The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 08, 1901, Image 3

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    the: west side
TaUphona, No. 141.
HNH.IITH lit rtvmt
Wiiliiiwinv evening, Mi'Mlwn Mill Ink,-
du nolli' and ii.npm HumiM-lvi- nuty.
VIMituK KntKhlan invited lo hiiiihi wiixii
convenient. K.8.
Court IntU'iMMnlonw No 30, Forest
eraof AumtIoh, iihh'Ik every Tuesday
evening at oVlock.
V. li. Aliii), dontlat.iVoper block.
Salem' rural delivery will Ix'Riii on
April 1. .
A tine line of new pattern and street
halt will 1h kIiowii liy Mm. Wailtii'e ne&t
Friday and Satutdity,
Hnv your mill feed at the Collins mill.
Bran, $17 per ton ; shorts l(t per lou.
Kugene was credited by tli otlWial
enumerators with, a population of S'iJM.
The people ml a count of their own
. and found 8S0 more people. r
Men' muni all solid insole and counter
plow shoe. I'miaUy sold at f I .f0, now
$1 !?" at J. L. Stockton.
The most of the lwiaville far mora
are said to I thinking seriously of turn
ing their attention (row wheat to giues
ami dock. Folk county can't be beat
aa a dairy county.
The Hartford ia considered by many
to lie I tit best f.V wheel made.
The Unrlingkon Kettle havti the lowed
rated to all point cast, quickest time,
best service ami you ride on tin finest
train in the world.
Our line of boy's misses and children's
District "it School Shoes in now complete.
They have no equal. J, L Stockton,
Newhro'a Uerpicide, the dandruff,
cute, K. T, llenklw the burlier, keeps it.
K. M. Wade A Co. hsve sent out sev
eral new bicycles already this spring,
Uarry Wagoner has old the cigar
store he lately bought at Monmouth,
Silk Flannel. Silk Zephyr, Silk
Ginghams, bilk Figured Organdies, Silk
Velvet, Henriettas, Nun's Veiling, J'au
lie Cloth, and all other new weave in
spring goods just received, and marked
at price to sell, at J. L. Stockton.
II. Hirschberg has had built a tie
hitching rack at his, store building op
poite lh batiir. for tha accommodation
of the farmer.
At Iiobiiisoii' school Isxks and
school supplies.
The 0l Hartford in the standard of
$3a w heel.
Went Snl ami Weekly,
one year, J2
Order a nice dressed chicken, from
Palmer Uroa. for your Sunday dinner.
For school supplies and school books,
go to KobtnsoitV.
For special rate on I.ippincott'
Magiutlue to atibacribera of the Wkki
HltK, call at the ofllce.
Our line of Indies' Spring Shoes, con
listing of patent leathers, trench, mil
itary and common sense heels an to ee,
ranging in price Ironi M to f t DO at J.
L. Stocktons,
We have already received two lines
ol wheels; seven different models. Call
and see them. F. K. Chamber.
Fresh oysters, clams, crabs, fish, etc.,
at Palmer liro.
Palmer Bros, pay cash for egg, poul
try, etc. Cull and see us.
A good 2m! t? grain drill fur sale
by K. M. Waite A Co.
Pruning shears and saws tit
F. K. Clian.U'rs.
A ne.w lot of men's clothing just re
ceived at J. L. Stocktons. J'on t fail to
Bee them before you buv, ss we are
bound to please you. in price, iUiility j
and style. j
Whwt particular reason de Council, j
man Janperson have for not wishing to
see the interest charges on the city's
warrants reduced? Dues Mr. Jusperson
hold any city warrants that would be
Mrs. C. K. Van Denser), of Kilboum,
Wih., was iilllictcd with stomach
trouble and coiiHtipation for u long
time. She t.ays, "I have tried many
preparations but none have done me
the good that Chanilierlulu's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets have. These
Tablets are for sale at Kirkland's drug
store. Price 2o cebts. Hamples free.
The intermittent work ou the long
bridge was again interrupted this week
waiting for lumber, so Supervisor
Huntley says.
Try Moore, the burlier, north side of
"C" street, opsjite Knox' grocery
store, for a hair cut or shave.
Newbro's llerpicidn, the dandruff
Cure, at K. T. Ilenkle's barlier shop, JO
Hoys' men's and women's half soles at
F. E. Chambers.
When In Hulern and V"i want a good
meal don't forget to go to HtrongV
ltcfitaurant, where every tiling t he mar
ket aflorda can be hud.
Columbia and Hartford naeiicy
F. K. Chambers.
COHDWOOD taken on subscription
at tho U'KST SfDK oflice.
It's against the law to shoot ducks
any more this season, as the legislature
changed the name law making the sea
son end on March 1st instead of March
15th as formerly. So, boys, don't go
duck shooting next Sunday.
Thl l(rnature is on every lox of tho rronulne
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet
the remedy that cure a cold In one lay
J.8. Moore, the barber on C Htreet,
now handles Newbro's Herpicide, the
famous dandruff cure, endorsed by all
the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities In the east. Oive It a trial arid
save your hair.
Look elsewhere in this paper for the
Burlington Route advertisement . of
"What a Chair Car is" and send for it
it's free and if you are going east it will
intereHt you.
Now is the time to buy your cream
separators, The United States is still
in the lead. For sale by H, M. Wade
A Co.
Bulletin No. 05, from the daiay de
partment of the Oregon Agricultural
Experiment, Station at Corvallis, relat
ing to creameries and cheese factories of
Western Oregon, is at hand. It contains
much useful and interesting matter and
can be had by any one for the asking.
Headache often results from a dis
ordered condition of the stomach and
constipation of the bowels. A dose or
two of (.'bamber.'ain'H Ktomach and
Liver TiibletM will correct these dis
orders and cure the headache. Hold
by K'rkland Drug Co,
Tue Wkht Side clubs with the San
Francisco Examiuer, V
t. I., I law km went to McCoy ou
Tuesday on a Imsinesa trip,
' Claude' Pfhgra visited relatives In
Salem Sunday.' ' ' '
Mi Mamie- iWkeman returned on
Tuesday from visit to her grandfather
At Broad meai) farm.
Prof, W, II. Whiteaker, of the Port
land Magnetic Institute, was in the city
Monday for a short visit.
Mr. A. M. Hurley has Just received
new Hud complete line of street hats and
sailors. , v
Neither the A. 0. l V. nor the De
gree of Honor have any assessment this
month, '
.Miss Lillian ttanney, who hat been
visiting Miss Arietta Line, returned to
her home at Coi vaUis Wednesday.
Kd Taylor, a former resident of Inde
pendence, now of Winlock, Wash., came
to town on a visit Tuesday,
Dr. I,, N. Woods came over from
Dallaauu Wednesday on public business
pertaining to pension examinations
Alex Turnhull has moved to town
having sold hi (aim. The family live
ou Third street north of B.
The identity of the dog poisoner
salil to tie known ami t lint lie will soon
he brought up with a round turn.
Mrs. M. W. Wallace announces that
her millinery opening will take place
next Friday and Saturday 11th ami
Sunday was another one of those love
ly Orvnoti days when the tun shone
bright and warm and one could" almost
imagine he saw the grass grow.
Mr. Herbert Popleton and wife were
visiting Mrs. Poploton'i jiareuts, Mr.
an it Mrs. T. B. Huntley, last week,
Tom Price and family are preparing to
leave in the near future. It is renirted
that Baker City is to be their dentins
Mr, and Mrs, K. B,. Uinearson arrived
from Kxstern Oregon last Friday for l
short visit, Mr. Uinearson was former-
ly Miss Pearl Montgomery, daughter of
Mis. J. C. House.-
Her many friends will be pleased to
learn that Mrs, 0. U. liidcr has improv
ed a great deal in health since being
brought here from Salem, and if she
gets no setback will soon be able to go
back to her home at the farm. At pres
ent she is with her daughter, Mr. J. N.
The West SttiB desires to call atten
tion to the advertisement of lleh line's
Couitmrcia! College and Shorthand
school on the second page of this issue,
and to suggest to anyone thinking ol
taking a course in either branch to cor
respond with this school as to terms,
Occasionally rough play in secret or
ders tct-ults seriously (or the initiate.
As an instance Thomas Burke was
awarded $ loot) damage in an Iowa court
the other day for injuries received when
initiated by the Modern Woodmen.
A telegram from L. C. (iilmore states
that be arrived in IHumison, Texas,
Mho. lav everting, His mother died on
Friday evening previous. Mrs. Oilmore
docs not yet know when her husband
will start for home.
If it is proper for a man to frequent
saloons, so is it for hi wife, his mother, j
his daughter or his sinter. The ladies of
Dallas propone to hereafter know more
about who frequents its saloons and
what is done there. If the proprietors
keep resK'(-tuhle places, they sorely can
not object to visits by resectable peo
ple. Itemuer.
Ju lge W. L. I'.radshaw, of The Dallas,
ttraml chancellor of the Knights of Py
thias of Oregon, drove over Irom Salem
Wednesday with L. B. Stinson, grand
keeper of records and seal, for an olllcial
visit to Homer LodnH 4"). Judge VV. M.
Cake, ol Portland, a 'past grand chan
cellor, was present and the lodge heard
some good sjieeches by the visitors.
There was a fair turn out and a late ses
sion was hold. '
Abstract of Ins rumcni Filed In Polk
County Feb. 2l to Mar. 4, 11)01.
W II Fulkerson to A H Southwick, Its
and parts of Its in Highland fruit farms
t. 7sr.'lw- r.MK).
Juliett Soiithwich to A B Southwick,
It Bl Highland fruit farms tp 7 a r 3 w
ti li Galen to Leila Kinsey, blk (I, Sal
ing's add Ballston-flOO.
K K Williams to Abel Cglow, 30x100ft
It I, blk 10, Dallas -:t000.
J K Coulee to Chan Reese, 115.1a F
Shoemaker d 1 c tp 0 8 r fi w-$IOOO,
. Bussoll Cat liu to Sybil Catlii) (t cl),
Win A II Whitley die tp 7 a r 5 w
J S Cooper, trustee, to J II Burton, 28
acres T L Burbank d I c tp 8 a r 4 w (1.
Sheriff, VanOrsdel, to Milo Seaver, Its
a, 4, 5, 6, blk 2, Whitemati's add Dallas
-pm. ,
Jos Wankey to J D Cameron, 4a T
C Tharp d 1 c tp 8 s r (5 w, Falls City
i W and Emma Hill toOctavia Eades
land in M Sparks d 1 c tp 6 s r 6 w
MCandFK Hubbard to W B Mc
Known, Its 1, 2, 5, 0, blk A, Falls City
m. '
The Steiger to II II Spalding, 271a
Belhuel Dove d 1 c tp 7 s r 4 w $1-100.
United States to Michael Hart, 150a
sees 7, 18, tp 0 s r 8 w patent.
Milo Heaver to I V Lynch, Its 8, 4,5, 6,
blk 2, Whitemanb add Dallaa-$000.
Take Laxative Jtromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money- )f It
falle. to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
on each box. 25c.
Mottled beer for
family uso to
bo bad at
Hop Gold Beer
City Council.
The council met In regular session
Tuesday evening with Mayor Stockton
In the chair ami all the members te
ent except Sperling,
An ordinance to provide kind Issue to
take up 1000 In warrants was read 2d
time and relerred to ordinance com
The cow ordinance was amended to
tiiat the marshal don't have to notify
people to quit tying stock on the streets
tor grating pur;toe.
The recorder was directed to draw uji
a contract with water and tight cmupalty
for ttie current year on same basil as
The following claims were allowed;
1). 1). Boydstou $tl; water company
10.76; A. J. Tupper, 1 10 UO ; 11. M.
Lines, M.70; bill of J, M, Stark, :I2 ",
(or lumber, was referred to II nance com
Through the cointesy of the secretary,
the Wkht Sum is in receipt of a copy ol
the ietrt of F, I, Dunbar, secretary ol
stale, to the legislature for the years
ending IVoemla r ill, IH'.HI ami ilMHi.
The Ladies of the Maccabees will give
a "hard times" social this Friday even
lug. A line of from 5 to 25 cents will he
Imposed on all who dress up. Admis
sion 10 cents.
Henderson Murphy has been some
what unfortunate In the past two week
with his horses. He lost three good
animals during that time ami is at a lots
to account (or the trouble.
Layton Smith has his "Bureau" al
most rebuilt. Theoarpe 'iters have fin
ished and the painters ami paper hang
ers are nearly through, Ihe Improve
ment ia marked,
The address before the teachers' in
stitute last niiiht at the Christian church
by President P. L. Campbell, of the
Monmouth State Normal school was
well attejxled and attentively listened
to. I resident Campbell s subject wasi
"Industrial Training in the Public
Schools." He is an entertaining speak
er. Kugona Guard.
A dispatch by grapevine telegraph
from Indeiiendiiiice says that Senator
Corta'tt having failed of election, Land
lord Stark's chances for the otlice of Li
lian tent at Grand lioude reservation
have gone glimmering, and it is now
generally conceded that the plum will
fall to our Jovial friend Dave Hears. The
"Governor" would prove an excellent
man for this iinportunt position. Dallss
The lire boys bad a good meeting
Monday evening, lieprcsvulative Haw
kins was present and made some fun for
them. When the roll was being called,
It is charged that Hawkins answered
Cor here," He was so imbued with
the fact that he stood by Mr, Corbetl
through the entire legislative session
that be doubtless answered mechanically
a lien the fire company secretary called
his name.
Although it may not be generally
known outside ol this section, yet sfis a
fact that a great many ieople within
hearing dend for time ou the water
works' whistle at morning, noon and
ight. For some reason ou Wednesday
the noon whistle wasn't blown and
ttortly afterwards i'eury Hill called at
the station to imjuire, saying that his
men did not show up for dinner until
alter one o'clock, waiting for the iioou
0. W. Brant is visiting his parents,
avuig arrived liere ou eunetuay
morning's train direct from Hault Saint
Marie, Mich,, by way of the Canadian
Pacific, Northern Pacific, Southern Paci
tic and several small branches. He was
blockaded at the summit ol the Itocky
Mountains and was obliged to make a
ong detour to gel around the slide on
the Canadian' line. When Mr. Brant
left Michigan he was wearing furs and
the warm day he saw here ou arrival
was a pleasure to him.
I. D, Driver, jr , Oil Saturday was tell
ing the Wkht Silia man aUml a younit
thoroughbred bull which he had pur
chased from the I. in Id farm in Washing
ton county and how the hoys with
worthless doua and air guns had tor
mented said animal until he has become
somewhat vicious and datiKcroua. On
Friday a young man with a pug dog en-
red Mr. Driver's pasture. The bull
took after the dog; the dog ran to the
boy ; the boy went up a tree that was
luckily near. The hull caught the dog
ami drove one horn through the animal.
The young man hollered until Mr.
Driver heard the racket and hurried her
husband over to the scene of the trouble.
The bull was so infuriated that Mr,
Driver couldn't go near him, so he got
his Shepherd dog and hurried Mr., Bull
away and released the young man from
his predicament. Mr. Driver doesn't
lijtict to jieople crossing his farm but
desires to warn everyone to look out for
the hull.
f he) ween tr
The Increase In transcontinental
travel by way of Hult Luke City In con.
sequence of the scenic and other attrac
tions of the route has recently Justified
tho Rio Grande Western Railway In
connection with the Denver and RIo
Grande and Colorado Midland rail
roads saya the Hult Luke Tribune, iu
establishing a triple daily fiwt paHsen-
ger service between Ogden and Denver
All of these trains are equipped with
the latent appliances, Improvements
and cars. This roud now operates
through alecpers between Chicago, Og
den and Ban Francisco, also a perfect
dining car service. He nil 2c postage for
literature, rates or other Information,
For pamphlets descriptive of the
Great Salt Lake Route" apply to J, D,
Mansfield, General Agent, 25;! Wash
ington, Portland or Geo. W. HeinU,
A. G. P. A Salt Lake City. ,
Semi Us Your Name.
If you are going east now, or contem
plate a trip at any time in the future,
eend U8 your name; we will place same
on our lit and will keep you advised
from tme to time of any reduction in
east-bound passenger rates and you will
also receive advertising matter descrip
tive of the Burlington Route 88 fast aa
it ia issued. We have the lowest rates,
quickest time and best service. Address,
R. W. Foster, Ticket Agent Burlington
Route, cor. 3d and Stark Hts , Portland,
Or. - -
The beat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever, Is a bottle of Grove's
Taatelesa Chill Tonic. It ih simply Iron
and quinine In a tasteless form, No
cure, uo pay. Price, 60o,
, llomllng. ,
At the meeting ol the city council
Tuesday evening the question of Wind
ing tbucily fnrtsoiN) to tsku up warrants
to that amount was discussed .at length
and an ordinance to that effect passed
second reading, all the councilman vol
lug in favor except Mr. Jascroii.
In the discussion previous to the vote
Mr. Jnsperson slated that lie wa In
favor of strict economy In city affsir,
but he eon IT not ee where any saving
was to be made by bonding at 4' or
even 4 percent a against warrant now
out drawing 0 per cent. That he did
not believe tin liond could -1st Hosted
at 4 er even 4'u per cent He haled to
see "cheap" money a lie loved Id
country, '
Mayor Stockton stilted positively that
he could place the tsinds at 4 cr cent
and that be would imlividally bear all
expense Incidental thereto It the city
desired lo try the experiment! and yet
Mr. Jasperson objected. But why he
ohji-ctcd, he did not give any reason ex
cept "I do not see how we can save any
thing "
Councilman Mills stated that the dif
ference between 4l and 0 er cent was
I'd per cent which on H0tX) would
amount to a saving of $120 a year in In
tetest charge. Still Mr. Jasperson
could not he convinced.
School Iteport.
It 'h'U of the Indeisndeuce public
scbiMil (or the mouth ending Feu, 28,
twit . i
Nam t TV aclier.
Mrs, Tuek,
UIm lluitrka ,,,,, ,,,
Ml I'm-li miiu
Ml riowr,
4 1.TJ''!
Ml', HOJ M
Miutiorr , ,,
ni 7, m
Ulu MiutoriMia
Mtu Smith
A, M. Hnili-r ,.
. t A jt:.'n nv,:ay! hj
The following 1 a list of those neither
absent nor tardy and were "excellent"
(above tK) ) in scholarship and doiort
menl! First tirade.
Jacidi Coruwell Glenn Whiteaker
M'He 1'lcKul Leona Sperling
Henry Ford Ira Mix
Ruth Hodge Garlin Immoii
b-u Wolcott Ruth Sverl!ng
Irvine Tliompson Harry Pickem
Second Grade,
Genevieve CooHr Cora Walker
Krrol Wolcott Arthur Sperling
FlwiMsl Hartman Harry Mix
Th ml Grade,
Gladys Irvine Kihel Tucker
Nellie Albiker Helen Cisiper
Johnnie Staik Clara lleflron
iocs S'ark
Fourth Grade. s
Jessie Freeman Goy Wllsou
Fiuma Henkle Ioll Pomeroy
Alma Walker
Fifth tirade.
Jean Sharmau Jiromle Johnson
Willie Ford Uwi Simmons
Geueva Wilcox Quinlilla Wilcox
Mildicd Baldwin Cxira Baldwin
Sixth Grade.
IUol Seeley Bertha Tharp
June Seeley Clara Tucker
Lnrcna WeUter
Seventh and F.lghth Gralei.
Mamie Bakeman
Shelly Cooar
France Csier
Vern Ketchum
Goldie Irvine
lister Rhodes
Belle Wilcox
MaUil Bakeman
Cecile Wilcox
May Webster
Claire Thsrp
Maud Tharp
Ninth and Tenth tirades
Nola Owen Lila Stark
L.litli Owen
Floyd Mix
Ruby Kelso
Blanche Phillips
Ma lad Parker
i ties Warner
Flora Uvers
Julian Hurley
Ilertieit Murphy
lirme livers
.Musings from Mouinmitli.
0 ,
Frank Fisher is again at his old stand
in the hook store here. We wish liiiu
the best of success
The board of regent of the Normal
school met last Friday.
W. 0. Slnmberg, through Illness, lita
been absent from school durrrig the past
Several are III w ith measles and there
are a few cases of scarlet fever, the lat
ter, however, is alsmt checked.
Our beautiful winter visitors, the
grosslwaks, are still with us in large
A goodly number of the W. C. T. U.
attended the reception tendered the
pledge signers at IndefPndem'e last Fri
day night, a special trip of the motor
being made.
The Normal hcIkm I will he closed Fri
day as the student will attend In a
body the oratorical contest at Corvallis
on that evening,
A siecial car of the Southern Pacific
to run to Corvallis has been lecured by
the Normal students, (he occasion being
the regular Annual State Oratorical
meet to lie held there on the evening of
March 8.
Whatever setback the creamery busi
ness may experience in the Willamette
valley will bo only temporary. The
farmers of this region have similar
human dispositions to those of other
portions of the earth and they are liable
to the same changes and moods. The
rule has been in creamery regions for
farinera to withdraw their patronage
after the first or second year'a contract
with them, but in another year or two
they return to the creamery business
again with more conservative expecta
tions and with better understanding of
it, and then it become permanent and
proHperous. It will be ao here. Salem
I tin not ho much what the news
papers say, us what neighbor lays to
nclgbor, or friend to frleud, that has
brought Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy Into such gen
eral uae. It la natural for people to
express their gratitude after using
this remedy aa It la for water to flow
down hill. It la the one remedy that
can always be depended upon, whether
a baby be sick wlthcholera Infantum or
or a man wltb cholera morbus. It la
pleasant, safe and reliable, Have you
a bottle of it iu your home? For sale
by Klrklund Drug Co,
Cruelty to Animals,
If anyone Imagine (or a moment that
he can drive a team into Independence
and neglect the same by leaving It (tend
out In very bail Weather, lie It liable to
lie mistaken.
Till matter wss touched upon last
Friday. A man drove a fine team down
Irom Albany the horse looked a
though they had been pushed along at
lively rate and were pretty well lathered
The driver unconcerned hitched them
to the tack at Paddock I corner and
went off to make himself comfortable
leaving the horse to stand In Ihe cold
driving rain that (ell all day, without
blanket or other covering to keep off the
Tha attention of Mayor Stockton was
called to the matter and he directed the
city marshal to have the horses taken to
stable and fed.
The animal were taken to Taylor
table and attended to, Here the driver
found them when ha got ready to go
back to Albany, lie kicked a little
alioiil paying the hill, but when he aw
there was a chance for prosecution tin
der a city ordinance, quickly decided lo
liquidate and say no more.
On Tuesday, the 6th, to Mr. and Mr
r. M. Buckley, a boy, Lver a! nee the
little fellow' arrival, Frank ha la-en
wandering around lown in a eml-un
Conscious condi'loii, talking to himself;
alxiitt; all one can hesr i "papa, papa,"
11111 recover, tho',
Tin Wedding.
On Monday evening a few friend of
Mr. ami Mrs. R, II, Knox conspired to
give them a tin wedding surprise, it be
ing the tenth anniversary of their wed
uing tiay. r.verytiung was none to
piletly that the victims didn't have the
least Idea of what was going on.
W, P, Connaway re-married the young
(oik In at good a style a they had la-en
married ten year before and then all
present lci( nil to shower their wedding
presents (of tin) on the blushing groom
and happy bride, There were tea pott,
pan, candlesticks, oi plates, rattles.
II of tin, without nuuitier. A very en-
joyablo evening wa snt and the host
and hostess acquitted themselvet In a
hot pi la lile manner. Among those pret
erit were! Mr. and Mr. R. II. Knox,
Mr. and Mr. H. IS, Walker, Mr and
Mr. I), li. Taylor, Mr, aud Mr. J, K.
Hubbard, Mr. and Mr. I. W, Dickinson,
Mr. aud Mr. J, L. Stockton, Mr. and
Mrs, J. S. Cooper, Mr. and Mr. W. II.
Whiteaker, Mr. and Mr. It. F. Whitea
ker, Mr. and Mrs, W. 1. Connaway,
Mr. Bowden, Mr. Babbitt and Mr.
School Flection.
A number of voter met at the school
house Monday evening for the purpose
ol choosing a director and clerk. D. A.
I lodge was chosen dire-tor and J. D.
Irvine re elected clerk. .
The clerk made hi report (or the pre
ceding year Irom which we glean the
(ollowing t
Total receipt .15,127 04
Outstanding warrant 4,220 03
Amount due dittrict on ft aud
tW tax, about 600
The centut made by the clerk (how
U1H male and 200 female ; total 427. A
gain over last year ol 1H,
A correspondent write t King Valley
it now connected w ith the outside world
by telephone, The connection wa mad
Sunday evening. The company' men
are now engaged in placing the pole for
the Hoskins line.
(1. A. R.
The regular meeting of the Post' hat
been changed to the second Saturday in
each month, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon. By order of the post.
O. L Clark, agent (or the Banker Life
Insurance company, whose home It at
McMinnville i very tick with appendi
citia at the Salem hospital. An opera
tion was performed and he was reported
a resting very much easier. The nurse
at the hospital feel much encouraged
over hi prosiect for recovery, a hit
condition was regarded aa most critical
when he was taken to the institution
twelve hour la-fore the oeratlon wa
performed, Statesman.
Mr. Clark died Wednesday morning.
Hi body was sent to Corvallis with an
escort from the Knight of Pythias, he
being a member of the McMinnville
The Florence Sanatorium,
Salem, Oregon.
A flrsl-clasa private hospital for the
treatment of chronic aud surgical.
ltuilt during the past year eeiiecially
for the purpone for which It Is used.
Conveniently located within four
blocks or the business part or the city.
The most modem furnishing and lat
est appliances throughout t he building
Mealed liy not water; lighted uy gas
and electricity, Here the sick can have
the coinrorla or au elegaut private
hoi:ie, with ail the advantages of a
getit'-'Xl hospital. Outside physicians
Itfio&Miu- In patients treated with the
greatest courtesy , and assisted Iu opera
tions If requested.
For tcriiu and further Information
write or apply personally to
Visitors welcomed from 2 to 4 P. M.
WANTKI). (tapalile, reliable person In
every enmity to reprvseut lar(o company ol
solid tlnaii''.ai r potitl Ion; tlliltt salary per year,
payable tfcukly; 1:1 per tiny abmilutely sure
anil h'I expeiiNiM-, straight, tioua-llde, delliilie
salary, no cotiiinlitslon; salary paid tse h
HuturUay and expenae money advanced earb
week, HTANDAKU lloUHU, m Dearborn
Ht Uitcaiio.
To the Deaf.
A rich lady cured of ber deafness
and noises In the bead by Dr. Nichol
son's Artificial Eur Drums, gave f 10,000
to tils institute, eo that dear people un
able to procure the ear drums may have
them free. Address No. 13134-0, The
Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth
Avenue, New York, U. 8. A.
aeter to deliver and collect In Oreaon for old
(Htabhshud mamifacturliiK wholusale house
t'HHj a ) ear, sure pay. Honesty mora thau ex
purlenue required. Our reference, any bank
In any city. Kunlosu sslf-addruHHod slampnd
envelopti. Manufacturers, Third Floor, DM
Dearborn St., Chicago.
Ncml Me Their Names.
Thousands of Eastern people will
take advantage of the oheap rate to the
Northwest In efl'ect every Tuesday from
February 12 to April 80.
They are the lowest In years.
If you have any friends who are talk
ing of coming West, send me their
mimes and I will have our representa
tives look thorn up furnish them with
advertising matter reserve berths see
that they have a quick and comfortable
trip. A. C. Hhkldon,
General Agent,
2-8 1 4-80 BurUugtoo Rout, P-ortUud.
Ileafiies Cannot be Cared
by Ideal applications, aa they runout parti
Hi dlataiwd portion of th ear, Tlixrs Is (inly
on way In sunt draftim, and llial la by roii
tltuthieal ri'tniHlliia, iH-alnmn la rauiwd by
an inflm-ied nidltloM ol Ilia Iniii-niii Hales
of lbs kuaUrhlan Tup.i. W li"li 1 li la tubs H
Inflamad yoa bav a rifinlilln aounii or lui
prrfrtit lu-arliia, ami ln-n II laiillrly ebaml
draruwat la lb realllt; and Ulllma lbs IllHioil
iiiatlnii iwn ba lk-u ortt aud Ibla IiiIm n.
abirwl lo lla nnroial eiiiidlllnn, hfarlna will
lw dmniytd piravari nloo i-aai mil ol li-n ara
eauavd by ralarrh, which I nothing but an
I II Da in w i-oiiilllluo el lbs Niumnia auifaiMS.
Wa will tflvaona IliiiiUmd Isillara lor any
raaaof DvuIiimi (i-anand by ealarrh) that ran.
not be rorod by Hall's Catarih lur. Haud
lor circulars, fr.-a,
K. J. I'll RN K y 4 CO., Tolndo, O.
Meld by all linisiilala, 7'ki,
Hall's mlljr Pillasm lb b.-al,
Hiiialii1iigt uni-alltxl for In Mm pout m at
loili'viiili iiiw, liri'Siui, mi Mar. s, usil:
Baker, A B Lewi, 11 1)
Lane, A 8 Mclean, Rev 0 2
Swift, Geo Sievers, II 11
Thomas, M ft Laura
When calling (or these letter please
ay advertised. J. A., P. M.
Nltsftl Clltarrll quick I v yhdds lo treat
ment by ' Cmatu Balm, which is sure.
ably aromatic, It i rsnnived tbrotiuU tlia
nostrils, oleanw and heal tha who)) tur
fan ovwr which it diffuse lUslf. Druggist
Kill the 60o. sUo Trial i.e by mail, 10
eeul. Test It and you am sure to ooutiuue
the treatment.
Announce mont.
To aocoiiitundata those who are partial
to the use of atomiser In applying IlmitiU
into the nasal iasaga for titlnrrhti iruu.
bUt, the proprietor pmpar Cream Balm lit
liquid form, widen will anown aa r.iya
luid Cream llalni. 1'rlce lucluiliiig tli
praying tune I 7.icuU. Iruu.giau or or
mail. The liquid form embodies the msd.
lolual properties of the solid preparation.
Whist (lub.
The whist club met last Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kirk
land. The usual effort were made to
secure the first and mis the Issiby Mr. J. K, Klrkland and Mr, G.
W, Kulolt secured the first and Mr. 0.
D.Butler aud Mr. J. A. C. Brant the
consolation prise. The next meeting
ol the club will lie held at the residence
of Mr. and Mrt.G. W. Kutch, thl Fri
day evening,
An Honest MedlYlue for !.a(rlppe.
Ueorg W, Wailt, of Koiith Gardi
ner, Me., says: "I have had the
worst cough, cold, chill and grip and
bave taken lota of trash of no account
but profit to the vender. Chamber
lalu's Cough Remedy I the ouly thing
that has doue any good whatever. I
bave used one bottle of It and the
chllla, cold aud grip bave all left me.
I congratulate the manufacturers of an
boutiat medicine." For sale by Kirk
laud Drug Co.
After an lllnes ol many week, Juhn
McQuerry died at hi home in thit city
on last Friday morning.
Deceased wai born In Kentucky some
76 year and 'M davt ago. lie tint came
to Oregon in and again in 1874 and
ba resided at McCoy, I'errydale and
Inde-endeiice ever since the latter date.
He ba been twice married, ilia daugh
ter, by hi first wife, i living in low.
He wa married to Mrs. Sarah Bears,
bo survives her husband, In lHoll. Mr.
McQuerry wa blind lor the past IS
years, but despite this intimity and hi
increasing year, be wa of a pleasant
and jovial disposition, taking life philo
sophically. The funeral took place on
Saturday afternoon, the service being
in charge ol Rev. J. It. Baldwiu and the
interment at the Odd Fellow' cemetery.
Now 1 the time that farmer on the
river bottom land have to look out (or
their cattle a poisonous weed appea
lie (ore the grass doe. Already several
One cow bave died from eating thete
Book (J I ven Away.
A little booklet, "What a Chair Car
ia," ha just been Issued by the Burling
ton Route. To anyone intending to
make a trip east It will give a great deal
of valuable Information. These elegant
Chair Car are attached to every Bur
lington Route train and seals are free to
holder of ticket via the Burlington.
Many travelers prefer the Chair Car to
the Tourist 8leeer. The book will be
ent (ree to anyone addressing It. W.
Foster, Ticket Agent Burlington Route,
cor. 3d and Stark Hta., I'ortland, Or.
Notice lo Watr Consumers.
It ia neither honest nor honorable for
water consumer to allow their bibb to
run in freexing weather, and hereafter
any party or parties allowing or permit
ting audi waste upon their premises
wilt have the tame charged up at meter
rales. I'rotect your pipe at your own
expense not our.
Indciendcnce At Monmouth
tf Water and Electiic Light Co.
Free Ut Inventors,
The experience of O. A. Know Co, Iu obtain-
Ins more ibau Al.txt) iislouui for Inventors has
euahled Hit m lo hclpliilly aimwer many ipiea-
tlona relating- Ui tne protection or intellectual
firoperty. '1 hm they havo donu In a painphlnl
rcallna briefly of t'nltcd Htntca and fomlKii
patvutx, with cost of mnii) and how to proqnrt!
tliein; trade marka, dcnli(iia, caveats, Infringe
ments, rtcclnliiun In IcadiiiK patent eaars,ete.
This pamphlet will be aunt free to anyone
writing toO, A.Huow & Co., WskIiIukUui, U.C
Offloe and Residence Corner Railroad
Mou mouth Htrecta,
W. G. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
Those $6 Watches
at ...
Jtweier nd Optician.
are the best watches ever put
on the market for the money
Go and took at them,,
Thurston Lumber Company,
Dallas, Oregon. '
............... - .MANUrACTURCBS '0.7"- "
Dry ytock alwnyu on I land. hIho Cwlar Shinglou.
NOTKi We have a flrst clas dry kiln which enable u to give yoa tbor
otighly dry lumber.
Oliniigoablo weather between two HeaBons encour-.
ngcH your chronic troubles and inflicta upon you
iniich petty HiekticH.-t, H tter ward it off. 10 centa
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
Coiiio to m to havo your prescription! filled, and
for everything kept in u well regulated drug etore.
It is 8,000 i.iilss Long,
The Hurlington Route ranks among the
gn ati st of the world's raihoads.
Over K,ooo miles long; employing 35,000
men; reaching 1,300 towns and cities in the
cloven st;tti-8 ttitvirscd by its lints; having
through-car arr.iii(j mi nts which extend more
than h.ilf way uciosh th cotitinont and tarn
tstly striving to K'vu its patrons absolutely
iin.jtiali-(l 6 rvicc, it is tho line YOU should
si Icct, in xt time you go cast.
Omaha, Cliicajjo, Kantvai City, St. Louit nd
KVKKVWHl- Kli kond.
via- ,
Shasta Route. .
Train Ibv I ii.l-i-n,l-u e fur I'ortland ami
Way ulatlulin at 2.o p. in,
ia-itv r 1 urvauu ai ii;iju i
l.y IWtlaud
I. All.any
Ar Aililalltl
" Kan rraii(iio...
" Ok.I.II
" Knnm Uiy ...
" Cblrnao,
" lw Ani(rk'
" I'll I'm..
' furl Worth
t'lty or Mcklik)..
" llounlun
" Ni-w Orli am
H WaihtiiKton , ...
" New yra
K l . III.
l.' KI . Ill,
l: It a. 111.
;iii) p. 111.
":l.i i. in.
p. m.
10:50 p. Ill
11 lla, 111,
4 a. ro,
8:16 a in
S ir, a-m. 11:1.1 a. m
V:W. m. yiAi a. in
7 .','i a. m. ":' . m
?:,' tn. :) a. m
l:.V . ni.
li i.i .. in.
(i ji a. 111.
!i .'.j a, m,
4nJ a. m.
:'ii i, m.
H i; a. m.
H I . p. m.
7 IK) a. m
i;:iki p. in
li ai a. in
V: .'. a, m
4 :KI a. in
ll:.',"i p. ra
fi I.' a. 111
l..i p. m
I'lillninn ami TmirUt cr on tuith tralm
CI air ti HainaiiiiniWiUXiK'l"!! ami Kl l'a-.o
am! lou rUt .'urn u lili-njju, HI, Iamiih, Nuw
Orloanaamt Wanbliiiiton.
Cuiim-i tlim at Kim l'riinolci with nevwra
t 1 ii I11-, h 1 , lilli-a fur ItiXlululu, Jilnll,ti!u
riilllpliUH,Ut'iilrul ami nuulli Aiuiiruii.
HchMh.O. A. Wiunj at linloiMjiiiti'iioo t.
lit'Di'ral laauiiKiir Aifelit t'ocllamt, Or.
1 what von ukt whkn you fatuonuk
Kutch'a Barber Shop.
Iiiilt'lH'inli'iit'P -Orcirou
Dan P, , Stouffer.
Insurance..,,., 1
Collection. 1
)h Titles
T Examined,
Main Btreofc - Dalltv8, Oregon
anvtlilnff von Invent or improve; also p-pt
PROTECTION. Htniil imxtut, k(UUorpUoU).
for frf estitnlnntinn and aitviro.
BOOK OH PATENTS '""forepttkmu
Patont iAwyera. WASHINGTON, D.C.
X -
' Trade Marks
CoP-vnioHTS Ac.
Anrona anncllng a aknfrli and denorliitton may
qnli-kly aarartaln our oplnliin froo whotlior an
Ininiiilnn la nrnhaWy iwtmiliilile. ( onimnnlra.
tloiiM Ht rlotly roiiOilont till. lliuiMinolton l'atvnt
mil fin. Oliliwt iiumioy rir arurlniatnta.
Pnlfliii tK(n ihriinuli Mnnn & Cu. rooatv
iprrlo! nntica, without olinnio, lu tho
Scientific Jimcrican.
A hannanniolr lllndtrotmt wopkly. Lniveiit olr
cnliiUun ( any ai-limtlMa journal. Tornia, la a
yimr! fimr months, ft. Boltl by all nowmlcnlurn.
MUNN & Co.36,D"-da New York
Urauuli Ollloo, 639 V St.. WiwhliiKton, I). C,
iim iff it mnt wmi
8ond your bnalnoaa llr-t to Wnaliln aton,
auvoa tlino, oonta loaa, better a-rvloo.
Ur ofBva olo to V. B. rat.nt OfBca. FREE pnllmlD-
9 ary uamlnatloni mad.. Atty'i fna not do. antll piitant
uim-ured. 1-I.KHUNAL ATTkNTIUN UlVfaW-lW 1 1. AKH
AUTIJAL EXPERIENCE. Book "HowtoolitMn ratonU,"
.to,, isnt (r. Patonto prooarfd throaxh E. O. 8lKnri
no.lT. ipoolal notfoo, wlthoat oflarR, la Ih.
Ulutrawl monunyi.ivitb yoar urnu, vi. a ywr.
Lata or u. a. now a vo.
818 r St.. N. W..
j 1 n it
1 rjj
All X
1 a.
A. C. Siiiuhjn, General Agent,
Third and Stark St., Tortland, Ore.
Ciirrnrted to ditto.
Lvuraa liidrpend-eiu-
for Monmouth
ami Alrlle.
1:SQ la. a.
3 M a. iu.
Lam AlrUa lor
Moaaoath aad
:0 . m.
ftiUO B. an.
Ueavri Dilranil-
Leave DaJlit for
no fur Monmouth
and Itallita,
U;0 a. at.
7:14 . tu.
Iavf-a Mouiuouth
Monmoutb u4 la
ttyndtBM, .
1:00 p. m.
L4Mtvea Monatoatk
or InciandBo.
lor Alrlle.
7'AOa. m.
SiAO p. ra.
Leavra Monutonth
11:20 a.m.
7:30 p. iu.
0:45 a. m.
1:30 p. m.
:40 . m.
Bi5 a ai.
BiOl p. m.
1ih Indeaend-
nut for Monaiooth-
9tOS a. m.
.Shout Lire
and iM(w Pacific
Fruui luili-peudence
rortlaui rnt-cll
y ixl a in
Vln HmiU
Halt Lake, .lenvr-r.
KU Worth, Omaha,
KaiiKM City, 81.
lxuu, Chicago aad
430 p. m
Kirtiu p m
via lliint
ImiUui Salt Ijko. Denver, Ft
Wort li.UHiHlia.Kan
8im City, Ht. Unita,
Chicimo ani" Knu
80 a m.
St J'HIll
fa-t Mull
li.-OO m iu
Walla Walla, Lewh
Uiu, HiHikane, Min
nenpolla, Ht, rtul,
C'lilntgo and Kant.
1 a.m.
From Portland.
All sailing ilutoi au b-
Jiwl U cliange
For ean Franotaoo
Sails every 6 days
4 p. m.
Kx aunilajr
8 p in
Hal urtlny
10 i ill
7 a. tn,
auil Hal,
A a. in.
Coliiinbla River
l'o Autorla and Way
Laudluics, 4 p.m.
Willamette and
Yamhill Klvera.
Oreaxin (Mty, Dayton,
aud Way-Laudlua;a
8:30 p. m.
and Ft i.
M'tllauiette Klvtr.
Portland to Oorvallli
aud WayUaudluga
4:90 p. m. ;
Mou., Wed
and Frl.
Tuna. Tlnu
and Hut,
.'i::i." a. in,
Snake River,
UI par la to Lewlston.
Lv, Lewi
ton, dally
9 a. m.
sii-iiniiTK to r or t laud from Indenendenea
Modov lfave Oorvallli for Portland Monday
IiiilciiomU-m-e at tt in. Heturolna;, leaves
Portland Tiiosilaya, Thursdays and Satur
duya. passlna luduiienilunoeat O n m
Itulli U'Hves ludepcndenrefor Portland Tues-
vn..,n, i uui-niinya ituvi Daiuruaya ut o a m.
Koturnlng leaves Portlaud forlndependenoa
Mondays, Wednesdays aud Friday at fa m
arriving at lndependunoeat 6 p m.
Al HERREN, Agent,
Independence, Ore.
Steamers lltona and Pomona
Will leave Independence
excepted, at 7:00a. m., for"
For Freight or Passage a p. -ply
on board the boat, or to
the a(?ent