The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 12, 1901, Image 2

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J0& A. C, BRANT, KAUot Mil ruUlhr.
' - , ' . IK 4TKCf
rwi itiih
Thra m""'" . , ,
TLk latest is a witch hazel trust
Balm for wounded politicians wi
come high irom now on.
C. II. Markham, general agent ol
the Southern Pacific railroad, ex
pressed a sensible statement, and
one that it w6uld he well to impress
upon hoys and youth, when
aid; "I would rather he a first
class mechanic and toil with smutty
' brow and grimy hands than a see
ond-clasa lawyer or doctor."
It is hoped that Mr. Cleveland
will accept Mr. Bryan's offer to
write something for the Commoner,
It would insure at least one good
article in the paper.
' VCT. ' '
Well, what could the republicans
expect in Chicago, with Altgeld
supporting their candidate for
.- V
Atfuinaldo has taken the onth ol
allegiance, but then, Aggie woul
probably take anythrng that was
submitted to him just now.
' T
Abdul has promised again. When
this promise is worn out, he will be
be glad to proffer a new one.
Why doesn't Mr. Carnegie try
running a yellow journal. That
would fulfil his desire of Wing
newspaper nan and of dying poor
bince General MacArthur has
been forced to arrest a lot of ras'
cals at Manilla, he ought to apolo
gize to Editor Rico, whom he ex
polled , several months ago, for
telling him about them.
" ."
It has been announced that Rus
sel Sage, jealous of Mr. Carnegie's
exploits, has given $1 to a hospital
Later: The report proves to le
untrue. v
' '
If the republicans see the writing
on the wall and advocate generally
as they have already done specifi
cally, the reduction of the Dingley
tariff where an improper use is be
ing madt "of it, they will curb the
trusts arid remain in power. If
they do not do this, they will give
the democrats the chance to re
trieve their blunders of the last few
- years. -. '
. t .
Unole Sam has cleared something
like 130,000 on his. postage stamp
books, but objects to dividing with
the owner of the patent, who is rais
ing a loud roar in consequence.
The editor of the ClaUkanie
Chief is not a Christian in the true
Bense of the word. He has spoken
harshly of a delinquent subscriber
in the following well chosen re
marks: "The Chief staff works 52
weeks per year; that's labor. Now
and then some one' pay b for the
paper; tbats capital. And once in
a while some son of a gun of a
dead beat runs up a bill and van
ishea without paying it; that's
Godfried Muller. But later on
justice will overtake the last named
creature, for there is a place where
he will get his just deserts; that's
hell."- .
Advices from Salem indicate that
Mayor Stockton's popular bond
scheme for the taking up of Inde
pendence warrnats is going to be a
success and that if our own people
don't want the bonds, there are
plenty of people elsewhere who
Will take them, even at 4 per cent.
A great deal of money is said to be
lying idle, drawing no interest
whatever and that the depositors
are getting tired of it and anxious
to invest in gilt edge securities. If
this loan is not gilt edge, then there
are none in this state. Col. Hofcr
editor of the Evening Journal at
Salem, speaks thus: "This loan
draws 4 per cent interest and will
probably run 10 years. One hund
red dollars" put into it will earn $40
In that time, , It will pay better
than any real estate investment
and there is no danger of having to
take the property. It is one of the
best securities that we know of as
the city has no other debt and has
a careful business administration.
In the past banks all over the state
have not encouraged people to buy
securities against small cities. A
Portland broker recently sold a 6
percent warrant on a small Oregon
city at a discount when in that
little city $160,000 of bank deposits
were lying idle drawing no interest
whatever. These popular loans
reverse this process and enable the
people to get interest on their idle
money. The Journal would like to
see as many people as possible take
150 to $500 of the Independence
popular loan to encourage a system
of floating public debt that is dem
ocratic, and just, and is the most
important reform that has been in
augurated for the cause of good
government in many years."
fcmt be a I sorter.
Above all things, don't be a
knocker. When a stranger comes
to town meet him with a friendly,
Notwithstanding the- unsettled
condition and severity of tl
weather, the prospoeta for an enor
mous hop crop has not been dulled
or blighted in the least. The roots
are sprouting and in some yards
Washington, D. C, Apr. 1, 1901
Fred Funiton Is now a brigadier
brotherly greeting and tell him all fal ln th wuUr rm thnk
about the good qualitle of our r "uw.Vn "l "w P",a"-
inwn .n,l MU iwi Wk. not creditable to army olllcera to
,,. t.r. . l. i . L..K..t . .... I "B
Never mind if you don't like your"'"'" the sprouts are two fwt in length,
competitor In busimwa, don't run UUBIW" ' and it will toon be necessary tob.
him down to Strang. No matter ,,uo' owau, ' oppowuon w R,n triklllng whkh , aU ,,robabn.
if vouromnentiimtlBdonon TOiunww "Cf Doing Oiaue w wi llfl u1,n .,, .
, 1. I 1, i , .. . I J ....... am ,..v
you keep up a cheerful look wh "Ml" nMM M M weather ill permit .working in the
Ulking of busineM generally, even w,uuu WM HW on' n,u,wrJr yards.
though there ia plenty of room for 8' Horst Bros, are setting out 170
improvement. If a new enterprise ' ,rwn , M" "w, 'KHn" acres of new hops on the old Dove
is started here let us all turn in I 7 , , , , V " unH'r place, below this ctly, and Bevera
snu neip u to oe a success, ixn i outer growers are soiling out new
knock. The creamery has teeming- " m; nlit rm t w,?u roots. Theso new yards will prob
i.. i- i .i ... . that of lieutenant ami briirailinrl . ......
ly uippiacou m aaie oi low on , a oiy aggregate a-'u acres or more
"butter" but it has not taken any , ' . . , , tor this immediate neighborhood.
monev from tU frmi-- It hA. nm. ,w presiuen prompviy apX)iin- n,mtrikiitlhtf U v.,rU Um
bably done the farmer more N nitoo brigadior wgn for th iat month, growers are
than all the butter he could tell lnu' V'0 """T. , m ,7 7 T ? mot wluotant to sell their hops in
a lifetime. So, don't knock. We n.a wm ,enu fun0I advance than formerly. Those on
are apt to have another line of rail- mlnn wjoioe hat he did so at the west aide of the river positively
road, bringing many a dollar's 1 7. . in" "".BrraJr refue to contract. The fact that
worth of goods here and taking the "g cn wieia a iwweriuunHuence 80 nmny luyM ro w,kSng oon.
equivalent back to Falls City; that d thoy feared that it given time tracU and iM 8u eager, to make
is if we don't knock it out by tool- 6"00'1 ? concentrated upm thBW 1M Jnibuoa tll0 growm wlh
Ish fears that the company alonep, UI,l"w'fniHBV",ucowu" the conviction that price are stiff
will profit by it. We might get a u P""""ng PI'""H wilng, and they are therefore more
saw mill here that will cut 100,0001 b" agaiusfc runs on, wmou e4Utlou, ind roluotanl'- to smll in
per day, but we must not knock. w rnuu luw u' ' onw advance. The growers of the bettor
w try u prevens iiw eonurmauou quljtiw of lul are beginning to
ui iii. iiviiiiiiiuiuii, mciuir m iv .! , )... U i...t
"in Fnthftaaw Altiinh..'' in tla l... nl. I ..!. t I f J
....... j . . .... v. v. ..e vt --Mprw!uct, and are determined not to
asmnglon M.rn,r oi marcn io, rointer. against the outiiaers, contrftc. but . ,l0,Jinff out ,Ub
wys: wh'ch Agoing on for many .h VnnUJ,,
"A most attractive man hat been years. The headquarter! of the L n.. , .
w ... . uu W, unuum y oo sam w oe m tholr crop wm) tb(iy t j u
wno na. aireaay Wfoa .ever. t General Corb.n'. offlot, at U,,, This disposition on the part
,v. ..v.v v. tun wr uuuurviutim, buuuukii ue is ft .. mwH !ll .!!...!
r t . . ii ... ... I ....... .. " I -""""'"" w
K.Tnl.."L .,;!, Z " I" "0t . ' V" mT TT . otrMUnf to a great extent.
v vu u . u w.. , vor m u nn o. uhuoudiw wu- But one contract has thus far
tie) Kochefoucald, whom you know ity, but it is a well-known fact that luwn mi. n i ,w
.,u .u. v.., .ny no is now a major general, more was on the 3d between Henry Hill
one know this charming perwn and through political and petticoat in- and C, L Kitchard, the price being
uus luiBuni k-'utnr uu AUiciivnu i iiuunce tvxuncu unuer venuur ia HA--- w.. t .
w . . . - . , . . nH.ul I nn i ir nr ri i u itr-M n rn
girl, marrietl in the European no- ministrations than because of his
10 cents.
bility, has half her beauty or good military service or accomplish-rmti wimlVBr Unnik i- t, .r
tact. Her father's return to the menta. It is regarded as Corbin's frm . r-u . ,;,. aMr inll. arn
uu.0 w AHwrwrn. . oiw-u nooi sonutng congratulations w A ulluht flnrrv Vuu U my
-I 11.1 I- ... ..... I -- -"o w
mueuweuuou wrrance a. e eiiner MaeArthur or jruMton on in lh, Yakiina valley by the con
jwwiwvwaiu, .nu uouu u sub nifi capture oi Agumaiuo, unui ai- ir-,.tino r,f sonnvi r f I.A...
v n.hi. 1.. ll.l. ...i..l... I ... O . T l. I - ... I " It 1
ill..- . iV. ... ! . . ii .i . i if it I - j
vr it. mn evn)ineiy laieu oom ouicers in nis cauiegram ti, ..ri ,... . ia aflii 1 1 ,.,
mndsome man, even now, when he to Admiral Reamey, at well iiL. lMinii Tlll (, ,,,.
l. k-l . !:.!. ., .. . .1 , I ... " " "B
uoltuo U.. vviifcurjr wauaeu mem oruieir oi me yards have Un conlracte.1 by Her
by several years and ha. alway. navy for its assistance. Secretary Bro-. (or UlM0 ,Io pj l0
m.ticlm ll. i. a Ia .......I. II.. .. . I.. I 1 .1 ' I
""""" v. i-um, uo vorr uareiui unieiw ioy wisn w Mr .! n,l y,,,.L,Ml ,. 4..,,.
a n 1 1 fi a n rit r-k. a ttvm K a al(AH. ........ 1 Wl. . .... I
-.- uwuiuo yery uuuupuiar. i lie nu-1 .,! ,nilv . ,l..K . I
ney for one of the leading railroads Ho does not care a rap about rivalry i l,- Bnii .,,., .,,. rA ,k v..
of the country, but in spite of the between West Pointer, and , out- nftmn,i tn ,u ntrnnt ,UJ .M
act that he has alway. had a hand- aiders in the army, but it admires tn 1S(1 0n ,ul,ia ..i.
. ? 1 . 1 .. .. I. ... ... I ...v...
some income ncnas neve isiuasiae bravery and daring and desires Tbcre ftf0 mmX am1, C0lUrftCtljd
aceni, ana is one oi me poorest nay, demands, that it shall be re
men in politics, which is more hon- warded wherever found. Senator
orable, to my mind, than it i. com- Burton voiced public opinion, when
ortable," I he said, lust after urcinu the nreal
f9 . ... r a t
to announce Fun.ton'a -1
on these terms. None of those sell
ing represent the large growers, who
are holding for better prices later
in the season. '
It has been estimated that the
O I T ). .L.l . .
v-rjrugB .nawer w w D0 ntment to Be brliradier trenflral: ............
annul ,ln!f.n ..Vino . .. " " ? ... ' numwr OI OSRHJ Vllttl llftVe
, - ..6 "Funslon has th nnalitw fif h lw it
oincr. in lb. N.v,, promotrf Iron. th, . " Tr VT " " "
aemA uniform worn hv .,m.r. . ' . nu some ueaienj are oi
.j.ui.Mm.i. .'"r.'T.. "IMH " "7 that very lew more contracts will
6, ; , ' . v"uuu'" ueating the filipino. at their own im ,.!. i,thM nn. ii.lln.,.l i,, ,
shows the senate nou rv to hv ie made, others are mtlined to bo
,!m, ' , : -" streams, or jusi Uevo Ulftt ; , j
contracted for this seaHon, so
over 4000,
t the opinion
I 1 - 1 mi
oeen umeiy ana pertineni. i ne Dairi har(1 imn(i ta baml fihtin., . .. . ' .. . .
----- - o------o-1 uciore August, tuite a numuor oi
e eipecteu to nave mm mauo hrrowera am nntf-rrlntf t. lwrrowltB
" o
secretary admits that they do not, y
out mat me aibtincuon M brhradier a-nneral in thB wul I" " .. V " .. .
made because one set of officers won " n0 ' " , ? - money to carry on tneir wonc,
' ------ i Hriii v I 11 11 1
ieiV way on their merits from the L...-u -.u
v i ixi ul.11 saj una a.m m. rnwani iiir h icii a i ... ..
ranks, and the other was educated . ratner ii.a.i to contract.
r une oi mo largo linns at palem
savs further that the navv denart- ...v. ...1. IV..' ,.t ' V..: "U8 Inauu u""(H,n ooniraou, up to
mentis now nrenar na a uniform .m .1 . Uftl0' Krt8all,,S Jo'.'W pounds
reflation book, which will nermit :.Z . and ranging in price from 10 to 11
r-r.!!. cents per pound. Twelve of these
. ... . sen tnai we seca to estaoiisn a pro-
wear uerum. ms.gnia anu uniiorm, tectorate, but this is entirely a mis
' i " t ' ' ,
This is a
Business Ae!
fllve your Sou and VtuUr a
Business liducation.
(11 wmUih all (lis year, Htioelal nt-,
leuiloti lvf ti toHliortlintui liy mull.
Hi'ii'l for otlogu ami free Irlitl
M.W. UCMNKC, 1'ilin lpal.
Commercial liluck, VVnhlii(jUm lrt, corner Ht-ctiml, IH)RTLANI). OKIXION
The newspaper fraternity often
hears the expression, ''It don't cud
him anything; he got it on adver
tising." It would be just os appllc
able to say to the clothing merchant,
"Your clothing don't cost you any
thing fur you own a clothing store,"
or say to a grocery man, "Your liv
log costs you nothing, you own 1
grocery store." Advertising does
Cost something. It taken money to
Lire printers, buy pujter, ink and
type, and it takes money to pay
rtnt and buy fuel. Advertising
siace Is part of a newspaper's stock
In trade and hits a cost to the editor
just ns do the merchant's giHKls on
his shelf. Advertising does cost
the newspaper man, and often too
much for the income realized.
He Kept Ills U.
Tweto years ago J. V. Hulllvan, of
Hartford, Ctu , kctuU'IhhI hia leg with
a rusty wiry, jullMiimlloii ami blood
poisoning set lit. For two years he
suffered Ittlemwly, Then the best doc
tors urged Miiiptslliiii, "but," he writes,
"I ued one boUle of Kleetrle Hit tern
utidl 13 boxes of llui'klen's Aruira
Halve aud my leg was sound and w!l
ever." for Eruptions, Kcxsiua,
Teller, S..U Ittieiim.Hores and all Llixul
dlmmter Kleutrlo Hitlers bus Ito rival
oil earth. Try them, Klrkluinl Drug
Co, will gunrsuteti sntisrsutlou or re
fund money, Only o0 rtnts.
It will pay the Oregon farmer to
pay attention V the raising of a
first-clacs winter apple. The Hulles
Chronicle has an item indicative of
that fact: The La (it ande Chronicle
recites the -fact that a prominent
fruit dealer of New York declared
recently that the only really good
apples that the retailer were able
to secure come from Idaho and
Oregon. The old orchards in the
east are dying out and new ones
are not taking their place, (iood
apple are becoming, even a
rarity. Homo of the Idaho am
Oregon apple brought the fancy
price of fl. CO per down. And yet
people say that opportunities for
making fortune, in Oregon have all
been taken.
Polk County Bank
J.H.iuwi.).r. p. I,, on i' 11 ui
frclilrnl. Vlrr-I'imliti'itl,
Ittil. I'Ottll.l, ('..lilrr.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J.ll llawlwy, 1. !,. Cmnplttll, f, M.
Himpson, J, II. V, Holler, John
J. (Slump, K. H. Powell,
Joseph l.ravDii.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking
and exchange Business.
C D. CailDfcatJt)
laple and Fancy Sroeeries.
Opera House block, lain Street, Independence.
Good good at Kiglit Prices Make lCany Selling.
ur Wd am ilriit-chiMg, our prices an low as tho i
m lowest -qual ity of goods coiiHidered, . ,
V All kinds of country irodue bouclitat tho M
igin'Kt Aiarkot i'tum.
I OL-. "--f nI fl if .11. B.l' 'i j W
vAd0iii6 di our ra imm wsskc u ht 50 c eivi
The Independence
Capital Block, $150,000.00
rwldni Vldl'micnl
O. W. iaV)KS,CsUr.
II lllrwlilwm 1) W Hr II F Hutllti
A Nlwut M W Hl!irl
A inrt Stnklnf 4 (irSinit kniln
Ottiuriwl ; I,..,,. n,.u, bill dli.-uniil, com
IHHi'i.l KrdlK ( llflu.ll rald a.
rfni ma.t.t .,b)f(!t le cVwk. Imr.,i put
s Um4iKit.
sales cover one year's crop, and one
t. rrt t 1 .
tor iwu veurs. iiiis iiriu nan proo
1 . 1 .1: V ... I 1
iioniow worn oy iiiem, oui wmcn COnccntion The acrnntanm of th i . ?
i.i.j i .1. . conccpuon. i ne acceptance oi me ftUj itL,ea n.ore eontn.c(g . ,an
poruimeu lor omer commiB- j..-.. nmnnHmi win nnt ..ul.ll.l. mL. ' ... .. .....
sioned officers, which is a practical " " toln an v ons W he , ",1OH,orf ' &m U,W " un"
admission of tho injustice of iJ""' .tha doubtedly atevetheaverageamount
wnni nni nvr ruwn llttAII in ItllAN t I . .it .
discrimination. This is a mltr L . . Z 7 .. " . pi oustness in Ihts Uno.
attention of """""" , , uuu 18 If we are correctly informed, this
i uuo. anu LUG relations rwiwiwn tia . i . ... . i
.nnirroM anrl V,o . .' . ... . . . WIUrHCHng lOr 1101)8 Bl a StaU'U
the navv should be included. Thr U "V. price is an ngni-ior the uuyor
is entire , too much snohhishn. J " .P .V 8ay" but how does it work for tho seller?
. . mat me u. a. aestres 10 oocome me ti ik 1...1 i.
sum named in Hie contract, the
buyer refuses to tako the hops, giv
1 Ufa l . . .
ingai a reason that they are 01
la til It Mae iWs
houl4 Im clwnUMM.
r.lj'i Cream IJalm
rlruiu, fxilbn ud tmtJs
Hi (llwtMi4 nwiulmx.
Il rami rif rh Anil dr In
wr A ol4 k UiS buail
( rvara nalm b plwt Into (he noaUtls, Iprwlt
ot tb omlriio and ll aIwhImm). Ittll( it lw
timlUU Aud A cur (oIIowa ll ll B (If Jlnj iln-
Ant iroduc intulnii. ltf SIM, to oeun At Dru.
gi.u or bjr null ; Trial SIm, 10 coats by mli.
KLY BIIOTUKHH. M WArran SltMt, New Totk.
Atteiillon, liiventorfil
K, O. rers, Patent Lawyer, Wash
liik'lmi, I. V., wtiote spjM'srs In rmr
Ciilmnns, is an stiorni'v of iweiity-one
years' setlve prartit!t ml Is well recoin
im-inli'il to ns, His rut in if will be (omul
In Dmi'i hih! nrHilslrwl's ri'p irt, si lie
own tl.u Inventive Aiiit. Ilehss lent
us application Ustiks'aml other piipcra
stul inventors who sre intetiiliiig to p
ply for patents would save time by esl
at this ollli-o and Kctiinu the pnpers
In-dire presenting their npplicationa
tlirotitih any other source.
The Hotel Gail
JDaUao, Oxo.
lias !nvn relit Uil and renovated
from cellar to garret, aud every
thing is new. (iood sample room
for commercial men. Sniinfurtion
guaranteed. Kates, to $2.00.
Hpecial rates by the week..
icycle I
1 i7eaclq(iattefs
The hijajh gradu Cleveland,
mZ- Tli old reliable Crescent,
g Tho elegant finished Qendron,
Z The Reliance, tho king of cheap wheels
SE: Come in and examine our Btock. We take
Z pleasure in (thowin you our wheels whether
you wish to buy or not.
g-v ..We carry also
ZLZ A full line of Bicycle Sundries 2
I R. M. WADE & CO.,
H A. J. Goodman, Mgr. z
Carries a Fine Line ef-
Ilobinsoii Sd Co.
Iinli'HinlyiHV, Oregon.
among the graduates of Annapolis gUttrantor of Cubftn independence,
and West Point. They should be and the stability of its government.
i..,MLi il. 1 it,. 1 . a
iau8.ii .u. mo peojue maintain Tho - ,t of int..rvention. which w
those two exoensive institutions to i. ... l ,
ir not ..!! i. . ' . ,ow"v poor quality, moldy, dried too
Z 7" I" : :. V" tothatena,audonly when neces- ffiuch. picked too ,r on. etc.
diors, not social toadies, of whom
the country already has a super
abundant stock
sary for that purpose. It will not Lrower thon lmg thfl ,.. l1s
unMinrivA anv in(,)rr.trun.u .in tlinli . .. ...
ti.!. t. " v nanus to rea ize as best he mav
'"wuuwy uas Dart f our mvsnmsnt In f!iUn 7
become creat bv reooenixinff and LV .v" vi wio oiner nana, 11 trie price goes
w o i aoairH. uoiiihr forr.iimHi.nnrfiH rtiva
rewaruing meni, wnerever louna,
and its greatness will begin to de-
.1: .1. . .1 1L.1 !. .1
eiine tiie uay mat 11 reverses mail I M r"i
siuruy American policy, liven a
cursory glance through history will
show that the men who made the
U. S. great were neither toadies nor
snobs. No republic can stand that
recognizes any othor aristocracy
than that of brains. .
up the grower doesn't get the bene'
111 01 me increase nut must let go
at the contract price. Like the jug
handle, theso contracts seem to be
Tf L- ' 1 r. ...
11 you nave neuralgia, acott s i
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
which require that we should act
to preserve their independence, or
insure tranquility, and such a stop
could only bo taken as the result of
"It is reported that oil has been -ii r . 1 ., . . Idonberate action by congress. The
1 iui 1 rnnn nA mamia t- h is m i . ...
discovered near Marion, twelve . , , , . . . Cuban republic will be compara.
miles south of Salem. The intflit ,nS Ior XOOd it IS hungry tively week and unable bv itself to
in the Polk county oil discoveries anc sct your Whole body going cope with problems very likely to
nas preny mucn died out, and there again, m a way 10 satisiy nerve a,,DO "uw' "B w UB loru,K lo:icy
is now little expectation that the and brain from your usual food,
oil deposits will prove . valuable," That jg cure
says an item In the Oregonian. - If vou are nervmiq rA Wr.
More likely tho people who were to table, you may only need more
bore for oil in Polk county are fat to cushion vour. nprvk
merely "lying low," waiting to get you are Drobatlv thin anrl
just what they want before doing Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
any boring. All the oil that was Oil will cive vou the fat. to ho.
ever underneath those hills is there gin with,
yet. The excitement or lack of ex- Cure so far ag jt goeg
citement does not make any differ- Pull cure is getting the fat'
ence with it, There will be some you need from usual food, and
boring done, ere long, unless the Scott's Emulsion will help vou
ing trie men who want to bore a
chance, and then there will either
be some excitement or the men who
bore will have put their money into
a useless bole. Statesman.
U you have not trld ll, wnd for free ump.e.
iti agreeable lute will lurpriw yoa
HCOTT & B0WN8, CbemUli,
409-4'Srcarl Street 7 New Vork.
joc. and i.00 sll druggiilA.
West Bide and Pacific Homestead,
one year, 12.
1 .1 1 11,1 V
ana aomesuc conditions it may
need the assmtance of the U, 8, and
instead of resenting the willingness
of the U. S. to assist it, it ought to
be thankful that it has so power
ful a friend."
A Racing, ltoarlnir Flood
Washed down atulegraph line which
Cbsa. (j. Ellis, of LUboD, la,, had to
repair. "Htandlng wulst deep in ley
water," he writes, "gave me a terrible
eold and oough. It grew worse dally.
Finally the best doctors In Oukland,
Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I hud
Consumption and could not live. Then
I began using Dr. King's New Dis
covery and was wholly cured by six
bottles." Positively guarant"'jd for
Coughs, Colds sod ell throat and Lung
troubles by Kirkland Drug Co. Ii i e
60c and $1.00. .
Bicycle - Headquarters.
I will bo opened on Tues
day, to do all kind of bicycle
C. "W. Brunt,
Went Side Olliee, Main 81,
G. L. Hawkins
luJcpcndtiKc, Ore.
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bnstle hair
brush for 25e. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Prescription Onrggist
Monuments and
Mead atones
A Han Slips Up
On It ev. ry time that he tket his foun
dry work ouUUIrt of the rjaltm Steam
foundry to be done up. He Amis "that
tlnd filing" stealing over him when he
uetes the diflereuee In the exquiolte color
and Ix-autiful flnixh, saying nothing of the
giMul eimdititui in whleh jour linens are
lYiiirmd by the . v
Salem Steam Laundry.
CO!. J. OLMSTED, Pror,
Phoo4ii VOUtWHjmu
For Drayiny;
....Cull on....
Orders for, hauling
executed promptly
and at reasonable
mm emaaaBiDBMDi
1 E. T. HENKLE, Proprlstor
Hot and Cold Bath9 at all
: Times.
Real Estate,.,,
Insurance, Loans,
Main Ht.
IiHli'lwmlenoe, Ore,
WANTKl). (Janiihle. riilliilila nuriton In
evoi'ifiKHinty to riipiiwutil. Iine coin pan V of
millil DiihikiIhI rnpuliilldiKKIMi Miliary imr vvar.
payable wonkly; J:i pur day almnliiltilv fliire
uml ll (txptiUNiiit; HimlKhl, liiinn.llile, dollalle
mi ary. uu (iiiiiiiniHHinn nii urv imiii eai'ii
Hauirtlay and nxpHimo innnoy advatKmil eatili
wmik. MTAN HAUL) UOUHK, IWl Dearborn
St., UulCttKO.
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigars, ClgarKt, Tobaooos
- Confaotlonary.'
Drat Claaa Soda Fountain
in con-
lloiiinliiir the Piu'lllo Coast.
I). II. StenrtiH, of Portland, who
is now in tho east, ia booming the
Pacific coast us follows in hia ad
vertisements: Kxpunston goes. This
great nation has decided by a two
thirds majority of its congress, sus
tained by a two-thirds mujority of
its people, that the Philippine
Asiatic policy of the president shall
bo carried out in full. This means
that the western bait tho best half
of the American continent, is now
to bo occupied and cultivated, A
million farms, 500,000 mines, 10,
000 towns, f)0 big cities will develop
on the goldon Pacific coast of
America within tiio next 10 years.
Como to where tho trusts can't re
duce wages. Como to whore land
is free. Come to where tho croos
never fail. Come to where you can
gut a now start. Come to whore
the winter does not consume the
summer's product." '
That must be a queer canal in
Arizona that the Eugene Guard
saya is "navigable lor small
streams." .
Our feo returned if. wo fail. Any one sending sketch and des,criptioa of
nny invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning-the. patent
ability of samo. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon, request. Patents
secured through ua advertised for sale at our expense.'
Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in
The Patent Iiuconn, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors,
Send for sample copy FREE, Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C.
LlpiniuiiWelfe, Price,
No. 0171 .Ladles 14
Karat Quid HuiitiiiK
ease watch guaranted 5
years fitted with either
Waltlmm or Elgin
movement, 7 Jewel.
Price..,... 10.00. ,
No. 9173 Ladies 14
Karat Hold Filled
CroVt'U" en -to guaranted
20 years, 15 Jewel, Elgin
or Wttltuam movement.'!
Price.,....,.,... I'JO.00.
O. A, Kramer & Co,,,
Price Everyday.
Ladies 14 Karat Gold;
Filled case guaranted 6.
years Waltlmm orEIgiu.
. movement, $9.00. A
suvinit of 11,00.
Ladles 14 Karat Uold
Filled ease 20 year guar
antee with Waltham or
Elgin movemeut, 15
Jewel, $10.60. A saving
of $3.50.
Wo would like to convince the Public that we are
Selling Watches at rock bottom prices and in most cases
save you from one to $3 on each watch.
y Respectfully Yours, O. A. KRAMER & CO.
Further investigation shows that
tho Maryland election " law rosem
blcs those in five or six northern
states even as one pea resemblcth
another. This has Fpiked a good
many editorial batteries.
Wouldn't you like to be one of
those regulars, who refused to ac
company Funston because his en
terprise was too silly, aud therefore
let the volunteers walk off with all
the glory?