The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 19, 1901, Image 3

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fct-kes the food more
Telephone, Ne. 141.
FRIDAY, AtHIL 1, 1001
KMtumor rnHi w ,
i eilawday ewntna. Metnlici- will take
ne nonce mm jrovera uiemlva aeeoultitiilv,
VMtlua Knllnrv tnviied to attend wlie'ii
CiUYniuh. . r. S. VYILSON.C. !.
Court Iudepeudetice No, 80. Koreal
raf America, meete every Tumlav
... I.... .1 11 ....!. ...k. " j. '
W It. Alllu, dotuM, Cooper block
A ecliolareriip in a Portland biisineai
college ii (or sale. Inquire at thin
Tliere will be ro services at tli Evan
gelical church Sunday, April 21. rliahop
K, Cuba, D. D., L. L. D., ol Chicago
will preach on Monday evening, Apr, 29
All kind of bicycle repairing done,
v. , Mam.
AT COST all carpet at J. I. Stock
R. M. Wads & Co. can save you money
va iariu wagons.
The Hartford it considered by
to he the boat (3S whcvl made. '
At Robinson' achool booka
achool aupplioa.
AT COST all kid glove at J.
1 seed oata (or tale
at Col Una
JJon'l overlook that 2d hand drill at
R. M. Wad & Co. if yoo want a bar
The 01 Hartford ia the atandard
3o wheels.
J. L Stockton bat a fine Una of tpring
auuuiga tor tailor made suits.
West 8id aud Weekly Statesman,
wne year, f 3.
Order a nice dressed chicken, (row
Palmer Broa. tor your Sunday dinner.
For achool tupplia and tchool booka,
go to Robinson's.
Beautiful new teplivr ginghamt at J.
L. Stocktona. .
If troubled by a weak digestion, low
of appetite, or constipation, try a few
dosea or Chamberlain' Stomach aud
Liver Table. Kveiy box warranted.
For aale by Kirk land Drug Co.
We have already received two line
of wheels; teven differetit model. Call
and eee them. F, K. Chamlier,
Frehoyterskclamt, crabt, fish, etc.,
at Palmer Itrot.
. -
Palmer Bros, pay cash tor egg, pool-
try, etc. Call aud eve ua.
.Fancy lace collara' (or
jacket! at J. L Stockton.
your eaton
Try Moore, thebarber, north tide ol
VC" atreet, opposite Knox'a grocery
tore, (or a hair cut'or shave. '
The .Cleveland bicycle" it
more handsome than ever, '
Pruning theart and tawt at
' . F. E. Chamber.
If yofrrHaJa wa'gon, buggy or carriage
II at K.' MTwWe & Co.'a and theycwiil
surprise you with the bargains, they,
Boy' men's and women's half soles' at
F. E. Chambers.
J. L. Stockton hat the prettiest shirt
waist! in town. . So customers say.
Don't wait too long to have your.bicy
clfs overhauled, 'oiled . and cleaned.
Have it done now and save a repairing
bill later on. C. W Brant. '.
Note the. new advertisement of the
Colombia Phonograph 'Co., San Fran
cisco,'' in this issue.
Lost at Independence on April 9 1901
a gold' filled' Keystone hunting case
watclrif any one lias found such a watch'
the finder'.will confer a favor by leaving
the same .at this ollice or with J. C.
Adams at Dallas Ore. and be rewarded
- The Bei.t Blood Purifier.
The blood it constantly being purified
by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep
the) organs In a healthy condition and
the bowela regular and you will have
no need of a blood purifier. For thla
purpose there is nothing equal to
Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab
let, one dose of them will do you more
good than a dollar bottle of the beat
blood purifier. Price 25 cents. Hauiplea
free at Kirkland'a drug store.
When la Balem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to Btroiig'a
Keataurant, where everything the mar
ket affords can be bad.
Columbia and Hartford agency.
F, E. Chambers.
J. H. Moore, the barber on C street,
now handle Newbro's Herplclde. the
famous dandruff cure, endorsed by all
' the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities in the east. Give it a trial and
nave your hair. ,
There is no wheel on the market thut
bas stood the tett equal to tiie Crescent.
This signature It on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
tbe remedy that rare cold In 00a dajr
Knife for a very little money.
Or, should you want to get up early, we
can lurnisn
rise Alarm
i and
See our other tines.
delicious and wholesome
fmm oe,, mw vow.
I (J. S. Cooper was a passenger to Port
land Monday afternoon.
If the fine weather continues, just
look at the hops grow.
J. E. Murphy, ol Haltsm, wa a visitor
here on Tuesday.
iMUiauu naa imaliiKix very exten
The steamer Modoc hat leen nsran
tined In Portland on tuspiclon that
case of tmallHix was on board,
The Presbyterian ladies are making
preparation (or their rose fair to Ihi hl
at soim as the nme bloom.
Postmaster Wheeler hold a letter ad
uressen 10 wuena ita witliout any
name attached.
It will wh)ii be time for the sprinkle
wagon to ttart out. The street are al
ready tomew hat dusty.
'.The boy hare their baseball outfits on
occasionally aud we can toon expect to
see a game or two.
The saw mill started up again on Mon
lay morning, having secured a raft of
A fine raft of big log passed down the
river on Tuesday morning being pro
pelled by the current.
C, W. Brant opened up hi bicycle re
pair tbop adjoining the Wkmt Sins ollice
on Monday.
Trout fUhermeu should call on Palmer
Bros, for fresh and prepared salmon roe
when getting ready for a trip.
Fom Sai.k Anyone desirous of pnr
chasing a new piano from Wiley B. Alien
Co., of Portland, can save KKI by calling
at this otlice.
"Swing on the corner and all proimm
ade." Don't forget the dance at the
opera bouse Saturday evening. Tlie
orchestra club ha decided to give the
boys and girl auolher whirl.
PicKel ha a new invention tlitt hu it
making stamp picture without any
dividing line. Everybody like them
much better than the old style. He hat
applied lor a patent on his invention.
Jame Witherow't, four-year-old ton
found a louded shot gun thell on Mon
day and in soma way managed to ex-
lode it. Hit left hand waw badly flut
tered and both legs tilled with shot.
County Treasurer E. V, Dalton passed
through here Wednesday afternoon en
route from Salem where he deposited
with State Treasurer Moore the turn of
ftWOO toward the .liquidation of a state
tax of something near t"J),000.
Oeorge Boothby, of Monmouth, went
iu Portland the first of -the 'week. On
Tuesday" word was received by telephone
I.M lidil luutn ttrt.'krt.l with ft ulnlr.
inii sill',but no particulars were re
' T. W. Pomeroy started for Portland
on Tuesday afternoon to lie on hand
next morning'when, the grand lodge -ol
the Maccabees meetn" that city. The
body will be in tession two dayt,
Oeorge -L. Hitching, contemplate
moving, to Idaho or Montana (or the
purpose of following the racing circuit.'
George it ajockey of no mean' ability
and given'a good mount, he will 'make a
showing for himself.
Last. Sunday, Clare Irvine, Charley
lA'ine and'I-ouis Wiprut went fishing.
They tramped flfteen miles, got lost, fell
into the water several time and caught
one little inuduat that must have strayed
away from home accidentally. The-rca-son
we know that this Is a correct story,
is because the camera don't lie and
Clare was behind that camera.
The grocery firm of Hawley A Wilcox
has been succeeded by Hawley Bros.
Mr. Wilcox hat retired and is now em
ployed in the implement business tinder
the firm of Temple & Wilcox in thlt
city. Pendleton Tribune.
The Wilcox above mentioned ia II. H.
Wilcox, who was formerly in business'
in Independence.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All drugglHts refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W . Grove's signature
ia on each box. 2Tm
Bottled beer for
'family use to
be had at
We can furnish
you or your boy
with a Pocket
you wun a ijn- -3
Clock for 85c
Hop Boll Beer
Guarantee it. 3
Professor A. F. Campbell will lecture
at the opera house on Hunday afternoon.
Kverylwdy wst out walking or driving
last Sunday the weather was so fine.
Mis Alkire, of Albany, ha located In
Independence and wilt be employed In
the Palace hotel.
Miss IVira t'odgln spent Hunday in
this city, returning to her school Mon
Mr. Thoma Pomeroy attended the
grand lodge of the Maccabei in Portland
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Widow Bvdott at the opera house this
Friday evening. If you want to enjoy a
good laugh, come out.
John Palmer, of Palmer Brot , return
ed Thursday evening last from a three
weeks' trip on Ptiget found.
Mia. J. A. Wheeler returned from
short visit to Portland on hat unlay
morning's train.
Mr. E. 8. Kldrldge, of Kansas Citv,
Mo., is visiting Mr. and Mr. K, 0.
Kldrldge, arriving on Wednesday'
Pres. P, L, Campbell went on the
Wednesday afternoon train to Portland
enroute to Astoria for the teacher
Mis Kssie Robertson and Mr, J. 8.
Cooper left Monday afternoon for Port
land to attend the grand lodge of the
Ladies of the Maccabeet.
The postmaster at Turner it nut 1340
by reason ol a visit from burglar on
Monday noon while the postmaster was
al dinner. No ilampt were taken.
Kdward Rosendoi(and Bruce Burnett
of Corvallis, tHnt Saturday and Suudny
here returning to Corvallis on the boat
Sunday night.
Last Friday a deal was closed whereby
Peter Kurre became the owner of an Mil-
acre tract known a the John Osborne
place, the price paid being said to 1 $:I0
per acre.
After remaining closed (or a week, the
Castle saloon was reopened on Friday
evening of last week. Ilia many friends
will be glad to know that Mr. tiale has
decided to remain In Independence,
Uev, J. U. (i. Russell, a Ha pi let minis
ter of Stayton, wa a viaiior In Inde
pendence last Saturday. He came up
on his bicycle and reported the road In
line shape for wheeling, .
Mr R. L.Carey i visiting her par
ents, Mr. anl Mr. L. (', Gilmnre, for a
couple of week, when she will go to
Drain to join her husband who has la'en
transferred to that point.
In'the published list of entries for the
coming state fair races, wo tee that P.
M. Kirk land's chestnut mare, Husie
Aleue ha been entered In the 2:'J0 class
of trotter tor the capitol city stake of
I (XX).
Our people who were intending to take
In the excurslou to Albany next Sunday
will be disappointed to learn that the
same has been postponed by reason of
the Forester having divided to have sn
excursion' next week.
A apecial motor will 'be1 run on Hun-
ay afternoon from Monmouth at 2:'tn
to accommodate those who desire to at
tend Prof. A. F, Campbell's lecture at
the opera house. Subject "The Power
of Nation.
.UexVTurnbull, who lately sold his
farm on he prairie, has just bought an
other one about five mlla from Halem?
On Monday he moved hit household
good over to Salem where he will re-
ide for a time, ,
Mrs. HeleuD. Ha rford, vice-president
of the National VV. C. T. U., will tell of
Mr Nation and her' Little Hatchet?
Past, Present ami Future," at the Audi
torium this Friday evening.
K. C. F.ldridge went to Salem on Mon
ay tn arrange for Ice for the summer.
The creamery will need a large amount
of Ice, and a Mr. EhUidgn contemplates
the making of ice cream and supplying
the city with ice hy retail, a good busi
ness ought to he done.
D. B. Roydston was wearing one eye
in a sling last Katunlsy, The evening
before he was trying to .knock a corner
off a brick and a little piece tlew into hit
loft eye, requiring the service of a sur
geon to remove the foreign substance.
Dave aayt that he thuught by the leu I
that the whole brick had gone into hi
Last Friday Justice Irvine wrestled
with a case wherein Clarence Blanchaid
wat charged with petit larceny by the
stealing of a bicycle tire. Many wit
nesses were examined and counsel on
both sides worked hard to score a vic
tory, but the jury acquitted the young
in nn. The county will probably be
called upon to pay the costs, amounting
to alMJUt 30.
The bicycle season It now fairly be
gun, and the enthusiast! are taking up
the pastime again after laying asidu their
wheela for the winter. It Is a notable
fact that better wheels are being sold
this season than ever before. The cheap
bicycles that have often flooded the mar
ket are not in evidence this year. This
is accounted for by dealers, who explain
that the average purchaser It a good
judge of a wheel; and will not take the
cheaper grades. Those who buy now
are looking for serviceable bicycles, and
usually get them. The climate of Ore
gon acts as an incentive to bicycle rid
ing, and this accounts in a measure for
the popularity of the wheel in this sec
tion of the country,
At W. II. Barncitt was going over the
creamery milk route on Monday morn
ing, he says that he saw four deer in the
county road near the Oak Point school
house. Just how these animals happen
ed to be so far away from their home
has not yet been ascertained. It is not
likely that hunters are out in the hills
as yut, for the game law just now pro
vides for the close season.
It has since been learned that two of
these deer are pets belonging to Ben
Whiteaker; the other two are probably
wild ones. It would be a pity to have
anything happen to one of them.
TIh Easy to Feel Weed,
Countless thoiiHunds have found a
blowing to the body In Dr. Kind's New
Life Pills, which positively euro Con
stipation, Hick Headache, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and
all Liver and Htomach troubles. Purely
vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only
25o at Kirtland Drug Co.
The best Presorlptlon for Malaria
Chills aud Fever, is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tuutuless form, No
(oure, uopay. Price, 60o.
Polk Cnutilt'a Rail Head.
Home weeks ago the giatle along tin
Willamina river, almve the town of
Willamina a"d In Polk county, csved In
and list hi en Impassable, compelling
those iisvelltig lu that diictii)n to go
through lluld and over the hill and
open gate to get through, Even the
mail carrier has been forced to travel
thla way all winter at great risk of life
a he I at had to da most of the traveling
by night. -
The roud supervisor! have been null'
fled ol thlt condition of affairs a number
of times, yet a It It at one end of th
county, and owing to the fact those per-
ton living In the Grande Rounds and
Butler country do most of their trading
out this way, there it no heed paid to
the rights of the traveling public. How
long this road Is to tie overlooked aud
people compelled to travel miles out of
the way all for the lack of energy on the
part of the proper road nlllclal 1 owing
to how toon those Puik county people
wake up from their comatose position,
(Sheridan Hun.
" Hhit I noHitlrsiT
The eye it the only organ of the body
that la completely controlled by the
brain, tin-rehire it there is any kind of
an ioierfeoiinti in the refraction of the
eye, the lualn must necessarily lie ou
constant trs i ii to comKl ieriev)i vision
through an Imtwrfcct eve. This may af
fect the brain, causing what Is called
aalheuopia or chronic sick headache,
This const snt effort on the part of the
brain take brain strength, and in order
to renew lit tireugtli the brain draws on
it nervou system (or new material
with which to replace the tost power
necessarily uei to eninnoi tieriect via
ion. Now if the nervous system i per
fectly balanced It will suffer a a whole
ami the erott with aiiuh a strain i
liable to neivou prostration, but i(
there i a weak (mint in the nervou
system, that iKiint, because ol it lack of
power to protect itself, will lie robbed
more than any other part and the per
son will have trouble at that point. If
it Is In the nerve lining of the stomach,
it will lie stomach trouble; if It it the
bronchial nerves and mus 'let, la will lie
tinmehial it mease; or It may be any
other disease that eomet from a lack of
strength In any one of the nerve center.
i ins) it no longer a matter ol conjecture
or exieriment, lor thousand of cures
are being made and hundred of thous
ands of pcuple lienefilted through wear
ing siieutilically tilled glasses which
give the patient perfect vision without
drain etlorl, thereby stopping the lota to
the nervous sstem. Call and have a
litlk with Ir. Roberts at the Little Pah
ace and allow him to explain this to
you. '
School ItrpolU
Tbe following Is the Mil of honor of
the Monmouth public school (or the
month beginning March It, 11)01, and
ending A pi II 5, 11HJI t
First gradeSusie Whitcomb, Marlon
Byers. "
Fourth grade Thomas Pettit, Lester
Murphy, Douglas Crowley.
Fifth grade-lavid Campbell, Dor-
r'la Stump,
Sixth grade Agnes Campliell, Cathe
rine CampMI, Ralph Lucas.
Seventh grade Beetle Uverhollaer,
Eighth grade Daisy Davit, Norma
Daniel, Klsie Pitney,
Ninth grade Fannie Ziegler.
9 Bsmtiia LxMastkk, Sec.
Dr. A. T Kolieria the eye opeclalitt
now at Iudeivndence ha worked an
average ol four weekt in each o( the fol
lowing towns) Salem, Albany, Corval
lis, Harrlsburg, Juuoiion City, Lebanon
Browusville and Dallas,' and tlx month
In Portland, Many of li't patients bad
tried' in1 vain (or years to get fh'l
work in this line and bad1 no 'more ex
liericnee to gain. ' He rah give hundreds
ol'rejerence. Call 'and see. his list of
person Jltieddln each' town, "some of
them may be your friends or acquain
tances; A' traveling-specialist, i never
spoken highly.of hy tiie paper ol a town
unlets he really -deserye,, it, ' The fol
lowing is from the Democrat of Albany t
"Dr.A. T.i Roheris.'.the optician and
oculist, went io"Corvalll thi,noon,
after doing a tuccvsslul business in
Albany, where he established a fine
reputation. Hit work It highly spoken
ol by those coming under his care. Dr
liola-rit particularly invite a trial from
those who think their canes hopeless.
There may still be hope for you.
Cuming Northwest Kvciils.
Pendleton horse show, May 4,
Oregon Pioneer reunion, Portland,
June I I.
Teachers' institute, McMinnville,
April 20. '
Grand lodge, I. O. O. F., Baker City,
May 22.
State Sunday school convention,
Eugene, May, H1H.
Union County Teachers' Institute,
Hot Uke, April 20.
Lincoln County Teachers' Institute,
Toledo, May 1517.
Lane County Sunday school conven
tion, Eugene, May 1-2.
Oregon encampment O. A. R., Forest
Grove, June 25-28.
Marion County Sunday tchool con
vention, Turner, April 25-20,
Meeting of State Christian Endeavor
Union, Snlem, May 10-19.
Annual reunion of Lane County Vet
erans Association, Eugene, June 4-0,
The West Side ha a large number of
subscribers on itt list who are in arrears
and kindly auitgcsts that they remember
the printer so that he can meet hit,
Job Con Id n't Have Stood It
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; but Ittickien's Arni
ca Hulve will cure the wond cuseof piles
on earlh. It has cured thousands. For
Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions It's
the bi'Mt salve In the world. Price' 25c
a box. Cur guaranteed. Bold by Kirk
lund Drug Co.
Mr. Editor:
It 1h exceedingly gratifying for me to Btate that I have re
ceived very good results from my advertisement in the WEST;
SIDE, in so much that it brought me many customers who had
the money (or in other words "plunked the cash down) And
that is what I am after. The customers were very much pleased
with their bargains and I was equally pleasod to got the nioney.
I have juut received the finest line of Gentlemen's shoes; see
samples in my display windows; and lots of novelties arrive
daily in Star shirts, neglige shirts; plenty of new styles in neck
wear for Spring to select from. .
Now, Mr. Editor, as my profit is so very small, I regret not
being able to oiler "Prizes" But then, again, that would be a
violation of the postal laws; and then, again, everybody knows
that in the long run the purchaser has to pay for the "prize." I
give every purchat-er individually, a prize genuine quality at
the lowest price, It is mv aim to( undersell any house in Inde
pendence and you can be easily Convinced by purchasing your
suits, huts, shoes, hose, etc. at the WHITE 1IOUSE.
priuic in smm
AMract of Iiutimmetui Filed la Polk
County Apr. 0 to IS. 1001.
Hunan J Black to Nancy K Jonet, 6'la
TLKImseyd Ic-IKM.
A A Cattron to K B Jamison, 12ft off
tide of w S It 3, blk 3, out It 5 Mon
mouth $200.
K H and Oliver Cattron to E B Jami
son, Its 1, 2, and a 3, blk 3, out It 0,
Monmouth $500.
Zerllda Perolval to Mary Rogers, 0:i
P P Hooker d 1 o tp 8 r 6 w-$400.
N L and W D McKune to W II An
drew (qt cl), all lot In 320a W J An
drew d I a to 0 s r 0 w-$445.
J 8 Andrew to Sarah J Andrews, 0-7
of 00a W J Andrew d I o tn fl r 0 w
U O Bingham to D D Gortllne, 00.61a
teo 10, tpOi r4 w-$2A00,
State of Oregon to Isaao McEltnurray,
1.07a teo 10, tp t r 4 w-$44,04.
0 J Bchnabel to U U W Dlnkelsplel,
CJ Scliiiultcl to Muse Samuel, 40a
he 10, tpsr7w-$l.
Virginia C Walker to C L Fisher, Itt
21, 24, Academy oik, Da I la-$050.
A B Adklnt to R C DeArmuiid, 107.0M
acre O Laky d I c tp 8 1 r 4 w-$.lH0O.
J W Osborn to Peter Kurre. Rit.Uile II
P Loeko d 1 e tp 0 s r 4 w-$J7()0.
J M Dennis to Geo Slefarth, 60s sec 15
tpSsrfl w-$:t00. , - '
B Mulkey to Polk County Land Co,
Itt 7, ft, blk 20, Polk Co I-d Co's ad.l
The Best Remedy for Rlictiuisllsm.
yt'lt'K KM.IKK HUiM I'AIN.
All who use Chamberlain' Pain
lUliu for rheumatism are delighted
with the quick relief from pain It af
ford. When ipeakini of thlt Mr. D,
N. Hin ka, of Troy, Ohio, aayt: "Home
time ago I had a severe attack of rheu
matism lu my arm and shoulder, 1
tried numerous remedies but got no re
lief until I was recommended by
Messra. Geo. F. Famous A Co,, drug
gists ol thla plaoe, to try Chamberlain's
Pain Halm. They reomn mended It so
highly that I bought a bottle. 1 wu
loon rtifamt f all tain, I have since
lecomiiiciidod Ibis lliilmeiit to many of
my friends, who agree with me that It
Is the beat remedy for muacula.' rheu
matism In the market." For sale by
Kirkland Drug Co.
He I'lidcrsUml Ills liuslurs.
The following come (rout the Fuonlo't
Press, one ol the leading labor paper of
Uregon I
"l ne J copies rrets noes not usually
recommend peddlers or traveling doctors
lor tw 3 reasons t First, we believe as a
rule our people will be better served by
dealing with our home doctors and nier
chantt, and, second, to many of the
traveling men .turn out to be fakes or
hum hugs, nut w;ien such a man at Dr.
Roberts, the eye specialist, who hat been
in our city for the last live weeks, comet
along and proves hit ability to do all be
clalmt and even more, we have no
hesitancy In recommending him. Dr.
Roberts has not only taiitlactorlly filled
a large number ol our acquaintance,
but alto fitted the ediior and hit son.
correcting evils ol long ttanding. There-
(ore we do not hesitate to recommend
him to our friend at a man who not
only knows hi business thoroughly, but
It contcientlou tn the performance of
hit work. '
"Dr. Robert comet with thousands o(
the most convincing testimonials and
newtpaper mentions as to hi ability,
not only from his homo city but from
nearly every town audacity he hat
practiced In. tie clalmt that many
seemingly Incurable nerve trouble and
headaches are broughlvaboututhrough
constant-strain to guti perfect-vision
through an imariect eye, ana lie proves
hi theory true by reading you thousands
of letter from1 bis imlients.whor have
been cured of serious diseases, .supposed
by all but . the -most, advanced in : the
science of opiholmology, to have no con"
neclton whatever,-wun the" eye. H it
well worth your while'to cell and have a
talk with the doctor." 'He will putthe
human eye 'belore you-in an' entirely
different light ironi that in. which you
have held it lielore' II you sre luteretled
call cveii'though your eyct are perfect.
He It an interesting talker."
D'. Rolterta will be at the Little Pal
ace hotel from April ?1 to May 6.
Calhreatli't new delivery wagon it all
right. The color of driver, horse and
wagon harmonise arfeclly, and lit none
to the discredit of Frank, either, .
' R. M. Wade A Co.; have received a
rubber-tired buggy that it a "Jim
dandy." Already some of the "boys"
have their eyes on It. , - MKN AND WO
niru to irsvel ami ndvurtlaa fur ohl saUttr.
Ilaliuil houaaol illd tlnauo aj alnniloig. Hal
ary 7hii a yrar ami fiwnwi, all iwyabls lu
oaah, N. eniiVMalna reiiilnnl. Olvs refni.
mires aud eiu lonn apr-aildred atsjincd ell
velii. Adilrnaa Mansgnr, it'Ki CaiUiu Uhlg.,
To (he Rear.
A rluh lady wiretl of her deafness
and noises in the head by Dr. N'lohol
son's Artillcliil Kar Drums, gave f 10,(100
to his Institute, so that deaf people un
able to procure theeardrtinm may have
them free. Address No. 1HI34-0, The
Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth
Avenue, New York, LJ. 8. A.
The Hntel Eell
! IDallas, Ore- 1
e' 1 ' '
, Has lwn rullttod and renovated
from collar to garret, and every
thing is now. Good earn plo room
for commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Hates, $1.00 to $2.00.
Special rates by the week.
8TTS(irnm,fMf or tiinno,'
l.ui ahI'oi sir. t
. F'UM i. Ciisssr aiaVi'SMvh ttisl he la His
sealer pvtnnr of Hie flim of F. J.lnr
to. (loin i Ini-iliiM. In ilia t'Hv uf Toicnlii,
I'niin'y sun aisle aMircusm. snt tfmt mi nrni
Will pay Imq auin ol ONK II I! Mil; Kl) lu
I, A Ms (or aaiiti nil everr eaa ol I'aUrth Ids
rsiinul im our cil by tho umi uf Imlis Cut ish
Mwnin tnliforn nit arid Bulianrllied In mv
prewnrs, th'i Sib dsjr ol IKHWiiilirr. A, I). ),
, A. W.UbKAsHlN,
JjU, timtttry I'Mle.
Hall's Catarrh Plir la taken Inlnrnal and
sola clnwiiiji on rtia blixnl Kiel niunoua nrlncra
VI III yimin. Srtia Inr tnaMinniilsIa, Iran.
r. J. I IHtNKV A I'll., I'olcUo.O,
Sold Uy bliislaia. 7fai.
Ilall't renilb) I'lila are Ih beat.
At Lucklamtite on April 12, to Mr.
and Mr. George Reuf, a boy.
Promntioiii teem to lie rapid in rath
road circlet. II. 11. O'Reilly, for four
years cashier of the passenger depart
ment of the 0. R. & N. company hat
resigned to accept a position with the
Oregon Round Lumber company. He
ha Swan iticceedod by II. II, Iloyt, for
merly advertising agent, who hat In
turn been tucceed by A. C. Martin,
Nttsal Catarrh qulokly yield to treat
tnent by Uly'e Cream liulni, which la agrea
ably annua lo. It Is rscaivod through the
nostrils, oleausD ami bimls th whole tur
tatv over Vihleh it dilfuis Itsel. Dmuuists
soli tliS 60o. sio Trial ttr by mull, 10
cents, Test it ami you are sure to eotitiuue
the treatment,
To aoovmiuodaU those who art partiiil
to tho us ol atomisers In applying liquid
into the naaal iiaaMigcis for entitrrlinl truu.
bin, the proprietor prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, wlih U will lis known as Kly's
Liquid Creiun Balm. Price including the
spraying tul is 75 cents. Druggist or by
mail. Iha liquid form rmitxxllwt tlia UiihU
ioinal prnpdrtios if Ike solid preparation.
The 0, R. A N. company anhouuees s
rate of full fare and a third for round
trip between Portland and point in
Oregon, ami Walla Walla, Wash., for
the reunion of the Oregon Pioneers,
which will be held In Portland In June
The rate will be good for twelve day.
The Wwrr Sins doesn't believe In
prise competitions, therefore does not
Institute any, To give lis correspond-!
en is and agents a chance for 'sM'iiling !
money, the Was? Sum will allow a lil
eral cash commission on subscriptions,
We club with other patters on the cosst
and in the east and can save money to
If you have any county warrants, is
sued prior to Iiocemlrer 13, IW, the
County Treasurer tsys he trill give you
the cash for them. Treasurer Dalton
tells ut In today's Wkst SloE that In
terest will cease this date on all such
Rev. Dr. Thompson will preach In the
Presbyterian church Sunday, April 21,
at 11 a.,m. and 8 p. in.
The whist club met last Friday even
ing with Mr. and Mrt. J, 8. Cooper,
The badge wearers for the week" were
Mrs. O. W. Kutch and Mr. J. E. Kirk
land ; Mrt. A. J. Good man and Mr. J. A.
C. Brant. Tbe club, wat to meet thlt
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrt.
W, P, Connaway.
Lindley Drown, the baker lor R. II,
Know, got a heavy dote of poison oak
the last of Isat week.
A Testimonial Front Old England.
"I. consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy the best lu the world for bron
chitis," says Mr. William Bavory.'of
'Warrington, England. "Ii saved my
wife's life, she having been a martyr to
Crouch It le for 'over six years, being
most of the lime confined to her bed.
Hhe Is now quite well,',' It Is a great
pleasure to me manufacturers or Uliam-
ben'ulu's Cough Remedy to bo able to
publish tcetlniotiliils of this character.
Tl?ey show that great good Is being
done," pain and 'sullerlng relieved and
valuable lives restored to health and
bapplneaa by this remedy, It Is for
sale by Kirkland Drug Co.
Bishop' R. Dubs, D. D., L. L D., of
Chicago, will preach in Folk county at
follows: Stiver, Apr. 23, 8 p. in.; Ruena
Vista, Apr. 24, 8 p. m, i Lewisvilio, Apr.
25, 8 p. in. ! Bridgeport, Apr. 20, 8 p. m.;
Dallas, Apr. 28, 8 p. m.; Independence,
Apr. 211, 8 p. ni.
For Wall Paper, Window Shades,
Picture Frames, etc.
Furniture of all kinds repaired.
Office with tho Telephone company
WANTKI,-Capitlle, reliable person In
every county to ronreseet luriro rninpnnv of
solid niiituciiu repiitutlon; SUi xHliiry pvryfsr,
myati wm'kly; per day nwoluly surs
mid all exHmita; alrnluhl, bona-tlde, definite
Hlnry, uo eoimnUxion; anlury paid eii'-h
Hsturday nnd exponas money advanced enoh
week. HTAN1MKU HOUHK, &4 Dearborn
Ml., Chloai.
Tho operation of through
trains between San Francisco
and Los Angeles, via Surf
and Saut a Barbara, will be
giu on
on the uew
Two Through Trains Daily.
The Coast Line Limited
leaving each terminal in the
morning, equipped with ele
gant cafe and parlor cars,
will make daylight trips
through the most pictur
esque, varied and entertain
ing scenes on the continent
inquire of agents of the
Oflloe and Residence Corner Railroad
Monmouth Streets,
W. O. Sharman,
Bank buil ling, Monmouth St.,
Indopondenoe, - Oregon
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas, Oregon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles.
NOTKi-We have a flrst-clas dry kiln wblch enables ua to glva you (bor
ougbly dry lumber. ,
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
Are You Going East?
Perhaps I eta be of ervice to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trains out of Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
Call or w rite I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions
Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louisand
Shasta Route.
Trsln ! iwli-punitrnce tot I'oriUnd sod
wy iiion t ttti , in,
L'u n CorUn at 11:00 a. in, v
I. Pwtlsnit.
i.v AliMtuy
Ar AxiUikI....,,.
" hoiTlUllfUKl., ,.
" Hu FrUi'lo,
" Vlin .........
" I n vor.
' KmiiM Illy.,.
" Chi'o.
ssoa. m.
p. in.
, I;;-.. in.
. ; 0 , III.
7:lip. iu.
. :'.lim,
, V M . ra.
. 7 Art a. m.
, 7:12 a ia.
7:) p. II).
11:35 p. m
U .f . in,
6sOOa. m.
f.a a m.
T:eS a. CD
S:lha. ia
7 v.j a, m
p.:. m
a. m
6:t0 p. in
:m a. m
ll:. , m
7: a, ro
6: W p. m
. in
lilUp. ra
Antj di
ki r.. ,,
Kurt. Worth.,
I'lty of Mbkico.,,,.
Nw Orlosnn ,
WolilllKtuU ,,
New York,,,.,
2:10 p. ni,
lilM p. Hi,
tv.'to . III.
11 :m a. in.
70 a. ni.
6:HQ p. in,
(1:1.: . ill.
U:IU p. III.
I'll II in nn ariil Tuiirii-t cur on both (mini
CI lr i an KiKrimii, iilo to tlR'Icn mill Kl I'uhu
sii.I t(iurll mm to ('liU-nao, HI. Units, Sua
Orl(i suit WaitbiiigUin.
'onncttna st Halt Kraurlwo with tcvers
Ii iiu.hi. tiiio fur Uiiiiululu, Jutuiu, cuius
I' ,(. t ntiHi ami ouuiti Awuntn.
k. Ms. l. A. Wimn at lnkiulcuctt ti
inm, or nt'lrici.
Uciifrixl Passonaur Aaeut i'orllnua, Or.
Kutch's Barber Shop.
lutlopendi'iiee . , . Oregon
Dan. P. Stouffer.
Insurance ,
Main Street - Pallas, Oregon
anvthlnv von invent ortmproTCi alf ftvt
PROtECIION. Huinl inmtnl, ski'Wll.orphoto.
for frt examination and advice.
BOCK OH PATENTS fi-e before patoiit.
Patent Lawyers. WASH I NGTON , D.C.
Anvone ssnrtlng a skfti-h slid rtrworlptlon mar
mtoliW micwrttilii our opinion free whether n
ttnnmilrloUyoonUilentlsl. ltiiurtbookon 1'nteuts
.uu..t .,n la nn.hnhltf nRlKtlinMe. I'oinilUinirH.
ul, ...a tUtinmt n.niii,v fitr Rmilirllltf UHteiUd.
I'bMhui tsken thmush Mann A Co. recalvs
Bwliil nutlcs, without olmriie. In the
Scientific flmerican.
A hiindtomoly lllnntrntefl weelily. Ijirwest olr.
puliitlon of anv sulontltlo Journal. Terms, i.1
your i four month., 11. SoMbyilll nowiiclonli!.
MUNiNCo.88,B New York
llruuuh Offloo, (05 V St. Washlnmou, D. U
Send your businens direct to Washington,
saves time, easts less, better service.
My affloa oloi. to tr. 8. rntartt Offlct. FREK pnllmln.
UT fxaiaiufttlnnl mivil.. Any'. fn not du ttolll patnt
AUTUAL EIPtKIENCK, Bool "HowtoohUln P.twiU,"
to., Hut n-M. Pa6.nt procured through E. O. Blggon
ncttva ipiolnl noUot, wtthoat charg, In th.
UlOitinttd Bitutthly Slennth yobtv-termi. $1. ft yet?.
A. C Sheldon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sis., Portland, Ore.
Corrected to data.
Leaves Indeaend.
Leaves Alrlle for
aaioath and
enea lor Monmouth
Tiao . -8:10
f, m.
mvm ladepead
:0 a. aa.
ftiUO p. nt.
Leaves Dallas for
Monmouth aad la-
ace for Monmouth
and Dallas.
lliao . .
7:lfl p. in.
t-oa p.m. '
- , :SO
Leaves Monatonth
Ive Monmouth
for InSependeaea.
for A (rile.
7:80 a. m.
3:f0 . m.
Leaves MoDinoulh
)45 a. m.
1:30 a. m.
9.40 p. m.
BiS a -.
i(H . m.
Leaves Inrteeend-
for imllM.
ll:SO n.'m.
7:30 p.m.
enee for Monmouth-
i05 . m.
AND Union Pacific'
for From Indvpenaenoe from
Bn.ill Ft Worth, Omaha,
frOOam Kansas City. St. 4S0p,ru
vuflfuuu '. Chicago Md
Vxn Salt lke, Denver. Ft
via Hunt. WtJ, HI, Louts,
lnaiin thlcagoaniKasu'
Stl'aul Walla Walla, Lewis-
Kant Mull ton, 8pokane, Mtn
8:U0 a in neapolts, Ht. Paul, 7 a. m.
via Duluth.MUvraukee, .
aixikane Clilwuro and Kast.
From Portland.
All sailing dntes sub-
Horn . Jeot to ohange .
s P m r 9an 1rranolBOO p. ro.
Sails every 6 days
Kvsf.'iiv Columbia Biver
bxeumlay steamers. ,4P-m-
ItaiSrdar To Astoria and Way
10 p m LaudliiK.
. ... Willamette sud
o a. m. Willamette Rlvwr. :S0 p. m.
a'sat"' Portland to Corvalll. "0un,"f-
" . .!. aud WayJndings ud rU
"U' 8nake River. Lv. Lewis, ton, dally
I'Klly fliparlato Lewlston. a. ua.
Maninrs to Portland from Independence
Modoc leaves Corvallis for Portland Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays atSa m, passing
hult'i'i'iiihnieo at 9 f in. Keturnlnir, leaves
Portland Tuesdays, Thurntlsys and Satur
days, passing Independence at O pin
Ruth leaves Independence for Portland Tues
days, Thursduys and Suturdays at S a ni.
Koturntng leaves Portland for Independence
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6a m
arriving at Independence at 6 p m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers Altona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 a. m., for
For Freight or Passage ap
ply on boardthe boat, or to
the agent
Independence ' Oregon