The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 22, 1901, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
It lh on that gives th most and
freabest newt. Comper lb WEBT
8IDE with any ppr ia Tolk oounty.
An Advertisement
Which briK retorue U proof
tt k in tb rltfl pi To WEST
BIDE bring -u wers, .
If -
$1.50 PER YEAR
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 955.
AS 1 1 111
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old. -
tmp"hnM Review el U Important (Up
pcnlnji ol th Put Week In a
Gmdciucd Form.
Botha rejects th English peac
A bllxxard swept over th Mtssourt
The late Oregon legislature cot
Couvloti In a ..ansa prison win
went on strike.
lUsh circles In Russia am alarmed
by the student riots.
Minister Wu spoko la Chicago on
the civilization ot Chum.
Other secret trestles between Rus
sia end Chlua come to light.
Tie will of General Harrison was
hied for probate at Indianapolis.
The British guuhoat Plover is ashore
tn the Yang tse rier beiow Kla Ktang.
E tensive improvements are to be
made at the state fair grounds at
The expenses of the Washington
legislature exceed the appropriation
by vm.
Oregon horses for tne army have
made a hit with the Quartermaster's
Eistht soldiers and customs officials
were killed by an avalanche near Lake
Como, Italy.
Baker City will add $500 to the
state s appropriation (or a mineral ex
hibit at Buffalo.
Commissioner Hermann has re
versed bis decision la the Warner val
ley land case la lavor ot the settler.
With a pick provided by outside
friends, three prisoners confined In t U
city jail at Uuthrl. O. T., made their
Fire destroyed the Jenks Ship
building Company's plant, at Port Ha
ion, Mich., entailing a loss of over
175.000, 'partially covered by Insur
ance, Mndlsonvllle. the county seat of
Hopkins county. Ky.. suffered a lire
loss of J125.0O0 to 1150.000. Two to
bacco factories were among the build
Ings destroyed.
Fire destroyed the leather and har
ness factory ot the Startzman-MI!
liken Company, Baltimore, entailing a
loss of $;25,w0, and did $10,000 dam
ages la the adjoining building, oecu-
Arrangements Nearly Completed
Will Open May 1. ?
BUFFALO, N. Y, March 18. It has
been decided to open the Pan-American
exposition Mny 1. At that time
President McKlnley and his cabinet
are expected to be on their way to
the Pacific coast, it Is proposed to
connect the president's train by tele
graph with the temple of music. Di
rect telegraphic communication will
also be established with the executive
offices of the presidents ot all the re
publics of the Western hemisphere
and the governor general of Canada.
At precisely 8Wcloek, Buffalo time,
they will all be requested to touch
hIm-Ma huttona In their offices.' which
! will start pieces ot machinery at the
exposition. At the same time it w
expected that each will transmit a
nuiMHBcrt of sreetlnv.
President McKlnley. from his spe
cial ear. surrounded by his eabluet.
win then start the great fountain
pumps, and will transmit over the.
wires a message oi greeting.
Mav 14 It la urooosed to hold lm
posing dedicatory ceremoniea when It
Is expected that Vlcs-Presldcnt Roose
velt rinvemor (Well and a large num
ber of national and diplomatic of
ficials will be present A day. prob
ably between June and 18. will be
designated President's day, when
President McKlnley and his party, on
the return from the coast, will
mm m
items of Interest From All Parts
of the Stat.
K Brief Review ol the Orawth and Improve
ments of the Many Industries ThHHih.
out Our Thriving Commoawttlth.
Ashland Construction of the Ash
land f.etght depot has begun.
Pendleton Young men ot Pendle
ton have organised a cornet band.
La Grande A large fruit cannery
will be established at La Orande.
John Dy-The Sheep Gulch mine,
near John Day, has resumed opera
tions. 8slm-Th O. R. A N. Co,, whose
docks wete washed away, contem
plates replacing them.
One Fireman Killed, Three Other
adly Hurt
PITTSBURG, Pa- March lS.-Dur-Ing
the progress of a fir today at the
cornnr of Duqueen Way and Fort
itreet, on man lost his life and three
jtuers were badly uurt. The property
loss will be fully 260,000, well Insured.
The Br broke out in tho boiler room
9f the Hiram. W. French Company's
balr felt factory, Just opposite the
main exposition building. Through
tome confusion, no alarm was turned
In for soma ttute, and It was fully 20
minutes after tb fir was discovered
uefor the engines reached the scene.
from the felt factory the Barnes
lumped across the street, and In a
rery short tl in the exposition buiiO'
Ing wss burning fiercely. All the fire
men could do wa to prevent the
flames spreading. After bard work.
this was accomplished, t-4 sMry
all with IU valuabl contents, saved
Tb main building wa a complete
Two lumber yarda adjoining the felt
factory soon auccumbed. Gallagher k
Banker lost 1,000,000 feet of lumber,
Vigorous Protest to the Vene
zuelan Government
AmwicM MlniiUr Inlormi South Amsrlctn
Government That Inlerfersnct With
y- Our Official Muit Cum.
WASHINGTON. March 20. The
state department, through Minister
Loomls. recently lodged a most vig
orous protest to the Venesuelun gov
eriuiuiit against further Interference
with Mr. Bals. the united states
MHtntu, aianl at llnffmhiniL. VfttlA-
lueta. U know nothing of the last
Kuaane Many odors are being n
rolvii for Eiieeno school bonds, which
the district wtll sell to the amount oi)lnd n,nry jeuk 350,000 foot of valu
$26,000. . I able hsrdwood. Three small dwell
Summervllle It Is reported that;).... ne.r tnt lumber yards were do-
Taft Commission's Plan.
New York. March 16. A Washing
ton dispatch to the limes says:
The Tsft commission has been or
dered to forward to the war depart
ment It recommendations for th
form of government to be adopted in
tne Philippines. This Is In accord
ance with the original Instructions, by
the terms of which the commission
was to prepare such recommendations
whenever ordered to do so. The time
has come, In tne estimation of the
president, when plans for the govern
ment of the Philippines may be sub
mitted for his consideration. No In
timation of the nature of the scheme
has yet been received. The commis
sion, tt Is declared, has not received
any suggestions from Washington,
fcni ha hn left entirely unham
pered. It may propose sny form ot
government tt thinks lit.
Demand on Sultan of Morocco.
New York. March 18. A special to
the World from Washington says:
Tho rmlaer New York will stop at
Tangier on the way to Manila, and
take on board Consul General Cum
mers, who will be conveyed to the
neareit tort to tne Moroccan capital.
The consul general Is to demand that
the sultan settle the cinim or Ameri
can cittxens against his government
The Wew York will await the return
of the consul general. The consul
roneral could make the trip from
Tangier on merchant vessels plying
In those waters, but it bns been the
policy of the administration to lm-
precs the sultan oy a navai oemon
the complete outfit of new machinery
for the crermery at Biinimervuie nas
been "order.!.
Weston Two ouarter aectlon ol
flue farming land, oue and o ie hnlt
miles south of Weston hsve changed
owners. The price paid wss 115,600.
Qusrtxburn Quartxburg will soon
be conuecteJ with Prairie City by
telenhone. The wire has been
stretched nearly the entire distance, they had been shot. Bheckler and
. ei..OB-.The Flk Creek toll road. rlfflth, In going to the rescue, were
Clatsop eik treeg ion roao , caught, and wer badly burned,
tn Clatsop county. Is almost com- '...,, mtm wsrll WWhed.
ploted. and wlu soon be open '"Ml,i" ' VjB1 nd two of the olhen
travel. On bridge nulai to ta?il4w4,,,B,,"aWU
put tn.
Gold Bssch Gala Beach Is now In ! lu.ail..N rnaiAUL ARREtTCD.
telepnonecommunicaiion wun mo ov
pied by the Ferrls-.Wth-Stoln Com- station In Moroccan waters.
pany. shift manufacturers,
Fifty Chinese passenRers of the
steamer Belgian King, which arrived
at Ban IXeso. Cat., from Hong Kong,
have been refused a landing by Col
lector of Port Bowers, pending an
investtgittioFi by the otflt-ers In chare
of Immigration, 'iney aie alleged to
be Btmients and merchants, but their
credentials aie questioned.
Fire at St. Iuls caused $100,000
- India's Population' Stationary.
rnieuitft. March 18. Complete cen
sus returns give the population of
India as 294.00O.000. an Increase In the
last decade of 7.000.000. Deducting
tne population of the Baluchistan.
Shnustaksat. Chlon hills snd Blkklm
irrltorv. enumerated for the first
time, a net Increase Is shown of only
1.4 per cent, which is due to improved
census methods. Thus, the population
ta for the first time stationary.
t fdmlnni nwiHnlllV frrtHl
Natives of Marlnduque want civil ; nm, . ,rca. (1'pclne m the birth
government. j,, tne nntVB Btatcs show exces
Orders were Issued for dispatching I give declines.
regulars to Manila.
Morocco will be compeljed to pay
the American claims.
Natives of Tutuila ask that Tllley
remain their governor.
Trias, an Influential Filipino general,
surrendered to the Americans.
Several girls lost their lives In S
factory fire at St. Joseph, Mo.
Fighting occurred between students
and Cossacks at St. Petersburg.
Fourle's commanuo escaped from
the British net near Bloemfonteln.
Loomls piotests to Venezuela
against further Interference with Bals.
Oregon hopgrowers are contracting
this year's crop at 11 cents per pound.
Many were rendered homeless by
fires at Memphis, lud., and Bismarck
A department of public Instruction
has been established in the Philip
The Manchurian agreement Is like
ly to disrupt the concert of the
Oil deposits nenr Ashland, Or., will
Trouble at Tien Tsln Betwesn British
and Russians.
TIRN TSIN. March IS". The British
r.nd Russians are disputing over the
limits of railway property In the Rus
sian concession, and the guards of the
two nations are In close proximity to
each other. The British have been
strongly reinforced, and trouble is im
rnluent unless the Russians retire.
Warships In Venezuelan Waters.
Port of 8paln, Island of Trinidad
ivla Havtlen cable). March 18. The
German second-class cruiser VlneU Is
icnorted to be making further Inves
tigation In regard to the matters In
connection with the Island of Mar
puerlta. The Italian third-class cruiser
Dogall is here watching Venezuelan
affairs and Is ready to start at once
to nrotect Italian Interests In Vene
zuela If necessary. The United 8tates
cruiser Scorpion has arrived here,
Fire in Washington Hotel.
Washington. March 18. At 3:53 A
Ull ueposns near Asnianu, ur wui ..., lu.tric ilcht wires started
? dr?.LT!!'.ef:if(?,nla cap,tal,8U!lStrea5n the MeSnts Tote? 485
I Pennsylvania avenue, which spread
have invested $3a,000
John O. Rliler, Inventor of the! rapldly, causing panic among the
Remington ride, died at his home in ; Ei!t.Bts, several of whom Jumped from
Newark, O., of heart disease, agedn,e wtndow. h, p. Henry, 48 years
'i4 years. 1 0),i, was killed. The Injured are:
The St. Louis Steam Forge & Iron Stephen Collins, proprietor of the ho-
Works, better known as McDonald's: tel; w. 11. uaicnings, oi uucny ,
stroyed, but, ao tar as known, all th
Inmates esoaped.
William Miller and his fellow fire
men were victims of a live wire. Th
Intense heat nieltad the network of
wires running In every direction, ana
one of them In falling struck a trolley
wire, the other end crossing th brass
notxle of th hose held by Miller and
Snyder. Both men foil as though
side world. The llns has been ex
tended across the river from Wed
Euaene A bridge on the Elmlrs
msll route, about eight miles west
of Eugene. Is In a dangerous condi
tion. It will be rebuilt as soon as the
water recedes.
Imprisoned by Venezuela Without
Adequate Csuss,
PORT OF 8 PA IN, Trinidad, March
IK. News ha reached here that the
United States consular sgent at Bar
celona, Venesuela, Ignaclo H. Bats
has been arrested by Venezuelan of-
Ashland 8. M.- camoun, oj aso- . . i,nrU,init without atle.
land, has exchanged 160 acres of land , r . . .
near that place for a like amount of !' ' I the second time
land In Klamath county belonging toih has been treated In this fashion
G. H. Palethorpe. within the last flv monUis, and he
Bsk.r City-Mr. C. McEndry, who Protcl'a
v . . ... . ; ll'.-V.I...,n iMv.riMtinlll l a Ilium l
owns placer claims on nne crwa, vn
the Burnt river slope, nas been x-i that several sums or money nave ueeTi
hlbltlng In Baker City a gold nugget
which weighs 1107.
Pendleton Frank Frazler la mak
forced from him by Venezuelan of
ficlsls under threat of imprisonment.
The protests of Mr. Unix to Wash
Ington seem to have wet with no re
li n dim
Old Crop Sold and Now Crop Being
Contracted In Yakima Valley.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., March
20, The hop crop of 1100 ha been
so(f), and contracts are being mad
for th output ot Yakima for th com
ing season. Buyers from Portland
are here cleaning up the remnants
of Isst year. They report only 42
bales of the crop of loo on hand.
The laH sales ranged about 14 cents,
although sums have been made at
18 cent a pound. The Indications
are favorable for a good crop this
year. All th yard are being cleanea
snd put In shape. Estimates place
th Ysklma acreage at 2,400, yielding
an average ot 1,000 pounds.
One of th most important Items
for the consideration ot hop men is
tho Introduction of the Bohemian
methods of curing In the Yakima val
ley, Senator A, Helnrlch, of the Se
attle Brewing ft Malting Company,
conducted a series of experiments
last season, and demonstrated that an
Imitation of the ceieuramn
Bohemian hops could be wed in
li. i mifinmian noro coi
F.?W.-.??58?L?,r.,i4f: Tikimt. Tkt boo wer cored with
UUl 11 ispreeuwou ii..u. i . -' -, rf,ui n- ..ilnhiir. kail
connected direct y w w tn irouoies - z?," ViZ
j, .a :r?.ukrn,VhneeTh,rt,l. sszfift
United States, a fact that wsy add "' "" v..
. .. . ..... ... -.i i . .......,.. & nounn. t
10 in OUUCUivy wim u uur 'iuii - i,, v.tlm. km. tnr IftAI la nlarisil
u,ni ,. in nmiHi-iinv htm. as it " he Yakima crop for 1B01 I PIBCMI
Botha Rejects the Peace Terms
Offered Him.
Othsr Secret Trestles Between Russia
and China.
I)NDON, March 21-Dr. Morrlsoti,
wiring to the Times from Pekin, says:
"Prince Chlng received me today
snd confirmed the information as to
Russia' mollification of the Man
churian convention. The Chinese min
ister at St. Petersourg officially te
nons that Russia has agreed to ellm-
HIS ACTION SUPPORTED BY MIS MEN ',:";,,,". ," Moii. nd Tui k-
I estan. and also to modify various other
i..u to by China. Prime
British Prut Gtncrtlly Pluitd With th R- chlng warmly appreciates the assist-
wll-Urjs That Further Reinforce ance rendered China sy in
. u u a t a. Hon of England, the United SUU-a
menU B Ready. , jRp8n hut he I not optimistic
concerning the return ot the court to
LONDON, March 21. Joseph Cham- Pckln. ...
jerlaln, the colonial secretary, In-1 "The Russisn amendments do not
formed the bouse of commons that seem to modify sensibly the char
Cleneral Botha has rejected th peac iacter of the convention as creating a
terms offered him. General Botha, permanent protectorate, in amenueo
Mr. Chambrlaln said, conveyed the
information in a letter to Oenerai
Kttcheuer, In which he announced
thut h w not Higpceei tc receta-
mend the terms of peace General
Kitchener wa Instructed to offer him
to the earnest consideration of bis
tovemment General Botha added
that his government and Its chief of
ficers entirely agreed with his view,
i., lifinn tn 9n nnn haioa or zoo
Is determined to do. lie was oorn in ''"" ,7 " b7;
St. Thomas and Is a native Danish P(M,.nj e ' B,(l'. f tf 2 r.n hi
citizen, so f.r a. t. known her, hut "
I ...... u t. U 1 ), a I U UUUI.FUI 1UUV w .,,
naving an BPHivr . ulllnr at an uric.
Venezuelan government recognising however, ar so ling at any price.
him ss a United States consular agent. ryn ,
United State government It appesrs "Jk ""ft.i:,vg';;JB . nound When
that he Is engaged In buslaess and be- market for 2 eenU ' PSXTtalr nroflt
Venezuelan bhihim wj . ... . ... ttltMlt havlnc
attempt to collect a forced loan from fall, henc those Uving
v.,,.. than a month aso the large ysrds are not anxious xo con-
blm. More man a momn ago tne Mminm , nr i,... than
int. ilnnaHmnnt Mrvardnfl its in- .
atructlons to Mlulster Loomls to rep- 1
resent to tho Venezuelan government
that these annoying Interferences
with our officials must cease, but so
tar no results have appeared.
Methods Pursued by Tagals to Tr
rorlze Peaceful Natives.
WASHINGTON. March 20. The
clause giving Russia the right to con
struct a railway joining the Man
churian lln to tb great wall declare
itil tic ;cs2css!cs for lis rsl.wsr
between Shan Hal Kwan and New
Chwang to a foreign company wa a
breach ot a prevlou agreement be
tween China and Russia. No agree
ment has hitherto been published with
which that concession could connict.
Th Issuance of parliamentary papers ; and tt Is evident there have been a
on the negotiations Is delayed. Gen-Jserie of such secret agreements, oe
eral Botha's refusal to accept the I ginning with the secret treaty which
peace terms offered him I commented LI Hung Chsng negousien aunng u..
with an anna of ritllttf. mlaalon to Russia In 1836. I QUeS-
Th Idea that wrd Kitchener initiatea tionea rnnce enmg r,ontrruiB
the negotiations Instead ot General
Botha, a bad been supposed, I un
palatable to the British press. Th
Dally Mall, under the editorial cap
tion, "Our Rejected Suit." ask why
the government Instructed Lord
Kitchener to sue for peace after the
murder of the peace envoys, and
concludes as follows:
Let the war be pressed to the ut
most, and let further reinforcement
be prepared, for they may be needed;
but above all, let us have uc more
negotiation. "
treaty, and he assented to my sug
gestion of Its existence without the
slightest demur. I have reason to be
lieve It originally promised China pro
tection only against Japan, but was
modified at China's request to Include
protection against aggression by sll
foreign powers. China Invoked It
provisions after Germany secured
Klao Chou, but Ruasla turned a deaf
Ing plans for a horse parade at Pen- tb(11 fttf in,9 months sue
.a .. a t . b A J u ml a a 1 1 la S A I nl -
oicton eany nt OT7, .... , s Mr. Loom!, the United states minis
one last May. All kinds of well-bred Bf B, CinK.Mi mll,tB a demand upon
horses will be allowed to take part j tt)( Venezuelan government for an
i.M..jinm,ir. nf i,imi...r ilBalora anolosy for th first outrage, but this
st Ashland reveals the fact that whll; communication wa quite Ignored.
Imorovements have been going on .
steadily all winter, building will take
on a fresh Impetus with the open
ing of spring.
Milton High water In the Walla
Walla river washeu out the under
Dinning at the MUton end of the
bridge near Brown's mill, and con
sldersble work wss necessary to re
pair the damage.
Sumntsr The Bumpter Valley rail
road will commence work on the re
malnlng three miles of road to the
new town In a few days, ana trains
will be running from waker to Whit
ney soon. Whitney will be the ter
minus of the company at present
Eugene Sheriff W. W. Withers
rounded up a gang of 11 hobo In
the woods beyond the river opposite
Eugene and took them to the city
Jail. Residents beyond the river had
complained that many of their
chickens were missing. At the camp
of the hobos preparations for a big
chicken dinner were going on.
Forge Voiks, were destroyed by tire.
Loss, $100,000.
The plants of the ParnRould Rollgr
Mill Company and Went Rogers Plan
ing Mill, at Paragould, Ark., woie de
stroyed by fire. , Loss, $250,000.
The lumber yards and saw and plan
ing mill plant of John B. Ransom &
Co.. in West Nashville, Tenn., were
destroyed by fire. Lous, $140,000.
Lientmiant General Miles, who In
tends f Inspect the principal military
posts In Cuba, has arrived at Hnvana
with his party from the United States.
Nelson O. Whitney, professor of
railway engineering in tho university
of Wisconsin, died suddenly at Mad
ison, Wis., of heart disease, aged 43
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad has
ordered 105 new engines.
Florida Is now thronged with visit
ors from the northern and western
In the United States regular army
Spanish Is upokcn fluently by 304
commissioned officers, French by 224
and German by 136.
Besides Klnir Edward there are 73
heirs to the British throne without
going outside of the group of Vic
toria's diiect descendants.
Capt. Hobson Is the highest rank
ing officer In the navy, considering
age and length of service, and will
soon be toad of tho construction
One of Susan B. Anthony's presents
received by her on her eighty-first
birthday recently was two $500
United States government bonds.
The slto of the "old fort," where
the first settlers of Springfield, Mass.,
took refuse from the Indians, has
been marked with a bronze tablet.
Joseph K. Aca has been named as
Hawaii's first cadet to West Point.
Aea Is a full-blooded Hawaiian and
is a ward ot et-yueen Lllluokalanl,
John S?-anlon, and W. B. Ketchum, of
Library for 8t. Louis.
St. Louis, March f8. Andrew Carne
gie has offered to donate $1,000,000
for a new public library In St. Louis.
The offer Is similar to many others
which Mr. Carnegie hss made to cities i per pound
Wheat-Walla Walla, 5SV4B0V:
valley, nominal; bluestem, 60c per
Klodr Best grades. $2.803.40 per
barrel; graham. $2.00.
Oats White 44 45c per bushel;
gray. 4243c.
Barley Feed, $16.60017; brewing,
$16.C017 per ton.
MlllBtuffs Bran, J16 per ton;
middlings. $21.50; shorts. $17.60;
chop, $16.
Hay Timothy, el212.G0: clover,
$79-60; Oregon wild hay, $807 per
Butter Fancy creamery. 22 025c;
dairy. 18 0 20c; store, 11013c per
Eggs Oregon ranch, 12v&c por
Result of Russian Riots Promoted by
ST. PETERSBURG, March 19. Id
consequence of the riotous disturb
ances following tho demonstration!
promoted by university students the
government has proclaimed a state ol
siege at Odessa, Kleft and Kharkoff
It Is reliably reported here that
student died at Kharkoff from Injurlei
sustained In the disorders of March
4 In that city. Eight hundred stu
dent ot the University of St. Peter
burg, virtually all remaining here, met
last Friday and resolved not to st
tend further lectures. The police
subseQuently arrested 16. Four bun
dred students of the technological
school entered the courtyard of the
Institution to nold a meeting, and
the police Inscribed their names. The
mining academy 1 already entirely
It Is reportod that Count Tolstoi
who ever since his excommunication
has been loudly cheered whenever he
baa made his appearance, Is taking
an active part In the disturbances at
Moscow, where the situation is com
plicated by a strike of the operative!
of several large factories.
morocco mu rmj . .. ,;,,,,
Washington. March 20. The state reeorus In th cases of 24 Filipino
department Is giving renewed stten- natives, charged with various offenses
tlon to th settlement of tb claims against military discipline In the Phil-
against tb government of Morocco. Ipplnes, Including murder, treason and
Th claim of Marcus Ezagut, who was other acts of violence hav been re-
murdered st Fes In June last, has celved at the war department. These
..nut.t i,v th navment of records make plain the methods pur
$5 000. but there are other claims sued by the Insurgents to terrorize
equally merltortous which have not the native Inhaoltants of the Islands,
... .iiuf.ii-iu a,nimii itttcentlv and show cases of atrocities commit-
th state department gave thes con- ted upon the latter wher they do
slderatlon. all efforts on tho part of dined to comply with th demands
Mr. Oummere. the consul general st and th exactions of tb so-called
Tangier, to adjust them having proven riupmo govenimnw.
i iiniw iheae eircum-1 In one case nine Insurgent sympa
stances, a special mission seems near, thlzer. fully armed, seized In the,,,na in thia end today were ttixht a family of five persons and
sent to Mr. Oummere. as well as a killed them with oolos. Tb motiv
r.lrw inatructlnn to demand an for tb murder wa th punishment
apology for an apparent discourtesy of th family for refusing to pay Uses
' . . . . . i . . 1 . ...... . .. t V. Ihmi.mmm .nuam.
on the part of tn grana vizier ana tne in euiin, u. m i..u.o..
.ii.... r rn.i.n arr.ira in attenmt- ment The sullw natives were sen
Ing to defeat the purpose of the state tenced to hard labor for 80 year. In
dJl... ,iui.,,i,-h a annrial mia-1 another case, under the order of an
iJi . uvnnnn rit Th I insurscnt lieutenant colonel, a native
cruiser New York.' with Admiral wss seized, bound and made to alt
. i. naarlna- fit I down while a soldier ' held his head
braltar, with every prospect of reach- and with a knife cut. his throat. The
Ing Tangier by the end of thla week, murderer wss condemned to be
She will take Mr. Oummere aboard hanged. Most of the other case were
and convey him to Mszargnn, where the murder of Innocent nuplno by
.i..n.r.i win rtiaiMiibark and a exed soldier and officer of th in-
go overland to the Moorish capital, surgent army, several of whom are
The New York will remain at wszar- oeacnueu
.,-1.. V, I a .r ,1 ,tM tint ii anme aort outlaws. The most atrocious, accord-
of ettlement I reached, and Mr. Ing to the reords, Is that of Euseblo
Gummer wss todsy notified to this Rojas. who was sentenced to be
effect nangeu, styung nrawii
Iiniantry in win hibuijdiu ivui ..,
the command of Alejandrlno. Iloja Mrh so United claimed ts exercls" summary power
States Minister Dudley, at Lima, Peru, over th live and property of the
cabled the state department today natives who did not oear arms against
that the government of Peru had of the United States, and conceived it
at a.iA rm i nun si run si ins in uh nia uuit tu iiiuiuui a v - v '
Fowkes claim, and he was Immediate- law-abiding people living within nil
ly Instructed to accept tne oner, ine so-caueu niwiarj jUI,nu.ivu.
.rllnil in 1K34. W. A. " '
... an Amnrlcan merchant Railroad Mschinlst Strike.
i,", " -p.. ,i,. .n,i th mllltarv Iowa Falls. la.. March 20. The ma-
authorities subjected him to a forced rhlnlst and boiler makera np'oyed
i-. ..j imrunnrf him for 24 hours, at the Durllmrton. Cedar Rapids
A clslm was preferred against Peru Northern shops. In thl city, hav
for $5 000 on his account, but that walked out, and will not return to
government proffered 8.000 soles (s work until the difference between
L-,.. J-..!..!.,,,, n s rnti th emnloves and offlclsJs ara ad-
.T ih expressed hla wll- Justed. This action follow that of
Brues-Hsmllton at Wspensr.
M sicking. Bnautoland, March 21.
Oenerai Bruce Hamilton's force, which
Is sweeping over the southeast portion
of Orange River colony, has reached
Wepener, where the troops found
heavy stocks of grain and cattle. They
carried away ss much a possible,
but destroyed 3,000 bags of grain.
The houses at Wepener were found
to be Intact
Recruit for South Africa.
Ottawa, Ont, March 21. The 1.000
men recently recruited for police
service In South Africa will leave here
Sunday next and will sail from Hal
ifax the 20th.
Mounted Maxim Oun.
Cape Town. March 21. Tho military
authorities here approve the new In
vention of a Maxim gun mounted on
a motor car for Immediate service.
Ilngness to accept that sum.
Japanese Who Was Smuggling Chi
nes Into United States.
Explosion on Ship.
New York, March 19. Tb steam
ship New York reached her dock at
10 o'clock tonight, after a passage Id
which an explosion of an ammonia
tank caused loss of life and much
damage to the vessel. Her shaft war
also broken. As a result of the ex
plosion, 16 men were overcome by th
fumes of ammonia on ihursiiay last
thn union mon at Cedar Rapids, and
It Is reported It wtll be followed by
the men at Esthorvllle, Watertown,
Albert Lea and other division point. Cars Wrecked.
Chuhalls. Wssh.. March 20. Iocal
rum ivr. i- - - i , ,..i, i,
j0 geveral days ago word reacnea rreignt train no. on n u-"j i.
the customs authorities that wnoie- at Newausura siauun, m.
sale smuggling of Chinese cannery- south of Chenalls, at 1 o clock, lit-
men across the line was about to be teen cars were wrecked and a pusher
Inaugurated, As a result, tho revenue engine turned over on the side.
cutter Grant was sent out to putni inttre were
tho Straits of Fuca and the channels train Is now at work, but the track
between the Island and British Cs will not be cleared until early tomor-
lumbla. Extra precautions to guard row morning. Passengers on the
the boundary line have also been trains bound In both direction wer
and seriously prostrated, two deatha
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 following. Both victims were burleil
$5- hens, $50 5.50; dressod, 1I01ZC at sea. neverai timers were common
per pound: spring. $405 per dozen; to the ship's hospital for some time,
ducks $506; geese, $608 per dozen; and one was still In the hospital when
turkeys. Ive. 10c; dressed, nP , tne snip uocaeu
14c per pound.
Potatoes 45066c per sack.
Mutton Oross, best sheep, wethers,
$4.75; ewes, $404.50; dressed, 0H'8
7c per pound.
Hoes Gross, choice heavy, $5
$5.25; light, $4.7505; dressed, 60fc
throughout the United States and
Veal Large. 7074c per pound;
small, 8tt9e per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, f 4.B0T
$4.75; cows, $104.50; dressed beef,
708c per pound.
Hops 12014c per pound; 189S
crop, 6 7c.
Wool Valley, 14015c: Eastern
Oregon, 9012c; mohair, 21023c por
Russian secret police have arreste l
many literary men, lawyers and st'i-
Tien Tsln took possession of the rail-1 dents for alleged conspiracy.
There Is still now and then a man
simple enough to go gunning for an
office without a barrel, Detroit
British Oenerai Hesitates.
Pckln. March 18. The Russians at
Trial of Alleged Rebels Begun.
Constantinople, March 19. It la of
flclally announced here that to 3 trial
began at Salonlca, March 11, of lit
Bulgarians, accused of belonging to
the revolutionary committee at Bona
and fomenting disorder tn Salonlca
Monastic and Kobbovo.
way siding, and armed sentries are
now guarding It. General Barrow,
second In command of the British
In consequence of emigration there
1 a greater preponderance of women
! in Vnwnv ttinn In nlt.iofir. nnv other
..... . . 1 ,, I IU W " ""' ...
forces, nesiuues to a,t , . , , e
the absence of General Oasoloe, feel-;
Ing sure that bloodshed would ensue. Congressman Llnney, pf North Car
He had a long consultation today with i 0nnai ) the oniy republican ever
sir I'.rnest nuww, me , ... . .,. who aorved as a
Nina New Cases of Bubonic Plague,
Cape Town, March 19. Nine now
cases of bubonic plague have been or
flclally reported In Cape Town durlni
tho last 48 hours. Six of these wer
colored poisons, and three Europeans
iubllant. The American military line
has been sold to a private company.
private In the confedorat. army.
The leading poultryman In a thriv
Ing North Missouri town answors to
Waiting for Instructions.
London, March 18. A dispatch re- the name of Henry Coop,
t-clved here from Tien Tsin Dy Kep
ei's Telegram Company, dated from
thut city today at 8:2w P. M., says:
"The Russians are now entrench-
ng In the disputed territory. A com-
William H. Merrow has been elect
ed city messenger of Lawrence, Mass
for the thirtieth consecutive time.
There is to be an International con-
pany of the Hong Kong regiment, with gross of nurses held In Buffalo next
ixed bayonets, Is In front, while two September during the time of the
:om panics of the Madras Pioneers, Pan-American exponltlon.
inder the command of Major John- A Monument to the late Queen Vic-
on, are held In reserve. Both the . , , t bfl ere(.te(i ftt Winnipeg,
lusBlans end the British are await- . n(,rtnen1
ng instructions their govern- Man., probably at the parliament
aients," buildings, at a cost of $30,0QQ.
Reward for Rescue of Explorers.
Venice, March 19. The municipal
court, of Venice, offers a prize ot
20,000 lire to antl-ltallan or foreign
navigators who may rescue Count
Franco Qulrlnl and the Norwegian
sailor who disappeared from the ox
nlorlng party of the Duke of Abruzzl
during his Arctic expedition In the
i Stella Polare. A reward ot 6,000 lire
...... .. - .
is oirereu to any one wum iiu-msnus
definite news as to the fate of the
musing men.
Northwest Postal Orders.
Washington, March 19. The post
office at Shanlko, Wasco county, Or.,
has been moved 1170 feet northeast,
without change of postmaster.
The following Washington postof
flees have beon moved:
Lake, Asotin county, one-quarter of
a mile southwest, without change ot
Ryan, Stevens county, iy4 muer
west, without change of postmaster.
Dodd, Asotin county, two miles
north, with the appointment of Alex
ander M. Martin as postmaBtor.
Kntlat, Chelan county, one mile
tast, without change ot postmaster.
taken. Three Chinese who were Be
ing smuggled across by a Japanese
were captured today. When taken,
tho Japanese offered the United States
officer a bribe, but was placed under
arrest at Northport and two charges
placed against him, one ror unlaw
fully aiding Chinese to enter the
United States, and one for attempt
ing to bribe a United States officer.
The Chinese were ordered deported
Shot by Desperadoes.
nd Rock.- Okla.. March 20, Albert
Batoman was shot and killed at 8:80
o'clock tonight by two desperadoes in
the store of Swart ft co. ine des
peradoes were robbing the Btore, when
Mr. Rateman, who Is the manager of
the Foster Lumber Company's yard
at this point, happened to step In,
and, taking In the situation, opened
fire on them, wounding one of them
in hn arm. Both the robbers opened
tire on him. and he fell, pierced by
two balls. The robbers socured $350,
nd made their escape. Officers from
Ponca and Perry have started In
A New Csnsl Treaty,
Wnnhlntrtrin. March 20. Secretary
Hay had a long conference today with
Sonator Morgan respecting Isthmian
canal matters and tho advisability
of reopening negotiations for a trenty
with Grant Britain on ine budjoci
Thn ancretarv is losing no oppor
fnnltv of acnuatnttng himself with
the views of sonators on this subjoct,
and the confnronce today Is only one
nf nnarlv a dozen he has had on thf
same subject with leading senators
and representatives since tne sojourn
ment of congress
transferred tonlgat.
An Enqsgement In Pansy.
Manila. March 20. A force com
manded by Captain Shanks, of the
Etehteenth nfnntry, has had an en
gagemont with the followers of Dlo
clno. a noted Tagal leader, In Caplse
province, Island of Panay. Two of the
rebels were killed, ana inree, inciuu
Ing Dloclno, were wounded.
Little Accomplished by the Minister
, at Pkln.
PEKIN. March 20. Little wa ac
complished at today's meeting ot the
foreign ministers, on account of tne
delay ot tho various governments In
agreeing to the conclusions reached
In the matter of indemnity claims, ino
minister Is allowed full llborty to act
tnr hi. government, all the Instruction
being ad referendum. The court cer
emonial on the reception of ministers
was the subject ot conversation, out
nothing definite was deciaea upon.
Advertisements for Proposal Being
WASHINGTON. March 20. Now
that the war department has funds
available. It Is the purpose to push
work as rapidly as possible on tb
telegraph cable from Skagway to Ju
neau. Alaska. This cable, approxl
mately 126 mllse long. Is to be laid
bv contract with runus maue avau
able at the last session of congress
In his last annual report to the sec
retary, the chief signal officer. Brig
adler-General A. W. Greely, strongly
recommended the laying of auch
cable, saying there was a pressing
need for a cable between these two
cities. This, he said, would not only
connect the mllltaray posts at bkag
wav with Juneau, the capital ol
Alaska, but would enable the terrl
torlal authorities to reach, via Skagway
and Dawson, the points In the Yuson
valley now so remote that as a rule
not more than two or three letter!
upon any subject can be exchanged
In the course of a year.
Of course, this cablo, while not laid
primarily to connect with a line run
nlnit down the coast to the states
will bo a valuable adjunct In case such
. nroiect is later adopted by con
gress. It Is estimated that a caule
could be luld from Skagway to Val
des. 650 miles, for $300,000, and that
a cable from Skagway to beattie
passing outside of Vancouver and
Uneen Charlotte Islands, so at
to svold International complications,
which would be at least 150 muei
long, could be laid for about $sou,
'These cable connections," sayi
General Greely. "seem absolutely es
sential If the United States Intends to
encourace commercial and other en
terprlses In Alaska with a view tc
development and Its becoming, as U
possible, a territory ot tne greatest
financial value to mo American ite-
In speaRing ot tne wortc soon to
bo beaun. General Greely said that
there were now available sufficient
funds for purchasing and laying tne
Skaguay-Juneau cable. The cable
is to be laid hy contract, tne nrm
manufacturing It being required tc
lay it. Advertisements for proposals
are now being prepared, containing
all Ihe specifications. The cable Is
to be Insulated with rubber, as ex
perlence has shown that no other in-
Demonstration nd Fighting In St
ST, PETERSBURO, March 20. The
student organized today what wa In
tended to be an Imposing demonstra
tion In front of the Catuedral of Our
Lady of Kazan, the occasion being the
anniversary of the ueatn of Vetroora,
the girl who committed suicide some
years ago In a dungeon of the political
prison In the fortress of St. Peter and
St Paul In order to escape persecu
tion. Immense crowds assembled on
the Nevoskot frospect, the principal
street of the city, and the adjacent
thoroughfares. The military m even
greater number occupied the district,
closed the entrances of all houses and
shops, patrolled the street, and time
after time cleared the pavements,
making many arrests, Including teacn
ers and pupils of the higher grade
girls' school. 8everal ot these young
women resisted arrest, i ne ueuwu
stratlon wa held, but owing to the
presence of the troops. It was ratner
a mild affair, although for a time se
rious consequences seemed lmeiy to
follow the brutality of the Cossack
in driving back the people wun wnip.
A number ot students who bad re
cently, protested agalnBt the excom
munication of count loistoi assem
bled Inside the cathedral and began
smoking, shouting, throwing thing
at the holy Image and whistling while
preparations were being made for the
sacrament Thereupon, the congrega
tion began to thrust the disturber
outside, nd a general fight ensued.
One of the cathedral banners ws
seized by the students, who used It
In the fighting outside .the catnearai.
where proclamations were thrown
among the crowns containing such
phrases as "Long Live Lioeny ana
Free Government" "Down With the
Czar," and "Down with the Rotten
Officials." Finally the students ob
tained a red flag, and an attempt by
the police to seize It was the signal
for a general ngnt.
Trial of Bulgarian.
Constantinople, March 20. At the
first day of the trial of the 19 Bui
garlans accused of bolonglng to the
revolutionary committee at Sofia and
of fomenting disorder In Salonlca
Monastlr and Kossove, recently be
gun at Salonlca, a Bensatlon wb cre
ated by a declaration o(,two of the
accused that the confessions previous
ly made by them wore extorted by the
.use of the bastinado and by other Ill
treatment tn whlcn they were sub
jected while lu prison. Now they deny
the charge brought against them.
Storm In Porto Rico.
San Juan, Porto Rico, March 20.
A heavy storm prevails here. Two
Inches of rain tell Inst night In two
hnnr. The wind Is blowing 81 miles
an hour from the northwest. The rain
censed at daylight, but the wind still
continues. The railroad Is tied up by
aoilnns washouts. ' Telegraphic com
munlcatlon with the north and west
hnrea ta nartlally Interrupted.. The
done by the storm As un
doubtedly more severe In the Interior.
Prisoner Tsken on Warship,
London. March 20. A dispatch re-
iirnH . nre from Lisbon says the pris
oners, numbering nbmit 200, captured
r.nntiv in the conflicts with the au
thorities at Oporto nnd elsewhere
were removed this morning on board
two war vessels, in order to prevent
attempts to rescue tnem.
Northwest Postal Order.
Washington, March 20. A postofllce
haa hBn eatahllsnod at Fife. Pierce
county, Wash., on the route from Ta
coma to Puyallup. Gottlob KUnk has
been appointed postmaster.
Sever Storm Raging In th MIourt
CHICAGO, March 21. A snow storm
approaching a blizzard In severity
swept over the Missouri valley today,
and tonight It stilt was raging. Ne
braska. Western Iowa, South Da
kota and Wyoming and Kansas felt
the effects of the storm, which tied
up street-car traffic In many cities ana
delayed raltroad traffic. In Northwest
Michigan, where the railroads had
hardly recovered from last week's
storm, a heavy snow fell and contin
ued all night It was feared It' would
do more damage than the last storm,
and arrangements were made to side
track trains to prevent their being
snowed In. Wisconsin reports snow
and rain storms, with rivers and
streams out of their banks. Near
Racme serious floods are feared. At
Prairie du Chien, the lower part of the
town Is flooded and 18 Inches of water
is over the railroad tracks. Minne
sota also is In the grasp of a severe
Northwest Postal Order.
Washington, March 2i. The post
office at Grlswold, San Juan county.
Wash., has been moved two miles to
the west and Adelbert D. Tift an
notated postmaster.
The postofllce at Clover,. Okanogan
nnnntv Wash., will be discontinued
sulatlon can successfully be used in March SO. mall going to Conconnully.
our waters, especially those ol A postofllce has been established at
Leona, Douglas county, Or., on the
rouse from Drain to Comstock, and
Thomas E. Blodsoe appointed post-
21. The i master. ,
The postofllce at Ecno, e-imore
A Total Wreck.
Victoria. B. C. March
atonmnr Willamette, hlch ran on Den
mnum lainmi nitnr vi nirfl Point, about nnnntv. Idaho, has been moved M
2H miles from Union, where she ; miles to the west, and Anna R. Wilson
loaded 1,000 tons of coal, and will , appointed postmistress.
be a total wreck, for her back has been The office at Klppen, Nei Perces
broken. She was lying on the rocks countuy, Idaho, has Deen movea wu
amidships and when tne after part
of her hull filled she broke ner baca,
Capture of Dloclno.
Washington. March 21. General
rods north, and Andrew J. Erlckson
appointed postmaster.
Protest Against Sugar Duty.
Now York. March 21. Ernest A.
?Blgelow has filed an appeal with the
MncArthur at Manila today Informed ttnitoH Sraraa B-ennrat an-
the war department of tho capture of 1 pralsera HRftlnBt the levying of . a
the Insurgent general, Dloclno. His countervaillng duty on sugars lm-
came is as louows; norted from Russia. The nrm nung
"Oenerai Robert H. Hughes reports h appeal on protest is one of the
Dloclno. the most troublesome insur-1 ,J arrlvlna- on the
gent general tn Panay, captured March ghlp parinKton about three weeks
18, wounded three times. He thinks j
ago. In accordance with the ex-
thls will end the war In Caplz prov- Messed wsh of the secretary ot the
, , I .nlnlnn it will! . ... . J 1 .
nice, ruimj. in iuj ujiimuu, "'" treasury, the ooara win near tue mi
terminate hostilities tn Panay. Thelfnrcnt .r-uments and render a de
cision at the earliest posjihle moment.
Army Appointment Held Back.
Washington, March 21. It was stat
ed at the war department today that
transport Sheridan arrived today,"
Leander Parker Dead.
Chicago, March 21. Leander Parker
for 18 years general superintendent
tl.a n.iotol TolAirrnnh rilnri nt tila
home tn Evanston today, after a long , the appointments to oe .maue to i
Illness. Mr. Parker resigned his posi- j the vacancies In the new army, both
tlon with the Postal company the first staff and line, except tn the case of
of the year, olng to 111 health. He general officers and colonels of the
had charge of the construction . of line, will not be published before the
the western lines oi the Postal when ' end of May. This course has been
that company was extending Its sys- decided upon as the one rbest caicu
tem throughout the West. He en-1 lated to leave the president free up
tered the telegraph service In 1855, to the last moment to exercise his
and for the first three years of the discretion In rearranging the list. It
civil war served as a military operator, is known that the staff elections have
Mr. Parker was oorn in Canada, in nearly all been made, but they ar
U$7. held back from publication,