The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 14, 1901, Image 3

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Tlt, H. 14K
KNHtim or PtTMIA
M .liieleT ewnln. Moniker will take
tlii.i muanavrnih''wleeecmtttly,
Vkiiiiw liiiintataer Invited W stteua srltea
eoiivenieai. , r.HtUsw.lM1.
ISuirt Tttt1oinr1fnc No SO. Knmt
r r America, nicitis tmy Saturday
emiltig t o'clock.
Yiw can gv-t your plow ground at th
Wator Work just to suit you. Cm
grind them wliil you watt, Uhr day
or uigliU U
V. R AlUn, dentist, Cooper block
Cigar, th ohotcMt, at Robinson '.
fcw R. M. Wad A Co tov ad in
thtl itSIM.
Cash Mid tor Wool by Oeo. E. Bry,
Cmpbell Bro. will toll yoo carpel
absolutely t eosl and line bouthl
from th Park Mills at Philadelphia
run tell cliixr than any ottar wan in
A lull lint of wing wagon at R. M
WaJe A Co. , ,
All the masaiine and the latest
novel van be had at Robinson's.
Ta Best PreaertiitrM Ar Malaria
t'htltaan rVirer St aboMieoTUiiov' TTt
lkm chili. Ti n in simply tia and
quinine in iiwwm air in, o can, bo pay,
All kind ol bicycle repairing don,
C. W. Brant,
For flrat data milk cant go to R. M.
w ad Uo.
Oet your money1 worth, donl bny
without totting Campbell Bro. price
on rarpvta, wall papar, window anadaa
and Dteycie. . -
Dallas and Falla City continue to iup
ply tha moat ol tha lumbar nad by oar
builder and bop grower.
PkKel the artist, Monmouth street.
Tbe ltel in summer under wear at
Mr. Hurley's. s
Tha event of the season will be the
play, "She Stoops to Conquer," io
by the Faculty and senior das of the
Kormal school In their chapel Saturday
wneng. The motor will wait in Mon
mouth till after the performance.
Bcoial pricee on cream separator at R.
at. nauea uo.
Grown Tutl Cbitl l)Ulo rtniovw the
A large vricty of garden cultivators
at K. M. watte & Co.
The boats can't make it over Eola bar
at the pnweut stage of the water without
iota of trouble. On the Sunday trip to
Salem the Altona had to ttae spar to
help her on over tbe bar. The Ruth
was several hours getting over.
Best stamps at PicKel's.
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"L street, opposite unox's grocery
store, for a hair cut or shave.
Call at Klrklaud's drug store aud get
a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablet. Tuey are au elegant
physic. They also improve the appe
tite, strenghten the dlgeatloo and regit
'4 late tbe liver and bowel. Tbey are
' easy to take aud pleasant la effect,
' s TO TRADE A good wagon and bar
dpw ti't a tingle rig on the "Democrat"
atvle.' '' Layton Smith. . St
x Ifot salei interest in a One brick
siujding on the best corner in Indepen-
dence. Tbe rent will par 15 per cent on
investment. Inquire of R. M. 8uiith,
Monmouth Oregon.
Marshall Tapper did a good job in
cleaning the streets of grass and rubbish
It does not take much wort, properly
applied, for people to keep their premis
es cleaned. The looks ought to be in
centire enough tor them, and they
ought not to stop with cleaning up the
front yard.
Don't wait too long to have your bicy
cles overhauled, oiied and cleaned.
Have it done now and save a repairing
bill later on. C. W. Brant.
When In Halem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to rjtrong's
Kestsurant, where everything tbe mar
ket aiTords can be had.
Better for the Blood than Kanaparllla
For Thnoa Living Id the Malaria DUlrlcU.
Orove'a Tutelejn Chill Tonic.
J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street,
Dow bandies New bra's Herplclde. tbe
famous (lamirulfeure, endorsed by all
tbe leading barbers of Portland and ail
cities in the east. Qive it a trial and
save your hair.
Grovei TmttlfM Chill Ton.ocurwMlri. Coo
Campbell Bros, have good wall paper
at 5 cents per double roll,
You may as well expect to run a
team engine without water at to And
' an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver and you may know that his liver
is torpid when he does not relish bis
food or feels dull and languid after eat
lsg, often has headache and sometime
dizziness). A few dose of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet will
. restore his liver to it normal tunotlons,
renew his vitality, improve bis diges
tion aud make him feel like a new man.
Price, 26 ceuts. Samples free at Kirk
land's drug store.
This slfnaturs ' on every boi of th fmln
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that enres eoM la ewe aajr
r Canvas Telescopes, Plain ;and 2
w leather bound, zZZ
Trunks, a n9 an( Pe8 2
Waste Baskets a 5
E Jinko Baskets,
Carpet Beaters and Tacks, 2
Tack Hammers and 3
Tack Pullers,
Sink Cleaners and 3
Scrubbing Brushes. 2
qntck Relief for lathm
Khw Maude Dicker, Parsons, Kant.
wrlUai "I u.urrt eight veer wllh aa
Uium In Ha worst Ainu. I had several
attack during th but year aud waa
not eipeeted to live thmugh them. I
benn ualng rtWya Honey and Tar
and it haa never failed to give Ironic
uiaie reiiw." a, B. UWIS,
The nlckle-io-the-rU machine law
a dead letter and one nan now shoot at
many nicklet Into tbe machine as ol
yore. You get a "stogls" cigar for c
ooin yon drop In, to there it no "chance
to draw blank."
Edward Hunt, a well kuown bualtif
10 aay fur the beueOt of others, that
waa a sumrer rnmi lumbago aud hid
ney trouble, and all tha rented Ice
look gave me no relief. 1 waa Induced
to try Foley's Kidney Cure, and after
tue urn or inree uoiuea, 1 a in cured
A, 8. Look. .
Whyot spend the vacation at Ysqnl
na Bay where can be had excellent far
good fishing, good boating, alluring rides
and ramble. Tbe course and exercise
at the Summer School, ot 1001 at New
port, will afford great variety ol Instruc
tion, diversion and entertainment. No
other resort offer equal attractions and
advantage. ,
The lack of energy vou feel, tbe back'
ache and a run down condition gener
ally, aii araney aisoraer.- Foley Mo
ney Cure wilt restore your strength and
vigor by mating lu kidney well.
ik no substitute. A. B. Locke.
The partnership existing between
Holt A Cornwall, at Monmouth, ha
been dissolved. The tool were sold to
Mr. A. L. Chut and C. P. Corn well
will work lor him. Mr, Holt na gone
to Tangent.
Allen Halversou of Went Prairie.
Wia., says: "DeooV eome ten miles to
bus iolev s Kidne Cure." while J. A
Speroof Uelwer, fud., aays: "It m tbe
That was a lonny rain on Saturday ,
Independence got a little of It, but the
people north of J. B. Sera fiord's got
nearly all. The Waar Sin man was out
on a wheel and witnessed this phuoom
ens; while the dust wss perceptible
close about Independence mud was plen
tifnl In the larger radius of a couple of
A. 0. Blauchard, West Bangor. N Y..
aavat "I have been troubled with kid-
uey disease for the last live year. Have
doctored wun several puysictau and I
got no relief until I used two botthw of
Foley' Kidney Cure." A, o. Locke.
Tbe Wmt 8iwt prints more fftmmtl
news-foreign, ffatioual and state than
the other three paper of Polk county
combined. We don't pad out from
column to a page with "dead" matter,
such a free announcements ol picnics
and of our own ware. Ir you skuit m
tbs Wilt Sim, t's so. And it may
happen even if yon don't see it in the
WwtSid. We are not infallible.
William Woodard, of Decatur, la..
writes: "I was troubled with kldnev
disease tor several year and four oue
dollar site bottle ot Foley's Kidney
Cure cured me. I would recommend
It to anyone w bo baa kidney trouble."
A. 8. Locke.
Th Evening Telegram, ot Portland,
had a lengthy article tbe other day
about shipping butter to Alaska in air
light tins. Tbe Independence creamery
is sending a ton of butter per week to
the Portland Arm that is filling the Al
aska order and it i our butter that Is
giving tucb satisfaction.
Cycling ha It up and down. Af
ter tbe downs, use Banner Halve if you-
re cut or bruised, ll ueais in Hurt
quickly. Take no substitutes. A S.Locke.
James E. Fitchard 1 taking order
for the Dtica Chemical Fire Extinguish
er, which It guaranteed to be superior to
anything ever seen on the Coast. Mr.
Fitehsrd is general agent for the state
of Oregon. ,
This week the Wurr 8tii job office
turned ont some twenty thousand envel
ope for oor business msn who appreci
ated a little enterprise for bringing In
dependence and Polk county to the
public notice abroad. The (ace of the
envelope Is printed in a bright color and
shows a map of a portion of the' county,
while the back give a list ot our indus
tries our pioduct and our needs.
Ira C. Reckard, Duncomlie, la ,
writes: "My little boy scalded his leg
from tbe knee to the ankle. I used
Banner Salve Immediately and In three
weeks' time It waa almost entirely
healed. I want to recommend it to
every family and advise tbem to keep
Maimer Halve on nana, aa it is a sure
remedy for Maids or auy sores." A. 8.
A man from Gaston wss in Indepen
dence on Sunday looking oyer the
lumber situation. He it thinking very
strongly ol establishing a yard here,
where good lnmber can be had on short
notice. This thing of having to send to
Falls City or Dallas for lumber, can be
stopped, he thinks, and tbe people bet
ter pleased.
The Sunday school and morning ser
vice will be omitted at the Presbyterian
church next Sunday, on account of the
baccalaureate exercises at the State for
mal school. There will be the usual
evening service at 8 o'clock conducted
by the pastor, Dr. E. J. Thompson, a
topic of special interest will be pre
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableto
All druggist retuna tue money n iv
falls to cure. Jfi.W. urove s signature
Is on each box. 25c.
Mr Ui llll tbs of McMinnvitle, visited
during the week with Mr A JCioodman.
The rain on Monday night was a little
help to the river. .
W, 0. (.ressy ruluriiod Weilnesdsy
from a thnrt stay In Portland.
Oscar Ilsyler drove over (mm Dallas
Mist Humphreys ol HillslKiro, Is visit'
ing Mis lletsi Butler.
E. W, Cooter Is attending th Masouic
Urand 1Klge meetings In Portland.
L. Damonii building a npv hop house
getting his lumber from Falls City,
Mr. Al Herren and daughter are In
The Dalles visiting relatives.
Mis Arlen Lines Is visiting In PnlUt,
Rev. K, J. Thompson spunt Tuct'lttjf
and Wednesday ol this week In Dallas.
Sherman Hey went to Ktigoiiw on
Sunday to visit his sister who is differ
ing from a stroke ot paralysis.
Mis Patience Cooper and Mis Anna
Mann arrived last Saturday from the
eastern part of the stale.
Bert Qwjuu of Monmouth, lost one ol
bis team horses last week. The animal
got a leg broken and bad to I killed
The Altona had a good crowd on the
Salem trip Sunday, Th day 'ass fine
and everyone had a good time. ' '
The rain last Saturday made It very
disagree bit for the large crowd attend
ing th grange picnic at Kickrealt.
Mr. and Mrs I. Connett vntertalned a
number of friends and relatives at their
home last Sunday,
It it doesnt turn off warm and dry
pretty uun, th hop yards will be in
bud condition, '
Sherman Hay drove to Salem Tuesday
to meet a brother just out front &w
Picnics are the (ad Just now. Our
people teem to enjoy getting easy from
home and lying around with nothing to
do but lake life easy.
We had the pleasure, on Sunday, ot
seeing a china pheasant with brood ol
young that could fly. These hints seem
to he early this year.
airs, Junius uwk ol .Monmontn, i
re'portod as being quite low. Being near
the age ol three score years, not much
hope can be bad of her recovery.
George Fisher, of Monmouth ha been
taken to Salem tor treatment, , the local
doctors being unable to do anything for
him. ,' ,
The Pomona and Altona pats over the
once dreaded Eola gravel bar without
trouble while the Kuth is fhldjing sround
tor position. .' P ,
The committee has arranged for the
Hon. Til Ford, ot Salem, to deliver the
address on the fourth. There's no douht
but that It will be a good one, well worth
listening to.
The Misses Doughty, who went to
California tome time ago passed through
town last Saturday on their way to
Monmouth where they will spend the
summer visiting their mother.
I. II. WheaUlon,' a late arrival from
waco, nash., who is settled on the
inle Luckiamute, wa In town last
Saturday looking up price on (arm ma
chinery and Implement. -
A number of members of the local
chapter and lodge are in Portlaud
attending sessions of the graud Masonic
bodies, which are held this week. Some
of them won't get bom until Monday.
Every week the Waal Bin It in re
ceipt ot requests from various parts of
the U, S. for sample copies. The writers
are evidently is search of information aa
to this section. Advertisers are seeking
entrance to our columns; all of which
goes to show that the Wkt Sun is get
ting back to its old time prestige.
Mr. M.C. Williams, a son of W. K.
William of Airlic, has received his
commission ss druggist, hnvlng passed
the necessary examination Mure the
state board of pharmacy and is now em
ployed in A. H. Locke's drug store, Mr.
Williams is a graduate of the Oregon
Agricultural College. -.
At the regular mud in of Camp Inde
pendence Na 30, Foresters of America,
Saturday evening the following officer
were elected (or tlio ensuing term : AO
Adkins, C K; 8 E Owen, tub C K ', II P
Simon, rec tec; J B Hilterbrand, On tec;
II B Kelso, tress; 11 P Slitter, S W ; W
I Clodfelter, J W; A Hum man, DC It ;
I C Richardson, trustee; S T Hayes, P
An Informal meeting of memWrs of
whist club was held at the rcdldunco of
Dr. and Mrs. 0, D. Butler on Monday
evening. A very pleasant time wua en
joyed and refreshments of Ice cream and
cake served. The meeting wss held as
a farewell for Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Clu
lantl who departed for Porilund on Wed
nesday. A severe sprain will usually disable
the Injured person for three or four
weeks. Many case have occurred, how
ever, In which a cure hut been eflucted
In left than one week by .applying
Chamberlain's Palu lialiu, Fur sale by
Klrkluod Drug Co.
Mr. Chapel, the oil expert who has
about 20J0 acres bonded in the McCoy,
Polk county, district, is in Oregon again,
having arrived from California, where
he went to do some work in his line for
parties down there. It is to be hoped
that he will be able to do some' boring
soon on the lands he has buinlcJ. Bnlcin
West Hide and Weekly KlaleBiuan,'
one year, 2.
Seven Years in Bed.
"Will wonders ever cease?" Inquire
tbe friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Law
rence, Kan. They know she Imd been
unable to leave her bed In seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and gunoral debil
ity; but "Three bottles of EleuLrlo liit
ters'enabled me to walk," she writes,
"and In three months I felt like a now
person." Women sufi'erltig from Head
ache, Backache, Nervousness, Bloop
lessnesH, Melancholy, ..Fainting and
Dlzny Spell will And It a prloolest
blessing. Try It. Batisfaotlon guar
anteed. Klrklaud Drug Co. Only CO
cent. . '
The beat Prssorlptlon for Malaria
Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Orovo's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron
and quinine In a tasteless form,. No
cure, no pay. Price, 60o, '
tha mt beating in tha world.
l'l'!l.(5jBlfHIrMH. :
Abstract of liutrmncnTs file lu I'wls
, Comity June 4 to lt 1001.
Uco Murphy to Chat Mattison, 't int
In its 6. tt, ?, hlk M, lllll'H at'd I ml- flOO,
, KH iohnion to J M Mitchell, It and
ImimI in Independence UH)0,
F E Chsmlwrs to J M Mitchell, g-.'HIO
feel It 0, b'k tt, Hill's town, Imlep-M),
Mary J ami Henry Black to J O and
V Scars, K,o7a W II Mckutie dltp6t
r8w-tu0, - - . ; - ..
Mary J and Henry Black to J (1 and V
Hears, til s I Hull d I e tp 8 1 1 ft W also
Its In hlks tt, 9, Ullitun-lll0,
W.Myer to heir of Henry Mvwr,
(i)l ct) I Uu Henry Myer s est, tpt ft, 7, t
r S w ilOOH.lft.
U W Myer to helrt of Henry Mver,
(tt cl) U'M Henry Myer't est, tpt , 7, t
r 6 w-Ami.Ufi."' ;,.
J I. Stockton "to A J Nelson, ll 1, hlk
21, Tborp't town Iiuleiendence-$IU,
, A K MyertoLsvlna l'trker, Its 7, S
9, hlk B, Falls CUy-fiM).
I A McKlmioii to Dsra Van liiir, It 4
hlk it, tlermtililowil add DllHS-fK)
Sheriff VsiiOrsdel to State Land Board
HO.OHa J E l.jlo a I o tpTirfiw-
.732.27. . ;' - : .
CoiHUienremeiit Week at the Normal.
Th eominenreiuent exercises of th
State Normal school will begin June lft,
and continue until June St), Many old
student ar returning and the week
promises to lie unusually pleasant i ml
attractive. The program of events will
beiitti huturday evening with Uold
smith's ever popular drama, "She Stoops
to Conquer, " reuiicred by a cast chosen
Irom the faculty ami students. This will
be made one of the eiecial features of
commencement wevk and hoet are en
tertaiucd that ill success' will establish
the custom of giving an annual class
play. '
Sunday morning the Baccalaureate
sermon will be delivered In the chsel
by Kev, Henry Marcotte, of Astorlt, who
has the retmuilou of being one of the
best speakers In the state.
Those to take part Ui the clans day, winch will occur Momlay
afternoon, Will h as follows! Olive K.
Cutiiminii, oration; M. Alice Ursy, ora
tion; T.Frank Haley, essay; Anna G.
Gill, essay, Tbe student re-uuion In
the eveulng will a mod au opportunity
for all visiting students to renew old
Tuesday will le Field Day. The
piomlnetit festure of tha exercises will
lie a match game ol tenuis, a dumbbvll
lrill and bicycle race, The concert by
the Wilder Quartet on Tuesday evening
is looked forward to as one of the most
interesting events ul the week.
Wednesday morning th Commence
ment Day exercise will take place.
Those' to deliver orsllons are, Helen It.
Stockman, Hugh B Ksson, Mary E Scott
Annie W Bieaun and William C Bryant.
ii the evening a banquet will be given
y the alumni to lb graduates. The
Aitdress of Welcome to the class will be
iven by Mr. J Powell, President of the
Alumni Aisotilatton, end the Annus!
Address by Prol, Irving .. Vlnlng of the
!nss of 5, The banquet will be imme
diately followed by reunion, at which
large number ol the alumni ar expec
ted to I imnent. Th Normal Sehoul
diploma will be granted to a class ol
twenty-fonr. - ,
The steamer Ruth hasn't been at Im
dependence now tor several days; Just
why not Is the question. Last week, it
is said, Captain Miles Bull nortid to
Suerintendiit Conway that it wssn't a
sura thing of making Orvallis on sched
ule time during the present stage of
water aud Advised a semi-weekly service.
The suKrintndvnt is reported to have
called in the pilot and questioned him.
The pilot assured Mr. Conway that there
was no reason why tha Both couldn't
make the reirulur run. He was given
command and Csptnlti Bull, one of the
oldust and most careful mon on the
river, laid off. On the first trip by the
new captain the wheel was torn out and
Corvallis wasn't touched; the boat hav
ing to drill hack to Portland for a new
wheel and now the Ituth haa been dally
ing around Cola bar for almost a week
unable to get over, while the 0. C. T.
company boats psss and repass without
difficulty. It teem to lie the general
opinion that Captain Boll knew what he
wn talking about, and that tha young
pilot has bitten of! more than he can
diguat. , .
The commencement exercises of the
Normal school will begin tomorrow,
Siilurdsy, 'id continue until next
Thursday, See program in another
column. .; t
Kings Valley, Oration.
My wife, Ells, having left my bed and
hoard without juat cause or provocation,
I will nut be responsible for any debts
cnntriKited by her on or after this date.
Duttd June 10, 1IK)1, Oahkiui, Lonu.
Didn't Murry for Money.
The Boston man, who lately married
a sickly rich young woman, Is happy
now, for he got Dr. King's New Life
Pills, which restored hor to perfect
health Infallablu for Jaundice, DH
Iouhiichm, Mularla, Fever and Ague and
Lver and Stomach troubles, tlontlu
but effective. Only Mo at Klrklund's
drug store, . ' . .
Card of Thanks
The undorslgnod desires to express thanks to the generous
public for its patronage, Those who desire to buy a swell and
nobby suit aro invited to call and inspect my goods. "
DVmpmhr" ' Ido"'trt'' t0 fol Bnyn by s
IV;illCllIUCI , .soiiingoffatcost!" Nay, nay, Pauliue
I am here and expect to remain, and tho few dollars I have will ,
not bo taken to some other town and "blown iu.n I make my
living among you and pay taxes to lighten your load; thereforo
You ought to Patronize
up to July 1st at cost -price. I have already bought my Fall
stock and want to sell all the gowls I can to raise the money ,
nectary to moot obligations falling due. No broken stock.
You will look like a Prince
of clothes, bought cheap for cash at the White House. :
Wbrre Th Pulled States IVgit.
Some of the mat telmia changes that
are wrought by time in lot appearance
of dmr of the earliest settlements on our
Atlantic coast are strikingly illustrated
In a seiies of vie which will shortly
appear In The Lsdles' Home Journal.
The pliicrs are Hi. Augustine, Plvmouth,
Jamestown and New Vuik. The forlorn
indications ol Jamestown's decay and
death tt a Settlement offer so Interest
ing colli ran to th evi lencet of the grsd-
nal development of St Augustine and
Plymouth, and th gigantic growth of
modern Nsy Vork, ....
Wsiiflsf one llimilrM iht- Mvwurit lor
nor rel )aiarrli ilmi ouiinot lie eurvd u
IUH' i HHrth I'niw,
V J.t MKNr.VfHlw(,Tolilo,0.
. til ll Ull.l.'rluliml. hf huiiwu K. J. 111.
iiey hr tliu U-l I.. an.! Iwlluvs In in iwr-
lo. ll MuiiuruUlt In Ml tiitaluuM UotiMH-lliina
i.t niuiH'lally nl.lo tit fmijr ihiI ufolilliiiu
Iiuim iiwitv hf tlioir 8rn.
W fmt a 4 acts, Iu.Imi ilruil.u, Tnlril.i, O,
Wl ei KiNAa s MahviN, sliulsuilsdrus.
tftpla. TlMeilu, II,
Hall's fninrrfa Vnn uk.ttt Inierr.nllr, sol.
lu illwil) iikiii tlta lilixil nil inuutiiM nr.
tm'm ul lliii pni . I'rliHi Jlo t InHlls. t-u.J
tijf ill ilnijui.i.. Tolliiiniill Irp,
Hall's rmiljp IMlUaw lli ImM.
The 0 H A N anuounoi'S a twice a
week instead of thrice a week service
on the Willamette between iwvsllls
and IVrtlnud hereafter. The leaving
duys out of Cirvallis will be Moinluy
and Thursday.
Haves Two From Brath.
"Our tittle dmigbter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough aud
brtmehttla" write Mr. W. K. Hav.
land, of Armoiik, N, Y., "but, wlwn
all other reinedlea failed, w saved her
tire with Dr. King New Discovery,
Our Uelce, who Imd (.Hineumptlon In an
advnntsHl stage, also used this wonder
ful medicine and today ah I perfectly
well." Desperate throat and luug (II-seiua-s
yield to Dr. King's New Dlsuov
cry aa to no other medicine on earth.
Infallible for Coughs ud Colds, fine
and fl.UU bottle guaranteed by Kirk
laud Drug Co. Trial bottle free.
Tho Iknk of Franco coini'!
cuUiiiuri clicking out iuoih'V td
accept at least ono-fiftli in gold
coin. Somebody will lm itarting
g imrty won to wrcstlo with the
problems ut a uVtlugu of gold.
, tt w ,s ,
rresidunt MtKiiiley'g keynotes
on liis jinwoiit journey are a anited
country and the legitimate expan
siun of American trade, two tiling
that every cUimm thoul favor
without regard to party.
A Terrible KKplosloa
'Of a gasoline stove burned a lady
here rightfully," write N. K. Palmer,
of Kirkmau, la. The best doctor
couldn't heal the running tor that fol
lowed, but itiickliu's Anile Halve en
tirely cured her." Infallible for Cut,
Coma, Korea, Holla, Bruise, Skin Dla-
m and PH. 'I'm at Klrklaud Drug
CO. '.
Hi-diircd Hale to tbe La-t.
Account Buffalo EtHslilon, the Bur
lington Bout is naming a low rale of
fare which enable passengert to visit
the exposition and other eastern point
at greatly reduced rales. Before tusk
ing other arrangements call at our office
or write lor lull particulars, n. .
Posts, Ticket Ageut, Burlington Houte,
corner Third and Stark St., Portland,
Oregon. ,
Only One Way To Bolt.
(let from Portland to Chisago in 78
hours-just 3 days. The "Chicago-Portland
Special," leaving Portland dally at
U:(Me. m.viaO BAN, arrives in Chi
cago at 0 ::S0 the third day. Now York
and Button are retched the lourth day.
This train, acknowledged to b the fast
est between lite Northwest ami the East,
Is solidly vestibnlcd and its equipment
it unsurpassed. Pullman drawing room
sleeping cars, np-tu-date. tourist sleeping
cars, llhrarv-smokiug cars, free recliuimt
chair cars, and unexcelled dining cars,
the meals on which art equal to those
aervod at the very beat hotels, Remem
ber" this train runs solid Portlaud to
to Chicago; there i no change of cart,
and the good of it is, it costs no more to
ride on It than on other routes.
We'havo other train "The Pacific
press" leaves Portland dally at 0 a m
via Huntington, and tbe Spuksne "Fly
er" leaves at 0 p. m. dally via Spokane
and the East.
For rates, sleeping car reservations,
etc., call on or write-to Al Hcrreii Agl.
OBAN Co. Independence, Or., or A L
Craig, General Passenger Agent, Port
land Oregon "
SI3 to Buffalo.
':'Thl is what the. established rnte
tmounts'to in each direction making M(I
for the round trip, and by arranging
with the Burliuglon Route, psssuugnrs
are given choice of seven trains on dates
4flo., Call upon or write us for bill
jiarticulHrs before making other arrange
ments. R. W, Fohtkk, Ticket Agent,
Burlington Route, corner Third and
Stitrk Hts Portland, Ore.
Foley's HoheyTnd Tar
forchlldrcn,safe,$ure. No opiates.
I lasllMMilllWM
on ,
nir nn 7w.n1 ihm wn
Ilis In (lis .hM.
Umtils lltrousStial.
wsfmmwl wu.ri.m..r
Siin still sinonO,, li!ft4
lirsi-S, (SNIt .T bt Imh 4b
KWkj IU.II fnsi
t, I, IMitat rsUab,,
. s. a. k.sits s s..l,
Sl S.wfMla-w,
' Sul l.l..l.. (an,
tt Was slated by someone, on th side,
that a farmer had come til the wiy from
Lane (vomity to the recent fartlmfs' ins
titute t Monroe to take Issue' with Dr,
WlthycomlM) on the question of summer
fallow,- He wss not heard from, a the
Doctor covered the subject to thoroughly
and msd It so plain, that It wa patent
to everyone that summer fallow wts not
the thing (or the farmers of this psrt of
tlio oouulry-Homeslcad, . , 1
l'unmsry l os of Time.
Mr.'W. 8. WhtHlon, cashier of the
Kirst National bank of WliiU rset, Iowa,
In a recent hitler gives suns experience
with a carpenter in his employ, that
will be of value toother mechanic, He
says: "i irno a carpenter working for
me w ho waa obliged to stop work for
several days on account of being trrmlt-
lud with dlarrh'Mta, I meutloiied to
him that I had been similarly troubled
and that Chamberlain's Colic, Clmlers
ami Diarrhoea Remedy had fuml me.
He bought a bottle of II from the drug
gist l.,.r and lufiirmed m that one
dose cured lilm, and he la again at bis
work." for suit by Kirk land Drug Co.
P. II. Murphy arrived (rom Grass Val
ley last Fii.lsy, to remain two weeks.
He wilt then return to Units Valley with
hit family. Pratt says he is doing
good business, having bought a harness
shop which he runs in conjunction with
his shoe shop, . '
The Pelk Coiiuly Hi Ids. ;
Tbe movement for the sinking of oil j
wells in the hills west of Salem iu this,
county seem to be almost al a stand-j
stui. a uumis-r ol isrtuer are still re
fusing to bund their land an the terms
uttered, and it seems that th promoters
are wailing until they get control ot the
land before they ejjin iration. The
chief objection ol the farmer teems to
be that the promoters will not egree to
b"gln oieratiiius at once and continue
them a reasonable length of time. In
other words, the burners ruluse to give
the promoters an option which permit
tbem to tie up sll operations, lu this
position " they are generally upheld.
Since the recent agitation over th oil
subject, reports have been brought in ftl
discoveries o( oil Indication in several
M-tions. ll is reliably reported that in
dications p( oil are to tie seen iu the bills
ol tha northern part of this county not
more than two miles from the river, '"
Kivkftl f 'ittnrrh miikly yhiUU to treat.
inut by Kly's Cream Balm, whieh is agree
at Jy aromatis. It is rwivl UirouuU tlis
nostrils, eleanaes and heal th whole sms
Ie OTr Which II dimise ttaalf. llni((t(lsla
tell Ui fKle. also 't rial aise by mail, IU
rwnu. Teat it aud Juu are sura to oonUuns
the trentiuwit.
To sonunantslnto tho4 who ar rti4
to th use of tumtrs In apptyiua hquMs
Into tbii nasal tames for otlnrriitl trim.
Wm, the proprietors pre car t 'train Halm in
liijuiil (twin, whloh will ha known a Kly
Li-tuld Crmm Itahn. Price iueludtug lbs
spraying tulie is ?rnt. Imixgiats or by
uiuil. Xhn llipiid form smboilios Uie inotU
ioiusl pmpertuai of ths Solid preparation,
am; ir,,vesr.Tr,t r -w-rr-
(io to1 :;rjy ' ;;',' -.
Ir Wall Paper, W indow 8hilc,
1'ietiiie Fiftnu, ro.
Furniture of all kimla repaired.
OrtlfH with the Telephone company
W. 0. Sharman,
Iliiuk Imillin', Monmouth h(.,
Independence,.'- - . Oregon
Closing Out. .
Raging Fever, 1051
Cost not (tonsidorod on tho
gryund that wo have
decided to
out ;
Watch sbow window for bargains
o. a. Kramer & co.
. a '
Oflloo and Ibwidenoe (Corner Railroad
MouuioiitbBireeta, .;
7 1 f 1, . W
V c
. . L3m
It is 0,000 f,liles Long.
Tho Burlington Route rank9 among the
greatest ot the world's railroads.-
Over 8,ooo tiiilc long; employing 35,000
. . men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the
eleven states traversed, by its lines; having '
through-car arrangements which extend morfc
., ,. than. half way across the continent and earn
estly striving to give its patrons absolutely
unecpialed service, it is the line YOU should
select, next time you go east,
' Omalm, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and
EVERYWHERE bsyond. , -
Now Is the time to rt-pair yHn
We 'carry In stock extra sections for the following;
machines: - 1
flxS for Dwrlng Mower.
ltl for Itacritig Mowers,
for Decrltif Mowers,
for Decrlng Mower.
3 S -Pit 3 J for Osborne Mowers.
3(11 II. P, for Osborua Mowers
Jtift L. P. (or Osborne Mowers,
;ix!ii for Piano Mowers.
M 8-19 for MoCormlck Mowers,
&xll for Standard Mower.
Si3 8 In for Tiger Mowers,
for Wood Mower. ,
We carry ft full lino of
Binders aiul mowers.
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas, Oregon.
...MANtjrACTURCR'J OF... '
Dry Stock always on Haixl, also Cedar Shingles.
NOTK: We hive a first-class dry kiln which enuiilcs us to sive vou thor
oughly dry lumber.
Changeable weather hetween two seiiKons encour
ages, your .chronic troubles and intlicta upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
- : Could to us to have your prescriptions tilled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
- -via-
Shasta Route!
Train lm ln.topnltoc for Portland ami
way alatlona at i:ufi n. m.
lor 'otvlu at 11:00 a. m.
It Portland.
I,v Allmnr. .
Ar Aniiiaiiil....,,.
tan KrauclwKl. ,
' Oadvn, a.
" l'iimr
" KaiwuCliy.,,
" C'l)liMi.
: s. Ul.
Vim i. in.
, VI '' a. in.
inn p. in.
ll:i. . m
I; .t, a. in.
Mxi . in.
S:I6 iu.
1M a. m
, Slop. m,
l-.tb f. tti.
. rat,,
, 1
. 7:U . m.
S:la. m
a. m
' SW a. ni
6:m ui
S i" a. ui
?.-ii a. m
i, m
S.-li a. ui
toa Ansrlv
Kl iw
furt Worth'.....,.;
'lly or Mt-ilco...
Ni.w orl.'it.
N.w )ura.,,
Sw p. ta.
e mi . m.
f. i a. in.
, 11 . a.
, Tn. a. in.
t .) p, m.
S:lia. .
13 ,10 k m.
Pnllman ami Toiirtat r ott lith tralua
( I aircar. iiml.-n il-l Kl t'au
alitt tourltt vara Ui Chliimu, St. LuUla, how
Urloana and
('(iiiiircilnK Han fraiiclwo Willi tm
liHiu.liip title nr lliinuliilu, Jaiati, Clilua
riilli'pnu:,C')Utri ami imh A uit-ika.
HnsMs.U. A, Wltrax at ludiindiiue ta
lion, orail.lriJM
i Oanafal faaasncsr Aacat fucUaod.Or.
. :. ' AND A
Kutch'o Barber Shop.
riitl(!K'udi'ucc Oregon
WAXTttn-TkUHTWOHTHY mkn Axn vu
nton to travel and iulwrtl fur old enlah.
tlnliuit houaa ol aolld lliiaiii-iiil ainiiitlntj. n
ary SiK'a jrxraud aUK, ail imjalilo lu
oaiOi. Ni. cattVRHBln rtMptlril. (live ri'ft'r
(tii and em-lnB wU-aditriint alampfld pu-
vrlora. Addrwa Mauaur. iu t niioti oiuk.,
Wood Sawing
promptly douo and
Steam Power Furni
Trips in the Country
will bo niiido ut reasonablo rates,
For iuftirmation, call on
ItitU'ptMidciH'p, Uit'KOti
WANTkli. canatils. reltaiilo norunn In
irr ti itutt v to r''rt'i"!t Iniirc nmipMiiy Hf
solid flnanrini rupuiNtlou; Stwtinalniy peryi-ar.
pavulilit woukly; 1 per day a'wnlutoly mm
and all; atralalil, Iwtm-tlilo, di'tlnlw
alary, no wimnlaatim; Hilary iuld wh
(taturdny itud exicne inonny advnncud I'm-h
wK. HTANUAKl) UODHlS, ll Uwrlimn
Mt I'hlcKgo. , ...
it A, C. Shsi.don, General Agent,
Cor. Third n& Stark Sts., Portland, Ors.
.'Hx2C-ia for Deerlng ftltiders.
3x2 8 10 for Piano Binders.
Sfi for Osborne lilndi-ra.
8x2 3-to for W(Mls Binder.
Hn'UJot MK,'ormli;k Binders.
extras for the McCormick
Corrected to dat.
Laa lnilHnd. 1sts Alrtla for
nr lor Munutnulh AfoBaaath aad
and Alrtla. Indonendnnca.
l.tu a. ai. . a. m,
3:10 a. m. tt-BO p. aa.
Imom IdrHBl- L"
, r 'S1ntuuur In-
me tat Muniuoutl, dl t,, uj, A.V
aud UaJlaa, j 1
., t , litis a, m. . .ao
'm. l Iia Moniaanlh
tav Miininnnlli tor lil.pmliic.
tar Alrll.. ,.
THO am. (,,..
M f. Bt. AiSA
iOt a.m.
Imria Mnnmoalli; - -
tr Uwllaa. lava ImlaHind-
' vnev rr SSuiiaiuuta'
Il-so a. m,
?:.ia 11. iu. :OA p. rn.
Shoit line
and Uihiqn Pacific
Fnuu ludvpvudcnce
):U0 a 111
via Hunt
ington Bait t.ako, .Vnvrr.
iX Worlh, Omalm,.
Kanaaa t'tty, Ht.
ttila,C'blC4uo and
Kaat, ...
A I hint lo
Kiri I
KH) n m
Salt Ijike, Donvrr, Kt
Ciiy, Mt. Ijvum,
Cblouav am' KasU
8 10 a to.
via Hunt-
HI Pant
Fast Mint
S:U0 a ui
Walla Walla, IrfwU
ton, Npokane, Mill
nwipolla, St, Paul,
Vhloftsn and Kimt.
1 a.m.
Front Portland.
All aaillug datoa sub-
8 p m
H'ct. ui (iimiien
l-'iirpan finniMsoa
I p. m.
aula every & days
Rx Hiuuluy
8 p in
IU p m
T a. m.
mid Hru
DM a. m.
i'tiw, riuir
and ShU
UtilumblA Klvar
l'o Aatorla and Way.
Yuiiiliill Ulvera.
Oroson (!tty. Dayton,
; and W'ay-Juaualua
Willamette Kiver.
Iirlland to IXirvallla
aud Way-Landlnga
4:ip. m.
Mull. .Wed
aud S'rt,
Snake Itlver,
Itlpartabt iwtston.
Lv. 1jw1s
Mm, daily
9 a, m.
; a. in,
Steniiiera to Portland rroai Initupemlenea
Itulli Ipbvi'9 Corvnllta ftr Portland Mondays
WviltipsdnyaHiid Fridays at a in, pawiliiK
luti'ioiidf nre at ft a in, tU'U-.riiliiK. leavi's
l'ortlaud Tueadnys, Thuradaya aud Hrnur
daya, piumltig ludt'liendouoe at 6t.H0 f u
Ktmore teavr-a Independence for Portland
Ttiexlays, Tliunsilaya and 'Saturday at Mam.
lit turnliiK hiavea t'ortlsnd (or Iiidt'iwndence
Mondays, Weduwdnya and Krldava at SiSS
a 111, arriving at Indtipemiunoe at'0 i 111.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers Altona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 a. ru,, for
For Frelunt or Passage ap
ply on boardtlie bout, or to
rndependt'iit'd . Oregon.
t , u; , , .,'.., -
i Foley's Honey and Tar
euros colds, prevents pneumonia