The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 08, 1901, Image 4

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cfTight Off Labrador
ATTUEW QUIN reached New
York on morning In tb Ut
tututun under Instructions from
bit employers to go to Newrouudlaud
and purehaa cargo of llv imU for
ahtpuient to Euglaud. Id duo court
juln arrived at th Omii Bay fishery,
Newfoundland, th aeal wore ruuulug
atrong, and without difficulty fat pro
cured at many at fat wanted and ar
ranged for tblr trauportatlou to Eng
land. A bit of Information, which he picked
up by chance, Induced him to extend
hit trip aeveral hundred mile toward
the Arctic circle. It wa a venture
tome undertaking. especially at thl
season, and would have discouraged
most men. But Quln thought uotblng
of It and waa lauded one afternoon near
Hamilton Inlet, on the coast of Labra
dor, to be picked up a little later by the
little ateamer from the remold tene
ment of Okkak.
A bitterly disappointed man waa
Quln an hour after r.t arrival, for the
collection of wolverine, lynx ana wini
rata which he had come to for to buy
had been reeeutly told to the klpier
yard of him. With a tulleu growl.
leaving the. half-devoured eareaaa of
the p;g. the gaunt, shaggy beast made
twlttly at- him.
There waa no time to retreat. Quln
gripped the loug-bnudled fork ami
lunged desperately. The boar, quick a
lightning, lifted hit puuderou paw aud
ttruck tho tteel polutt aside, to that
they luHU-ted only a alight wound lu
tliy forethuulder. A tocond blow
snapped the weapon lu two, and then,
dropping lb utcloaa fragment that he
retained Qulu turned aud tied for hit
But at that terrible moment, when It
teemed that nothing could tave him, a
ray of hop Intervened, lie altpped and
fell and at he rote he taw at hit feet a
narrow black tilt, barely large tuougn
to admit hit body. lu a trlca he waa
inside, ami the aumrUed bear had
tlld punt the spot
Information About a Very Common
ArtUW-IUrd, tort aai Mineral W
. el Kid of 1 htm.
Water la alwayt the tame no matter
from what aourc It comet: but It it
made to appear different on account or
certalu tulmtaucet Which are Uiaaoiven
hi It. Carbonic acid ga. oxygen, aud
air are dlaauhid lu all ordinary water;
aud betide these, particle of dust.
and llvlug, but biirmlc. gerum are
afloat on It. The dlttolved air give It a
allitht twite.
Water containing lima la caned uaru;
while that with little or no ume it
tald to be toft. It coutulut niao, outer
mineral matter, especially aoda aui
potash. Mlnerala and gaaea do not
iider water Impure, but raiuer gt
It a more titcataut (ante.
When mineral matter la present in
large quantities. It It called mineral
water. HnrliiM containing tan, ume,
Oulu owed hit temporary escape to odu, potash, and aulpbur are fouml lu
various pnrta or the country ami aiw
uoted for their great healing proper
ties tome containing at much at one
or two ounce of mineral tubatance to
iiiiriienliir mi wa three or four feet I v.r oh II oil of water. The greater
deep, aud, fortunately, had a very tuiall part of the table talt In eoiniuou uae It
what the tlshermeu of Newfoundland
called a huhble-hole-a hollow, rouud-
ed cavity, shaped much Ilk au egg
that freitieutly forma lu leu fleet, Tlilt
Oulu spread hlmtelf flat on the bot
tom, face upward, and waited with an
auxlona heart. There wat a tnlffiing
noise, and then the lean not and burn
ing eyca of the great bear appeared
With obstluat peraeverano the
brute tried to reach him, ahuffliug
round and round the hole, and tnarllng
obtained from these spring.
Water rontalnlng substance which
are Injurlout to health It Impure and
thould be avoided. That which etand
lu plea for any length of time should
be allowed to flow for aeveral mluutek
before using, to aa to wash away any
substance which may have been Ui
tolved from the Iron or lead, aa The
rase may be, The water In a well It
aud whining.' at It repeatedly made just aa likely to become polluted aa a
l.iitKi.cst no.
of a patslug vessel. Thlt he heard from
the Up of Johan Daulelaon, a tturdy.
falr-halred Norwegian glaut. who Of
teen yeart ago had with hit wife aought
a home on the Labrador tliore, at
dreary and detolate a comer of the
world at oue could flud.
Two dayt tllpped by, and tnow fell
to the depth of half a foot.On the third
day the weather grew bitterly cold.
Block of Ice ground against the rocky
coatt. aud out on the gray horlxou a
couple of huge white ttoe appeared.
For bourt that night, while Mrs. Dan
lelson tlleutly plied her kulttlng new
die's, her husband aud Quln tat amok lug
and chatting by the blazing lire, listen
ing to the crashing of the turf aud the
weird tcreajnlug of the wiud.
Suddeuly a etartllng uproar broke
forth near at hand-the bellowing of a
frightened cow mingled with the thrill
aiiuealing of a pig.
gulu aud hit boat were Instantly on
their feet, the former telxlug a hay
fork that atood by the fireplace, while
Danlelson grabbed hit heavy, muzzle
loading gun from the rack. They ran
toward the little Inelosure where the
two domestic animal were sheltered lu
their warm pent.
At they drew near the squealing aud
denly ceased; though the cow waa bawl
Ing more luatlly than ever. Then, to
the utter bewilderment of the men, a
huge white beast acrauihled lightly over
the six-foot fence, carrylug the luckless
"By heavens, that wat never a polar
bearr Quln cried excitedly.
"It was Just that, air," the other an
twered. "it was blown here from tho
Arctic you'll find an Ice floe fast ashore
down yonder. I must kill the brute and
recover the meat It't the lust pig, and
I ctn't tpare ft."
Danlelson and hit companion re
turned to the bouse, where they hur
riedly donned thick boats and heavy
Jacket, and gulped down the but
coffee that Mrs. Danlelson Insisted
on their taking. Quln retained the two
pronged fork; In the flurry of prepara
tion be forgot to fetch a brace of re
volvers that were In hit room.
The trail led obliquely to the shore,
and here, tucb enough, a great floe had
grounded recently.
The floe was fast aground, and when
It struck large fragments of It had
been piled up endwise on the beach.
Picking their way over these, the two
men gained the solid field. Through
the driving tnow and stinging wind,
they advanced for a quarter of a mile.
vicious Julia aud thrust with Ita mas
sive paw.
It returned to the attack at ehort In
tervalt through half the night, and on
each occasion Quln wat In an agony of
dread lest he thould be pulled out of
muddv or stagnant tt renin, ana m
danger la much greater beeau It re
main clear and pleasaut to m it.
The most commuu dangerous uu-
stances found In water are decaying
mailer and semi of disease. The u
the hole and devoured, lie tried to raying matter la Itself poltonou. but
keep awake, but cold and drowsiness
overpowered him. and be kuew uo more
until he awoke to find the gray light of
day shilling overhead.
Ilavlug robbed hi cramped and stir
feued limb until the blood circulated
a little, he ventured to peep above the
rim of hit shelter. The heaving ocean
was close lo him the wave had eaten
far Into the floe during the nlght-and
to his bouudlesa Joy he discovered a
vessel uuder full tall within half a
And farther to the left, adrift on a
large detached cake of Ice. was a uiov.
Ing object that wa without doubt hi
late persecutor, the bear.
Quln dragged himself painfully out
of the hole, aud thouted and waved hi
Jacket perabtteutly; be finally saw the
ship lie to and lower a boat. A few mln
ute later the rescuer had landed on
the floe, and were listening tt the cast
away' thrilling tale, while they piled
him with tlujulaut.
"It't lucky you hailed us." tald the
mate of the whaling vessel. "It was a
close call, but you're all right no
We'll get that bear for you, and It will
be company for another one that the
tklpper brought alive from the north.
In due course New Bedford was
reached, and an ageut of ltlckman't
came aboard the Martha Jane. But
both hear went to Kamrach A Co.'t
braucb bouse In New York, aud from
there to the Philadelphia too,
As long at Quin live uie sigut or a
polar hear will recall to him, vividly
nd sharply, the terrible night lie tpout
on a drifting Ice floe off the coast of
Labrador.-l'tica Glob,
V '"4P
i&tmm mi.
Fools Are Not All Head.
Among the public tervanit who are
worried bv foolish questions the
upertntendeut of mailt In the post
clllce-get hit full share. One of lilt
visitor lust week waa a man who
siild to the deputy who answered the
all at the window:
"I am going out of town today and
want to get a letter to my brother, who
U on hoard the Majestic, and she Is
not due until Wednesday. I don't
know where he will ttay In New York
or where he will go from here. Cau't
you help me?"
"Certainly we can," tald me eierit.
A mnilboat goes to meet the steamer,
and if you addreaa your letter properly
mil put domestic poatnge on It It will
u .1 "live id nil righ'..
"But how slmll I addresa It-wbere
shall I send It?"
Address It 'John Smith, passenger
on board Incoming ttenmer Majestic,
line In New York Dec. li.' That will
reach hlni."
"No city 7 No nothing?"
"That's nil-Just aa I told yon."
The man thanked the clerk and went
awiiv. and came naca a nine iiuer
with an addrcKsed letter In his hand.
"Say," he tald to the clerk, "about
that letter. I've addressed It aud
si am pod It all right, but the man t
name Isn't John Smith. How almut
thut?"-New York Tribune.
Then, the bloodstain being at wider
Interval and more difficult to perceive,
they presently lost the trail.
Quin pushed ahead at a good pace,
and when, after a time, he discovered
that he could no longer see hi com
panlon, the fact did not cause him any
uneasiness. But a moment later
rumbling, crackling noise startled him.
Then his name waa called faintly, and
be heard the loud report of a gun.
Now thoroughly alarmed for he con
Jectured what the summons meant
Quln hastened back a fast as he-could.
He felt a swaying motion underfoot aa
he ran, and suddenly, out of the white
tnow mist, he saw directly In front of
him a gap of black, heaving water. It
was already half a dozen yards wide It
was Impossible to leap It.
On the farther brink of the chasm
ttood Danlelson, shouting wildly, but
Inarticulately. In the middle of a sen
tence he turned and ran, barely reach
Ing a place of safety before a strip of
the Ice on which he bad been standing
.crumbled to plecet.
"Help! Help!" Quln called hoarsely
A faint reply floated back, and then
the Norwegian vanished In the night.
It was no discredit to him that ho
thould seek tafety In a rapid flight to
the ahore, since he could do nothing to
belp bis comrade.
For an Instant Quin't stout heart al
moat failed him, at he realized his ter
rible situation. The wind bad shifted
and he wat drifting out to sea on the
main portion of the Ice field, which had
broken away from the narrow arm that
was fast to the beach.
Meanwhile the flurry of snow had
anent Itself. The air was clearer, and
the wind bitterly cold. Quln plodded
half the length of the hummock, when
he heard a gnawing, rending aouna,
$a& taw the bear rite op witbln a few
It greater dauger Ilea in me rac mi
furnlsheM he food upon wiucii in ui
ease germ llv. The germ ar
ready to grow when taken Into the
body. Typhoid fever la almoat alway
transmitted In thlt way. uerm win
starve lu absolutely pur water, but
the pretence of a very slight amount
at det-avliiB matter Induce lUelu 10
grow readily. Water which la colore,!,
or baa au odor, or a taate. la almost
sure to coutalu decaying matter: but
that which It clear and tparkllng it
not alwtvt free from dlteas germ.
Hlopa and refuse emptied on tne
ground near a house ar likely to nmi
their way to the well, and ir tne waier
contains the proper aulialttice. genu
will grow and produce dlseaao. Ir,
however, the ground la noi eoatcu
through with tucb refuse matter, the
decayed animal and vegetable matter
will become oxidized and only uiemin
eral txirt reach the bottom of the well,
Filtration It the protest or ptssing
water through powdered tubatance
to at to M-recu out til Impurities,
Pure sand la the best fllterer. and clay
the iKHirett. Another way In which
water la purified la by the action or
the air and tun upon runulug water.
Puwerage from large towua and cltle
I conducted Into river, and the action
of the tun and the agitation of the
waters bvreasonsof the wind and other cause the waste matter and
terms to become oxidized.
Impure water should not I used for
washing purpose, a the germ may
remain ou the thing wasoed, Ty
phold fever bus been knon to spread
by milk cans lielng washed in impure
water. The use of Ice formed of such
watt should also lie avoided, a It I
lust a nut to contain the germ of ill
case a the water Itseir. une or me
best aafeguard against the danger
of disease la to boll all water used for
drinking purpose
musical Belling for aunt famlllm
rhyme. Under my experienced tut
lag b mad good mauutcript or it-
don't kuow anything' about musiv
but I kuow that It can b legibly oi
Illegibly wrltten-nnd h eni along
With It a little letter of transmittal and
a aiamped and addressed envelop tot
tt return If not used: ami then n
waited with tympntheile Interest, and
In du tlm hit own addressed en
velope cam back; a packag much
emaciated a couiared with the out
he had sent forth, hut mn aadly so. It
wa In fact Joyfully thin for It con
(allied not hi uiaunscrlpt returned,
but a check for It. lie had stored ul
tlrst trial.
"Now for tho circumstance. It was
lu summer that He sent tins matiu
tcrlpt out and, a It happened, the
render of the muslcul miiuuscrlpt lu
the olltc of the ptilillcutlouto
which be bad tent It was away oik his
vacation. And to It happened thut the
music mnn't next friend In the olllce
who wu looking trier hi affair lu
hi absence, put my friend' piece lu
hi pocket nud curried It homo to ct
his wife to try It on the plnoo. They
had a little child that was fretting and
worrvluf. a children wilt do.
'Now, you listen to I hi, the mother
said, Interested In the manuscript, uud
lu the manner In which It hud come to
her; and at the played, straightway
ihe frolfulnes of the child departed:
nod there came Instead, Instilled by
the music, a spirit of peaceful content
"8o you tee. practically, thl "tne
child wntnty frleml'tapprovliiBri'ner
Ami he never abused It eonndeih .
By which I mean to any that, having
gained a fooling he never periled It by
sending out anything Inferior. For the
music man la not always on hi va
tlon; and however a man may get lu.
he can't ttay lu unlet he keep Ida end
Up. Ho my friend worked faithfully
and gave only of hi best, aud he tm
been successful ever tluce,
"But for all that, while 1 am willing
to admit that elreuiiistaiiooa may Help
a mail ome, yet I ttlll believe, and as
firmly a ever, that lin k lay hi nanu
on no man' thoulder utile that man
baa tried."
till -1
A Close Share.
A fiand Hog In a red shirt and grimy
trousers sat down by me oneaftcrnoon
on a heap of boards midway between
the Sand Hogs' house and the "ho
nltal." This pressureworker, whose
knees showed trace of "the bends,"
evidently had a story to tell.
'It was only the other day," he tald.
"I seen It, and how tho man ever hap
pened to live, I dunno. It wa one o'
these little caissons hero we're putting
this big building on. He was one of the
superintendent, a young college feller
that know hi Job. Well, he went
down with us. There wuz four In the
gang, and one o' them, Tlm that
Harp yer might see drlnklir coffee
now. They wuz a rock there, and the
foreman told Tlm to have a go at It.
He got his pick and swung It for a
good crack. There wna a tearln' an' a
rlppln' on' Tlm dropped his pick. A
he swung It the young fellor had step
ped out, and the pick had ripped off
every button from the blue Jumper he
had on, without even ncrntchln' him."
- Frank Leslie's Topulur Monthly.
Men May Commit llerolcld by Vcnttn-
Ihalr Iiilltirns u
Dr. Herman Koenlger, a German of
high scientific attainment, ha ror
some time been trying to find out what
lieeouie of the geruit that are released
when a person speak, cough and
anoexc. and from the conclusion at
which he ha arrived Henri De Par
vllle, a French scientist, feel Justified
In claiming that t person may by
slmnly sneezing commit homicide,
" 'Dr. Koenlger," be tayt, "bus clearly
nroved that a person who speak,
couch and sneeze Is a room In which
there I uo appreciable current of air
dlHscmlnatea germs to a distance of
nmrn than seven meters, and thut
these germ are carried In all dlrcc
Hons and even to a height or more
than two meters. As few person talk
alike, the gerum disseminated by
speech vary greatly, some of them re
maining In susienslou for an hour, and
other only for a quarter of an hour,
tbo latter being especially the case when
there I even a slight current of air.
"On tho other hand, germ are very
quickly dlssemtnntcd by coughing and
sneezing, and the smaller the microbes
are the further they are likely to
spread. Among such tiny mlcrolnm
are those of Influenza and tho plague,
whereas among the larger ones are
those of tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Evidently, therefore, the danger I
greatest whenever there la the greatest
number of microbe wltmn a peraou t
'In view of Dr. Koenlger s discovery
It will be well for everyone to keep as
far nway as possible from persona who
cough and sneeze. I'hyslciana advise
ncrsona suffering from cold to gargto
and keep their mouths clemmed, but Is
that sufficient and are any sueu pre
caution guaranty ngutiiHt aipn-
therlu? In any case a person should al
ways cover hi mouth with bis hand
or bis handkerchief before he coughs
or sneezes. Sneezing seems an In
nocent net, but Dr, Koenlger's experi
ments show thot It could very easily
be used as a weapon with which to com
mit homicide."
American and British Locomotive.
Americans offer locomotives for ser
vice In India at $0,300 each, to be de
livered In tlx months. The British
bid Is 7.7'-25; time required, nine
National Debt ot This Country,
The national debt of tho United
States Is only about $0 to every $500 of
Its wealth.
If a woman catches cold wearing a
thin dress at a reception, her husband
escapes public censure, but If the
catches It hanging out clothes, all but
his dearest friends stop speaking to
Thpm are vni ' neoule who can
eat a big dlnnei without tbetr noses
turning red. . . .
t hort UtoryAbout Another Genius Whu
Bucce led at III urn Attempt.
'I believe, and Just as firmly as ever,"
said Hie struggling young author.
"Hint the man was lina got It In him to
com mu nd success gets It sooner or
later, and that ho gets It finally not by
luck and chance, but by hard work;
and yet I do suppose that circumstan
ces may have something to do In deter
mining how soon or how late a man
may be In attaining It. Take, for ex
ample, the case of o very successful
young friend of mine who reached
success at the first bound:
"HIa field of effort was not literature
but music; but so fur as the principle
Is coucerned It Is all the same. The
flrst piece he ever sent out for publica
tion was a simple little thing designed
(or the uuiuxeineut of children, a
The British government encourage
luventor aud tcleoilttt by extending
fliiauclat assistant to those whose
work I eousldered of surth leiil value lo
warraut ucb development. The grant
are made through 1 1 British Itoyal So
ciety, and rauge In value from $50 to
I'J.aoo. according to the nature of the
Inveutlon to be exploited.
F.xnerliuctit are being carried out lu
the Austrian army with a uw portable
oveu for field and transport purpose.'
The oven at present In uw I a very
unwieldy and heavy article and ha to
he transported lu teellun. The new
oven, however, may bo carried Intaci
upon carl, and. If necessary, can !
utilized for baking purpuaca while on
the march.
A Uerman botanist It tald to bav dis
covered that out Of 4.300 tpeclvt or
flower cultivled In Kurope only 4'-'0
posse au agreeable perfume. Flower
with white or cream colored petal are
mor frequently odoriferous than
other. Next In order come the yellow
flower, then the red, after Ihem the
blue, and llually the vloh t. of which
only LI varletle out of aiw give off t
pleasing iierfume. In the whole list
3.KS0 varieties are offensive In odor, anil
2,300 have no perceptible tiiiell, elthei
good or bad.
Prof. O. F. Cook, of Washington, re
port the surprising discovery of cam
phor a au animal secretion. The aul
nml concerned It a myrlapod, reseiu
bllng a worm, or tuiall slug, aud teleu
tlflcally known a Polyzonlum rosal
bum. It live lu the humut of moist.
undisturbed forest. When handled It
jilvet off a very distinct odor of cam
phor, and eject a milky fluid wind
powe the smell, flavor and taste ol
nllnnry camphor. Prof. Cook thlnkt
the camphor I secreted Instend of tin
prusslc or hydrocyanic acid found lu
other myrlapod a a mean of defense.
Recent report Crotn Dr. Sven Medio
who Is again exploring Central Asia
strengthen the Impression which hit
previous exploration have given of the
extraordinary character of that part ol
the world. Salt lake, dried up lake
beds, abandoned habitations and lem
pies and Interesting people, hitherto al
mtmt unknown, are among hi discover
let. He also report that the Tarlm
River In Kasteru Turkestau, which he
has surveyed for a long dlstauce, I tlx
liirifesl river lu the Interior of Asia.
Over a part of It course the river I
simply a multitude of small Interchalu
etl laket.
The cork of the ordinary life pre
server toon becomes saturated with wa
ter, greatly reducing Its efficiency, lu
the new life preserver of M. Ruber, ol
tho Lyceum of Cherbourg, the cork U
reduced to line grains und coated with
lamp-black, which seals the pore aud
makes the matt-rial absolutely Impcr
vIoiih to water. Hie cork In grain b
more readily adapted to couveuleni
shaping for wearing. A garment -hat
can be worn permanently at an tjt'dcr
vest weight twenty-six pound, has
lieen shown by tests to make the human
body uusluknble, and hat met with fa
vor In the French army and navy.
In the middle of the space Inclosed by
the so-called "ring nebula," In the con
stellation Lyra, gleams a minute slat
which very few telescope are powerful
euotigh to reveal. lCven with the huge
Lick refractor It Is a very faint object.
Yekthe Crosslcy photographic telescopt
on Mount Hamilton Is able, with two
minutes' exposure, to obtain a surpris
ingly strong Image of this star, together
with a well-murkcU Impression or the
nebula encircling It. On pliotngrnpht
made with longer exposures the strange
star becomes a large blur of Utrtit.
There nro other Instances lu which pho
tographs of celestial objects cither show
what the eye cannot detect al nil, or so
alter the visual aspect of tho object that
It become hardly recognizable.
Odd llr-. Kd-"nw '
Carimlll la KiUai.
Ao odd but pleutuut fad Is collecting
paper. Not tb printed page, but lb
raw material. There I alimwt no limit
o the cvllvctloiia which can b made.
Besides thot employed in wriuiig,
printing, engraving. chromolltlioKrupli.
Ing, and the Ilk, ar the tyiea used for
wrapping, wall papering, binding, and
magtslne-coverlug. There r paer
mills lu every civilized country, and lu
tucb teml clvllltcd one a Korea.
China, BurniMh. rllam. India, aud even
Kgypt. Hundred or method are em
ployed, and the list 6f crude material
Is exceedingly long. Il Include pner.
cotton, linen, cotton nml llueii rag,
hemp, wood pulp, wotsl flour, straw,
corn busk and slulk. bamboo, ami
many numerous other vegetable fiber.
The most durable paper Is made by a
iillil near Nanking, lu China, which
supplies the government of Hint empire
with the leave ror It oliiciiii uocu
meiit. Thl pti)er I made from young
bamboo Up. It I tuft, pliable, Inkce
Ink well, and aeem Indestructible
There lire au tuple lu collection which
si-a over a thousand year old. The
birirest assort uielil of the Chinese
paper 1 owiicd by an editor lu Jersey
Cltv, who ha nearly :khi ditreretii nm
iiles. Quite otld are the fireproof paper.
Home of these are made of vegetable
fiber Impregnated with tungstate of
mlit. Other are made of flue ashesto
or of aslwsto mixed wlih filter,
These will pas through a Are tin
ana Hied. They have, however, one
6rbaek, They do not preaerv the
Ink used Upon their surface. A sheet
handsomely printed, come out of a fire
snow-while, and If a writing Ink I
made of any vegetable substance It
tharet the tnm fate, The strongest
paper thu far produced It mad or
Manila hemp. A theet of legal cap will
tustiiln a wcle-ht of IM) pouutla. It
liber I o compact that a man of ordl
nary mtmcular power cannot tear It
across. It I us'tt fur will and legal
document. The tlneat paer I a linen
fabric made In England, It I a light
a tissue paper, and yet ao strong that
It will stand much wear,
' The oldest printing paK'rt belong to
the I'nltcd Htate. Koine year ago an
eccentric tcleiitlst published a hook lu
which h endeavored lo give the great
est possible relief lo the eye of Ihe
reader, tine wge wa printed wbb o te
tlxo of tyie In black Ink. a tecum! with
a different tlzed tyH. In brewu Ink, a
third with blue Ink. mid a fourth with
maroon Ink. He applied Hie tame prlti
clple to Ihe texture of the paar of ea h
page, which wa coarse, medium, or
flue, rough finished, smoothly finished,
calendered, or siiiiercaloiidcred. The
paper Itself wa also tinted lu every
hue which the publisher thought agree
able to look utKiii. The Itook wa not a
ticce.nd the small edition whit li ep
pea red I now treasured a one of Ihe
Itierurr or t vtwranhle curb title of
the land.-New York Kvetilng Post
W, r.CrowUy Invent Machla Likely
te tnpplaat the Uor
City people ar uwt to enjoy a monop
oly of the featlve automobile lu the fu
ture. A novel kind of "auto It about
to Invade the agricultural Deld, where,
wording to It Inventor, It will speed
ily supplant lb horse for farm work.
The machine referred to Is the Inven
tion of Wllllsui F. Crowley, of Holly.
Power County, Col., and, It I a 14.
will do the work of several team of
horse, After lobg study and many !
experiment, Mr. Crowley aays b haa
attired the problem of the aulmtltutloti
of mechanical power for that of horse
In farm work.
The motlv power for thlt machine
may be either gasoline or electricity,
although It I expected that gasoline
will be more commonly used.
It I adapted to plowing, cultivating.
seed planting or harvesting. The en
gine or motor 1 on the forward or
drive wheel, which are Joined by a
long reach to the smaller rear wheels.
over which the seat of the driver I
placet! A large transverse bar, about
tlx feet lu leugth. cmaseflne reacn uar
at Its center. To this transverse bsr
the plowing, cultivating, and other ap
pliances for farm work may be at
tached. A very lmiortaiit feature of
th Invention I a mechanism that al
lows lb operator to apply the whole
power to any oue of the wheel, thu
making- It easy to get III Wheel
out of any rut or hole In which they
may get stuck. The wheels may i
operated eutlrelf lndeicndeiit of each
other aud by an Ingenious tteerlng de-
erockerywar by dodging out th sld
door after leading them to suppose
that It waa going to cap by lb
front wayz-Wsshlngton PoL
Aa KnilBmsa't Vltwof the America
t'asaloa or limply Miait
An Englishman, writing from Wash
ington to th New York lle.uld. touch
es upon th American craving for ti
tles conferred by Europeso potentates.
He says;
"With time I may fathom th mys
tery of I his republicanism Ho fir I
bav fouml more class il.tliictlii than
lu Britain, more conservatism that n
F.droH lea Individual freedom tuau
In any of our colonic.
Hlne I arrived her there bat been
a m irrlage lu oue tt lb ureal f uulUe.
All aio'.iiid me I fouul an adulatlou of
ll.ti hanpy pair no sjlf inspecting Bri
ton. German or Frt-iichiimu would
y'etd th noblest of hU tie Hon. There
was a wider practical gulf between
thiw who red over Ihrf detnll of Ihe
trousseau In the 'lewtin-cr and tho
bridal pair than Mwtcii a highland
eoiti.ger and Ihe q'teen or au luvcrury
milkmaid aud the dtik of Argyll. The
inw calla all Amerltn is equal, but
Kdi-nbrtcka and the M'geirlc or so
ticly have long slue t the laet on
ler'ace a definite nd a accurately
ranged a the oldest peerage of mo
narchical Kurtqie.
' Here lu Washlnglwi there I a con
Mint battle of preteilt.ia and In the
few day I have rctd Vro more than
one Important ctigj-feiitont lid Iwn
fotwbt and won, Tber- are more title
j rv
jTlioy Lack a Letter.
One Impediment to the use of the
English language by the Japanese Ih
that the hitler hove no letter "I" or
the sound It represent. Nevertheless.
tlwy borrow English words contain
ing the letter, changing "railroad" Into
"relru," "tunnel'' into "tuuiieru," "lin
en," Into "rlnneru" and "dollar" into
"doru." The flnnl "u" Is tucked on to
many words to meet the Japanese Idea
of euphony. The use of Roman letter
In Japanese publications Is spreading.
New York's new Japanese newspaper
will be printed lu Roman characters.
Some women do not love children be-i
cause they have not been thrown In I
contact with a widower who has several.
Ito.tnn Hen to KotablMi an Inltrr
on a Lr Heal.
Some Button capltallstt proKe to
promote frog raising In the bay atnte
on a scale unprecedented in tin couu
try. An organization ha recently been
formed, under the tin me ot (he Masu
chusettt Frog Company, and In ml bat
been purchased for tarrying out Ihe
eomiiauv'a understanding. Artificial
nond. varying lu le ami connected by
a aerlet of lock, are la-lug made for
conducting the system of cultivation
They will be lined with cement, ami
the tuiitllest will be ten feel long and
three feet III w idth. In these p liil
the process of breeding will lake place.
aud at certain alage of development
Ihe little creatures will be traurerred
to nond or greater dlmeuslon. At
the age of 3 years the animal should
reach maturity
The fotMl required for the frog Is of
an extremely simple character ami
will cost very little, and It Is expected
that ultimately the company's Invest
incut will yield big return. I rom 20,
Out) to 4IU"H) frog will be grown an
miiillv. and If It I deemed advisable
the yearly output will be Increased to
Iijo.tssl, While the product ui ue
available for till Ihe use to which
frogs may be put. dead or alive, the
principal demand Isexpccted to come
from rollcirc and medical school. It
I averred that In the past auchliiHtltu
tlon have, through their Inability to
procure desirable specimen of the
sort, been seriously hmiillcnppetl In the
nrosiK-uiloii or experiments In medical
research. School lu the east, for e.v
ample, have frequently been obliged
during the winter month to tend to
California for the animals which, upon
their arrival here, have been mint ror
analytical atuily. The Massachusetts
rroir breeders Intend to remove the
cause of nil thl Inconvenience by sup
plying frog In abundance all the yeur
A Novel Hpliler Collection
A Belglnu teacher natural history
give an accouirof rn evperlmeut
made by him to Tost tle abilities or
children a collector. The result was
simply astounding. The teacher asked
a boy to collect nil the different I.IihIh
of spldcra that he tiilgnt re during hi
vacation rnuiblea.
The Ind, who, evidently, did not
share the absurd fear which most per
sons have of these harti.les and use
ful creature, accepted the task with
alacrity, and ror week he scoured the
country round nbout hit home rorapld
era, going nbout three miles lu every
He brought back to ttchoo! more than
n hundred species, or which uo less
than ten had never boon supposed to
exist In Belgium, despite the careful
exploration or Prof. Becker, of Brus
sels, who Is famous as a collector or
The little collection that ho made In
so remarkable n manner la a highly
nrlzed addition to tho cabinet ol his
school. '
The Caisson Worker' Story,
"It's close quarters In those little
caissons, you see," went on the old
Band Hog. "It's n wonder I'm alive.
I came very close to It once, though,
"You might any you're never safe In
a caisson, Wlint'a coming you never
can tell. Wo don t think or It when we
go down, but the danger's there, and
when U s on you, you iinven i nine m
Dray even. This happened lu a tun-
vlce the rarm "auto" caff lie turned
wlthlu a very small compa.
It I said that It will do atlrnetory
work on rough and billy ground. Ac
cording to the Inventor, a Of teen horse
power machine can be operated at an
exeue of 75 cent a day.
A rotating plow baa iM-en tnveiueti
by Mr. Crowley, to tie used with the
machine, which be aaya It a great Im
provement on the old plow. The plow,
while 11 doea uot offer o mucu resist.
auce to the earth, tuma It up very
thoroughly and has a trip beam at
tached that raises the plow point out
of danger whenever a atone I ttruck.
nel.nn'l came near to being In the gang
that went down that nrtornoon.
"There were eight In the caisson, 1
think. Anyhow, the nlr-plpo broke.
That means that your air la shut right
off. If you were a diver you'd have a
chance to get up; If you were In a
mlno you could live a while on what
yon already had. But In a caisson It's
different." Frank Leslie's Popular
811k from Hhellllsh.
There It a bIioIUIhIi In the Medi
terranean which producea a good
qunllty of silk. Fabrics have, been
mnnurnctured from It, but 4nly as
FsU'kaM Old .No Troubl th Lamb-
Mourn voerainniitt
"Queer, Isu't It." remarked the Lunch
Room Couveraatlonallst. "How n-iue-
tant aome tolk are to admit that they
have ever la-en victim of seaalck-
Nom" remarked the other four at
the table, glowering.
Ye, lrcc." went on the Lumu
Room - Conversationalist, you win
only find about one person lu a thous
and who will freely admit having beeu
sltk after having completed an ocean
voyage. There's uotblug disgraceful
about It that I ever could see, but most
folks seem to thluk that they d lie as
sisting lu the smirching or their own
characters If they owned up to mal de
mer. Peculiar plme of human nature,
"It Is not," remarked me otner tour
lu tin I mm.
"Now. I took my flrst ocean voyage
laat week." continued the Lunch Room
Conversationalist, Ignoring the ol-
vlou lack of Interest of the other four.
"When with my wife on a little coast
wise trip from Baltimore to New York.
She didn't want to take the trip, being,
a he ald, deathly afraid of getting
seasick. She had never been to tea be
fore either. Aa for me. 1 wasn t a"blt
afraid of getting seasick, anil I con
fltleiitly boasted that the mountainous
seas had never yet reared their bends
that could put me under the weather
even a little bit Jkoti see, I've a pretty
strong sort of constitution, and i figur
ed on that to keep me rroiu Buffering
from seasickness, not kuowlng then.
aa I do now, that the most robust folka
in the world have to succumb to the
nauseating Illness that comes to nov
Ices In heavy weather at sea.
"Well, my wire wna pretty skeptical
about my not getting alck-you know
how women are In these matters but
I stuck to It that I didn't Intend to let
anvold sea get me under and suffer tor-
turea from seasickness, but, as I had
pusses for the voyage and she didn't
want them to lapse for want of using
you know how women like to get
their money's worth In these affairs
she consented to go along.
"Now, It' certainly queer how some
thlmrs come out. We were both on the
deck of the steamer all the way down
the Chesapeake from Baltimore, both
feeling ns comfortable as bugs In rugs
nml narv a sign of seasickness, rnss
lua- out between the two capes, how
ever, we struck tho long ocean swell
and then "
The other four at the table grinned
at each other.
"Then you went down below and
soilght your bunk, feeling as limp n a
rubber door mat hey?" suggested
No. I.
"And your chestlness was wiped out
i.rn,-o tlm boat had been rolling ami
pitching for two consecutive minutes,
I s'pose?" put In No. ..
"And your wife had the merry, rlppl
inir lniiirh on vou. all right?" cut In
No. a.
"And while you were sick and groan
Ing to bo heaved overboard, she was as
Milliner as a ark, no demur unit
No. 4.
"Not on your prophetic visions!"
cnlinlv remarked the Lunch Boom t on
vorwitlonullHt. drawing with his eye tin
leeiiintn bee line for the door. "When
the boat began to pitch In tho swell
got ns hungry as n wolf nnd went 10
the galley and had the cook Ux me up
three portions or bacon nnd eggs, tw
tail stacks or wheat cokes and nbout
half a gallou o coffee. I dldn t hftv
narv atiualm at nny singe of the gntue,
although we had heavy weather all
the way up, while my wife had to turn
In with the flrst little toss of the boat,
and the way she did suffer until w
warped Into the dock In New York was
mre n can
Ue escaped ' the flying glass and
lu re lhau lu t Gerynn stattbnlter't
tuiie. evvy buttm'ioii I a bu:ton
Indicative or the wearer a right to lie
ii Hid a Sou of the U.-vtlutloii. an
ttlctr of tin l.eglon of Honor, a
Knight of Pylhta slid heaven kwv
wlnt besides Last y.M-Of the itntli
A ft lean vedi I ran a-rtw one or two
American c.irresiHirileiii whoa
b:tat were barred w'ti I1Ikiis. I
looted ami marveled, myastoulsh
lii-iil waa not lessened wheii ' '.earned
th tt- denoted that the orrMjHiiideiiu'
Miicetdor had fought to the clvl! war
or lu the war or Ihe revolution my
democratic conrrere wearing Ihe
bulge or a bercdltay no'dllty! For
what are our patent of nobility but
the Indication that In the more distant
piihl a Douglas or Ceu Lcll or a
Churchill fought vai uutlv for king
Olrt W ' Who Was Bo'd for th H
dlrntou tu n ot llulf a lnllar.
Frank Fisher, at Fasten. Pa., who
sold hla wife to (Jeorge Gardner for
half a dollar, vta drowned several dayt
fter hi tt range 'deal wa made. Fisher
id country Y'
stole some railroad Iron, waa chased
Into the river by the police and drown
ed. Mrs. Fisher-Gardner, who la only
H yeart old, tailed to abed a tear when
the heard or his death, and will wear
uo wldow't weeds.
I'nplrasant Reminder.
In the recently published "Lire of Sir
James Nicholas Douglas," a well
known English civil engineer, many
Interesting stories are told of F.ngllsu
lighthouses, their builders and keepers.
One story concern a man unmet! Tom
Bowen, who was au assistant during
the building of a uew tower.
Among many curious things that
Tom kuew was every nook and cranuy
lu the rocks where the crabs were to
be found. He would put bis arm Into
the holes, often right up lo the shoul
der, aud haul out with wonderful dex
teritygenerally to make a present of
his plunder to somebody else oue fine
speelnteu after auotber of the shell-
He seldom met with a mlshnp while
engaged In this dangerous sport, but
once, at any rate, he did, as the follow
ing extinct from a rough diary which
wa kept by the principal keeper a
strict Sabbatarian quietly records:
"Sunday, Aug. 20, T. B. after crabs;
one bit him by the hand to pay Ii1tn for
Find Boy-Your lltti baby broth
batu't any hair. Second Boy-?o; in
doctor what brought him wa bald.-
Biuarl Set
A' Weakling Chap: 8 be-You're get
ting tired of kitting me already. 11-
what make you think ihal? n-i
taw you nop to take breath. Bazar.
A Bird In tl Hand: "Ma, It there
any pi left In tb paniry?" "There It
on piece, but you cau't have It." "You
ar mistaken, ma; I'v bad lt"-Tlt-Bill.
Th Lal Retort; Superlntendent
The goods won't tell at 11 cent! a
yard. Dry Uoodt Man Mark them up
lo 14 aud put ibeui on the bargain-counter-Brooklyn
Vlsltor-What't becom mt old Sara
Bungs? Lougtboreuiao Billy-Dead,
ilr-Uted of 'art dltease; a vlaitor gav
bltu a thlllln' very tudden; my 'art's
werry ttrong, tlr."-Tlt-Blit.
A Horeelet Episode: Editor-Were
there any novel feature! connected
with that automobile collision? Re
porterNo. Two coachmen and Bv
women all hollered "Whoar-Puck.
"Say. Joe." remarked Stroller, who
wat anxlout for a Jaunt, "what do you
tay lo a tramp after dinner?" "Geuer-
lly." replied Joe Koe. "I tay: 'Wet
out. or I'll turn the dog on to yon "
Philadelphia Record.
The Messed Child: 'The naughty boy
told me to go to the bad place." tald lit-
tie Algernon. "Yes," tald bit fond
papa. "But I told bltu I never went
anywhere without my papa." Phila
delphia North American.
Butcher-Come. John, be lively now,
break the bone In Mr. Williamson's
cbopt aud put Mr. Smlth't rib In the
basket ror blm. John (brlsklyiAII
right, sir, Just a toon at I've tawed off
Mr. Murphy's leg.-TIt Bits.
Willing to Talk It Over: Her father
-You bav been paying attention to
my daughter; you haven't proposed
yet? Hit Lordsblp-Not yet. tlr. Her
Ftther-Now, lef ut come right down
to businett; what will you take not to
propose?-Brookl.vo Life.
At the Front: Udy-Well. what do
you waul? Tramp-l-dily. believe me.
I'm no ordinary beggar, I wat ai tue
frout" Udy (with IntercaO-Really
Tramp-Yes, ma'am; but 1
couldu't make anybody hear, to I cam
round to the back.-Puueb.
"Your husband It not looklug well to
night Mrs. Rhymer. Hat ue ween
overworking blmtcirr "it Isn't that
so much: It It hi originality. Why.
that man Is ttruck by to many original
Idcat that hit mind must be one matt
or bruises." -Woman't Journal.
A Wise Suggestion: Husband tover
bla morning paperi-1 see that all the
tralut are lied up oul West Wife
When wilt those Western women get
over their tolly; If they'd ouly adopt the
rainy-day costume they wouldu t bav
to resort to tucb foollshnett. Ex.
Fmldy-Dld you hear or the terrible
accldeut that happened to Dauby? Hla
Injuries were o serious that hi most
Intimate frlendt were unable to recog
nize him. Duddy-Terrlble accident?
Railway collision? Fell of hit bicycle?
Fuddy-Wone; be hat lost all bit mon-
"But how did you Impres the wild
Tagalo that you were from Bostou?"
nqulred the tteamslilp captain. on,
that waa easy," repouueu tue mum-
lug antl-lmperlalltt; "l Just took a ttick
and sketched a bean-can In tne tana.
Then I pointed to my big head aua
ooe-glase."-CbleaEO News.
Finished. "Her come that girl
from Chicago. Hat tUe received a goou
education? "Well, atie't tiient turee
sestont at a aummer resort broken off
seven engagements In two years, lived
In a New York apartmeut house one
winter, and bowed to llcury James.
Whst more do you want? "-Bazar.
Where the Shoe Pinched: The Prima
Douua tarter the tlrst acti-1 won't go
on again uulest that box party makes
lets nolte. I nearly bad Hysterics; x no
Manager (14 surprlsei-l didn't hear
auy noise, tne i runa ium-i
didn't? Why, tuey encored mat up
start or a contralto ronr times! -Puck.
Blukt-Yet, my family took In the
whole Paris exposition, and It about
half killed us. Such crowds! 1 thought
sometimes we'd never gel home alive,
Mlnks-My ramlly enjoyed the Paris
exposition Immensely. Blnks-I don't
see how. Bluks-We stayed at home
and read about lb-New York Weekly.
A'. conscientious child: "Good boys
never let their left bauds know what,
their right bauds do. Alu't thnt what
the minister said, mamma?" "Yes,
dear." "I'm a good boy, alu't I. mam
ma?" "1 think so, my dear." "Yes.
'Cause whenever I reach In the Jar to
steal cookies I alius put my left hand
In my pant pocket J"-Ex.
"I guess my wire hat got the fever
for changing things worse than auy
woman lu town. I'll bet she's already
changed half her Christmas presents."
"Sort of a mnula. eh?" "That's Just It
Why. only this morning 1 gave her a
S5 bill aud the tald she guessed she'd
go right down to the store aud chnnga
it."-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Martyr to Prluclple: "Ah. poor
thing! Her end was sad lu the ex
treme." "Indeed!" "You know she al
ways revolted at the Idea thai there
could be anything In common between
her and the lower classes." "So I bave
always heard." "Well, she caught cold
... har nok nnd was so ashamed
that she refused all metilcal aid, aud
The Woodpecker.
Woodpeckers which were long con
sidered fair game for the gunner are
now recognized almost everywhere as
useful birds. The flicker Is so rood of
ants that It will alight on an ant bill.
thrust lu Its bill to bring out the In
mates, and then gorge itself on the agi
tated anta as they swarm from the
opening. Tho sapauckcr was consid
ered an Injurious bird ror many years,
but Frank Bolle showed that It tap
ping treea ordinarily produced uo seri
ous Injury; Indeed, It la now claimed
that the bird's eye formation In the
wood of the maple, which Increases Ita
value, Is the work of these birds.
Woodpeckers are deserving all that
they can ask at the hands of farmers.
The downy woodpecker feeds upon the
woolly nphts, ofteseen ou our apple
A Good Apple Crop.
It Is reported thut the apple crop In
Baden, Germany, was so abuudaut that
the assistance of soldiers had to be
asked for Its harvesting.
KarntiiK of Bel(ian Cows.
Cows In Belgium wear enrrlngs.
This Islnaccird. u e with the law. whit b
decrees that every animal of the lmvlne
species when It has attained the age of
8 months must have In It ear n ring,
to which Is attached a metal tag bear
ing a number. The object Is to pre
i serve the exact record of the number
' nf n,,(m,ilii t-nlued enMi
Will by Phonograph.
A wealthy engineer recently talked
bis last will and testament Into a pho
nograph. Then with a hot copper
wire he signed hla name ou the wax
roll of the phonograph, the wltuessea
doing likewise, and the "document"
w as thereupon completed.
Color and Moisture.
A piece of red-paluted board left out
on a dewy night will bo dry In the
morning, while a board painted yellow,
and laid beside It, will be soaking wet
Shorthand Lessons to Soldier.
The French Minister of War pro
poses giving shorthand lessons to
soldiers In all the French garrisons.
Tbo "training" a mau.recelves before
marriage doesu't go after he la mairkii,