THE WEST SIDE JOS, 4, 0. BRANT, Editor nd, SUBSCRIPTION RATKH. (IK iDTACVSj Thwaanuilh. F1UDAY, APRIL S, 1901 fy's up to Russia to move next. "How sharper than a serpcnt'i tooth it is to have a thankless lieu tenant,"- Meditations of Senator Piatt - . RumoU Sage, it is laid, haa caught the Carnegie spirit and has sent his check for 15 to a New York hospital. It is somewhat of a question whether the utter disregard by the Boers of the British propositions for surrender do not constitute a casus belli in themselves. The , government will send million dollars in improving the harbor at Manila. Senator Carter didn't get a chance at this, you know. A Mississippi mob lynched some 1 negroes the other day and then threatened to lynch a correspondent if he said anything about it Talk about your censorship! Nine Americans out of ten wil take it for granted that all Eng land wants is a port in Alaska. Give her that and her other oh jections to the canal would molt away. Now the British confess that Lord Kitchener's plan of campaign is failure and that some other must be adopted. The man of "blood am! iron" is not fighting naked savages this time.- Now that the spring tide of im migration is headed Oregonward would it not be a good time to pre pare folders showing the resources of Tolk County? w It is a good rule in life to study the place just above you and ' pre pare to fill it Those who wait for the chance before getting ready wil find that the chance never comes. If asked, G rover might offer few sugceotions as to what the country should do with its ex-prcsi dent. There is a church somewhere out west that is torn up because seven! recipta in. a cook book that it is selling call for wine. Some of the . congregation wish the book called in and destroyed. Now, if Mark Twain would turn his attention to toe missionaries who want $500 apiece for sermons destroyed by the Boxers, be would satisfy a deeply felt demand. Unless the United States is care ful, it will make itself ridiculous in its demand on Morocco for further redress. A peripatetic capital chas ed by a warship, is likely to pro voke the cartoonist. If the explosion in New York politics means anything more than that the Republicans there are con sidering a change of bosses, the fact is not patent to the rest of the country. ft Suppose the new Maryland elec tion laws were adopted in New York; how many of Tammany's ignorant foreign voters would know enough to mark their ballots pro perly? Educational qualifications will aid the Democrats at the south and the Republicans at the north. Uncle Sam has withdrawn his troops from China and now the other powers are beginning to bint that if he won't help to enforce the result of their determinations, he will not be consulted in regard to them. After all, this does seem rather fair. 4 if. How many people know anything about the new election law in Mary land which they are denouncing? This law sets up no educational qualifications at all, it merely for bids its assistance to a voter in pre- paring his ballot. Thus illiterates will probably vote contrary to their wishes or spoil their ballots. That is the whole of this "crime against the suffrage." ft Probably affairs in Russia are at a dangerous tension of which the half is not known to the outer world. Possibly, also, a great deal is believed that has never happened. A censorship like that of Russia, while it suppresses the truth, also encourages the fake. - 1 Mr. Evans is evidently to be frozen out of his job as pension commissioner" Whether this is in tended as a sop to the pension at- torneys of the G. A. R. or is merely a yielding to the overwhelming pressure from everywhere for office, is not yet entirely apparent. Mr. Carnegie's benefactions will make some of the other million aires loosen their purse-itringa or I take a back aeat with the rcaulta of his reign up to thie time that he haa already ap- i . , ..i.. imiM lui u luuroura vh n .r on hank Wli goes out of existence on the 1st of Jul, bavin beii abolished aa a mnins nf riUin t war mvmim. tk. i... ii.i ..... .v. i..4 ora. a in iiiak unuati wmr auuna lubi sjuvi 000,000 checks passed through the banks, each bearing a two-cent stamp, yielding a revenue of I?,' 000,000 to the government there is only one living ex President now, Orover Cleveland. In in latter rl hf the term of John Adams there waa no .... ... i - -- Phidont, Washington having died in 1790. In the early part of the term of John Quincy Adama there liin, .i!.lnte-J John Adama, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. The present ex-Presi- dent is only .63 years tof age, and is likely to live many years. ' The Baltimore Sun refers to the payment of pension. a..the pan- sion waste" In the same article U says that the per capita of money in niMM Intl. in la a ct I. It airainatl .... . ... . . v..v - "o" $18.04 in 1873 and that while the not Government debt per cilken in is now $14.52.1 The country seems to have been worth saving, and the men who re ceived "the pension waste" were indispensable in saving it. t, .lut ,,! i ftt ft ft ..... . immense steals in the commissary lepartment at Manila. The com nunaarv ntliiwr vm limlmhl nnlv trying to follow in "Embalmed B'Egan's footsteps and ought not to be punished. An army of- fieer cannot do wrong, and the government did right in sending Editor Rice away from Manilla be cause he printed stories about some of the army officers there being di honest The Eugene Guard says a peti tion is in circulation there request ing Land Commissioner Hermann to allow the forest rangers in the Cascade reserve to devote a portion of their Ume the coming summer to improving the public faighwaya. It J is represented that on (be McKenaie wagon road above Lost creek, a great many trees have fallen acroes the road, and it is almost impos sible for covered wagons to get by some places. There is practically no road work available from set' tiers along the rpad, as there are no settlers. It is further repre sented that the rangers have here tofore employed considerable time in cutting trails through the mountain country whore there is no travel, and that they could ac complish more by clearing out this wagon road. C. J. Dodd, one of the rangers, is circulating the peti tion, which meets with general favor. The energetic business man of Eugene have taken steps to secure some ot the immigration that is Meredith Reed, and daring his life now flowing to the Pacifio coast A time, he would never part with mwtincr war halt! nn Tnnailnv vin. I ing and committees were appointed to solicit funds and take other necessary steps with the view of keeDinn a man in Portland to dis- a o tribute literature and direct people to Lane county. This action is in ine with recent suggection in those columns and will well reply the ef fort. It would pay Polk county to do something in the same way, What are the Chambers of Com merce of Dallas and Independence doing? Their existence has not been manifest now for some time Are the covers to these useful bodies fastened down so that the members cannot see what's going on around them. The West Side would like to hear a few suggestions along this ine of new business. ft ft ft Dr. George D. Leetch, formerly a medical examiner in the Pension Bureau, who haB just returned from south Africa, where he served a year as surgeon in the British army, said of existing conditions over there: "The war in South Africa is bv no means ended, and it is liable to continue for a long time yet. Of course it is cuerrilla. rather than actual warfare, but it is for this reason that the Boers will be able to keen ud the struccle and at leant greatly harass the British, probably for some vRara. In Prfltrtrm. hnai. nPHH in fit ii flt.fl.nd dt.ill. hslva thftf. I , whiflh is cnnHnetfld hv namm of . , I the presence of the military forces, he railroad ar nlmnat nnm. pletely utilized in carrying stores anil nrovisinns for t.h irrnv. Jinil thnlnranforrfinnf HoAr nrlannnrafA ihv am tunin. t!nn. p.,.4iaii .ni,. n a iavviiaii.jr j an lyiiu ajuci uujii aiCl either prisoners of war or are undor arms, rtnermratfln in am all hunda in the hills and mountains. There are probably 20,000 Boer prisoners in the hands of the British."' , , WASMNGTOM LETTEft. Washington, D, 0., Mar. 25, 100 Chinese crookedness in diplo matic matters has been accentuated I v. .. ii. - i .mil.. - it... t... P7e"toilVUa"l1U,,?gPn uw w "V" I has negotiated with Russia. This I . .. . . . uw gviTotnusut, wmvu umnmu. U... l .l H- refused the assi.tanc. asked, but the diplomatic representative of the Ptl,er Pww wn0 M noW Washington, merely smile and . ahrui their shoulders when aaked their opinion. They were not lur prised. On the contrary, they re gard it as the uaual thing in Chin ese diplomacy. Whether cocky little Japan, which is the country most directly affected by the big gD. "M S war ni.i. . ! ii .. - it.. . i .. ra"u " uun "nw, ta as yet an open que.- uu " wm UUI 'urP"" " " , , Undo Sam la now sole ownor W,hol, WM l w? m"a vuu " m"'rH'w lands" of that archipelago outside of the limits named in the Paris I i ... T, . . a 1.... tl. 1 ri "L. w . . . , ""u'"w rant for the cash, they exchanged J I !.... l .1. . 1 1 1 uumra ui L lia hiii.w luiKiniuiiT ku. i .t.. ..i c...:- u..:.,. i i " - i w - 7 T " m " In red with the royal arms in gold, and that of the U. S. bound in blue with the national coat of arms em bossed thereon, ibis money was appropriated by congress at the re cent session. Congressmen who have been to Cuba since the adjournment, ex- nresa the ouinion that it will be f Am"KD u lor but they will eventually do so. They "J 18 4 I' th If er it will plewe three-fourth, of the property holders and business men of Cuba Senator Burrews, of Michigan, who will probably be chairman of the senate committee on privileges and elections, when the committees are re-organized at the next session of congress, predicts that the new Maryland ballot law will cause the Uo 'M,U "yrUU Congress on the basis of men who f n vr' undor lhe 1. J come before congress. He aavi tn AnnriAatiiAfal airttuwIiAn. u BnAii p rnana w ina i atr iuviiv aueavsv vj kiiv in vvugt w vu the census of 1900, will not neces aarily stand for ten years; that every congress nas authority to make a new apportionment; if it leeafit " The congressional library has re cently acquired sixteen old manu script books, which contain hiatori cat date, to be found nowhere else, and which are consequently regard ed as priceless. They relate to the public and1 private life of Robert Morris, the financier of the Ameri can revolution, and were all written by him. These volumes contain reports of the U. S. treasury de partment for the first three years of its existence, which are not includ ed in the government archives. The junk ,hop by the ,ttt Gen- ,ohn them a !few Idea. Th Electric Light company bis Just received a new lot o( lamps which are JUBt the lhin t0 red Th 1"roP are fronted to that one don't have the glare to romend with. The Wnrr Sioa hat used one during the Dut year and ipki from eiperience In recommend ing theie lamps for reading purpoiea. A trial of tlii lamp will convince the most skeptical of the benefits to be derived from using a frosted lamp. Metiers, Wilkin 4 Humphreys, with three loaded teams and a lot of loose horse, passed through Independence on Wednesday headed for Jackson county. They left Wallowa county last Septem ber and intend to return as soon u they dispose of all their s'ock Id the Willam ette valley, Ot UMl Uver UU IS the means ot lire, and enjoyment Ot lite to thousands: men WCmen ana children. Wnen appetite tails, it re Stores 11. wnen IOOd. IS a burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose brings the plumpness Ot health. When work is hard and duty IS heavy, it makes life Origin. - i'. ,1 , 1 it me mm ecige oi tne wedge; the thick end is food. DUl WliaC IS ine US6 01 IOOd, when. You hate ll and can 1 dl KSI lu ScOtt's EmulsiOn Of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes vou toreet vour stomach. . t a j a a sample, it grabie taste will Win IMVU lt VWS1KJ ivi SCOT t BOWNt. Chsmlsti. SCOff A BOWNB, Chamlata. 9 Pearl 8trt. ' New Yoi eoo. ana $1.00 1 all druggists. Ar.Q r,-. -!. V..I. West Hide and Pacifio Homestead. SCOTS one year, $2. The ratareaftat Talley. A recent visitor to the Wil lamette valley wrote to his bona paper in Eastern Washington that ha saw no reason why the town, and cities of the WlllamstU vallsy Ihould aver be any larger than they now are. Aa they depend upon the farming community and country is all settled up he saw no hope for further growth. ' Thla wai not written In as unfriendly eplrit, but the writer failed to graap the situation. The value of the agri cultural production of the Wil lammette valley will probably quadrupled Within a generation. Under proper development this valley with IU adjacent foothills it capable of producing in the same year more butter, egga and poultry than are produced In the whole Pacifio Northwest; mora wool than la now grown in all Oregon; more hop. than the total present output of the United State.; enough pota toea to feed everybody In the United States west ot the Rocky Mount alna; mora mohair than the present production of the United States, and enough wheat to auppljr the home demands of Oregon and w asnmgion, oesiaes a v,ast quan tity of fruit, hay, bats, onion, g den vegaUbles, etc. It will proha bly be a long time before the agricultural and other resources the Willamette valley are fully de veloped, but long before that la accomplished there will be more than one targe city in the place the small cities of the present day Oregon Agriculturist A Katiaf, Rsariaf flee4 Washed down a telegraph Une whloh Chaa. a Kills, of I4bon, la., had repair. "BUndlog waist deep In ley water," be writes, "gave me a terrible sold and cough. - It grew worse dally. Finally the bast doctors la Oakland Neb., Blous City sud Omaha said I bad Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Dis covery and was wholly eared by sis bottles." Positively gueianteed for Onughs, Colds and all throat and Lung troubles by Kiraland Drug Co. Price 6Qo and 11.00. ! The Aafera QeaU It is estimated that there are about 400,000 Angora goats in the United States, abd that our annual production ot mohair is about 1,- 000,000 pounds.. Although very little has been said' or written about Angora goats during the last forty years, they have been ex tensively bred in the western elates and territories, especially in Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Florida,Cell fornia and Oregon. C v,t Investigations proves that tbey are not only classed among the most useful of the domestic aoimals and have been so classed for thoos ands of year., but their usefulness is manifested in various ways. The fleece, called "mohair,, furnishes some of the finest fabrics among ladies' goods, and I. used in various other manufactures. Their habit of browsing enables the farmer! in wooded locality to use titeta to help in subjugating the forest Their flesh is exceedingly delicate and nutritious; the milk, though not so abundant as with the milk breed of goats, is richer than cow's milk; their tanned skins, though Inferior in quality to the skins of the com mon goat, are need for leather; their pelt, make the neatest of ruga and robes, and they are excellent pat. for children. Jl few of them in flock of sheep are a protection from wolves and dogs; and their manure is noticably helpful to the grass which follows them after they have cleaned away the underbrush. There is much iut rest in the goat question, and' the United States department of Agriculture has received numerous letter, of in quiry concerning Angora goats. For the purpose of answering the many questions contained in these letters. the Bureau of Animal Industry of that ' department has just issued bulletin No. 27, Bureau of Animal industry entitlod "Information Con cerning the Angora goat': -The bulletin was prepared by Mr. George Fayette Thompson, editorial clerk of the bureau, and contain, much information concerning, the origin, history and use. of this domestic animal. ' 1 The bulletin is illustrated with a frontispiece and seventeen plates, and is for sals to miscellaneous ap plicants by the Superintendent of Documents, Union building, Washi ngton, P. C, at 15c, the price af fixed by him. ' ... . , SHHHBHSHSHBHS City Council. The council met in regular session Tuesday evening with Mayor Stockton in the chair and all the members pres ent except Sperling. - ' W. G. Cress v was made a deputy mar sbal so that the south end of the city would be protected from loose stock, tramps, eto. The usual monthly claims were paid. The W. C. T. U, presented a petition asking the city council to see that the state law regarding saloons and other prohibited business bouses on Sunday opening was enforced. As the council took no action on the petition it la evi dent that the council men feel that par ties who seevlolstions of. the state law ought to take steps to report the same to the state oOlcers, snd not wait for the city to take action. - I Cc3rde! Block, Washington street, ,' Tha president, it is said, will now abandon all attempt, to promote Sampson and Schley. Both of them- will retire before congresa meet! again and could only be pro moted on the retired liat at the best It Is hard, however, thst Schley should suffer, after all his magna ntmity, on account of Sampson's wqbblebnoM. , .aJ w v " 1 , ' He KM Ms Leg. mlve'ywansgo J. W. Bulllvan, of Bartord, Conn., scratched his leg with srty Wlre."Ibaamatloii and blood bollMoIng set in. For two years he suffered Intensely V Then the but doe- tors urged amputlon, "but," he writes, MI need one bottle of Kleotrle Bitters and t 1-t boxes of fiaokleo't Amies Halve and my kg was sound And well as ever." ' Por Eruptions, Eosenia, Tetter, Bait Rheum, Bores and all bkod disorders Kleotrle Bitters has uo rival ou earth. Try tbsm, Klrkland Drug Co, , will guarantee satisfautlon or re fund ntouey. Ouly 60uts. Hop growers ere more generally tnak n eootreow than tbey bate don for ssrsral years. This Is due to ssveisl uusse, chiefly among which is the fact that the prices offeml are higher than for a long time. Another is ths fact that bop dealers now In the business sre geaerally wore reliable than the average of those In the past. It is evident that the consumers la England and In the east, lor whom most of the contracts are btiot made, have concluded that it is ths safest plan lur thsm to be sure of i supply at living prices, instead of wait ing until after harvest, with the hope of beating the growers down to hupovish lag prices. Statesman. ' CATARRH ' CIBAXSIKO . iHO H KALI NO .! COM VOH OATADRII Eh'iCrcaeita awf sM ylssasal la w Onalafaa M It- TlaitldiBrsswsa OmsJWMsjaM. .SStSSKT COLD lH HEAD ttala aaS Nas UN Mmhtaaa, RMom Ihs MMsaf TaMaaaS Smsll ltf Sim, to omu 4 brwsU m aiall I Trial Sm, IS emia ay awll. .( acfrruatu, wma sms iwk. '' M Rala-tan hara la alrMil . k. coming a. pest in Missouri, where it hss destroyed a number of young Qrqbarda. It may soon be neces sary id adopt mean, for extermi nating that exotic quadruped. .."!- . , Satire to Dellaqueal Tsx Tirer The Delinqoent Tax Roll hr the year I8W has been placed In my hands Jor eelleetioo by the Honorable. County Cwart, with instructions to collect all taxes due on the same at once. Notice Is hsreby given to delinquents that un less payment is made at once I shall proceed to levy upon property to satisfy said delinquent taxes. Dated at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this 12th day of Msrch 1001. , " J. G. Van OaaoKt, ' V Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon. MMt. f UTB 1!!D B1RBER SHOP 'X.J, HCNKLC, Proprietor Hot and Cold Bathe at all ' ; Tlmea. INDEPENDENCE - - OREGON J: I. KIRKLAND, NOTARY PUBUC. Real Estate..., ;:dhsura,ricer toans HalnBt Independence, Ore. W ANTED. Capable, 'reliable pernor! In Mir.ominty to mprtwunt lre company of xllA .M.llfll.l Mnnl.(lnn.ilUI..I... nv uua. pajrahla weekly; S3 per day abnolutoly sure and all eipenieii; trulibt, lxma.flde. duflnlle aalanr. no nalDrdar and ex panne money week. BTANDAKU HOUBK. eommiHion; laiary paia eacn aa Ivauoud eaoh mi Dearborn St., CbloHO. The Castle Keeps constantly on hand a flue "i assortment or f n 5 Whiskies, O Wines, . Brandies; ' O Cigars, Also the famous Hop Gold Beer. ED. GALE, Proprietor. THE ARCADE. Davidson & Hedges, Props. Cigars, Cigarettes, Tebaeeos and I. Confectionery. First Class Soda Fountain In eon- "v - neetlon. 1 This Is a Business Age I (live your Sons and Daughters a Business Education. Behnke's Commercial College. DAY AND NldrlT SCHOOL In smwIuo all the year. Htteclal at tention given to (Shorthand ty mail. Mewl for Catalogue and free trial lesaona. M.W.BEMNKE, Principal. corner Haowid, PORTLAND, ORflOON Polk County Bank (INCOIU'OHATKD.) MONMOUTH, ORUOON. I.H.DjtWI.KV. PrMl4fat. H i. 1 U .1 .. ' . . IIU roWKLL, (UwhUr. iiw-rrMlilrat. Paid Capital , . $30,000.00 DIHKCTOIIM: J. II. Hawley, P. L. Camplwil, I. M. Hitnpsiin, J. 11. V. Duller, John , 11. Btump, V. U. Powell, ' Joaepli Craven. Tranaacts a General Banking and Exchange Buelncsa. , The Independence NATIONAL BANK CaplUl Stock, $(0,000.00 . naacBBBRo. asaaaiM ntitox, rntin. Vtca-rraaiaaal , O.W.iavUIB,Caalar. DIRECTORI. It HlMhlwrf D W Hmra UK Mmllb A. N ! ' U W Hloaart A laawal Ranktns aat irkn( bnilaMi traaMsitd; lo:n nut, fcllli diouowJ, em aiarolalcrrdlusranlrd; dco!u rtMloadl urrtnl oruoi sublt M tatck. Iaiarl aatS a UaM4"iU. The Hotel Cail Pallaa, Pro, . Has been refitted and renovated from cellar to garret, and every thing is new. Hood sample room for commercial men. Hatinfaction guaranteed. Kates, $1.00 to $2.00. Special rates by tbo week. BUCK e SMITH. Proprietors. THE CITY BOOK STORE Carries a fine Line of- STATIONEKY, CONFECTIONERY, BOOKS, CIGARS, TOBACCO. Robinson & Co. Independence, Oregou. G. L Hawkins lodcpcndtace, Ore. Monuments and Head stones " Cemetery Work For Draylng ....Call on.... F. M. SKINNER, Independence. Orders for hauling executed promptly and at reasonable rates. IM M1BBU and HA M KaaX Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle -hence you know just what you arc taking when you take drove's. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. ; Grove's contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while . the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove's IS the Original and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics' arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect.. You are not experimenting when you take Grove's its superiority and excellence having long been established. Grove's is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the 'entire malarial sections of the United States. No Cure, No Pay, Price, 50c 4 C. JD. CallDteatl7 1 -DtALtSI Opera House block, Hain Street, Independence, 7 flood gocnin at Right Prices Make Eay Selling. X I to m Our gooda are first-class, our prices am low an the lowent quality of goods considered. ; M All kinds of country produce bought at the ify W lliirhuat Market Vt'w.o. SS 1 1 Share of Tour Patronage Respsctfully Sclicitei. vv 25!!t!!t!!t!!f!!!!f!ffmt!t!f?!!n!f!fill?l!i!fe2 SB . I i7eact(tiattefs Z The high grade Cleveland, 2 S ; The old reliable Crescent, , ' ZSS ' The elegant fininhed Qendron, z 5. : . The Reliance, the king of cheap wheels Jp: Come iii and examine bur stock. We take pleasure in showing you our wheels whether 51 you wish to buy or not. y" Wo carry also ' 35 A full line of Bicycle Sundries 2 I R. M A. J. Ooodman, Mgr. 2 ST MAIN 8TKEKT - - INDEPENDENCE SlIUIlllliUUUIIIUIIIUIIIilllUIIIIIIIUIR Are you looking for a brush? Not with Germanybut a hairbrush, 1 tooth brush,- or a silver-polishing brush. I have a good all-bristle hair brusli for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.' A. S. LOCKE, INDEPENDENCE. OREGON , Our fee returned if wo fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of samo. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request Patent secured through us advertised for salo at our expense. - Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Thk Patent IIkcokd, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, - VIASHIKOTO:!, D C. ia, Chills and lSfULTSi THE BEST PBESGRiPTiOU iS IN. i V ISM iV . WADE & CO., 1 Prescription Druggist A Han Slips Up On it ery time that he takes his laun dry work outnld of the Baltm Steam laundry to be done up. He finds "that tlrd Mlug" steallug over him when he uotea the diflVrenoe in the exquisite color and beautiful flnlnh, saying nothing of the K(mkI condition in which your linens are returned by the Salem Steam Laundry. COI.. J. OLMSTED, Proo. DOROU8 D. OLMSTED, Mgt, Phone 411 230Ubertyst 1