdeaee. J .
, Uaylag in the city limit la well under
way, The school play groaade tamed
Out a gaed-alted crop, - . J ,
I Mr, L Qllmote of DMiaaa', Taaas, : la
visittag bit ton L 0. Oilajore, having
arrived here Monday awning.
H. D. fetter and wile expect to Wave
next weak on an ax tended visit to
Elgin, HI. :,.'..":':' :
Chester Stumberg led oa Tjieeday (or
central Wathiagton where M will ruetl-
Mte for awhile, , , ,
Mr Claude Lr-Mastera and young ton,
arrived here on Wednesday morning for
a visit with relatives and friends. , k
Frank Fliher, ol Monmouth, went to
Portland oa Tuesday, It la said to ar
range for a mw alock ol goods.
Morris WipfUt, of Salem, same Over
oa Monday and immediately struck out
for the mountaina and bit claim. , ' t
J. 0. Clelaad, who iaUly moved down
to Portland, came ap on Tuesday nlgbt
oa a abort business visit
Dr. Butler gave a pleasant little ear
pries patty last Sunday to hit lather,
Orvil Butler, who IIvm just across tbe
river. A bice time wm bad.
Mrs. M. A. a Roherteon, Mr. O. A.
Kramer, the Misses Richardson, with
several youngster, started this morning
oa a camping trip to Yaqulii. u
The motor made special tripe during
tbe week for tbe accommodation of peo
ple desirous ol attending eommeacemeat
Merciett at Monmouth. '
Mr. J, H. Burgy, and daughter, Eva,
ot Vsncouver, Wash., are expected tliio
Thursday evening to visit friend here
for a few weeks.
Mrs. Will Dugger, who bM been visit
ing ber pare tit Mr aud Mrs, P. H, Mur
phy, started on Wednesday afternooa
for ber borne in Ores Vslley,
Mrs. Henry B. Kelso aad two child'
ran started on Wednesday afternoon's
train to visit for a tew monthe with
relatival in Montana.
Ij. C. Oilmore, who went to Salem iMt
week for medical purpose hM tucceM
fully passed tbe ordeal and the doctor in
eiteodsnce say that all be require now
ia plenty ol lee.
A. Nollner, ol the Purtisnd Dispatch,
passed through Independence on Mow-
day, enroot to Monmouth where be at
tended commencement exercises. Mr.
Koltner Is a member ol tbe board of
Commencement exerciase at the Nor
mal school took place sa outlined la lsst
week't paper. A large altendaoM wit
nessed tb exerclsM which were lull up
to expectations. 1 ' '
The West Hide Store.
Tbe West Bide Htore will be Anally
closed on lb evening ol July 4, and will
be moved to Ralem directly thereafter.
II you wish to avail yourself ol any ol
the big bargains, do so between now
end that date. .
Everything goes at cost while we
remain bare.
J. L. Stockton. 3l.
Col. Rob't A. Miller who was reeister
ol the U. 8. land office at Oregon City
under Clevelsnd, and whom msny of
our readers know, Is now practicing law
at U regno uity. lie devotee much at
tention to practice before the focal land
office and the department at Washing
ton and bit experience at register is
taken advantage ol by a lane proportion
of those having business In this line to
transact with Uncle Bam. ,
ding ol Mr. Clifford While Ksntner, ol
Salem, and Miss Nellie 0. Wblteakor,
ol thii city, took place at the home ol
tbe brlde't psrente, Mr. and Mr. B. F.
Whltesksr, at high noon, June 19,
1901. ' ' :' - ;" v - '
The ceremony was nerforformad by
Rev. W. C Kantner, ol Bslem, tbe
father of the iroom. The bride was
dressed In white organdie trimmed with
sll-over lace decorated with white car
nation. Tli groom wm dressed in
black, and during tha ceremony they
stood under a besutllul floral bell of
white carnations and white roses. Alter
the ceremony e most excellent dinner
was served. Those present were l
Mist Edith Owen, aa bridesmaid ; Mr.
Will Ksntner, as best man; Mr and
Mrs B f Whttcaker, Mr and Mrs Geo
Whltesker. Mr and Mrs Dsvld Whites-
k.. U. .nil U Will UM...... Mr
am Mrs A J WhHmker, Mr ami Mrs J
Fetter, Rev and Mrs C C Poling, Prof
end Mrs Metsker, MrendMsJ A Mills;
Mrt Weaver, Mrs Scofert, Mrs 8 E
Owen ; Rev Kantner, Pro! Bitner t MIssm
Leverne Ksntner, Blanche Ksutner,
Mella White, Cecil Olds. Collins, Ella
Ritner. Armwla Scofert, Kelina Scofert;
MesiriUarryJ Bayonne, New Jersey
Frank and Glen Whiteaker, Lee Scofert.
. Seven Years la Bed.
"Will wondera ever cease?" Inquire
the friend of Mr. L Pease, of Law
rence, Kau. They knew she had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general '.debil
ity; but "Three bottlee of Kleotrlo Bit
ten enabled me to walk," she writes,
"and In three month I felt like a new
person." Women Buffering from Head
ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleep-
leatneM, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dlzxy Spell will find it a priceless
blessing. Try It. Satisfaction guaran
anteed. Klrkland Drug Co. Only 60
Rotloe. '
Klnn Vallev. Oreeon.
My wile, Ella, having loft my bed and
board without jutt cauM or provocation,
I will not be rttiponiible (or any debtt
contracted by her on or after thU date.
Dated June 10, 1001. Oabbiii, Lono.
Lipplncott'a Magaxlne and tha West
8idb, one year, 18.26. -
The beet Preeerlptlen far Malaria
Chill and Fever, la a bottle of Grove'
Tasteless Cblll Tonio. It is simply Iron
and quinine In a tasteless form. No
oure, no pay, Price, 60o. '
nAfiritrn ftALvn
Jta wwal nocjilwej aatvo lw wroriej.
' feartbaf Jaly.
, Tl poiteri announolni tha fact
that Independenrja will ealabrala tha
ootulng Fourth oi July In appro
priate manner have been tent oat
1 to the several town! aud clllaa ad
D0 oM CBrt pjej gnor.
The) progranieg an not at read
but enough ia known for the Wkt
Bid to guaranUe that tha oalabra
Uon will aollpaa any former 00
held in thlioountjr.
Tha people from far and near
have ilgnlfied their intentlon'to
ooma weMM. llavlng been tha
recipient! of bur boapltallty htrato-
fora, they know thai they will re
ceive all the attention necesMry to
iaaura tham a good lima.
' Uon. Til Ford, tha eloquent
apeaker from Saltm, will deliver an
address that witlk prove a drawing
card and which will repay tha visit-
ora : for coming from far away
polnta; too ganat and aporta wtB
ba many and varied; tha daaotng
and firework! in tha evening will
ba ail thai U deal red; and tha sever
al committeea art working bard to
make thii eelebration a grand auo-
Uon. Jceeph E, Sibley, of Dallas,
our county judge, will ba President
of tha Day; Dr. Tbompeon, Chap
lain; Prof. Start, bur oounly aohool
arjperlntendent, reader of Declara
tion ol Independence; MUliam E
Willlama, of Airlie, Grand Mar
thai, with J. F. Groves of Dallas, I
B. "Neemlta of LaCreole, Jamee
Prather of Bua na Viata, an. 8. B
Walker of thU city, aa aida.
I ! ; JuoelMSQl.
Mr. Merriet Tillery and J. M. Prslhsr
are tearing' deaa the remaia'ng part ol
the old pottery building.
Hunter MeOamtek ia at home visit
Ing relatives, 1' :'
Mlat Josi BavaM a former resident
of this place, bat new of Oregon City, is
visiting relative bare. - '
Eaton Btvsot and Solomon Bridget
started for Newport on their wbMlt
Tueeday, '
Miss Bopha Bhlvee la teaching eebool
Mar Newport.
Mis. Mario Vsnees, of Wialock,
WMh., It vltltlag with ber grandparents
Mr. and Mn. D.C.Baldwin.
Mra. J. M. Cryderman ia vlslllng
friendt and relallVM here.
Our blMksmlth, Mr. Ogleebee hM all
the work he can do and la giving good
It ia proposed to move tbe M, E.
church to the lota formerly occupied by
the old pottery building.
The Children' Day exercise at the
M. E. church last Sunday were good and
well attended.
At the but meeting ol the Woodmen
ol tbe World th following officers were
elected) Con. Com. 0 M. Bradley i Adv.
Lieut. A, Johnson Escort C. C. Kyi;
Watchman. 0. P. Kellogg; Sentry, C.
Purvine and Manager, Q. P Locke,
A number ol people ol tbls place atten
ded the Commencement exercise at
Cruden Shlves bo hM been attend
ing school at Eugene during the winter,
hM returned home. He expect to go
to Eattsro Washington In a lew days.
M. Hall, our road supervisor, It
having tome good work done In this
Jno. McClain I cutting clover bay lot
E. N. Hall.
Mrs. J. T. McClain hM been very tick
for tbe put week but It Improving.
Mr P. H. Hall hM gone on a trip to
Eastern Oregon,
Call at L. D. Baldwin' drag store for
anything In the line ol pure diugt and
druggist sundries. A fall line always
on band.
Tbe school closed here lsst Fridsy,
The graduating sxsrclses were held Fri
dsy night. Prof Swan will move back
to Corvalllt during tbe week. We reg
ret very much to Iom Prof. Swan and
lamlly from our Mmmunily.
Mr. J. A. McClain bM been much
worse for several day past but at pres
ent la slsgbtly Improving.
i, DMa't Marry br Money.
The Boston man, who lately married
a sickly rlob young woman, la happy
now, for be got Dr. Klng'a New Life
Pills, which restored ber to perfect
health Iofallable for Jaundice, Bll
loutnesa, Malaria, Fever and Ague and
Liver and Stomach troubles. Geutle
but effective. Only 2fio at Kirkland'a
drug store.
Card of Thanks.
. The undersigned desires to express thanks to the generous
public for its patronage. Those who desire to buy a swell and
nobby suit are invited to call and inspect my goods.
DprtlAtTI IsPr I dWt wish to fool anyone by saying:
rvciIICillUCI , ,miing off at cost!" Nayi nayf Pauline
I am here and expect to remain, and tha few dollars I have will
not be taken to some other town and "blown in." I make tuy
living among yon and pay taxes to lighten your load; therefore
You ought to Patronize JSSS
np to July 1st at cost price. I have already bought my Fall
stock and want to sell all the goods I can to raise the money
necessary to meet obligations foiling due. No broken stock.
You will look like a Prince
of clothes, bought cheap for cash at the White House. ,
atMaJelegsaiwItMt lor la th rW on si
laeadew, OesgiNi, ea J mm m, iwii i
Howell, OA KasmusMn, MltsO
Maybaa, W M Rosenthal, g M
Willlama, AW ,
When wiling for theM letter plesse
aay edvsrtltso. J. A. Whbklb, P, M.
At the lua at lit nierUllau lislghth,
etc., M wm "the duka" al the train on
Tueeday wttolilng ilit pretty glila em
barklagoa tha train. V ,:
'. How's This?
Woler One Hundred Ih.llara IUwbH for
an v mm m rturrk met eauuot tw eurtrtbr
hmlfl Catarrh liun.
f . J. UIKNXY CO.. Hrr". Tolwtn, 0.
We. the nilnliud, bsve known r. t, l b-
Cv nr uw laat u team, and Iwllnvu biw wr.
Ir aoaorabki In all liu.luvu tnitMriloiu
aad iRMwiallr akle M oarrr eat streellta.
mn or vnir arm.
Wawvslautt, bulMletni(tli.Tul4n,0,
W 41 sola, XiNHas t sUsvim, wbulMSl Srut.
Hall'aautrra0urslslat Inurnally. est
lrwl)r upiMI Ui blind and Riunuua ur
Smw ol !! tviiam, i'rlea IM) wr Uilllv. SVulU
Hsu's fawlljp riilsare tbe seat.
Parker Pkklag.
June 10, i0l
Art Laeey will soon leavu for Fib lake
where he It a rest ranger on the govern
men! forest reserve.
Mr, B. F, Burch, ol Pomery, Wash.,
la deed and will be baried In the I. 0
0, t, Mmetery BMr Independence June
wta Fequa haa a new moatr and
tying ia la Mil oa tbe docket with all
Ibefarma. , i
Mas Hauls Lou.hsry left last Wsd
aeaday enroute to Elgin, Ublou county,
la eastern Oregon.
Thos. Boothby 1 the latlinr ol a five-
pound boy, ,
ti. W. Bridwell, ol Bridwell station on
the Alrlle branch, wm here pool Inn
wbMl last Friday. "
Maria Vsoess, o( WinWk, Wash.,
cams up last Friday and went to Poena
VieU. lo visit her grandmother, Mr
Mra. Wash Qibson returned to lisr
home at Wllt (Mt Friday. , ,
Jsmae Helmkk hM new thln.lvt on
band for tbe machinery tUed to the
Mra. M. J. Cryderman, of Winluck,
WMh., la visiting her mother, Mrt.
Anderson, ol Bueoa Vtata, , -
Merritt Tillery Is up to date, be It
wnelng bit (arm with patent woven wire
Mist Clara Bolter ia slaving in town
a lew dayt.
Our little town wm enbroadd in
gloom owing to the death ol Mrs. David
Parker, aa old and Influential pioneer.
Mrs. David Parker 'a maiden name ass
Mum Nancy M. Uulman ? she tu horn
In Ray county, Mo., in 1833; married to
David Parker January 6, 1H&4, aud atari-
ed acrote the plain with ox teems tu
tla and ume to Polk county, settling
fear Rkkreell wuere they stayed three
or four years, whsn they moved to what
Is now called Highland and improved a
Sue (arm and tilled tha eoil until her
husband's death, Jan. JIH, IKII7, when
aha moved with ber only sou, Cleve, to
Parker Station on the 8. P. railroad.
The following children aurvlve her: Mrt.
Sumo M, Miller, Rickrvall; Mrt. Kan
ale Lecey, Rickreall, and Cleve R
Psrker, the ton Mr. Parker (pent her
declining year with. The tuueral serv
kws will be held at the reaUivucc at 11 a.
m., and Interment ia the I. 0. 0. F.
cemetery near Independence June 0,
riKE at moxmoIth.
Six Frame Balldlngs Were Deatroyed
Fire broke out at 10 :30 Sunday morn
ing in Frsnk Fisher's store, and by the
lima the alarm wm given the building
wm enveloped in dames. Tbe town peo
ple were quickly flglitlng tbe fire, there
being no organised department; the
posloflloe and barber ahop adjoining
were soon burning, and before the fire
could be checked tlx building were de
stroyed, all being light fraum ttructuret.
A telephone menage wa tent over here
and the motor having tteain up, gather
ed up all the men available and made a
quick run to Monmouth where tliy
gave valuable assistance, aud by hard
work the reildonces 01 L. 8. Perkins
and J. M. Flynn and the depot were
MVed. '
In the absence of definite statements
the following approximates the lottet
and Insurance I
. LOhS. ins.
Frank Lucas, pottoRlce build
ing.,..: $1000 750
Frank Either, confectionery "
and atationery stock ....... 1000 800
Mrs. Hend rick, of McMInn- ,
vllle, store building........ 000
John E. Miller, barber thop. , m
Mra. J. E, Eraser, realdence
and office 000
Dr. Rambo, dentist r. . . 100
E.C.Keyt,o(Perrydale, resi
dence , 800 ...
0Ef Force, barber fixtures... 60 ...
Others tufiered tmall lotscs, Tbe ori
gin 61 the fire it unknown.
A "bucket brigade" wat all the in-
psrstus available but the boys did ex
cellent work.
W. W, Perclval lost 30 fin ho.t on
Tuesday at MoMinnvllle, The auimalt
were suffocsted In a car.
Foley1 's Honey and Tar
tr chflJrn,uf,$ui. No opiates.
.ftcop Out
1. 1. MUefaaarMili
aat radlat ., IcU., la
., life., laa rwiibjia
: Aa Excursion to CteclunaU.
The ohlclal route selected by the So
ciety of Christian Endeavor for their
International meeting at Cincinnati,
Ohio, July lh to lOtb, is O. It. A N. Co.,
Oregon Short Line, Rio Qrande Western
Ry Denver A Rio Grande H. R., Bur
Una-ton and Dig Four systems. , f
The delegatee and their friends will
lesvs Portland on tha evening of July
ist, stopping enroute et Halt Lake City,
where they will be Joined by the Call
fornla and Utah delngatUirie. .. . ,
Coidial Invitation la extended to all,
whether Endeavorers or otherwise, who
are contemplating an eastern trip, to
Join the party. , ,
Further pertluulars may be obtained
from Rev. A. J. Montgomery, transpor
tation manager, Oregon City, Or., or tha
Rio lirande Western Ry Mo, 123 A
Third Slrtwl, Portland, Oregon. -
A Good Cough Medicine.
It speak wall for Cbatuberlalu'e
Cough Itemedy wheu drugglata use It
In their own families In preference to
any other. "I have sold Charubarlaln't
Cough Heuiedy for the past Ave years
with oomplete tatisfactlon to myself
and ciMlomere," saya Druggist J. Oold
smith, Van Ellen, N. Y. "I have al-
ways used it In my own family both
forordluarv oouirhsaiid colds and for
the cough following la grippe, aud nud
it very eftlcaclous." For sale by Kirk
laud Drug Co.
John Young, secretary of the Green
wood fishing club, tayt that the club it
almost disrupted. Old I'hillipps is presi
dent. A', the last meeting ol tbe club
chargiw were preferred against Ed Bysrt
for catching 1 catfish and 75 water dogs,
lie wm found guilty and expelled. A
petition Is bvtng prepared tsklngCharley
McCaulsy, deputy fish warden, to Im
port a water snake that will get away
with the water dogs.
Dr Inn; pre imrut lone simply dsvsl-
op dry caUrrn t Uit y dry up Uie SMrauous,
which adhere to Ui nivmbrane and docoru
poee, eauaing a far mors aarlous trouble than
(be ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid alt dry
ing irshalanU, fumes, smokes and snuffa
and naa tiiat wiush oieanaaa, aootb snd
nala. FJy's Cream Ilalin is such a remedy
snd will oure catarrh or cold in the hoad
easily and ntsepiaiitly, A trial site will bs
mailed fur 10 Mule, All druggists sail the
Wo. sum. Ely llroll.era. fill War rn St., KY.
Ths Italia euro without pain. doe Dot
trriUle or cauae snseidng. It sprvads ltal
ovsr an irhtald and angry surface, rolinv.
ing Immediately the painful inflammation.
With Kir's l Wm ltalm you are armed
against Kaaol Catarrh and Uay I'evor.
What bas become ol the shooting
clubT Are the bnyi loo Isxy to-gel ootT
Corvsllis hss a team of trsp thootert
and other little town are likewise hon
ored; why not Independence, We think
there are enough good tliott here to "do
up" any team In the vslley.
The Monmouth band discoursed sweet
music on our streets last Saturday, .
By Chanibprlale't Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
'I am sure that Chamberlain' Collo,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at one
time saved my life," says A. . Lafal-
ette, of Urcgiiry Lauding Clark couuty,
Mtasourl. "I wm iu such bad shape
that the doctors said I could not live,
Wheu I wm at the lowent ebb, ooe of
my neighbors brought In a bottle of
Chaniiierhtlu' Collo, Cholera and Diar
rhoea ltvmedy aud I took It and got
Instant relief, I anon got up and a
round. That wm nine year ago and I
am still in good health. BInce then
that medicine ha always been In my
house aud always will be. It Is tbe
bent on earth." For sale by Klrkland
Drug Co.
Get Your
Offloe and Rcaldeuce Corner Rallroac
Monmouth Btreeta,
Hon. J. A. YanOrnlel, attorney gen
eral of Wyoming, it visiting hit brother,
J. U. YanOradel, at Dallas for a lew
weeks, thii being hit first trip to Oregon,
He 1 very much pleased with this state,
and especially the Willamette valley,
and contldert It, to far at he haa been
able to judge, one of the best sections
of the coo ii try In respect to natural re
sources, ilejiat lived In Wyoming for
many year, where he it prominent in
politics, having been twice 18D0 and
1000 choten aa chairman of the Repub
lican central committee for the date
snd it was largely due to hi able man
agement, of the campaign that the party
was so lucoesaful In carrying the atate
(or MuKinley In 1900, and for the Re
publican state ticket! In 1808 and 1800.
The practice ot allowing hunting dogt
to run about the fluids Just at this tea
ton ought to be discontinued. The birds
at yet arc very small, unable In' fac to
fly, and many of them are caught, by
doge that are allowed to roam at will.
If your dog won't stay home, put him
on a chain. ' ' ; 1
West Hide and Weekly Statesman,
one year, $2.
warveeud wlrrl. Bii i
im tnM mmi nwii,
, l.eea (er Iradf aiera. It raw stall
SM Mrt . MM. ,lt. imt Milo.N. la
Now Is the time to repair your.
We carry in stock extra
lx3 for Deerlng Mowers,' Jn
21x31 for DMiing Movtn.
3i31 fbriTaartnf Mowsri..M-..
8x8 for Deerlng Mowers.
8 8-lx3J for Osborne Mowers. ,
1x8 II. P. for Oatrarna Mower, -8x8
L. P. for Oaborno Mowers. -8x8
for Piano Mowers.
8x8 8-10 for McCormlck Mowers.
1x31 for tUandard Mowers.
8x6 g'16 for Tiger Mowers.
Si3 for VYoode Mowers.
We carrv a full line
Binders and mowers. "
Thurston Lumbor Company,
Dcllao, Oregon. ' ''
. , ' i..MANUFACTU ((! OF...
.if -. . ...i '-,.. . -... . , , - - . ."
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingle. ,; ,
NOTE: Wa have a BratlM drv kiln which' enahhsi na to win von Uuur
oughly dry lumber.
' Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
, much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
50UTH ;and EAST
-via- -
Shasta Route.
Train leans tndependeae sr rerUan4 Md
way autlun. al XU6 p. m.
uaf ar lurvauia al u a. m.
Lv Portland.. :.. T:p.m.
bv sibauy ll:Sp.m
Ar A.blaud Xi.'tn.m. )'iJ6am.
Facramenio D:ni, m, o.-wa.n.
aanrraaetaao...,., 7HJt. u. I:ta ta.
iUin, T) a.
J0 a. m. t:tta.n
7:a a. m, IM a.
IM a. m, M a. s
Uit Angtle). ....... 'in p. m.
Kl ruo w p. m.
Ton Woria !. m.
CUr at Haaloo...., II: a. m.
Iliiutlon Mlu,
Hew Orlaana p. m.
Wlnu ....... l:ULa.
N.w YoiX.... UU0p.ab
t:(Wp. m
7,-oOa. m
SO p. n
:W a.
UU p. m
Pnllmaa and Toarlat ears on both trains
ClalroaraHMiauieuioioUfdoaaad Kl laM
and UiurUt ci to Chisago, at. iuuia, Km
Urk-.D. aod Wa.blngtuu.
Conneollnt al ann F.-molirao vllh ssvers
Ittaui.lilp line, fur tiiniululu, Japaiu Cblas
HUilliiuie, Wu.ial ajU Soula Auit.tta.
Mm Ut a, A. Witcox stlndepsadeDoc sla.
; Otneral Paaasor Aul ror4aad,Or.
AND A- r
Kutch's Barbtr8hop.
ladependeace . ; Oregoa
nwii K travel ami advurUM r old a. tab.
Il.hril liou.o ol lld auanolat alandta. tal
ry pm a year and eipenMK, all pavable ta
eal). Nb nanvaaalof requlrMl. (live rrtei.
eumaaud enoluae M f-addieued atatuped en
vploie, Addreaa Manajter, Si) Cailon Uldg.,
Go toO : .: . ..v; ' "
For Wall Paper, Window Shades,
t. , j Picture Frauiri, utc
Furniture of all kinds repaired.
Office with the Telephone company
W. O. Sharman.
Btiuk building, Monmouth afc.,1
Independence, , - Oregon
WANTED. iall, raiiabla parson In
venr county to i-epraaeet largti ouian; ol
tollil ntm.ioiai reputation; a) salary per year,
oajable euokly; tt per day absolutely aure
'id all eipenaea; atralhl, biina-ada, deflnlle
.filmy, no eomintwlun; aalary paid each
letn.-duy and expenae money advaueed each
tmk. 8TANUAKO UOUatt, IUI Dearborn
Culoano, , , , , , M
" ! Save Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping oough aod
brouobltis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havl
land, of Arnionk, . Y., "but, when
all other reuiediea failed, we aaved ber
life with Dr. King' New Discovery.
Our nelce, who had Consumption In an
advanced stage, also .used thla wonder
ful medicine and today she Is perfectly
well," Desperate throat and lung di
seases yield to Dr. Klng'a New Discov
ery as to no other medicine on earth.
Infallible for Coughs snd Colds. 6Co
and f 1.00 bottlea guaranteed by Klrk
land Drug Co. Trial bottlea free. ; ,
, ; ' V Tubllc 8alc ,
The Dullat Flouring Mill, one ol the
bett paying milling propertlel in the
state, will be told at public auction
June 27, 1901. Capacity, 60 barrel;
good water power; warehouse, capacity
60,000 bushels. AH in A No. 1 order.
The highest bidder will get the property.
Termt one-half cash. " , . , ;.
Dallat, Oregon. '
sections for the fofowfez
kii fi-16 for Deerlog Bladen,
fiat Hfi for Piano rtndaf.' " '
Sx2J for OetonB!jdaBis.
1x2 8-16 for Woods BlndaTa.
8x2 for McCormlck Biiidere.
' '
of eitraa for tha tXcGomidc
. - f
motobs turn
Corrected la aaU.
Laavee laaesaaaU leaves Alriie ss
Measiealh tat
aad Airlla.
ea .
Ta a. a.
;;' tJ a. a.
Leaves ladaaaaaV1
team naUa a
M ...itaae a-
aad Dallas.
Ilia a. ra.
ViU aw ea.
'lave p.m. ,-,
r AlrHa.
' "
laaiaa Ii
!IiMa?aa. i
Tiaep.aa. t
e t ea.
i ?innrrrii-rt
DPrt .JMt SCHf BULtl. I Arrive
for rrom lndepanlaoo - from
&nd '
Infton " ' ' 1
Ki'iSS!!" Bait taka Denver, F !
K$7Z WortJOmaha.Kau- IHsta.
l rfnTi s City, 8U Louis,
tatuJa ChleaioandBMlT
Bt Paul Walla Walla. Lewis-
rutllail tnn.Hpokana, Mln- .
atM a ra neapolla, HV Paul, "
via Duluth, Milwaukee, , ,
, Spokane Chlcao ana Ksat. '
Wrmm Portlaa. . '
MaUaaillntdatea sub-l
, . I Jeot to eliange .
" Sella svery t days
Dally Golaaabla Mlvar
Kx Sunday Jiaaaara. 4 am.
8a"t5rd reasloruaaaway
lop m Landtuta. .
. 'Willamette aad ...
:a. m. i wuiaaaetes Blvar. 0P-n,
njll'" Portland to Corvalllt "RT
noHt' and WarOAadlaas t'
W1" . Boake Blvar, : Lv. Lewis
6:36am, tuo.iaUy
Dally Hlpanato Lswlsloa. ta. au,
Steanera to rortlaad f.-eai ladeawaweae
Ruth leavea Corvallt tor Portland Headays
Weduaadaya and Fridays at a a m. paaaluf
Indeendnoa Ulan, Ketunlnt, leaves
Portland Tueedaya, Thursdava ane Baler,
daya, paMlng lndepeudeDosai BM s aa
Klraore leavea Independents (br fort land
Tuoailaj-a, Tliundaya aud Saturdays at a aa.
Koturnlns leavea Portland tor Independeaoe
Moudaya, Wedueedaya and IMdaya at aiaa
ant, arriving at Independence! Bpaa.
Al HERREN, Agent ;
Independence, Ore."
Steamers to d Fc:
Will leave Independence . .
EVERY DAY, Sunday ,,t
; excepted, at 7SW a. m., tot
For Freight or Passage ap ,.,
Sly on boardthe boat, or to -J
. ; ia agent . v . t
Independence ' Oregon.
Foley's Honey -4 Ter