The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 22, 1901, Image 3

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Twlhon, N. 141.
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1001
Wednesday evening. Members take
Hue Dour ami govern liiemnilve. amMlturly
Vl.tUug Knight, are Invited la etumd when
eonveuTeuL F. 8. w I Ustfl . C. ('.
(.xirt Iuttepiiduos No. 30, Fnrtr
rs of Amerk, meet swy Tumi ivy
veiling i a o otoos.
W. R. AUlu, dentist, Coopr block.
The Huritiml it considered by many
to Iss th lst 3S wheel mule.
Newlw't Herpivids, tb dandruff
cure, K. T. llotikle Urn barber, keeps it.
JustJcs J. D, Irvine has tuowd'hls
otlic trom the Independenca National
lUnk building to a room lately occupied
by the First National lUnk.
R. M. Wd A Co. hsv ient out set
era I new bicycles already this spring.
At Robinson's school bnoki and
school supplies.
Bur your mill feed t the Collin mill.
"ran, 117 per ton; iliorU 118 per ton
In writing the story of the Spun
ish war, the historian should not
omit that treat trio: Hobson'a
mouth, Dewey's house, and Bamp
bou's ready dispatch and letter
The "01 Hartford it the standard of
$35 wheels. ;
Weet 81t and Weekly Statesman,
one year, a.
Order a nice dressed chicken, from
Palmer Bros, fur your Sunday dinuer,
For school supplies and school books
go to Kobiuaon .
We have already received two lines
of wheels: seven different models. Call
and see them. F. K. Chambers.
Fresh oysters, clams, crabs, Bull, etc.,
at Palmer Bros.
A goMt i'nj L0 grain
drill for sale
by R. M. Wade & Co.
Prunins shears and saws at
F. E, Chambers
Palmer Bros, pay cash (or eggs, pottl
try, etc. Call and see us.
While it is generally admitted
that the devil is not always as
black as he is painted, there seems
to 1x3 a disposition to consider
Admiral Sampson blacker than he
is painted
Mrs. C. . VanDeusen, of Kilboum,
Wis., was afflicted with stomach
trouble aud constipation for a long
time. She says, "I have tried many
preparations but none have done tue
the good that Chamberlain's Btont
aoh and Liver Tablets have. These
Tablets are for sale at Kirkland's drug
store. Price 23 cents. Bamples free.
Try Moore, the barber, north side of
"C" street, opposite Knox's grocery
store, tor a hair cut or shave.
Newbro's Herpicide, the dandruff
core, at . T. Heukle's barber shop, 10
cents. ,
Bovs' men's and women's half soles at
When in Salem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to Strong's
Jtestaurant, where everything the mar
ket affords can be had.
Columbia and Hartford agency.
F. E. Chambers.
J. S. Moore, the barber on C street,
now handles Newbro's Herpicide, the
fatuous dandruff cure, endorsed by all
the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities in tbe east. Give it a trial and
save your hair.
Mow is the time to boy your cream
separators. The United States is still
in the lead. For sale by K. M. Wade
A Co. .
Jesse Tbarp, of the class of 98, 0. A.
C, was in Corvallis Tuesday, and left
Wednesday for Aleea, for a visit with
his parents. Mr. Tharp was recently a
sufferer from appendicitis, sod in a few
days leaves for Portland, where be will
be the subject of a surgical operation for
that dread disease, flis many friends
in Benton hope for the young man's
complete recovery. Times.
Headache often results from a die
ordered condition of the stomach and
oonstipatlon of tbe bowels. A dose or
two of Chamberlain's Htomach and
Liver Tablets will correct these dis
orders and cure the headache. Bold
by Ktrkland Drug Co.
The demand for Oregon game birds
from eastern aid southern states is in
creasing, and Game Warden Quimby
does not believe that the supply will
meet the demand during the coming
summer. Within the past two days he
has already received requests for Mon
golian pheasants from Macon, Ga., and
for nuail from Barwel!, Neb,
This signature is on every box of tbs genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that enrea a cold in Slay
Much inquiry is made in regard to the
open season for jacksnipe. The new
law takes away all restriction from the
killing of jackenipe, which now can be
killed at all times of the year. This
change in tbe law appears to meet with
the general approbation of sportsmen,
who declare that these birds are at their
best late in in the spring when, under
the old law, they were protected. Jack
snipe are migratory in their habits and
do not remain very long in a place.
m. On this counter are lines of goods to be
m. closed out. Among them are our
Small Boys' Clothing, Hen's odd Vests,
Ladies' Over Gaiters, Ladiesl Shoes,
Comforts, Men's and Ladies' Under-
wear, Scrubbing Brushes, etc. z
:g Now the above go at greatly reduced
prices. And our regular stock of Shoes, IS
'. Shirts, Hats and Overalls will be found
satl Call and see us.
J. A. MILLS, 2
City Co.acll.
The council met
la regular session
TuimkUt renins with Mavor Stockton
In the chair and all the members pree-
It was ordered that sidewalk on 7th
oetween and Monmouth streeU be re -
. s
A resolution authorising the iesue of
bonds to the amount of $8000 at 4 per
cent, to run ten years, redeemable at
option of the city, for the purpose of
Uktng up that amount of warrants draw
ing per cent, was read and passed by
unanimous vote. The denomination of
bonds to be In sums of 50, $100, $300
and $300.
A resolution designating the mayor,
recorder and three eouncllnen as a com
mittee with full power to arrange for
tesuance of bonds and taking subscrtp.
tti.SiSe IUmIiiB ava aJ ,J a.AKt.J ka
The following- bills were wlthont
reference to finance committee t Q.WIU
son, hauling, 10 Co: Enterprise, printing
$3.14. Bill of J. M. Stark, lumber.
132.43, reWrred to finance oommlltee.
Note Zed's new ad this week.
Al Herren spent Monday in Pale in.
Wm Harnett is now "outside" man at
the creamery and will give a good ac
count of himself.
Abe Uglow, of Dallas, was In Inde
pendence the first of the week looking
np some business matters,
County Clerk Loughary spent Tues
day in the metropolis, returning to
Dallas during the evening.
Sam Dugger has been arrested In Port
land for gambling at Albany. He was
taken to Albany and is to have trial
In June.
Tracy Staats, deputy county assessor,
was in Independence tbe first of the
week making the annual assessment for
the county.
A letter from L C. Gilmore, who re
cently went to Denlson, Texas, Informs
us timt us win prouaoiy arrive nere on
April 1st.
Chief Engineer Atkins, of the water
and light station, made the rounds on
Wednesday and opened up all the hy-
dranta, finding them in running order.
Professors Cord ley and Kent of the
Corvallis agricultural college were in
Independence on Wednesday and looked
In on the creamery. They complimented
Mr. Eldridge upon his werk here.
O. T. Murphy snd Al. Docksteader
have rented a yard at Eola and will raise
hops this season. Mr. Murphy and lam-
ily moved down on Saturday laat and he
will gire the yard the benefit of personal
"Deacon" Nelson bad a close call for
passsgeto kingdom come last Friday.
He was at the middle of the long trestle
when the 11 o'clock train came in and
did some lively bustling to get out of
danger, by lying on tbe ends of tbe ties
outside of the rails.
Congress decided the way to re
duce the revenue taxes was to re-1
duce them. It also decided that 1 1
simular course of action would ap-
dIv to the surDlus.
' l
a friend that he knew a man who could
"chin the bar" (gymnasium) forty
times. The friend said "that's nothing;
I know several men here in Independ
ence who chin three bars every day more
than forty times." When Carl saw the
point be set up the peanuts.
J. H. Burton will run five hop yards
this season, having leased the same. As
work is already going on in all of them,
Uncle John is kept busy. The five yards
aggregate 87 acres. He has been ottered
a chance to contract his bops si 11 cents
but prefers to wait awhile.
There are some people who probably
have a curiosity to know tbe where-
bouts of Lawyer John J. Daly, formerly
of this county. Well, a Polk county
man saw Mr. Daly In Denver, Colorado,
nd states that he is a hotel runner in
that city. "
A Iriend informs the Weht Bids that
there is a probability of Independence
citisens having an opportunity of hear- ng w uregon owa e.; eyery pampn
Ing the gifted and eloquent Rabbi Wise lnd piece of advertising matter we
some Sunday afternoon. He has pa.tial- can get bold of is sent to our eastern
ly promised to spend a Sunday in May
in Independence and to deliver a free
lecture in the afternoon.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tbe money ir it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
AlL DUJllMi,
Bottled beer for
family use to
be had at
Hod Sold Beer
The weather has been delightful this
F. L. Keller and family Intend to
w urass v aiiey in aooui iwo weeae
Claude Fryer visited his parents over
1 w. 0. Bhafer and wife have moved to
I Harrington. Weih.
Mrs. L. 0. Uilmore has been In Salem
the past week.
Miss Garlin Hill has returned from
Wren, where she has been teaching.
Miss Dora llodgln left Saturday for
Wren, where she will teach sohool.
Miss Cora Snell visited In Dallas a few
days this week.
Miss Vida Torbet Is In Albany visiting
her parents.
The whist elub met with Mr. and Mrs
Kutoh ,M mnlng,
I m
Mrs. J. A. Wheeler returned yesterday
,row ,tW ,n "'-
" trMJ pw"w
"" P"rtX - ,rln,, 00 w dn,
Mrs. Jessis F. Vert, of Pendleton, was
guest of Mrs. A. J. Goodman last Frl
day evening.
Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. R. H. Con
ner, of Dallas, visited In Independence
Friday and Saturday of last week.
Mr, and Mrs. R. O. Jones, of Amity,
visited Rev. and Mrs. J. R Baldwin the
first of the week.
0. E. Fltchard has returned from New
York and Is again at work on his hop
Miss Jessie Rhodes, of Salem, visited
relatives and friends here the first of
the week.
Miss Lata Herren came up from Salem
to spend Sunday at home reluming
Monday morning.
Miss Louise Walter returned to her
studies at the Albany convent on Wed
Homer Lodge No. K, of P., had
work in second rank Wednesday even
ing. A large number of members was
loot. Next Wednesday It Is proposed to
give the third rank.
A pleasant birthday party was given
by 'Louis J, Brant on Tuesday evening.
Whist constituted the main event of
amusement. Refreshments were served
and an excellent time enjoyed.
Mr. E. B. Rlnearson, who, with his
wife has been visiting his wife's mother,
Mrs. J. C. House, has returned to his
boms In Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Riuear-
son will visit a week or two longer be-
fore returning home.
Being the lowest bidder, Austel Mo
Carter is to furnish for the county court
bouke, &0 cords of large fir wood at $3 43
and John E. Martin S3 cords of oak grub
at $1.74.
It is understood that the Foresters
have arranged to lease the Van Duyn
building (orer Paddock's store) and will
fit It up In a first-class manner for lodge
Dnrooses several other societies have
signified their willingness to go In with
the Foresters.
E. F. Balrd, passenger representative
of the Burlington Route, was a caller at
the West 8ms office Saturday of last
L - 1 I !. I !.!.
"Our company Is handling an exceed
ingly heavy west-bound business on the
low rates now In effect of $30 from Chi
cago, Peoria and St. Louis, and $23 from
Missouri river common points, Kansas
City to Omaha inclusive, these rates are
the lowest in yeais, and thousands are
taking advantage of them. The popula
tion ol Oregon Is small compared to
that of other states, and the Burlington
is doing all in its power to encourage
emigration, and further interests of Ore
gon and the Pacific northwest. A large
majority of those who come west are
seeking business locations, farming and
timber lands, or anything for a livlihood,
and there are excellent opportunities
right here in tbe Willamette valley.
The most of these people are brought in
contact with our business men and
farmers, thus creating a demand, and
eiiauiiBiiiDg a pnea lur ainum evurj
"n w. we are sending large
?UBn" ei 01 "" "
"""UD" uu
to prospective passenger, for the west,
nd ln nta 0reon, trm
grans suYerusing met it couiu not re-
M5' 'erw,,e wstnout an immense
outlay of money. Tbe Burlington has
been established in this territory for the
past 16 years; It is the second longest
railroad In the world, traverses eleven
different states, and passes through most
of the prominent cities ln the west,
operates the finest trains on earth, and
passes through some of the grandest
scenery in the world, and Is strictly up
to date in every appointment. What
we want to get established is the fact
t'"lt wlien nyne ' contemplating a
trip east, or have friends in the east who
m(n ,. U th will limn Una
sew vviastsiga, " vm wj wava w
to our ticket agent, corner 3d and Stark
streets, Portland, asking for any infor
mation tbey desire, it will be furnished
promptly and cheerfully, and when they
are ready to make the trip our agent
will call on them and ticket them over
any line tbey wish in connection with
the Burlington, and give tliem the bene
fit of best service and accommodations,
and very lowest rates ln effect."
Creasy was Weaned.
A good story was told to us the other
day of Conductor Cressy, running on the
Independence A Monmouth railroad,
who, by tbe way, is a tip-top good fellow
and a Joker himself. A traveling man,
and eye witness, gave us tbe facts. As
the train pulled out of Dallas one after
noon recently, there was on board a big
fat colored mammy with a pickaninny
kid about a year old that was about as
obstreperous and contrary as any brat
could be. Tbe mother coaxed and
coaxed and threatened It without suc
cess. Finally she opened the front of
her dress and exposed her bosom, and
produced a "dinner" of generous propor
tions, but tbe little brat still continued
to squall and lefuaed to be tempted into
quietude; then she resorted to strategy,
"You bettab tak hoi' o' dat dinnah
chile, or I'll gib it to the conductah."
Tbe traveling men In the car let out a
shout, while Conductor Cressy said he
Just had dinner, "dam a rabbit," and in
extra stern voice demanded tickets.
The beat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. Mo
ears, ua pay. Price, 60c
i Eastern Mar Heeling.
The members of Adah Chapter No. 34,
0. K. 8., bed a delightful aud Instruct-
l. HiMtlne nn lt Frldiv evenlmr. the
occasion being an olflolal visit by tbe
grand matron, Mrs. Jessie F. Vert, of
Pendleton t there were also present the
erand eondurtress. Mrs. Townsend. of
Dallas, and Mra. R. S. Conner, worthy
matron ol Naomi Chanter of Dallas.
AJ.h nhii.t.r umfUi.l tha beautiful
Jearees of the order unon two ladies and
the olflttera wera tha rclnlents of much
praise for tbe excellent manner in which
tbey acquitted themselves In this their
flrst atlemnt at work. Tha arand mat
mn eon Id scarcely find words strong
enough to convey her feelings of pleas
lire at the work of the chapter,
After the business of the evening had
been attended to, a delicious lunch with
hot coffee was spread in the banquet
room to whluh all ad burned for refresh
Aiirr iiiik luuy iriiiii miu rutrv.uwi,
1 I. I ... I
the members returned to the lodge room
where the impressive S4 was conferred
upon Mrs, Vert aud others In a very lui
presslve and enjoyable manner.
From Independence, Mra. Vert went
to Jefferson for the purpose of institut
Ing s new chapter at that point
The members of the order here feel
very kindly toward the grand matron
for the nice manner In which she re
viewed the work of the lodge.
The present officers of Adah Chapter
aret Mrs. E. L. Ketchuin, worthy mat'
ron j K. W. Cooper, worthy patron ; Mrs.
A.J. Uoodman, associate matron; Mrs.
0. D. Duller, secretary; Mrs. W. P. Con
naway, treasurer; Mrs. A. H. Locke,
conductress; Mrs. J. E. Hubbard, asso
ciate conductress ; Mrs. K. W. Cooper,
Adah; Mra. J. VV. Richardson, Jr., Ruth;
Miss Nellie Burke. Esther; Mrs. H.
Madison, Martha; Mrs. M. VY. Mix,
Elects; Mtas Patience Cooper, warden;
Dr. Ketchum, sentinel; J. R. llaldwln,
The many friends of Mrs. 0. D. Rider
were shocked Monday morning to learn
that this estimable woman had died
about lOo'clwk. Frequent reports from
her bedside were so favorable that her
friends were looking forward to the time
when she wouj again be able to be
among them.
She had been ailing fur over a year
nd everything that medical skill could
do to alleviate her ailments failed and
the patient and long suffering womau
finally passed away.
Mrs. Kider was born In Ohio and was
82 years of ago laat November. She had
lived In Polk county for twenty years
and was welt known and esteemed by
nelglihors snd friends for her high quel
llesides the disconsolate husband, de
ceased left six children, vis.t Fred
Rider and Mra. Cora Edwards living at
Snohomish, Wash.; Frank Rider, living
on a (arm a few utiles north of Inde
pendence, and Mrs. Hattla Clark, Mrs.
Jones, and Mrs. J. F. Buckley,
living in this city.
The funeral services took place Tuee
day afternoon and were largely attended'
Elmer E. liarritt, one of the 1t
known farmers of this section, died Bat-
orday morning at his home, about two
miles north of Palem, in Polk county.
Deceased was born 80 years ago on the
donation land claim where he had since
made his home. He bad always been
an enterprising, progressive and public-
plrlted man. He left a wife and three
children. lie also left two brothers J,
w. and uyron tiarrttt, ol naiem aud a
sister, Mrs. J. II. Emmett,ot this coun-
He was a member of the Woodmen
of the World, under whose auspices the
funeral was conducted Sunday.
vaiias win nave a city election ou
April 1st. "There'll be a hot time in
the old town timt night, my darling."
The F. U. of A. will give a "bottle"
social on Saturday evening, March 23,
at the 1. 0. 0. F. ball. Everyoue ia re
quested to bring clean bottle aud ten
cents. A good program will be given
nd refreshments served.
ills not so iiiucu wnat ttie news
papers say, as what neighbor says to
nelgbor, or friend to friend, that has
brought Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy Into such gen
eral use. ii la natural for people to
express their gratitude after using
this remedy as It ia for water to flow
down hill. It Is the one remedy that
can always lie depended upon, whether
baby be sick witlicholera Infantum or
or a man with cholera morbus. It Is
leasant, safe and reliable, Have y on
bottle of It in your home? For sale
by Klrklaud Drug Co.
Parlies having business with the First
National Dank are directed to call at
Room 2, Cooper Block, where they can
be attended to.
J, B. CoOI'KR,
Go to
For Wall Taper, Window Shades,
ricture I'ranips, otc.
Furniture of all kinds repaired.
Office with the Telephone company
Springtime is here and the striking novelties In Gentleman,
Boys and Youths sulfa, shoes, hats and ties are complete and
ready for your Inspection. Others who have examiued the new
garments say they are the swellest ever brought to , this city.
Come in and satisfy yourself; and as I need money, therefore
must sell, in order to pay off, and as my expenses are not very
high, therefore can sell cheaper, and will sell cheaper than any
other house in this city. That is my strong point and you are
benefitted by purchasing your garments at the
WJite HoUse,
I - Golden Wedding.
r. and Mrs. t. 8. Powell celebrated
elr ol,1sn wedding at Monmouth on
VJeduesday veiling. Their home Was
"kr ""worsted for Hie occasion and
ds came in until It was completely
aile1, A mmi "Hsble evening was
P"" The couple were married In It-
llno, ln Ml and Immediately took pas-
7 wr away Uiegun
"'"'"H on donation claims ln Linn
Counly, Tbey moved to Polk County
-Mr- Pe slways taken an active
Umi in educational matters and for
- ,0" " serveti ss trustee ol the OKI
Christian college at Monmouth, lie whs
alo a representative In tbe Oregon leg
Istature at the 18MU session.
Among the many beautiful presents
were a gold-headed cane for Mr. Powell
tof gold-lined Chins dishes for
- 1 Mr( roweii.
Mr, and Mrs. Powell will spend this
summer on the farm, he being known ss
a prourtuuive and tiirocMlul farmor as
well as a man who never shirked hi
part of a community burden.
Tu7 l.ave six children, vis. i Dr. Jns
M ipokaue; ltev. P 0 , Kalem; Mrs.
A. M. Areitt, John II , Jay K,, and Ira
0 Monmouth,
' Pearl Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs David J. Whiteaker cele
brated their pearl wedding auuiverssry
on Tuesday afternoon at their home
some two miles north of Monmouth. A
large number of friends from Dallas,
Monmouth, lnduiiendence and other
points were preexiit and enjoyed the
hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Whiteaker,
who wets the recipients of many beauti-
iui presents, ma lesttvities were pro
'""H w '"' l,0,'r ' "'aX winding
np w social nance.
Whist Club.
Tho whist club met lust Thurjdsy
evening with Mr. end Mrs. A. J. Uond.
man. The prise wluneis for the week
weiet Sirs, Kutch and Mr. lm!eiid;
Mrs. Duller hnd Mr, Comisway. The
club was to uivel this vuek with Mr.
aud Mrs, Kutch.
' "' VuhWe Meeting.
A puhllo meeting of the elilwiin of
IudHudeuoe will be held at the wily
ball rriday evening, Mart'h 2tHh, at
7:30 o'clock, fur tbe purpose of ex plain
lug the bond heme of the city and how
Investors may obtain (Item aud the
benefits to be derived fur the city by
the sale w bonds.
Hon. N.J. Juduh, city recorder of
Hatem, will be pn-w-iit and explain
their Issue of bonds and the great popu
larlty of their loan. All who are In
tereated III our city's welfare are re
quested to tie preeeut.
J. L. Htocktox, Mayor.
The Florence Sanatorium,
Salem, Oregon.
A flrst-olaaS private hospital for the
treatineut of ohroulu aud surgical.
Hulli during the past year especially
urine iioriMo mr wiiion ii is uiwu.
Conveniently located within four
MocksoflhebimlninspKrtof tbe city.
Tbe mol modern furulshtuga and lat
est apullaueea throughout the building
Heated by Hot water; lighted by gas
and electricity, Here tbe sick van have
the comforts or an elegant private
home, with all the advautagea of a
general honpllat. Outeide physician
bringing III patient treated wltli the
greatest courteey, aud awUled lnojters
lions If rutled.
for terms ami runner nuoriiiai!n
wrlle or apply iwrwuially to
Visitors welcomed from 2 to 4 P. M.
A dispatch from Albany says that it Is
stated by creamery owners there that an
effort is tielng made by an Iowa firm to
buy up aH the creameries In Western
Oregon and operate them as skimming
stations, with Portland as the heudquar
teis for a large and main creamery, and
thai two or three creameries have been
secured. The Wkst Sins believes this
move to be Impracticable, In fact we
know ol one creamery Hint the I rust will
havediillculty in buying. It is not in
the trust nor will it bo,
To the Deaf.
A rich lady cured of her deafness
and noises ln the bead by Dr. Nichol
son's Artificial Kar Druuis, gave f 10,000
to his nstitute. so that dear enide un
able to procure the ear drums may have
them free. Address No. 13134-e, The
Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth
Avenue, New York, XL 8. A.
The patrons of the Corvallis eronrjiery
now receive asjs cents lor nutter ntt,
The output of butter for the past month
lias been 70U poum'a ler week, llie re
ceipt of milk in the punt few days hits
Increased from IliHM) to 4IICJ jmunds per
(ley, Waldumar Ksuhi.ich is now in
charge of the plant. Times.
Must lie mighty poor milk where 3000
pounds makes only 100 pounds of butter.
What became of the rest of the butter
fat? The Independence creamery would
turn out 150 f0""11' ' "uilt ge but
ter from 3000 pounds of milk.
' Bond Me Their Names.
Thousands of KuHtern people will
take advantage of the cheap rates tut lie
Northwest In effect every Tuesduy from
February 12 to April 80
They are the lowest In years.
ir you nuve any menus who are talk
ing of coming West, send mo their
names and I will Imve our repreaenta
lives look them up furnish them with
advertising matter reserve berths sue
that they have a quick and comfortable
trip. A. C. Hhki.don,
General Agent,
2-8 1 4-80 Burlington Route, Portland
Deafness Cannot lis Cured
hy Inrnl iilli'Ntuna, M tliojf rnnimt rwb
tha dlMiMil Htri Inn of ,h mr. Tbr Is only
on wny hi ur (lnriir, mill lhl I hy pun
Uluimiml r..inw1ii', kIiiwi In rttuvt) hy
u mnnMii'ii nifHioinrt m inn iiiumtia lining
( tits KtiKturliiiiH Tuiw, Whon lltl tnll
liilUinnit fim liftvrumlilln mind or lui
mrf'l Im'Ni-Iik mid when IMnllrlyilm4
drriu in (lis revolt, nd ante Hi Infliim
timlliin iu t usn out snd till tulm n
lorwl In It imriiml ixiiidlilmi, irlns will
l diwlmrmt ftirovnn mn piuum nut ol urn r
osMUDiHiy ritlnirh, wliiuli la milliliiv hut an
Inllaiiml (uiudllluB t th muiHiti ornww,
Ws will lv one llumlicd Imllnr (or n
riuiiif llculiiMa (i iiiiiii.( by iwlwrh) tlml in
tint I trnrwd hy iUII'i lilunli Curs, tteud
lor eiri)Hlrs, rrn.
r. i. en bihisi a vv., ToicQii, o,
SU-lil by nil nrusKlt,j(in,
lUlt's rainlly fill sru IbslHMt.
The snuual convention of the Polk
County Hundity Bcliool ssixicialioti will
be held In Dallas, Baturdsy, Msrch 30th.
Rev, O, A, Dot son, snd other state of
ficers will be present to assist.
Field Worker Dotson comes highly
recommer-detl and as are sure to have
a feast of good things that you cannot
afford to miss. Mrs. W. A. Wash,
Kasnl t'lttitrrh quickly yields to trout.
uinnt by Kly's Crnsm JUlm, whleh is s(;r"0
slily srtnimtlo. It is recsived throuuli the
nostrils, eleaiiMS and nobis the wliola sur-
fne oror which It diirtuos Itiolf. Dniuulsts
ik') I Ilia sue. sIkai '4 rial sue hy tuuil, 10
nonts. Test it and you are sure to euutiuus
liie iroatmaui.
To aocuuuuodaU thow who are partial
to tha use of atomissrs In applying licmids
Into the tnwud rsuwiagiis for &iUtrral trwu.
blf the prupruitors pmpare Cream Holm in
lliinld form, whlou will bs known as Kly's
Liipiid ('renin llnlm, IViee including ths
spmyiug tulia is 75ents. JWiksIsIs or by
inaiL Ubu lltpild form etubodlos Uie Mod
iolus! propurlius of the sulid prejiarBtioa.
Forty men who have settled on lands
west of Dnllss under the homestead act
met Issl Wednesday at Dallas and form.
ed an association. It is proposed to con
struct rouds and trails to the several
uliiis, Dallas and Falls City being the
Initial point. If any trouble should
rise In securing tU'e, the homesteaders
are to set In untson In pushing the In.
lerestsufthe settler, Hon. Geotge L.
Hitwkin wns elected president, and J, I.
(ioo.Kiiend secretary ol the association.
At the hiime of the bride's tarcuts in
this city, Miss Maude 1'anroec and Mr.
tico. E. Marshall, March J7ih, . IflOJ,
Rev. J. R, Baldwin ollleiating.
On Msrch lfl, by 'Justice J. D. Irvine,
Mr. A. U. Baker snd Miss Blanche Rsv.
ol this city, were united in man lags,
News lies been received of the mar
riage of David Collins and Miss Coral
Marble, Mr, Collins is city salesmsn
lor the Cascade Cereal Co. at Tacoma,
As llouest Medicine for LaGrippe,
OeorgeW. WaJtl, of Bouth Gardi
ner, Me., says: "I have had tbe
worst oougb, cold, chills aud grip and
have Ukeu Iota of train of no account
but profit to the vender. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy Is the only thing
that baa doue any good whatever. I
have used one bottle of It and tbe
chills, cold aud grip have all left me.
I congratulate the manufacturers of an
honest medicine." For sale by Kirk
laud Drug Co.
Teachers' Meeting.
county tnipt. i'. 1.. Burr inlorms us
that the teachers' meeting to be held at
Monmouth Saluidity, Msrch 23, is ex
pected to Im of exceptions! interest. On
the evening preceding the meeting, Jr.
if. w. hellogg, ol l'ortlaud, will lecture
on "That Hoy We Teach," and a fine
musical program will be rendered. On
Haturday the program will be as follows:
Arithmetic, primary division, Miss M.
M, Frsnit and Miss Nellie Muscott;
Intermedium division, Prof. P. J, Mill
key itud Mies E. Hull; advanced divi
sion, iHjrceniage, Alius Hargrove; pro
portion, Miss l'agenkopf. Thirty-minute
program by public school, and
model rcitaiiotis by training school.
Arithmetic, reviewed, Trot, W. A.
Uniformed 8. P, Porters.
Within a few days uniformed passen
ger attendants will tie at Oakland Pier;
at the Ferry depot, San Francisco, foot
of Market street; and at Third and
Townsend streets depot, San Francisco.
They will wear dark blue suits and
bright red caps with a broad black band
hearing in gold letters tho words, "6. P.
Co. Porter," so that they can bo readily
distinguished. Their duties will be to
assist passengers in every way possible,
lirccting them to proper trains, boat en
trances, etc., helping ladies and children
without escort on and off trains, and
showing such attention to the traveling
public as will tend to make thorn a
popular feature of our service.
WANTKO.-Canahle, reluilile m-rmin In
every noniuy Ui n-in-ment lnr company ol
ullil tlnnuoiui rtiulutiim;tU;itlaHlary tieryesr,
payable weekly, M per ilay at)ilnU'ly mire
Hint all expeliaeit; Htriilulil, liiinii-llitn, (teltiille
milary, no emimilxHlnn; militry pnld eat I)
Kulii nluy aud ex in-line mutiny advitiuwil eneh
wi-ek. nl AnUAHO IloUHK. iCSi Dearborn
(U., I'lileuijo,
Office and Residence Corner Railroad
Monmouth tttreets,
W. (j. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
Some People Think
Because we oft'or- them Btich a fine
looking ring for such a small
amouutof money that it must be
plated or filled.
Not ho, however, for we carry
nothing but solid Gold llincs and
soil thorn on a very oloso margin.
xouis loritmga,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Tiiurston Lumber Comoanvi
. r - m W '
Dollao, Orogon.
Dry Stock always on Hand, also Cedar Shingles. "
NOTR; We have a flmt-cliui drv kiln hl, h .n.i.l.
oughly dry lumber.
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty DicknoHs. JJetter ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when'$l() wouldn't cure it.
Come to us to have your prescriptions filled, and
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
Aro You Going East?
Perhaps I can be of service to you.
I can ticket you over any railroad running
trainsoutof Portland; tell you when to leave
home; where to change cars; when you will
reach your destination, and what there is to
be seen on the way.
, Call or write I '11 take pleasure in answer
ing your questions.
Otnahs, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis snd
Shasta Route.
Trnln barm ln1tpeudeace tor Portlund sad
way .uti.iii. st 2.tif, p. m,
U lur CurvallU t 11.00 a, nt.
I.v Pnrtiand ,
t, Alliaiiy
Ar A.lil.inl
" Hu r r.iiulwo.
" Omlwa
" Ik-nvor
" KnhkM Clly ...
M tlllmtjo., s. m.
U.m p. m.
7: p.m.
11 :;ia p. m
: ft0. m,
S:46s m.
, sio p. ui.
1M p.m.
. (Slim,
. v a. ra.
. 7:;,ri. m.
. 1M s. m.
T:i s. m
is, m
7t . m
h JU. n
SrOta. ra
SiU p. Ill
: i, nt
ll:e, in
7:i. m
;m p. m
;-' . m
1J.1U p. in
I.'W AllKI-llH.......
Kl I'imh .,
Kr Worth
City of Mttxteo.,.,
Nuw Orltf.ns
Wn.hliinlon ......
Now York.........
,1:00 p. m.
tm p. m.
6;.i . m.
11.. m.
70 S. Rl.
n-.m p. in.
12:10 p. m.
Pullman and TuurUt ram on both trains
t'l lr or HniT.nitmuvUi tigUvn snd El fiuo
still uiuri.t earn In Clilnmu, St. Louis, e
Orlusaa nnil W sh luxUin.
st Hau Kraiiclnoo with severs
U-Hinitilp llnva fur Hiiliululu, Jhii, ClilDS
I'blllpplnv, Central snd Houtb America.
Hue Ms.O. A. Vi iuxii at lutlt-peodouce sts
lion, orsihlruis
Gousr.l rauoDRt-r Ajuut I'oitlunJ.Or.
Kutch's BarberShop.
IiidoiH'tidcnoe Oregon
Dan P. Stouffer .
si Titles
T ' Examined.
Main Street Dallas, Oregon
snvthlns vo Invent orimnrovei 1k
PROTECTION. Bond model, sketch, or photo,
for (res xsutlimtlnn and advice.
BOOK OH PATENTS fee before pateitt.
patent uwyen. Washington, D.C.
V' TTbsos Mrr
Anrnne nmdlng s sketnh Mid dmerlptlon roy
qnloklr Huoorljiln otir opliitun free whether Hu
liivenliim t proh.lily putonlnhle. Connnuni.
tldiiintrletlyoonflileiitliil. Iliuidbookon I'nteiils
eat free. Oldest tutemr for HwurUis wrtents.
l'ntnnts Ukn tTirnuiih Munii & Co. reool
qn-rliU notice without oliiime, m tue
Scientific Htnericam
nelr Dlimtroled weehly. Irtit Mr.
f aiiT nlentlBe Jounml. 1'erni., S.H s
month., It. Held by all newarienlera.
&Co.88U"Mi"' New York
OWoe, IBS V BU Wsahlngton, D. C.
11 much
Send your business direct to Wtuhlnrtoii!
stves time, eo.U leu, better .ervlce.
Ky efflo. .lM. V tr. S. ratont 0ffl. VSES pnllmt..
ry tii.mltu,tloDi n.d.. Atty'i tn not da. until punt
ACTUAL BXPIiRIENCE. Book "How o obtain r.tuU,"
to., Mnl tTM. FnUnt. proowwl through B. O. Stggora ip.oinl notfo., without thus In Ui.
UlutnUd monthly-Blmntk ywr-tarau, SI. . ywr.
A. C. Siikloon, General Agent,
Third and Stark Sts., Portland, Ore.
Corrected to dnte.
Lsws ludod4 Leaves AlrUe for
eaea lr Moniuouth M o m o a t h and
snd A I rile.
fits a.
3:S0 a. m.
' S OS a. an.
0 00 p. a..
Imhi lwdeaead.
lave. Oalla for
eaeefor Moawoathj rtep.Bd,n,.
and DalUa.
1:00 p. aa.
Leave. Monmoulk
TilS p. m.
Iiave. Moninnuth
for ludeafMdeaee.
a. nt.
l::io S- ui.
:40. m.
8:43 s at.
8:01 a. m.
Iav IndeiM-nd-
for AlrUe.
7:50 a.m.
3;S0 a. in.
Lear. Monmouth
fur Unllaa.
enoe fur Monnoutb-
11:80 a. ra.
1:30 p. m.
SdA a. m.
Uihiqjh Pacific
for From Indnpeudcuce from
Piw'tufid 8lt Jsnver.
Hmwiai r't. Worth, Omaha,
sVoTsm ; p.m
via Hunt. Iuls, Chicago snd
FiJL SsltUke, Denver. Kt
u5 om Worth.Omshs.Ksu. Siosm.
via rTiint SM City, Mt. Louis,
totoo. ChlcajoanOEasL
HI Paul Wlla Walla, Lewtn- -
Kant Mall ton, Mmikane, Mln
6,-OOaiu neuiMill., 8t. Paul, 7 a.m.
via lliihitli.. Milwaukee,
Spokane Chlcsgo and Vast.
From Portland.
All nailing dates sub-
8P'n nirV.anl-iauei?oo- 1 P-m-AUlu
every & days
r?" Columbia River "
ExUunlHj- suiamer.. -,'P-mv,
sa.Krday ro Alorl. and Way-
10 p m Lnudluita.
v. n," 'Willamette snd ,,
ruLa.TlV, Vamhtl, Kera. MOPw.
8 '. Willamette Elver. 30 p. m.
sndBitu' '"ortland to Corvallis "i"J!re.d-
nd Wsyjjtndlugs "d rl-
URIparlH aue ri Lv. Lewi.
:Kia. m, ton, dally
Dally (Iparlato Lewlston, Sa. m.
Steamers to Portland from Independenee
Modoe leaves Corvallis for Portland Monday.
nuaiu snaYsaun rnaaye atsa in, passlnir
IndeponiU-noe at 9 a ui. Heturnine, leave.
Portland Tuumlay., Thursdays and Satur
days, pacing luduuendenoo st 0 n m
Ruth leaves Independenpe for Portland Tues-
uay, l uursaays aud hum ways at o a ui.
Keturnlng leaves Portland for liidependeuee
Mondays, Vt'oduefdaya and Fridays at Ua m
arriving st Indsnendouoe at 6 p in.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers Altona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00 a. m., for
For Freight or Passage ap
ply on boardthe boat, or to
the agent
Independence Oregon,