The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 08, 1901, Image 2

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JOS, A.C, BRASTtKillhtf and rnll(l"V
- f IN llVAM'li
rwtlv month. . ... ,.
ThrM iuokUiiu... .. . .
Social scientists declare that
wealth U a disease. Wish we could
catch it.
Possiblv Oeneral Weylor hasn't
his typewriter with turn in Spain
Anyhow, he hasn't announced the
suppression of the not yet.
It is disgraceful that Chinese
women living in the track of the
advancing Christian armies should
feel compelled to kill themselves by
thousands to avoid a worse fate,
Why doesn't Carnune subsidise
the shipping of the country him-
8ilf and free lianna from an em
barrassing situation?
All the good that Mrs. Nation
did in Chicago has been nullified
bv the subsequent lour of "Swift-
water Bill" from the Klondike dis
trict. ft
Ji the Daughter of the American
Revolution bad the Sampson
Schley case to deal with, parlia
mentarv rules would Suffer a serious
When the eight days granted
China by the ultimatum are over
there will be nothing left for the
allies to do but itrenare another
similar document.
ft ft
A' scientist states that a horse
eats nine times his weight each
yearand he might have addet
that some men eat nine times their
worth every day.
ft ft ft
Now they've struck oil in Alaska
Probably regret at bavin sold that
country is tho real cause of the
- w
czar's recent commercial slap at
the United States.
The senate of Missouri lias passed
a bill making the "minimum" Hn
alty for kidnapping 100 years in
nrison. They are nothing if not
merciful in Missouri.
The cruel father who seared bis
nine-year-old boy's face and hand
with a hot iron to cure the lad of
naughtiness says he is deeply Borry
for what he lias done. A term in
jail, however, wouldn't le a bad
way to make him just a little
ft ft ft
Senator Culberson, of Texas, has
a double who goes about the coun
.try personating him and borrowing
money. Strangely enough , the
proof so afforded of the excellence
of the senator's credit does not seem
to afford him the least bit of satis
Sampson will learn after a while
that letter and dispatch writing is
not his specialty, just as Hobson
learned that kissing was not his,
and Dewey learned that he knew
little about the real estate business.
ft ft ft
Cuba proposes that her constitu
tion be accepted as it stands and
that at the same time a treaty be
negotiated giving the United States
what it wants. This suggestion is
worth considering.
We note that Queen Wilhelmina
promised to obey, just like common
folks. Now we shall see whether
she will decline to do so iut like
common folks, again.
A Los Angeles burglar, whose
room was found to be full of plun
der, claims to he a newspaper
writer. There seems to be no doubt
that he has been making lots of
Our naval station in the Philip
pines will be at Subig bay, thirty
miles north of Manila. The harbor
is deeper and generally better than
that at Manila, and our, Philippine
fleet of fifty ships will find ample
room there for docking and repairs,
ft ft ft
The death of Garcia a year or
two ago was a calamity to the Cu
bans. He was one of tho islanders
who knew the obligations bis coun
trymen were under to the Ameri
cans, and be frequently and con
spicuously called the attention of
the Cubans to them. However, the
Garcia view has yet a chance to as
sert itself. The conservatives will
have the floor soon in the island.
ft ft
The truth of the matter' is that
Uncle Sam lost the gratitude of
Cuba because he interfered with its
cock fighting, Sunday wine drink
ing' and other, national idiosyncra
cies. Puritanism often comes high.
London has decided to have elec
tric lights on the embankments of
the Thames in that city. Such
recklessness appals one. Can it be
that in the next fifty years London
will admit the trolley car and even
gas put in her houses, fully one
half of which are now lighted only
by candles?
Mr. lianna has given lHdaware
just so many minutes to break that
deadlock and elect Addicks to the
senate. Put what's Hanna, any
way? Ho can't even pass bis sub
sidy bill..
ft ft ft
A Napa city resident yesterday
t ' ft A .
morning mauc up ms nunu 10
imitate Mrs. Nation, and tho Imita
tion proved exact on all point.
lie smashed a saloon and ha got
into jail.
A certain Filipino insurgent chief
bag just offer! $10 each for the
heads of Americans. It seems like
ly that bis own won't bo worth that
much, when next ho comes in
ft ft ft
Nobody has dono anything for
Yiinuinti since be (Senator Mit
chell) left the oenate. Ho lias done
much for it m the past, t an lie
do it again? Will he do it? Cor
vail is Times.
If anyone can do it, Senator Mit
chell can.. And bo will, too.
ft ft
It's queer that Pro. Gill, of the
Woodburn Indewndent, doesn't
mention anything In his paper
about that 11500 deal with which
ho and the stato bouse janitor were
It appears that three of tho olll
cials of Yamhill county are short
in their accounts. Why didn't they
cover their tracks by burning the
court house?
ft ft ft
The Montana house has voted to
add to tho school fund the :U),0tX)
of alleged briliery money dejtosited
with the stato treasurer during tho
senatorial struggle of tho last ees?
siotr, It furnishes another reason
for the election of senators by the
direct vote of the jeoplo.
The Tom Cat is a monthly pajH-r
published by Mrs. C. Kitty, at
Miami ville. Ohio. The subhead of
Mrs. Kitty's paper is: "We sling
ink with one hand, and bold up
our pants with tho other."
ft ft
The gbouls'who tiled their appli
cations by telegraph for Consul
General Wildman's place while his
death was still uncertain, will, it is
to bo hoped, fail to profit by their
cold blooded ness. The president
should appoint men who are at
least decent in expressing their de
sires. In justice to Sampson, it should
be said that nearly all the otlicers
of the navy holl the very same
sentiments that are expressed in his
most injudicious letter. All seem
to think that no man can bo a gen
tleman who has to work with his
hands for bis living, although many
of them are tho sons of men who
had to do that very thing.
The action of Speaker Henderson
in regard to tho speech made by
Representative Lcnti cannot tie too
strongly rebuked. The minority
has few enough rights in the lower
house now, and if tho speaker is to
bo. allowed to suppress any sieeches
of which he does not approve, free
speech in that body will Ikj a thing
of the past.
ft ft ft
Mr. Markharn's idea that man
was built "in the glory and the
dream" is as false to history as is
the Presbyterian doctrine that all
men fell and became guilty through
Adam's exploit with the forbidden
fruit. We know the record of man's
ascent from his lowly companion
ship with the brute; it is written in
the relics of the stone age and the
iron age, the various steps of sav
agery and stages of barbarism all
following a similar course, whether
in Asia, Kurope or America. The
idea that man was originally per
fect but is now degenerate is deeply
ingrained in many minds, but no
error of theology is more effectively
discredited by scientists and histor
ical research. Eugene Guard.
While Justice Preweris criticizing
the jury Bystem as a relic of the
middle ages, let him not forgot that
the robes worn by himself and his
colleagues are also a little behind
the times.
ft ft ft
It is not generally known that
Commissioner Kasson had negotia
ted a treaty with Russia by which
American steel was to enjoy great
advantages in that country and the
cirntervailing duty was not to bo
imposed on Russian sugar. Put
the senate would not ratify it.
ft ft ft
One on the Nclioolma'uiii.
We have all read or heard the story of
the school ma'am who asked the little
boy to spell "leg." When he couldn't
she said: "What Is it that a cow has
four of while I have only two?" The
answer, given in a shout, is said to have
rendered her unconscious. The Wkst
Sunt has just heard a new story, which
of course is true, inasmuch as the inci
dent occurred in a school not very far
from Buver. The teacher was trying to
get one of the scholars to spell "glass"
hut he couldn't see through it apparent
ly. Finally the teacher asked him what
g-l-a-s-s spelt; he gave it up. She then
said: "What do you have in your win
dows at home?" Quick as a flash, the
little fellow shouted; "fop's old pants !"
Washington, 1. C, Feb. .'.
An extra' cession bciiin now con
sidered certain, notwithstanding
tho eleventh hour efforts in tho Sen
ate to prevent it, tho baders of the
majority aro considering plans for
a short one, by limiting tho legis
lation to lo taken up. Tho Presi
dent is In spmpathy with tho effort
to make tho extra session a short
one. The legislation in tho House
can bo easily -controlled, ns there
will bo no committees until Sienker
Henderson, who, will have no re
publican opposition to his re-eleo
tion, chooses to name them, mid no
bills can bo reported unless there
aro committees: but tho Senate
committees are perpetual, and no
thing but the will of the Senators
will stand in the way of going into
general legislation. An attempt
will be niiulo to idoduu the
majority in the senate, to
limit the subject to be taken up, to
tho programme arranged. While
the contents of that progra nnie
aniiot be positively stated at this
time, it is reasonably certain that
it will include Cuba, the Philip
pines, and the Nicaragua, Canal.
Senator Morgan, after making a
most sensational sXHeli i ir which
ho charged that there was a delib
erate attempt to ihrotle the Nicar
agua Canal bill, because Great
Pritain bud not consented to the
legislation, succeeded in giving the
bill a parliamentary status, which
will enable tho majority to cull it
up at any time and pass it if they
See tit. Ho does not believe, how
ever, that it will be passed. Hefore
passing the bill, appropriating ",
000,000 for the St Louis exposition,
the senate adopted an amendment,
offered by Senator Teller, providing
that tho exposition shall be closed
Sundays, and another, offered by
Senator Tillman, appropriating
'JoO.OUO for the U. S. exhibit at
Charleston. S' C. exsisition.
.Three retiring Senators were par
ticipants in a more or less amusing
episode on the lloor of the Senate.
Senator Pettigrmv started it by
proposing an amendment to the
bill reading:"Aiid that the titles of
the President shall hereafter be;
tho President of the so-called Re
public of the United Slates and the
Kinw ror of the 1-datuls of tho Sen."
Senator Puller put in his oar by
asking if the coming inauguration
ceremonies were being arranged for
this inierial regime, and Senator
Pettigrew replied, "yes everything
will be conducted with due pomp."
Py this time, the senate was in a
broad grin which changed to hear
ty laughter when Senator Chandler
remarked :"Tbe senator from South
Dakota and the senator from North
Carolina, and myself, should not
feel concerned about such matters,
for none of us will be here."
Outside pressure has saved the
Revenue Reduction bill, which was
in a fair way to die in a conference
deadlock, and the conferees now
positively say that a compromise
between the senate bill and the
house bill, is certain to be reached
this week.
A list compiled by the Geogra
phic Poard, of the correct spelling
and pronounciatioii of the names
of four thousand places in tho Phil
ippines, has been sent to the senate
0 0 0
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi
cine. If they do not thrive
on their food something is
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery working properly.
will generally correct this
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful
in baby's bottle three or four
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
larger children, from half to
a teaspoonful, according to
age, dissolved in their milk,
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great nourish
ing power. If the mother's
milk does not nourish the
baby, she needs the emul
sion. It will show an effect
at once both upon mother
and child.
50c, and $1.00, ill HrugglMa,
SCOTT 4 BOWNH, Chcminu, New York,
ttt 11 II mil II
West Hide and Pacific Homestead,
one year, $2.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer of
February 25th says: ,
' At the last moment aftor mid
night on Saturday, the rumorrd
break to Hon. John II. Mitchell
came in the Oregon legislature, and
the long deadlock was ended by
his election. The entire opposition
to Mr Corbelt, a few of the votes
that liad stood by him lit previous
ballots and a number of democrats
luado tip the majority that gave
the senatorship to Mr. Mitchell, and
prevented an extra session and the
indefinite continuance of tho fuo
tional struggle that had lasted from
the moment tl at the legislature bad
The first reflection tipon tho re
sult is one of regret that Senator
McPridu should not have received
the re-election to which he was
fairly entitled, He has beets an
able and conscientious senator.
His recud Is excellent, judged
either by the press or tho party
standard. Ho had earned the
honor which it would have been
for the best interests of tho stato to
confer upon him, and which he
would undoubtedly have receive
hut for the bitter factional
waged within the party, '-ms
friends of Mr. Corbelt, with tho
Portland Oregoiiian as their mouth
piece, determined to defeat Senator
Meltritle; even, if necessary, at tho
cost of Republican success itnislf.
Their efforts made possible the un
expected, in the choice of Senator
Mitchell. 0
All of these circumstances have
to be taken into account in passing
judgment upon the action of the
Republicans in the legislature. For
years the parly ha had to fight
tho aspirations of Mr. Corltett, the
Oregon millionaire, whose final
ambition it was to secure a seat in
the United States Semite. And in
the canvass preceding the election
at which this legislature was chos
en, every Oregon Republican wns
made indignant by the sulfordiua-,
lion to this end, by tho friends of
Mr. Corlwtt and by tho principal
Republican newspasr of the state,
of personal fairness and of party
loyalty. No slander and no mode
of attack was list gross, whether
directed ugaiust Senator McHride
or the national administration, if
it seemed to servo this purpose.
This explains, if it de not justify,
the refusal of the opponent of Mr.
Corbelt to enter a caucus, and was
the reason of their unyielding de
termination that he should not en
joy tho fruits of a campaign so
conducted. ,
While the existence of such con
ditions is to be regretted, as is the
election of a Republican senator by
tho aid 0: Democratic votes and the
defeat of the man who should have
received a second term, there are
eoinH!nsatioiiB. One is tho xrtna
nent retirement of the candidate
who has represented for so long in
Oreeon the aspiration of mere
wealth to push itself into tho son
ate. Another is tho selection of a
man who, notwithstanding what is
objectionable in bis record, is thor
oughly familiar with tho duties of
his position and will Im able to ex
ercise an influence at the national
capital wholly impossible to any
untried or inexperienced candidate.
Senator Mitchell's original entry
into tho senate was made twenty
eight years ago, and in that time
he bus served as senator three full
terms, llo held important com
mittee positions, ami with his col
league, Mi Dolph, gave to Oregon
an influence at Washington out of
proportion to the si.e. and impor
tance of the slate. Mis familiarity
with men, his knowlego of methods
of procedure and his ability to step
instantly into active work as a
senator wjll bo of immense practi
cal value to the people of Oregon.
His Ion former service will weigh
strongly in tho senate where a
newly-elected and inexperienced
man is at a much greater disadvan
tage than in the house, Tho puhlta
will hopo'lio has "teamed wisdom by,
past mistakes. ThosO who aro dis
satisfied with tho outcome know
exactly where to locato tho respon
sibility and the blame; upon the
promoters of tho bitter feud in Ore
gon who Bought at any cost to do
feat Senator McBrido in iw inter
ests of Mr. Corbelt, and have as
sisted in accomplishing a result
that pivi'haps is the most unpalat
ablo to them of all.
Commercial College,
Tho only exclusively Pernln Shorthand School in the
NurthwfMt; offers unexcelled facilitien for learning this
nyHtein, either pernonally or by mail. Tho Porn in employs
neither Blinding, position nor arbitrary contraction, and in
connoiiue ntlv the Simplest. Most Lcjrlblc and Rapid
Shorthand in use. it can be learned in ono-third of tho
time required by the Pitman, (Jraham or Muimon uyBtoma.
Send for free trial lenson and catalogue.
Uoiiiinereial Building, Washington, cor, 2d t.
before the President Is authorized
to withdraw American authority
from Cuba. Unless those who are
presumably familiar with the Pres
ident's views aro mistaken, the
attempt is doomed to failure, even
should Senator Spooner's amend
ment go through. Tho President
is understood to bo of the opinion
that tho situation is one that can
not bo met by an action of this
1 m iwl 1
Ely's Cream Balm
Kmjt ll ltMht t"
ilan, I'ullUIIlt 110 III-
Jurinni Uiii.
OItw lUltxf ! am.
It Ojwnt aim! ClealMHkt
Ilia rift! -iu,
AH.-tva lii(1mnuitiitt.
Ilralt will l-r-ilrrl. lh Wclliliroll. KmturM !!
S-H.M ut Tut mill Smrll. I.arg Hmr, Ml exult '
Utiivclala at hp mall; Trial Sl, I0in.ii hy mall.
KlV IIUOTIIBIIS.M Waitvu huvei, Ne "tt.
Frank llillierl la imw purser on the
steamer M.sIih;. TIi former purser,
Mr. TspscuW, having accepted th i
linn il ngent lor Unit). K.AN.l'o. at
Cmvallis, In place of Mr. Thayer, lonimr
nginl, who was transferred to tlicHnlcin
ullW to till the iNiaiHon vacated hy
Agent O. M, Powers, who resigned to go
into the newspaper huslness. Mr. till
lieri It a veteran purser, and Is well
known all along lh Willamette, and
Yamhill river. ! ton Herald.
Polk County Bank
i. 11. mm.r.T. r. i unnw
I'rrahlxiil, Vlrwmlilrat.
Ill I. I'OWr.l.l.. (a.hlrr. v
Paid Capital . . $30,000.00
J. If. lluwley, P. L. Campbell, I. M.
HltnpNiin, J. It, V. Itiiuer, John
It. Hhiiiip, K. H. Powell,
Joseph Craven.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking
and Exchange Business.
C. T. HCNKLC, Proprietor
Hot and Cold Baths at all
Real Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
Main Ht.
Independence, Ore,
hy tho President. The report is
intended to bring about uniformity
in the spelling and pronunciation
of those names which have been
badly mixed, owing- to some of the
places having both Spanish jind
Malay names', and others having
Malay names which attempts have
boon mado to anglicize. Tho board
has followed the spelling found on
official Hpanibh charts.
Senator Hpooner, who has from
the first oppoed an extra session
of CongreHH, is having able assis
tance in making a last effort to
vent tho calling of one by attach
ing an amendment to the Army
Appropriation bill, declaring the
conditions the Cubans must agree
Notice of Final Sett lenient.
Ill lite I'ounly Court of Inn Hil of On-gutt,
fur tiii( n.uiiij-.
In tliu mailer "1 1 tie ,-aUle of Mlramtn Hill,
NolU-e Is liereliy given that III iniilrraliriti-tl
aililin-ltl,ir of Hie itaiate of Miramlu Hill,
ilreraat-il, linn II In, I hi. Dual areounl of Ihs at
liilttlalrattun ol III mlil ilU- Willi III" Clerk
of the eon illy eimrl of hhI I rnunty, Hlitle ol
onxou, hikI Dial Hi Jii'lm-of I lie aitl-l enurt
hiu lUcil rialiinlsv tlm J.1,1 ilajr ol Mureh, Call,
al liio'i'lurk A. M, "I mlit 'l' Ml the coml
riHim of aulil eiiiirl aa the ilim ami iiliien for
I ho liearinir of amil si emuit uii'l ohji-ellona
Ilinrt-Ui ami lur Itte aellh mi-iil ot Urn amim.
AilmtnlalMilorol the ealnln of
MltaiKlu lllll.ilonHMnt.
Iiulml I whrimrr Jlt, l il. '-M
W AV1T.D -1 upiihlo, ri'lUhle pemoit In
nvi-rt euiinlv In rireeiil targe ooiuiniiy of
aolhl Itimiie'lal reulallnii;i!ialiirjr ier ytnr,
payable? wnekly: H I"'' lay alimliiu-ly nrc
ami all eenei: li'Hi(ltt, lamn-llile, riYllitlte
alary, no niniiiilaalwn; anlury pithl each
Hntiirtlay ami ffHn' money aoviini-i'it each
week. MlASIiAHK IIOI'SK, ln-mborn
St., Uilcaa-o.
c' aiueler 10 deliver ami roth-el In iin-itoii for
old ealalillalieit inniiiifiirtiiihitf uhiilcaiihi
houao, li a year, mint my. Ilouealy inure
than eperleite rrijulrcil, ynr rcfereiiro, any
lunik In any city. I-n.-1-u..i aelf aiMrewil
atioiin'il envelope. Maiiiilaetiirera, t'ltinf
floor, sat I itiirlHirii St.,i 'hleutfo.
The Castle
Keeps constantly on burnt a flue
assort iiient, of
Q Wines,
Als ) the famous Hop Gold Beer.
ED. QALR, Proprietor.
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigar, Clgarattsa, Tobaooos and
First Class Soda Fountain In connection.
By the commodious
Leaves Portland dally except Holi
day at 7 a m.
this Is the Great Hcenlo Route. All
tourists admit that the scenery on the
Middle Columbia Is not '"excel led for
heiiuty and grandeur In the United
BtateB. Full Information by addresH
lug or calling on
C. O. THAYER, Agt.,
Tel. 914, Portland, Or
The Independence
Cupltiil Stork, 150,000.00
ris.ldrnt. VkiavriMlliaal
0. W.IVW,Oabtai.
II lltraeliherx II W Sears H K Smith
A Nvluin M W Slewarl
A tanattl Sa-i!nf snit irhn haitaa
ran..oiea, man. mam, mils uiscoubim, wb
mrrial nr.ain i mlM ; nrpoalta rsosltsq ss
i-i.!f.t at-ruuiii t'll.J'cl ic cback, laMrsal
an iiaisusp-'ua
C. 19. CailDireatij
Staple and Fancy Sroceries
Opera House block, flaln Street, Independence
i:: m m im
(Jowl goMl at Jlif?litTricfcH Make Easy Selling.
Our tfootln aro lirnt-elaH, our price as low as tin;
lowest quality of gooiln conilereil.
All kintU of country produce bought at the
$ Highest Market Price,'
2si2i5iiiSiA v
1 1 Share of Your Palronagg Respectfully Solicited, vi
"iaw Is.
The Hotel Gail
IDallaa, Ore.
Has licen refitted ami renovated
from cellar to garret, and every
thing is new. Uood sample room
(or commercial men. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Kates, $1.00 to fi.OO,
Special rated hy the week.
Carries a Hno Linn of
Hob in so 1 1 & Co.
Iiiili'lHtiulenw, , Oregon.
G. L. Hawkins
Independence, Ore.
Monuments and
Head' atones
.cycle 1
I Jeaclqtiarteirs g
g The high grade Cleveland,
TZ. The old reliable Crescent, . r5
Tiio elegant liuished Qeildron, - 5
g- Tho Reliance, tho king of cheap wheels 3;
g Come in and examine our stock. We take 5
pleasure in nhowing you our wheel whether
JI you wish to buy or not.
We carry also 35
- A full line of Bicycle Sundries 2
R, M, WADE & CO,,
rE A.. J. Goodman, Mgr. -2
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-jtolishing
brush. I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 2oc. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Prescription Druggist
A Han Slips Up
t)ii it every time that lie takes bis laun
dry work outside of the Hulrtn Steam
Laundry to he done uy. He finds "that
tind ffHitig" slealing over him when lie
notes the dill'ereiu In the exquiclte color
slid U'HUtiful fltiixli, saying nothing of the
l'oul piiiiihtliin in w hli'h your Hueus are
returnwl by the
Salem Steam Laundry.
Phone 411 I i Liberty st
For Draying,
....Call on....
Orders for hauling
executed promptly
and at reasonable
Our foo returned if wo fall Any ono sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
ability of samo. 41 How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. Patents
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out tlirongh us receive special notice, without charge, in
TiiR Patent Ivkcoiw, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers and Investors.
Sond for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C.
avia, Chills aty p
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
The formula is plainly printed , on every bottle hence you
know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators
do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy
their medicine if you knew what, it contained. Grove's contains
Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless
form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the
malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that
Grove's is the Original and that .all other so-called Tasteless
Chill Tonics arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows
that Grove's is superior to A others in every respect. You
are not experimenting when you take Grove's its superiority
and excellence having long been established. Grove's is the
only Chill Cure sold throughout ' the entire malarial sections o(
Umtd Sttte No Cure, No Pay. Price. 50c