FROM MINIMISE BY MARY 1 n CHAPTER IV.-tContlnued.) With the utmost car KM arranged her long curls, and then, tying over her black dres th only whit apron which ah possessed, ah trled (or Mr. Camp bell's. Th reaciubtano Wwii herelf nl Ell Campbell waa ludeed so atrlk tng tht but for th tire th mother might easily hav believed it to hav been her own child. A it was. ah atarted up when th little girl appeared, and, draw ing her to her aide, luvoluntarlly klaaed her; then, causing her to lt down by her UIs sh minutely examined ber tea- tore, questioning her meautime concern ing hor mother and her bom in Fug I aud. Or th latter Kiln could only toll her that they llvod In a city, and that hor mother had one taken her to a large, handsome house In tho country, which alio said waa her old home. From thin Mr. Campbell Inferred that Klla'a family must hare been superior to mot of th English who emigrate to thla country, and after a few more ques tions she decided to tak her for a tiin at least; ao with another klsa ahe dismiss ed her, telling her ahe would wmt for her soon. Meautime arrangement were making for Mary and Alice, aud on the aatue day in which Mra. Campbell waa to rail tor Klla Mr, Knight, ona of the "elect men, whose business It waa to look after th town'a poor, alao came to th cottage. After learning that Klla waa provided for, he turned to Mary, it a.. .I, - . t ... L - . I. .. asking, now oiq ait wax, ami wni bow could do," aaylng that hia wife waa iu want of Just auch a girl to do "chorea," and if ah waa willing to be aeparated from Alien ha would giv her a bom with him. But Mary only hugged her alster closer to her boaom aa ah replied, "I'd rather go with Alice. I promised mother to tak car of her." ' "Very well." aald th man. "I'm going to North Chleopee, but hull be back in two bourn, ao yon muat bar your things all ready," "Don't cry ao, Mary." whispered Billy, when h- aaw bow fast her teara wer falling. "I'll com to ae you very week, and when ! am olderand hat money, I will tak you from the poorbouse, and Alice, too." Just then Mra. CampbeH'a carriage drove up. Sh bad been taking ber after noon ride, and now, on her way borne, had atopped for Klla, who in her delight at going with ao handsome a womau, for got the dreary horn which awaited ber sister. While she waa getting ready Mr. Knight returned, and, driving hi old-fashioned yellow wagon up by the aide of Mrs. Campbeira stylish carriage, he entered the house, aayiug, "Come, gal. you're ready, I hope. The old mare don't want to staud, aud I'm in a despin hur ry, too, i ort to tie to hum this mhinte, instead of driving over that stony Part upog road. I hope you don't mean to carry that ar' thing," he continued, point ing with hia whip toward Alice' cradle, which stood near Mary's box of clothe. The teara came into Mary'a eyes, and ah answered, "Alic baa alwaya slept in it, and I didu't know but " Hero ah atopped and, running np to Ells, bid her face in her lap aud sobbed, "I don't want to go. Oli! I don't want to go; can't I atay with jon?' ' Billy's yellow handkerchief waa sud denly brought into requisition, ami Mra. Bender, who, with all her Imaginary aches aud pains, waa a kind-hearted womun, made vigorous attacks upou bcr snuffbox, while Mra. Campbell patted Mary'a head, saying. "Poor child, I can't take you both, but you shall see your sis ter often." Ella waa too much pleased with Mrs. Campbell and th thoughts of the One home to which she was going to weep, but her chin quivered when Mary held up the baby for her to kiss, and aald, "Perhaps you will uevef aee little Allie again." When all was ready Mr. Knight walk ed around his wagon, and, after trying to adjust the numerous article it run .f .!.... i ., taint-ii, vino. uuui iw-r now ill I lie world I ran carry that cradle; my wagon la chuck full now. Here is a casw of shoes for the gala to stitch, and a plller case of flour for Miss Smith, aud forty 'letea other traps, so I guess you'll have to leave It. Mebliy you ran find one there, aud if not, why, she'll aoon get used to going without it." Before Mary could reply Billy whisper ed iu her ear, "Never mind, Mitry; ymt know that little cart that 1 draw moth er's wood in; the cradle will just tit It, and to-morrow afternoon I'll bring it to you, if It doesn't rain." Mary knew that be meant what he said, and, smiling on hi in through her tears, climbed Into tbw rickety wagon, which was minus a step, aud, taking Alice into her arms, she waa soon moving away. In striking contrast to this Ella, about five minutes afterward, waa care fully lifted into Mr. CampbeH'a hand some carriage, and reclining upon aoft cushions was driven rapidly toward her new home. Will their patha In lire always continue thus different? Who can tell? CHAPTER V. How long and tlreaome that ride waa, with no one for a companion except Mr. Knight, who, though a kind-hearted man knew nothing about making himself agreeable to little girls, ao be remained perfectly taciturn. Alice aoon fell asleep, and though th little arms which held ber ached aadly, there was no complaint. Only Mary'a teara gushed forth, and falling upon the baby face awoke ber. Her nap waa not half out, and setting up a loud cry abe continued screaming un til they drove np to the rery door of the poorbouse. "For the land'a sake," said Mr. Knight, a he helped Mary from the wagon, "what a racket; can't yon contrive to atop it? you'll have Sal Furbush in your hair, for ahe don't like a noise." Mary glanced nervously round In quest of the goblin Sal, but ahe aaw nothing aave an Idiotic face with bushy, tangled hair, and nose flattened against the win dow pane. In terror Mary clung to Mr. Knight, and whispered, aa ahe pointed toward the figure, which was now laugh ing hideously:. "What is It? Are there many sucn bere t "Don't be afeerd," aald Mr. Knight; "that's nobody but foolish Patsy; ahe never hurt anybody In her life. Come, now, let me show you to the overseer." And he led her toward the red-whiskered man, who stood iu the door. "Here, Parker," aald he, "I've brought them children I waa tellln' you about. You've room for 'em, I a'pose?" "Why, ye-es, we can work It ao'a to make room." They now entered the kitchen. Mary was very tired with holding Alice so long, and, alnking into a chair near the window, ahe would have cried; but thpre waa a tightness in ber throat, and a pres sure about her head and eyes which kept the tears from flowing. Hhe pressed ber hands tightly and aald, "Ob, I hope I shan't fulnt." "To be sure you won't," said a loud, harsh voice, and instantly large drops of water were throwu in her face, while .the. same voice continued: "You don't have such spells often, I hope, for Lord knows I don't want any more titty ones here." "No, ma'am," aald Mary, meekly; and looking up, she saw before her a tall, square-backed, masculine looking wom an, who wore a very short dreu, and a Very high-crowned cap, fastened under ,U si i PALACE J. HOLMES her chin with bows 0f sky blue rlbboa. . Mary secretly hoped ahe would not prove , to N Mra. Parker, the wife of the over- aeer. Mi waa aooti relieved of tier rear by the overseer himself, who said, "Polly, I don't aee any other way but you'll bar to tak these children Into th room next to yourn. The baby worries a good deal, aud auch things trouble my wife, now ahe'a alck." The pcrsou addressed a "Polly" gav her shoulders an angry jerk, and stick lug the pin ou the waist of her dreaa, replied, "So, I a'pose It's no matter If I'm kept awake all night, and worried to death. But I guesa you'd Hud there'd be queer doiu'e here if I should bo taken away. I wish the British would atay to bum, and uot lug their young ones ber for us to tak car of. Come, child, I will allow you wher you ar going to sleep;" at th asm time ah caught up Alice, who, not liking her handling, kick ed ao vigorously that she waa eoou drop ped, Polly remarking that "ah waa mighty strong tu her leg for a alck baby." After passing up a dark atalrway they came to door, which opened under the garret stairs, and Mary waa startled by a vole which seemed to b almost over ber bead, aud which, between a aneer aud hiss, called out, "See wher the Immaculate Misa Grundy comes!" Mary sprang In torror to Pully'a aide. "Oh, what ia It?" ah aald. "la It Patsy?'' "Patsy!" waa th tart reply. " (the nee er I aaury like that. If Sal Furbush."' Mary asked who Hal Furbush waa, and waa told ahe waa one of the poor Insan Inmate. Sue subsequently learn ed that Sal waa perfectly hartuleaa, and atruck up quit friendship with ber. At present Mary followed her guide until they came to longer and lighter hall, or "spaceway," aa it ia frequently called In New Kuglnnd. On each able of this there were door opening Into small sleep ing rooms, aud Into ou of these Polly led her companion, saying, aa she did ao, "Thla ia your room, and Ij'a a great fa vor to you to be ao near me. But mlud, that child mustn't cry and keep me awake nights, for It she docs, maybe you'll have to move into that other apace, where w heard the laugh." Mary thought she would rather do any thing than that. She also felt a gtvat curiosity to kuow who ber companion was, so she at last ventured to ask, "Do you live here, Miss Polly?" L "Why, yes. I'm ataylug here for spell uow; kind of seeing thing. My nam Isn't Polly. It's Mary Grundy, anil somehow folks have got to nicknaming me Polly, but It'll look more mannerly iu you to call me Mrs. timidly; but what am I thinking of? The folks niiist bare their supper." That night Alice, who missed her cra dle, waa uuusually resile, and Mary, remembering Mr. (Irundy'a threat, car ried her in her arm until after midnight. Then, without uudresitlug, she threw her self upon the bed, and for the first time In many week dreamed of George and hia parting promise to see her again. The next morning when she awoke, the c-totida were pouring rain. "Billy won't route to-day," was her first thought, so l, throwing herself upon the floor, she burst Into tears, wlolilng, as she had oioe done before, that she hud died with bcr mother. In the midst of ber grti-r the door was pushed hastily open, and Mrs. (irundy'a tiara voice exclaimed, "Mali, ao you are up at .ast, hey? I didn't know but you was golu' to take it upon you to sleep over, but that don't answer here. Do you think we's golu' to support you iu Idlo Ocas?" Here, touched perhaps by the pale, tearful face, uplifted to hers, Mrs, (irun dy'a voice softened, and in a milder tone she added, "We won't mind about it, see in' it's the first morning; but, come you must be hungry by this time." Mary glanced at Alice. She was sleep ing sweetly, and, though there seemed to lie no reason, she still lingered. "What are yon waiting for?" asked Mrs. (iriiuly, aud Mary, with some hesi tatiou. n ui we red, " haven't said my prayers yet." A change passed suddenly over Mra (ii unity's faee, and she turned awny wlthuut a word. When she was gone Mary fell on her knees, au I though the wonls she tittered were addressed more to ber mother than to (lod, she felt com forted, an I, rising up, started for the kitchen. It was a motley group which she found assembled around the break fast tahle, and us she entered tho room a ninn called L'nele Peter smiled on her, saying, "Come here, little daughter, and let me touch you with the top of my fourth finger." About noon the clouds broke away, while here and there a patch of bright blue aky whs to be seen. But tho roads were so muddy that Mary had no hope of Billy's coming, and this it was, per haps, which made the dinner dishes ao hard to wash, and which made her cry when told that nil the knives and forks must be scoured, the teakettle wiped and set with its nose north, In what Mr. fJrundy called the "Pout Hole," and which proved proved to be a place under the stairs, where pots, kettles and iron ware generally were kept. Alt things hare an end, and so did the scoiirjng, in spite of Mary'a fears to the contrary, and then watching a time when Mrs. Urundy did not aee her, ahe stole away upstairs. Taking Alice on her lap, she sat down by the open window where the damp air cooled and moistened ber flushed face. The rain waa over, aud acroaa the meadow the aun waa ahlDing through the tall trees, making the drops of water which hung upon the leavea sparkle and flash in the sunlight like ao many tiny rainbows. Mary watched them for a time, anil then looking Into the road, ahe aaw directly oppoalto the house Billy Bender and with him Alice'a cradle. In a moment Mary'a arms were thrown around hia neck a tightly as if ah thought he had tho power and waa come to take her away. "Oh, Billy, Billy," aald abe. "I waa afraid you would not come, aud It made me ao unhappy." Aa Billy released her he waa startled at hearing some one call out, "Bravo! That, I conclude, Is a country hug. I hope she won't try It on me!" Turning about he aaw before him a white-faced boy, nearly of bis own ago, whose dress and appearance indicated that be belonged to n higher grade, as far as wealth was concerned.' It waa Henry Lincoln, notorious both for pride and In solence. Billy, wdio bud worked for Mr. Lincoln, had been insulted by Henry ninny a time, and uow ho longed to avenge It, but native politeness taught him that In the presence of Mary 'twould not be proper, ao without a word to Hen ry be whispered to the little girl, "That fellow lives near here, and if ha ever gives you trouble just let mo know," "Kissed her then, didn't you?" sneer Ingly asked Henry, rctreuting at the same time, for there was something In Billy's eyes which be feu red, "Come Into the house," snld Mary, "where he can't see its," and leading tho way she conducted hi in tjp to her owu room, where there was no fear or being interrupted. Alice was first carefully fixed In her cradle, and then kneeling down at Billy's aide, and laying her arms across hia lap, Mary told him of everything which bid happened, aad finished by aaktnfc "fcow long ah muat atay her?" Had Kilt turn been aa lg bis heart, that question would have easily been answered, Now h could only ahake hia head la reply, while Mary next lik ed if h bad aero Klla. "I hav uot seen her," returned be, "bill I'v heard that rainy aa It was thi morn ing, Mra. Campbell' maid waa out elect ing muslin and jaconets for her. and they say aba la uot to wear black, aa Mra, Campbell think her too young." Mary did not apeak for aom time, but her head dropped ou Bllly'a knee, and he seemed to b Intently tbluklug. At last, brushing aald the hair which bad fallen over her forehead, Hilly aald; "What ar you thluklng about T' "I waa wondering If Klla wouldn't for got me aud Alice now ahe la rich and go ing to be a lady." Billy bad thought the aame thing, aud lifting th tlttl girl la hia lap, he replied; "If ahe doe, I never will;" and then b told her agalu bow when he waa elder and had money he would tak ber froui the poorbouse and aend her to school, and that she should some time be a much of a lady aa Klla, (To be continued. NOT CONCLUSIVE OF QUILT, Falr-MInd I MaArnnlvtlv 1 1 CircHiMsUntUt Kvlilenre, "At to circumstantial evidence, It queer thing," aald the umu In the brown milt. "Five or six year ago I waa Iu town Iu Indiana for ulgbl when a bank waa roblxtl. Next morn ing I wua artvated aa au accomplice, It being contended that I waa eoeu Idling In front of the bank and evidently act ing aa sentinel for those, wit bin. Three different Mraotia Identified me a the man and the fourth rlalnied to have aec-ti uie enter the hotel at a late hour by way of a abed aud a window. I waa locked up for examination, with a chance of thing going bard with uio, when evidence began to come forward on my able. The landlord asserted and a wore that I waa alttlng In the ottlce at 10 o'clock p. m. Two servants swore tu seeing inc go to my room halt an hour Inter. A man having rooms oiHmlte the hotel swore that be aaw me amok lug at my window at midnight. A guest of Uie hotel who bad a room next to mine swore that my snores dlatiirlHd blui from midnight till 2 o'clock and that be beard me turn over Iu bed at X and ao I waa honorably discharged from custody." "Hut a limit It'a Mug queer?" waa asked. "Why, all th mhiI ou both aide were mistaken. I waa uot outside the bauk at the time mentioned and neither waa I In the hotel." "But you wet aomewbere," "Oil, of course, l ad la I got mastic) on the lundlord'a daughter and we ant up all ulgbt on a Imbiiiiy and aiuiwe bands and talked love and looked at the moonlight and elnppwl inomiultoes. Yea. air, sat there all ulgbt like a cmiplc ofldlots. and though I declared I would die for ber and abe said ahe ouly want ed me and a humble cottage ahe waa married to a red beaded butcher within a year and I waa sued by a anub iuwmhI widow for breach of promise. I waa almply observing, you know, that Hr cuinstnntlal evldem-e I a queer thing, and I wish to add that a juryman shouldn't be Influenced too much by It."-Washington Post. The I,u klrl Man. They call him lucky who Ha wealth in groaning heaps - Whoso ships are balled from many shores, Whose n-minl stand U-fore the door To guard him when he sleeps. They cull hint lucky who Has won a deathless name Who, w licit he proudly rides along Iu gildeil trapping, handsome, strong. Kvokes the crowd's acclaim. They call hint lucky who With wildly tumbled hair An I great emotion In-hla heart, Close to hi Ihsmiiu pinions Art And firmly ao'ds her there. But luckiest of them all Is he that goes, at night, Headlong, to one nltbiii wtose eye lieu-ard for all bis lolling lie-- Who loves with all hi might, -Chicago Tlmes llerald. Chasing a Hear. Any one who bus seen a benr walk kuowa bow slowly be awing to move, mid bla run la a sliulllliig. lumbering gull I hut la cotnlcnl fo witness, unless bo happens to be running after you. But n bcitr move pretty fast, notwith standing appearances, and the grlxxly, which looks to bo clumsier than the brown or black bear, enn rover ground fnster limn the average saddle borne. A Pbllndelpbln exchange prints thla atory of an. Arizona abec-u-raurlior: lie waa riding In the foot-hills when bo aaw a big, awkward allvertlp. He bad a rlile, but w aa nut certain he could kill the bear at one shot, and knew that ho would get Into trouble If bo missed. So bo gave a regular cowboy yell, and the bear atnrted away In alarm. The mail gave chase, at the aame time keeping up the piercing yell, ami he aoon noticed that the grizzly waa get ting farther away. Hu continued the chase for nearly two nillew, until the bear disappeared In the nioiintuliia, and be bad not gnlncd a foot. In going back along the trail, ho notic ed ulacra where the bear had made Jumpa of fifteen or twenty feet, aud the ground had been out up by bis claws ao that It looked aa If t barrow hnd been run over It. It la evident that a ttinii would have no show running a foot rnec with a Assure ) nf a I.onaj Ll'e. Mra. Knowlt 8o you are engaged to Mlaa Sweetly? I do not wish to dis courage you, but I understand that abe baa aald alio has absolutely no wlah to know how to cook. Mr, Wise That' right; I propoaed as aoon a I beurd It. Baltimore Amer ica n. Flrat American Paper Money. Tho flrat paper money uhwI Iu thla country was Issued by Pennsylvania In 1723. In tho early part of that year 15,000 wua laaued on the credit of the colony, and a few months later 10,000 more followed. Open Confession. "I was awfully glad to receive your letter stating that you had repented. But why did you send It uuaeulwl?" "Becauae they say an 'open confea alon la good for the soul.' "Philadel phia North American, Ptlnyrv. "Barlow Is rather cloae, Isn't be?" "Close? He's stingy. Ho lets the students In the barbers' college shave him and cut bla hair, In order to aave expense." Halt in London. London cotiHiitiica eleven tons of suit dully. . There Is no distinction of parts of speech In the Chinese language, aud no recognition of the principle of luflec tlon. Olre a grateful man more tlinn be ask. aVaVBjMBMsajsjsjsMBssBaBaaaaBaB WHEN Presidential train atarta on a long Journey aeroa the continent, much more la In volved than appears on the surface. Iu the load which auch a train carries Is Involved the possible safety and Ibe welfare of the nation, and It Is literally the chief bualneaa of thousands of meu, while the tr.iln la on the road, to aee that It passea In safety and without de lays or Inconvenience of any klud, Before the route of a presidential train I finally settled upon there I In- tens rivalry among Ibe represcuiittlvea of competing rail roads to secure It as a o advertisement for their lluea. Once the route la flaed the sueceaaful rail road oftlclala begin a season of nerve racking strain and anxiety, which does uot cease until the tralu with Its pre- clou freight I delivered an My lulo the hands of the company the lluea of which form the next link Iu the Jour uey.' In th flrst place, every division superintendent, and practically ev ery employe of the iu da over which the Presidential tradi passed waa notified days In advance of Ka coming. Th ex act tultiui of 114 departure and a carefully arranged schedule of Its ar rival and departure from every station ou th line was sent out to every at a turn agent and section band, Begiunlng several hour be fore Ibe train waa due every foot of VM rlU'f assist th tra-k waa carefully patrolled by keen-eyed men, who felt the respunab blllty which reated upou them. If Prealdettt McKlnley bad aat up Iu the observation car attached to the train be might have emu at Interval of a few mlnutea and all night long the yel low lights of thelanteruaoftbesleeple 0-rn sentinels who were ' "-y-J ,0 fuard bla aafety H., Muniirg um run- lenience. Practl rally It might al most tm said that the tralu passed be tween two Hues of watchmen, so close were they together aud so careful was their watch, srvocasv r main Nor does nillmitd vigilance stop there. Thai, in fact, la only the beginning. All day aud all olgbt long a pilot engine run little In advance of the Presidential train to make aure that nothing baa been over looked which could by any human sta- HOTEL IN A SEWER. wr Orr Riat ftrkrsii a tr OaaTbrl la a Oravvart. The moat remarkable hotel Iu the world la that situated Iu the Parisian sewer, almost Immediately beneath tbe Madeline Church, aud which la pat ronised exclusively by tbe municipal acaveugera, Kutrance to It can ouly be had dry hod at certain hour. At all other times a boat has to be employed. The Interior la alngularly neat and clean, despite tin nolaomene of tbe surroundings, and between 00 and 70 breakfasts and din ner are aerved therein dully. There are alao provided three beda for the use of the night watchmen who pnlrol tbe great main drain which runs tun nel-wlae beneath tbe gay city. The hotel conatltule a sort of annex to thla monster drain pine, and has been excavated, at Infinite In bcr, out of the aolld limestone rock which here constl lutes Paris foundation. Tbe exact antithesis to this subter ranean place of entertainment Is the Hotel Saval, located In the Chang-la, a paaa In Ladnk, or Western Thibet This la tbe highest hotel In the world. The building Is over 10.000 feet above the level of the sea. Tbe extreme height of tbe pass Is 18,318 feet. There Is t least one hotel In Ibe world which Is built In a graveyard, and this hotel, which Is one of the largest In Central America, and by fur tbe largest In Belize. Honduras, la sur rounded by tombstones. As this old and abandoned cemetery was located In tbe center of Ibe town, and afforded an excellent site for a hotel, the nccca-m-i iM.rmlHHlon was obtained from tlin authorities, and In less tiinn a yenr a large and handsome building wns erect ed. In digging tbe foundations hun dreds of skulls were discovered, all of which were carefully collected mid In terred In the new cemetery. .The botel possesses a room In which service Is conducted by a locnl preacher every Sunday. CURINQFISH AT GLOUCESTER Mack Repents Upon Mow Old Hot Does It Work. Probably no where on earth Is the sun kept more constantly down to more grinding dally toll for the bcnelK of mankind, for which be was created, than In Gloucester Through tho whole year, on every pleustint day, he Is drying Dsn on the flukes. There la nothing which takes more skill In the business than this curing of the fish. Winter and summer, without thermo meter or any definite appliances, the curer must watch and anticipate the mnd Jumps of our New England weath er, and provide against tlicin. No cook can wntcb an oven so closely ua'thls man. He Is a chef with fiO.OOO pqnmls of meat to watch, and a slip of a quart er of an hour may mean a thousand dollars' loss. The chief dangera are cooking or burning In the summer and freezing In the winter. To provide ngnlnkt the first, the flsu flakes are protcctdd all the summer through with white canvas awnings to protect them from the beat of tbe sun. Even With these It Is Im possible to put the flsh out on -very hot days. When the fish are burned It can be told by merely feeling of1 the backa of tbe flab underneath; they have become cooked aud sticky wltlj the heat. This means that tbe meat pf the ftsa will flake off when they are being y - albllliy endanger Its safely, Close be hind th Presidential tralu Is usually aent a second en gine, ao that It Is cloaely guarded be fore, behind, aud on both sides. SHU other precaution are taken, livery station agent Is no tified that on the night or day when tbe train bearing the President la to paaa Ills station be must be continuous- 'T'"" T""" ly on duly. He may not leave the re sponsibility in bla suhordliialea. He must personally attend to 'he arrange ment of tho proper signals and aee to It with his own eyea that everything pos sible la done to forward the train wltb speed and safety. It may pas bla lit tle station si sixty tulles su hour, but be must stay on duty and watch and wait until It flashes by Iu the night, aud, with a sigh of relief, he can call up tbe next station ou Ibe wire and au limine that tbe President's trsln ha gone by, and tbe weight has been lift ed from hia shoulder. When a train tarrying a King or an Kinpemr haves ou of Ibe great capl tala of Kuropsi It Is always possible t:i atop every other wheel on the lino and leave I he track perfectly free for tbe passage of the Imperial special. But III tbe fulled Ktatea the railroad manager has also (he problem of running the regular passenger tralu oud keeping freight trains moving with aa little de lay a possible. This greatly compli cate the problem. Aa a matter of fact few freight tralna run on tbe regular acbedulea when tbe Presidential train la moving Its wheels, aud Ibe Traftlc Manager ha trouble of his owu for a day or two after It ha passed, Kvery Iraln dispatcher on each division kuows that the special baa passed for several day by the complaints which come la from shipper of perishable gisHls, even If nlttclkl notice were lacking. It is bl bard task to see that everybody Is kept satisfied, eveii while tbe demands of tbe Presidential train are compiled with. It safe to say that trattlc will lie entirely upset on every road which ta traversed by tbe train for at least forty-eight hours. These aame train dispatchers ami their assistants have In charge the dlttl cult task of keeping the President aud bla movable Ciildnet In constant com munication with Washington. Tele grams In the obscure Presidential ci pher may be thrown from tbe train at the most otit-of the-way station and there must alwaya lie on duly there a man capable of handling the wurk In an Intelligent way. A mlstako made by a night operator at Fpoduuk might possibly result Iu an International dllll- ctilty, Tlu' responsibility which every man connected with one of the roads over which the train passes may there fore be Imagined. skinned, and will not bold together In Ibe various proocosaes of preparing. I'rer.lng the fish often occurs In tbe winter. If the day are too cold, and tbe trouble from this Is that they wtU st-em to be dry, when In reality they are, and will be found to be moist when put Into the storeroom. When the fish Is really cured the ex pert can tell It from Its appearance, principally from tbe small crystals of salt on Its surface. It must be dried Juat right, and It la often ncceaanry to hurry It off the Hake to get it In the sbml In time. For Ibe Culled Stalei trade a llwli which Is somewhat moist Is prepared. For tbe old West Indies trndo It la necessary to have tho fish hard and dry for preservation In the tropics." Fast (ilonccater (Mass.) Cor respondent's Boston Transcript. Hussl I llnilttiiia; snip. In case of war au efllcleut merchant marine Is a moat Important aid to a untlou, and Uttssla la working bnrd to Increase her stock of commercial ves sels, with the result Hint within the Inst few years a remarkable develop ment has been shown. Not long ago all she had of a merchant fleet was a few steamers and about 200 Plnulah salting vessels, which were employed almost exclusively Iu the Baltic wood trade. To day that fleet amounts to more than o,or0 vessels, Including river mourners, and still Is growing. Tbe Hussion government encourages tbe merchant murine by various laws, such as limiting tho coast trade to Its own ships, though on account of the troubles with China Asiatic Ktiaala temporarily la exempt from thla de cree. Then, too, Utiaala pays the Sues canal dues on all her ships bound for porta Iu Asiatic Russia, and two-thirds of tbe canal dues on all ber ships which pass through tliu cntuil bound for other ports In Asia. BchIiIcs she admits, duly free all anchors, chains, cables and sailing ship tackle, as well as foreign built Iron vessels for external naviga tion and nil vessels for the Danube w libit fly tho IttisNlan flag. A Olcrlunl Hnuff Taker. Apropos of the sun It bublt, an elo quent preacher of Glasgow, the Itcv. Wllllnm Anderson, was so addicted to sntitT that he would take a pinch In the pulpit, Once, while uttering tho words, "My soul cleavctu to the dust," he took a pinch of snuff, He lamented the mas tery which the habit bad gained over hint, and once,, while preaching from the text, "All Is vanity," treated his nose to snuff, and then sold: "And this olso Is vanity." Observant. Llttto Harold Oxford-I wish I had $.-,0,000, like my Undo Ilezekluh! Ills Hlster-Why so? Little Harold Oxford 'Cause then I could say, "There ain't no" and "bust ed" without having ma and pa correct ing tne nil the time. Brooklyn Eagle. Disiippnlnted, Maude Why did you go Into the con servatory will) Mr. Loverlng? Clara-Ob, merely to satisfy tny curi osity. ' Maude And was It satisfied? Clnra-No; he didu't even attempt to kiss me. w When a girl marries, there Is always a bowl from her sisters tbut she Is Ink luk away tlielr "things." it RUBBER CULTIVATION. IMaatatloa lucrlat la Mtslea and Africa. "The cultivation of rubber, prompted by the wasteful method of the natives on the upiier Amnxoii, In Ceiuriil America, and the Fast Indies, w ho eh p down tree to drain the milk qtllfkly a foolish notion - promises to be an Im portant Industry some day, ami plant ers already derive a profit from it. -The oldest plnntatfon In tbe world Is ou the I'Biiisnukan TJInssem estate, Iu Ihu ltesldence Krawang In Java, It was started In 1MM from plants of the FIs cue elnatlca, In IHim Ms seventy two acres, aa many trees to the acre, pro duced 11,7a 1 pounds of pur rubber of a value of fl.'.'tii above expense. Im porters of crude rubber from Para make light of the Nlcaraguai! and Mexlcuu plantation. 'Why cultivate rubber,' they say, 'when you can go Into the foreet and get Itf They declare that millions of treea Iu the Amazon basin aud the Congo Free Ktato have never been tapped and will endure for gen erations. Nevertheless, the Congo gov ernment, by a decree of Feb. 'St, require that for every ton of rubber taken out annually LM . 'os shall be pin it led, Nicaragua offers a premium for the cultivation of rubber, and baa Interdicted the gathering of It Iu the notional forest a for exportation. In Peru the cBui hiioa have destroyed so many trees that Imports from Iqubitie have greatly declined, In tbe Fast In dies restrictive legislation Is general. But, after all, the question with the planter Is whether cultivation will pay. Such Is the demand that be can sell every pound he produces. The uses of rubber are Illimitable, In Mexico and Central America tbe tree growu Is tbe Castllloa elastics of tbe native for est, which flourishes In a rich, but not wet soil, like the smaller Hevea bra slllensl of Amaxonas. Senor Jose Hor ta, of the city of Ouiitemnla, an expe rlencel agriculturist, calculates that a 10 year old plantation 'will produce double the amount expended during that time,' taking Into account that for set-en years there Is no yield of milk. He saya that the net annual product will be incomparably more remunera tive than that which coffee under the I test and most favorable circumstances can yield. During tbe seven years of walling, be advises the cultivation of vanilla simultaneously. A plantation In Mexico produced In ln. 30,0tx) (Hiunda of rublier. In the neighbor hood of Hlnetlelds, Nicaragua, there are some promising plantations. Cur rent expenses are light, for labor Is cheap aud Ibe trees require little care. But cash and patience are needful for eitceea. Our Department of Agricul ture, It Is worthy of note, is preparing to give It attention to tbe cultivation of rubber Iu the Phlllpplnea."-Alns-lee's. MILLIONS OF RAILROAD TIES How ta HkTbe Lat Loar a Prob lem Kallroad Ma Can't Hot, It I impossible to estimate, except vaguely, the number of railroad ties In use iu tbe Culled ftistes, but a single mad, the New York Central, replaced LKXi.fsH) old tie with new ones last year, the Krle 400,000 In New York Slate and noo.iajo on Its whole line, the Delaware Ijickswantia 150,000, and other New York roads In like propor tion. Ou alt the nad of the country fully T5.tHMi.iskt new ties are required for re newals, extensions and addltlous each year and thla entails a vast use of rail road materlnla, Is a steady drain upon the available lumber supplies and coats moreover a large sum for the labor and hauling. Much Ingenuity has been ex pended on projects for retaining wood en ties lotigrrdn use than Is possible at present, Tbe standard American railroad tie Is 0 feet long by Inches deep and 8 Incites w ide, and a fairly hard wood Is required to prevent the rails from sink ing and from becoming displaced. Oak, chestnut, locust and cedar are the usu al croas-tles. Many attempts have been made to treat tbe ties ao aa to prevent decay of tbe wood. Some years ago tbe cross ties used on the Beading railroad were notched where the rails, crossed them and their cuds dipped In coal tar. It wns siipMised that the tar would pre serve the ends from decay. Since then another process by which tbe ties were saturated with a solution of sine has been tried, but It wns found too costly. A railroad tie costs about faO ceuta and It is customary to add 23 cents for Ibe Inbor of putting ties In position, or 75 cents for each new tie. Any plan whereby the durability of ties may be increased without undue expense will be welcomed by railroad men, but so far tbe problem remains an unsolved one. New York Sun. MARCONI TO WED. Italian Inventor Betrothed to Mis llolmun of lndlanapotl. Ottgllelmo Marconi, Inventor of wire less telegraphy, Is engaged to marry a charming American girl. The Italian nveiitnr, on his next visit to this coun try will wed Miss Josephine Bowen lliilni.'in of Indianapolis. She Is a daughter of the late Justice J. A. Hol iii mi of the Indiana Supreme Court, and MISS HOt.BAX. the Judge was a cousin of Congress titan Jepbthn llolmun, the famous "watchdog of the Treasury." Miss Holman Is of medium height, '22 years old, with blue eyes, hnlr of light auburn and a fair complexion, j She dresses quietly, sna in tno nest or taste. Hhe Is well educated and musi cal. She would not say when the wed ding will be, but tho family thluk It will occur hi the early fall. Tbe bride will then go to England to live, a move which she looks forward to as some what Iu the light of an ordeal, for she Is perfectly satisfied with the United States. Sis What are you going to give little Bister for a birthday present? Johnny Well, I'm thinking of getting dad to gtvo me' the money to buy ber a nice new football, so's I can teach ber bow to play for nothing. Captain Ilecq, the Belgian explorer, who recently returned from Central Africa, reports that Ihe shrinkage of Lake Tanganyika has of late been so rapid tbat the poat of Karema, founded twenty years ago in the shore, Is now fourteen miles from the lake. At a meeting of the Academy of Bel ences In Paris Monsieur P. (larnatilt reported tbat in certain diseases light eierclsea specific curative action, The moot successful treatment nnder con centrated light occurred In eases of muscular and articular rheumatism, various kinds of ulcers and chronic ca tarrh of the nose and ear. . Kiperiments at the Yerkes Observa tory have led to certain results on the heat of the stars that may be summar ised as follows: Tbe apparatus em ployed was sensitive enough to register the beat received from a candle fifteen miles distant. The heat received from Arcturus was equivalent to the heat received from candle it a distance of about all miles. The New England pine, which Finer son so loved, appears, according to tbe recent Investigations .of Prof. U. E. Stone, to be holding Its own in the for ests of Central Massachusetts, while some of its old compeers, like the hem lock, tbe beech and the canoe birch, nave decreased, other species taking their place. "Tbe pine," says Professor Ktoue, "can adapt Itself to a great va riety of conditions." A writer In the Bulletin of the Astro nomical Society of France concludes, after an examination of meteorological observations all over tbe glolie, that the average annual rainfall on tbe con tinents Is as follows: Souib America about sixty-six Inches, Africa thirty two Inches, North America about twenty-nine Inches, Europe sbout twenty nine Inches, Asia about twenty two Inches, Australia about twenty-one Inches, Among the peasants of Southern Italy, Sicily and Sardinia, a curious malady has been noticed by physlclsn which Is csused by estlng beans, Oue of tbe most remarkable effects of the malady la a species of Intoxication re sembling that produced by alcoholic drink. In some cases persons prcd's posed to the malady are seised with tbe symptoms of Intoxication If they pass a field where the bean plant Is In flow er, the odor alone sufficing to affect them. During the eclipse of the sun In May, tfXiO, an English observer. Mr. Ever shed, as reported at a recent meeting of tbe Boyal Astronomical Society, uotleed a point on the edge of the moon where Ibe sun was shining through a very deep valley, and where the lunar moun tains seemed to be about SS,(KJ0 feet In altitude. This exceeds by 6,000 feet the estimated height of Mount Everest, tbe loftiest mountain on earth. The edge of tbe moon la so broken Jy peaks, ridges and valleys that the length of totallt during a solar eclipse is affect ed by them. At a recent meeting of the Entomo logical Society In London the president, C. II. Verrall, told an amusing story to prove that a knowledge of Insects may even be useful in settling ques tions In literary history. Commenta tors on tbe works of Robert Louis Sio venson were trying In vain to discover whether tbe notes made by film in a certain book were written before or after be took up his residence In Samoa. It happened that a fly bad been aqueexed between the pages, and when Mr. Verrall saw If, be Instantly recog nlsod It as belonging to a species pecu liar to the Polynesian Islands. That settled the question. DIVER ESCAPES A SHARK. Thrllllna Kspcrlenc at a Wharf In (south African Water. One of the local divers named Batten hns expcrtcm-ed a shock aud a narrow escnie. Ho had been engaged to re cover a few heavy rails which had fallen overboard between a steamer and tbe main wharf. The rails were found, and oue hnd been hauled to the surface, when Batten perceived a young shark swimming around blm. Having omitted to arm himself with the usual diver's knife, Batten moved to tbe bont atid secured a weapon. Intending to stab the shark If opportunity presented Itself. On descending to tbe bottom again, however, Button did not see the prowling "monster," and proceeded to the rails which remained to be hoisted. He was about to attack the next mil when, to bis surprise aud alarm, he noticed a huge shark, approximately sixteen feet long, lying right across the rails. Tbe diver was In a quandary, because retreat from such a mounter was ex ceedingly dangerous, while open hls tllltles with the knife would have been almost suicidal, not only on account of the aire of tbe shark, but on account of Its being literally sheathed with bar nacles. Further, although tho shark lay almost motionless, not a single rail could be touched without disturbing It. With a view to frightening the shark Batten suddenly released all the sir contained In his suit, which act caused n cloud of bubbles to rise from the escape valve. The shark did not budge, and when the suit had refilled Bnten made several feints as If to slab his enemy, but agnln without tbe de sired effect. Then the monster made the first move. Steadily be rolled over on his back, showing a long white belly, and opened and shut an enor mous mouth framed with rows of Ivory white snw-llke teeth. Batten wisely waited for no more, but dipped the escape valve, causing him to rise rap Idly to the aurfnee. He lost no time in scrambling up the ladder Into the boat out of barm's way. A number of people spent a great part of the afternoon In endeavoring to hook the shnrk;"vorl ous kinds of bait were tried, but with out success. Durban Letter In the Cape Argus. SKEETS DID IT. What Jnllu an I More Suffered Trair . edjr Turned to Force. "Yon would not think it possible," said an old nctor to the writer recently, "for a little festive mosquito to break up the performances of one of Shnk speare's greatest tragedies, and turn It literally into a farce, would you? Well, such Is the fact. You remember Ned Buckley, don't you? Used to be lend ing man In the Boston Theater; also with Booth and Barrett. One rather warm night In August, '70, Ned took n snap company out to a town In west ern Massachusetts to do 'Julius Cae sar.' It wns not a sumptuous iierforro nnce by any mentis, but still It was good enough for tbe audience. Buckley played Caesnr, and did It well. If I am not mistaken, Fred Btyton wits the Marc Antony. It became so hot before tbe perform sac bad fairly begun tbat the wlndowa ta th rear of the stag had to t opened. It was not very long before tbe stage was swarming wltb mosquitoes, they being attracted, no doubt, by th strong light on tbe stage. Buckley bad on a pair of white tlgbts, and be discovered, at the last moment, tbat there were several small boles In tbe legs, fto be got a piece of billiard cbalk and whitened over the tight where they were burst. "Well, tbe play ran along smoothly enough until tbe time came for Mare Antony to bury Caesar, and not prats blm. Poor Julius was lying on the bier, and Just as Marc began the ora tion he felt tbe Infernal Irttle pests get ting In their tantalising work. Buckley always declared tbat they were edu cated. Tbey Just picked out tbe spots where be bad used the chalk. He stood tbe agony a long as be cvtild, then he began murdering hi tormentor. Ker eral time did Julius slap bl limbs, and every time he slapped be grunted with relief. He kept slapping his limbs and grunting all through tbe oration, the Midlenc shouting wltb laughter sll the while. The audience Just about knew tbe canse of the trouble, because they were doing some slaughtering on their own account. Buckley stood the agony as long as be could, then he gave An tony a tip and the oration was cut re markably short. The audience was tickled Immensely and Insisted upon the actors going liefore tbe curtain sev eral times. The mosquitoes who made . tbe bit went wltb them, and the per formance was a farce for tbe balanc of the evening. Every time that some body began to act one of tbe auditors would begin to laugb and everybody would Join In the chorus." Washing ton Star. TWO MEETINGS WITH QA3FIELD. Clara Morris Relate aa lacldaat that Occurred at a Waahlagtoa Dinner. In tbe Woman's Home Companion Clara Morris has a clever article In which she describes two meetings with James A. Oarfleld. Tbe flrst was In a' country lane near Aurora, where she saw and talked wltb tbe future states man, who wns then taking a load of wood to market. Yeara afterward she met blm In Washington, and remem bered him; but while feeling that he had seen ber liefore be could not recall where. Of that aecond meeting she sys: "Then there came an eveulug w hen, at a dinner given by Mr. Piatt. 1 found myself sitting exactly opposite . Mr. Oarfleld. Tbe company was not a large one, but It boasted some famous names and at least oue brilliant beam;. Con versation wss brilliant and laughter was light. Turning my glance a mo ment from tbe Houthern Kenator at my side, I looked full Into tbe fixed, wide blue eyes of Mr. Oarfleld. He was lean ing forward; one baud tightly clenched lay on tbe table. From b1 strained, far aw ay look I knew he was trying to recall our flrst meeting, and as I gaxed Into bis eyes tbe hur.r. of talk snd laughter turned Into a mnruinr of wind through tall, leafless trees. I saw a pale winter sunshine fulling across snow-patched fields. Leaning a little toward blm. In a very low but distinct tone I snld, 'dec! Gee-bawT A flash like blue lightning snapiied Into his eyes, and as I added, 'Is Freeman at home? be gave a cry, almost a shout, exclaiming with enthusiasm, 'I've found you! I've found you at last, and you're sitting on top of tbe fence In a . i ...j.i. . i t. i .. reii viineu iinw, nun n inn' in junr 1....H t-i... i.. .i. m.i.i.., e ini. . a iit-ii in uii- ifiium ill iuv luimiiu- tlou be had mined he threw bis arm about Mr. Piatt, crying, Ab. you thought I was meet for an asylum, you know you did! But I've found her out at last, so you see I'm not half as eraxy as you believed I was!" "yuestions rained upon blni, and much laughter followed his story of thnt far-away meeting ou tbe country road; one grave old man questioned us , earnestly In tbe drawing-room as- to w hat was Iu the minds of each at the time I spoke. "I was not much surprised to hear Mr. Garfield say that In bis backward search for a clue to the tormenting half-memory be had got aa far as Clevehind, bad failed to find me In that city, and at tbe moment I 8oke was hopelessly trying Aurora and the coun try around there." Boy Speaks HI language- During tbe bloody Insurrection on the Island of Crete, Stello Arghlrl, a little boy of 10 years, was left without father r mother to make the best of his own way In the world. Shortly after the murder of his parents the Island was occu pied by the troops of the allied pow .evs, and Stello STKt.Lo ARoniKi. went from camp to camp, doing small Jobs of work for the soldiers and picking up bits of the strange languages which he beard. He soon developed a remarkable facility In acquiring a speaking knowledge of different languages, and wltblu a year or two could speak fluently Russian, German, Italian, Greek, French, Ar menian, to say nothing of having a working knowledge of English. When he was VI years old his ability to speak so ninny different 'angtinges led to his employment as an Interpreter by the admiral of the Italian fleet. Later he was employed In a similar capacity by the commander of ou English regiment on the Island. A few months ago the boy attracted the attention of a wealthy Englishman, who was cruising In the Mediterranean In his yacht. He was offered a good borne and a university education If he would go to Englaud. and be Is now one of the students at the Enlleld Grammar School, near Londou. A Natural nooineraiiK- Of all man's Inventions, the boomer ang seems tne strangest aud least likely kind of weapon for the natural man, with no knowledge of mechanics to have hit upon, ami yet It becomes intel ligible enough when we hear that In Australia, where the boomerang waa discovered, there grows a tree that sheds a seed pod of such a shape that It whirs away liTthe air and returns again as It falls. But how many "b'.ack fel lows" bad watched these sued-pods whir and gyrate our own ash throws down things that try to emulate the gyration before one of them thought of Imitating the shape of the pod on a large scale, and so make the first boom erang? We do not know the fate of the flrst boomerang, but we know when Newton discovered gravitation, aud It Is likely that the seed-pods hnd been falling about as long as apples. Rome women, wbeu they talk gossip, have the Intense look Iu their eyes that distinguishes a miser when be counts his money. When two dogs meet, there Is always a prospect of a tight. Dou't act like dog. '