i : The Trick That Failed DIPLOMACY IN A RESTAURANT. 'HISTORIC MARCH 4'S. That evening I hurried to the ball au unspeakable reeling of coming dan ger crept over me, v Bruer performed quite up to hi cus tomary standard. Ill minor trick bnf- fled the audleue more than ever, lie kept mulling curiously at uie, and lit pteasautly-spokeu word before closlug the eofflu lid Impressed me rather fa vorably tbau otherwise. It the bat gone," be said I will Kill have you!" Thou the lid was tightly closed, ami i waited to hear the drawing or the word my usual cue to eek tafety, The many dtffereut ouud without are quite distinguishable to one'a ear wheu - N old trick t Well yea. Acofflu, A to all appearance of genuine manufacture, la brought on the tage, and rested each eud ou a parallel tupport The audleuce are Invited to teat the ouiber cane by tending a tew or their number forward at an Inspec tion committee, and It eema truly as tonishing that the method of the lllu tloa hat goue on to long undiscovered. After luspectiou the coujurer'a nsstst ant li placed In the cottln, In which there would appear little room tor turn in, and the lid -tightly closed. . Now comet the mytteryl The conjurer take u a loua sword, at keen or edge aim point at a scythe, and. after haudlug it around for Inspection, pase it mw ly through a prepared lot lu the cottlu li J until the blade ahowa through au aperture lu the cottlu' bottom, direct ly opposite the upper slot. The wain portion of the audience are puaalcd. the weaker-winded horror atrlcken. Then the aword la withdrawn, the cofllu lid removed and the assistant absolutely uuharmed, comet forth amid thuudert of applaute. i'ou who read thee lluet wight laugh at the tuggeatlon of a tlmple trick in spiring rear In anyoue or ordinary per ceptiveues. Yet 1. who have per formed lu the trick In the capacity or assistant abudder to-day at even the tight of. a cottln or construction geuulne or otherwlaeu 1 will tell you why. ami you will know that my nerves had Just cause to be shaken on mat, to me, v remembered night two years ago. I wa "on the road" with at clever a conJuwr as ever haudled a "property" Ilk hat, a man whose movements were i, .wirt an thev were accurate, ana uiy humble uosltlou lu his employ as assist aut 1 deemed good euough for training until I should be cowpcteut to open ou nit own behalf. Herr Bruer' wife had died about tlx m.ith before 1 Joined htm, and cveu at Hrt tight of hit race I could Judge how sreat bad been hit sorrow at her loss. Some of bis actions off the stage soon led me to believe that his nilud wat alowtv but. to the most recently formed of his acquaintance, percept- lblv uuhlnslns. Had I no fear or placing myself In the mau't powert No. ror I so trusted his sbillty that at each performance of bis ereat trick 1 got into the comn as rvou lly at If I were going to bed. Ills stage properties, too. were all so thoroughly made up-as proor against accldeut and detection as the specialist could make them. How easily that "trick" coltiu battled the scrutiny or the curious, aud how readily Its side had ralleu outwaru, .Nv.r.ttmr m a ahelf or safety from harm by the sword's downward pass aire. Our provincial tour my first and only one with Bruer had so tar oecn great success. At each or our new onenlmrt the hail employed was packed with the thousands who had heard of hi. .kill urn! aa the ultthlt DSSSfd 1 erew more coundent or my own prog res. From the moment when, lu an swer to an advertisement ror a lady assistant, there came to us the dearest girl with whom I have yet been asso ciated a renewed energy came w me, and I seemed to learn fresh departures in the couJurlnsr art with everlncreaa lug esse, l'ou smile! Ah. yes, I loved who could helo dulnir the same? Millie soon came to understand my feeling for her, and the Joy that filled my soul when she oue night, lu answer to my proposal for her hand, gave a sweet attlriuatlve, I caunot ex press In words. But on my weutlonlug to her the necessity of auuouuclug our engagement to Bruer I noticed a pecu liar look of fear cross bcr fate. "Oh, Harry," she cried, "caunot we keep that from htm until our wedding dayV" The question struck me as a strange one. Keep our engagement a secret? Rut I remonstrated. "Where's the need of holding back from the man what doesn't affect him In the least? Our union need not deprive blm of our tervlces, for a time, anyhow." "You do not understand," she said, slowly. "Something would happen, 1 am sure, If be comes to know what there is between us. Listen!" and she lowered her voice to a whisper, al- though we were out of eavesdropping reach. "Last night he called me to bis room, and, to my astonishment, de clared his love for me In a mad way And when I told him that I could never allow anything more than business re latloni to exist between blm and my seir a mad gleam came Into his eyes, and I hurried rrom the place, fearful lest he might harm me. Now, is It not lust as advisable to keep blm In the dark until we are married? Some stu pld jealousy might cause blm to do you harm, and there are so many ways, you know, Harry!" She spoke earnestly, and I promised not to divulge a word of our engage merit to anyrfhe. On the following morning I called at Millie's lodging, and, In answer to my Inquiry for her, was told she bad been gent for by Herr Bruer, who urgently iwiulrod her services In the hall. This Information bad a thrilling effect on me, for I remembered what Millie bad told me regarding her treatment of his advances. At once I acted on a sudden Impulse to follow her to the hall, and on being admitted by the caretaker, made my way toward the little room which Bruer bad set up as a "property store" and otllce combined. Without troubling to prepare an excuse for my early visit I hurried Into the room. Millie bad evidently been annoyed, for ber face was flushed and she trembled violently. Bruer looked excited as be turned to me on my entrance, and asked, sharply: "Well, Vincent, what has brought you bere so early'" The lie came readily to my lips, and 1 Informed him that I had called to lind If any new trick required rehearsing. "No," he answered, calmly enough; "there's nothing fresh that I know of. I suppose I must tell you, though, that you will henceforward be my only as sistant. Miss Warner and I cannot agree on a private matter and I have paid her a fortnight' salary more than I need have done. She will per form wltb us no more." "But why?" I queried. "Surely Miss Warner has been most assiduous In ber work?" As I spoke he moved his gaze sudden' It Into Millie's direction. That a feel lng toward me more than friendly was einrped In the girl's face he was uuick In discerning, and his anger, heated Into flame by bis newly-found clue to the cause of ber rebuff of him, showed Itself in his answer to my ap- tieal. "Confound It all!" he roared. "What has Miss Warner's case got to do with 1 could not deny my Interest longer- why should If-so, stepping to Mtllle't side, t took her baud In mine. "Simply this," I replied, "that the ! my Intended wife!" "All right," he muttered. 1 tliall nev er forget the terrible look upon hit face at he watched us. "Miss Warner, you have, I understand, some properties of On Wat of itttln Hid nf an Had ilmli'i Ona.t Witttiiiil . "I know uow why oue restaurant keeper It tuccessful," remarked a brok er the other day.' "lwa lu the main dining-room at o'clock one evening : wltb a party of wen. We noticed a little commotion ueur the entrance, aud saw that It was caused by the ar rival of a well-dressed, good-mitum!-.ooklng man, whose bearing showed Unit he had lieen out with the boys, He wasn't noisy or offensive, but he couldn't have walked chalk line If bis life deHuded upon It. "Ueeiinie down the room In au uncer tain way, shelled off bis overcoat, put It with his hat on a chair, sat down. PAST INAUGURALS MAKE NOTE WORTHY RECORD. mine at your lodging. You will greatly oblige we by leaving them here this I folded bis arms ou the tiible, and went Mftrntwin.H to sleep. The waiters looked tit blm Together we left the place Millie and ran after the head waiter. The and I, She went home to huut up the latter walked up to the sleeping man stage dresset Bruer't property-she as though he Intended to awaken blm. had at ber lodging, and I hurried off to Then he stopped and called a waller, make preliminary arrangementt for " 'Go for the proprietor,' ho said. mil- WMlillna. which we had Just deter I "The proprietor came. mined uot to further delay. 1 " Time ao-atui so,- sum me neati waller. "He's a good customer, nut he's very drunk, and he's gone fast asleep. What shnll I do? Shall I wake lit iti up? 'We mustn't offend blm.' said the proprietor. 'I'll tell you what to do." Then lie whispered to the head waiter aud went away. The bend waiter call led a waiter aud lu turn whispered to blm. Theu be went away. "The waiter went to the china pant, ry and came back with a finger bowl This be put ou the table where the sleeping mail was. In doing so be rub bed the lingers of the slecier. The mint straightened up and opened bis eyes. The hoy was not looking at blm the aperture lu the cottlu ltd Is properly but had picked up the water bottle and made. The faintly beard tomtit or tue steel reached me at length, and 1 fol lowed the usual method by pressing my right arm against the usual tide or the eofflu." What was this? It remained tight! I pressed harder-harder yet as heard a voice sceuimgiy a nine on:' The-"Now!" or the magician. Again I was tilling the Huge bowl. In doing so lie knocked the bowl with the bottle so that It rang like a Is-ll. "The drunken man looked at It wltb brightening eyes. The boy paid no at teutlon to hi in. but shook out a napkin which be laid beside the linger bowl, By this time the drunken mau was fill tried the secret part, and the cold sweat ly awake. The boy took up his over stood on my forebcad on its railing agaiu. The seconds seemed to fly. Had there been foul work liereT os, surely this could uot be the "property" article In which I lay, ror every part ot the cottln I touched wat Immovable to my wildest efforts. A prayer rose to my lips and I tried to forget my terrible position. Forget? Merciful heaven! and the terrltiie poiut of that sword tlowly shuttlug out by Its entrance the tiny ray or light hitherto visible through the slot Immediately above my breast, aud no room to move myself-ouly to wait! Picture It, if you cau! One thlug remained by wuieu to keep off the eud for maybe a few sec onds. I wrenched my right hand upward on to my breast, aud gripped the horrible point of the weapou nutll the cold steel had cut deep luto my fiuger. uu su perhuman ttreugth or wrist 1 held the blade hard against a side of the slot Oh, the Inexpressible horror of that mo ment! A million sends, each with the face and voice of my murderous mas ter, danced before my eyes, tauutlng ine-drowulug the cry of my soul for succor. I could see nothing but them, but that steel, ever movlug lower to Its work, cutting Its way luto the bones of my hand as it moved, kept me conscious, yet robbing me or the last thing 1 then deslred-obllvlon. Would the eud uot come soon? Bruer, uow reeling the resistance to his thrust, kept pressing harder-hard er! And now the blade was becoming Impossible to bold, aud slipped, Inch by neb, through my severing nugers. the whole thing took place In a row sec onds, but how long It seemed! What was the curious uolse rrom without? Something like a trampi ng of feet miles away-louder now-cmiilng nearer-nearer! But now the weapon of death was sluklug through my clottilug iniw into mv flesh now deeper! My i.,i a i covered with terr hie-look Ins cess is neiu, firebrands. I thought, whose flames (Ivan,), i i. were burning me to more speedy death. Suddenly my warmth vanished aud my blood turned to Ice! Theu, with the rles or that fiendish army ringing In my ears, I traveieu into me worm oi darkness! Yet I am alive to-day. If you ask my little wife over there, she will tell you what a trifle It was that tuatcbed me from the Jaws of death. She had post poned returning timer i "property dresses until the time duo for tue per formance of the cottln trick. At the Identical moment 1 jjot Into that fearful box she placed the dresses In Bruer's storeroom, and then the carelessness which lost the mad coujurer his victim presented Itself before her quick gase. A tiny key Is used in the trick, ami the use of this Is to opcu the diminutive lock releasing the coffin'' false side, when the conjurer shuts his assistant In. This Bruer hnd not used, and Millie came upon It as he had carelessly left It behind. Divining the mini's awful Intent she ran screaming to the stage, and a few of the audience, realising the terrible circumstances, Immediately left their seats and pulled the mad lliu slonlst off at the eleventh hour! For six weeks I lay In hospital the wound was at first considered mortal and when I reached the altar with Mil lie I placed the golden circlet upon bor finger with my left hand. Tlt-Blts, emit aud stood respectfully a one side as If waiting for (be man to rise. "The drunken mini put his fltiBers In the finger bowl, dried his fingers on the napkin, and rose. The boy was be hind blm lu a moment, and In another the oven-oat was on the man's back bis hat was In bis baud, and he was headed for the door. He put bis hand Into his' pocket, slipped a coin to the boy, and walked out "Now that restaurant keeper It ureiit man. He's a diplomat. No trouble, no noise, no row, every one satisfied and happy. That fellow ought to te nn amlinsxadur. He'd make success of anything." LAW AS INTERPRETED. npuUr lnWrt tonally Center About tit Hall -lolly Madlaen Ueliins Huiirtnit st 19 Vunuttuu Oraul1 liuqwuUl ht'cjitiou. After the eleetlou of a President hat becu olliclally declared the lukmg of the on tn of ollbe Is the ouly esseutiut thing required by the Constitution pre liminary to hit euteiinii upiiu his dut.es, Around this essential act all the das- sJ'ug pageantry and elaborate ceieuiou- ies of moderu Inaugurations have been built, not lu puisuiiuce of law, but of fashion, and custom. However grand aud Interesting they may be, from leirul sinudiioiut these ceremonies are all "leather aud prunella." The eaten tlal thlug, the oath, as prescribed by the Constitution, Is simplicity Itself. It it merely this: I do solemnly swear that I will faith fully execute the ollb e or President of the tutted Stales and will to the best of my ability preserve, piotect and de- rend the Const Itiillou of the l ulled State." This Is the form used by all of our Presidents, Curiously enough, there Is no rule determining whether the ontli or the Inaiiaural address shall come lirst. This is left to the faucy or the taste of the Individual, Some of our Presidents have preferred .to take the oath first, others last, sod some have tried It both ways on be'.ug afforded au opportunity through a re-election Those who took the oath before deliver lng the address were Washington. Mon roe, Jackson (second Inauguration), Pierce, Llm-olii (second Inauguration), Crnut. U n til Id. Bcujtimm llarrisou and McKlnley. Weahlimlntt Taken tilt ttnth. The oath was administered to Wash ugtoii ot bis first luaiiKuratlun by Chancellor Livingston, of New York, tid af bis second by Justice William Madlsott. Likewise Jackson, pnxigea pretty much ts Jefferson bad been to the restoration of simplicity, cut out Die ball from the festivities attending nls lustiKuratlon, although be Incorpor ated a ball In the program for hit sec ond Inauguration. At Plerce't Inaug uration the weather wat execrable auq It appear that the ball wa allowed to lapse through the lack of energy of the Inauguration manager. President and Mis. Hayes had strict. ldest of their own regarding their social obllgstlout and botli were averse to dancing, as well as to the use of wine at stale din ners. Accordingly the committee lu charge of Hayes Inauguration cut out the ball. . Hr.t Hall 1 llrllllant. The first Inaugural ball, that given by Washington, was postponed from April ill) to May I lu consequeiic of the au teiice from New York oPMrs, Washing tun, When It came off It proved to tw a brilliant function, al tended by the elite society of that day. Both the President aud his wife danced with evi dent enjoyment. Until hulls of the MaiPsnn regime were gay sffnlrs. The first was given at Long's lloiel and the second at liavls", now the Metropolitan. At the latter, according to an old chronicle, all society was represented to do honor to the President and his beautiful, spirited wife, Mrs. Dolly Madison, who from nil accounts was a charming a woman aud busies In her dsy at Mrs. Urovtr Cleveland In our own. Monroe's first Inaugural ball, likewise l In a pitiable plight, tm imih wt n mt j IN Ll ZIJL 1 ... v" " " i wiiii a obliged to retain their wraps entire aud the gentlemen their hats and overcoat. The supper, which was elaborate aud expensive, wat a rrlgld repttb Tbr ornamental device la Ice cream were froxen doubly and the champagne and punch were deserted for bot coffee which wa the only bot thing at to supper. The dancer were literally froxen out before midnight. (larfield's Inaugural ball was held lu the unfinished Nntlouai Museum Build ing aud was a brilliant affair. The deo orations were the finest ever seen l Washington. Cleveland's first Inaugural ball, at th LARQE DEPOSITS FOUND IN THE ISLAND. Cold and Iron Or-Reent Dlacorerlaa fchow Mineral Kaaoarcta to lUOraat -Twalvs UNnlrail 1'roapaclora Sow at Work la the Areblpalaao. In Its report on the mineral wealth or the Islands, the Philippines commis sion says: "According to the chief of the mining ...,";." - bureau there are now some " . I tiirutitfti t in d ffprviit umiidi or iu .I. tvHsi a rpiiiv miMiuiruuia iunriiuus - " . . Mrii ' " " held at Davis', was pronounced splen did. Ills second, held at Brown's Hotel, was deacrlbed as gny aud Joyous, hap pening, as it did, lu the midst of au era of good feeling. John Qulncy Adams' Inaugural ball wa held at the assembly rooms, now Kcrimti's Theater. It was a highly polite gathering, being the last of the old style functions preceding tue jack siiulitn "flood," Jackson's ball, given on the night of his second Inauguration, occurred at the Centra! Masonic Hall, which then stood on the site Uow occupied by ttie old (Uuhe printing office. It was not par ttculnrly brilliant, and aside from the More than (Us) people filled the build lng at oue time, while many thousands more outside awaited au opportuultj to enter. The new President arrived ai 10 o'clock and led off lu the grand march with Mis Katharine Bayard, daughter of hi Secretary of Stat, os bl arm. All subsequent Inaugural ball nav been held In the Pension Office, wher the decoration In each case nav eclipsed those of It predecessor. "IvTakinq FIRE. II Could Not lo It ? Knotting Two sticks Timet bar. "Hanged If I believe anybody ever made a fire by rubbing two tlck to iretber. all travelers' yam to the con trary not withstanding," declared an enthusiastic local sportsman the other day. "1 sjMMit a couple of weeks with a camping party ou the upper Bed river, west or. W Infield, last spring," be went on, "and one morning I got separated from the other boys, and It was ills-lit before I found by way back to our shack. I am au Inveterate stnok- archipelago. Of these probably W per cent are Americana. They are pushing tbelr way more Into the Insccessllilo region, furulshing tbelr own protec tion and doing prospecting of a sort and to an extent never before parallel ed 111 the history or the Philippine Is lands. The result Is that our know ledge of the mineral resources of the union Is ranldlv lucreuslug. When all due allowance Is made for prospector' exaggeration It I not too much to say Unit the work thus far done has demon started the existence of many valuable mineral field. The provinces of Ben guest. Iepaulo, and Boutoe lu partic ular from a district of great ricnuess, "Lignite are known to exist In Lu ion. Patau, (thit Island, not the province), Mlmloro. Masbate, Negro, Ccuu. Jim dttimo, and other Islands. Some of the deposits are very extensive. As yet ther have la-en worked at or near the surface, It Is therefore remarkatde Hint the samples thus far obtained should prove to be as good as Is shown by nctutil analysts. Testimony Is unanimous to the fact that the Philippine coals do not clinker nor do they soil the boiler tubes to any AUS- ln Pekln stands I .small Jiotwt sort of belfry, with clock of vsrlou dimensions, They were struck by a hammer and produced a most har monious concert. Th big clocks ar till there, but the mal!er oDe are all taken off. On the other bore of th loto Iske wa the prlvat mansion of the emperor, since the empress dowsg er kept blm prisoned. The emperor'a apartments consisted of three rooms reception-room, bedroom aud library full of costly IxH.ks bound In tbs prec ious yellow silk, the privilege of the Im perial family. "The euiMfrir Itefl was tiers not a bench, a usual lu China, but a real sleeping sofa, a couch covered with dark brown, heavy silk, whim wa torn off to the edge of the couch. Everything pillaged! Chairs, table, benche were made of a very hard, valuable, dark-brown wood adorned by wonderful carving They wcr broken, knocked about by hundred. The wsrk of barbarians! By which nation was It doue? , It Is, linpolb! uow tossy." xfeivention er, aud when I tilled up my pipe after wandering around for uu hour or two! , ,...,.( ,,. ,i,, Jannucse and I was horrified to find that my match i t,.a P0(1 Home of them have been anfe was empty. As soon s I mane that discovery my desire for a smoke liicressed about fs0 s-r cent. If I bad bad my gun along I could have started a blaxe without trouble, but unluckily I A dangerous practice qf mall agents of throwing the mall from a moving train so as to endanger persons on the railroad premlnes ts held, lu Shaw vs. Chicago aud U. T. It, Co. (Mich.), 4U L. It. A. aas, to uiake the railroad company liable to an Intending pit seuger who was on the railroad plat form aud who was Injured by a ma bug thrown against him. If the en rler had knowledge of the dangerous practice and had allowed It to continue, Duty or care to avoid Injury to trc passers ou a railroad track Is held, lu Cleveland. C. C. & St. 1.. It. Vo. vs. Tartt (C. C. App. "th C.I. '. I It. A. tin. not to arise until those lu clhirge of a train have discovered the presence of such trespassers on or dangerously near the track and have reasonable reuse to believe that Injury to them will result unless the train ts arrested. Liability docs not arise merely because their presence might have la-en sooner discovered aud the tralu Is running at an unlawful speed. Judgment fr money and for the fore closure of a mortgage upon real estate against a deceased defendant who had theretofore been duly served with pro- In Knger vs. Vlekery It. A. 154, to be void, al though the fet of death does not np pear upon the record, ami to uc coi. laternlly Impeachable by heirs who were not parties to the foreclosure and who sue for the bind. With this case the great number of authorities on the effi-ct of Judgment entered ngiilnst a dead person are collected and nmilyxed, showing the conclusions at which th oiirt have arrived. THE TWENTY-FOUR PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Tagged Flsti io ttie Ocean. It seems rtither nil odd Idea to fasten metal tugs to mnrlne fishes and then let then loose In the ocean w lib the Idea of Identifying them ns Individuals In case they happen to be caught at a fu ture time: but this Is what the Culled States llsh commission Is doing Just now with cod, l.msiof which have been duly tagged and released this year. No two tugs arc alike, the markings nn them being stumped In a series of letters and numbers, n record of which Is kept In a book In such a manner that If a tugged codfish turns up, a moment's reference to the memoranda will furnish the history of that par tlculiir specimen, with dntc of libera Hon, weight and so forth. For exnni tile, a cod wearing a tug with the raised Inscription "8 W" hnn a com plete Identification card, so thut she cannot be mixed up with any other (In It entered In the commission's led ger. Only "brood Huh" tlmt Is, spawning females- ore tugged. Theynro bought from fishermen, stripped of their eggs nt Wood Ho I. Miihh.. and lllieruted In the waters of Vineyard sound, ut tor having the tags attached to them The tug Is a small piece of copper, securely fastened by a wire placed through a tin near Its Jt tore with tlm body. It docs not matter which (In Is chosen, though a back or tall fin Is best, Tho tug Is very light, and Its attachment In the matter describe docs no barm whatever to tho flsli. ' Collect Debts lor Alt An Interesting clearing system about to be Installed In the Belgian nostal deportment for tho benefit merchants. It Is designed to settle dlf forences between debtor and creditors which nre now adjusted by the ex eiuiniro of numerous remittances. The system alms to establish a sort of clear inirlioiiso under State control. For several years the Belgian postolllce has been used ns n collecting agency with considerable success, but the new phi Is expected to be much more cmmml The Isle Get Hmaller. With regard to the enst coast a sorry story has to be told. The county of Yorkshire, for Instance, from Bridling ton to Spurn Head, has been disappear ing, It Is calculated, at an average rate of six feet a year. It Is said that care ful observation of a ccrtnlu" twelve- mllo stretch shows that the cliffs forty feet high have been eaten away by the waves for 132 feet In forty years, say Good Words. It Is, however, at Bpuru Head that the greatest ravages have taken place. In Edward I.' time the village of Itavenspur, a seaport near Hpurn iienu, sent more than one member to parlia ment; In lllOO and 1471 Henry IV. and Kdward IV., respectively, landed there, but very soon after the latter a visit the entire town was swept away by the sea. To-day the village of Kllnsea alone stands upon the bend; the old site of the vlllnge-once a fair place on a bill, with a fine old church, destroyed hv the waves, In 182(1 Is now some ,,,,, l,.,1n nr viirdH lie-low n irn-wnter ,u,w nnd when New Kllnsea loins It1 ent. For example, a merchant bus 200 nml 4lia Trmnhnr will Tint ink a 1 small accounts duo blm In various part Hits n a nw " --v l At a r long to destroy the entire promontory of tho country, amounting to some If.), ....1 fill, vnrv imnlenHiint at 1 000. Instead of sending blm, ns ut pre- Grimsby. The Blue Bell Inn, half-way : sent, a separate advice as each amount ,(u,n tbP ea nnd the river, bears a1 Is imtd, or, ns we would say. as soon stone upon which Is Inscribed,-"Built ns each draft Is honored, the postotllce In the year 1847, D34 ynrds from the win simpiy ranj i " " u, i ... ,.,. ... t., ..,., II, l H,n V., II,,,,,, I sea." When measured early lust ri.uw spring the distance was 334 yards. W4 given nroctlcnl tests In steamers en gaged In the coaling trade of the archi pelago with very satisfactory result ms regards their steam mnkiug proper ties. "The extensive field near Bulacacao. In Southern Mlndoro. are wltblu four to six miles of a bnrbor which give safe anchorage throughout the year and which bus water deep enough for it,., larireat ocean-drill vessels. Home of the Cebu deposits are also convent. ently situated with reference to harbor facilities.. It Is to be confidently ex pwted that the coals will play a very Important part In the future develop ment of the arehljM-Ingo. "The outlook as to gold mines grows nuiru favnruhlA na the otH-ratlons of proaiH-etors are extended. Modern Bold mining machinery ba never been um-d In tho Philippine, Igorroto min er lu the Beiiguet-I-epanto-Boiitoe dis trict discard all rock In which there Is not visible a considerable quantity of free gold. Prosiieclors In this region rlnlm to have located very extensive deposits of low grade, free milling ore. which will yield large and certain re turns as soon as concessions can be se cured and machinery put In place. BEGGAR KINCS OF CHINA. to his credit In the National Bank of Belgium. Ha will not be re quired to give separate receipts to bis Cashing, of Massachusetts,' 10 jonu Ailumx the oath was sdiiiluistored uy , hlef Justice Oliver Kllsworth. of Con necticut and Chief Justices or the Uni ted Stutes Bupreine Court have otllci-au-d In a similar capacity ever since. All our subsequent Presidents have been sworn in by live men-Chief Jus tices John Marshall of Virginia. Uoger H. Taney of Maryland, Salmon P. Chase and Morrison it, Walte, of Ohio, aud Melville W. Fuller of Illinois. Mnr- hull, appointed by Adunis, had the hon or of tweartng lu Jencrson, Madison, Monroe, John Quliicy Adiims and Jack- sou an Uliexiiuipieu reeoni, covennu nlnu presidential terms. Taney, ap pointed by Jackson, swore In success ively Van Buren, Wlillnm Henry Har rison. Polk, Tyler, Taylor, Pierce, Bu chanan and Lincoln Hirst term). Chase, appointed by Lincoln, administered the oiiih to Lincoln (second term) and to Grant both terms. Walte, appointed bv Grant, adiululslcred It fc) Hayes, Garfield and Cleveland (first time), and Fuller, nppoluted by Cleveland, admin istered It to Benjamlu Harrison, Cleve land (the second time) and McKlnley. The longest Inaugural addrcsa on rec ord wns that of William Henry Harri son, which was Indeed formidable, com prising 8,578 words. The shortest 111' augural address was Washington's sec ond, consisting of ouly 134 words. Lin coin's second comes next to It In point of brevity. Polk's, Benjamin Harrl sun's and Monroe's were long, but they fell short of William Henry Harrison by about 4.000 words. Socially the most Important function Incident to an Inauguration of lute yours Is the bull, which gives n sort of finishing touch to the festivities of nn exciting day. All of our twenty-eight Inaugurations In the ptist, bcglnulug with Washington's first, have hnd this adjunct except seven, These were Washington's second, Adams', both of Jefferson's, Jackson first, Pierce a and Hayes', In each cttso tho absence of the' bull fenlure has been significant of tho state of the popular mind or the scruples of tho .administration domina ting the occasion. Thus during Wash ington's first administration violent criticisms were launched ngnlnst ,lilm ou nccount of his alleged fondness for courtly and monarchical ceremonies, and ns 1111 offset to these criticisms Washington nt his second Inauguration sud Ailatns when his turn came elim inated the ball feature entirely. When Jefferson ciiinu Into the kingdom, pledg ed as he and his party were to Intro duce reforms nnd restore simplicity of government, he, too, felt constrained There are some people who alwayt AnUtn,m, tt4 the orlulnul scbodulo filled .i... 1. i t... ' . " . ... novel . discover inui w i by hlin nt the postomco servos us a . wiim,lmti the ball, and did so. nl- to rectify It. fnrniula for completing all records of 1 A fool In one thing Is usually a fool the transactions to which the separate ltie ban U honor of hit successor, In another. 1 Item refer. , I presidential parly the chief notables present. If such they could be consid ered, were the Board of Aldermen and Common Council of the city of U ash Inglon. with the Mayor and officer of he corporation. Van Bureii'e Induction Into office wss signalled by two balls, but the Presi dent and high dlgnllarlcs attended but one of them, that held at Carusfa At- scmbly Uooms. Three Watt tnr I'errlaen. William Henry Harrison ou the night of bis Inauguration weut Van Huron one belter, three balls being given In tho course of the evening, and tnc President attending each lu turn. He wat received with warmest denionstra- u. nf attachment aud rcsncct. Ihe price of tickets viirled. f 10 being the hlKhcst. . At Polk's Inauguration tne tmus oi- . . . . . .. . am lullllslied 10 two oue i .nruai 01 v tier ticket, and a very "swell" affair, and the other at the National Theater on Louisiana avenue, between 6th and (1th streets, at $5 per ticket. Polk at tended both, but supped only with the true-blue five-dollar democracy," as tntm on ncv Adams remaras in nts dlaty. Taylor, not to be outdone by liuaiii Henry Harrison, also had three balls to gruce his Inauguration One was at the Grand saloon, a temporary struct ure erected for the occasion In Judl clary Square: another was at Jackson Hall, and tho third at Curusl's. The President and Cabinet attended ail of them. Hnehnniin escorted his attractive niece. Miss Harriet Lane, later Mrs, Harriet Lone Johnsou, to the big ball given In honor of his Innnguriitlon. aud supped there nt midnight. The ball In honor of the Induction of Lincoln the first time was not attended by the new President, but at the ball followlug his second Inauguration, hold on March 0 In the model-room of the Patent Office Building, both President nml Mrs. Lincoln were present and scented to enjoy the exercises. Grant's Hhnw the Keat. The grand ball given In the north wing of the. treasury on the night of Grant's first Inauguration eclipsed all affairs of Its klud up to that date, Grant's second Inaugural ball, however, held In a temporary building In Judl elarv Sotiare. was even more note worthy, not because of Its brilliancy or of the fact that tickets cost $20 each but on account of a mere accldeut of weather. No provision had been made for heotluir the bulldlnit. and as the thermometer that night fell to four de grees above zero, with a bowling gale blowing, the daucen found themselves had set out to do some fishing and had weapon but my' hook and line. Naturally, the first thing that occurred to tne was Hint and steel, but I couldn't find any flint, and then I happened to hluk of the old story about making fire wltb two piece or wood. Well, I won't tire you with detail, but ir ever man gave an experiment a conscien tious trial I did on this occasion. 1 picked up chunks or hair a doxeu dlf-. fereiit kinds or wood, trimmed thorn down with my penknire, and tried them all In various combinations, using one bard and one soft stick, exactly as the story books say the Indians do. But, nlthoiiKh I rubbed until the pesky things were chafed nearly In two, I never succeeded In getting them even warm. "At last I remembered reading some where about a scheme of the natives of Java, who, are said to lay a flat piece of wood on tho ground and twirl a small rod, top-fashion, on Its surface, by mean of a cord. I soon made one of the mnchlnes, cutting up my sus penders for the string, and If you had seen me squatting there seesawing the thing you would have taken oath that I hud lost my mind. At the end of half an hour I whb redbot and the appara tus was dead cold, The longer I twirl ed the cooler It got. If I hud kept ou another half-hour I believe I would have bod a stick frnppe. But I had gone fur enough to convince me that the man who wrote the story wns a dotihlo-bnrrelod, back-action, triple plated liar, and I yearned violently for bis gore. I struck ennip just about dusk, and the first thing I did was to grab a coal from the fire nnd put It on my pipe. Later on I discovered four matches In the lining of my vest. I won't repent my remarks, but my frleuds asked me why I dldut tnlk that way in the woods. They soy my Innguoge would have set fire to a piece of asbestos." New Orleans Times-Democrat Una Waj In Wh.ch Certain siongou an Ih-c inie Kich, If you want to grow rich In China become the bead of a guild of beggurs, thieve, or lepers. Nanking. Pekln. and TIcu Tslii are the headquarter of the nlimt powerful of these guilds, aud tbelr rulers are wealthy and respected. Ihe "klm:" or a dun ot Chinese vaga bond or these classes derives his In come from a tribute rendered him by bis welched subject, and also levies a eon of blackmail on traders and tuer- niy liv uitilertaklnir to keep their shops, store, and bonnes rrce from par ticular nests which he controls. From these two source he reallxe a large Income, and Is euubled to live lu a large bouse and keep up a great style In his mode of life, bach citiu has a particular district of the city irlven over to Its oin-ratlon, beyond i.t. h it members are forbidden to stray. Horrible self-mutllntlons are prac ticed by the beggar of China In order thut their deformities may excite com passion and lend to profit On certain days the bcggi-rs go about lu gang fmin 50 to 150. On these occasion shopkeepers ure only too Bind to com nlv with the "king's" demands for black mall, In order that bis subjects may be kept out of their shops. a Wlnif of Chinese thieves knows everything that goes on In his district lie knows who commuted certain thefts, and where the stolen property Is. He, like his brothers of beggars. bus a double source of Income. A birire nercctitage of the profits made t.v 1,1 anhleets Is claimed by him. If a foreigner Is robbed be generally can. by paying the "king" a certain sum, re-nn-r'hla nrotwrty. Property stolen from Chinamen Is never Drought Hack, Every Chinese city bus a leper-house out side its gates, and most or them i,.,v two or more. As In the cases of the bcKKiirs and thieves, there Is an executive hand, called the "king of the loners." who controls all lepers, nnd makes rules and compacts, which must lie observed. These unfortunates are numerous throughout tho empire. When in the first stage of the disease they nre brought to the leper-houses. Good core Is taken of iliem ns long ns their relative cau. meet the demand of the "king." But no matter bow wealthy their families may be, the "king" eventually drains them of every penny, and both the leper and his relatives often have turu begKors.-l'lillmlolpHla 'limes. During the recent trip of the Belglca In the Antarctic more than sixty ob servations of the aurora australls. the southern counterpart of our northern lights, were made. The appearance of the light resembled that presented In the Arctic regions. But the maximum frequency did not occur during the mouths of the long polar night, and the phciioiuenou was most Intense at the time of the equinoxes, w hen tho sun I pcriM-ndlculur over the equator and daylight Is simultaneous at both tho north and tho ouib pole, ' Amoug North American birds tho grebe nests In and near the water. The prairie 4ien, 011 the contrary, nest on the ground, being a terrestrial bird. Koine birds, like the meadow lurk, are partly arboreal, muting near the ground In trees. The Indigo bird I neither arboreal tmr tem-irlal. al though It nests In the trees. The heron Is a striking exception to the theory that habit decides the nesting site. Al though a torrcstrlul bird. It places Ita ni-et high In the trees, as does the wood duck, which Is an aquatic bird. Wood hawk nest In bogs, as do me marsh gulls. ' ' "' -- -'-"' . '--. Sir John Murray recently showed bow remarkably the Black Sea dlffrs rrom other seas and oceans. A surface cur retiL4low continuously from the Black Sea Into the Mediterranean, and an under current from the Mediterranean Into the Black Sea. The bitter current Is salt and. being heavier than the fresh water above. It remains stagnant at the bottom. Being saturated with sulphuretted hydrogeu, this water will not maintain life, and so the Black Sea contains no living Inhabitants below the depth of about 100 fathoms. The decjier water when brought to the sur face smells exactly like rotten eggs. Ir. C. T. Williams In a recent address before the Life Assurancp Medical Offi cers' Association or England gave some Interesting details as to the niortabty and expectation or life In the various European states. Taking an average of twenty-five recent consecutive years, the deaths per thousand of the popula tion in tho several countries are as fol lows: Norway, ltl.8; Sweden. 17.3; Ire"" land. 18.1; Denmark. 18.8; England. l'J.il; Scotland, 20; Belgium. 21; Switz erland, 21.7; France. 22.0; German em pire. 23.2; Italy, 27.8; Austria. 29.0; Hungary, 35.4. Norway has the low est death rate, 1(8, c:id Hungary the highest 35.4. Wltb regard to the ex puctntlon of life at 20 years, the figure for America are 42.19 years. Britain 42.10. Germany 3iUS. and rrance.M. Jf the mosquito has any friend among mankind, they may rejoice In the aasurance giveu by Dr. L. O. How ard, of the Department of Agriculture, thut this cosmopolitan iwst docs not necessarily perish, with the oucomlng or winter. On the contrary, mosqui toes have been observed In the lati tude or Washington to hibernate, adult specimens living from November until the succeeding April or May with all tbelr powers of torment unimpaired. although their activity Is suspended In winter. Vbe mosquito needs but little food, nnd It Is the fcmnie that thirsts for blood, the mules contenting themselves with water and vegetable fluids. Dr. Howard ascribes the fact that mosquitoes nre often found upon dry prairies, many miles from water. to the longevity or tne nuuits or certain species, which enables t..em to survive seasons of drought ltailroads have been responsible for the transportation of mosquitoes Into regions where they were previously rare. Their power of flight is not great, and It Is believed that they nre not distributed far through the agency of winds. TRAIL OF VANDAL ARMIES. What the Sotdlcra of ClvltUntlon Have Dona In the hlneae limp I re. "The sacking of the Imperial palaces nt Pekln," writes a military writer in a Havtirlnn paper, "wns thorough and complete. The walla, even wheu the Germans arrived, were nearly bare, There wns hardly enough furniture left to tit out the dwelling or the stuff. Onlv very heavy things, such as big looklug glasses and screens, were there, Beds and bedding had to be produced from elsewhere not without difficulty. Cupboards, boxes, drawers were pull ed open, broken nnd rausucked. Bur bnrlan work. Bronze statues were throwu down to find the gold In the in Finding of a Puerer. rlor- u.ci.mea ,1 ..- i tu l...n. ..nlllt.wt hw Al ll-oellt IIUICB 1101. HHJlillV'1, lumii" vr,.i, Duerer'ln 1521, twenty-four by nineteen lfJ' the work, the statues were smash- Imu In tlvn 11 HQ 1liut llPOIl lilHCOVfM'rMl mv m o nwv-t " . by a Gcrmnu ort critic in tue usnon National Museum of Fine Arts. Ducr er tells In his diary that be presented the picture to a Portuguese who had be friended blm nt Antwerp. "Oblecls too heavy to be carried nwny were brokeu nnd ouly the valu able parts were carried off. The Chin ese ore very fond of clocks and watch es Ingeniously constructed so ns to make music. Some ure heavily gilded. In the Imperial summer palace were In the Tho Imliv'a first shoe la having a t..M ih.mii. a Snored Relic. comnetluB two bltf clocks (under glass) with the first prise a woman won at apartments of the empress. The figures were on a big sun, wuose rays were innde of the best and heaviest gold. Sun and clocks nre still there, but the golden rays were taken nwny. "Near the lotos lake of the Imperial cards. . Love Is responsible for a lot of earth ly misery by being elsewhere when wanted. 1 His Wish Gained at Last. After his speech on the colonial test case bad been delivered In the Su preme court the other day. and he had received the congratulations or many members of the bar and prominent Senators upon bis success. Attorney General Griggs told me of his first visit to the Supreme court chimber. It wns years ago, when be was a young and struggling lawyer. He knew no one In Washington except the Congressman from his district. This Congressman took blm to the Supreme court room, nnd ns the slender young lawyer sut and looked nt the nine black-robed Jus tices nnd realized that they constitut ed the greatest tribunal on earth, he says be heaved a sigh and snld to him self: "Before 1 ate 1 want tne nonor of standing Just once before that court and addressing It upon a case of law." Little did the young lawyer then think that he was going to have the great privilege not only of addressing the court, but of speaking to It ns the rep resentative of the United States gov- eminent upon mc muni iiui.huui vibra tion the court has considered In a gen eration If uot lu Its bistory.-Colllcr's Weekly. ' . Churches In Great Brita'n. In Grent Britain there nre 4,S43 churches, branch churches and mis sion stations, providing sitting accomo dations for 1.744,111 persons. The church members number 431,517. a sub stantial Increase of some 111,000 mem bers ou the returns made Inst year. ; Weight of Honey Bees. Five thousand honey bees ns they leave the hive, weigh about oue pound. but when the insects return from their visits to the flowers, freighted with houey, they weigh nearly twice as much . -' '''' ' , '' ' - Some people are enthusiastic in ac cepting invitations, because they figure that they will save that much by eat ing away from home. t The worMTTbTcotiilug funnier and. funnier every day. your ,