The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 24, 1901, Image 3

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Makes the food more
Tslsphans, No. 141.
H MM Kit LolwK NO. 4,S, MKKrs KVKWY
WvrineMtay viMitHtt, Member will take
flue notice ano govern iliemnelven aeeonlltn
tuning Miiliuni turned lo atleiul wlivu
(uirt ImleptMnleno No, Fortttt-
era of America, intfts every Tummy
evening at a o oioca. .
W. II Allln, dontiat, lAmper block.
Cigars, the choicest, at Kobinson't,
At cost nil the men' ami law's clo
thins at J. 1- Stockton' until lie move
Cash paid for Wool by Geo. R. Hrey,
nodi-hoppers Wanted Inquire of
Oliver Jone at KtiRlnnd'a drug More or s grocery store. iVHlat
mcvcie customers tnaie run on
Wsile Co. Saturday.
Campbell rro. will nell you carpet
absolutely at cost and since we latuiiM
front the l'ark Mills at Philadelphia we
can sen cheaper man any other man in
Ii. M. Wade A Co. have done a rush
ing business in bicycles tbia season..
All the maj;aines and the luteal
novel can be bad at Robinson',
J. L. Stockton's bouse ami lot (or sale.
The honse lot and barn are all tilted up
with the latest improvements.
To Thauu-A gmnl family hone. Will
trade for a Rood cow. Inquire at the
Wist Slot: oltloe.
The Ilest Prescription for Malaria
t'lmis mid Fever l a bn.v r Ukovk'h Tt-
I. km I'll I I.I. Tun II', 1 1 lo Mmly Inn ami
y in ni in- In a laateles form , No. cure,'li pay.
rnre, iee.
Twenty-four mil of wall p.ijier at
II. M. Lines' for f I; border, to cents
per yard.
Try the new remedy for eotvene8,
ChauiU-rlaiu's Stomach anil Liver Tab
let. Every hx guaranteed. Price,
cent. For sale by Ktrklatid lrug Co.
All kind of bicycle repairing done,
C. W. Brant.
PicKei is very painstaking with his
work; be will devote much more time
to posing, retouching and liiiistiing
pictured to that they will uit than any
artist e have ever seen.
Money iiius-t U plentiful from the
nnmher of wagon and buggies e fee
leaving K. M, Wade A CVs.
The Cleveland and Crescent bicycle
teem to be in the tbia season.
For D. M. OslKriie A Co'a binders,
mowers, rakea and extras, at Independ
ence and Monmouth, see J. II. Moran.
Corsets, gloves, everything at cost at
J, L. Stockton's.
, A giaid 2" J band Columbus carriage
for, sale at R. M. Wade & Co.
. Ji scholarship in a
ojiee is , for tale.
Portland business
Inquire at thl
oire. s ' I
ftet your moneys' worth, don't buy
Without gettinit OamplM'll hros. priors
cn carpets, wall paper, window shades
auij bicy tes.
It. Wide A Co. can yive you the let
wngon made and save yon from live to
ten dollars.
Oruve Ttelt" I'lilll Tonlu runivi ttie
Try Moore, the barlr, north
"C" street, opKsite Knox'
side of
tore, for a hair cut or abave.
Every farmer nutfbt to feel that it is
bis duty to make the creamery a success.
Gut a separator and push it along,
Campliell Bros, have good wall paper
at 5 cent x-r double roll.
Iton't wait too lon to have yotir bicy
cles overhauled, oiled and cleaned.
Have it done now and save a repuiring
bill later on. C. W. Brant.
Dress goods at cost at Stockton's. Our
stock is strictly up to date, we have been
careful in buying and utter comparing
our store w ith thone in Halem and Eu
gene we are not afraid to put our f JO,0(K)
stock beside any of them. We are giv
ing you the chance to get all your goods
at the very lowest prices.
When In tiulem and you want a good
meal don't forget to gn to 8t rone's
IteHtaurant, where everything the mar
ket adonis can he bad.
Itetter for the Itlood than SiirmiiarllU
Kor Thotw Living In the Mulnrln MxtrlcU.
Orove's Tanlelewi Chill TonR-.
J. 8. Moore, tbe barber on C street,
now handles Xewbro'a Herplcldo. the
famous dandruir cure, endorsed by all
the leading barliera of l'ortland and all
cities in the east. Give It a trial and
a ve your hair.
(jrovusTsatelehsClilll Toulc cures Miliaria. Wic
It will pay you to see H. M. Lines'
ne' designs in wall paper and get his
prices before buying elsewhere,
J. L. Stockton has rented a store buil
ding in Salem, Or, and will move his
large gtock of goods to the capital on or
about the 1st of June; until then he will
sell all gooih in his line at cot in ori'er
to avoid moving so many. Remember
now ia the time to secure bargain.
This signature Is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tbieu
the remedy that rare a cold In ono day
Black Type tells best what we 2-
want to Say! 3
E We will assure you that our 2
2: 50c Work Shirt is the best for 3
the money. Our $1.35 Hat is
what you will pay $1.50 for 2
EE elsewhere. And our Shoes
there may be others as good, 2
2E but none better at the prices
we ask. 2
: Yours truly v2
delicious and wholesome
Kr frt,, tmr .
Tha (Jreat S-urir
of modem times ia consumption. Many
cures and diecoveries from lima to tune
are published but Foley' Honey and Tar
dives triiinruiiy elaiui to cure all esses in
ttie eatiy slaves ami Hiways alloixl com
fort and relief in Hie very worst ease
I ke no ulstttute. A. !. Lia'ke.
Tba hcIuhiI exhibition on Thursday
and Friday evenings of last week wew
very largely attended and proved enter
taining. The program a published In
tbe Witat Sims, waa carried out in
pleasing manner.
Miss Mamie Smith, Jliddleidmro, Kv
write: "My little sisier had the croup
very istt. I gave her several dose of
roley't Honey and Tar and she wa in
stantlv relieved. It saved her life
A, S. Locke.
John Moran has established a brancli
of bis implement business here and will
la in the market for trade.
Thoma Mniile. Uirkbeck. III., write
"I bad a very bad case of kidney trouble
mul my nark named me so 1 could not
straighten up. Tbe doctor treatment
did me no good. Saw Foley' Kidney
Cure advertised and took una bottle
which cured me and I have not been at
fected since. I clndlv recommend tbi
remedy," A. S. Locke.
The farmer think that wa have bad
about enutigh rain for a little time at
Geo, 0. Hiekoek, Curtis. VI yt
rolev Kiilni'V I urn him hoi'ii lintel unit
found to le all you claim for it. I have
given it to my father and it is the only
Hung that ever helped him." A.8. Locke
John Moran tell thin on Frank Fisher
of Monmouth : On Tuesday a stranger
love into sight at Mutimouth,- driving
diminutive pair of mute. At is his us
tial cuftoin, Frank thought ha would he
abarn and get line on the stranger; as
soon as tbe team came close, Frank com
mnnced 10 hray. At this the stranger
sun): 'That right, it ia hut natural for
one jackass to bray at another."
Mr. F. I. Arnold, Arnold, I., writes!
1 10 was troiimed with kidney dmeae a
Itnit thiee years Had to get up several
times during the night but three bolt lea
of roley s Kidney Cure affected a com
plete cure, lie Iw'a better than lie ever
did and recommends it to hi (riends.
A. S. Locke.
J. M; Wallace ami Mr. ami Mt. Chu
A. I'ark are moving their household
good from their residence on Cottage
atreet to the "Willows," belter known
as the Wallace farm, in I'olk county,
where they will reside during the sum
mer months. Salem Statesman.
If you are lick all over and dou't know
just what ails you, it's ten to nun ytiiir
kidneys are out of order. Fuley's Kidney
Cure will bring you health and energy.
A. 8. Luck.
A rather curious suit hasjeen brought
in the circuit court of Multnomah conn-
i wnnian sues the Ancient Order
0( Cnitcd Workmen for the insurance
carried by her dead ex-hushan I. When
the man joined be made bis wife the
beneficiary, and after they were divot ced
be hegliVted, purposely or otherwise, to
name another beneficiary. In the mean
time his divorced wife married sguin,
The lodge claims that when the woman
censed to be his wife she no longer had
an insurable interest in bis life,
"I had a running sore on inv breast for
over a year," say llenry K. Richard of
WtlUeyville, X. Y., "and tried a Kreat
many remedies, but gut no relief until I
used'liauner Salve, Alter using one-half
box, 1 wus perfectly cured. I cannot
recommend H too highly." A. H. Locke.
The following are the schools in the
county in which the eighth grade ex
amination are U'ing given'! Independ
ence, lalla, Monmuuih, liallitton, Mc
Coy, bethel, Zelia, Lincoln, Mill Creek,
Ux Grove, Etna, IVrrydale, Bridgeport,
Parker, I'olk, lluena Vista, Harmony.
The greatest skiu speiialist in America
originated the formula for liuunerMnlve.
For all skin diseases, all cats or sores,
ami for plies, it's the most healing medi
cine. Hewaroof lubstitute. A. 8. Iocke,
Tiie Wkst Siih bus kept an eye on
PicKei, the artiHt, anl can truthfully
say that his work compares favorably
with anything in Portland; in fact be
surpanes many Portland artists, es
K'cia!ly in retouching and finishing.
At cost al! the boots and hoe at J.
L Stockton's. Rememla-r ho has ihou
andH of dollars in these g.ods and there
ia not a better stock in the capital city.
Itilllniwues la a co nditiou character
i.ed by u disturbance of the digestive
orgaua. The Btoiuneli Ih debilitated,
the liver torpid, tbe bowels eoimllpi'.ted.
There la a loalblng of food, pains In the
bowels, dizziness, waited tongue and
vomiting, flint of tbe undigested or
partly digested food and then a bile.
Chuniherlaln'aHtomaoli and Liver l'al
Iota alluy tho disturbances of the atom
adi and create a healthy appetite.
They also tone up tbe liver to a healthy
action and regulate tbe bowels. Try
tliem and you ure certain to be much
pleased with tho rcault. For sale by
Klrklaud Drug Co.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tublcta
All drugglHtH refund the money if It
falla to cure. K.W. drove' signature
ia on each Ixix. 25c.
Mr. C. A. Fronk, nt Albany, i visit
ing Mr. A, J. Goodman.
Thnma Wilson and wife, of Ralem,
wer visiting relative here Sunday,
Miss Josio Pcatnn, of Salem, was visit
ing trleuds here tho first of tbe week
,. . , ii-ii
Mis Clara Thompson teturned riday
from week' visit In Salem,
"Jntwatcb ne grow," ay the bop
KHey CH'i'' "t Albany by Iwal
Tuexlay evening,
Dr. Allin was In Salem on business
Mis Cora Hindi ba returned froma
Visit to Portland.
Charley Staat wa Salem visitor tin
Roy (iilmore arrivwl home from Min
nesota mi Monday evening. V
Mr, N. Hollenbeck, of Cornwall, On
tario, will visit for a lime with her
daughter, Mr. I. A. Hodge,
C. I), and D. Cal breath made busl-
ne trip to Salem on Monday morning,
returning in the evening.
Mr. R. W, Gary, of Eastern Oregon,
i visiting with her parent, Mr. and
Mr. L. C, Gilmore.
Mr. E, W, Cooper left on Tuesday for
Eastern Oregon in hope of beielltiug
her health.
The city council failed to have a meet
ing Tuesday evening. Abaent-Coiinelb
men Mill, Jasperson, Huntley.
There are twelve iuiiiII at the city
school taking the eighth grade examina
Mr. 11. M. E.tes bad one of her usual
attack of neuralgia on Tuesday evening,
much severer than ever.
I). P. Stapleton Is boring a well at tbe
asb and door factoiy for John Jlohan-
non .
Harry Fleming, of Vancouver, Wash.,
arrived here Wednesday to work in the
bop yard.
F. 8. Younger, the Monmouth grocer,
wa over on Tuesday doing husiiiesa
with the creamery,
Mr. 0. A. Kramer, who went to
Myrtle Point to visit her father, baa re
turned home, arriving here Monday,
Thoma Feiinell ent a couple of day
at Salem during the week visiting hi
daughter, Mrs, A. A. Jcssup,
Cuunty School Superintendent C, 1.
Starr wa in the city on Wednesday to
conduct the examination of tho eighth
grade iu the public school.
The WhtSiih acknowledge receipt
of a hunch of rho.hidomlroii Mowers
which J. 8. Cooar brought from the
beach on Monday.
P. M.sKirklatid' horse, Susie Alene,
is looking as though the will make a
creditable show ing on the track at the
fair thi fall.
Rahhi Wise, the eminent speaker o
Portland, who was to lecture here mxt
ttnday, ha la-en obliged to cancel hi
late on account of going east.
Last Saturday a young fellow from
Airlle got ralher sassy and impudent in
sa Taylor' livery table and Ivan
Wood put him out in hort order.
Mr. E.T. Henkle, Mr. J. l Irvine
and Mr, J. X, June left last Saturday
for llaker City where they will represent
tbe Imlo'ii'leiH') Rebekaha In the grand
Mr. I'glow, of Pallas, and her daugh
ter, Mr. W, P. Cressy, of North Yakb
ma, were visiting Mrs. Mollle T. Cressy
during the week. Mr. W. P. Cresty
expect to join her husband next week.
John E. Kirkland expect to leave for
the fair ground at Salem won, He has
been very busy with the Tongue homes,
Mark Hanna and Pen Holt, working
them on the road
The Kuth had her steering gear dis
arranged some on the up trip Tuesday.
In lauding hero Wednesday morniin;,
the wind Mini current set the boat into
ie hank, buf Captain Hell got Iter out
all right.
Mrs, J. It. Cooper and two children,
and her daughter Mr. F. It. Eaton and
three children, of San Francisco, left
hero on Monday enroutu to Wenatchee,
Washington, where they will visit for
several month with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
The Degree of Honor will iuiiiutu five
candidate at the meeting next Monday
evening. There will be refreshment
served ami the men folk are notilled to
come out. .Notice of lunch is uxually
lllicient to bring out a good attendance
of the men, hut the ladies at this time
desire to call special attention to this
C. V. Irvine started last Saturday for
Baker City where ho will represent Val
ley lodge Xo, 42 in the grand lodge of
Odd Fellows, J. A. Mill, the other
delegate, left here on Sunday and went
by way ol Salem. "Uncle" Joe Miller,
the veteran Odd I'cuow from lluena
ViHta lodge No. 24, accompanied Clare
to see that be did not get sidetracked
(adore reaching linker City.
Tourist mid Family Excursions fo the
On six day of every week - the Uio
Grande Western railway, in connection
with the Denver Kio Oranilo or Colo
rado Midland, operalo a personally con
ducted excursion to Denver, Omaha,
Chicago, St. LcniiH and Boston, The
route uicliiile a glimpse ol (plaint and
picturccipie Salt Lake C'ty-the city of
the Saints ('Kenwood Spring, Leadville
Colorado Springs and Iienver and Carrie
the pasHenger through tlio most magnifi
cent scenery in the Kocky mountains.
Cool and interesting ride. Each excur
sion is in charge of a competent, uni
formed Kiiidu whose biiRineH is to look
after the comfort of hi gucHts. No more
pleaHimt and inexpensive ineiinnof cross
ing the continent can be found than is
provided by these excurmon, For ad
ditional detail, bookings, etc., iniiuire
of J, I), Mansfield, general agent, 122 A.
Third t., Portland ; or (Jeo. W, llulntz,
general passenger agent, Halt Lake City.
It Saved Ilia Leg.
P. A, Danforth, of LuOrnnde, Oh.,
suffered fornix months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but write that
Buckliu'g Arulca Halve wholly cured It
In five days, For Ulcer, Wourida,
Pilea, it' the beat salve in the world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by
Kirkland Drug Co.
The beat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Grove's
Tuateless Chill Tonic. It i simply Iron
and quinine in a turndown form, No
cure, no payi Price, 60c.
re moil hllnmN In th w?rU
The True FrltmJ Kplrlt.
A a return for tbe friendly, brotherly
Visit made by th Masonic, fraternity of
halls a short lime ago, when wune
twentvllve of them entne over here by
ierlat car to witnes and assist the In
tieitenuenea inoue in nniieriing niw miiu
u .,,.1,1,.,,,1
i . ... i i . i ... l.. ....r I ..... 1. . 1. ! .1
Mal V " teo'ioni " u.
Master A. 8, wake, of Lyon Lodge
No ill msdwa ueecfnl effort to get up
a crowd of mason to go to Dallas Inst
Thursday evening. Home twenty-four
memlan war on band nt the depot In
time for the 7 sift motor, and a jolly
crowd it was, On arriving at Dallas
they fmind the number all there and
wsltinn fur them. The laautiful and
impressive ceremonies of the third do
giee were given by the Pallas member
in excellent ttyle. After (he work re
f rendition! were eived and Judge N. L
Puller called on for a talk. The Judge
being In i happy vein, gave one of hi
eloquent offbstid (atka that wa simply
lellghtful. Ilia theme wa "TheUrip
and Word ol a Master Mason," and be
handled hi subject in manner to con
vlnce hi hearer that he had given the
subject much thought, and all were
sorry when he cut short hi remark by
reason of the lateuea of the hour, Now
that thl practice of interchanging visit
ha U'Coine started, the Wxsr Sunt
would i pleased to see It continued In
definitely, If enough ol the member
can be secured tbe cost of going and
coming i no more than on regular trip
and the friendly relations Mweeu bro
ther muson are decidedly strengthened.
The following i a list of thote who went
from here I A 8 Locke, 0 I) ibiller, P M
Kirkland, II It Jasperson, II Hirsch
la rg, C W Irvine, J A C Urant, A Hirsch
berg, I M Simpson, J II Moran, J It V
Puller, N L Puller, O A Wolverton, J A
Mills, J Wilson, W C Brown, It II Knox,
J A Orlgshy, J L Stockton, U I. Haw
kin, F. W Cooper, It D CuoKr.
Shooting wild pigeon 1 now in vogue.
There i said to be unite a number
alamt the fsrui cloe in to the city.
.The motor made special trip Id Mon
mouth on Sunday to accommodate those
who desired to attend the lecture at the
opera house here.
Last week Campbell Pro, told over
1600 roll ol wall paer, being tbe larg
est amount (hey have ever disaeU of
in that length of lime.
Last Friday the Iitdcudonce and
Monmouth Railway company received
from Astoria an engine, two coaches and
a flat car, being the equipment of a Hue
from Astoria lo Flavel.
It 1 stated that Messr (Jiltuore A
Calbrealh are figuring on leasing ttie
foumh y and machine hop at Salem for
a term of year with privilege of buying
the plnnt.
Wild strawberries are getting ripe fat.
A few day ago a number of youngster
gathered (pitto a lot in Henry Hill'
field, A few bright warm day will
bring the berrie up to the rijicnipg
point very quickly,
The 0 ii A N Co ha on ala with tbe
agent here, AI Herren, ticket for the
Medical Congres meeting at St Paul on
May 21) and the Modern Woulinen meet
at the tame place on June 11, For
apeclal information call on tbe agent at
the dock.
Governor deer ba apiKiluted Dr. J. F.
Calhreath, of Salem, L. Fhnii, of Al
bany, and benjamin Young, of Ar'"ria,
to fill the vacancies Usm the board ol
regent for the Monmouth Stale Normal
chool, hi succeed themselves. Their
term i ix years,
The creamery ha received a freeser
for ice cream and as soon a I he weather
actile Into condition for service, Mr.
Kldridge will mke, serve and sell the
most delicious leu cream ever made in
The Isiy on the Pomona are a tittle
put out because the Kuth has been put
on the Corvalli run and come up the
river on oKiite day with the Pomona.
They do love to race ami think the Po
mona can outrun any boat on the upper
(ieorge June i kept busy killing
kunk on the farm. These pretty and
odorifcioiu animal were niakinii sad
liaviic with the chicken and young
luck on the Jonea' farm until George
got after them. In one night he cap
tured and killed three.
It. S. Middleham, who started on foot
for Cottage Grove, driving the fine Jer
sey cow of A, P. Atkins', got back on
Monday, "Hob" say be had a good
walk, the tlistanco being almut IH) mile,
but that lie enjoyed the outing.
While the rain during the past week
baa a tendency to make the hop men
smilu and feel good, It la likely to do
some damage to fall sown grain. Al
ready in some localities the fall grain
ha begun to take on that rusty color so
dreaded and yet the prospects are ex
cellent for good crop.
Portland ia having a bard time keep
ing the w heelmen off the tidewalk. A
a Hpecial privelego during tho bad weath
er, wheelmen are allowed to rlilo on the
walks; not iiitiHlled with that much,
they impoiH' dii good nature and presume
too much, The Judge is taking some of
the starch out of tlicm by imposing fine
varying from $1 to f 10 for each offense.
The IIhIi are biting pretty well in the
several stream and lake and every day
the boy young, and old, have a good
time angling for the festive catllsh,- and
the pondcroiiR curp. Trout are a little
more shy and not so easily taken. It I
ald that llayduii lake ia pretty well
clocked with black bass, but a the law
prohibit the taking of thl species of
(lnh, angler are careful to catch only
cats and carp,
Memorial and Decora! Inn Day.
The G. A. It. and W. II. 0. will ob-
serve Memorial Day on Sunday, May 2(1,
at tho auditorium with appropriate ser
vice and an address by Dr. Thompson.
Decoration Day will be observed on
Thursday, tho 30th, also at the auditor
ium. There will be an address by ltev.
L; Jean, the reading of Lincoln' Gettys
burg address and other exercises,
The members of these societies desire
thu presence of all ex-Confedorate, Span
ish and Filipino war veterans.
Old Soldier's Experience.
M-. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, lug., writ jh: "My wife was
sick a long time in spite of good doc
tor's tretttmcut, but was wholly cured
by Dr. King's New Life Pijla, which
worked wonders for her health." They
always do, Try them. Only 25a at
Kirkland' drug store,
The Fourth.
' A yitt, with tlid exception ( of
what Jin aiipnurt'd in tlio Vrt
HiliK, no ono has Ciiino forward to
ro"o Uio celebration of tlio till
of July at indejKinJontH?.
, Tli jMWiplrt of Ibill.U lmd a celo
liralinii last year anil nro willing
that lncn'!ilonC3 should huvo it
tlil year. . . '. - ' - '' j -,
t.)f course, K our own people ore
so indifferent in tlm iimtterj it will
ho no ban fur any individual) or
even several Individuals, to try to
get up a celebration. If we aro to
hovo onn, let it lie a rouscr,
Do lomu of our busincHH men
think that a celebration wilt not
bring any money to their Individ
ual Htores? And ore they Ihureforo
indifferent? If such i tho case
they should ho taken to olio side
and labored with. They nhoud be
taught that whut will benefit a
community In general will taw-fit
tho individual. Come, boys, de
clnro yotirst-lvt-H, - , "
Musing from Monmouth.
Younger &, Sou have sold their gro
cery torn to 0, It. Craven, of Dallas,
and Mr. IWIdwell, of thi .place. The
louk I beiug invoiced thi week.
Henry i'oilwoud i improving wlli
fair prospect of recovery. I hi hew
will bo gladly received by hi many
friend. Mr, Frank Mulkey ha la-en
filling the vacancy in Mr, Daniel' etore,
A new butcher shop opened U'edne
day under the firm name of Johnson A
Lane. They have a One display and it
i hoia-d that they will make a uma.
Wool i coming tu uite rapidly, Mr,
Daniel seem to lie able to handle hi
hare of tbe coiiiuiodliy,
The field meet of the Albany and 0. S.
N. S, team which wa to have been lust
Saturday is postMined until next Salur-
lay when it will Iw held u the college
campu if tho weather will permit,
Mis Ms Ik-I Ground, of Poitlaud, ba
been visitiiu her patent hero during
the pa it week.
The third of a scries of ib-lmte wa
held In tbe chapel Saturday night. The
result wa the dvfuat of Monmouth.
Monmouth w defeated by Pacific col
lege in 1000 ami defeuted the same
school III l!li, making two defeat and
one victory for Monmouth in the tcric.
President Strong, of the University of
Oregon, gave a strong chtcl talk on
Monday morning.
Mis Mon Fast baa been out of ichool
(luce last week, having her eye treated.
Mr, May Metcalf returned Monday
from a visit at Spokane, ,;;
At Monmoulli on Monday, May I'l,
at thu k of IK) year, Mr. 1, J. Camp
hell, !
lWced ba resided It) Monmouth
for twenty year and ba been au active
member of th Christian church to
year, a faithful strong believer. She
leave a buihaud and one ion, also a
iler, Mr. Martin Mulkey, the only
iiirviverof liv children; but n-rhap
greatest of all a host of friend and ac
quaintance. She took a great interest
in the pleasure, comfort and wellare of
Tbe funeral t'k place at tbe Chris
tian church in Monmoulli on Wednes
day at ii p. m, liev, Fskcii otUcialmg.
Interment wa iu the KnighUof Pythla
cemetery. -
Adam Fuilga of Fndlcott, Wash., died
of heart trouble at the home of hi
daughter Mrs. Samuel It. Sweeney -f it
Crescent St. thi city at 11:15 o'clock
last evening. He Was 6 years of age.
The funeral will occur at WaiUlmrg un
der the auspice of the I. 0 0. F. lodge
Key. G. A. Illair of tho First CumU r
land Presbyterian church of this city
olliclating. Tiie date ol thu funeral him
not been determined.
Adam Fudgo wa a true type of one of
the early settlers of the great west ; a
type that i rapidly disappearing a
lime, grim and relentless, Hulks across
the hind. He was a typical westerner,
Imrn in Kockford, Kaglu county, III.,
June 27, lH4f, Hecame fromtlio"tates"
in 18-17 and grew up with the country as
the country grew up with him. His
homo on thi coast was at Independence
Polk county, Oregon. There it was be
H-nt hi boyhood, training hiiuHcif for
the great bill tie of life that must come
when tbe guiding hand of hi parents
should be taken away. He came to
Walla Walla county in IHU2 and settled
at Waltsburg. Here It wa that be
wooed, and won hi bride, Mis Mary M.
Perkins, who had through nil these long
year been hi constant companion and
helpmate; the harer of hi jova; hi
comforter in lime of sorrow. Alter re
siding Iu Waitshurg for 18 year the
deceased removed to Walla Walla w here
hn made hi homo (or about four year.
Hi next home wa near, Whit
man county, W-bhIi., where ho engaged
extensively in farming and gtock raising
prior to hi last Illness. Hi hint sick
ness dated back a number of year and
was brought on by Inllammalory rheu
matism which affected his heart. Ho
came to Walla Walla about six w-eek
ago slid friidually grew worn') until tho
end came.
He was a kind and indulgent father, a
loving and devoted husband, and a
fruuul to tba poor ami needy. He was a
prominent Odd Fellow and. Workman
and leave friends without number
throughout tho northwest. Throe chil
dren were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Fudge,
the eldest a girl, died wliou a child. The
other two, Mr. Samiied lb Sweeney, of
thi city, and W. U. Fudge, of Colfax,
and two brother and two sisters. Wil
liam Fudgo of Whitman county, Jaine
Fudge of Huntsville, Mrs S. A. Jones
and Mrs. A, J, Hedges, of Independence,
Ore., survive him. Walla Walla Union,
Tuesday, May 21,1001. . .. , .
Ho Will Live There a Long Time.
A Dallas note in the Oregonlan on
Tuesday says that Colonel Wheat, flnan
ciul agent of the Salom & Pacific rail
road, waa going to live In Dallas until
te Falls City branch of the road
buHlt to Dallas. , I
King Edward has put on all
sorft of lues eineo lie canio to the
tliiCino. Probably -ho wouldn't
ognize evon Tod Sloan except in
ourt costume nowadays. , v,
f courso, this is admittedly the
nke of consolidation, of great , for
tnrins, of big corporations. Yet it
is i fact that never in the' history
of jlhe world bus weftHrbeen- dis
tributed so widely as it is today,
either in ownership or bonoflts,
Calanli Cannot be t'linil
Willi I.OCAI, al'I'l.fCATIoNM, (Hey ealimil
rem ii i lip m ni of f ti- iiii.h, t inarm i a
liliKKlnreoii.tiliilliiiial rilM-wi. and In order
lorul It you limt liikn lit r li Hi rtMrliMllnn,
ll.ili I'dOord un l luki-u In UTti ii 1 1 x , and
M"l. itlwllv on ilii. M.hmI and iniieiiinin niir.
Ihi-ihi lliill' t'miirrh t urn l ant a iiis h
mi illrlni'. l wan en! b nnn ( Hi.
IikhI iiliy.lelm). In nil. milhlry yearn, Slid
Is rrKillar prnH'rliliiii, It In of
lh li-t tnidin not n, renililiieil Willi lh
Iitm lilntid imrlllern. ihiIiii rtlreelly iu ll
llllh'lliili. mirliuin, 'I'll pel fei'l ililiililliHI loll
of Ihp two IlKii'illrliU la w hid proiim am h
wiimti-rnil re-ulta In ourlii ('uisirli, HvimI
Air U-allllliilllatn fi're,
r, J.rnf.NHY A CO.. Pnii.1Tlii"lo,(.
Hull) fir nil SriiKiilKlii, 1'll" '! r.
llall l nilly i'lll.SH'llielHul.
Detmte at Montnoiitli.
The debate at Monmoulli Hattirday
evening Im-iwih-ii the dehatliig team of
the Paeltlo College, at Nwlarg, and
Monmouth hiuli, Norma school, took
place at N o'clm-k p. in., upon the ques
tion, "Iteaolved, 'i'bat ICnglaml I itftl
Ih'd in her con list with tho Ibajr."
The Moniiioulli Mi-bool team on
tbealllniintivnaml tho I'aclllo colh-gJ
team the negative.
Ibedebiitliitf was very splrlied and
animated tbrouuhmit and theimlirea. N
J.Judaliaud 11. J, Krigga, of Halem
and CM. Idlenmn, of Portland, de
cided the debate unanimously in favor
of the ucguiive
Senator It. F. Mulkey tireldil as
ehMlimun of tho debute. The Mon
mouth scIkkiI nndiestro, composed of
two iiuiics ami (our gentlemen, render
ed several choice musical selection
during the luli-rmlssloua.
'After tho ili'imlea bnimm-t was ulven
In the tlli.lnif ball of the colluue at
wbbjli Profwmor CaiiuilieU nresided a
For a si, If tti-i-k there la nothing 1 let
ter thai) a free application of Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm. It quickly relieves
the l Miner and WirencKS, elleHIng a
complete cure. For saio by Kirkland
Drug Co. . '
The Creamery.
On Wednesday afternoon tho cream
ery "Mppcd to Portland vver a thousand
txiniid of gill edge butter, fresh from
the churn, The day preceding about
one third thi amount wa shipped, Thu
patronage of thi Iniututi.iii i gradually
increasing and now numbers about 70
pal rim. The amount of milk being
gathered is taxing the wiik-ou to the ut
most and more wagon will toon have to
la put on the route,
'Ct... -I. i :.. . .. ... 1 . .. I
inn KiiuuiiiiK eiauoii hi , a mil y I
wotking all right, the crm coming up
on the morning train,
Verr Hemarkalile lleiinilr.
"It I with good deal of pltaNiire
ami satlafaetloti that I recommeml
t'lianilMTlaln' Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hea Itemedy," say DrngglHt A. W,
Kawhtllc, of Hartfont, Conn. "A lady
euatmiier, awing Iho remedy xmmh
for aula on my show eac, wild to mei
'I really Udieve that medielno saved
my life Che tut summer while at the
shore,' and she beeam so ulhunlaatio
over It merit that I at once mada ui
my mind to recommend it In tbe future.
Ibwnily a ieiiih imui came Into my
store to overcome with cnk pains that
be sank lUuca to the lloor. I gave
hllil a tloaeof Ibis remedy which bela d
Ilim. I reiicated the doae and III llfleen
mitiutea he left my atore smilingly In
forming me that be felt as well aa
ever," ror sale by Kirkland Iirtni Co.
Hone Fair,
Pon't furget the rose fair thl Friday
and Katnrday. Kino iroirani on both
evening; ire cream, at raw her He , rake,
etc. No entry fee will be charKud for
llower. Cah iirues Klven a follow!
Ilet collertloii, 10 or more varieties. U.
'2l " " " " " i,
ltet " 4 " 75.t
2d" " " " " 50,-ts
IJet MH-iinens red, white, iiink and
yellow, 2-M-t each.
Aliniiun 10 cent.
v. -........,.
Irylr irt pnrntionit simply dond
oilryciiturrhi they dry tip tha seeretlons,
w inch adhere to the niKinhraneand docom
inia, caiiking far more serioua trouble than
the onbitiiry form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
lug liihiilnnU, (uini-s, smokes aud tuiiir
and tiao thnl whiub eh Iik.,h, gollu-x mul
lioals. Ely's Cream Italm ia such a rontedy
and will euro catarrh cr cold in tha html
u.ily and lilra-isutly, A trial ai will bo
iimilt'd for ll) csrils. All druggM dl th-
fine. ii. Wy Jlrolliera, fill Warrou St., K. V.
Tlio !ubu ourea without iuin, tbxa uot
Inilato or cano snaeinu. It aiir'-ads itKclf
ovpr an irritnlml nnil atifrry surfiice, rolit v.
ing lnimr.liiitcly tliA jminfid inllauuuitiin.
With's frr-tim Halm you aro armoil
agnimrt Kaaid Catarrh and Hay Fever.
VV. 0. Sharman,
lliitik building, Monmouth st,
Don't Forget
Our comparison on prices
of watches.
We sell Watches
cheaper than anvono, tak
ing grade for grade.
()llh and Uewkleiico Corner Railroad
Motitnotilb Htreota,
rruiiic misixEss.
AliNlnii't of Instrument riled In Polk
Comity May 14 to 20, 1!)0I.
J HlulinnlH to A II Ilolnian (qt cl),
100a J K Elkins d 1 o tp 0 a r 5 w-l,
Font A, lliniliain (referees), to E-,C
Kirkpatrkk, IlOxOOft Its 7, 8, blk 9, DaU
lll8 fSO,").
Virginia O anil Dupton Bond to A S
Locke, It 5 blk 10 IliU's town I ml -(135.
N V Tomlinson to A Q Hnsliliirlit, 100a
eec 21 tp 0 s r 7 w $1, . ;-
V E WiKiox to A L Chute, Its 1,2, 3,
blk I), Damon & Haley's add Mon-rif 125
F Yooum t(v C MeroBKin,- a adjoin
TJDiekeyilotp6sr6w $t.
M Syron to Mary E Syron, 100a seo 34
tp8s r 8 w-ifl00.
Mary E Myron to G W Qreennian,
aaino a above -(1100.
F E CliainDers to J II Nawley, 30x211)
feet-fr"blk 1, Hill's town Indep-.Jlft.
CLHnwleytoJ II Hawley, its and
land in Independence $250.
' J H Scott to Roaella and E V Cros
sonvUs 28, 29, 30, bjk J, W Slem-25Q
There Is
Witchery in Kodakery
It you do not believe It, liny an Eastman Kodak ofVns and try it
Wo carry n full line of
Eastman's Kodaks Supplies
Une dozen Kodaks just rwoived; price from $1.00 to 120.00. We
are fuclory iigentu now and will sell yon Bollo paper and Alma, etc., at
l'ortland prhm We carry: Card Mount, all Platen, Develop
lug and Toning Solutions, Fhwh HheeU, Developing Ontflto, Develop.
lug Powders, I-il ins, etc.
Call and nee tlio Panorama Kodak, takes picture 2Jx7
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas, Oregon.
Dry-Stock' always ou Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
NOTK:--Vtt have a firat cliiHS dry kiln which enable us to give you tbor
ougbly dry lumber.
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness., j letter ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
Shasta Route.
Trnin nvn lmli M-uiuue (Or l'ortlund and
Way uiiuti i 2.iki j. in,
Ltw tort urvftittx hi 11,'Ou a. iu.
Albany ,
HMi-ritiiirum,,.. , .
Han 1-I4UI i-.uu...
K minus I'I'.y,,..
I illcuHD
I"i Aiisi-li-n ...
Kt !'..
Fort Worll
i lly of Mvxlcu.
New Orii-miM, ,. .
WmlilmttiiU . , .
s.wi a. tu,
UW 1. .
, Ii Vi . Ill,
: 10 p. ill.
7:i; . III.
1-M p. m,
11. i i m
l.'M- a. iii.
50 a. m.
b;-K hi.
1 QO a. m
:)." k. iu
. iu
(i:W). Ul
m m a. in
. ia
lli.'ki a. m
7. Hi a. m
fi:.) p. in
6:41 a. in
U.UI p. m
i a, m.
w :to n. m.
7 i , Bl.
ft. in.
.... 2:(1. in.
. ,., f,:ili. m,
.... !,:.. III.
.... 11 :;). HI.
.... ;). Bl.
. . . . :; l, in.
.... :1J. u.
.... U.lOp. ID.
Sew Yuik,... .
Pullman aiM TmirUt enr on Imth tralm
I'l air i)m Hiu-miiii'iiUi to Onitiin anil lil t'ato
ami toiirlit cnr m i lili-mju, Ml, Louis, Niiw
Utlxaiii. mul W H.liliifc'tiui.
Conni-Hlnn at aaa Kructy with wrera
ti-uni-M Inn-. I, i r llon-ilulii, Jitimii, ('lilua,i.Viilrl ami .-"iiili America,
ii(!M.(S. A. Wiuox ai liukjioniU'iiee ata.
lluu, (irmlilniw
Ovneral ramnKvr A emit Portland, Or.
. AND A-
Kutch's Ba rber Shop.
IiiileKinIi'iico Oregon
im-u to travel iliiil ml vi-il ls lor olil e!al.
1 1 -1 hi t li-iu-o i ii mill, I iluiiiu-iiil mnnilliiK. Sal
ary $'ita a ywir and nxpunwn, all yiayutile In
i-uli. Ni, riiviilnir I'tHjiitrtKl. (live rofer.
-uiH mul i-notiiN- ni-tl-aililtcNstni Niampeit en
vuliim. AiltlruM MmiHi:r, L'axluu lllil.,
t liU'ilKil,
proinptly done and
Steam Power Furnished.
Trips in th Country
will be liiado at reiusouablo rates.
For information, call on .
liidoinMuloiu'i', Oregon
WANTKH. Cnimlile, relialile peraon In
every emrtTTy l li'l'ivaeet liirso eiiin pli n y ot
miltil' (limin'fiu reiiiiiiiliim; Si lumilitry per your,
pavalile 'wklyi-.l per diiy Hlwnlmoly sure
anil all expouw's; m.iiulil, liona-tlde, dettnlie
salary, uo eoiunillin; milm'.v paid ea-'li
Mumrdnv unit expense niimey nrtvimeod eaeli
week. STANDARD HOUstU, m Dearborn
- (.'lili'itgii. '
G W Siefarth to J M Curd, 40a sec
tp 8 s r 6 w 200.
8 Wood toM W Mix, 244.50a
8turgi d 1 c (cor) $1. '
N L Butler to E G Erickaon, '40a
tjnoit d 1 c sec 34 tp 7 s r 5 w-$lfi(0.
Undo Sam's stumling nrmy
amounts to ono Boldior to every
1000 inhabitants, but there isn't
one country in a thousand that can
match it.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Go to
For Wall Paper, Window, Shades,
Picture Frames, etc.
Furniture of all kinda repaired.
Office with tho Telephone company
Corri ld In tint.
lrs Itidrpnd
Leaves Alrlla for
HooBOith sad
9:00 a. aa.
ftiuO p. m.
Leaves Dallas for
Monmouth and 1m-
hum lor Muomnuth
mid Alrll.
7iS0 a. a.
3 .10 p. m.
I-ve Indeprod
rnre fur Monmouth
ititd IiillM.
7;13 p. in.
1K0 p. m.
i30 -
UatM Monuioatk
lor lnerndno.
9:4H a. m.
li.'lO . ni.
SiSO f.ui. .
5:45 U.
9iOi. a. m.
Leave IndaMud-
leaven Monmouth
7:fl0, m.
3-.H0 f. tu,
Leave. Monmouth
for DhIIm.
ll ao m.'m.
7.-30 p. iu.
enea for Moanouth-
tiOS f. m.
and iinldjn Pacific
H Oi.1 m
Via lliuiU
Halt tAke, Denver.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St.
lxmia, Chicago and
1 30 p. m
K.x ire.w
'.WW p in
Salt Lake. Denver, ft
I'lly, Mt. Louis,
Chlcnco aud Kaak
840 a m.
via It mi u
St I'lilll
Fust Mall
0:U0 a in
Walla Walla, Lewta.
tmi, HiMikne, Mln
neaimlla, nt. laut,
Jiuliiih, Milwaukee,
Chlcaao and Kant.
7 a.m.
From Portland.
! U sailing dates sub-
jwi u cnange
'Kor sail Kranoluoo
Snila every & days
4 p. m.
Ex 8iiiidy
10 p ia
Columbia River
To Astoria and Way
Laudlnas. . m.
7 a. m,
aud Hat. -
ltVlllaiuetle and
VaiuhlU Klvera.
Oreaon City, Dayton,
aud Way-Landings
and Sut,
u:i"i a. iu.
Willamette River,
l'ortland to Corvallls
aud Way-Landings
4:30 p. m.
aud Frl.
Snake River.
Ittparlato Lewlston.
Lv, Lewis
ton, dally
Sa. ni.
Steamers to Portland from Independence)
Kuth leavpa Corvallls tor Portland Mondays
noduesiinynano rnaays atoa in, pauung
Imttiiienilt'iKX) at 9 a in.
Keturnins, leaves
IHvrllftiid Tiuwdays, Thursday
KdAVR and
aud Salur
days, paaslng ludoiienduuce at 8 p m
Klmore leaves Independence for Portland
Tui'Mlays, ThurmliiVH and Saturdays at 6 a in.
' Ki-tiiruluK leaven Portland for Independenoa
iMoiiiliiya, Wedueadaya and Fridays at SiM
a in, arriving at 1 udependenoe at 6 a m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers Attona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 a. m., for
For Freight or Passage ap
ply on boardthe boat, or to
the ageut